Capitulo 3
Capitulo 3
Capitulo 3
Tos =heoloe Ke yo oe
= O63 Mj-GMK feign aim ba
(0.6 +39 +F'm tne
= {D8 N)i-+ (594 N)§~ 540 NK
ij ok
M,=|2.7 230 0 jNem
|-108 594 —S40)
= ~(1242.00 N-inji+ (1458.00 N -im)j +(1852.00 N-m)k
and IM. = 0242.00)? +1458.00)° + (1852.00)
2064.3. Nm
2604.3 N-m=(810 Nid
d= 3.2808 m or d23.29m 4
PROPRIETARY MATERIAL, © 2010 Tho McGin97il Companies. Ine AIL sighte reserved No pay of ther Mea! may be dsplaved,
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ow ar enn wont permis,
sey PROBLEM 3.33
In Problem 3.26, determine the perpendicukar distance from
Point C to portion AD of the line ABAD.
PROBLEM 3.26 A small boa hangs ftom two dayits, ane of
which is shown in te figure, The tension in line ABAD is |
82 Ib. Determine the moment about C of the resultant force
Ry exerted on the davit at A.
First compute the moment about C of the force F,,, exerted by the line on D:
Ftom Problem 3.26: Fu = Fay
= (48 1b) + (62 Ib)}+ (24 Ib) !
Me = Me XFon
= H(6 MDL (48 IayH + (62 Thy}-+ (24 1E)K]
= -(144 Ib: A)}-+ (372 Ib fk
Mo = (144)? +3727
308,90 lb-ft
Then My = Fad
Since Foy = 82 Ib
d=axon 4
PROPRIETARY MATERLAL, 1 2010 Toe MeGaw 34 Companies, Ine All ngs cescrvd Mo pvt of thie Manual may be coy
repented on dsntbuert te any form oF by aay mex, walhou the por th poco ofthe phe or sel Peyote fated
Patron wo ears nd ects poral by tera IU jon thc anise com se preparation ane slant sing tis Man,
puma msn want parison
ssPROBLEM 3.34
izes the
Determine the vaiue of a that mi
peipensdicular distance from Point C to a se
of pipeline that passes through Points 4 and B.
Assuming a force F acts along AB,
IMel= We XBL =F)
Where d= perpendicular distance from C10 line 42
24 Ny +24 1.
Oi OI-Mk
tye = GMi-CWOM|- (2-101
i i ok
B 10 044
Jo 6 9
[010+ 6a)i+ (81 6a})+ 78
Since IMcl=yituexF) ot [tye xR?]= (dk
b oI 2 TRY aa?
WW 46a)" +(81 609° + (78) =a"
jar iy +e ay’ + (7B
Setting (2) =O find to minimize d
FyyiROUI0+ 6) + 21-681 60)]=0
Soiving a5. or g=snnd
PROPRIRTARY MATERIAL £9 2010 The MeCiaw-lBll Companies, he All aghtsteseiyed. No purt oft Mama! my be displayed
reprrliced ex catabted inafonn or hy one meats, wal the pray ten permis ofthe pli or ined beyoved ented’
itt to teers ec prt by Mere: for tere inden eowee pregency Wyomarce siden ionye tis Mama
“pon are use wah persion
186PROBLEM 3.35
Given the veclors P=31-Jj+2k, Q=4145]-3k, and §
P-S,and Q°S,
st or PQel
PeS = GE-1) + 2k). (2143) tk)
= G24) +)
| all or
Q:8= (41-5) 3k) -(-21-43) Ih)
= (N24 (D4 3X
10 or
PROPRIETARY MATERIAL *9 2010 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Ine All ge reserved Mp par? of this Maal any be dpa
‘eprnhiced or distibuied ya fot or by ony aes, wil te pron ttn persion ofthe paises, wise bese te vate
‘tbat to tochery nal aco prrt ny Mera I Jr tte advil ort para f ota usd ag is Mea
ow are sg withont porn
Form the scalar products BC and BC, where B= 6’, and use the
8 results obtained to prove the ident
a its obtained to prove the identity
Leva i i
it 7 cosacos=sees(at B+; 00s(a~ 6).
