Capitulo 3

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CHAPTER 3 PROBLEM 3.1 A foot valve for @ pneumatic system is hinged at 8 Kaowing that a= 28°, determine the moment of the 16-N force about Point 2 by resolving the finee imto horizontal and. vertical components SOLUTION Note that B= 20° = 28° 20% = 8? and F, = (16 N)cos8? = 15.8443 N (JO N)sin8°= 2.2268 N Also 159748 m. 058143 mm. Noting that the direction of the moment of each force component about B is eounterclackwise, My =xK, + yF, = (0.159748 m(2.2268 Ny +(0.058143 my(15.8443 N) =1.277N-m or My 1277N-m 4 PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. © 2010 The McGraw-Hill Canpanis, Li. All igs tescved. No pait of dix Manna ay be dbsplaved raperhiced or dts buted in any fora or By ony mes, wilkoal the prio writen pevrisson of the publisher, a ased bey te eats staibmnn to teacher nud edacators pesmi bye ret foe uaa cae preparation aiden st this al Dow are wring whoa person ss PROBLEM 3.2 A foot valve for a pneumatic system is hinged at B. Knowing. that a= 28% determine the moment of the 16-N fore about Point B by resolving the force into components along ABC and in « dineetion perpendicular ty ABC. SOLUTION First resolve the 4-Ib force into components P and Q, where Q=(16 N)sin28° =T5USN ra (0.17 m\(7.SH5 Ny =1.277 Nm or M,=1277Nm 4 ‘Then PROPRIGTARY MATERIAL. 19 2010 The McGraw-4ill Coops, me. AM dahte reserved. No part of thir Maa? may be deplaved, Inprodneed oF doses! bv any form oF by any snes witom Oe vier wren pansion ofthe publisher use! Pesan the lied {Sapbtion teachers al ednctors permite hy Metso to mdi conver prepara Ion area since wv hs 0, $m are msi witha permiesen, 186 PROBLEM 3.3 A SOON free is applied wt 4 as shown, Determine (a) the moment of the 300-N force about D, (5) the smallest force applied at B that ccteates the same moment about D. (@) —-F,=GOON)eos 25° Bites =271.89 N FP, =(300 N)sin 25° = 126.785 N (271,89 NJi+(126.785 N)j #=Di=-(0.1mi-O2mj My =1xF M,, =[-(0.L mk - (0.2 m)j] x {(271.89 N)i + (126.785 N)j} = {12.6785 N «mk +(54.378 No mk = (41,700 N mk M,=4L7Nem) (6) The sunallest force Q at 8 rmust be perpendicular to Dia 45° 41.700 N- m= O(0.28284m) — Q= 147 AN kh PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. © 2010 Ths MeGraw-1l| Companies All gh fev No jit of ts Meomal ray be pay, {epradiced or distributed an any fore of by eny icin, witont the pri wrhion poraisaian ofthe pbbahen, or med beyond tbe ashe? ‘sn tbnuon to eaclrs ant edcors pe mitted by Merve Th fr tts chal conte preparsaon fou area atndet aang hi Meh, bom are mis i wath permite, 188 PROBLEM 3.4 A 300-N force is applied ot 4 as shown, Determine (a) the moment of the 300-N foree about 2, (5) the magnitude and sense of the horizontal force applicd at C that creates the same moment about. D, (¢) the smalfest force applied at C that eeates the sume moment about D. SOLUTION (@ — Sce Problem 3.3 for the figure and anelysis leading to the determination of Mp, M,=4L7Nom Ours, a Cece (B) Since € is horizontal BE= (02 mhi—(.125 mi xCi=C(0.125 mk 417 N-m=(0.125 mXC) C= 333.60 N C=334N 4 (c) The smallest force C must be perpendicular to 9C, thus, it forms a with the vertical 0125 m a na 92 T 2.0° | 0m, venice =| + é 23585 m 41,70 Nem = €(023585 m) ©=1768N af 58.0" € PROPRIETARY MATERIAL * 2010 The McGraw ill Compass, Ine. AM rights reserved, No part of hus Alual may be cpayed, teprndend on dated as ay fort or hy say ae, wuhoud the peor west portsrtow of ie pulser owed Beyond tho Sed ttm to ocho aa educators psd by Aetie-el for dow anna conse pecparaion Pvc are stadt wing us Mant ow are using how parser 186 PROBLEM 3.5 ‘An 8-1) force P is applied fo a shift lever, Determine the moment of P about B ‘whem a is equal to 25°, 22 SOLUTION First note P,=(W lb)eos28” 2505 tb P, =(8 Ib)sin25° 3.3809 Ib Noting that the direction ofthe moment of each force component about 2 is clockwise, have My =-sP,—pP, = (8 im}(3.3809 1b) ~ (22.1 J(7.2505 lo) $186.6 Ib-in, or My =1866 bin.) € PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. © 2010 The MeGrow-lWill Companis, nc. All ighs reserved. No part of this Mauna may be ciopayed epvoinced or dtibutd in any for or by ony cans, withont the prin writen povanssion of the publisher, ar nsed eyed the tied slesritton fo teachers ani etucions permitted by Meta Hil fo ee hadehdal cose peparoi Ts urea tient avs Ba yom are ns M without permission 1s ~w PROBLEM 3.6 For the shill lever shown, determine the magnitude and the ditection of the smallest force P thal has a 210-1b in, clockwise moment about 8. SOLUTION For P to be minimum, it must be perpendicular to the line joining Points A and 8. ‘Thus, and My Where a Then Pog = PROPRIKTARY MATERIAL, © 2010 The MeCiaw-Mill Companies, ne. All cghts reserved. No past of sts Mama aay be asplasert, ‘raprodhical on dsb in ay form or By cy moans, win the pri widen permission of the pabisher, or ned beyond the nine? saibanion to caches and educa persiteiy MeGrav-H frie didi eure prepare Ifyom aa ste sig this Moma, vara ig i wathou! porno 188 PROBLEM 3.7 An I -Ib force P is applied to shift lever. The moment of P about 2 is clockwise and has @ magnitude of 250 Ib in, Determine the value of er og i bean SOLUTION My rap? sind 9=0+(90°~9) and ° 19.9831" also ‘up = VB inf + Q2 in. = 23.409 in. Then 250 thin = (23.409 int Ib) srsin(or+ 90° -19,9831°) or sin(er+70.0169°)= 0.97088 or 470.0169" =76,1391° and c+ 10,0169°= 103.861" 338 PROPRIBTARY MATERLAL. © 2010 The MeGrav-Hill Companies, Ine. All ighs reserved, No part of tie Maal any’ be dated ‘spade on dite in ay form By any nears, wioat dhe pri writen permissions ofthe publics, or use Bryne ate) fstab to each and edacaorsperuatedy AMcCran-FRIN fo the mela cone reparation, Won area ae dout aie ss Mew Dow are ws if wilt perv 159 PROBLEM 3.8 Ics known that w vertical force of 200 tb is requied to remove the nail at C fron the board. As the nail fist starts moving, determine (a) the moment about # of the forve exerted on the nail, (4) the magnitule of the force P that creates the same moment about & if a= 10°, (c) the smallest force P that creates the same moment about B. (a) Wehave My = reraFy (4 in.}(200 th) = 800 Ib-in, or Af, =800 Ib-in.) (H) By definition My =ryqP ind = 10° + (180-70) = 120° Then 800 Ib-in.= (18 in) > Tos =heoloe Ke yo oe = O63 Mj-GMK feign aim ba (0.6 +39 +F'm tne = {D8 N)i-+ (594 N)§~ 540 NK ij ok M,=|2.7 230 0 jNem |-108 594 —S40) = ~(1242.00 N-inji+ (1458.00 N -im)j +(1852.00 N-m)k and IM. = 0242.00)? +1458.00)° + (1852.00) 2064.3. Nm 2604.3 N-m=(810 Nid d= 3.2808 m or d23.29m 4 PROPRIETARY MATERIAL, © 2010 Tho McGin97il Companies. Ine AIL sighte reserved No pay of ther Mea! may be dsplaved, eprodced ot drarbuted tu any foes ae hy any mete, seo! dhe toe eae nermsion of the publisher, asad Devon the lated ‘darabaion 1 sechors ad wbicaons permits by Mer Il gor fae anal coneseproporsion [you are asa usps Aad, ow ar enn wont permis, se y PROBLEM 3.33 In Problem 3.26, determine the perpendicukar distance from Point C to portion AD of the line ABAD. PROBLEM 3.26 A small boa hangs ftom two dayits, ane of which is shown in te figure, The tension in line ABAD is | 82 Ib. Determine the moment about C of the resultant force Ry exerted on the davit at A. SOLUTION First compute the moment about C of the force F,,, exerted by the line on D: Ftom Problem 3.26: Fu = Fay = (48 1b) + (62 Ib)}+ (24 Ib) ! Me = Me XFon = H(6 MDL (48 IayH + (62 Thy}-+ (24 1E)K] = -(144 Ib: A)}-+ (372 Ib fk Mo = (144)? +3727 308,90 lb-ft Then My = Fad Since Foy = 82 Ib d=axon 4 PROPRIETARY MATERLAL, 1 2010 Toe MeGaw 34 Companies, Ine All ngs cescrvd Mo pvt of thie Manual may be coy repented on dsntbuert te any form oF by aay mex, walhou the por th poco ofthe phe or sel Peyote fated Patron wo ears nd ects poral by tera IU jon thc anise com se preparation ane slant sing tis Man, puma msn want parison ss PROBLEM 3.34 izes the ion. Determine the vaiue of a that mi peipensdicular distance from Point C to a se of pipeline that passes through Points 4 and B. SOLUTION Assuming a force F acts along AB, IMel= We XBL =F) Where d= perpendicular distance from C10 line 42 PadaF 24 Ny +24 1. Oi OI-Mk tye = GMi-CWOM|- (2-101 i i ok K B 10 044 Jo 6 9 [010+ 6a)i+ (81 6a})+ 78 Since IMcl=yituexF) ot [tye xR?]= (dk b oI 2 TRY aa? WW 46a)" +(81 609° + (78) =a" jar iy +e ay’ + (7B Setting (2) =O find to minimize d FyyiROUI0+ 6) + 21-681 60)]=0 Soiving a5. or g=snnd PROPRIRTARY MATERIAL £9 2010 The MeCiaw-lBll Companies, he All aghtsteseiyed. No purt oft Mama! my be displayed reprrliced ex catabted inafonn or hy one meats, wal the pray ten permis ofthe pli or ined beyoved ented’ itt to teers ec prt by Mere: for tere inden eowee pregency Wyomarce siden ionye tis Mama “pon are use wah persion 186 PROBLEM 3.35 Given the veclors P=31-Jj+2k, Q=4145]-3k, and § P-S,and Q°S, sovution P-Q=(31-1]+2k). Sj-3k) = GHA CNES) + OED st or PQel PeS = GE-1) + 2k). (2143) tk) = G24) +) | all or Q:8= (41-5) 3k) -(-21-43) Ih) = (N24 (D4 3X 10 or PROPRIETARY MATERIAL *9 2010 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Ine All ge reserved Mp par? of this Maal any be dpa ‘eprnhiced or distibuied ya fot or by ony aes, wil te pron ttn persion ofthe paises, wise bese te vate ‘tbat to tochery nal aco prrt ny Mera I Jr tte advil ort para f ota usd ag is Mea ow are sg withont porn 7 PROBLEM 3.36 Form the scalar products BC and BC, where B= 6’, and use the 8 results obtained to prove the ident a its obtained to prove the identity Leva i i it 7 cosacos=sees(at B+; 00s(a~ 6). By definition BC=BCo0s(a~ B) where B= Bl(e0s Ais (sin fi] C= Clfeos ai (sin 2} (Boos BY Ceos a) + (Bsin BXCsin a) = BCcos(a- 8) o cos Beus a+ sin Bsin = eoster— B) a By definition BYC= BC cos(ar+ 8) where B’ =[(cos A)i—(sin B)j] (Beos B)(C cos a) + (-Bsin BY(Csin = BC vostat B) o cos cus @~sin Bsin a = cos(er+ B) @ Adding Equations (1) and (2), 2cos fieos a= cos(a~ f)+cos(a+ B) or 09.200 = Leon(e + )+ Looslar=) PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. 8 2010 The McGraw-Hill Companiss, tne. All rights reserved No part of his oma may be dantaved ‘eproduced or dityited Wyo form 0 By cay Meoze, woul the prior wet permission ofthe polisher, oF used Deyn the fated ‘thar baton teachers anal educaors porated by McGraw HM for ioe udlvidal contse proper von area stad sng hs Mal ow are ase vicar parson 188 PROBLEM 3.37 Section 48 ofa pipeline lies in the y= plane and forms an angle of 37° with the = avis. Branch lines CD and EF join AB as shown, Determine the angle formed by pipes 4B and CD. SOLUTION | Fiest note AB = AB(sin 374 eos 37%) CD = CD&cos 40" eos 55°j + sin 40°j— cos 40°sin 55°) | Now ABCD = (ABCD) cos 0 | or AB(sin 37°j ~ cos 37°k}- CD(—cos 40° eos 55° + sin 40°j ~ cos 40° sin 35°) i =(ABYCD)c08 0 of 6056 = (sin 37°\(Sin 40°) + (-cos 37°—cos 40°sin 55°) = 0.88799 PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. 