Gentlemen Drive December 2017

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Lifestyle on Wheels Magazine Issue 29


100 años
hablarán de ti,
no de tu coche

Forget the car. Audi is more.

Nuevo Audi A8.

¿Te acuerdas de cuando lo más importante eran las cosas y no las ideas?
¿Cuando lo que contaba era controlar y no inspirar? ¿Te acuerdas de aquella época
en que los atascos te hacían perder tiempo y la tecnología lo hacía todo más complejo
en vez de conectarte con el mundo? ¿Cuando un coche era solo un coche?

¿Te acuerdas? Pues quizás este sea el momento de empezar a olvidarlo todo.

Audi A la vanguardia de la técnica

Consumo combinado de combustible en l/100 km: 5,6 - 7,8. Emisiones combinadas de CO₂ en g/km: 145 - 178.

“where experience meets With almost seventy years of experience and

passion and craftsmanship” four generations operating in the car repair

industry, “Carrozzeria Rizza A.” has been deve-
loping high quality repair processes thanks to
“Carrozzeria Rizza A.” specializes in classic car specialized staff, the use of the state-of-the-art
restoration and it is enough to look at its history to equipment and continuous updating courses,
understand why it is oriented in such a particular aimed at customer satisfaction and attention to
sector. The activity of the Rizza family started in detail.
the years of the beginning of the car. Based on this
past, today the family continues to work on histori- Having assisted directly to the history of the
cal vehicles, with skills of those who know the car automobile, “Carrozzeria Rizza” has accumula-
and grew up with it, assisted in ted experience in cars of all ages, and this has
Taking advantage of this experience, Alberto Rizza
manages one of the few automobile repair shops The history of the Rizza family is linked to
where one knows the art of “metal shaping”, mo- the passion for automobiles and especially to
deling metal plates to reconstruct body parts that vintage vehicles: even in the early 40s, Vitto-
design by

are no longer on the market. In many cases it is the rio Rizza was dedicated to repair the wooden
only way that makes possible the restoration parts of the cars of that time, while his son Gino
of a vintage car. started to learn the art of tin smithery.

The place where

classic cars get back
to their heydays

Clients that trust Carrozzeria Rizza services:

porsche club
Gentlemen Drive magazine OVCDESIGN, GENTLEMENDRIVE &
Whilst every care has been taken to
ensure that the data in this publication
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GentlemenDrive-GrupoGevicar nor any
© GentlemenDrive & © LadiesDrive are of its subsidiary or affiliated companies
registered trade marks of ovc-d-sign s.l. can accept, and hereby disclaim, any
liability to any party to loss or damage
caused by errors or omissions resul-
ISSUE 29 (Dec.2017) ting from negligence, accident or any
other cause.
All rights reserved. No part of this pu-
blication may be reproduced, stored in
by Oriol Vilanova any retrieval system, or transmitted
Founder Publisher and Editor in Chief in any form - electronic, mechanical,
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without prior written permission of the
ARTISTIC DIRECTION, GRAPHIC DESIGN, publisher. Information correct at time
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used in this publication. If any copyright
PUBLISHING HOUSE & PRODUCTION holder has been overlooked, we should
be pleased to make any necessary
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Keith Bluemel, Unai Ona, Shawn Till, Eric Schigiel, Ksenia
Plotnikova, Julio Gonzalez, Jordi Vilanova, Dani Vilanova
We love to produce always our own
PHOTOGRAPHERS contents, even we produce some for
Unai Ona, Arnau Puig, Carlos Sanz, Sergio Calleja, Oriol Vi- other magazines, books and publica-
tions. If you are interested in our work
lanova, Keith Bluemel, Estela Iglesias, Espíritu del Jarama, please contact us:
Ferrari, Chronodriver, Escuderia Montjuich archive, OVC
motorsport & automobile archive. [email protected]


Zesauro (only the good one) “To my beloved Godfather,
“l’onclu” Salvador“
© all rights reserved
For advertising enquiries:
+34 93 865 0412 B-45361-2009
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ISSN - 2013-8091 (digital)

For contract publishing enquiries: *Ortografía libre, nos gusta la velocidad ;)

[email protected]
+34 93 8650412
+34 667 674 679

For subscription enquiries:
Jordi Vilanova
+34 93 865 0412
[email protected]


editorial - gentlemendrive 29

We are living through troubled, confusing times in this Vivimos tiempos algo convulsos y confusos en nuestras
part of the world. The ego of a small sector wants to lay latitudes. El ego de unos pocos quiere regir las reglas
down the rules for the rest of society. Sad! Do we not de nuestra sociedad. !Triste! ¿Acaso no vivimos todos
all live on the same planet? We need to be aware that en un mismo mundo? Hemos de ser conscientes que
we are all sharing a slice of time, a time that is limited. nos toca compartir un espacio de tiempo, entre todos,
We all have our good points and our bad points. y que sabemos es limitado. Todos tenemos nuestras
virtudes y nuestros defectos.
Some favour classic cars, others prefer the new. Some
like SUVs or 4x4s, others prefer family saloons or Los hay amantes de los coches clásicos, otros que sólo
station wagons. Some are fans of red, others of British les gustan las novedades. Unos lo son de SUVs o 4x4 y
racing green. Some love German cars, others go for los otros de familiares o station wagons. Hay “forofos”
the American brands. Some have a thing for powerful 018>;6;E;@>;?018B1>015:38§? -E-=A51:81/45Ō-:
sports cars, others go wild for electric cars. Some even los autos alemanes y a otros que solo les gustan los
keep a close eye on the self-driving car, soon to be a americanos. De coches potentes y deportivos o los que
reality. The beauty of life is in its diversity. And respect se entusiasman con los coches eléctricos. Incluso los
is the intelligence of diversity. que siguen muy de cerca al automóvil autónomo que
tenemos ya a la vuelta de la esquina. La diversidad es
Maybe our politicians should be passionate about la riqueza de la vida. Y el respeto es la inteligencia de la
something, have hobbies, enjoy life and see beyond diversidad.
their own navels.
Quizás los políticos tendrían que apasionarse en algo,
I would also like to dedicate these lines to one of @1:1>-ŋ/5;:1? ?-.1>B5B5>EB1>9Ÿ?-88Ÿ01?A<>;<5;
the best contributors to this magazine we have had, ombligo.
wishing him a speedy recovery and hoping that he is
soon back to us with his professional and human qua- También quiero dedicar estas líneas a uno de los
lities, helping us to improve issue by issue. mejores colaboradores que hemos tenido en la revista
para que se recupere pronto y pueda ayudarnos con su
calidad tanto humana como profesional a ir mejorando
en cada número.


Oriol Vilanova
pages 06-07

Drive News
pages 10-12

Future Classic-Ford Fiesta XR2 mkII

page 13

Salón Privé Mercedes AMG GT/C Roadster
pages 64-69 pages 14-25

Ferrari 250 GTO 55 years
pages 26-29

GentlemenDrive magazine
ISSUe29 Audi RS7 Performance
© Oriol Vilanova 2017
pages 30-37
pages 70-75 pages 38-39

Chronodriver Sant Feliu Drive Watches

pages 76-83 pages 40-47

Goodwood Revival Tesla Model S

pages 84-85 pages 48-51

BMW X4 Ferrari Under the skin

pages 86-87 pages 52-55

Audi TT Roadster Finali Mondiali Ferrari

pages 88-89 pages 56-61

BMW 740e Espíritu del Jarama

page 91 pages 62-63

Subscription Form Drive Shopping





The Urus is a visionary fusion of Lam- Pure, sculptural forms create an athle- .MI\]ZM[ IV M^WT^ML IMZW XIKSIOM LM- The concept physically imagines design
borghini DNA into the most versatile tic, predatory stance, while the mini- veloped by Ferrari’s engineers in sy- and technologies of tomorrow, while
vehicle, the SUV. It is a true Lambo in mal front and rear overhangs, muscu- nergy with the Style Centre, to push sustaining the visual intrigue, brea-
terms of design, performance (4.0 liter TIZÆIVS[IVLJZWILPI]VKPM[M`XZM[[ to the very limit the performance of a \P̆\ISQVO XMZNWZUIVKM IVL UW[\ QU-
V8 twin-turbo 650 hp), driving dyna- the agility and dynamism inherent model that already represents the sta- portantly, the visceral emotion found
mics and emotion. within the car. 510PS twin-turbo V8. \M̆WN̆\PM̆IZ\\ZIKS̆WVTa[]XMZKIZ[ in every dimension of a Lamborghini.

El Urus es el resultado de una visiona- Las formas puras y esculturales crean Cuenta con un paquete aerodinámico El concepto imagina físicamente el di-
ria fusión del ADN Lamborghini con la una postura atlética y depredadora, desarrollado por los ingenieros de Fe- seño y las tecnologías del mañana, al
versátil arquitectura de un SUV. Un au- UQMV\ZI[Y]M[][ÆIVKW[U][K]TW[W[a rrari en sinergia con el Style Center, tiempo que mantiene la intriga visual,
téntico Lambo en terminos de diseño, IVKPI[KILMZI[M`XZM[IVTIIOQTQLILa para llevar al límite el rendimiento de el rendimiento y la emoción visceral
prestaciones (V8 biturbo de 4 litros y el dinamismo inherentes al automóvil. ]VUWLMTWY]MaIZMXZM[MV\ITWUn`Q- que se encuentra en todas las dimen-
650 CV), y emociones dinámicas. 510PS twin-turbo V8. mo en superdeportivos de competición. siones de un Lamborghini.




The second-generation Audi A7 embo- ;QVOMZ LWM[ VW\ [\WX M`KMTTQVO QV Q\[ -TWV 5][S [PWKSML JW\P TWKIT[ IVL The new CLS pioneers the new design
dies the new, progressive design lan- M`\ZIWZLQVIZaIJQTQ\a\WK][\WUQbM8WZ- strangers in the presentation of the idiom which is recognisable by its clear
guage of the full-size segment. Athletic sches to the taste of its customers with new Roadster. A sports car that will contours and reduced lines. At the
proportions and dynamic body line its original style and care in detail. The JZMISZMKWZL[_Q\PIXMZNWZUIVKM[]- [IUM\QUMZMÆMK\[\PM\QUMTM[[I]ZIWN
LMÅVM Q\[ MUW\Q^M KPIZIK\MZ WN )]LQ¼[ last bet has involved Williams and the perior to those of a Formula 1 and an \PMÅZ[\+4;_PQKPNW]VLMLIVM_[MO-
four-door Gran Turismo. result is sublime ... I]\WVWUa[]XMZQWZ\WSU ment and became a design icon.