By definition BC=BCo0s(a~ B)
where B= Bl(e0s Ais (sin fi]
C= Clfeos ai (sin 2}
(Boos BY Ceos a) + (Bsin BXCsin a) = BCcos(a- 8)
o cos Beus a+ sin Bsin = eoster— B) a
By definition BYC= BC cos(ar+ 8)
where B’ =[(cos A)i—(sin B)j]
(Beos B)(C cos a) + (-Bsin BY(Csin = BC vostat B)
o cos cus @~sin Bsin a = cos(er+ B) @
Adding Equations (1) and (2),
2cos fieos a= cos(a~ f)+cos(a+ B)
or 09.200 = Leon(e + )+ Looslar=)
PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. 8 2010 The McGraw-Hill Companiss, tne. All rights reserved No part of his oma may be dantaved
‘eproduced or dityited Wyo form 0 By cay Meoze, woul the prior wet permission ofthe polisher, oF used Deyn the fated
‘thar baton teachers anal educaors porated by McGraw HM for ioe udlvidal contse proper von area stad sng hs Mal
ow are ase vicar parson
188PROBLEM 3.37
Section 48 ofa pipeline lies in the y= plane and forms an angle
of 37° with the = avis. Branch lines CD and EF join AB as
shown, Determine the angle formed by pipes 4B and CD.
| Fiest note AB = AB(sin 374 eos 37%)
CD = CD&cos 40" eos 55°j + sin 40°j— cos 40°sin 55°)
Now ABCD = (ABCD) cos 0
| or AB(sin 37°j ~ cos 37°k}- CD(—cos 40° eos 55° + sin 40°j ~ cos 40° sin 35°) i
=(ABYCD)c08 0
of 6056 = (sin 37°\(Sin 40°) + (-cos 37°—cos 40°sin 55°)
= 0.88799
PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. 9 2010 the MeCraw-Itll Companies he, All eghs reserved. No pt of ths Manual wey he diolayet
reprclnced or citi! én cy. farm oF by any ores, wont the prin vr permission af the pollinated beso the aed
‘ta bao to teachers andl cars permite by iian1H for dor india eat preparation sem are ¢stulent nant tis anh
oa ae ute tone parma
anePROBLEM 3.38
Section 4B of a pipeline lies in the yz plane and forms an angle
of 37° with the = axis, Branch lines CD and EF join AB as
shown, Determine the angle formed by pipes AB and
First note AB = AB(sin 37°j~c08 37°K)
Now =(ABXEP 00s 8
or AB(sin 37°} cos 37°). KF (eos 32"c0s 45°54 sin 32°} ~ cos 32°sin 45°)
| = (ABYEF eos O
or 205 0 = (sin 37°V(sin 32°) (C08 37° -c032°sin 45°)
PROPRUETARY MATERIAL © 2010 The MeGit Ll Companies, fue All ihts teservad. No par of tar Mauna ray be csplayed
Feprudaced ne dstebtel 10 any forty oF Bans meas, ethan the prior wren paransion oft pabliaker, 1 wsed Levant the dniied
‘tention fs fechers aa ects eratod by Metre Ha for than mecvidaelconrse prepearsion If are stent wv ts Morir
so 8 aang Sho permission
Consider the volteyball net shown
Determine the angle formed by guy
wites AB and AC.
First note AB= I-05) +(-8) +2) =105 t
AC= YO) HER) 4 (6) =10.8
and AB = (6.5 WiC 1Yj+02 Nk
6 1H)+(6 1k
By definition AB-AC = (ABMAC) 0088
or (8.51-8j+ 2k): -8j+6k} = (10.5)00) cos
(-6.5)(0) + (-8)(-8)+ 2X6) =105c088
o e030 =0.72381
PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. © 2010 The MeGrove-R1 Companies, Ie. AIL sights reserve. No part of tis Mounal may be dlapleed,
yprodicd or dsibned in ans fora or By any meas, sont the prior wile porarsson of the pubchen, iv med besone the line?