9 2010 the MeCraw-Itll Companies he, All eghs reserved. No pt of ths Manual wey he diolayet reprclnced or citi! én cy. farm oF by any ores, wont the prin vr permission af the pollinated beso the aed ‘ta bao to teachers andl cars permite by iian1H for dor india eat preparation sem are ¢stulent nant tis anh oa ae ute tone parma ane PROBLEM 3.38 Section 4B of a pipeline lies in the yz plane and forms an angle of 37° with the = axis, Branch lines CD and EF join AB as shown, Determine the angle formed by pipes AB and SOLUTION First note AB = AB(sin 37°j~c08 37°K) Now =(ABXEP 00s 8 or AB(sin 37°} cos 37°). KF (eos 32"c0s 45°54 sin 32°} ~ cos 32°sin 45°) | = (ABYEF eos O or 205 0 = (sin 37°V(sin 32°) (C08 37° -c032°sin 45°) 79782, PROPRUETARY MATERIAL © 2010 The MeGit Ll Companies, fue All ihts teservad. No par of tar Mauna ray be csplayed Feprudaced ne dstebtel 10 any forty oF Bans meas, ethan the prior wren paransion oft pabliaker, 1 wsed Levant the dniied ‘tention fs fechers aa ects eratod by Metre Ha for than mecvidaelconrse prepearsion If are stent wv ts Morir so 8 aang Sho permission 0 PROBLEM 3.39 Consider the volteyball net shown Determine the angle formed by guy wites AB and AC. SOLUTION First note AB= I-05) +(-8) +2) =105 t AC= YO) HER) 4 (6) =10.8 and AB = (6.5 WiC 1Yj+02 Nk 6 1H)+(6 1k By definition AB-AC = (ABMAC) 0088 or (8.51-8j+ 2k): -8j+6k} = (10.5)00) cos (-6.5)(0) + (-8)(-8)+ 2X6) =105c088 o e030 =0.72381 PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. © 2010 The MeGrove-R1 Companies, Ie. AIL sights reserve. No part of tis Mounal may be dlapleed, yprodicd or dsibned in ans fora or By any meas, sont the prior wile porarsson of the pubchen, iv med besone the line? sdsibucion to caches amt eer peraited by Marae A foe el india ane prepoeaia If pow vaste asi is Mesa ro are neg thou prt, m PROBLEM 3.40 Consider the volleyball net shown, Deiermine the angle formed by guy wires AC auid AD, SOLUTION First note oy +87 +67 0 ft Yar +o +0 =9fi | aia FE = 8 +6 fk | AD= 4 Wj (8 M+ YK i By definition AG. AD = (ACAD) 0086 | or (8+ 0). (41-8) +K) = OXI cOse (0)(4) + (8-8) + (6X1) = 90008 7 ot 080 = 0.77778 or G=38.0° 4 PROPRIETARY MATERIAL, © 2010 hc MeCieonHill Compan, he. All sights veered. No putt af ths Momnal may be dplaye. Iepreiced or lsu led bv any foro ky any mans, wilt he ian writes permiasion ofthe pabaher, ur ed Oxyd te Tint? Usshution to teachers an efoeotons pert by Mean fo Ui ind adler ain Ifyon ated avn dts Mase, Joe ar uring i wiht perme wn PROBLEM 3.41 | Knowing that the tension in cable AC is 1260 N, determine (@) the angle between cable AC and the boom 4B, () the se Plojection on 4 of the force exerted by cable AC at Point A SOLUTION | Keaar coat aa =28m (a) First note MC AB= J(-2.4) 1A) +0) Om and aC (2.4 mi +(0.8 m)j+(.2 mk AB~-24 myi=(.8 mj By definition FE-AB =(ACK At e088 | or (2.41 + 0,8) 41.2k)-(-2.44- 1.8) =(2.8)30)x cos j ot (-2.4)(-24) + @8\-L.8)+ (1.2}0)=8.4e089 oe cos = 0.51429 or 0-390" 4 () Wehave Crean = Ve Ran = Ty e088 = (1260 N)(O.51429) OF Pac )ag “648 N PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. © 2010 The MeGiaw-Hill Companies Ine. Allright xkerve, No port of thie Manual amy be diated seduced of esti cay form by rae means, witout the prin rte pernsssin of the pubes, ov wed bea te tated ctvaribation ta teachers oad curs pecauned by Me Gra SEl fo ther uvlswbal coos prepenation. som areu stant aii ie Maal, ow ae ue thou permivann ws PROBLEM 3.42 Knowing that the tension in cable 42) is 405 N, determine (q) the angle between cable 4D and the boom AB, (6) the projection oa AB of the fore exerted by cable AD al Point A. SOLUTION (@) Fist note AD= faye +(12y + =36m AB= f24P +18) HOP 230m and AD=-(2.4 my 4 (82 mf m)k AB=-(2.4 m)i-(L8 mp By definition, AD-AB = (AD). 4B)c080 (241 +1,2)-24k}-(-2.41 ~ 1.8) = B.69B.0)c080 (2.44 -2.4)4 (1. 2H-1.8) + -24}(0) = 10 80080 eosd=t e=0s° 4 3 ) -«os (4) Cyan =135.0N 4 PROPRIETARY MATERIAL, ¥2 2010 The McGraw-Hill Companice, Ic, All gts rected. No pt of tts Mammal my be diplov ‘apres or debe bv any form oF by any means, wit the prior verte permizeum ofthe poblishe, oF used hsyond te Ite ‘Usain to oachors ane ctor perme by Meise. for He fda coarse prepara: if yow are tant my hs Mam ten are nei withont permission 196 PROBLEM 3.43 Slider P can move along 10d O4, An elastic cord PC is attached to the slider and to the vertical member BC. Knowing that the distance fiom © to 7s 6 in, nad thal the tension inthe coid 1 3 Ib, determine (a) the angle between the elastic cord and the tod 04, (b) the projection on OA of the fotee excited by cond PCat Point P. SOLUTION First note 4 = Yl2? #02) +6) =18 in , OA} Then 24S ain tayo dow = gg leit 12d 6h 5 +2} h) Now oP = 619.08 Lony The coordinates of Point P are (4 in..4 in,, -2 im.) so that PC =(5 in i+ Lan) j4 (14 ink and P= 57 + ny 604)? = 342 in, (o) We have PO Rags =(PC)c0s0 or (S111) 102542) Wye JMR eos on ps0 +0) = 0.32444 or O=7119 ) Wehave Orga * Tre hoe = ihre) Po re Te Re wT enn = G1by032444) OF (Treo =0.973 Ib PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. © 2010 The MeGia¥-Hil Conyanies, ne. All sights reseved. No prt of this Mona maybe dpe segreciced os dtd in amy for oF By any teins, witha the prive mite penuesion of ie pobliher, os heed feneed enn deitution io euchers end edhcains permite by MeGrauthil for thesia conse preperation (Pyne astutent leg fie Mane fe ane stir thous poransi 195 PROBLEM 3.44 Slider P can move along tod Od. Am elastic eoid PC is allached to the slider and to the vertical member BC: Determine the distance from O ta P for which cord PC and rox! OA are perpendicular | SOLUTION First note oda f12y? +2 FH)" = 18 in, | Then Let the coordi ). Then [O-a)in 4 19~ yin (02 =)in. ke Also, OP = dychy, = “2-244 2-W) and OP = (x in LA Ce in} FG ink 2 2 1 ylon Y= yon 3ilor | ‘The requirement that O4 and PC’ be perpendicular implies that dos 0 or EOIN W I~ ViHOS—VIIHE ong Box. Vee tse ot (92a, }rea(is-3ean Joe pj! | or dyp =12.001n. PROPRUETARY MATEREAE, © 2010 The MeGea aincec on barbed tc farm ar Bay eves, than de pr wien nernsson afte publi, oF aset Levon the imi “fir ccchers ad coors peste hy Aetna fon Mn aml ose proomrionTfymn ere stot ag Hy Sat amr wnt wchont porno npanics, AN rights yeserved. No par of hie Mle maybe ipa 186 PROBLEM 3.45 Determine the volume of the parallelepiped of Fig. 3.25 when (a) P = 45 — 3) + 2k, Q= ~21-~ 5) +k and $= Ti+ 5 ky (W)P= 5h j 1 Oke, Q= 2k 3) +k, and $= —31— 2) 44k. ° / SOLUTION Volume of « parallelepiped is found using the mixed triple produ. | @ Vol= P-(QxS) 4 32 =[2 -s 1 fin? Po -| = (20-21-4701 6-4) a or Volume= 67.0 4 mo) Vol=P-(Qxs) | 5-1 4 i =120 30 Win! ad = (6043~2445448-+10) =m or Volumo=113.0 | PROPRIETARY MATERIAL, ©) 2010 The McGraw-Hill Compoaies, ne. AB rights resevcd, No part of tin Mount way bi splay Ieprodnced or dan ionted i any for ar fy any tc, than Hh prior welt preenston OF the pblser or ned Leyenet the liteh sdssbuton teachers ad educvarspermtd by Metira-Thl fort nial cose preposnion If ou aa sme aca, In Meal, bom are ming i tu parma 1st PROBLEM 3.46 Given the vectors P= 4i ~ 2)43k,Q=2i-+4j~Sk, and S the three vevions are coplanar. IP, Q, and § ave coplanar, then P must be perpendicular to (QS). PQxS)=0 (or, the volume of'a parallelepiped defined by P, Q, and $ is zero), 423 Then 24 Is, 2 or 324105, ~6-20+8-12. | SOLUTION PROPRIETARY MATERIAL, © 2010 The MeCieswAWi Compertes, Ie. AB rights reserved. No par) ofthis Morueal maw be cpanel Fepondaced odbc! cary form eb any we, sna Me pos: ween perwaseon of depres, or ssetbeyonel he tanited “Fis to cass nace pore hy Metro for that rida eons praporatio ym area shaken asin thes hava oars alia Ito ors 198 SOLUTION First note Then and Now where Then PROBLEM 3.47 The G61x1 09. lid ABCD of a storage bin is hinged ‘long side 4B und is held open by looping eord DEC over a frictionless hook al AF the tension m the cord is 66 N, dolermine the moment about each ofthe coordinate axes oF the force exerted by the eord at z= ol’ - = 060m dy = {(03)" + (0.6)? +(-0.6)" =09m 6ON Ty, = OX (031+ 06)~064 In = Gt Te) = 21 N42 N)j- 2 NVR Naa * Ton ya = (OL a+ (0.60 mk i ik M,~2210 041 066 H 2 2 = 22{(-0.22—1 20) +0.604~0.1 Uk} = G12 N-mi+(13.20N mj 2.42 N mk M.=-M2Nm, M,=1320N-m, M,=-242Nm 4 PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. 1) 200 The MeCsaw-Hll Companies, ne. All rghtsYesirved No pot of this Manual uny be dnptoe ramadiced x dtret te cv form or hy cay means, wo the prin written pevmnison ofthe pabsher, or hed bese te Rta tsa itt tcrchers ad educators porns SdeGnan-1Hl forth uevadnal come reparations Gvamaress sialon’ niin thn Mawr orame sig ton pansion ” * PROBLEM 3.48 The 061x1.00-m lid ABCD of a storage bin js hinged along side AB and is held open by looping cord DEC over 3 frictionless hook at £ If the tension in the cord 1s 66 N, determine the moment about each of the coordinate axes of the force exerted by the cord at C. SOLUTION Fast note z= fool -@1D = 060m Then dey = YC0-7F +06) +06 slim and Ty (0 T1+0.6}-0.6k) = O[-7 N)i+ (6 N)j- (6 NDK] \ Now ria Nex where Ya =O3MLHOT MD] ij k ‘Then M,=603 071 0 lr 6 4 = O-4.26141 8]+ 0844 97)K] = (25.S6N- mi +080 N mj +4062 N- mle 256N-m, M,=1080Nom, .6N-m PROPRIETARY MATERTAL. © 2010 Ths MeCiaw-lhll Companies, he. All eghts reserve oper oF thts Maan any be dle eprabiced ve smite tv ey foro np cy mos, wilt fhe poe eaten permusion ofthe pablsher, or use bsyond the Tote tion to roacher soma etacators petted by Metin Hilfe thes bud eotese preparer yo ance stent nv ds Mane yom are nung thon pei muon 200 PROBLEM 3.49 To Lift_a heavy erate, a man uses & block and tackle attached to the bottom of an Feu at hook B. Knowing that the moments about the y and the 2 axes of the force exerted at # by postion AB of the rope arc, | respectively, 120 Nm and -460 Nm, determine the distance «. SOLUTION First note BA =(2.2 mi-G2 mj-(amk | Now My = tun Teg whore Fup = 22 mit 1.6 m9} Tyg 3.2j-ak)(N) i i ok Pe mle te ol as 3.2 —al Tas i 88 (1 64 62.20 f H(2.2K-3.2) ~11.6)2.2))R} ey Thus M,=224iy (Nem ns 10562 (Nm) das Then fe the rati Ms fooming the ratio te | PROPRIETARY MATRRIAL. 2.2 (Nem) or a=1252m 4 460m 10.56 ff (Nm) 010 The Metall Compas, Inex Al ighes teeter prt of tis Maral way Be dave seprehiced or ettbuted mm ey form on by ony aan, whoa the potor wien penoision of the bse, on toed beyond se fted ‘isasann ne aches a dears pce [ate sig i whou prtsion MeCvaw i or thee dial coarse preparation In are sae ng is Ms, 201 PROBLEM 3.50 axis is 132 N/m, cletermine the distance a To lift. a heavy etafe, a man uses a block and tackle attached to the botiom of an beam at hook B. Knowing that the man applics a 195-N force to end A of the rope and that the moment of that force about the yy | SOLUTION First note yy = 4Q2) +329 + Ca =viso8 +a? m 195N and Voy 3.2j-ak dn oes) Now My = 5 Cn Ves where Foy =D MELE MY o 1 0 ‘Then M,=5b2 16 0 tung 32 95 = Peazayn Substituting for Mf, and dy 19s 12Nm= (2.2a) Vis.os+a? or 0.0769 15.0840" =a Squaring both sides of the equation 0,094675(15.08 + a" or @=1256m 4 PROPRIETARY MATERIAL 1 2010 Ths McCiaw-llil Companics, ell aghts reserved No part of thx Mannal may Be spared, Feprodnced ce eset bv any fra ot yay mens, withort the prise site perms ofthe publisher, or nsed beyond the fnated intetaccy to foachets ant eucuos permit Iy Mane for Sts ada cc presmauae fow aang is Monae Jom ate tg won pesnussiow 2 SOLUTION First noe Also note that only Ty, will contribute to the mome Now Then, New Then for 7, PROBLEM 3.51 A small boat hangs from two davits, one of which is shown in the figure. It is known that the moment about the z axis of the resullant force Ry exerted on the davit at 4 must not exceed 279 Wb {Lin absolute value. Determine the largest allowable tenston in bine ABAD when x=6 f Ry Nyt Ty ADA =10.25 A han AD aD r “025 M,=K Cyc XT) (6i--7.75)—3k) ssboul the z axis “en ast | Noe (778 DI+G Dk 1025} o 6 al on || 68 UXT 756) oF Tg =61 5b PROPRIBTARY MATERIAL © 2010 The MoGron-Hil Compunes, luc AN rights veeived. No pare af tes Monet ray be cispase eprenvcst oF dsb am: ova oF Oy ay aman. wither the peice ster permtesion of te publisher. or raed besa eter ds tan 0 tasters an edacaior perme by McCraw Hil for te tel cence prepasted mang dhs Mere owe nso without peruasis 203 SOLUTION From the solution of Problem 3.51, 1 Then M, = K (ry; Typ) becomes 270s? +69, o.6y)x" + 69,0625, ng both sides PROBLEM 3.52 For the davit of Problem 3.51, determine the largest allowable distance x when the tension in line ABAD is 60 Ib. jy is now av @ cow Ye $7757 +3" (xi-7.75)-3k) o 0 0 775 x A275 oe 219 = | peneann na et C7757 43y —UFASYA)} (0625 0,363? 4 24,8625 = ¥ x? = 38.848 olin PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. © 2010 Tis MeGiave-EhIt Congas, Ine Allright resessed. No povt of ix Mouwal nar: he dipheedt pres tcf vay for oF bay means wot te por weates perms of th publisher nse] Levon the fate dstoton fo teachers ak educohons permit by Metinaw Tl for ona mane wan’ pea vale courte preparation Ifyou re eat nag dhs Ae, 204 eo PROBLEM 3.53 To loosen a frozen valve, a force F of magnitude 70 Ib is ‘applied to the handle of the valve. Knowing that 0=25°, M,=~6LIb-f1, and Af, =~43Ib-N, determine ¢ and PROPRIETARY MATERIAL, © 2010 The Metin Hill Compre, tno. All ihts rei No pur of ts Manna vay be doy, proce or estab im en fan or by any moaas, weno Te pri sate permission ofthe ylisr. cv ned lever the lovato ss an toes nen pert by ery for dhe tio eons preavton If ow erate eg Ho Boma onare eng vation porns 205 SOLUTION We have YM yt Fg) XF=My where po =~ ingh+(L mp ee P= (eos 800s ph —sin 8} +-c0s Bsin gk) Por P=70b, 0=25° F = (70 0(0.90631c0s 9}k 0.422625 1 (0.906315in gk] to i k My=(oIb} 4 N afin +0.9063 10089 042262 0.9063 1510 4) (70 U{(9.969%sin 9 0.422624): + (0.9065 cos 4 4 3.6252sin Oi 1 (1.69088 ~9,9694c0s g)k] in and 1M, = (10 1bY9.9694sin = 0.42262d)in. (61 Ib -f{12 n/N) o M, =(09 160.9063 1608 9 +3.6252sin 9) in @ M, = (70 IbY{1.69048 -9.9694ens 9) in. —43 Hb 2 in) @ From Equation (3) ee or g=er4 1922.90) ; From Equation tn 1022: S17 or d=HO From Equation (1) (22) 4.57 Hom. " PROBLEM 3.54 Whon a lirce F is applied to the handle of the valve shown, als ‘momenis about the «and 2 axes are, respectively, Mf, = = (5D N)i+ G00 N)j~ GOON) 4° Finally My =Z]05 0 0 iso 300 —30 | = te340.51300) PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. © 2010 The MeCisw-Hill Coraponis, In. AI rights reserve) No pow of as Maun! maa te eoplayed Feptodecet or debated san fra oF (3 am ances, oa the prisr wees passion of tho publish, or ase eat the ted istoatoWo tacers ad econ potd by Metre Fl fot tsa rune prepa I oc stent ong i na, ten are mang i won prasts 208 4 PROBLEM 3.56 035 In Problem 3.55, determine the moment about the diagonal AD of te foece exerted on the frame by portion BG of the cable, SOLUTION Where Fug = OS 00 and BG =Y-05) + (0.928) (0.4 =1125m ' 450. ‘Then — (0.51 +0.925|—0.4) if i Ds 1 0.4k) (200 N)E+ (330 N)i--(160 Nd sa =i | Finally. My-tlas 0 0 L200 370-0 [(-3)(0.5)370}) My =-ULONem PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. © 2010 The McGnsw-1l Companies We All ighis reserved No jars of da Manne muy Be Asplaned prided est one ean fora ov by any sca wt the pr viens per arson ef the pudMisen, ov ned beyond the ne? Ldisabition to eachers ametuer: petted Py Meant HM for Ha den nase preoatam Ifyou ane ede aman Us Akan her ane sng atu port oy SOLUTION First note Thea Also, Then Now where | Then PROBLEM 3.57 The triangular plate ABC is supported by ball-and-socket joints at B and PD and is held 1n the position shown by vables AB and CF the foree exerted by cable AF at 4 is 55 N, determine the ‘moment of that force about the line joining Points P and 8, dy = YOO 4-06" 402)? = LL 9 28004-06590 = 5[(9 NJE= (6 NYI#(2 ND DB = 2) +035" +007 =125m DB Di i 5 = 2021-031 ras St) doa 1 = on-7 3g N-D Mow Row Can XE) Hy, =—(0 1 mj (02 mk 24-7 0 Mpg = (9) 0-010. 