El Audi A7 de segunda generación in- ;QVOMZVWXIZILM[]XMZIZ[MMV[]M`- -TWV 5][S M[KIVLITQb~ I XZWXQW[ a El nuevo CLS es pionero en el nuevo
corpora el nuevo lenguaje de diseño traordinaria capacidad para personali- M`\ZI}W[ MV TI XZM[MV\IKQ~V LMT V]M- lenguaje de diseño; contornos claros y
progresivo. Las proporciones atléticas zar Porsches al gusto de sus clientes vo Roadster. Un deportivo que batirá líneas reducidas. Al mismo tiempo, re-
aTITyVMILQVnUQKILMTK]MZXWLMÅVMV con su original estilo y su esmero en el récords con prestaciones superiores a ÆMRIMTI]ZIQV\MUXWZITLMTXZQUMZ+4;
su carácter emotivo del Gran Turismo detalle. La últia apuesta ha involucrado las de un Fórmula 1 y una autonomía que fundó un nuevo segmento y se con-
de cuatro puertas de Audi. a Williams y el resultado es sublime... []XMZQWZITW[SU virtió en un ícono de diseño.





,WV¼\ KIZM QN aW] LQ[TQSM Q\ WZ QN aW] After many years involved in the com- Built to comply with the FIA’s strict November 16th the new and only Mcla-
\PQVS ;MVVI LM[MZ^ML [WUM\PQVO JM\- XM\Q\QWVÅVITTa,ITTIZILMKQLML\W\ISM GTE regulations, the new Vantage GTE ren Cars dealer in the Iberian Peninsu-
ter. Production will be limited to 500 a car of his own to synthesize his vast \ISM[\PMZWILKIZ¼[KWZMLM[QOVLa- la was presented in Barcelona. Eduar-
vehicles and all already allocated. The M`XMZQMVKM QV \PM [MK\WZ 7VTa  namic capabilities to a whole new level LW +W[\IJIT NZWU ,Q\MK IVL \PM M`̆.
]T\QUI\M 5K4IZMV \ZIKS̆KWVKMV\ZI\ML units will be produced; so hurry up if \PZW]OPM`\MV[Q^MXW_MZ\ZIQVKPI[[Q[ driver Pedro Martinez de la Rosa will
car for the road is already a collectable you want to get one. and aerodynamics optimisation. be his ambassadors.

No importa si no te gusta o si crees que Después de muchos años involucrados Creado para cumplir con las estrictas El 16 de Noviembre se presentó en Bar-
Senna merecía algo mejor. La produc- MVTIKWUXM\QKQ~VXWZÅV,ITTIZI[MLM- normas GTE de la FIA, el nuevo Van- celona el nuevo y único concesionario
ción estará limitada a 500 vehículos cidió a sacar un automóvil propio don- tage GTE mantiene el diseño del nuevo de la marca Mclaren en la Península
y todos ya están asignados. La última LM[QV\M\QbIZ[]MVWZUMM`XMZQMVKQIMV Vantage a un nivel completamente nue- Ibérica. Eduardo Costabal de Ditec y el
béstia de McLaren para la carretera ya el sector. Sólo se producirán 600 unida- vo a través de una amplia optimización M`XWTQW\W LM . 8MLZW 5IZ\QVMb LM TI
es un coche de colección. des; así que no te lo pienses demasiado! del motor, el chasis y la aerodinámica. Rosa serán sus embajadores.


XR2 mkII

1984 Ford Fiesta XR2

(text: Ford Motor Company / GD photos: Arnau Puig / Chronodriver)

The Ford Fiesta Mk2 appeared towards the end of summer 1983, with a revised front end and
interior; the most notable change involved the new wraparound headlights.[1] The engine
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nes. The front track accordingly increased by 33 mm (the rear track remained as on the Mk1),
while the brakes and steering were also altered. At launch, the Mk2 Fiesta was only available
.-?10r(-81:/5-s1:35:1;<@5;:? -8@4;A34
they now featured variable venturi carburettors for improved fuel consumption. The more
bulbous bonnet line of the Mk2 was created largely due to the need to package the taller Ford
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Two other versions of the Mk2 Fiesta appeared in 1984; there was an updated XR2 model with
a 1.6–L version of the CVH engine: the second generation Fiesta XR2 model came with a larger
bodykit. It also featured a 96 bhp (72 kW) 1.6 L CVH engine as previously seen in the Ford Es-
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The engine was replaced by a lean-burn variant in 1986 which featured a revised cylinder head
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Since the XR2 was uveiled it certainly looked a part; was an instant hit for boy racers and even
today the car has a charming aura. A true Eighties classic!

text & photos: Oriol Vilanova
(English & Spanish)

I am sure that if our academicians had test-driven the Mercedes Seguramente si los académicos de nuestra lengua hubieran
AMG GT/C Roadster they would now be discussing a change probado el Mercedes AMG GT/C Roadster estarían discutien-
5:@4101ŋ:5@5;:;2r-9-F5:3s-:0C;A80A:-:59;A?8E-3>11@; 0; A: /-9.5; 1: 8- 01ŋ:5/5±: 01 /;/4-F; E <;> A:-:5950-0
A?1-<5/@A>1;2@45?/->@;588A?@>-@1@41ŋ>?@01ŋ:5@5;: 1/-A?1 introducirían a nuestro protagonista como su primer sinónimo.
it is; the AMG GT/C has it all. All and a lot more. In spades! A Y es así, el AMG GT/C lo tiene todo. Todo y mucho. Muchísimo!
truly amazing set of wheels. Un auténtico cochazo en mayúsculas.

&41ŋ>?@59<>1??5;:E;A31@C41:E;A?5@5:5?@4-@@45?5?-?;850 La primera impresión que tuve al sentarme a sus mandos fue

car. It’s hard to put in words, but it’s palpable. You immediately la de solidez. Una sensación difícil de explicar pero fácil de
realize that you are in something special. percibir. Y que en seguida notas cuando estás dentro de algo

Secondly, though no less importantly, is the view from inside,

overlooking the lengthy nose. The layout is dramatic, awesome. La segunda, y no por ello menos relevante, fue la visión que
With an extra-long bonnet and the cabin set way back, it im- uno tiene desde su habitáculo, donde el enorme capó parece
mediately reminded me of some of the most beautiful classic :;@1:1>ŋ: 88-E;A@018/;/411?0>-9Ÿ@5/-91:@1?;.>1/;-
sports cars, like the Jaguar E Type, to give just one example. gedor. Con un morro extra largo y un habitáculo muy retrasa-

“The gorgeous curves and fi-
nely-balanced lines give the car
an air of timeless beauty, an es-
sential feature to make a genuine

Engine: Power: Torque: 0-100 km/h: Speed:

V8 557 cv Z\TNm 3,7 s 316 km/h

3,982 c.c. Y[YT
Z[YT><9 U]TT

The front-loaded engine, set between the front axis and the ca- do que en seguida me hizo recordar a algunos de los clásicos
bin, gives the AMG GT/C a retro air, emphasized by the convex deportivos más bellos y con más solera como por ejemplo el
3>5881  5:?<5>10 .E @41 2-9;A? WTT % )U]X ;2 @41 8131:0->E Jaguar E Type.

Su motor central anterior situado entre el eje delantero y el ha-

.-8-:/1085:1?35B1@41/->-: bitáculo le da al AMG GT/C un aire retro que se enfatiza aún
air of timeless beauty, an essential feature to make a genuine 9Ÿ?/;:8-/-8-:0>-5:?<5>-0-1:18/§81.>1WTT%)U]X/;:18
classic. que Mercedes-Benz hizo doblete en la Carrera Panamericana
de 1952.

On the street it attracts admiring looks from passers-by and

other drivers. While many sports cars tend to be intimidating Además, sus volúmenes armoniosamente moldeados y unas
or have a seedy air about them, the AMG GT/C Roadster draws líneas de carácter con su justa tensión hacen que su diseño,
smiles and admiration, lighting up the eyes of all those who a parte de ser extremadamente bello, sea atemporal. Atributo
cross its path. “sine qua non” para que se convierta desde ya en un genuino
And that is just great. Finally, a truly positive, likeable supercar.
One in which you can feel relaxed and liked, even in winter
with the top down. Y es que al circular con él uno se da cuenta de la fantástica re-

“The satisfying crackle of the ex-
haust spurs provides further en-
couragement to enjoy even more
curves in the open air”

acción que provoca entre los transeúntes y demás conductores.

But let’s go back to that solidity. The AMG GT/C Roadster, with Mientras que la mayoría de deportivos provocan intimidación
5@?>5350/4-??5?-:0-3>11-.8Eŋ>9?A?<1:?5;: >1?<;:0?.1-A- y recelo; el AMG GT/C Roadster despierta sonrisas y admira-
tifully to the touch. Along with sharp transmission, activated ción; iluminando los ojos de todos aquellos que queriendo o
by metallic paddles, this delivers a truly special driving expe- sin querer se cruzan en su camino.
+1?@;1??59<8191:@131:5-8 ";>ŋ:A:?·<1>01<;>@5B;<;?5@5-
vo, con simpatía. Con el que uno se siente cómodo y aceptado
For an authentic, thoroughbred sports car, with 557 CV and rear incluso conduciéndolo a cielo descubierto en pleno invierno.
traction, it is a very easy, relaxing ride. (Man, I love rear dri-
B1?J ;C1B1> ?C5@/45:3;Ŋ0>5B5:3-50?-:0@>-/@5;:/;:@>;8
is where you see the full power of the AMG GT/C, and there is Pero volvamos a la solidez con la que habíamos empezado. El
plenty of it! AMG GT/C Roadster tiene un tacto directo, un chasis rígido y
A:-? ?A?<1:?5;:1? -3>-0-.8191:@1 ŋ>91? =A1 6A:@; /;: A:
cambio preciso a través de una accionamiento casi técnico de
5719;?@9;01>:/->? @41&N;Ŋ1>??1B1>-80>5B5:3 levas metálicas, hacen que el tacto de conducirlo sea una expe-
modes, from “Comfort” to the “unplugged Race mode”, via riencia de lo más placentera.
“Sport” and “Sport+”. We recommend “Sport+” in order to truly
gen stable. The soundtrack is also a delight to all and sundry. Su conducción es fácil y asequible aunque sea un auténtico
As my American friends say, “Popcorn time!” The satisfying deportivo purasangre de 557 CV de potencia y tracción trasera.

crackle of the exhaust spurs provides further encouragement (Cómo me gustan los tracción trasera!). Sin embargo, si le sacas
to enjoy even more curves in the open air. los controles de tracción el AMG GT/C puede sacar toda su bra-
vura; y no es poca!