sdsibucion to caches amt eer peraited by Marae A foe el india ane prepoeaia If pow vaste asi is Mesa
ro are neg thou prt,
Consider the volleyball net shown,
Deiermine the angle formed by guy
wires AC auid AD,
First note
oy +87 +67
0 ft
Yar +o +0
=9fi |
aia FE = 8 +6 fk |
AD= 4 Wj (8 M+ YK i
By definition AG. AD = (ACAD) 0086 |
or (8+ 0). (41-8) +K) = OXI cOse
(0)(4) + (8-8) + (6X1) = 90008 7
ot 080 = 0.77778 or G=38.0° 4
PROPRIETARY MATERIAL, © 2010 hc MeCieonHill Compan, he. All sights veered. No putt af ths Momnal may be dplaye.
Iepreiced or lsu led bv any foro ky any mans, wilt he ian writes permiasion ofthe pabaher, ur ed Oxyd te Tint?
Usshution to teachers an efoeotons pert by Mean fo Ui ind adler ain Ifyon ated avn dts Mase,
Joe ar uring i wiht perme
wnPROBLEM 3.41 |
Knowing that the tension in cable AC is 1260 N, determine
(@) the angle between cable AC and the boom 4B, () the
se Plojection on 4 of the force exerted by cable AC at Point A
Keaar coat aa
(a) First note MC
AB= J(-2.4) 1A) +0)
and aC
(2.4 mi +(0.8 m)j+(.2 mk
AB~-24 myi=(.8 mj
By definition FE-AB =(ACK At e088
| or (2.41 + 0,8) 41.2k)-(-2.44- 1.8) =(2.8)30)x cos j
ot (-2.4)(-24) + @8\-L.8)+ (1.2}0)=8.4e089
oe cos = 0.51429 or 0-390" 4
() Wehave Crean = Ve Ran
= Ty e088
= (1260 N)(O.51429)
OF Pac )ag “648 N
PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. © 2010 The MeGiaw-Hill Companies Ine. Allright xkerve, No port of thie Manual amy be diated
seduced of esti cay form by rae means, witout the prin rte pernsssin of the pubes, ov wed bea te tated
ctvaribation ta teachers oad curs pecauned by Me Gra SEl fo ther uvlswbal coos prepenation. som areu stant aii ie Maal,
ow ae ue thou permivann
wsPROBLEM 3.42
Knowing that the tension in cable 42) is 405 N, determine (q) the
angle between cable 4D and the boom AB, (6) the projection oa
AB of the fore exerted by cable AD al Point A.
(@) Fist note AD= faye +(12y +
AB= f24P +18) HOP
and AD=-(2.4 my 4 (82 mf m)k
AB=-(2.4 m)i-(L8 mp
By definition, AD-AB = (AD). 4B)c080
(241 +1,2)-24k}-(-2.41 ~ 1.8) = B.69B.0)c080
(2.44 -2.4)4 (1. 2H-1.8) + -24}(0) = 10 80080
eosd=t e=0s° 4
-«os (4) Cyan =135.0N 4
PROPRIETARY MATERIAL, ¥2 2010 The McGraw-Hill Companice, Ic, All gts rected. No pt of tts Mammal my be diplov
‘apres or debe bv any form oF by any means, wit the prior verte permizeum ofthe poblishe, oF used hsyond te Ite
‘Usain to oachors ane ctor perme by Meise. for He fda coarse prepara: if yow are tant my hs Mam
ten are nei withont permission
196PROBLEM 3.43
Slider P can move along 10d O4, An elastic cord PC is
attached to the slider and to the vertical member BC. Knowing
that the distance fiom © to 7s 6 in, nad thal the tension inthe
coid 1 3 Ib, determine (a) the angle between the elastic cord
and the tod 04, (b) the projection on OA of the fotee excited
by cond PCat Point P.