9 6 2 =1e4s- 1264288) OF Mpg =2.28N m4 PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. © 2010 Ue McGraw-Hill Companies, me AU rights eseved. No pare uf tar Afouaal may bo csplayed Neproxiet or dred ee for arty ate teas, to de tor weiuen pares of us publisher ov ase! Devan the lied “into ta ached eos pert eae Bl fo tte tn conse peepee If were ustedes ls Mr, Sear are mans i wicon perms. a0 SOLUTION First note Then Also Then Now where Then PROBLEM 3.58 The triangular plate ABC is supported by ball-and-socket joints at # and 2 and is held in the position shown by cables AE and CE. If the force exerted by cable CF at C is 33 N, determine the ‘moment of that force about the line joining Points D and B. =51(6 Nji=(9 Nj NJK} DB= Y0.27 +0357 +(07 1 = (24i-7)) 25 Mow = Ron’ fon Tey) Ky = (0.2 m)j-O.4 mk eG Mee teo]o 02-0 16 -9 =3(-96+168-864) 25 OF yy =-9.50N-m PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. © 2010 The Beis Companies, Ine All ils resend No part of thar Mlnaal may be datayed, epiadaced on aburbated tn any for a hy any mons, wath the pei wciton pervuseon of le pubider, oF med Bes the lated ‘Fao bmi Yo eacons cand cars porate Th fo tone nada cnn peparas I on ane dct ase hs Marl, ove san i eo permis, an y PROBLEM 3.59 A regular tetrshedion has six edges of length a A foree P is directed as shown slong edge BC. Determine the moment of P about edge O4 SOLUTION Welleve Mery = Boy Ceo XP) where From tiangle OBC (on, =4. (on, ~$ ef 1) a (04), = (04), tang =4{-L) 4 (04), =(04), ton (5) ss | Since (04) =(04 +08 404, Then and (asin3Vi~-(AE3I MK Gy, PG Foxy P= dy P= @ 2 ae foam PROPRIETARY MATEREAL, © 201) The MeGraw AHI Companics, I, At rights kere. No pe of as Man wate Be depdane uprudced ov dsaated tan fora or ly ane wears, went the pee wees pormisuon afte pabtsber, 0” ted Devon ie tine dstiian to eachon ae cere pain by etal ford mee ora pega Ifyou std as hs Ata, fem ave tg twin preston. a PROBLEM 3.60 ‘A regular tetrahedron has six edges of length a (a) Show that two opposite edges, such as O4 and BC, are pespendiculat 10 each ‘other. (6) Use ths property and the result obtained in Problem 3.59 to detetmine the perpendicular distance between edges Od and BC. SOLUTION ms | ° x 04. AC 20 \/ Tom. where From tangle OBC (0), =2 le a{1.)__a 8 OA), = (OA), tan 30° = : Ode 04, ila) 23 a (g} eo, and BC =(asin30"4~(acos30 VK | a, a3) a } #8, L0-Jik eee aire gM +) |« | on # 5003 #4 4 (OA), (0) a a OA-BC= so that Odiis pespendicular to BC. 4 (8) Mave M,, = Pal with P acting along AC and d the perpendicular distance from OA to BC. From the sesults of Problem 3.57 Pa Moy = laa =F ft apg PROPRIETARY MATERIAL, 1 201 The Neti HL Companies, Lie All rights rewived. No part af thi Mana say be deployed ‘opvadced or distributed i my fou & by a’ sean, wien the pra ate permission of the public, ot ead Bese the ante sittin tacks dacs poem Mere Jo ts aba eae prepeacion von este na mi foun Soveane ung aon persons ms PROBLEM 3.61 A sign erected on guyed hy cables force exerted by cable LF ut & is 46 Ib, determine the moment oF that force about the line joining Points 4 and D. SOLUTION First note that BC={(48)? + 36)" = 60 in, and that #£ = 43 = 4, The coordinates of Point # ure then ($48, 96,336) or G6 i 7 in). Then dep = 4-15) + E110) +30)" =115in, si ap 40 sir 103 Then Typ = PS 1Si~ 11054 308) = (3 Ib} ~ (22 h)}+(6 1H)K) Also AD = (asp 4-127 +6) 21226 in, Then hy se? AD 1 (ai — 125 + 36K a Tra ¢ i ) “pe J3k) Now M iy =a Wiser) PROPRISTARY MATERIAL. 65 2010 The McGrowHlil Companies, fo, AML viyhts reserved. No pd of say Mena muy Be payed predic or debated in cy fori ar by ams anc, witht the rior wriuen permission of te publisher ave leven the lined ‘datibion teachers aa ehsrars permed by Meinl far Wek hdl cones pearance Met vg tas Mr, mare wing i ihe! persion a PROBLEM 3.61 (Continued) where pg = G6 in H+ (96 inf +427 ine » jaa ‘Then Ly =—p(Qp36 96 21 Vie" Ts 2 2 (9304 + 81-2376 4864-4 216-4276) *YR6 PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. 2010 "he MeGaw-Hill Companies, le. All rigs veserved, No part of tls Maral ae be disp teprenecd or ditiaued ins fort or by any mes, without ie pro ween parson ofthe patiler, ot sed Deyiue delat ‘Ha tion to echoes a edons ped by eH in inde ean prepavaton vein sda us his Man ‘yore sing sito ransom PROBLEM 3.62 A sign erected on uneven ground is guyed by cables EP and 2G. 1 the force exerted by cable £G at Bis $4 tb, determine the moment of that foree about the line joining Points A and D. SOLUTION First note that BC= (48)? + G6)? = 60 in, and that 4 =48=4. The coordinates of Point F are then (3% 48, 96,236) oF (36 im, 96 in, 27 in). ‘Then deg = WN + C889 C44 +99 in, Then Rau 88) 44K) = GEL Iovi (8 [b)j~ (4 Th)k Also +36)" ‘Then 481-12] + 36K) =(4i—j+3k ae" i+3k) Now May = ay Cae Th) PROVRIBTARY MATERIAL. © 2010 The MeGraw-Hill Cenpanivs, Ine. A vile serve No pars of thie Manual way be displayed, epee oe dlenbated hy any fro by any aut, wir the tor scien peruston of se publisher asad beyond the ited (that seaches and ednctorsperuitby Meron Ul for thesia conrse rpavain, Hf yom are tank sig ee Mame, yore ington pov where Then PROBLEM 3.62 (Cont ued) Tg = G6 in | (96 in }} + QP in. , [fad May =e(O))36 96 27] Venti 8 ~1536~27 — B64 — 288-144 + 864) OF May ©2350 Ibs in < PROPRIETARY MATERIAL & 20\0 The MoGruy4ill Companiss, ne. AIL ighs teseve8. Ao prt of his Manno cu be disper opridnces oo cstibued in any for or Dy ans ears weitiont the prin ween pormision ofthe yabishen, ow ned beso the fied ‘dsb ta teachers at educa perlite by Mere Hl fr tet dda conse prepare yom aes tae esing is Mua, Jon are nsing wand prose at SOLUTION PROBLEM 3.63 Two forces K, and F, in space have the same magnitude #, Prove thal. the moment of K, about the line of action of F, iS equal to the moment of F, about the line of aetion of Fy First mote that Lot Af, = moment of F, about the line of action of Mand M, =moment of I, about the line of action of M Now, by definition My = Ay Cee, XB) Cag Aa My = Ay XK) = Ay (ta XA, Since K Fad typ tye My Ay na QE My = Ay ty XA YE Using Equation (3.39) Ay Oty in.)j +5 Ib-in.Jk} = (178,885 Ih -in.)h+ (536.66 I -in.)j (211.67 Ibi M = OTS 8RSY + (536.66)" +211. 67" | = 603.99 th -in M = 604 Ib-in Jan = = 0.200174 0.N8RS2§-~0.95045K £08 6, = 0.29617 cus 0, = 0.88852 0s 8, = 0.35085 O.=T28 8, =273° 21005" PROPRIETARY MATERLALW © 2010 The McGrav-ll Corspanies, ne, All sists rxerved. No part of this Manu may be cape mprduced or dite iv cay funn or By ay ces, thon te pv wit peabstou Ofte publisher. oF wed hescal fe lito sli techs ad ecucators pert by Cia fof idol omarion. Pv acs wut a Mora Se are var thon pes, as PROBLEM 3.78 If P-=201b, replace the three couples with a single equivalent couple, specifying its magnitude and the direction of its axis, | I SOLUTION | From the solution to Problem. 3.77 16 tb force My = “(480 Tink 40 Ib lorce: M, = 8V5](00 Ib. in.)i-+ (30 tb. in.)j+ (15 Ib inj] P= 201d My texP G0 in.jix (20 Ib) = (600 Ib-in.)j M=M,+M,+M, (480k +85 (104 + 30] 415K} 4-600} = (178.885 tb-in)i + (1136.66 Th inj - 211.67 Ib ine | M = YU 78 885) $113.66)" + 21.0 1169.96 Yin M=11701b-in. _M cos 8, 0.152898 = 0,152898i + 0.97154] —0.180921k 12” 8-13.70 0, =1004° 0s 8, = ~0.180921 PROPRIETARY MATERIAL, 3: 2010 The MeG1a6-1H Commpaniss, Ine All Ms eeerved Mo pai af dh Maal my be esplayet Iawexbiced or can sone mt ey. jorm oF By ay Mears, who the prior stay permicson ofthe publisher, er sel bee the frames! liber to oachers nt eccdons pte Berane for dot dvd ease prepa ation ym sted ny this Maa Semen a vation! persia PROBLEM 3.79 VE P=20N, replace the three couples with a single equivalent couple, specifying its magnitude and the diteotion of its axis SOLUTION We have M=M,+M.+My where i jk 03:0 0 |Nm=64N-mj 0 018 eal | My = CypXF,=)—18 08 0 |141.421 Nem [ais os 17 = 141.421(.01361-+.0255) Nm (Sce Solution wo Problem 3.76.) ijk Myra Fy =]0.3 0 O17 |Nem 02 ao} =-GAN mit (6N-mk M ={(1.92833~3.4)1-+(5 4 + 3.6062)] + (KIN me = “(1.47667 Nm + (9.0062.N am) «(6 Nm) | imj= fate ar em? = Y(1.47667) + (9.0062) + (6) 10.9221 N-m or M=1092N-m PROPRIETARY MATERIAL, © 2010 The MeGraw-Hill Companics, Ie All ghts veer No pot of sis Manne maybe daplee, emoxtuced or dstsbat tn any for on by ay means, wae the pre yee perms of the pubis, or ed beyond te tea tsi ta toc hers nd canned By Meira TM for thea dad onset Iya so nn is Mew ww ares i and prance 238 PROBLEM 3.79 (Continued) M__ ~1.4766749,0062+6 10.9221 01 + 0.824595 + 0.54934k 0.135200 @, =97.770 or 6, =978 4 $2459 8, =34.453 or 8 =345° cos, = 0.54934 0, = 56.678 or 6, =50.7P PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. © 2010 The McGill Companies Ine. AIL ight reserved No prt of this Movual nay be dinplayed reprodaced or doveiide! bv ay fare or Bay mein, than de ive rien permission of the pubbises, or ase hexane the lmnite Corabnion teachers ia edncatirs porated by Meine tl for Me iid one prepavation If yonane a side wsing is Sr poo asin I rho porn a8 Wem PROBLEM 3.80 ee ” of a [ractor, and shaft C conneets it to the engine, Shafts 4 and 1120. Na B lie in the vertical yz plane, while shaft C is directed along the x axis. Replace the couples applied to the shafls with a we oe SOLUTION Represent the given couples by the following couple vectors: 1600sin 20°} + 1600c0820°K (547.232 N-m)}-+ (1503.51 Nam) 200sin 20°J + 12000820 (410.424 N-n}j + (1127.63 N-mndk U0 Nem Te single equivatom couple is M=M,+M,+M, = 1120 Nm) ~(36.808 N-im)j+ 2631.1 Nek M = YU 120)" +36.808) + 2631.1 M=2860Nem 6, =113.0° 6,292.79 @,=23.2° PROPRIETARY MATERIAL © 2010 The MeCiraw- Al Coompaiss, Lue Al gis teers, No part af this Mania say Be dpe "aproduce ar chtribuied m amy form fy ey aman, ions the pra ten permission ef the pubis, or ed beso the te! diiron so teachers and ec airs pe miley McCeH for sda cae prea Pm easton an hs Meme Yoware nse W vithowt nermsion a (Based on EM (6) Based on or PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. © 201) The MeGraw-#Ull Companies, te. All gts reserved, No cans, win te prior we pri ‘inntutn to teachers md edycatore permed by Metra FAM forte uv eourse preparavon. yaw are Lpresbces sx deanibsed 30 any for oF om ane sg hon perma ae PROBLEM 3.81 “The tension in the cable attache 4 the end C of adjustable boom ABC" is 360 Tb, Replace the fore exerted by the eae at C with an equivalent force couple system (a at 4, (B) at B 60 Ib 20" € M,=('sins0%@,) 560 Ib)sin 50°18 £2) =7721TIb- M,=77201b 1) a: = S60 tb 560 Th “20° EMy in = (TiN SO Kdy) (560 tb}sin50°(10 A) = 4289.8 Ibe fe My, = 4290 bth) DY ofthis Sanna vay be espe ‘of he pais, ov ne bea dhe fn deo wg thie Maw, "PROBLEM 3.82 ‘A 160-Ib Force P is applied at Point 4 of a structural member Replace P with (a) an equivalent force-couple system at C, (2) an equivalent system consisting of a vertical forve at B and a second foree at D. SOLUTION (2) Based on YF) f= P= 160d or Re, =160 thy 7 60° Me: Mg #-Pedy,+ Pace a. where P,=(160 Ib)oos60" Rk =80 Ib cor 4 P, =(160 Bb)sin 60° 138,564 Ib = dey = 4 ft “ dry 22.758 ‘Mc = (80 TbY.2.75 #2) + (138,564 Ib)(4 EK) = 220 Th fk 554.26 Ib: fh = 334.26 Ib ft (6) Based on. Phy, = Peasoo” = (160 |b)eas6" = 80 Ib EM: (Pevs60\dh,) = Pade) 10160 Ibpe0s 601.5 Y= PF, (6N) Py, = 20.0 Ib or Py =20.01b] PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. 