01 Contenido Gestión de La Producción II PDF
01 Contenido Gestión de La Producción II PDF
01 Contenido Gestión de La Producción II PDF
Fox, Robert E. MRP. Kanban or OPT, What´s best? Inventories and Production- Enero-
Febrero 1982.
Fox, Robert E. OPT: An answer for America. Part II Inventories and Production-
Noviembre-Diciembre 1982
Fox, Robert E. OPT: An answer for America. Part III Inventories and Production- Enero-
Febrero 1983
Fox, Robert E. OPT: An answer for America. Part IV Inventories and Production- Marzo-
abril 1983
Goldratt, Eliyahi. The Unbalanced Plant. APICS 1981. International Conference
proceedings, p 195 – 199
Jacobs, Robert F. OPT Uncovered: many Production Planning and Scheduling
concepts can be applied with or without software. Industrial Engineering. Pg. 89 – 95.
Octubre 1984
Jacobs, Robert F. The OPT scheduling system: A review of a new Production
Scheduling System Production and Inventory Management. Trimestre 3 de 1983-
Carlson, J. G. Microcomputers for demonstrating G/T, JIT, Kanban and MRP. Production
Emerging Trendsand Issues. Holanda, Elsevier,1985
Everdell, Romeyn. MRP II, JIT and OPT: Not a choice but a strategy. 1984 APICS
Conference Prodeedings.ntoty Management. Pg 30-37. Trimestre 2 de 1986.
Vollman, Thomas E. OPT as an enhacenment to MRP II. Production and Inventory
Management. PG. 38-47 Trimestre 2 de 1986
Swann, D. Using MRP for Optimized Schedules (Emulating OPT) Production and
Inventory Management. PG. 30-37 Trimestre 2 de 1986
Publicaciones periodicas