First note 4 = Yl2? #02) +6) =18 in
, OA}
Then 24S ain tayo
dow = gg leit 12d 6h
5 +2} h)
Now oP = 619.08 Lony
The coordinates of Point P are (4 in..4 in,, -2 im.)
so that PC =(5 in i+ Lan) j4 (14 ink
and P= 57 + ny 604)? = 342 in,
(o) We have PO Rags =(PC)c0s0
or (S111) 102542) Wye JMR eos
on ps0 +0)
= 0.32444
or O=7119
) Wehave Orga * Tre hoe
= ihre) Po
Te Re
wT enn
= G1by032444)
OF (Treo =0.973 Ib
PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. © 2010 The MeGia¥-Hil Conyanies, ne. All sights reseved. No prt of this Mona maybe dpe
segreciced os dtd in amy for oF By any teins, witha the prive mite penuesion of ie pobliher, os heed feneed enn
deitution io euchers end edhcains permite by MeGrauthil for thesia conse preperation (Pyne astutent leg fie Mane
fe ane stir thous poransi
195PROBLEM 3.44
Slider P can move along tod Od. Am elastic eoid PC is
allached to the slider and to the vertical member BC:
Determine the distance from O ta P for which cord PC and
rox! OA are perpendicular
First note oda f12y? +2 FH)" = 18 in,
| Then
Let the coordi ). Then
[O-a)in 4 19~ yin (02 =)in. ke
Also, OP = dychy, = “2-244 2-W)
and OP = (x in LA Ce in} FG ink
2 2 1
ylon Y= yon 3ilor |
‘The requirement that O4 and PC’ be perpendicular implies that
dos 0
ong Box. Vee tse
ot (92a, }rea(is-3ean Joe pj!
| or dyp =12.001n.
aincec on barbed tc farm ar Bay eves, than de pr wien nernsson afte publi, oF aset Levon the imi
“fir ccchers ad coors peste hy Aetna fon Mn aml ose proomrionTfymn ere stot ag Hy Sat
amr wnt wchont porno
npanics, AN rights yeserved. No par of hie Mle maybe ipa
186PROBLEM 3.45
Determine the volume of the parallelepiped of Fig. 3.25 when
(a) P = 45 — 3) + 2k, Q= ~21-~ 5) +k and $= Ti+ 5 ky
(W)P= 5h j 1 Oke, Q= 2k 3) +k, and $= —31— 2) 44k.
° /
Volume of « parallelepiped is found using the mixed triple produ. |
@ Vol= P-(QxS)
4 32
=[2 -s 1 fin?
Po -|
= (20-21-4701 6-4)
or Volume= 67.0 4
mo) Vol=P-(Qxs) |
5-1 4
i =120 30 Win!
= (6043~2445448-+10)
or Volumo=113.0 |
PROPRIETARY MATERIAL, ©) 2010 The McGraw-Hill Compoaies, ne. AB rights resevcd, No part of tin Mount way bi splay
Ieprodnced or dan ionted i any for ar fy any tc, than Hh prior welt preenston OF the pblser or ned Leyenet the liteh
sdssbuton teachers ad educvarspermtd by Metira-Thl fort nial cose preposnion If ou aa sme aca, In Meal,
bom are ming i tu parma
1stPROBLEM 3.46
Given the vectors P= 4i ~ 2)43k,Q=2i-+4j~Sk, and S
the three vevions are coplanar.
IP, Q, and § ave coplanar, then P must be perpendicular to (QS).
(or, the volume of'a parallelepiped defined by P, Q, and $ is zero),
Then 24
Is, 2
or 324105, ~6-20+8-12.
