Analisis The Big Short

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Analisis de la pelicula The big Short debacle financieroa que se dio en los a�os


Puntos relevantes
1.- Comprobacion teorica que en etapas de crisis estan oportunidades
2.- Gneracion de ,,,,,,,,, (Lewis Rianeri)
2.- Los mercados estan interrelacionados, una variable que es exclusiva de un
entorno es una se�al probable que impacte en otro mercado
3.- El Dr. XYZ definitivamente se basa en estadoisticas, debido a que en situacion
similar ocurrio en los a�os treinta
4.- El conocimietno de informaci�n interna ayud�
5.- los negocios que ofrecen ganancias que no se justifican con la economia del
mercado o en el entorno en que se desarrolla, no puede sostenerse.
6.- La idea visionaria que tiene ie tivp im namqierp �ra �a reactovacoi�n de la
econom�a, el cual gener� bonanzas en su momento. pero luego decay�
7.- En el juego economico como componente o participante es el de los
emprendedores, los cuales con un capital bajo llegaron a tener alta rentabilidad.
en mas de un 100%

8.- en los negocios la etica y la nmoral son un hilo muy fino de

9.- Las relaciones
10.- Visionarios
11.- Los inversores
CDO sintetico

Michael Burry, Visionario, bicho raro, que por medio de el an�lisis estad�stico
supo lo que ocurrir�a con relaci�n a las hipotecas
Mark Baum,
JArett Vennet, oportunista,
Charlie y
Ben Rickert
2001 mercado tecnol�gico en
Siempre hay indicadores
LAs viviendas son deudas, no activos.

It ain't what you don't know that gets you into trouble.
It's what you know sure that just ain't so.

Fredd Greiw


when the dust settled from the collapse

5 trillion dollars in pension money, real state value,
401k, savings, and bond had disappeard.
8 million people lost their jobs, 6 million lost their homes.
And that was just in the USA.

Mark Baum's, Cynthie, says Mark actually

became gracious after the collapse and
never said "I told you so" to anyone.

Danny, Vinnie, and Porter all still run a fun together

in Manhattan...

Charlie Geller and Jamie Shipley attempted

to sue the ratings agencies but were laughed
out of all la offices.

Jamie still runs Brownfield

but Charlie letf New York to live
in Charlotte and start a family.

Ben Rickert now lives with his ife on a

large orchard. They have plenty of seeds.

Michael Burry contacted the government

several times to see if anyone wanted to interview him
to find out ho he knew the system would collapse
years before anyone else.

No one ever returned his calls.

But he was audited four times and
questioned by the FBI.

The small investing he still does is all focused on

one commodity:

In 2015, several large banks began selling billions

in something called a "beskope tranche opportunity"

Wich, according to Bloomberg News,

is just another name for a CDO.


Fabricante: Microsoft
Descripci�n: Remote NDIS based Internet Sharing Device
Versi�n del controlador: 6.3.9600.16384
Direcci�n f�sica: ?02-C8-35-B9-B4-B2
Fabricante: Microsoft
Descripci�n: Remote NDIS based Internet Sharing Device
Versi�n del controlador: 6.3.9600.16384
Direcci�n f�sica: ?02-C8-35-B9-B4-B2

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