8 2010 he McGraveil Companys, Jue All igs estved. No pas of thie Munna! may be spared Ignace o csiromed i aay fo oF by ny mis, without thefts writin ponintow of de pbs ob me Beye De ted ‘tabmton to each acts port hy Conti fon them livia conn seprepnotiny If wane sinter asin thi Mam Sante nag witha prin ne PROBLEM 3.82 (Continued) EK, Psin 60"= Py + Phy (160 tb) sin 60° 20.0 Ib +2, Phy = 118.564 Ib Py =n +n) = (G0) +018 5647 143.029 Ib wu ‘ us, S991" or Ff, =143.01b 22 56.0" 4 PROPRIETARY MATERIAL, © 2010 The Meee Ail Companies, Ine. Al rights rorerved. No par of ris Monual way be csplayod, mpc om dite 2 cy for ot hy ay meas, tho de poe weir poruastou of de publivhes, ase bevoud the Vind terion to overs ad auctor prac hy case After neous proareio vane ested sag his Mana, ou eve asa tout person. 20 PROBLEM 3.83 The 80-N horizontal foree P acts on « bell erank as shown, (a) Replace P with an equivalent force-eoupte system at B, (5) Find the two vertical forees at C and D tht are exqivalent fo the couple tound in Part a SOLUTION i: (a) Basedon EF: F=80N or Fy=800N-~4 IM: My = Fig ° = 80 N (05 m) 4.0000 Nom OO Nom) () ff the two vertical forees are to be equivalent fo My, they must be couple, Further, the sense of the moment of this eouple must be counterclockwise, ‘Then, with #, and F, seting as shown, IM: My =Fed 4.0000 N-m= FGtb4 m) Fj. = 100,000 N or Ke =100.0N/-4 Ek: O= Fy ~ Ke | H,, = 100.000 N DoONt< | PROPRIETARY MATERIA. © 2010) Tis Mirow-AhMl Companics, Ne. AIL righisvserved Ne pet of tes Mama nay he daploed cepradiced 07 detained any fora ot By atv aca, itor the prior wie perma of the ble, oe ned bene he tinge! “rib aon io reachers ak edieaions pe mute dy Menai father aha course prepara ffvon areata ig es Mom Yom ace ni debian paranntion a PROBLEM 3.84 A dirigible is tethered by a eable attached (0 its cabin ot 8. IF the tension in the eable is 1040 N, replace the foree exerted by the cable at B with un equivalent system formed by (wo paralle] forees applied at A and C. Require the equivalent forces acting at 4 and C be parallel and at an angle of crwith the vertical Then for equivalence, BF,: (1040 N)sin30° “sine Fy since wo Eh, (1040 N}cos30” , cosa Fi, coser @) Dividing Equation (1) by Equation (2), | (1040 N)sin30° (UF, + Fp)sin oe “(1040 N)eos30° -(F, + Fy )eosar Simplifying yields a=30° | Based on | YMe: [040.N)e0s30°T4 m) = (F, c0s30°M10.7 my | By = 388.79 N | on P= 3RON “S608 Based on EM 42 ~{(1040 N)cos30°(6.7 m)= (F008 30°)(10.7 m) Fe =651.21N or SIN S60" PROPRIETARY MATERLAL, 4 2010 The MeGiss- Tl Companies Ine. AN rights resrved, No part of his Menual may be dlisted teptoduee or dati trey foro by vlhiont the puto writen povatst of he publisher,” used Doyen the ited dsorbution acer al eas porate A or tea eval conse pesporarion If yacarecasiadea sig ta Nara, ow ore avg thou peranssion 22 PROBLEM 3.85 The foree P has a magnitude of 250 N and is appfied at the end C mike of a 500mm tod AC attached to a bracket at A and &. Assuming, ye \ a= 3° and f2=60", replace P with (a) an equivalent fore-couple system at , (Bam equivalent system formed by swo pial forces applied at A and 2. SOLUTION (a) Equivatence requires ER: F=P of E SON 6 My: Af =~(0.3 m\250. N}=—75 Nem The equivalent force-couple system at B is F=250 N S60" M=750Nem )€ (6) Require c. Neg Be A Ee En Equivalence then requires DF, 608 Ot fy cos 9 By =-Fy ot cosg=0 UA ~20=-Fysin oF; sin p Now if Fy =-Fy => 2500 reject cos = 0 | or o=90° | and Fry Fy =250 Also EMg! ~(0.3 m)(250N) =(0.2m)F, ot Fy =-375N and Fy =625N 625 NX 60" F,=375N Ms 60" PROPRIETARY MATEAIAL «© 2010 Tse MeCenw-thll Companics, le, All sights vseived. No pt of this Mawr un Be dpe {reproduce ve catrabeted in ony form or yay moans, won the pre ities perme ofthe pubis, or ed bevon he femned inane ta tears ari casts pve by MeGaamfBfrtic veal er prepara yon ar stk tng dis Men Sew ave ig a onl peransica was PROBLEM 3.86 Solve Problem 3.85, assuming @= = 25°. SOLUTION 25° (2) Equivalence equites XK; or Fy =250N 25.0" EMp: My =-(0.3 m)[(250 N)sin50" he equivalent force-couple system a 8 is Fy = 250N % 25.07 () Require Equivalence requites 1y =dyx@ (0.3 ew)[(250 N)sin O°] = [0.2 msins0°10 375 Adding the forces at B: ¥, =375N De 25.0° F, = 625N % 25.0° PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. ‘0 2010 The MeGrawHll Canpanies, Ine All ¥ults reserved. No pats of this Maal way be dapased teprnduced or dit dhe! ov ay fret 08 by any mess, witha Uhe rior wf persion of the pubes. used Devon the id dion tec ad cde pert teem el rte utd ase prepara, von aves sng et Mr outa ubuye cat pasion a PROBLEM 3.87 A force and a couple ave applied as shown to the end of a cantilever beam. (a) Replace thes system with a single force F applied al Point Cand determine the distance d fiom to a line dawn through Points D and #. (A) Solve Part a if the Avections of the two 360-N forces are reversed ee SOLUTION pen, (a) Wehave ZF. F= (360 N)j- 60 N)j~ (600 N)k | 4 Pr oh ‘Tt or F=-(G00N)k 60H 30mm and EM). G60 NYO 151) = (600 N}fel) log ef, oir» Pr d=009m 4 + aoe or 90.0 mm below ED () We have fiom Part a {600 N)K A blest and EMp: (360 NXO.15 m)=~(600 NYd) oN 4 =009m ofa a * or d=99 0 mmabove BD vom Stee ee ; ae “oon st | 360N] PROPRIETARY MATERTAL. £2010 The MoGnw-thlt Companies, fie All nights snes. No ait af th Maal ay be dpe, upradiced or di ited ava fran ox by any wean. sein the pron sien permission ofthe pabtiher, ur esd beyond the fated sdsasbain i tac ene edu pemtd by Men Fett adit cose preparation yom art ste tang ds Mea, pom ane sig i ado porusin as PROBLEM 3.88 | i ‘The shearing forces exerted on the cross scotion of a steel channel can be represented by a 900-N vertical forec and two 250-N horizontal | le forces as shown. Replace this force and couple with a single force F { . applied at Point C, and determine the distance x from C to line BD, (Point € is defined as the shear center oF the section.) | 00 90 ae I SOLUTION Replace the 250-N forces with a couple and move the 900-N force to Point C such that ils moment about 1 is equal lo the moment of the couple 250n as f a 0.18% Hoos © 4 ; - 7 | 00 N saan Se 250N > My, =(0.18X250N) ASNom Then M,, = 000 N) or 45 N-m =x(900 N) x=0.05 m 50.0 mm PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. 29 2010 The MeGaw-¥ilk Company, Ine AIL yhts reserved. No part of th Mono! any be splayed regnndiced or diated im afar cr By ey moans wh tne peor smitten peas of te pli, anced esi theft ‘Unirnonto teacts educate by Meira HOM arti oan ons para Wyodor ie Ma, ow are neni heat pertasion PROBLEM 3.89 While tipping a hote, machinist applies the horizontal forees shown to the handle ofthe tap wreneh, Show that these forces, are equivalent to a single force, and specify, if possible, the point of application of the single force on the handle. SOLUTION | Since the forees at A and & are parallel, the force at B can be replaced with the sum of two forces with one of the forees equal in magnitude to the foree at A except with an opposite sense, resulting in a foree-couple, 25, where the 2.65 Ib force be part of the coupe. Combining the two Have Fy =2.9 Ib—2.65 lb parallel forces, Mgts = 2-65 IY (3.2 in. +2.8 in Joos 25°] = 14.4103 Ib-in, and Mayu, = 14.4103 Ib in. | ¥ 7 | “ \ P 25° | 2 ——__J a BL—-2 —al x Basi a Alp! “MAU in [25 6082540) 3.600. 25 Ih)(cos 25° + sin 25°) P= (0.227 Ib)i + (0.1057 Ib)k and is applied on an extension of handle BD? ata distance of 63.6 in. to the right of B < PROPRIETARY MATERIAL © 2010 The McGraw-4ill Companies, Ine. AIK gs used No pas of ty Afanual any be dupared ‘reproduce ar distributed bx coy form or by ony mans, wow te prio ston poses ofthe pbs, or ase Beye he bated dint to eaches and adc persue! hy McGrane fo Mtr mah ows pspanain If vow ene asus as Sno tow are nig ton perms PROBLEM 3.90 force-couple and specify its point of application on the lever ‘Three control rods attached to a lever ABC exert on it the forces shown, (a) Replace the three forces with an equivalent tem at B. (4) Determine the singte force that is equivalent to the force-conple system obtained in Part 4, SOLUTION (2) Firstnote that the tvo 20+Ib forces form 4 couple. Then ws Fa48 tb 0 | where @=180°~ (60° +55°)= 65° and M=EM, 630 jn,}(48 Tb) 60855° ~ (70 in,}(20 Ib) 00820" = 489.62 Ib-in “The equivalent force-couple system at & is P2480 th 7 65° M=490 th (0) ‘The single equivalent fore Ris equat to K, Further, since the sense of M is clockwise, between A and 2. For equivalence, EMy: M=~aP"cos 35° Where cris the distance from B to the point of application of FY. Then 489.62 Ib in, = -a(48.0 Ib)eos 55° or 4 2)128'in, F and is applied to the lever 17.78 in. To the left of pin B PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. © 2010 ‘the MeCira-1ll Campi ae « ust he applied 8.0 Ib <7 65.0 « Inc, All ihe reserved. No part of is Manna! mas be displeved, Inpredcd ot sib i any form oF yen aos, ion Be por vrs parison ofthe peblsher, or nse Beyond the Ded ‘Deaton to teachers and eer: permiua by BCT for the viel eos prepardio I cast mn is Ana, tare sing i wishont permission ae PROBLEM 3.91 A hexagoul plate is acted upon by the force P and the couple shown. Determine the magnitude and the ditcetion of the sniallest force P for ‘which this system can be replaced with a single foiee at, 2008 > SOLUTION From the statement of the problem, it follows that Af, =0 for the given force-couple system. Further, for Pray, onust requir that P be petpendicular to ray. ‘Then EM: (0.2 sin 30" + 0.2)mx300 N + (0.2 m)sin 30300 N ~ (04 My =O or Pag = 300 N P, 100 N a7 30.0" PROPRIETARY MATERIAL © 2010 The MeGtaw-Ihll Companies, Ine All igh resets. Mo put of this Admin amy be spayed reproduced ov disituied way form of by ay wens, win Une prion sain pernoaston of the pubes or used sein the ited dPanbarion t occhor aed encore by Meio Hl on tie nto mse pseparotion i sowen ec sade sh his Manna Youn nig eihow perma | = PROBLEM 3.92 | A rectangular plate is ected upon by the foree and couple | shown, This system is to be replaced with a single equivalent 240 0 force. (a) For a = 40°, specify the magnitude and the line of action of the equivalent force, (6) Specify the vale of cif the line Ls of action of the equivalent foree isto intersect fine CD 300 mm Din canine to the right of D, SOLUTION {@ The given force-couple system (F, 4) at B is paaxn| g = and M=EA, ~ (04 mh Neos 40°4(0.24 mys Nysin 40” or M =6,9103 Nem) The single equivalent force Fis equal to F, Further for equivalence EMy: M=di" or 6.9103 Nem =dx48 N or d= 0.14396 and the line of action of F” intersects line AB 144 mm to the right of 4, < () Following the solution to Part a bat with d= 0.1 m and ecuaknown, Inve | EMy: (0.4 mj(5 N)cos or+ (0.24 my(L5 N)sin@ | = (0.1 my(48 ND ' or Seosa +3sinar=d i Rearranging and squaring 25 cus? a =(4—3 sin a)" | Using 0s? or 1-sin? ex and expanding | 25(I sin’ @)= 16-24 sin +9 sin’ or Basin” a~24 sin a@—9=0 Then sine sin @=0.97086 or sin. a@=-0.27098 TEP ov a= ~15.72° < PROPRIETARY MATERIAL, £2010 The MeCnuw ill Companies ne, AI rights reserve, No pure of tie Manual may bo dispure ead occ ee fo ar Bay mans im he 700 wren parton Ofte plies, or ased Beyer the Lanted Asaborion to ech ul eds para hy McCoo Mca Ae ese preva Ife area sede ws as Merah Sue alg ton pormsion a0 PROBLEM 3.93 Au eceeniric, compressive 1220-N force P is applied to the end ofa cantilever beam Replace P with an equivalent force-couple system at G. pace ss . - | SOLUTION 4 We have EF. (1220 | lies (1220) Also, we have | ? Tam, Mg: tag XP=M iy ok 1220] = 1 —o0]N m=Mt oo6 M = (1220. N- m)i(-0.06(-D}--0.X-Dk} or M=(73.2N m)j—(122Nomjk PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. 