PROPRIETARY MATERIAL, © 2010 The MeCieswAWi Compertes, Ie. AB rights reserved. No par) ofthis Morueal maw be cpanel
Fepondaced odbc! cary form eb any we, sna Me pos: ween perwaseon of depres, or ssetbeyonel he tanited
“Fis to cass nace pore hy Metro for that rida eons praporatio ym area shaken asin thes hava
oars alia Ito ors
First note
The G61x1 09. lid ABCD of a storage bin is hinged
‘long side 4B und is held open by looping eord DEC over a
frictionless hook al AF the tension m the cord is 66 N,
dolermine the moment about each ofthe coordinate axes oF
the force exerted by the eord at
z= ol’ -
= 060m
dy = {(03)" + (0.6)? +(-0.6)"
Ty, = OX (031+ 06)~064
In = Gt Te)
= 21 N42 N)j- 2 NVR
Naa * Ton
ya = (OL a+ (0.60 mk
i ik
M,~2210 041 066
H 2 2
= 22{(-0.22—1 20) +0.604~0.1 Uk}
= G12 N-mi+(13.20N mj 2.42 N mk
M.=-M2Nm, M,=1320N-m, M,=-242Nm 4
PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. 1) 200 The MeCsaw-Hll Companies, ne. All rghtsYesirved No pot of this Manual uny be dnptoe
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tsa itt tcrchers ad educators porns SdeGnan-1Hl forth uevadnal come reparations Gvamaress sialon’ niin thn Mawr
orame sig ton pansion
”* PROBLEM 3.48
The 061x1.00-m lid ABCD of a storage bin js hinged
along side AB and is held open by looping cord DEC over 3
frictionless hook at £ If the tension in the cord 1s 66 N,
determine the moment about each of the coordinate axes of
the force exerted by the cord at C.
Fast note z= fool -@1D
= 060m
Then dey = YC0-7F +06) +06
and Ty (0 T1+0.6}-0.6k)
= O[-7 N)i+ (6 N)j- (6 NDK] \
Now ria Nex
where Ya =O3MLHOT MD]
ij k
‘Then M,=603 071 0
lr 6 4
= O-4.26141 8]+ 0844 97)K]
= (25.S6N- mi +080 N mj +4062 N- mle
256N-m, M,=1080Nom, .6N-m
PROPRIETARY MATERTAL. © 2010 Ths MeCiaw-lhll Companies, he. All eghts reserve oper oF thts Maan any be dle
eprabiced ve smite tv ey foro np cy mos, wilt fhe poe eaten permusion ofthe pablsher, or use bsyond the Tote
tion to roacher soma etacators petted by Metin Hilfe thes bud eotese preparer yo ance stent nv ds Mane
yom are nung thon pei muon
200PROBLEM 3.49
To Lift_a heavy erate, a man uses & block and tackle attached to the
bottom of an Feu at hook B. Knowing that the moments about the y
and the 2 axes of the force exerted at # by postion AB of the rope arc, |
respectively, 120 Nm and -460 Nm, determine the distance «.
First note BA =(2.2 mi-G2 mj-(amk |
Now My = tun Teg
whore Fup = 22 mit 1.6 m9}
Tyg 3.2j-ak)(N)
i i ok
Pe mle te ol
as 3.2 —al
Tas i
88 (1 64 62.20 f H(2.2K-3.2) ~11.6)2.2))R}
Thus M,=224iy (Nem
10562 (Nm)
Then fe the rati Ms
fooming the ratio te |
2.2 (Nem)
or a=1252m 4
10.56 ff (Nm)
010 The Metall Compas, Inex Al ighes teeter prt of tis Maral way Be dave
seprehiced or ettbuted mm ey form on by ony aan, whoa the potor wien penoision of the bse, on toed beyond se fted
‘isasann ne aches a dears pce
[ate sig i whou prtsion
MeCvaw i or thee dial coarse preparation In are sae ng is Ms,
201PROBLEM 3.50
axis is 132 N/m, cletermine the distance a
To lift. a heavy etafe, a man uses a block and tackle attached to the
botiom of an beam at hook B. Knowing that the man applics a 195-N
force to end A of the rope and that the moment of that force about the yy
First note yy = 4Q2) +329 + Ca
=viso8 +a? m
and Voy 3.2j-ak
dn oes)
Now My = 5 Cn Ves
where Foy =D MELE MY
o 1 0
‘Then M,=5b2 16 0
tung 32
= Peazayn
Substituting for Mf, and dy
12Nm= (2.2a)
or 0.0769 15.0840" =a
Squaring both sides of the equation
0,094675(15.08 + a"
or @=1256m 4
PROPRIETARY MATERIAL 1 2010 Ths McCiaw-llil Companics, ell aghts reserved No part of thx Mannal may Be spared,
