ID: 100059155
ID: 100061335
ID: 100061110
El equilibrio financiero viene definido por la posibilidad de dar respuesta con la liquidez de
los activos a la exigibilidad de las deudas. Se consideran algunas variables como el activo
no corriente (bienes tangibles e intangibles) si goza de estabilidad, no tiene que vender los
bienes para atender las deudas. Los recursos permanentes (patrimonio neto más el pasivo
The financial equilibrium is defined by the possibility of responding with the liquidity of
the assets to the exigibility of the debts. Some variables are considered as non-current
assets (tangible and intangible goods) if they are stable, they do not have to sell the goods
to service the debts. Permanent resources (net equity plus non-current liabilities), if the sum
is greater than the non-current asset, do not run the risk of interrupting their production
process. If the opposite occurs, two things can happen; if it is an imbalance in the short
term, it can resort to financing and if the net worth is negative and the company does not
have its own resources to cover it, it will enter a state of bankruptcy.
Ejemplos 5
Examples 5
El equilibrio financiero es la capacidad que presenta la empresa para hacer frente a sus
deudas en el plazo y vencimiento fijado, además de, conseguir el mantenimiento del ciclo
Financial equilibrium is the ability of the company to meet its debts within the period
and maturity established, in addition to maintaining the normal cycle of its operations.
Para que exista equilibrio financiero la empresa tiene que tener liquidez y solvencia, es
decir, disposición de hacer frente a los pagos (liquidez) y satisfacer las obligaciones
(solvente), será uno de los principales objetivos de la empresa porque representa que es
For there to be financial equilibrium the company must have liquidity and solvency, it
means, willingness to make payments (liquidity) and meet obligations (solvent), which will
be one of the main objectives of the company because it represents that it is efficient.
únicamente con los recursos propios. No existe pasivo en el balance por lo que tampoco
deudas a pagar.
This is a situation of financial equilibrium in which total assets are financed solely from
own resources. There are no liabilities on the balance sheet and therefore no debts to be
● La suma del patrimonio neto y del pasivo no corriente es mayor que el activo no
● Current assets in the balance sheet are greater than current liabilities.
● The sum of equity and non-current liabilities is greater than non-current assets.
● La suma del patrimonio neto y del pasivo no corriente es menos que el activo no
● Current assets in the balance sheet are less than current liabilities.
● The sum of equity and non-current liabilities is less than non-current assets.
Este puede revertirse con medidas como: ampliación de capital, venta del activo no
This can be reversed with measures such as capital increase, sale of non-current assets.
The net worth of the company is negative. As the company does not have its own
en cuestión, y por ende, se procede a la repartición de activo entre los acreedores. Es muy
posible que estos acreedores no consigan recuperar el 100% de la deuda que la empresa
iguales, una de las dos sumas de dinero tendrá preferencia sobre la otra y por lo tanto será
el elegido.
The principle of financial equivalence establishes that two sums of money invested on
different dates are equivalent, analyzed at the same time or time they retain the same
amount. If when both capitals are valued they will not have the equivalence or they are not
equal, one of the two sums of money will have preference over the other and therefore will
That said both capitals are equivalent when there are no preferences of one over the others.
personas o entre una persona y una entidad financiera donde queda pactada la cantidad de
dinero que se intercambiarán entre ambas partes y las fechas en que se producirá el
Knowing the concept of financial quivalence allows solving financial situations and
operations where there is an exchange of financial capital between two people or between a
person and a financial entity where the amount of money exchanged between the parties
and the dates on which they occur is agreed The exchange of these amounts.
If you receive receive $ 500,000 today and you have the possibility to invest at 4% monthly
la fusión del valore del dinero en el tiempo y el tipo de interés permite desarrollar el
equivalente a $1.000 a un 10% anual en unos años será por ejemplos $1.100. Es decir,
como en el ejemplo siguiente los capitales que tienen diferente valor son los mismos en
distintos periodos de tiempo esto sería una equivalencia financiera debido a que el valor
actual es igual a los valores futuros ubicados en tiempos diferentes, es lo que se conoce
The merger of the value of money over time and the interest rate allows the concept of
different times can have the same purchasing value, that is, capital equivalent to $ 1,000 at
a 10% per year in a year will be for example $ 1,100. That is, as in the following example
the capitals that have a different value are the same in different periods of time this would
be a financial equivalence because the current value is equal to future values at different