Informe Mezclado
Informe Mezclado
Informe Mezclado
Estudiantes de Ingeniería de Alimentos, Universidad del Valle. Cali, Colombia.
In this work, the method of mixing solids under the Skymsen mixer is used using two types of food:
corn in a proportion 60% (Type A) and peas in 40% (Type B) with a total of 100% (3000 g). The
mixing index was determined for each mixing time, which remained in a range of 0.92-1, which tells
us that a poorly segregated mixture was obtained. The mixing rate constant and the remaining mixing
time were also calculated, on which the homogeneity of the mixture depends, obtaining a fairly
homogeneous mixture. All these calculations are taken to achieve a good mixing of particular solids
of different size and density. The particles that can flow naturally secrete. Solid mixtures never reach
such homogeneity because they tend to segregate, while liquids and solids tend to mix.
El mezclado del alimento ocurre cuando las amplio rango de tamaños (Rodriguez, 2006).
sus lugares. El objetivo de una mezcladora es mezclas hayan de satisfacer los requerimientos
permitir el proceso anterior; por esta razón las aplican métodos de prueba prácticos a la mezcla
mezcladoras que promueven un máximo para dilucidar si es adecuada para el fin para el
índice obtenido de las muestras en cada tiempo Earle, R.L. Unit operations in food processing.
nos dice que se obtuvo una mezcla poco 2 ed. Pergamon press. 1983.