Feprodnced ce eset bv any fra ot yay mens, withort the prise site perms ofthe publisher, or nsed beyond the fnated
intetaccy to foachets ant eucuos permit Iy Mane for Sts ada cc presmauae fow aang is Monae
Jom ate tg won pesnussiow
First noe
Also note that only Ty, will contribute to the mome
Then for 7,
A small boat hangs from two davits, one of which is shown in
the figure. It is known that the moment about the z axis of the
resullant force Ry exerted on the davit at 4 must not exceed
279 Wb {Lin absolute value. Determine the largest allowable
tenston in bine ABAD when x=6 f
Ry Nyt Ty
=10.25 A
M,=K Cyc XT)
ssboul the z axis
ast |
Noe (778 DI+G Dk
o 6 al
on ||
UXT 756)
oF Tg =61 5b
PROPRIBTARY MATERIAL © 2010 The MoGron-Hil Compunes, luc AN rights veeived. No pare af tes Monet ray be cispase
eprenvcst oF dsb am: ova oF Oy ay aman. wither the peice ster permtesion of te publisher. or raed besa eter
ds tan 0 tasters an edacaior perme by McCraw Hil for te tel cence prepasted mang dhs Mere
owe nso without peruasis
From the solution of Problem 3.51, 1
Then M, = K (ry; Typ) becomes
270s? +69,
o.6y)x" + 69,0625,
ng both sides
For the davit of Problem 3.51, determine the largest allowable
distance x when the tension in line ABAD is 60 Ib.
jy is now
Ye $7757 +3"
o 0
0 775
x A275
219 = | peneann na
et C7757 43y
0,363? 4 24,8625 = ¥
x? = 38.848 olin
PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. © 2010 Tis MeGiave-EhIt Congas, Ine Allright resessed. No povt of ix Mouwal nar: he dipheedt
pres tcf vay for oF bay means wot te por weates perms of th publisher nse] Levon the fate
dstoton fo teachers ak educohons permit by Metinaw Tl for
ona mane wan’ pea
vale courte preparation Ifyou re eat nag dhs Ae,
204eo PROBLEM 3.53
To loosen a frozen valve, a force F of magnitude 70 Ib is
‘applied to the handle of the valve. Knowing that 0=25°,
M,=~6LIb-f1, and Af, =~43Ib-N, determine ¢ and
PROPRIETARY MATERIAL, © 2010 The Metin Hill Compre, tno. All ihts rei No pur of ts Manna vay be doy,
proce or estab im en fan or by any moaas, weno Te pri sate permission ofthe ylisr. cv ned lever the lovato
ss an toes nen pert by ery for dhe tio eons preavton If ow erate eg Ho Boma
onare eng vation porns
We have YM yt Fg) XF=My
where po =~ ingh+(L mp ee
P= (eos 800s ph —sin 8} +-c0s Bsin gk)
Por P=70b, 0=25°
F = (70 0(0.90631c0s 9}k 0.422625 1 (0.906315in gk]
to i k
My=(oIb} 4 N afin
+0.9063 10089 042262 0.9063 1510 4)
(70 U{(9.969%sin 9 0.422624): + (0.9065 cos 4 4 3.6252sin Oi
1 (1.69088 ~9,9694c0s g)k] in
and 1M, = (10 1bY9.9694sin = 0.42262d)in. (61 Ib -f{12 n/N) o
M, =(09 160.9063 1608 9 +3.6252sin 9) in @
M, = (70 IbY{1.69048 -9.9694ens 9) in. —43 Hb 2 in) @
From Equation (3) ee or g=er4
1922.90) ;
From Equation tn 1022: S17 or d=HO
From Equation (1) (22) 4.57 Hom." PROBLEM 3.54
Whon a lirce F is applied to the handle of the valve shown, als
‘momenis about the «and 2 axes are, respectively, Mf, = 0 and 2, > 0
From Equation (6), x-<0 (assuming > 6). ‘Then, as a consequence of leting 4, =0, force A lies im a
plane parallel to the yz plane and to the right of the origin, while force B lies ina plane parallel to the ye plane
‘but to the Left to the origin, as shown in the figuee below
PROPRIETARY MATERIAL, © 2010 The MeGruw-Hill Companies, Ine. All bls vesrved. Mo port ef hs Maa? sey be dpe
eeprorhiced or cstibet by cvs farm or By cy mas. wl the prior eriten permis ofthe paises, or used Deseo he Tinted
sdsitaion to toachesn vd anc onrs pera Ox Metra 1 fara anata vee pga yor anecslen che ke Vana,
Jelv are ui thot rane
35PROBLEM 3.146"
Show that a wrench cat he replaced with two forces, one of which has a prescrihed line of action.