1 2010 The MeCzawst¥ll Compansn, He, Al rights veered. No prt of thi Mama any be display fepediced or Sistbied te any fore ot yes anes es the pon ren permission ofc pabiisey, used beyond the Paaed tise tbaaort io facchesanidedaccors permite by MeCnas- Hl foe dc sad ude cosese pcp In are sake sg ds Maul, Yeu are rng wth peximsion a1 PROBLEM 3.94 ‘To keep a door closed, « wooden stick is wedged between the floor and the doorknob, ‘The stick exerts at B a 175-N foree directed along, tine AB. Replaee that force with an equivalcat foree-vouple system at C SOLUTION We have EP: Pay where Pan hana r yn} — (594 mm) = G3 mm)L +290 mm} 694 mK F450) We have EM ote X Pan = Me i ik M,,=510.683 -0.860 0 Nem 530 =18| (0.683)(-18)j + 1(0.683}30) (0 860)0)I} OF Me #774 N-m)i+ (61.5 N-myj +1068 Nemo = SHE-0.860\-18) PROPRIETARY MATEREAL. © 2019 The MeCiaw-lUlt Companies, be. All eghtsresrved. No pt af tts Somnal wey be diplee, pancetta frase» yey srs, wilt fhe prion rte permassn f the publisher. or nse Beso the faved ‘dein teasers an educators pert by MeCnaw. Hl foe ead counee preparation ioe area stadt nao is Maw, Yom are ng ons pein a SOLUTION | We have Then Now PROBLEM 3.95 ‘An antenna is gnyed by three cables as shown, Knowing that the tension in eable AB is 288 Ib, replace the fore exerted at A by cable AB with an equivatent forco-eouple system ithe center O of the base of the anieana, dag =464y +228) 10" EE strays) = (2 Iby-4i—-8j +k) M=Mo = F490 X Tan 128) x 32(-4i -8] +k) = (4096 Ib. Mi + (16,384 Ib - Nk The equivalent force-vouple system at O is, P= -(128.0 Ibyi— (256 th)} +(32.0 yk M=(4.10 kip: i+(16.38 kip-f)k PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. € 2010 The McGraw-Hill Companies, he All igh teseve) No prt af thir Marna sn be dyad repradiced or ditibated m ony for ov by ony means, wiiodt the prin writen permission ofthe pmbisber. av ned evo te te sdstrbutin to teoches sand cdc ons porate by McGrath fn th vidal come prepraton son are a studen nag ls Neon owere amie m vhon eramsion 253 PROBLEM 3.96 | | I ‘An antenna is guyed by three cables as shown Knowing, that the tension in cable 4D is 270 Ib, replace the force exerted al 4 by cable AD with an equivalent force-couple, system at the center O of the base of the antenna. | SOLUTION | | We have yy = Y(O4y? + 128)" + (128° | | 2 | then 14, =O “644 ~ 128) 128k) | 2060 yet x2} 219 | Now M=My=tyoXTwo = 128}<90(-1-2j-2k) (040 Tb #15201. YK The equivalent force-couple system al Ois, F=~(90,0 Ib}i (180.0 1b)j (180.0 Id)k M=~230 kip Qi+(152 kip Wk PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. © 2010 Tho MeGow-thll Companies, ne AI rights reserved. No pat af ts Maret ray Be dplaye Sepredecet on debited ay frm oF ty: eny atcar, oot the price smzen paxwasion of th pnbfisha, or use! bevond the fine Uinttation tf hers and edhiors permed by Mera fo thee maida eowse prepa sf yn ar tent sag ths bs, Som are ws ioe! peranses a4 PROBLEM 3.97 Replace the 150-N fore with an equivalent force-couple system at A. ‘ans 0 m SOLUTION Equivalence requires ZR £50 N)(-eos 35°) sin 35°) (122.873 N)j~ (86.036 NJk. =M,: roi XE where thee = (O18 m}i= (O12 m)j+ (0.1 mk i i x Then M=[l8 -012 01 [Nom 0 =122.873 ~86.03 = [(-0.12)¢-86 036) — (0. 1-122.873 1-(0.18)(-86.036)]) | 4+ 1(0.18)(122.873)Ik = (22.6 N-m)i+ (05.49 N-mm)j-22.1N-m)k alent force-couple system al is i “1229 N= BOON)K M=Q26N-mii+(15.49 N-m)j~Q21N-myk PROPRIETARY MATERTAL. © 2010 ‘Ihe MeGruw Hill Companies, We, All igs reserves. Ho pon of thts Mantol vagy he apo ‘peehiced on ested we ey fora on by ey azar withons th poe viites peomrasion ofthe publisher, eased bevond he faites ‘sition to teaches at educatone permed by Meta Flor tt tinal tae prepara Ifyou atest ev dy Moun, Jowave rat wath permission 255 PROBLEM 3.98 A TIEN force Fy and a 31-N - m couple My are applied to corner £ of the bent plate shown. IF Fy and M, are to be replaced with an equivalent force-couple system (Fs, Mz) at comer B and if (V4), = 0, determine {a) the distance a, (6) Fy aod) | | @) Weltave EMy: My =0 | Kye FHM ® | where Tym = 0.3L wi ~(0.0239)) | / Behan hh | © 06 m4 6.96 mj-O07 HK iy yy O.lim | = (42 N)i-+ (42 N)j- (49 NK | eM O07 GIN m) Then from Equation (1), jo 6 (031-0023 0 js OM7MGIN m) 4 jaa 42 ag] Vd" +0.0058 Solving for d, Equation (1) reduces (13.02004-0 9786)~ 2178 me Vi? ¥0,0088 From whieh 4=0.1350m or d= 1350 mm PROPRIETARY MATERIAL, © 2010 The MeGrave tl Companies, Ine AIL ghts reserved No pare of ts Mma muay be dared, epvoduced 1 dst sy. fon By cy tates, sew the pow ween poraassow of te publisher, or used Pascal the tant ‘damibmron to enchces aad canes poate hy MoCawe Hlfir Me andivadua conraeprgearationTfynate asta ws Hus Sah ane moe oan rami 256 | PROBLEM 3.98 (Continued) we Fy =F, =(42i4 42) 49k)N or B= (42 NYI+ (42. N)J- (49 Nk nn A 007E Nm =|o31 00233 0 [+4 $4200 42-4 = (1.141701 415.1900} + 13.9986) Nm + (27,0001 6.0000] 14.0000) N-m M, == (25.858 Nemji+ (21.190N-m)j | My = tig XR +My or My ~(259 N-mji+(212Nm)j PROPRIETARY MATERIAL, ¥2 2010 The MeCiraw Hil Compnies, Ine. AI rigs reserved. No part of this Mewal nay be dspased reproduced ov csithaned tn aay form or by cay ment, widow the pri writen peewasstou of le prior wet besone Oe ined tstributon to ercers comb cots porate: McCrae thea anda cams prepara Ue cease ent sing is an eo sia et persion 287 9 PROBLEM 3.99 A A6ctb force F and 2120-Ib im couple Mare applied to cornet 4 of the block shown. Replace the given force-couple system with an equivalent foree-vouple system at couner H. | SOLUTION We have dy = V8) ay? = 23 sits 46 Apis ie) (36 Ib)t- 2 1by}-(6 IbIK. Also dye = ACASY (0) + (-28)’ = 53 in 2120 1b ‘Then M oe. “(451 ~ 28k) = {1800 Iban jh (1120 Ib nk Now M2 ME ty XP whee Hayy (450 EC 19 fi jk Then M’=(-18001~1120k) +145 140 he 28 -4 = (180081 120K) + (LOA Y OY HELA -6)1j + [45)(-28) = 146M = (1800 BADi-+ 270))+ 1120 ~ 1764) (0884 I in.}h+ 270 Thin )j~ 28R4 Thin = (157 tb LE (22.5 1b J (240 Ib 19K “The equivalent foree-couple system at 14 is = (36.0 1oyi—-(280 1b)} (6.00 D)K M’= {157 Ib. f)K+ (22 5 Ib-RYj “240 Tb ADK PROPRIETARY MATERIAL % 2010 Ihe MeGaw-thit Compiies, Me ALL nights resteved. Ko awa of tir Aouwal way De dplayed, resound or dstsbuted tn ay res ov By any waa, sthont the potor water pena of Ue publ, or ase Depot the Iie (titi to chor sk edcates porn hy Meso? oe thw medal conse prepcrcson If seme sande asin is Mar Sear aug thon evens 288 PROBLEM 3.100 The handpicce for a miniature industial grinder weighs 0.6 1b, and its center of gravity is located on the y axis. The head of the luandpiece is offset in the sz plane in such # way that line BC’ forms an angle of 25° with the x direction. Show that the weight of the haedpiece and the two couples M, and My ean be replaced with a single equivalent force. Further, assuming that My = 0.68 Ib ia and Af 0,65 Ib -in., determine {a} the magnitude and the direction of the equivalent foree, (5) the point where its Tine of action intersects the xz plane. SOLUTION First assume thet the given force W and couples My arid My act at the oxi. Now w 4 snd M=M,+M, = (4, c08 25°95 + (M, — M, sin25°)K Note that since W and M are perpendicular, it follows that they can be replaced with a single equivalent fore | @ Wehave (0.6 1b) or F= (0.6009) 4 (®) Assume thatthe line of action of F passes through Point P(x, 0, 2). Then for equivalence y ri where ube en (A, cos25°H + CM, = M, sin 25°) 1 ~ oN Plo) i i x = 0 =qren—orOk 0 -w ol a —M, coa25° (™, Mains") Equating the ind k coctficients, z= M=80878° yng yf Mi Mas Pquating the F and K coeffickents, ee an | | | a Fer W=06 1b My =0681b in, My =065 hin x= 2 68=0.653in25° 67550; or x=0675in “06 BOGS ST tian, ore 982in. 06 PROPRILTARY MATEREAL. © 2010 The McGrsw-4hill Companies, Ine, AIL igh revel Mo pd of Uns Mama ray be splayed priced ox disbned inary forn or by ary mens, thon the per seit poranisom af the pun, oF nsed eyo the ane ‘tuo to teachers nt educoors pened Ly eC 1H for Sel tltnal conusepreparatue maar a siden avant koe, mare naga whoa patie PROBLEM 3.101 A 4olong bean is subjected (0 a variety of loadings. (a) Replace each loading with an equivalent foree- ‘couple system at end 4 of the beam, (4) Which of the loadings are equivalent? fo o an 8) seus | gecomecg!) Clg ce SOLUTION (a) (a) Wehnve EK, 100 N-200N=R, or R,=600N| 4 ' and BAM: 1800 N-m—C@200 NX4m)= M4, i or M, 1000 N-m) (by) We have LE: -6DON=R, or R, =600Nj 4 and Ey —900 Nomi M, or -M,=900N m4 (©) Wehave ER: 300N-900N=R, or RON | and 4500 Nm (900 NEA mm) = Mi or M,=900N-m) 4 PROPRIETARY MATERIAL #8 2010 The NeGiaw- ll Companies, le, ANE ih weRaved. Ne prt of dis Manna maybe dip Feneeducd on sh bedi fot or Bee mi we he pray sutton paras of the prises, wr osed broad he eto Uinta nto hers nn ecdconns peut eran HH fort ital owes pretation, yam are stot nany his Mano Sao are ng ha persone PROBLEM 3.101 (Continued) (@) Wehave EA,: -400N 1800 N oR, =400NE and EM. (800 NX4.m)—2300 Nem or My=900N-m) 4 (©) We have EE: -400 N=200 N= R, or R, =600N\ 4 and BM! 200 N-m+400'N-m—(200 NYA mm) = Af, | | on M,=200N-m (/) Webave 2K,: -800N+200N = Ry or R, =000N] 4 and EM) ~300 N-m+300.N:m+(200 NA m)= My or M, =800N-m >) (g) Wehave EF,: ~200N-800 N= &, | or R, =1000N| 4 and EM, 200N:im+ 4000 N-m (800 NJ m) = A, | or M, =1000 Nom) (kh) We have ZK: ~300N~300 N= R, or R, =600N| < | and EM: 2400 Nom 360 Nm (B00 NYA im) = M, or M,=900Nom 4 (4) Therefore, loadings (c) and (7) are equivalent. 4 PROVRIETARY MATERIAL. © 2010 The MeCiraw-itil Companies, Ine. All ts teseved. No pat af thie Manual iy be dpa, teprndiced ox dite fay form or By cy mean wou Une prior writen persson ofthe pair er aud Posie te aed visitation a (eachers ind dears permite by Meira fir tid uarscpesparatos fsa are caveat taf Men, yout ving eto pera, ao ‘40— PROBLEM 3.102 » 5 A 4-m-long beam is loaded as shown, Determine the loadiag of wi Josog hsb 3.101 whieh equivalent this loading SOLUTION We have EE, -200N-400N=R or R=600N| 4 and EM,: 400 N- m+ 2800 Nin -(400 NYA m) = at or M -800N-m”) Problem 3.1011 Equivalent force-couples at 4 Case R uM (@ | soon] | t000N-m >) ® | «ont | 90Nm) | © coon | 900 Nem | () 400n{ 900 N-m) a ome ; © | on} | soon el < w 1w00N]| | 1000 Nm ~) @ | «oon, | 90Nen > PROPRIETARY MATERIAL, 42 2010 The MeCa-Hll Compania, Tne, AIL is sere Mo part of this Mannal mm: dite Pepreduced o shined ima jr iB aee means, win th prior weiten permssion ofthe publisher, oF nae evan the ented “inerbaton to obra atch pore by Me na BPI fr tle dial use ppt. yom ares ste sing i Mena Sra one sg i wath persion 262 PROBLEM 3.103 Determine the single equivalent force and the distance from Point A to its fine of action for the beam and J loading of (a) Prablem 3.101, (b) Problem 3.101, (c) Prablem 3.10 PROBLEM 3.101 A 4-m-long beam is subjected to a variety of loadings, (a) Replace each loading with an equivalent fovee-couple system at end 4 of the beam. (6) Which of the loadings ane equivalent? at 4a ——— aN. re fm 7 a aE =) Ce =a) er =| ) SOLUTION (@) For equivatent single foree at distance d fiom Goon pein Wehave SF: -600N=8 = —* or R=6OON| and Me: (600 NXd)—900N-m=0 “pt or d=1500m 4 () Wehave EK: 400 N+800N=R yen = or RedooNt geont and EA: G4DON(A) +6900 A =a) aaa 2300 N-m=0 or d=225m 4 Wehave EF: ~400N—200N R=000N| 4 and Zhe: 20 N-m-+ (400 NY(a) (200 NY4~ 1) 440K Nm =0 or d=0333m 4 PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. © 2010 ve MeCraw-Aill Companis, ne, All rights veserved. Ne pat wf ths Mean we be dpe, eepvodiced or dsiobuted 1 ary for or hy ey means, watont the prior vr pertasion of the priser, oF ed Bova he Fata sdb wo erchers ad aan pert ly Ader. fr ths daha eae prepara sem ane sae tat Men, ur eve using 19M peratsaion 2 PROBLEM 3.104 Five separate force-couple systems aet at the comers of « picee of sheet metal, which has been bent into the | shape shown, Determine which of these systems is equivalent to a force P= (10 Tb) and a couple of moment | M-=(15 lb Mp + (15 Ib- Ak located at the origin, | SOLUTION Fist note thatthe force-couple system at F cannot be equivalent because of the direction of the force [The force of the other four systems is (10 Ib)i]. Next move exeb of te systems the origin O; the forces remain mchanged. A: My= SM gy =(S tb f+ (15 Ib fk + (2 YK (LO IDI = (25 Th fj+ (15 Ib- Mk Di My =®My =-(5 Ib-f))+(25 Ih-f)k (4.5 IHC NYI+ 2 tk] t0 Mbp = (15 Ib: ALCS Ib: BK G: My =EMy = (1S Ib- 11 +05 Ib fh | Ts M,=EM, =(15 lb 1) -(5 Tb-10k I + (C45 FEF (1 BJJXCO I}, (15 tb fj— (U5 Ib tk a “The equivalent force-couple systems the system at comer D. PROPRIBTARY MATERIAL. 