Como la mayoría de automóviles modernos, el AMG GT/C

presenta diversas modalidades de conducción que van desde
el “Confort” hasta el “unplugged” modo “Race”; pasando por
el “Sport” y el “Sport+”. Y es este último el que recomendamos
para disfrutar a nivel sensorial completo de todas las virtudes
018-·8@59-.1881F-01%5:018ŋ:31: 019Ÿ?8-.-:0-?;:;>-
deleita a propios y extraños. Como dicen mis amigos america-
nos: “Pop corn time”! Y es que el petardeo del sistema de escape
hace insaciables nuestras ganas de seguir disfrutando de cur-
vas y más curvas a “plein air”.

classic & collector cars advisors

selling or buying a classic car?

let our specialists help you
250 GT0

55 years
of glory
text & photos: Keith Bluemel (English)

3 Ferrari 250 GTO around Fiorano; Ferrari’s test track - Pale green and tartan #3505GT - #3769GT driving - Jon Shirley’s white GTO in front of Enzo Ferrari’s house

250 GTO 55th Anniversary Tour, 25-29 September 2017.

-:0@;;7<8-/1.1@C11:VY@4-:0V]@4%1<@19.1>VTU[ <>59--
rily in Tuscany, with the event base at the splendid 5 star Villa
Cora hotel in central Florence, in its own parkland overlooking
the Boboli Gardens. It is just a couple of kilometres south of
the famous Ponte Vecchio, and if walking to the bridge over the
River Arno from the hotel one passed the Forte di Belvedere,
C41>1 @41 p01- 1>>->5 1D45.5@5;: C-? 4180 5: U]]T  -?10
from the host hotel the participants had visits to vineyards,
drives on part of the original Mugello road circuit , laps of the
current circuit, and a free day for shopping and sightseeing in
the beautiful city of Florence.

!: @41 ŋ:-8 0-E ;2 @41 @;A>  @41 ?:-71 ;2 &!? 41-010 :;>-
thwards using part of the famed Mille Miglia route over the
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factory in Maranello. Upon arrival they drove through the Mu-
seo Ferrari parking area, where large crowds had assembled to
witness their passing, before entering the Fiorano track, where
they did three laps as an end to the driving part of the tour. The
event ended with a gala dinner in the Ferrari Classiche works-
hop on the Friday evening.

The 55 anniversary of the model was a perfect excuse for the most exclusive classic car gathering you can imagine

Participants (Chassis# - Entrant - Colour)

#3413 GT - Greg Whitten - Red (’64 Re-body)

#3445 GT - Chris Cox - Blue-Yellow Stripe
#3451 GT - Lawrence Stroll* - Brown Met’-White
#3589 GT - Patrick Steiger - Dark Blue-White Noseband
#3729 GT - Jon Shirley - White
#3757 GT - Nick Mason - Red
#3767 GT - Lord Bamford* - Green-Yellow Noseband
#3769 GT - Anthony Wang - Silver-Blue Stripe
#3943 GT - Charles Nearburg - Red
#4153 GT - Glaesel Family - Silver-RWB Tricolore Stripes
#4219 GT - Brandon Wang - Dark Blue
#4293 GT - William “Chip” Connor - Red
#4757 GT - Tom Price - Red
#5571 GT - John McCaw* - Red
#5575 GT - Rob Walton - Red

*Did not complete the tour

“Invest in your own Passion with Us”


International Classic Car Fund [email protected]
text & photos: Oriol Vilanova
(English & Spanish)

A05 4-? .>1-@410 9;>1 3>A:@ 5:@; @41 ŋ>?@ 31:1>-@5;: [ @; Audi apuró la primera generación del A7 para presentar su ver-
deliver its most powerful version, the wild RS7 Performance. ?5±:9Ÿ?<;@1:@1 /;:ZTY( 185:0;9-.81$%["1>2;>9-:/1
A savagely aggressive beast, clad in Armani-like wolf’s clothing. Una bestia descomunalmente agresiva, que se esconde tras de
A sharp-lined, elegant sedan, an adulterated four-door coupé, A:@>-61=A19AE.51:<;0>«-1?@->ŋ>9-0;<;>18<>;<5;>-
bursting with an impressive twin turbo V8 engine. This mons- 9-:5 ':-1813-:@1.1>85:-01-ŋ8-0;<1>ŋ8 A:/;A<§/A-@>;
ter shreds the asphalt when the power surges from heart to puertas adulterado y sobrealimentado por un impresionan-
=A-@@>;gC4118? :1813-:@.A@ŋ1>/1.1-?@ @>A1?/;A:0>18  te motor V8 biturbo. Capaz de arrancar el asfalto cuando su
@4;A34<;85@1-:0>1ŋ:10 :-?@A@17:-B1 -B588-5:;2@41>;-0 potencia pasa de su corazón a sus quattro® garras. Una bestia
21>;F15:0;9-.8101-?<1/@;?1¯;>58 ':>AŋŸ:31:A5:; 10A-
In true Audi style, the RS7 boasts tight ergonomics, with the /-0;E>1ŋ:-0; ':.188-/;012;>9-?-?@A@-? A:-A@§:@5/;.>5-
quality of the materials shining through in an interior boasting bón de la carretera.
59<>1??5B1-9;A:@?;2/->.;:ŋ.>1 81-@41>-:0-8/-:@->- -88
?1@;Ŋ.E<>1@@E.8A1/;:@>-?@?@5@/45:3 &411D/8A?5B11D4-A?- Al subirnos, tal y como Audi nos tiene acostumbrados, el RS7
tive system by Akrapovic is a thunderous growl over the rock presenta una formidable ergonomía, así como una muy buena
and roll beat of the V8 motor, intoxicating even the most abste- percepción en la calidad de materiales con un interior remata-

“An elegant but fierce beast. a true
scoundrel, though polite and
refined. an astute knave, a villain
of the road”

Engine: Power: Torque: 0-100 km/h: Speed:

V8 ZTY/B [YTNm 3,7 s WTY79N4

3,993 c.c. ZUTT
TFSI Biturbo

mious teetotaller. A magic spell that transforms even the most do en carbono, piel y Alcántara con pespuntes en un acertado
cautious driver. The features are out of this world and the RS7 color azul en contraste. Su exclusivo sistema de escape Akrapo-
may seem easy to drive, until it breaks bad, until you feel it is vic es la guinda a la música rock’n roll que produce su motor V8
>A::5:3-C-EC5@4E;A -:0E;A:110@;1-?1;Ŋ;:@41@4>;@@81 y que embriaga al mas abstemio. Un sonido mágico que trans-
forma al conductor más prudente. Las prestaciones del RS7 son
%;910>A3?4;;7E;A@41ŋ>?@@591E;A@>E@419 -9:@410-E estratosféricas, y su conducción parece fácil hasta que se hace
0>;B1@41$%[ )588:110@41>-<E@;31@5@;A@;29E indomable, hasta que se hace brusco y hasta que la sensatez te
system? The Smart I use as a run-around between test-drives is obliga a relajar el pié derecho.
obviously not strong enough. I don’t believe that there is a cli-
nic in the world that could cure me of this addiction. The Audi
RS7 Performance is one of those cars you never get out of your Dicen que cuando alguien prueba las drogas está perdido y
mind. But is there any better drug? queda enganchando de por vida. Maldito el día en que probé
el RS7. ¿Encontraremos terapia para quitárnoslo de la cabeza?
Seguramente el Smart que utilizo como membrillo entre prue-
.-E<>A1.-:;?1>Ÿ?Aŋ/51:@1 +:;/>1;=A11D5?@-:/8«:5/-?01
desintoxicación para este tipo de adicciones. El Audi RS7 Per-
formance es uno de esos coches que no te sacarás nunca de la
cabeza. ¿Pero existe mejor manera de convertirse en un yonqui?

“some drugs hook you the first
time you try them. Damn the day
I first test drove the RS7. Will i
need a therapy to get it out of my

Price: 17.900€

drive watches Price: 3.090€

8ZQKM" Â *MTT:W[[*:̆@?PQ\M0I_S Limited edition of 250 pieces. Frederique Constant Vintage Rally

Movement: calibre BR-CAL.313. Au- Healey Collection
Chopard Superfast Power Control tomatic mechanical. ‘X’-shaped upper
Porsche 919 HF Edition JZQLOMRM_MT[  ^XP;SMTM\WV Frédérique Constant is known for its
The Superfast collection is the super- Functions: hours, minutes, small se- exceptional value. Clean lines and a
lative sports collection. The imposing conds at 3 o’clock. Skeleton date at 6 classic appearance are the hallmarks
case of the Superfast Power Control o’clock. Chronograph: 30-min timer of every watch within the Classics Co-
in titanium and a DLC-coated titanium at 9 o’clock, central chronograph se- llection. Other attributes include relia-
bezel gives it a powerful presence on conds. bility and durability. Every timepiece
the wrist and an assertive personali- Case: 45 mm in diameter. Microblasted within the Classics Collection has been
ty. Its avant-garde design, luxurious titanium and matt white ceramic with engineered to the most exacting stan-
ÅVQ[PQVO ]VQY]M [MM̆\PZW]OP MVOQVM rubber inserts. Rocker push-buttons. dards. Rose gold plated Stainless steel
ÅVQ[P WV Q\[ KPZWVWUM\MZ̆KMZ\QÅML Case-back with opening in tinted sa- case, diameter of 42mm with Convex
movement and 60-hour power reserve pphire crystal, centred on the balance. sapphire and 2-O-Rings crown, height
place it at the very peak of the Classic Dial: sapphire crystal. Metal applique 14.45mm. See-trought case back. Wa-
Racing collection. ;]XMZT]UQVW^I̆ÅTTMLQVLQKM[ ter-resistant to 5 ATM. Limited edition.