First, choose a rectangular coordinate system where one axis coincides with the axis of the wrench and
another axis intersects the preseribed line of action (44’). Note that it has heen assumed that the Tine oF aetion
‘of force B intersects the xz plaue at Point P(x, 0,2} Denoting the known direction of Tine 4’ by |
Aga hitajtak
[Follows that foree A can be expressed as
A= AA, = AIF EAB) |
Force B can be expressed as
B= Bi+B,j+ Bk
Next, observe that since the axis of the wrench and the prescribed Tine of action 1d’ are known, it Follows that
the distunee a can be determined. In the following solution, itis assumed that a is known,
hen, for equivalence
EN: O=AA,+B, i)
i EF, R=da, +B, @)
ER: OF AL +B, 6)
o @
| M =-ada, +2B,-x8, 6
EM,: O=-add, +48, @
Since there are six unknowns (4, By By, Bs.X,2) and six independent equations, it will be possible to
ohiain a solution
PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. * 2010 The McGraw ill Companies, Ins AIL ghis reserved ho part of tis Manned say be displaved
rjvice oat in cy foro bay cans, vifom ae pelor sven permission of te publisher, oF med yon the taned
Drain feochors deduces porated by MeGra\e Hilfe hale indie eocese prepara If year a tre wsng this Marea,
hom i sang thot ovarian
26PROBLEM 3.146* (Continued)
Case 1: Let 2=0 to satisfy Equation (4)
Now Equation (2)
Equation (3)
Equation (6)
Substitution into Equation (5)
Substitution into Equation (2)
5 i
Jn summary Aca
A Mi+ aki AMK)
aan am A+ Ae AM)
and vl 1)
| Acar ye)
{ dak
Note that for this case, the lines of action of both A und B interseet the x axis
PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. © 2010 The MeGeawUil Conpunic, Ine. All righ ese pore of this Manna rxay Be ipdaved,
Fepreaced or as ote any Jar ar yan snes, ion Me aor sen narmision ef the prbfsher of mea beset the fet
(sriian toteartes mn eacons prot by MeCr tL far tes hla course purvtion ivwear fend man die Asan,
ow ae win wit peri,
arPROBLEM 3.146" (Continued)
Case 2: Lot B,
fquation (4)
Now Equation (2)
Equation (1)
Equation (3)
Equation (6) AA, = which requires = 0
‘Substitution into Equation (5)
“This last expression is the equation for the line of action of force B
=| \-aira, <
w(t oa ck)
‘Assuming that 4,,,,, 20, the equivalent force system is as shown below.
Note that the component of A in the xz plane is parallel to B.
PROPRIETARY MATERIAL, ©: 2010 The McGraw-Hill Companies Ine, All Fight exer No part of this Menval may be dime,
epvodced or ited in sy form or by aay means, wl fae pear weton pers: Of the pulser, or used beyond the Tonited
ihn fo toc hersnledncaons porated by bir: for dt udiva eoarse prepara, {yon areca saci sing his Manno,
wane tig witht pansion
aeJpesapee im
A crate of mass 80 ky is held ia the position shown, Determine
(a) the moment produced by the weight W of the erate ubout £,
(} the smallest force applied at B that creates a moment of
‘equal magnitude and opposite sense about £.