9 2010 The MeGiaw Hil Commpaniss, Fre AIl nights reeaved, No purr ofthis Manial my be cghaye Iupneslced or trated oa fora oy cay man. wut the poe siten permission vf te public o nse boyd the Fone tan fa aces antestuconon pene Bx Me arene forse advadal coun prepaton, vom arc std ning es Mane, yeweame aig ho penmaseon PROBLEM 3.105, ae ah e F axe 84 Ih and 64 1, respectively. Where should a third chifd sit € * t so that the resultant of the weighis of the three children wil 4 mass through C if'she weighs (ct) 60 Ib, (4) 52 Ib, Welicanniieimcnemmnmiees * i ee) » SOLUTION BAlb ad jM% tio A Ss (a) For the resultant weight to act at C, Thon (84 Ib}(6 1} ~ 60 Ib¢a) 64 1866 11) = 0 d= 2.00 fo the right of C () For the resultant weight to actatC, EM. = 0. fy. =52 tb Then (84 1b M1) 52 Iba) 64 Ib(6 =o d= 231 flo thoright otc PROPRIETARY SATERIAL. © 2010 The MeGius-AIill Corns, Inc AIL cghis en Na pat of tis Mame may he pla ‘priced or dba m0 any farm ar bay means, sean! ts prior viien porumson of de publ. oF set Bayo? Me lant dst ibnuon to wears edventorsperanited by MeCrv1hl fs the ndioalcom se prepenetn If ewene ane asi Hs Ma tenure min fh in pernseden, PROBLEM 3.106 ‘Three stage lights are mouatted on a pipe as shown, The lights at 4 and 8 euch weigh 4.1 Ib, while the one hy 3.5 Ih. (a) It'd = 25 im, determine the distance from D {6 the line of action of the resultant of the weights of the three lights. (4) Determine the value of d so that the resultant of the weights passes through the midpoint of the pine SOLUTION For equivalence EF Fy or 31S443$d=117L (dL inin) @ d=25in We have BISAF3SQS=INTL of £2396 in, ‘The resultant passes through a Point 39.6 in to the right of D < Oy Laan We have or d=33.tin 44 te “Ad {10m X41 Th) (44 in JA Td) 44+ dm]. Ib) at 35=-R or R=11TIbL (Lin. X17 My 11.742) PROPRIETARY MATERIAL, © 2010 the MeLesse¥hl Companies, Ine AU rights soserved. No pare of this Maral wy be cove Tepeontuced on disbie! sang foros By amy tous, ou be 08 weit porns: of dhe publishes, 0» ase Beyond the Lane (ii ers ta dc som ave nxn flat prams Seva hy It Grow fo ther mata come proportion. Io eeu Sent in ty Mla 266 PROBLEM 3.107 ‘A beam supports three loads of given magnitude and a fourth load whose magnitude is a function of position, IFb= 1.5 mand the louds are to be replaced with a single equivatent force, deterinine (a) the value of « so that the distance from support 4 to the Hine of aetion of the equivakent foree is maximum, (b) the magnitade of the equivalent force and its point of application on the bea. "Ee SOLUTION acon ‘asa oN ceo 2 = ldo fs For equivalence EAs 13004 400% 400-600 = 28 or o(2300 -400% N a) sity (002) aca (as Byam) = 18 10000 + 600-2007 or b= 2300-400 b War 4a? ‘Then with Where a, are in m (@ Find value ofa to maximize PROPREETARY MATERIAL. £9 2010 Tie McGraw-Hill Campane, Ine, AIL ign vessel Mo part of dis Meal wey fe dpaved, Pamaddced cistibnted in ny fora by esy mean, wilae the prion wot permission of the ble, or nad beyond te ete! <(1200 Nj sea con | | + =025000 m Y | vee 250 min (300 N-m)= yix(-1000 Nj Cy y= 0.30000 m y=300 mn Intescetion 250 nim to right of Cand 300 mm above C4 PROVRIGTARY MATERIAL. 2010 The MeCra- Will Compan, Ine. Alt rights reserved. No pact of diy Manvel ana’ be disphevet eprndced ar sted mney for ob ey mess, wud the prior etn permassion ofthe publisher, oF ated Beyond the hanes! ‘aberbnnion to ear ers ant edacaovs pert Py Mera FUM for die twa coms preperation at smog ie Man, oe nt a persion m PROBLEM 3.112 Solve Probleu 3.L11, assuming that the 760:N force is diected to the ight. | i © PROBLEM 3.111 Four forees act on a 700 x 375-mm plate as f shown. (a) Pind the resultant of these forces. (4) Locate the two [eee points where the fine of action of the resultant intersects the edge f of the plate | ois SOLUTION (a) = (-400N +160. N-+760 NYE 1 +1600 N +300 +300 N)j | = (520 N3i + (1200 Nj R= ¥(520 NY +(F200 Ny? =1307.82N 200 NY wno-[ DON 93077 S20N) = 60.5714" o Mf =Brxe fone = (0.5 myix(300 N+300 NDj we © sum = GOON mk 25000 m é 4 or £0,250 mm BOON mph = [a+ (0.375 m)f}ef(520 NDF - (1200 Nj] = (12005" ~ 195)k. ¥=041250_m or 2412.5 mm Intersection 412 mm to the tight of 4 and 250 mm to the right of C4 PROPRIETARY MATERIAL, 2010 The NeGraw-Il Companies, the. All rahe wssrved. No pare af this Nova we be dspevet ‘eprnducd dative! Inc form ot by te mens withan ie pre written permasstn ofthe peblser. or used bereud te thse ‘tsnlarion recor el cancun peraierby Mera Hora nla ese prepavaton Iv anaes is ana furerr blog if iat perma ay PROBLEM 3.113 A truss supports the loading shown, Determine the equivalent force acting on the truss and the point of intersection of its line of action with a line dawn though Points A and G. Feat sa—b ui] si} ‘ 6 | SOLUTION | Wehave R=IF R = (240 IbXcos 70° ~ sin 70°j) ~ (160 Ib)j + (300 Ib){—cos 40° — sin 40°}) — (80 Ib) j, 8 = (147.728 Ibi ~ (758.36 1) ao leon 47.728)? + (758.36) | 2772.62 1 if ® oan) R | (es) ant 278836. | 7147728) = 78977 73 Ib 2 79.0" We have R, 247 Ih , (5) sang a, (8 of 25h e046) = Using Ea, 3) 1a[ FP }easso=m, or M,=13601b- 1 PROPRIETARY MATERLAL. © 201) The MeCisas-thMl Companies, fe. All ghtswescrved No pro of tas Mana omy be arpa probed wn dar saned nv any foro ly ey mas, set the pror wien persion of the prise. or raed beyond the faaet ‘Anita ho each ne ets peri by Mena for Ue advan cows prepara fron ae dent ws is Sha Jom ane mg a withont pernusion 28 PROBLEM 3.122 ‘A mechanic uses a erowfuot wrench to Toosen a bolt at © The mechanic holds the socket wrenck handle at Points A and B and applies forces at these points, Knowing that these forces are equivalent to a foree-couple system at C’ consisting of the force C= (8 Ibyi (4 1b)k and the couple M,.= (360 Ib-in.)i determine the forces applied at A and at # when 4, =2 I. SOLUTION We have RR AGRE or Fe ANB =BIb By =-(4, 4816) wo a or Q) Bis 2ib+ 8, =4 lb or 2, = 2 1b 8 We have BM eo: tye XB tye A= Me ip uo’ 80 2]4] 8 0 8 fib = G6e a ingi 8B, 2] 44, 4, 2| or (2B, +84) #28, 16484, -10)j HRB, +84, 9k = (360 Ib-in i From Leoelficient — 28, ~ 84, = 360 Ib in @ coefficient oy k-coeftic © PROPRIETARY MATERIAL © 2010 Ths MeGaw-HiM Companics, Ise, Alb righ reserved. Mo part of this Mannal wow be doplayer produced or elt bned by any jor a» yp any pans wlan the par en person ofthe pebliher or used besoin de med ‘Aston to teachers andedacotors ped by SAcxon HM for ti vad cose pera a0 caste ms he Mann ena nom vows porto ans PROBLEM 3.122 (Continued) From Equations (2) and (4) 22, -8(-B,) =360 2, Ib 4, =36%6 From Equations (1) and (5). 2A, ~8)+ 8A, =32 A,=L.6 Ib 96 Ib A.=(1,600 To} (36 0 Ib)}+ (2.00 Ii)k B =~(9.60 Ihji + (36.0 y+ (2.00 Ib) rom Equation (1), By = (1.648) PROPRIBTARY MATERIAL, {© 2010 The MeGaw-1hil Companion, Ls. All ightsresrved, Mi part ofthis Manmnal nye dpsed, ‘agence ctibred bn cu form oF by ey moans, ita the prin writen permission ofthe publister, ar ved brane the ted doaibaton go cuchers a ecient by ear for thir nba one preparation Uf yamare sada vag ts Mae, Sun ove wg Ith! permistom 2 PROBLEM 3.123 As an adjustable brace BC 1s used to bring a wall into plumb, the Force-couple system shown is exerted on the wall Replace this force-coupie system with an equivalent force-couple system at 4 if R=2121b and M=13.25 Ib- A SOLUTION | We have EF R=R, = Rigg hoes geo E2065} UG IK 106 | 2121h R= 12M api -965—10K fog CRE 904 16K) on R, = (8.40 bji~ (19. 201b)j—G 20 yk < We have Myo ru xR+M=My where oye =(42 it (48 30 ke = peei ation =G5Ri+4.0RK R= (8 40 Lb) ~(19.501b)) G20 1b)K Ma Aye Md 216K 013.25 Ay =-(5.25 Ib {1 +12 Th AY}+(2Tb- DK i oj ok | | Then 350 40 [lb f+ (-5.251+12j+2k)Ib =M, | 840-1920 -3.20 | M,=(7155 lb. M)i-+ (56.80 Ib- Mj (65.20 Ib ke or M, 71.6 tb Di -+(56.8 Ib M)j~(65.2 Ib fk PROPRIETARY MATERIAL ©2010 he McGraw-Hill Companies, ae AlLights eseved. No pure of dis Manwo! maybe dsaved Ipvenlaced or deruaed 1» any fom ary cay meer wihoa te ics written permraton of te pridiaber, me! beyond the Uni Bribe t each aad eden per aitel ys MCrennl fon the isa cence preporotin Ifvanerrewsondem wv hs Sa Dom ane weg twin perms 2K PROBLEM 3.124 ‘A mechanic replaces a car’s exhaust system by firmly clamping the catalytic converter PG to its mounting brackets Hand! / and then loosely assembling the muflers gid sie exhaust pipes. To position the tailpipe 42, he pushes in and up at A while pulling down at B, (a) Replace the given force system with an equivalent finrce-couple system at D. (b) Determine whether pipe CD tends 10 rotate clockwise or counterclockwise relative to muffler DE, as viewed by the mechanic SOLUTION I | |G) Bauivaence requires | Bf: R=AsB | = (100 NXcos 30°j sin 30° k)— (115 ND (28.4 N)}-(50 Nk and Pe ee en where i (0.225 my} 4.12 mk Fan (082 mk Then toi k i oj ok M,,=H00] 048 0.225 1.12 411s} 038 0 O82, c0s30" -sin30" oa 0 = 100{(0,225sin 30° —1. [2008 30°)5 + -0.48sin 30°} + (0.4805 30°)k] +115](0.82}4 + (0.38Ne] = 8,565 —24.0)+2.13K. PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. © 2018 Ube MeLisw-ll Communes, Ine AML Fights resent No part uf this Afanuo? mw Be dspuved. Ieprdaced or dated bay fora or By as mess, von fe tor weiter persion af We pabhilier 0° ase Levond the lized Uist fo econ ia eaentes rata hy Metre for Hn wna corse prepaelion I euarea aden asa as Mavwal 288 | tes PROBLEM 3,124 (Continued) ‘The equivalent force-vouple system al 2 is R=-(284 Nj-(50.0 Nk < Mp =(8.56 N- mi (24.0 N-m)j + (2.13 N-mpk < 4 (4) Since (M,), is positive, pipe CD will tend to rotate counterclockwise relative fo muller DE PROPRIETARY MATERLAL, © 2010 Tye McGraw-Hill Companics, ne. All rights reserved. Ne pat af the Man a be dpsed ‘apradcel ectbet cas fore 0 By ma, wit te pre: wren pera of the plier, ov aed beyond the Hiae sisting a dca pead by Mean Hf hs bial exe preparation son a sha ea hi anol Favor tig lion permicinn 260 PROBLEM 3.125 For the exhaust system of Problem 3.124, (a) replace the given force system with an equivalent foree-couple system at F, where the exhaust pipe is comected fo the catalytic converter, (4) determine whether pipe EF tends lo rotate clockwise or counterclockwise, as viewed by the mechanic. SOLUTION (2) Equivalence requires LK: R=A+B | (190 N)(cos30°}~sin30” k)—(115 NVI = (28.4 N)I-(50 Nk and My My 2 kgy KAA yp XB where Ny = 0.48 mi - 0.345 m)j + (2.10 mK Fyn A038 mn)l —(0.12 mJ +(L.80 mk k ij ok | My =100] 048 0.345 2.10 [+415] -0.38 0.12 1.80 | 8 cas 30° sin 30° Oo -1 0 IM, = 100f(0.345 sin 30° 2.10 cos 30°91 + (-0.48 sin 30° + (0.48 cos 30K] + LISTUL 80} + (0.38) O}+ 2.13k PROPRSTARY MATERIAL. {9 2010 The MoU Bll Conus, ta. All ighis reserved. No port of thr Mtns! maybe dave Iryaced ov dbnhuae ay for a0 Bo cy ates, io te oor rte pormesion of the public mec! Sent the domi ‘Tosi to lechors ad ects oats by Meta or ther bx conve propane Ifsare stmt mn is Nua von are min withont permusion ey PROBLEM 3.125 (Continued) } The equivalent foree-couple system at is R=-284 N)j~GO Nk My =(24.N- mi-240N-m)j+Q.13N mk aaa () Since (Af, ), is positive, pipe BF will tend fo rotate counterclockwise relative to the mechanic PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. © 2010 he MeCuaw-JUill Couganies Ie AIT gh cee. Mo prt af this Mama my be diet repre or distibmed i ay. form wre ny mess, with Une fokan writen permission of te pblisher. ot nae beyond the fated tsi to etches and ecaors porated hy McCranol 8 jon ther inal cone preperation. tow are stent whee Mana, ‘an re ws hom perms am SOLUTION PROBLEM 3.126 ‘The head-and-motor assembly of « tadial drill press was originally positioned with atm AB parallel to the 2 ax and the axis of the c’chuck and bit parailel to the y axis. The ussembly was then rotated 225° about the axis anc! 20° about the centerline of the horizontal ‘sim AB, buinging it imto the position shown, The drilling process was started by switching on the motor and sotating. the handle (0 bring the bit mto contact with the workpiece. Replace the force and couple exerted by the dull press with an equivalent Foree- couple systonm at the center O of the base of the vertical column. We have R =F >(11 [b)[Csin20%eos 25°)fi~ (cos 20°3j ~ (sin 20°sin 25°] (3.4097 Ib}i — (10,3366 1b}j ~ (1.58998 Ib)k or R= (3.41 lb}i~ (10.34 Ib)j (1.590 Ibe < We have My =tao XFxMe where [Cd in sin 25° + (5 inf +((14 in Jo = (5.9167 in + (15 in }j + (12.6889 in. jk Ik M,. = (90 Ib-in {sin 20°e0s 25°) ~ (cos 20°) (sin 20° sin 25°)K] 27 898 Ib- in i— (84.572 Ib-in 13-0090 tb in ke i i k M,=|$9167 1S 12.6883 [Iban 3.4007 10.3366. 1.58998 | #127 898 -84.572-13.0090) in 135 202th in h—(1.901 Ib in}j~ (125313 Ib yk or My, =(1352 Ib in ji C19 tb-inyj—125 36-10 }ke PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. 12010 Ts MeGrav-thll Companias, Ws. All nights veered Mp pure of ss Mowat ouny De cspayed opvahced x cn bed amen Jora oy ema. witht the prion wen pension of the publisher, 0 ave bern the fied ibs tacers rd encase by Mab forte vn case prepara Jf you ne sg ts Bk. Sowa nt H wre peistow wr PROBLEM 3.127 Three children are standing on u SxS-m_raft Hthe weights of the chikiien al Pomis 4, B, and C ate 475 N, 260 N, and 400 N, respectively, determnine the magnitude and the point of application of the resultant of the three weights, We have ER Ry 4 Ry +R SR (375 N)}- (260 N)j- (400 N)j=R | (OBS Ny}=R or R=1035N 4 We have IM: Fe 4)+ Fle) + Fee) = Rep) (375 NY mn) + (260 NY(O.5 m) + (400 N}(4. 75 m) = (1035 NYE jy = 3.0483 m or 5) =305m-4 We have BML Fy) 4 Fel) R= REy) 375 NUL m) + (260 N)CL.S mi) (400 NY(A.75 m) = (1038 NYC, ) ty = 2.5749 m or x)= 257m 4 PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. 1 2010 The MeGraw-48h Companies, I All hs reserved Mo put of this Atal may be pared ‘eprediee orsrihaned bx ay foro by ay ces, wala Une fn waiten perce of te pashee or ase Beyer Be ante dart enchers om econ pore Mien Ii tho etal conaseprspovatcs Uf vom anes us tt Mana, om are we thant por wa PROBLEM 3.128 “Thos children are standing on a 55m raft. The weights of the children at Points A, B, and © are 375 N, 260 N, and 400 N, respoctively. If a fourth child of weight 425. N climbs’ eat the ralt, determine where she should stand if the other children remain in the positions shown and the line of action of the resultant of the four weights is to pass the center of the raf thou SOLUTION | We have FytFy tke R (375 N)f (260 N)j (400 N}j- (425 NJj=R R= (460 NDF We have EM: Fyz)+ Foleo) Fo(ze) Hy @p)= RG) (875 NYCB m) + (260 NX 5 my + (400 NYEE.75 ARS NYGE,)= (1460 NY2.5 10) 2p ) =0 ay, or b= 20.61 PROPRIETARY MATERIAL, 6 2010 the MeGnrLbll Companies, Ine All rights rosrved. No pur) of thie Manual ma be duplayed, epvoiueed or distin ony form by any mex, «ion the pee serie persian afte prddisher, or ased Bux He nied nln seache sera sdeuiers peo y Me titanol Il for thermal conse pecparnton. Irn ate tant ig this Maa om ene wig i thou persion. 