Articulo Cientifico Ganoderma en Mujeres Con Fibromialgia
Articulo Cientifico Ganoderma en Mujeres Con Fibromialgia
Articulo Cientifico Ganoderma en Mujeres Con Fibromialgia
ISSN: 0212-1611
Grupo Aula Médica
Collado Mateo, Daniel; Pazzi, Francesco; Domínguez Muñoz, Francisco J.; Martín
Martínez, Juan Pedro; Olivares, Pedro R.; Gusi, Narcis; Adsuar, José C.
Ganoderma lucidum improves physical fitness in women with fibromyalgia
Nutrición Hospitalaria, vol. 32, núm. 5, 2015, pp. 2126-2135
Grupo Aula Médica
Madrid, España
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Nutr Hosp. 2015;32(5):2126-2135
S.V.R. 318
Original / Alimentos funcionales
Ganoderma lucidum improves physical fitness in women with fibromyalgia
Daniel Collado Mateo1, Francesco Pazzi1, Francisco J. Domínguez Muñoz1,
Juan Pedro Martín Martínez1, Pedro R. Olivares2, Narcis Gusi1 and José C. Adsuar1
Faculty of Sport Science, University of Extremadura, Cáceres, Spain. 2Instituto de Actividad Física y Salud, Universidad
Autónoma de Chile, Chile.
Excluded (n=6)
• Not meeting inclusion criteria (n=5)
• Declined to participate (n=1)
Randomized (n=64)
Allocated to Ganoderma lucidum Group (n=32) Allocated to Ceratonia Siliqua Group (n=32)
• Received allocated intervention (n=32) • Received allocated intervention (n=31)
• Did not receive allocated intervention (n=0) • Did not receive allocated intervention
(decided not to start treatment) (n=1)
Lost to follow-up (did not answer the calls) (n=1) Lost to follow-up (did not come the day when
Discontinued intervention (did not comply with the physical tests were performed) (n=1)
treatment for more than 80% of the dose) (n=5) Discontinued intervention (did not comply with the
treatment for more than 80% of the dose) (n=5)
was lost; 2 women considerably changed their usual researches on the physiological effects of GL in the
therapies and were excluded too; 1 woman was not physical condition are needed.
able to complete physical fitness tests because she Although the current study is not able to precisely
had an acute musculoskeletal injury; 1 woman did not explain how physical condition is improved, the rele-
show up when measurements was performed (Fig. 1). vance of our findings is very large. To our knowledge,
Finally, 48 women were included in the efficacy this is the first study that investigates the effects of GL
analysis (GLG=25; CSG=23), whereas 64 (GLG=32; and/or CS on the physical fitness of a population with
CSG=32) were taken in consideration of intent to treat a specific disease. Therefore, this study lays the foun-
analysis. dation for future research focused on the GL effects on
Effects of GLG and CSG on physical fitness are physical fitness in pathologies characterized by poor
represented in table II. After the 6-week treatment physical conditioning. At the same time, findings from
period, a statistically significant difference in aerobic the previous study in cyclists are confirmed22. In this
endurance was observed between both groups (p<.05). way, the current study is also an important entry point
Furthermore, GLG obtained significant improvements for future studies on the effects of GL in sport perfor-
(p<.05) in lower body flexibility and velocity in effi- mance.
cacy analysis compared with CSG. However, only the The relevance of the physical condition in women
improvement in lower body flexibility was significant suffering from FM is widely known. In fact, it is clo-
in the intent to treat analysis (Table III). sely related with the satisfaction with life and wellbe-
ing40, because it is obviously related with the ability of
perform activities of daily living. Furthermore, aerobic
Discussion endurance and flexibility are extremely related with
HRQoL. The reported treatment effect in velocity is
The main finding of the current paper was that 6g/ higher than the minimal real change, which was calcu-
day of GL for 6 weeks improved the physical fitness of lated in patients with chronic pain (osteoarthritis) and
women suffering from FM. Specifically, we observed it was 0.07 m/s34.
improvements on aerobic endurance, walking veloci- Safety of both GL and CS were also demonstrated
ty, and lower limb flexibility. On the other hand, CS in the current paper. A total of 10 participants did not
seemed to be rather ineffective in improving physical complete the minimum 80% of the treatment. Of the-
fitness in FM patients. To our knowledge, this is the se, 5 belonged to the GLG and other 5 to the CSG,
first study that assesses the effects of CS and/or GL on which means a 15.63% of the total sample. The most
physical condition in FM patients. common complaint in those 10 participants were mild
Given the lack of studies about the potential mecha- nausea, diarrhea, discomfort, and nervousness. Some
nism of GL and CS in physical fitness, it is difficult participants opined that the reason of those reactions
to explain how GL may improve aerobic endurance, were the bad taste. In all cases the reactions were mild
velocity, or flexibility. The best explanation based on or moderate and the participants were asked to reduce
previous studies is the antioxidant effect37,38. In addi- the dose to 3 grams per day. However, no one of the
tion, the oxidative/antioxidative status was suggested patients that reduced the dose were able to continue the
to be a critical factor in physical and mental health of treatment and all of them ceased it. This could suggest
FM patients28,39. However, both GL and CS are antioxi- that the daily amount of GL and CS is not the cause of
dant sources. Therefore, based on our results, there can those complaints.
be no assurance that the reported improvements are The current study has several limitations. The most
caused by an antioxidant effect. In this context, further important limitation is the lack of previous studies that
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Table II (cont.)
Effects of 6 weeks of GL vs CS treatment on physical conditioning
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Table III
Effects of 6 weeks of GL or CS treatments on physical conditioning. Intent-to-treat analysis
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could explain the mechanisms under the differences
GLG: ganoderma lucidum group; CSG: ceratonia siliqua group; ap of t-test; bp-values of analysis of variance for repeated measures to compare differences between groups after treatment; CI: confidence
observed. In addition, given that the two treatments
were antioxidant sources, it is impossible to conclu-
de whether the changes are based on the antioxidant
(-0.96 to 0.40)
(-0.42 to 0.48)
-4.09 (-12.78
-3.54 (-21.71
effect Mean
(95% CI)
effects or not. The second is the lack of knowledge
to 20.96)
to 28.80)
about the most adequate dose of both GL and CS in
adult women. Furthermore, the dose and indications of
both treatments had to be the same in order to keep the
double-blind. Third, duration of the treatment could be
0.681 .413
0.013 .910
0.235 .630
0.079 .780
(SD) after
Conflict of Interest
Stability Index(º)