Chopard Superfast Porsche 919 Bell & Ross BR-X1 Frederique Constant Healey

IWC Nico Rosberg Rolex GMT-Master II VC Historiques American 1921 Autodromo Ford GT
IWC Ingenieur Chronograph Edition :WTM`/5<̆5I[\MZ11 Vacheron Constantin Historiques Autodromo Ford GT
“Tribute ti Nico Rosberg” American 1921
Although the Rolex GMT-Master was de- The Ford GT Endurance Chronograph
Dedicated to German-Finnish dual ci- signed essentially for professional use, The “Historiques” series honors the is Autodromo’s homage to endurance
\QbMV 6QKW :W[JMZO _PW ZMIKPML \PM its combination of peerless functionality company’s creative history with contem- racing under the Blue Oval, past, pre-
pinnacle of his racing career when he and rugged good looks has attracted a porary versions of its iconic pieces. sent and future. The Heritage 66 dial is
became F1® world champion in 2016. wider travelling public. As well as appre- <PQ[^MZaÅVM 36XQVSOWTLIVLZML Autodromo’s interpretation of the livery
The in-house chronograph features an KQI\QVO Q\[ IJQTQ\a \W LQ[XTIa LQЄMZMV\ alligator strap is the ultimate driving from the 1966 Le Mans winning car,
 ̆KIZI\ZMLOWTLKI[MIVL6QKWXMZ[W- time zones, these travellers admire the watch for the ladies. combined with the number 2 roundel
nally contributed to its design. It has robustness and versatile appearance seen on the 2016 Ford GT Heritage car.
a slate-coloured dial and gold-plated that make the GMT-Master eminently Sized at 40mm diameter, the GT Endu-
hands. The bidirectional pawl-winding suitable for globetrotting and, indeed, rance Chronograph makes reference
system builds up a power reserve of 46 for any occasion. Price: t.b.a. to racing watches of the 1960s, but is
hours. This sporty yet elegant Ingenieur equally inspired by the avant-garde form
Q[Å\\ML_Q\PIOZMaKITN[SQV[\ZIX<PM ___ZWTM`KWU language of the latest GT Supercar.
transparent sapphire-glass back, which
particular highlight. Limited edition to
23 pieces. Price: $695

Price: 22.100 €


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TPB tech®, the worktop where the classic glass of the hob
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The first worktop you can cook on.

text & photos: Oriol Vilanova
(English & Spanish)

As a designer, my restive spirit and creative mentality have Supongo que por mi condición de diseñador, mi naturaleza in-
always pushed me towards the most original and innovative quieta y mi mentalidad creativa siempre me he sentido atraído
projects. por todos aquellos proyectos originales y novedosos.

C-?/1>@-5:8E;:1;2@41ŋ>?@@;@>E;A@-&1?8- @C-?5:1->8E Seguramente fui también uno de los primeros en probar un

VTT]  ;: - B5?5@ @; %-: >-:/5?/; @; .1 C5@4 9E @41: <->@:1>  &1?8- A1-<>5:/5<5;?01VTT]0A>-:@1A:B5-61-%-:>-:/5?-
C;>75:3-@@41@591;:-/-@-8;3A12;>@412-?45;:ŋ>9-:-- co coincidiendo que mi novia de entonces tenía que trabajar
na Republic. I made a trip of it, seeing everything the city had 1:A:/-@Ÿ8;3;019;0-018-ŋ>9--:-:-$1<A.85/ +;-<>;-
@; ;Ŋ1>  2>;9 8/-@>-F @; @41 ;801: -@1  A:@58  4-B5:3 ?11: veché para hacer turismo visitando desde Alcatraz al Golden
all the sights, I turned again to my passion. I visited the iconic Gate hasta que una vez vistos todos los iconos de la ciudad em-
Blackhawk Collection in Danville and one day I called a sma- pecé a dedicar tiempo a mi pasión. Visité la famosa Blackhawk
ll start-up that was beginning to produce electric sports cars, Collection en Danville e incluso un día llamé a una pequeña
using the magazine as a pretext to ask for a test drive. I don’t Start Up que empezaba a producir deportivos eléctricos para
know if it was Elon Musk himself who answered the phone, que me dejaran probar uno de sus vehículos con la excusa de
but what I do know is that a few hours later I was sitting in a la revista. No sé si me cogió el teléfono el mismo Elon Musk,
beautiful silver-coloured roadster; reporting on the test-drive, lo que sí sé es que a las pocas horas de mi llamada tenía a mi
I compared it to a yellow Corvette. The past and future of the disposición un precioso Roadster color plata con el que hice el
American sports car... the rest is history. famoso reportaje comparándolo con un Corvette amarillo. El

“However, what really puts Tesla
far ahead of the competition is
its technology, in battery auto-
nomy, electric propulsion and

Engine: Power: Torque: 0-100 km/h: Speed:

Electric 193 kW 249 Nm 4,3 s VYT79N4

Tesla’s electric all wheel 259 hp

In the case of the Model S, I had given it a few brief outings pasado y el futuro del deportivo estadounidense...El resto ya es
beforehand, but now it was time for a more complete test drive. historia...

&41 ŋ>?@ @45:3 E;A :;@5/1 C41: E;A 31@ 5:@; @41 &1?8- 5? 5@? ";>8;=A1?1>1ŋ1>1-8;018% @AB18-;<;>@A:50-001<>;.->-
simplicity and absolute absence of unnecessary elements. It is lo brevemente en distintos episodios pero esta vez tocaba una
what you get when you wring every drop of waste out of auto “test drive” algo más extenso.
design. Everything is optimized. That is not to say that comfort
has been overlooked. The Tesla is very comfortable, with a ca- Al subirte a un Tesla lo que más impresiona es la sencillez. O
bin exuding quality and relaxation. Out on the road, without dicho en otras palabras, más adecuadas, la esencialidad. En su
the noise and vibration of an internal combustion engine, this 05?1¯;:;4-E/;?-??A<1>ŌA-? &;0;1?@Ÿ;<@595F-0;  ;;.?-
comfort is enhanced. @-:@11?@;:;?53:5ŋ/-=A1?Aŋ8;?;2«-B-E-1:01@>591:@;018
confort. El Tesla es extremadamente cómodo y su habitáculo
In performance, it is a match for many premium big-name respira calidad y serenidad. Además su rodadura en carretera
sedans, particularly in acceleration, and it also sets the stan- con la ausencia del sonido y las vibraciones de un motor de
0->02;>-A@;:;9E 1@@5:39;>1@4-:XTT795:?<;>@?0>5B5:3 combustión interna hace que el Tesla gane muchos enteros en
9;015?=A5@1-21-@ .A@@41&1?8-%UTT035B1?A<@;ZTT52E;A este campo.
@>E@;0>5B1>1-88E1ő/51:@8E -8@4;A34@45?5?-.53-?7C41:E;A
are having so much fun. Sus prestaciones pueden llegar a intimidar a muchas berlinas
premium de marcas consolidadas; especialmente en acelera-
However, what really puts Tesla far ahead of the competition ción pero también marca la pauta en autonomía. Hacer más de
is its technology, in battery autonomy, electric propulsion and XTT79/;:A:-/;:0A//5±:01<;>@5B-1?@;0;A:45@; <1>;18

self-driving. It is in this last section where Tesla is a step (or two) &1?8-%UTT0<A1018813->4-?@-8;?ZTT?5>1-891:@1.A?/-?8-
ahead of the rest. /;:0A//5±:1ŋ/51:@1 -83;/-?559<;?5.81/A-:0;8-?<>1?@-/5;-
I was told to try the improved self-drive mode on the motorway nes del coche dan para mucha diversión.
-:05:8534@@>-ő/ ;C1B1> 52E;A->13;5:3@;.1C>5@5:3-.;A@
it afterwards, you have to give it a proper run, and so I decided Pero lo que realmente aleja al Tesla de la competencia es su tec-
to connect the system on Barcelona’s Ronda, in heavy though nología. Tanto en autonomía de baterías y propulsión eléctrica
ŌA50@>-ő/ :05@C;>710 /;9;1:/;:0A//5±:-A@±:;9-?1>1ŋ1>1 +1?1:1?@1·8@59;
The cameras embedded in the body of the car and the new sof- apartado donde el Tesla parece estar un paso (o dos) delante
tware gave an incredible, real driving feel. The technology is del resto.
already available and the automobile industry is on the brink Me aconsejaron probar el mejorado modo autónomo en auto-
of a massive change. <5?@-E1:/;:05/5;:1?01<;/;@>Ÿŋ/; <1>;-8ŋ:-8?5@51:1?=A1
escribir un artículo del tema te sientes obligado a probar las
cosas como es debido y me decidí a conectar el sistema en ple-
intenso. !Y funcionó!
Quedé realmente sorprendido como a través de las distintas
cameras perimetrales y el nuevo software, la experiencia de ser
conducido es real. La tecnología ya existe para que en pocos
años la industria del automóvil cambie para siempre.


It’s your kind of place... Get Involved!

Visit. Join. Donate: LEMAYMUSEUM.ORG / ACM collection: 1947 Lincoln V12 Convertible Coupe

text & photos: Keith Bluemel (English)

A fantastic exhibition about authentic Ferrari DNA, heritage and design approach

Ferrari Under the Skin Exhibition, The Design Museum, London.