a 8
(a) By definition WW = mg =80 kg(9.81 mis") = 784.8 N
We have EMy: My = (784.8 NY0.25 mp omer 9
=196.2N-m 4
(8) For the force at B to be the smallest, resulting in a moment (M,) about £, the line of action of foros Fe
| ‘must be perpendicular to the line connecting E to 2. The sense of Fy must be such that the force
produces a counterclockwise moment about
Note: d= \(0.85 m)?-+(0.5 my = 0.98615 m ohfe
Welave Ey: 196.2 N-m= #, (0.98615 m) et ®
Fy =198.954.N a
s tbe a
ant arf 851) gy ss a
=199.0N%a 59.594
PROPRIETARY MATERIAL 99 2010 The MeGrw-SHill Companies, Ie ATF rights served apart of dis Mam cay Be spayed,
reposhiced oe ati rbted weeny form oF by auy maa, wl the por vite jermanan ofthe pubtiser ued Ivo he Bed
ait teachers nad casos per by Means il for teal eve prepancten Ifyom are ascent mn dh Man,
au ene nig awn perdi
is known that the connecting tod AB exerts on the crank BC a 1.5-4KN force
directed down and io the left along, the centerline of 42, Determine the moment
of the force about C.
eae” V] My = Fy (Fen)
‘ f ; )
bist , = (0.028 my, 2 «1500 N+ coon (241500 x)
8h, “1 25 25
c : © Nm
& oo
Lising ()
PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. §: 2010 Tus MeGicaw-ll Compe
Me = ylba)s
=r mf Zxisuow)
or M.=420N mm)
or Mp =420N m4
Ic All sights teenie ho pond of te Banal may be paved,
roprednced oF dsmibted is ay form oF by any aca, without te par wre permnssan of the publisher. ov used Deyn the lnied
Unitin to oachors ad cons permite hy Metra fos Han wid course preponoion If nn otea sedan asi tis Maa,
tom are using i willon permision
0PROBLEM 3.149
A 6-fi-long fishing rod 42 is securely anchored in the sand of a beach, Afieca lish takes the bail, the resulting
Jorce in the line is 6 #b. Determine the moment about 4 of the foree exerted by the Tine at B.
| We have =(6 Ib)eon8?=5.9416 Ib
‘Then T, Ty sin 30° = 2.9708 th
in 8° = 0.83504 Ib
T, =T,, cos W =~5.1436 tb
Now Ma = FX Te
where tyag = (Osi 45°)} — (005 45°
i i k
Then m=2] 0 1 “1
2.9708 1.83504 ~5.1456
= £.€-5.1456~0.8350H5 --£.(29708)) --$-(2.9708)k
v2 2 v2
(254 Uy f3L (12.60 Ib 10) j (12.60 tb Dk <
PROPRIETARY MATERIAL © 2010 The McGraw HM Cempanic, Iie AIE right weseved No port af dis Manna ney he dived,
‘uprodice) or cistabuted 9 ay jorm or by any moans. withon the prior wren persion of the publisher oF oa bend the Bathe
sir aio io achers ard eeaioe pera by Mee TH far ther inva cose preparcin yom ar estat nin tos Moe
Sou are using ions porsaeion
aPROBLEM 3.150
Ropes AW and BC are two of the topes used to
suppert a tent, The two ropes are attached to a
stake at B. Af the fension in rope AB is 540 N,
determine (a) the angle between rope AB and
the stake, (b) the projection an the stake of the
oh force exerted by rope AB at Point
re os “| \.
Det the sk
First note Baa Y(-ay +3) 41.5)" 45m
BD = {0.08}? + (0.38) + OI
Then Ty = HBL BI#3)-1.58)
=P (90814038,
1 = AO = (0.084 + 0.38) 0.168)
1 is *
= eH ie)
@ Wehave Tan an = Ta 6080
w ateas-ay heat e9psam)
a eos E12) + OUI+ CHO]
= 0.60317
or O=52" 4
© Wetave Cadeo=Tas*Yao
ray C088
(540 N}(0,60317)
ot Tas )yp =326N 4
PROPRIETARY MATERIAL © 2010 The Merv Hill Companies, Ine, AIL righ eserves, No port of dls Samal wen’ be dsplae,
Ieprodiend or dthried m any form of by aay mea, wakes the pia writen persion of the pele, oe zed beyond the Fed
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