209 PROBLEM 3.131" ‘A group of students foads 1 2%3.3-m flatbed trailer with two 0.60 *0.66%0.66-m boxes and one 0.66%0.66%1-2-m_ box. tach of the boxes atthe rear of the traler is positioned sn that it is aligned with hoth the back and a side of the taller. Detemmine the smallest fond the students should place in a second 0166%0.66%1.2-m box and where on the trailer dhey should secure i, without any part of the box overhanging the sides of the trailer, ifeach box is uniformly loaded aud the line cof action of the resultant of the weights of the four boxes is to ‘pass though the point of intersection of the eenterTines of the tailer and the axle, (Hint: Keep in-mind that the bos may be placed citer on its side oF om its end.) SOLUTION For the smallest weight on the trailer so that the resultant force of the four weights acts over the axle at the intersection with the center line of the trailer, the added (,66%0.661.2-m box should be placed adjacent to fone of the edges of the trailer wilh the 0.66%0.66-m side on the bottom, The edges to be considered are | based on the lovation ofthe resultant forthe three given weights. ‘We have EF: -(224N)j ~G92N)j—(176 N)| | R=-(792.N)) We have EM: (224 NX0.33 m) — (392 NYC.67 m) ~ (0176 NYU 67 m) = (-792 Va) iy = 1.29101 m We have EM: (224 N}{O.33 m) + 392 N}CO.6.m)-+ 176 N}(2.0 m) = (792NME) 24 = 0.83475 m From the statement of the problem, it is known that the resultant of R. ftom the original loading and the lightest load W passes throught G, the point of intersection of the two center lines. Thus, EM,, = 9. Further, since the lightest load W 1s to be as small as possible, the fourth box should be placed as far fiom @ as possible without the box overhanging the tinier. These wo requirements imply (33m a5} mY. ms 2s 297m) Companies, ue AIL hin eserves prt of die Mama wey ede, wilh te poser wien perms of the publisher or tae bes te Fert sna forthe din conse prepa IYO ae sds ning Moan, PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. 4 2010 the Mora ‘amended etn en forte hyn ma dain echo ad coer porte ourane agi tow pvannsion 2 PROBLEM 3.131" (Continued) With 6, =033 m at Gs YM, (10.33) mx, (1.291011 mx (792. N) =O or WW, =344.00N ‘Now must check if this physically possible, at GEM, (Z,-1.5)mx344 N= (1 0.83475) (792 or uy 032m which is not acceptable with Se YF mn. at G: EM,2 2.97~1.5)mxW, ~ (1.5 ~0.83475)mx (792 N)=0. or Wy, =35842 N Now cheek ifthis is physically possihle a G: EM; (1= X,)inx(358.42 N) (1.29101 = )mx(792 N)=0 or x, “,=0.357 m_ ok! ‘The minimum weight ofthe fourth box is ;, <358N 4 ced on end (A 0,66%0.66-m side down) along side AB with the center af the box (357 m « PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. Inc. All sights rere, Ma por of thir Manuel maybe dispayed ‘aprodioed oe ioe fort oF Uy any ana [ison writes permsam ofthe publisher owe! beyont the bie ‘desta to toarhare aed echcatore permed by Metine-Bil for dh ill conve preaeauon If owe sien sings Merl owtre nce H ion poomseson 278 PROBLEM 3.132* Solve Prolem 3.131 if tbe students want to place as much ‘weight as possible in the fourth box and at least one side of the box must coincide with a side of the traiter PROBLEM 3.1317 4 group of students lauds a 253.34 flatbed (reiler with wo 0.66 x0.66%0.66-m hoxes and one 0166 x0.66%1.2-mhox. Bach of the boxes at the rear of the {rater is positioned so that it is aligned with both the back and a side of the trailer. Detesmine the smallest load the studenis should place in a second 0.66%0.66%1.2-m box and whete on the Uailet they should sceute it, without any pant of the box overhanging the sides of the each box is uniformly loaded and the tine of action of the resultant of the weighs of the four boxes is to pass through the point of imersection of the eenterkines of the faiter and the axle. (Hint: Keep in mind that the box may be placed either an its side ot an its end.) SOLUTION First replace the three known loads with a single equivalent foree R applied at coordinate (Xp, , Z_) Equivalence requires BR: 2240 392-176=-8 c Rom] EM, (0.33 (224 N) + (0.6 19392. N) + (2 mYNT6 N)= z9(292.N) or Fy = 0.83475 m EM: ~ (0:33 m)(224 N)~ (4.67 9} 392N) (167 mX1T6 N)= x9(792N) or 4 = 1.20101 m Fromm the statement of te problem, itis known that the resultant of Rand the heaviest loads Wy passes through G, the point of tmtersection of the two center fines. Thus, EM, = Further, since Wis to be as targe as possible, the fourth box should be placed as close fo Gi as possible while keeping ane of the sides of the box coincident with a side of the tailer. Thus, the two limiting eases ane ky 0.6m or 2 = 27m PROPRIETARY MATERIA. © 2040 the McGraw-Hill Companies, ne All sights reserved. Ne pt of ths Manna uy be apa raprodicd or dune rs eu for or By ey mets, wala the pier writen perme of the pubis, oF ad Bevera e atesd tana to acts ad dears pean Nia fon Mui ans prematian yon esd nae his foareh Yow ove ie Ian rans 209 PROBLEM 3.132" (Continued) New consider these two possibilities With «= 0.6 m: at EM: (1-06 )m1 1%, (1.29101 —Iymx(792 N)=0 or Why =576.20 N Checking if this is physically possible at G: EM: ©, yy ~1.S)m>(576.20.N) ~(1.5 - 0.83475) (792 N) =! or 2y 724140 which is acceptable, 227m at Gs EM: Q.7-1.8) Hy, —(.S— 0.83475} x(792 N)=0 BIN or Wy Since this is less than the first ease, the maxinum weight of the fourth box is | | i t | Wi, { } | | | | and itis placed with a 0,66%1.2-m side down, a 0.66-m edge along side 4D, and the center 2.41 m | from side DC: < PROPRIETARY MATERIAL °) 2010 The MeCiw-1 Companies, Ine. AIL Fes seve. No part of his Mama ae be dpe Iepontace ow distrib in ny orn ey nas, witht the pri weiten pervuion of the pmbshe, a raed Ded te Fed (treo ta enchess en daca peated by eC Ii far terial cows pation. vu araaatude nam his Mai, nr usagi tho pasion PROBLEM 3.133 ‘Three forces of the same magnitude P uct on a cube of side a as showa, Replace the three forces by an equivafent wrench and determine (a) the magnitude and ducction of the resultant force R, (2) the pitch of the wrench, (c) the axis of the wrench SOLUTION Force-couple system at O° Ra Pit Pj+ Pk = M+ jk) Mi sui Pi+ah xP +aixPk Pak ~ Pad~ Pal Mi =-Pa(b fk) Since R and M4 have the sume direction, they form a wrench with M, = M4. ‘Thus, the axis of the wreach, is the diagonal Q4. We note that aot cos 0, = c0s 0, = eos 0, =H = 1 . ’ wh Vs R=PY3 0,=0,20, =347° My= ME = —Pavi (©) Axis of the wrench is diagonal Od Pa Pitch = p= M4 -a PR RB (a) R=PYY 0,26, =6, < % -a < a PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. ® 2010 The MeCuawIhll Conipanies, Ne. All ight weseved Na prt nf tix Momaal may be dhypayed repented or dataset sy form oF by cy mers, wanon the po wit peranton of te plies or at Pesca the famed ‘bsp aan wo wachers al cloaors peated by Meta Thor rw andsndal cones preparancss Wan avec savkae weg th Maw, ow are use 1 thant permssion aut PROBLEM 3.134* A piece of sheet metal is bent into the shape shown and is acted upon by three forees. If the forees have the saine magnitude P, replace them with an equivalent wrench and determine (a) the magnitude and the dircetion of the resultant force R (2) the piteh of the wrench, (c) the axis of the wrench, SOLUTION First veduce the given forces to an equivalent foree-couple system (I, Mf) athe oviin. We have LF: 2+ Pj+PR=R or R=Pk EMy: = (Pj (arts (Sar) Ms aj=er{i-j+dk ce i =ar(i-i+d (a) "Then forthe wrench kee and deg Rk R ©0s0,=0 6088,=0 e080, =1 or a <9 a <0" 4 () Now My = Ia MS ok ar i ini) Then P PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. © 2010 The MeGuaw Il Corapanies. ine. AIL rights cesaved. Nu puri of thie Manual may be dsp emrndved on earsbicd i ou form oF By une mez, witontthe prior wcton porvusion of ie pubs, oF used bay dhe fini ‘iano to cachere ni edacaors port by MCh an TN fo hee adn conse proprio Hse ave sd 2g is Mana Sow are using ahd porsio® aa PROBLEM 3.134" (Continued) (e) The components of the wreneh are (R, M,), where M, = M, assumed 10 intersect the ay plane at Point Q-whose coor M toxRe M,=M,xM, Then sit yD) +P Equating coefficients i -aP=yP or y Bo -ab xP oor xea The axis of the wrench is panillel to the 2 axis and intersects the xy plane st tes are (x, 950), Thus require and the axis of the wrench is veayona PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. 8: 2010 Tho MeCisw-ill Componisa, Me. AI igha tesrved. No pate of tes Manned nay be dispve prod! om distri a any frat or my aneans, sett he prior ete parmtion af the publish or wal Bayi tented libro to tacos a edison by Wire Ui far det lol ere prepara. fom a en aa on re sing i wid persion, 30s its ain, 4 PROBLEM 3.135* ‘The forces and couples shown are applied to two serews as a piece ‘of shicot metal is fastened to a block of wood, Reduce the Forces and the couples (o sn equivalent wrenel and determine (a) the resultant force R, (b) the pitch of the wrench, (¢) the point where the axis of tho wrench interscets the rz plane SOLUTION Fics, reduce the given force system to a foree-couple system. We have ZR: -QON)-USN)J=R_ R=25N We have EMy: By XF)+EMe = Mb ME =-20 NWA mj—(4.N-m)i—UN-m = (AN emi (Nom @ R= Q0ON-(SON) () Wehave Msd, Mh a , =O 81-06). |-(4N mp -GN mij} =5Nem . My _SN-m 9, Pitch pn = I 0.200 m or p=0200m (6) From above note that M,=Ms “Therefore, the axis of the wrench goes through the origin. The Ime of action of the weeneh [tes in the 4 plane with a slope of PROPRULEARY MATERIAL £2010 The MeCirncllil Componiss, ie All igh wescaved. Mo prt af the Mameal tay be ayplayet epee on dried ey Jovan oly ey mes, wilt the riot wvtlen pension of the pabher eae beyond the ante dniibution to ects a etucars peste by Airave Nor teva course prepa Hynde stent ma hs Maun yomane iy wos pours, 304 PROBLEM 3.136” of sheet metal is lastened lo a block of wood. Reduce the forees and the couples to an equivalent wrench and determine (a) the sesultant force R, (0) the piteh of the wrench, () the point where the axis of the wreneh intersects the x= plane SOLUTION | yj y A | — ae " * | { The forees and couples shown ate applied to two screws a8 @ piece 3 3 A RH R ‘ | | i: Simi mm, eM Fins, reduce the given force system toa force-couple at the origin We have EF; -(0Ib}j-C1Ib)j=R R=- (2116) Webave Mo: Bry X19 +My = Ms i ak i ik Mi=|0 0 20fb-in.+|0 0 —15|Ib in. —€12 1 inj | lo 10 0 lo to | = (35 Ib ingi— (12 Mb inj | l@ R=-Q211b)j or R=-(2101b)j 4 1 Weve My = hy ME | = (-))- [35 |b- in.’ — (2 Tb mi} =12 bein, and My = (12 tb-inji M121 in and pitch wb 5 in 0 p= 0.571 in and pitch R 1b 0.57143 in, oF P Sin, PROPRIETARY MATERIAL, +9 2010 The MeGeav ll Couanies, Ine. AI sights reserved, No part af this Manual ny Be above epee o» dsiribaed isoform oF by samy masa, wham de prion wien pero of the publishes, o” wed evade ted cds onto weirs and dco pianta Mere ABI, tha wacom uepevonos. von ae asinde isis Mana, Yo are ning i withom persion aus PROBLEM 3.136" (Continued) (2 Wehave MS=M,+M, M,=Mf—M, (35 th-ingi Require My = typ XR 5 Ibs int = (ai # 2k) [2b] 35i=-Qiajk + (2) From f 382217 1.66667 in. From k: Os 2Ir 2=0 The axis of the wrench is parallel to the » axis ancl inferseets the az plane at x=0,2=1.667 in. PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. 2010 The Mieiraw-Hill Companies, Ine. Allright wserved. An por af this Muna maybe agave fprodneed oe fisted i an fore ob ny means eit te prior vite permason af the pubiahor. or nae Beye the ante? herbie io teachers anc edie: pete by Mean Hl for el ad ee prepnisi.f var ate sag sal, Su ae nang who pert, SOLUTION Furst, reduce the given force @ | Wenme and Then pitet PROPRIETARY Deprodhced or is We have EF: ~(84N)J-(ONK=R R=LI6N and YM). 