The Design Museum was founded by Sir Terence Conran in U/-> @419;0185:C45/45/4-18%/4A9-/41>C;:@41VTTT
1989, and was originally housed in an old warehouse on the );>80>5B1>?p4-9<5;:?45< @41ŋ>?@@591@4-@5@4-0.11:
?;A@4.-:7;2@41$5B1>&4-91?:1->&;C1>>5031 :VTUZ5@ won by a Ferrari driver since Jody Scheckter in 1979.
moved to its current premises, a Grade 2 listed building, the old
Commonwealth Institute, in Kensington High Street in West There was also spectacular quartet of unique specially com-
London. The building was redeveloped and remodelled by the missioned scratch built quarter scale models from Ronald’s
renowned architect John Pawson to provide a 21st Century mu- /;881/@5;: 21-@A>5:3-UYZr%4->7 ;?1sU/-> -VYT&! -WWT
?1A9 ?<-/1  ;Ŋ1>5:3 @4>11 @591? @41 1D45.5@5;: ->1- @4-: 5@? "X-:0-WUV"IJ &41>14-0@;.1-VYT&! -?41;:/1;C:10
previous location. chassis # 3757 GT, which he sold to Nick Mason, who still owns
it to this day. There were also rarely seen full scale items, like
The Ferrari Under the Skin exhibition was the initiative of re- @41WZYW";?@5C;;01:.;0E.A/7 -VYT.->1-8A95:5A9
nowned Ferrari and Ferrari literature collector Ronald Stern, .;0E-:0-VYT&!C5>12>-91r9-?/41>;:1s.;0E.A/7 &41
who worked closely with the museum curators to bring the ex- exhibition of cars was also impressive, running to 13 examples,
45.5@5;:@;2>A5@5;:5:1>>->5p?[T@4::5B1>?->EE1-> @4-05@? plus a pre-war Alfa Romeo, including a pair rarely seem on UK
inauguration at a by invitation soirée on 15 November, where shores, kindly loaned by American collectors. One of these was
Ronald and the museum director welcomed guests and explai- @41 ?A<>1918E 1813-:@ 1D
"1@1> ;885:? VYT & " -.>5;81@ 
ned its theme, essentially a time line of Ferrari the man and the with a number of unique features, the most notable of which
company he created, through a spectacular display of rare pho- being the cutaway to the driver’s door. The other was the smoo-
tographs and other memorabilia from the instigator’s massive @48E ?@E810 VYT & %) 1>85:1@@- r%<1/5-81s  5: C45/4 I%5>J
library and collection of Ferrari ephemera. This was comple- Stirling Moss took the GT class win in the Daytona 3 Hours
91:@10.E-ŋ:1->>-E;2/->?<>;0A/10.E@41/;9<-:E@4>;A- Race in February 1962.
gh the years. The Ferrari company supported the exhibition
with the loan of exhibits, including the replica that they built &411D45.5@5;:>A:?2>;9UY ;B19.1>VTU[@;UY<>58VTU\ -:0
5:U]]T;2@41ŋ>?@/->@;/->>E@411>>->5.-031 @41UVY%9;018 further details regarding entry fees and opening times can be
from 1947, and a clay styling buck of the Japanese market only found on the Design Museum website - https://designmuseum.
YT C45/4C-?.A58@5:;:8EYT1D-9<81?@;/181.>-@1@41YT@4 org/ Allow yourself plenty of time for the visit, as you will be
-::5B1>?->E;21>>->5?-81?5:-<-: &41E-8?;8;-:10-VTTT engrossed, even mesmorised, by the rare artefacts on display.

a well curated back stage Ferrari items

Ferrari Models on Display

Model - ColouR - Chassis #


+188;C ;?1
365 GTB4/C - Yellow - #16425
Testarossa Spider “Agnelli” - Silver - #62897
LaFerrari Aperta - White Met’ - #221528

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text & photos: Keith Bluemel (English)

Ferrari presented the evolution of the FXXK among a vast display of iconic racers from different decades and categories from F1 to Sport Prototypes

Ferrari Finali Mondiali, Mugello, 25 – 30 October 2017.. ception area, a Ferrari Store and a Junior Paddock. The latter
featured a toddlers play area, together with a Scalextric circuit
&411>>->54-881:31?1>51?C;>80ŋ:-8?C1>14180-@@41A- and a remote controlled car circuit, plus additional features like
WT!/@;.1> .>5:- face painting, so that all age groups were catered for. The third
35:3@;31@41>?;91UTTǕXY\-:0X\\4-881:31/->? 2>;9@41 main structure was the dining area for lunch, with a wide varie-
@4>11?1>51? A>;<1  ;>@491>5/--:0?5-"-/5ŋ/ @;0;.-- ty of delectable food available each day.
ttle for the titles in the Coppa Shell and Trofeo Pirelli divisions.
The event also featured Corse Clienti activity from F1 cars, F333 Although the weekend clashed with the Mexican Grand Prix,
SPs (which run with the F1 cars), and the track only FXX, 599 thus meaning that the F1 team weren’t in attendance, there was
XX and FXXK models. There were also sponsor activities with still plenty of F1 activity with the F1 Clienti contingent, actually
track demonstration runs on the Saturday and Sunday after- playing much more strident music than the current crop of F1
:;;:? &41C4;81<>;3>-991@;;7<8-/15:ŋ:1-9.51:@C1-- cars. Even if Sebastian Vettel and Kimi Raikkonen weren’t in
ther conditions, with plenty of autumn sunshine, particularly attendance, there were a number of other Ferrari works drivers
;: @41 %-@A>0-E  @41 ŋ:1 C1-@41> -@@>-/@5:3 ->;A:0 XT TTT for fans to see, including Giancarlo Fisichella, Andrea Bertolini
spectators over the course of the weekend. -:0-B501$53;: C4;050019;:?@>-@5;:>A:?5:@4>11ZTU
Apart from the on-track action, the paddock area was turned -2@1>@41/;:/8A?5;:;2@414-881:31ŋ:-8?
into a massive tented village, which apart from housing the
garage areas for the Challenge cars, also had a massive Ferrari One of the most impressive features of the event was the massi-
display building, whilst another housed the Corse Clienti re- ve array of the company’s F1 heritage on display in the main pa-


ddock structure, with row upon row of gleaming red bodywork

stretching as far as the eye could see, ranging from a 1967 312
building also contained expansive displays of competition GT
cars, providing a rounded overview of the company’s compe-
@5@5;:/->;A@<A@5:@415>[T@4-::5B1>?->EE1-> &45?.A5805:3
also saw the world premiere of the latest XX model on the Sun-
day morning, when the FXX-K Evo was unveiled. If one thou-
ght that the FXX-K was wild, then the new model takes wild-
:1??@;-:;@41>81B18 <->@5/A8->8E-@@41>1->C5@4-/1:@>-8ŋ:
>A::5:35:@;-?/A8<@10>1->C5:3 -:09-??5B105ŊA?1>?A:01>
the tail accentuating the aerodynamic package. The alterations
to the bodywork, intakes, outlets etc, have resulted in a down-
2;>/1/;1ő/51:@VWū3>1-@1>@4-:;:@411D5?@5:39;018 C45/4
it is based. A very limited number of the new model will be
produced, whilst existing FXX-Ks can also be upgraded to the

&41 4-881:31 ŋ:-8? >1?A8@10 5: B5/@;>E 5: @41 ;<<- %4188
2;> 1:9->7p? ;4::E -A>?1: 5: 45?  WZT ;>9A8- $-/5:3
1:@1>10X\\ C4;@;;7@41C5:.E-?/-:@T V]X?1/2>;91:>E
-??502>;9>-:/15:45?WX[4->81?";FF51:@>E &41ŋ:-8
podium place went to the fast lady, Fabienne Wohlwend from
51/41:?@15: 5:41>WTU!/@-:1UVZ1:@1>101D-9<81 :@41
land in his # 8 Octane 126 entered 488, from Octane 126 team
mate, the German driver Bjorn Grossmann, in his # 1 exam-
ple, with Sam Smeeth from the UK taking 3rd place in his # 92
Stratstone Ferrari entered example, so over the pair of podiums
there was a truly international presence.


photos: Unai Ona / Carlos Sanz / Sergio Calleja / EdJ / OV
text: Oriol Vilanova (English & Spanish)

We had an amazing weekend at Jarama race track with the 1977 Chevron B36

I had been waiting impatiently for weeks to come to Ma- Hacía semanas que esperaba impaciente venirme a Ma-
drid and spend a few days racing on the Jarama track. drid para pasar un par de días de “carreras” en el circuito.
It would be my initiation into the “Spirit of Jarama”, an Sería mi debut en el “Espíritu del Jarama”; un evento que
event created by our friend Jesús Pozo in Barcelona and nuestro amigo Jesús Pozo ha creado y consolidado tanto
Madrid, which has become a reference for classic and en Barcelona como en Madrid; convirtiéndose en el re-
race driving in Spain. ferente del automovilismo clásico y de competición en
&41:534@.12;>14-0.A@@1>Ō51?5:9E?@;9-/4 @4-0 nuestro país.
been some time since I had felt that way. I put it down La noche antes tuve un agradable cosquilleo en el estó-
partly to nerves and partly to excitement. There was an mago. Hacía tiempo que no me sucedía. En parte debido
absolute beauty waiting for me in the paddock of the a los nervios y en parte debido a la excitación. En el pad-
mythical track. A 1977 Chevron B36 owned by Fund Dri- dock del mítico trazado madrileño me esperaba toda una
ve Investments, Spain’s premier classic and racing car joya. Un Chevron B36 de 1977 propiedad de Fund Drive
investment fund. I was to share the wheel with a truly Investments; el primer fondo de inversión de automóvi-
experienced champion, Carlos Palau, winner of the Spa- les clásicos y de competición de nuestro país. Además
nish tourism and GT championships. He also won the compartiría su volante con todo un campeón y piloto
1994 Le Mans race in a Porsche RSR and even ran the súper-experimentado; Carlos Palau. Carlos ganó tanto
9E@45/-81:0A>-:/11B1:@5:-1>>->5XT en el campeonato de España de Turismos como en GTs.
Pero también ganó Le Mans en 1994 con un Porsche RSR
A few weeks beforehand I had driven the yellow bullet e incluso disputó la mítica carrera de resistencia con un
2;>@41ŋ>?@@591 -@-<>5B-@1@1?@5:-8-2-@ &4121185:3 1>>->5XT