2g, 0 and 2, > 0 From Equation (6), x-<0 (assuming > 6). ‘Then, as a consequence of leting 4, =0, force A lies im a plane parallel to the yz plane and to the right of the origin, while force B lies ina plane parallel to the ye plane ‘but to the Left to the origin, as shown in the figuee below PROPRIETARY MATERIAL, © 2010 The MeGruw-Hill Companies, Ine. All bls vesrved. Mo port ef hs Maa? sey be dpe eeprorhiced or cstibet by cvs farm or By cy mas. wl the prior eriten permis ofthe paises, or used Deseo he Tinted sdsitaion to toachesn vd anc onrs pera Ox Metra 1 fara anata vee pga yor anecslen che ke Vana, Jelv are ui thot rane 35 PROBLEM 3.146" Show that a wrench cat he replaced with two forces, one of which has a prescrihed line of action. SOLUTION First, choose a rectangular coordinate system where one axis coincides with the axis of the wrench and another axis intersects the preseribed line of action (44’). Note that it has heen assumed that the Tine oF aetion ‘of force B intersects the xz plaue at Point P(x, 0,2} Denoting the known direction of Tine 4’ by | Aga hitajtak [Follows that foree A can be expressed as A= AA, = AIF EAB) | Force B can be expressed as B= Bi+B,j+ Bk Next, observe that since the axis of the wrench and the prescribed Tine of action 1d’ are known, it Follows that the distunee a can be determined. In the following solution, itis assumed that a is known, hen, for equivalence EN: O=AA,+B, i) i EF, R=da, +B, @) ER: OF AL +B, 6) o @ | M =-ada, +2B,-x8, 6 EM,: O=-add, +48, @ Since there are six unknowns (4, By By, Bs.X,2) and six independent equations, it will be possible to ohiain a solution PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. * 2010 The McGraw ill Companies, Ins AIL ghis reserved ho part of tis Manned say be displaved rjvice oat in cy foro bay cans, vifom ae pelor sven permission of te publisher, oF med yon the taned Drain feochors deduces porated by MeGra\e Hilfe hale indie eocese prepara If year a tre wsng this Marea, hom i sang thot ovarian 26 PROBLEM 3.146* (Continued) Case 1: Let 2=0 to satisfy Equation (4) Now Equation (2) Equation (3) Equation (6) Substitution into Equation (5) Substitution into Equation (2) Then 4 5 i Jn summary Aca ora, 1s R A Mi+ aki AMK) aan am A+ Ae AM) and vl 1) #,) | Acar ye) =ali-r| { dak Note that for this case, the lines of action of both A und B interseet the x axis PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. © 2010 The MeGeawUil Conpunic, Ine. All righ ese pore of this Manna rxay Be ipdaved, Fepreaced or as ote any Jar ar yan snes, ion Me aor sen narmision ef the prbfsher of mea beset the fet (sriian toteartes mn eacons prot by MeCr tL far tes hla course purvtion ivwear fend man die Asan, ow ae win wit peri, ar PROBLEM 3.146" (Continued) Case 2: Lot B, fquation (4) Now Equation (2) Equation (1) Equation (3) Equation (6) AA, = which requires = 0 ‘Substitution into Equation (5) “This last expression is the equation for the line of action of force B R =| \-aira, < w(t oa ck) ‘Assuming that 4,,,,, 20, the equivalent force system is as shown below. Note that the component of A in the xz plane is parallel to B. PROPRIETARY MATERIAL, ©: 2010 The McGraw-Hill Companies Ine, All Fight exer No part of this Menval may be dime, epvodced or ited in sy form or by aay means, wl fae pear weton pers: Of the pulser, or used beyond the Tonited ihn fo toc hersnledncaons porated by bir: for dt udiva eoarse prepara, {yon areca saci sing his Manno, wane tig witht pansion ae Jpesapee im ca PROBLEM 3.147 A crate of mass 80 ky is held ia the position shown, Determine (a) the moment produced by the weight W of the erate ubout £, (} the smallest force applied at B that creates a moment of ‘equal magnitude and opposite sense about £. SOLUTION a a 8 (a) By definition WW = mg =80 kg(9.81 mis") = 784.8 N We have EMy: My = (784.8 NY0.25 mp omer 9 =196.2N-m 4 (8) For the force at B to be the smallest, resulting in a moment (M,) about £, the line of action of foros Fe | ‘must be perpendicular to the line connecting E to 2. The sense of Fy must be such that the force produces a counterclockwise moment about Note: d= \(0.85 m)?-+(0.5 my = 0.98615 m ohfe Welave Ey: 196.2 N-m= #, (0.98615 m) et ® Fy =198.954.N a s tbe a ( ant arf 851) gy ss a (05m) =199.0N%a 59.594 PROPRIETARY MATERIAL 99 2010 The MeGrw-SHill Companies, Ie ATF rights served apart of dis Mam cay Be spayed, reposhiced oe ati rbted weeny form oF by auy maa, wl the por vite jermanan ofthe pubtiser ued Ivo he Bed ait teachers nad casos per by Means il for teal eve prepancten Ifyom are ascent mn dh Man, au ene nig awn perdi a9 aim PROBLEM 3.148 is known that the connecting tod AB exerts on the crank BC a 1.5-4KN force directed down and io the left along, the centerline of 42, Determine the moment of the force about C. ios SOLUTION sing lf eae” V] My = Fy (Fen) ‘ f ; ) bist , = (0.028 my, 2 «1500 N+ coon (241500 x) 8h, “1 25 25 c : © Nm * & oo Lising () PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. §: 2010 Tus MeGicaw-ll Compe Me = ylba)s (7 =r mf Zxisuow) or M.=420N mm) or Mp =420N m4 Ic All sights teenie ho pond of te Banal may be paved, roprednced oF dsmibted is ay form oF by any aca, without te par wre permnssan of the publisher. ov used Deyn the lnied Unitin to oachors ad cons permite hy Metra fos Han wid course preponoion If nn otea sedan asi tis Maa, tom are using i willon permision 0 PROBLEM 3.149 A 6-fi-long fishing rod 42 is securely anchored in the sand of a beach, Afieca lish takes the bail, the resulting Jorce in the line is 6 #b. Determine the moment about 4 of the foree exerted by the Tine at B. SOLUTION | We have =(6 Ib)eon8?=5.9416 Ib ‘Then T, Ty sin 30° = 2.9708 th in 8° = 0.83504 Ib T, =T,, cos W =~5.1436 tb Now Ma = FX Te where tyag = (Osi 45°)} — (005 45° on iw) pd i i k Then m=2] 0 1 “1 2.9708 1.83504 ~5.1456 = £.€-5.1456~0.8350H5 --£.(29708)) --$-(2.9708)k v2 2 v2 or (254 Uy f3L (12.60 Ib 10) j (12.60 tb Dk < PROPRIETARY MATERIAL © 2010 The McGraw HM Cempanic, Iie AIE right weseved No port af dis Manna ney he dived, ‘uprodice) or cistabuted 9 ay jorm or by any moans. withon the prior wren persion of the publisher oF oa bend the Bathe sir aio io achers ard eeaioe pera by Mee TH far ther inva cose preparcin yom ar estat nin tos Moe Sou are using ions porsaeion a PROBLEM 3.150 Ropes AW and BC are two of the topes used to suppert a tent, The two ropes are attached to a stake at B. Af the fension in rope AB is 540 N, determine (a) the angle between rope AB and the stake, (b) the projection an the stake of the oh force exerted by rope AB at Point re os “| \. LRN EN, ak SR Det the sk SOLUTION First note Baa Y(-ay +3) 41.5)" 45m BD = {0.08}? + (0.38) + OI Then Ty = HBL BI#3)-1.58) ~Beeai4aj-m) wm =P (90814038, 1 = AO = (0.084 + 0.38) 0.168) 1 is * = eH ie) @ Wehave Tan an = Ta 6080 w ateas-ay heat e9psam) ' a eos E12) + OUI+ CHO] = 0.60317 or O=52" 4 © Wetave Cadeo=Tas*Yao ray C088 (540 N}(0,60317) ot Tas )yp =326N 4 PROPRIETARY MATERIAL © 2010 The Merv Hill Companies, Ine, AIL righ eserves, No port of dls Samal wen’ be dsplae, Ieprodiend or dthried m any form of by aay mea, wakes the pia writen persion of the pele, oe zed beyond the Fed ‘Maeno soache's ane ) 5 oy talon bi + i f, We have M=[daplae bento l* der Pes $1.2 Ib: in, ~28 in.9¢3 tb or M=672Ib-in. )-4 PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. © 2010 The NicGeaw-t6l Compass, fe AIL hs testved, Mo pat of this Mannal ay be dae ‘regnocice ar cststed in sy form or by gy means, wont Ie prkr then pervs of the puto» wed Bevo Ue Tite Aart ta teachers ad edncanrs pate ASCs for their vil come preavaton ffvon are usta esi this Maa, drucene ut tow perms 2 PROBLEM 3.154 ae (7nnn id A worker tics to move a rock by applying 4 360-N force Aaa oS to a steel bar as shown. (a) Replace that force with an a, Saealea oe come eee I'D (Tees SEY a) Biko wie Oo eam pick by apo Vertical ores, Me at 4 and another force at D. Determine these two forces if | they ure to be equivalent to the single force of Part a. | NN Jf SOLUTION (a) We have EF: 360 NC sin 40% - cos 40°j) = ~(231.40 Ni (275.78 N)j=F or F=360N 2°50" We have Mp tp =M where Fyn) = {0.65 m)eos30" fi +[(0.65 m) sin 30°] = ~(9.56292 i++ (032500 m)j i jk M=|-0.56292 0.32500 0 |/N-m 2140 275.78 0 = [195.2404 75.206)N-mIk = (230.45 N-mk of M=230N«m) 4 () We have YM)! Margy xFy where Nap = [C105 m)cos 30°F + [C105 m)sin 30°Yj = (0.90933 mi + (0.52500 m)} i ik F, =| 0.90933 052500 0 |N-m ° -1 0 1230.45 N m]k PROPRIETARY MATERIAL, 1 2010 The MeCtaw-Illl Companies, Ino, All righs rscrved. No part af this Namo! way be dyplose, eprnbiced oe uted may frm 0F by 09 MEDI, Wit the rior iter permission of the pmbler ar rsed beyond the Cine “ab nan io eachers ant edacoins peated MeGrw- Ht fr Het dradnal corac preparation Hiyom area ota woh hts Manna Sencare ning wuhonl porns a6 PROBLEM 3.154 (Continued) or (0.909337, )k = 230.45k Fy =25342N or 253N| 4 We have BR P=P, +H, (231.40 N)i= (275.78 N)j = (253.42. N)j + Fy (ens Aisin ai) From i 23140 N= F,,cos8 oO f 2236N=F, sino 2 | Equation (2) divided by Equation (1) | tan = 0.096629 G=55193" or G=5.52° Substitution into Equation (1) 21.40 con 193° = 232.48 N or BIN 25.5294 PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. © 2010 The MeOraw itl Companies, Ine. All ighis reserved. No part of ts Mavala’ clave uprediced or dicributed in ams fora oF By any ucans,withon te pric weiien permission of te publisher, or wsed Beyond te anied Udssbaon ve teacers ant educators porta by MeGravel fr tht adiedaa eve preparation fom ae ate sing ual aw PROBLEM 3.155 A LJ0-N force acting it a vertical plane parallel to the yz plane is applied (© the 220-mn-long horizontal handle AB of a sockel wrench. Replace the force with an equivalent force- ‘couple system at the origin O of the coordinate system, ‘5H mm We have ZF: P,=F where P, [10 Nf=(sin 15°) (e081 5°9K] = (284170 N)j +(106.252 Nk or P= (28.5 N)j+ (106.3 Nok We have EM: tiny x Py = Moy | | Ml where Myo =[(0.22c0835°) + (0.15)§—(0.22sin 35°}Ie]m | (0.180213 m)h + (0.15 m)j— (0.126187 mk i i k 0.180213 0.15 0.126187 [N-m=My 0-285 106.3 M, =[(12.3487)i ~ (19.1566))—(6.1361)kJN-m of My = (12.35 N-m)i=(19.16 Nemjj= (5.13 Nmk PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. © 2010 The Meieww-Hl Compras, me. All ih essed. Ao port of Ue Aaoel iaw be dipped, ‘proxies oe dba ated av ty Jorn a hy cy mans whos te prion ie pension of te pubair, oF nae beyond the fried int aano ta earlier esctoe printed by Mena th fr tat oddone pean fon tent sng ds Aoi Sruare neg wuss perro a8 PROBLEM 3.156 Four ropes ate attached to a crate and exert the forces shown. Ifthe forees are t0 be replaced with a single equivalent foree | = sy sw, applied at a point on Vine AR, determine (a) the equivalent sin, of seo i) force and the distance from A to the point of application of | ey sy the forwe when a=30%, (b) the value of aso that the single | |» equivalent force is applied at Point 3. iL SOLUTION We have Yeo tb e a wool fon Tobe . (a) Forequivaience EF,: “100 c0s30"+ 400 cos 65° +90 cossis= R, | on R, = 120480 Ih Eli: 100 sinae+-160 + 400 sin6s? + 90 sings? = &, or (604.09 +100sin@) Ib a) With a =30° R, $654.09 Ib Then = (120.480) + (654,097 tan = 22 120.480 = 665 Ib or 079.6" Also EMy: (46 in.)(160 th) + (86 in.3(400 sin 65° -+(26 in (400 Ib) cos 65° + (66 in,}(90 Ib) sin 6S” +436 in. X90 Ib) cos 65° = (654.09 Ib} or EM, =42,435 Ib-in. and d=64.9 in R= 665 Ih 679.69 4 and R is applied 64.9 in. To the vight of A « (0) We have d=66 in, Then EM,: 42,435 Ib-in = (66 in. JR, o BR, = 612.95 Ib Using Fe, (1) 642.99 = 604.09-+100sin ee orga 2.9 4 PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. «2010 he MeGeaHlill Companies, ne, All ight weaved Nb pars of hic Manual my be clave mpunlcd m aeiated any fora ve bay nein, wont the poi weiton panwisson af the pubis, 1 wed Reyna thy amie ‘tatrbnto tr teachers sal cary por aie hy Men -bill forthe avid conte preparation Wyo arate igh kok Date aang i wii! perms 4 PROBLEM 3.157 een si A blade held in a brace is used to tighten a serew at te = (a) Determine the forces exerted at B and C, knowing, ey that these forces are equivalent to a foree-couple system at 4 consisting of R=-GONW1R,[1 Rk and MA=—(12N-mjt_ (6) Find the corresponding — values of 2, and &,. (c) What is the orientation of the < slot inte head of the screw for which the blade is least likely to slip when the brace is in the position shown? SOLUTION (@) Equivalence requives BRL R=B+C o “QO NV+ RIE RK = Bk FOC AEC LCR) Equating the icoefMicients =f: -30N=-C, or C, =30N Also EM MM =r XB yyy EC UZ Nomi =[(0.2 mi +15 myXCBK of: (04 m)ix{-30 N+ C, I+ CK] ng coctficients i: 12 Nm=-(0.15 me (0A mC, (0.2 my(80.N)—(04 mC, or C,=40N B=~(80.0N)k C=~GO0 NV+ (40.0 NK (B) Now we have for the equivalence of forces AGO NDI+R, J+8.k = (80 Nk +[(-30 N)i+ (40 NK] Equating coetficicats E R=0 R04 ke R= 80440 or R= -40.0N 4 (©) First note that R = ~(30 Nji—(40 N)k. Thus, the serew is best able to resist the lateral force Ry ‘when the stot in the lead of the serew is vertical, < PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. © 2010 The MeGraw-AKl Companies, Inc.All tgs reserved. No pare ofthis Manwot may be diployet princes or db iboted any form aby any mcs, thon the prior wren permission ofthe publisher, or exed beset the tamted

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