Surrounded by legendary cars and legendary drivers; the Espiritu del Jarama is a must to go event in Spain

was positive and the experience was amazing. Driving Unas semanas antes me había subido por primera vez
an open sports racer of that calibre is truly an amazing al bólido amarillo durante un test privado que hicimos
experience. Everything is more intense, more real, more en Calafat. Las sensaciones fueron buenas y positivas y
tangible. Feeling the air in your helmet, the roar of the la experiencia fue sensacional. Conducir una barqueta
engine behind your head... and thinking that, in days abierta de ese calibre es una experiencia espectacular.
gone by, this kind of barchettas featured in a wide range Todo es mucho más intenso, más real, más tangible. No-
of races, including the Le Mans 24 hours or the mythical tar el aire en tu casco, el estremecedor sonido del motor
Targa Florio, the last edition of which was won by a Che- en tu nuca...y pensar que en la época utilizaban seme-
vron B36. Incredible! jantes monturas para participar en pruebas tan dispares
como las 24h de Le Mans o la mítica Targa Florio donde
)1>1-/410@41@>-/7;:%-@A>0-E9;>:5:3-:0@41ŋ>?@ un Chevron B36 se proclamó vencedor en su última edi-
?A><>5?1C-?ŋ:05:3@4-@C1C1>1?4->5:3.;D1?C5@4@41 ción. Alucinante!!
legendary David Piper. Our Chevron was sharing space
with the famous green weaponry of the immortal Engli- Llegamos al circuito el sábado por la mañana y la pri-
sh driver. He had with him a Ferrari P2, a P3 and a P4 mera sorpresa fue descubrir que compartíamos “boxes”
@;->-9- -?C188-?-;8-&[T C1:@>534@;B1>@;?-E con una leyenda de la talla de David Piper. Nuestro Che-
hello, as we had met a few months earlier at the “Spirit of vron compartía espacio con la famosa artillería verde del
Montjuic” in Barcelona. Once again, he asked about our célebre piloto inglés. En el Jarama trajo el Ferrari P2, el
car and we chatted for a while about our shared passion. "WE18"X-019Ÿ?018;8-&[T :?13A50-91-/1>=A§

Sharing a race track with such a beauties is a very unique an a lifetime experience that will try to repeat next year

It is moments like that that you know are magic even as you are a saludarle afablemente ya que nos habíamos conocido unos
living through them. meses atrás durante el “Espíritu de Montjuic” en el circuito de
Barcelona. Se interesó una vez más por nuestro coche y com-
Carlos was driving in the morning and it was my turn in the partimos algunos momentos hablando de lo que más nos gus-
afternoon. However, as the eternal novice I am in this kind of ta, momentos de aquellos que sabes que son mágicos incluso
driving, I didn’t want to miss any detail of the protocol before cuando los estas viviendo.
3;5:3;:@;@41@>-/7 ->8;?@;;7;Ŋ=A5/78E-:01B1:2>;9@41
pit lane wall you could tell he was having a good time. He has a Carlos rodaba por la mañana y a mi me tocaba hacerlo por la
@-81:@;29-75:305ő/A8@@45:3?1-?E-:01:6;E?.;@4->>5B5:3 tarde pero como eterno novato que soy en esto de las carreras
-@@41ŋ:5?485:1-:0@41<>;/1??;231@@5:3@41>1  no me quise perder ni un detalle ni ninguno de los protocolos
antes de que saliera a pista. En seguida empezó a rodar rápido y
I only had a bit part to play here, on a track with an amazing desde el muro de pit-lane sabías que estaba disfrutando. Tiene
history of driving legends and talent. But I was just as eager. I la virtud de hacer fácil lo difícil y sabe disfrutar tanto durante
went back to the motor home to change, feeling like a real hero el proceso como cuando llega el objetivo.
in my racing suit as I returned to the boxes via the paddock.
Walking along with a racing helmet in your hand makes you Mi rol de esta historia era más secundario, sobretodo en una
feel really special. pista repleta de joyas y de talento. Pero ganas tenía las mismas.
The noise and my nerves blocked everything else out as I put on Fui al motorhome a cambiarme y con el mono de competición
my helmet, sat into the cockpit and clunk-clicked my harness enfundado tuve mis minutos de gloria paseando por el paddock
on. Then silence. Pause. Moments of intense concentration, of hasta llegar a boxes. Casco en mano uno se siente especial.
clearing your mind of all thoughts. Moments when time crawls
and everything moves in slow motion. You are pushed into the El bullicio y los nervios se confundían hasta que me abroché el
pit lane and the next thing you see is a Porsche 917 coming up casco, me senté en el cockpit y me apretaron los arneses. Lue-
;:E;A>>534@ C4581-;8-&[T@-71?;Ŋ;:E;A>812@ C5@4-B50 go silencio. Pausa. Son momentos de concentración, de tener
Piper at the wheel. la mente en blanco. Momentos cuando percibes que el tiempo
se dilata y todo va a cámara lenta. Te empujan hasta pit lane y
You wait for the signal and press the start button. The engine de repente ves como un Porsche 917 se acerca por la derecha
roars and everything speeds up. You shift into gear and begin hasta ponerse a tu altura mientras que por la izquierda arranca
to move. “This is it”, you think... and then your engine sputters 18;8-&[T/;:-B50"5<1>-8B;8-:@1 
and stops. I had started in third. Intuitively, without thinking,
you press the red button, hoping to hear the engine roar again. Esperas la señal y pulsas el botón de arranque. Sientes el ru-
A@:; :?@1-0;2@4-@ -C45@12;-9Ō;;0?@41/;/7<5@ ?;-- gido del motor y todo se acelera. Engranas la marcha y poco
75:3E;A>ŋ>1<>;;2?A5@ 4-0<>1??10@411D@5:3A5?41>.A@@;: a poco empiezas a moverte;...esto va en serio, piensas...hasta
How could I be such an idiot? I closed my eyes, thinking it was que a pocos metros el motor se cala. Otra vez había arrancado
all too impossible. Frustration. My turn was over. Just then our en tercera. De forma intuitiva y sin pensar le das al botón rojo
mechanic, Joan, came up. “Don’t worry, it’s no problem” David esperando oír rugir al motor una vez más. Pero no... En vez de
blocked the extinguisher tube with a plastic tie...“Go for it!” esto sólo notas que una espuma blanquecina invade tu cockpit
&41E?4;A@10 @;;7;Ŋ-:0?4;@;A@;2@41<5@8-:1 81??5:@41 y te empieza a empapar el mono ignífugo. !Le había dado al
cockpit of a racing car than in a bubble bath. extintor!! ¿¿¿Como podía ser tan torpe??? Cerré los ojos y pen-
sé que no podía ser. Frustración. Se había acabado mi tanda.
My body was out on the track, but my head was still back in the Hasta que llegó Joan; nuestro mecánico, y exclamó: Tranquilo,
<5@8-:1C5@4@41ŋ>11D@5:3A5?41> Eŋ>?@21C8-<?C1>1:;@ no pasa nada! Mientras, David obstruía el tubo del extintor con
my best and it was pure luck if I managed to get the gears and una brida...
the course right. However, little by little I began to get over my !Dále! Gritaron. Arranqué y desaparecí del Pit Lane literalmen-
initial humiliation and enjoy having a race track almost all to te dentro de una bañera, entendiendo a la perfección porque se
myself, even though there were onlookers. I know I wasn’t the le llama de esta forma al cockpit de un coche de carreras.
fastest that day, but that wasn’t my intention, and nobody can
ever take the experience of driving on the Jarama track away Evidentemente salí a la pista en cuerpo presente, pero mi cabe-
from me. After the storm (rain included) comes the calm, and za se había quedado con el extintor y digamos que las primeras
the laps I did as the sun began to set were simply epic. All sto- vueltas no fueron mis mejores; ya que si acertaba los cambios y
ries have good parts and bad parts, drama and comedy. And la trazada era por pura carambola. Pero poco a poco empecé a
mine has all those ingredients. The experience has also been reponerme de tan humillante chasco e intenté disfrutar lo que
immortalised in photos taken by my friends. What more could parecía ser un trazado para mi sólo aunque con público.
you ask for? In any case, if a nickname springs to mind, I prefer Sé que no fui el más rápido ni tampoco esa era mi intención
the English version: Fireman sounds more glamorous ;) pero nada me quitará jamás la experiencia vivida en el Jarama.
Después de la tormenta (con lluvia incluida) llega la calma, y
las vueltas que di en el trazado madrileño justo cuando el as-
tro rey empezaba a languidecer fueron épicas. Las historias
tienen partes buenas, partes malas, partes dramáticas y partes
cómicas. Sin duda la mía tuvo todos los ingredientes. Además
de quedar inmortalizado en las distintas instantáneas que me
sacaron varios amigos. ¿Qué más podía pedir?
";>/51>@; ?51?@Ÿ5?<1:?-:0;1:A:-<;0; <>1ŋ1>;8-B1>?5±:
inglesa. “Fireman” queda como más glamouroso ;).


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Salon Privé, Blenheim Palace, 31 August – 02 September 2017. tively. The other car classes were “Best of British at Blenheim
The spectacular setting of Blenheim Palace in Woodstock, "-8-/1s   rYT?  ZT? A>B-/1;A? ;A<§?s  r$5B51>- >A5?5:3s
Oxfordshire, played host to the 12th edition of the Salon Pri- and “Evolution of the Supercar Pin-Ups”, and “Classic Sports
vé gathering for the 3rd successive year. It is hard to imagine a Racers Against the Stopwatch to 1965”. The Best in Show award
more appropriate setting and backdrop to what is an impres- C1:@@;@41?<1/@-/A8->"5:5:2->5:-01?53:10U]ZT82-$;91;
sive garden party in the heart of rural England, with lobster, Z WTTT %A<1>Ō;C ( /;:/1<@ /->  C5@4 - 1>>->5 VYT &
Pommery Champagne and a quintessential English afternoon %) -852;>:5- %<501>  /4-??5?   WUUY &  ŋ:5?45:3 -? >A:-
tea de rigeur. This year the event was expanded to four days, ner-up, having won the “Riviera Cruising” class. Ferrari models
;> ŋB1 52 ;:1 /;A:@? @41 0>5B5:3 @;A> @4>;A34 @41 ;@?C;80? picked up three major awards, the public vote People’s Choice
for participants on the Wednesday. The premier part of the award went to a 365 GTS4 “Daytona Spider”, chassis # 15969,
gathering is the Chubb Insurance Concours d’Elégance on the C458?@ @41 A71 ;2 ->8.;>;A34p? C->0 C1:@ @; @41 VYT &
Thursday, followed by Boodles Ladies Day on the Friday, with &01>85:1@@- /4-??5?T\]Y& -:0@414-5>9-:p?C->0
a new event included on the Saturday, Concours Masters, with C1:@@;@41V[Y& /4-??5?T[TT] ;2;80<8-E.-??5?@AE
the weekend coming to a close on the Sunday with the inaugu- Berryman.
>-881:41598-??5/%A<1>/->?4;C C45/45:/;><;>-@10@41
W>0>A::5:3;2@41"5>1885">1?@531"1>2;>9-:/1/;9<1@5@5;:  Best of Show
The new Concours Masters event on the Saturday will feature )5::1> U]ZT82-$;91;ZWTTT"5:5:2->5:-%A<1>Ō;C(
A< U]ZU1>>->5VYT&%)-852;>:5-%<501>
-05Ŋ1>1:@@41911B1>EE1-> -:0@45?E1->5@C-?-@>5.A@1@;@41
[T@4-::5B1>?->E;21>>->5 People’s Choice
1973 Ferrari 365 GTS4 “Daytona’ Spider”

Chubb Insurance Concours d’Elégance CLASS D: Graceful Pre-War Motoring

Winner: 1939 Horch 853A Sport Cabriolet
There international judging team was headed by Derek Bell Runner-up: 1936 Lagonda LG45
MBE, and included Frank Stephenson former Design Direc- %% YT?-:0ZT?A>B-/1;A?;A<1?
)5::1> U]ZT82-$;91;ZWTTT"5:5:2->5:-%A<1>Ō;C(
tor at Ferrari and more recently at McLaren, Fabio Filippini, $A::1>
A< U]Z[1>>->5WWT&
>1/1:@8E4512>1-@5B1!ő/1>-@"5:5:2->5:- -:0581?&-E8;>  CLASS F: Best of British at Blenheim Palace
Winner: 1961 Jaguar E-Type 3.8 Series 1
Director of Design at Rolls Royce Motorcars, whilst the mo- Runner-up: 1964 Aston Martin DB5
torcycles had their own dedicated judging team. There were CLASS G: Luxury in Motion; Pre-War Rolls-Royce
Winner: 1931 Rolls-Royce Phantom II Continental
a total of ten classes including three for motorcycles, encom- Runner-up: 1926 Rolls Royce Phantom I
passing a wide variety of the history of the automobile, with CLASS H: Riviera Cruising
)5::1> U]ZU1>>->5VYT&%)-852;>:5-%<501>
the earliest being classes D and G, for “Graceful Pre-War Mo- $A::1>
A< U]Y[1>/101?
toring” and “Luxury in Motion Pre-War Rolls Royce”, respec- CLASS I: Evolution of the Supercar Pin-Up


)5::1> U]Z[-9.;>345:55A>-"XTT
A< U]Z[;>0&XT
CLASS J: Classic Sports Racers against the Stopwatch – to 1965 As with the Chubb Insurance Concours d’Elégance on the
Winner: 1965 Shelby 427 Cobra &4A>?0-E @41/45126A031C-?ŋB1@591?1-:?C5::1>1-
Runner-up: 1961 Aston Martin DB4GT Zagato
rek Bell MBE. He recalled his period as a Ferrari driver in the
SPECIAL AWARDS late sixties in an entertaining question and answer session at a
Most Original Pre-War: 1936 Lagonda LG45
Most Original Post-War: 1969 Aston Martin DB6 MkII gala dinner, held in the Great Hall of Blenheim Palace on the
;?@%1:?5@5B1$1?@;>-@5;: U]Z[1>>->5WWT& Friday evening preceding the concours. Amongst his judging
;?@813-:@ U]YV-3A->*UVT;9<1@5@5;:$;-0?@1>
Most Iconic: 1957 Porsche 356 A T1 Speedster team were a couple of noted celebrity petrol heads, the model
;?@D/5@5:31?53: U]ZT82-$;91;ZWTTT"5:5:2->5:-%A<1>Ō;C( Yasmin Le Bon, and the bassist for the band Coldplay, Guy Be-
Best Interior: 1926 Rolls-Royce Phantom I
;?@D@>-B-3-:@ U]T\$;88?
$;E/1%58B1>4;?@ rryman, whose 275 GTB had won the Chairman’s Award in the
Chairman’s Award: 1965 Ferrari 275 GTB Chubb concours. Other members of the team included Simo-
&41A71;2->8.;>;A34p?C->0 U]Y\1>>->5VYT&&01>85:1@@-
ne Schedoni, CEO of Schedoni s.r.l., the renowned Modenese
81-@41> /;9<-:E  -:0 ?A<<851> ;2 ŋ@@10 8A33-31 @; 1>>->5 2;>
XTE1->? -:0C4;:;C?A<<8E.1?<;71ŋ@@108A33-31@;9-:E
Tribute to Ferrari’s 70th Anniversary Concours d’Elégance. of the world’s leading supercar manufacturers. There was also
For this concours the organisers wanted to make it more of a another well known Modenese name in the team, Roberto
celebration event, with an enjoyable and convivial day being Brandoli, whose restoration shop, started by his father Egidio
the prime mover. Thus the judging was more subjective, rather 5:U]\T -2@1>U[E1->?C;>75:32;>%1>35;%/-3851@@5 5?;:1;2@41
than objective as in the main Chubb Concours on the Thurs- best known and most highly respected in the Ferrari world.
day. This made it a more relaxed day for participants and ju-
dges alike. That said, there were plenty of cars for the latter &41>1 C1>1 ?;91 ŋ2@E <8A? 1>>->5? 1:@1>10 5: @41 /;:/;A>? 
teams to get through during the course of the morning. The ranging from the oldest known example resident in the UK, a
weather also did its bit to add sparkle to the occasion, with UZZ:@1>&;A>5:3;A<§ /4-??5?TTU[% 2>;9U]X] @;@41ŋ>?@
bright warm sunshine being the order of the day. The Ferraris -1>>->5<1>@-;ő/5-88E59<;>@105:@;@41'5:VTU[ /4-??5?
occupied the same concours lawn as used for the Chubb con- VVU[TY @4A?@419;018?;:05?<8-E?<-::10-89;?@@41C4;81
cours on the Thursday, and Boodles Ladies Day on the Friday. production period of the company. Within the number were a
Therefore participants and visitors had the same facilities and 1991 642 F1 car, chassis # 124, which unfortunately couldn’t be
vendor displays to investigate when not looking at the concours started, otherwise it would have undoubtedly won the “Sinfo-
cars, including a lobster lunch, together with plentiful Pom- nia Award” for the most strident exhaust note, which narrowly
mery Champagne, followed by a traditional English afternoon C1:@@;@41?<81:050Y[Y& /4-??5?VVVT 2>;9VTTX 2>;9
tea, to satisfy the inner needs. the almost equally raucous and splendid 365 GTB4/C, chassis #

Supercars - Probably one of the best looking F1 of all times - An F40 with a cool number plate - Ferrari 550 GT1

15681, from 1972. C5@4 8571? ;2 - ;>0 %51>>- ;?C;>@4 $%YTT -:0 - "1A31;@
As a bonus, within the number were a few cars not normally VTY&UZ @4>;A34-";>?/41&/8-?? --9.;>345:5%/5??;>
seen in the UK, with a quartet of visitors from the USA en route Door class, which included the Centenario, and on through
@;@411>>->5[T@4::5B1>?->E3-@41>5:35:->-:188; &41?1 to what was probably the main attraction for most visitors,
C1>1-WXV91>5/-";A<§ /4-??5?TVXZ -VYTA>;- the Hypercar class, due to the rarity and value of the cars on
<-(53:-81;A<§ /4-??5?TV]Y' -VYT&&01>85:1@- display. These included an Aston Martin Vulcan, a Bugatti
@- /4-??5?T\]Y& -:0-XTT%"1>;05:-95/;;A<§  Chiron, a Ferrari LaFerrari, a Koenigsegg One:1, a McLaren
/4-??5?  V\XU %  &41>1 C-? -8?; @41 '% ;C:10 VTU[ 4A.. P1, and the Italdesign Zerouno in the line-up. There was a
:?A>-:/1 ;:/;A>? 1?@ ;2 %4;C C5::5:3 YTT &$  /4-??5?  unique example of a Bizzarrini project in the Super Roads-
TZUX&$ 5:-@@1:0-:/1 C45/421-@A>10;:@419-5:1B1:@ ters class, a Ferrari Testarossa based concept car, on chassis
programme cover, with the owner being presented with the ar- [YTTU /-8810@41,
VTTU2>;9U]]V &45?C-?@41<>;@;@E<1
twork during the award presentations. for a US project, which was to have eventually featured a Bi-
zzarrini designed chassis and a 7 litre V8 engine, but as is so
Blenheim Palace Classic & Supercar Concours, incorporating the often the case with projects of great magnitude the money
Pirelli Prestige & Performance Competition, 03 September 2017. >-: ;A@  -:0 @41 ,
VTTU >19-5:? -? - A:5=A1 >195:01> ;2
C4-@9534@4-B1.11: &41>1C-?-8?;-1>>->5XT/8-??@;
&41ŋ:-80-E;2@41%-8;:">5B§3-@41>5:3-@81:4159"-8-/1 /181.>-@1@41WT@4-::5B1>?->E;2@415/;:5/9;018
C-? .58810 -? @41 81:4159 "-8-/1 8-??5/  %A<1>/-> %4;C 
C45/4 21-@A>10 @41 "5>1885 ">1?@531  "1>2;>9-:/1 ;9<1@5- Apart from the cars in the main show there was a massive
tion. Unfortunately after the previous three days of predomi- presence by the Ferrari Owners’ Club, together with further
:-:@8Eŋ:1 C->9-:0?A::EC1-@41> @41%A:0-E0-C:103>1E exotic car displays by Pistonheads, Supercar Driver and a
and overcast, which soon turned into an almost persistent light number of trade exhibitors on the lawns fronting the Great
rain for the rest of the day. Despite the miserable weather, there Court. As one would expect, given the inclement weather,
was a massive turnout of spectators for the event, so much so there were a few “no shows”, but there was still a massive pre-
@4-@@41@>-ő/5:@41@;C:;2);;0?@;/7 -:0;:@41-<<>;-/4 sence of some of the rarest and most expensive cars in the
roads, became gridlocked during the morning. world, which made it all worthwhile for the large number
The main show comprised of eighty classic, super and hyper- of visitors that descended on Blenheim Palace for the event.
cars (the epithet for the current crop of ultra high performance The Pirelli Best of Show Award, presented by Pirelli’s Matteo
cars) entered in the concours, which was held in the splendid ->.51>5 C1:@@;-U][\-9.;>345:5;A:@-/4"XTT% C45-
surroundings of the Great Court of the Palace. The cars were 8?@@41"1;<81p?4;5/1C->0C1:@@;-VTTZ1>/101?
divided into eight classes, and ranged from the Stradale class CLK GTR Roadster.

hillclimb revivals 2018
“el farell”

“la cuesta de enero”


20 de enero 2018
caldes de montbui
text: GD (Spanish) photos: Arnau Puig / Estela Iglesias


Chronodriver - Sant Feliu de Codines - Hillclimb Revival

Después de varias tentativas fallidas debido al vertiginoso clima po-

8«@5/; 18 <-?-0; 0«- V] 01 ;B519.>1 ?1 /181.>± ŋ:-891:@1 8- 9AE
esperada Chronodriver en Sant Feliu de Codines. Rememorando por
octavo año consecutivo, la legendaria historia automovilística que es-
conden los 4,2 km de carretera que une la población de Bigues i Riells
con la de Sant Feliu de Codines.

Con una inscripción algo más corta que la habitual debido al cambio
de fechas, las ganas de los participantes eran las mismas sino mejores
para disfrutar una vez más de una jornada apasionante donde los

dar luz propia al impresionante parque automovilístico con la que la
organización nos tiene acostumbrados. Entre los modelos más desta-
caron en esta edición encontramos al Ferrari 512BBi del coleccionista

consiguieron el Premio Frederique Constant al Espíritu Chronodriver -

“El día amaneció despejado y el sol en seguid ase unió a la fies-
ta para dar luz propia al impresionante parque automovilísti-
co con la que la organización nos tiene acostumbrados”
viente con placa nacional.

:@>1 8;? 2-B;>5@;? 018 <·.85/; 18 <>1/5;?; ;>0 &XT  =A1 -A:=A1
fuera una réplica, nos recordó al que en el año 1969 pilotó José María
A:/-0188-E=A1 -·:4;E 9A/4;?018;?-ŋ/5;:-0;?9Ÿ?B1@1>-:;?

:8-<>A1.-01>13A8->50-0 181=A5<;9Ÿ?1:2;>9-B;8B5±-?1>18
?/41 ]UU %  A:;? -A@§:@5/;? 2A1>- 01 ?1>51 01 8- 1?<1/5-850-0  ;?


“El equipo más en forma volvió a ser el for-

mado por carles miró / Ivan Matavacas”

951:@>-? =A1 18 9-@>59;:5; >=A§? N ->@« =A10->;: 1: A:- 9AE
puede ser compatible con la competición automovilística.

Chronodriver estrenó también un nuevo formato, a modo de Con-

curso de Elegancia donde se premiaron a los que por unanimidad se
consideraron los mejores vehículos. Estrenó tambien nuevo patroci-
:-0;>  8- <>1?@535;?- ŋ>9- ?A5F- 01 >18;61? >101>5=A1 ;:?@-:@  8
Premio Especial al Espíritu Chronodriver fue a parar al Alfa Romeo
&A:5;>019585->/5-=A1>1/5.5±018-?9-:;?018%> 4->81?
-?@5:1 >1<>1?1:@-:@1018-9->/->101>5=A1;:?@-:@1:?<-¯- 
un fabuloso reloj de su colección.


photos: Unai Ona

Ferraris at Goodwood Revival




Action shot of the Ecurie Francorchamps Ferrari 250 GT SWB Competizione

Ecurie Ecosse exclusive parking lot

fashion on wheels

B A R C E L O N A follow us:

text & photos: OV (Spanish)


Engine: Power: Torque: 0-100 km/h: Speed:

6 cilindros 258 cv YZTNm 5,8 s 234 km/h

2,993 c.c. XTTT><9 UYTT
Twin Power Turbo Diesel

Después de una extensa prueba pana europea atravesando debido a un buen reglaje de suspensiones y a un chasis muy
distintos países, tipos de carretera y una climatología muy bien equilibrado. Encomiable es también su autonomía y su
variada; podemos asegurar que el BMW X4 es un auténtico relación consumo/prestaciones, algo muy interesante a los que
correcaminos. nos gusta conducir.

Con un formato mucho más compacto que su hermano mayor

(X6), el X4 mantiene la esencia de un SUV/Coupé que lo hace
tan versátil como atractivo. Un segmento que creó el Mitsu-
bishi Pajero Evolution Concept Car que se presentó en Salón
marcas premium ampliando así la oferta de su portafolio. In-
cluso Lamborghini ha vuelto a las andadas...¿pero se atreverá

Nosotros nos fuimos hasta Maranello con el ánimo de provo-

rio y quilómetro a quilómetro nos dimos cuenta del carácter
impulsivo de nuestro compañero de viaje y de su adecuada
ban, sin querer, a despejar nuestro camino en las autopistas,
donde nuestro X4 avanzaba con aplomo y seguridad. A nivel
dinámico iguala o supera a turismos con prestaciones simila-
res y aunque su centro de gravedad alto lo penalice sobre el
papel, en realidad el correcaminos alemán es ágil y preciso

well done

text & photos: OV (Spanish)


Engine: Power: Torque: 0-100 km/h: Speed:

4 cilindros U\T/B VYTNm 7,2 s 237 km/h

1,798 c.c. YUTT

!De Diez!

%« ?«01>;@A:0; 8:A1B;A05&&V T&%01U\T(E que se merece el coche. Aprobados con nota tanto la estética y
tracción delantera es un automóvil excepcional. Había proba- la mecánica falta hablar de su chasis y su comportamiento en
do ya otras versiones más potentes incluidas el TTS y tracción carretera.
quattro, y siempre me había gustado mucho pero no esperaba
que su versión más “sencilla” lograra sorprenderme tanto. De todos es sabido que los descapotables o roadsters pierden
cierta rigidez estructural a no tener un techo que una los
Su diseño atractivo atrae a simple viste y la sutil combina- montantes. Sin embargo, el desarrollo técnico y los avances
ción de la unidad probada en pintura gris metalizada, capota 1:5:31:51>«-4-:41/4;=A11?@--ŋ>9-/5±:?1-<>;:A:/5-0-
gris cálido tirando a beige y tapicería de cuero gris hielo era hoy en día con la boca pequeña. Se han invertido muchas
realmente acertada. Su ergonomía también es de sobresalien- horas y mucho talento en revertir estas torsiones que mina-
te ya que tanto los ajustes del asiento y del volante garantizan ban las prestaciones de los descapotables. Pero parece que
una posición de conducción cómoda y deportiva para poder TT Roadster haya ido un poco más allá. Supongo que sus
disfrutar de todo el potencial del vehículo. Y aunque sobre el 0591:?5;:1?/;9<-/@-?E8-?88-:@-?01VT<A83-0-?=A1
<-<188;?U\T(0189;@;>&%?A1:1:-83;6A?@;? 8->1-850-0 9;:@-.-8-A:50-0<>;.-0-5:ŌAE1>;:8;?AE;1::A1?@>;@1?@
es completamente diferente y el TT con esta motorización está pero el resultado fue sobresaliente. Quedé sorprendido de la
muy cerca de lo que consideramos un vehículo de absoluta efectividad de este chasis, de su aplomo y de sus pocas inercias
armonía y un conjunto muy muy equilibrado. En el modo Dy- en carreteras reviradas; tanto cuesta arriba com en bajada. Es
:-95/01A05>5B1%181/@ /;:8-=A145/59;?/-?518]Tū01 A:-A@;9±B582Ÿ/58 =A11:?13A50-A:;81/;31/;:ŋ-:F-E/;:
8;?VTTT7901@1?@0>5B1 189;@;>&%?1/;9<;>@-012;>9- el que te atreves ir al límite.
elástica y parece que el cambio S tronic de levas en el volante
exprima todo su potencial. También a nivel acústico el sonido
que emiten los dos escapes traseros es igualmente atractivo
sobretodo al subir y bajar de marchas. Sin ser estridente, es lo

text & photos: OV (Spanish)


2x Engine: Power: Torque: 0-100 km/h: Speed:

4 cilindros 326 cv YTTNm 5,4 s VYT79N4

electric 83kW

Hay muchas maneras de valorar y analizar a un automóvil; ya

sea por su diseño, por sus prestaciones o simplemente por las
sensaciones que transmite al conducirlo.

%5:19.->3; A:-.1>85:-01-8@-3-9-/;9;18:A1B;[XT1
iperformance requiere de un análisis diferente. Nos importan
poco sus cifras, tampoco es un automóvil pensado para trans-
mitir sensaciones; sino todo lo contrario, pues está diseñado
para que uno se aísle del exterior y encuentre, al abrir sus
puertas y al entrar en su habitáculo, un oasis lleno de confort,
comodidad y calidez. Pero el nuevo serie 7 híbrido ofrece
mucho más. A estas tres “C” hay que sumarles el paquete de
conectividad y tecnología rodante más completo del mercado,
lo que lo convierte a día de hoy, en uno de los automóviles
9Ÿ?-B-:F-0;? +@;0;/;:18ŋ:014-/1>9A/4;9Ÿ?<8-/1:-
tera la experiencia de desplazarse o refugiarse en su interior.
Un auténtico “cocoon” optimizado con la tecnología Carbon
Core que ayuda a reducir el peso sin perder rigidez y hace que
de autonomía en modo eléctrico como cuando el conductor
necesita todo el empuje que su doble corazón es capaz de ex-
primir. Un modelo exquisito para un tarjetero ambicioso que
lo quiere todo y no sabe renunciar a nada.


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