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9 Elaborar el plan de accin de mercadeo

El proceso de planeacin debe abarcar todas las reas de la empresa. El desarrollo de esta
evidencia confirmar que han alcanzado el siguiente resultado de aprendizaje:

Comprender las ideas principales de textos complejos en ingls que tratan de temas tanto
concretos como abstractos, incluso si son de carcter tcnico, siempre que estn dentro de
su campo de especializacin

Evidencia 3
Formato Brief

Qu se debe entregar?

Formato Brief diligenciado y presentacin de la campaa publicitaria

Cules son los criterios de evaluacin asociados a esta evidencia?

Traduce del ingls documentos tcnicos sencillos en tiempo presente y pasado.

Dramatiza en ingls una historia breve utilizando verbos regulares e irregulares.
Cul es el procedimiento?

Estudie el material Creative Brief.

De manera individual y teniendo en cuenta su producto o servicio, complete el Formato


Lea comprensivamente el material How to create an advertising campaign (Pautas para

crear una campaa publicitaria).

Una vez diligenciado el formato, seleccione un tem y prepare una campaa publicitaria en
ingls en tiempo pasado, a travs de alguno de los medios sugeridos en el material:

o Una campaa radial

o Un comercial de televisin
o Una campaa promocional

Enve el formato al instructor y solicite las instrucciones para presentar la campaa.

A continuacin, encontrarn el espacio donde deben redactar las respuestas:

Diligencie cada una de las casillas de acuerdo con los criterios y el tiempo verbal que se

1. Company information Present tense

Name of the company PEST LOVE LTDA

Trades name Of consumption
Companys activity Pet Care (dogs and cats)
2. Company history Past tense
History of the company in detail We are an institution specialized in providing services to the care
Advertising has been traditionally of pets, which seeks the prevention and improvement of the health
and welfare of dogs and cats. In addition to providing a
done? comprehensive and differentiated service that meets the needs of
What kind of advertising and what each type of pet.
Its infrastructure differs not only in presenting Veterinary Services
issues were addressed? for external consultation, but also specialized consultation,
surgery, hospitalization, pharmacy, professional hairdresser,
What were the objectives of previous daycare and pet shop, always seeking the comfort of our patients
campaigns? and owners.
Founded in 2017, by a group of SENA apprentices, for the
What are the characteristics of your provision of services, for the care of pets (dogs and cats). mode or
product or service? platforms of online stores, after physical stores in different cities of
the country.
What is the current position of your advertising: use of social networks and web pages.
product in the market? services: spa, veterinary, accessory stores.

Present tense
3. The product or service Main Service: Special service of specialized care for pets. Temporary care of
Design: Exclusive care of macotas, without distinction of race, sex, age,
Description of the product or service economic prices.
Technical specifications Nursery: food, needs, games, exercises and
with all its features: walking.

Physical (if it has)

Veterinarian: general review, vaccination and devermination, diet, preventive

Chemical characterization (if it Training: general rules and specialized education.

Useful life. Service required throughout the life of the pet.
has) Spa staff should arrive at the pet's home, in a perfectly labeled vehicle; The
customer can confirm THE ARRIVAL by calling our facilities with the
Packaging (if it has) telephone number 301 725 3126- 3003724110- 301 282 5673- 313 622
Benefits The PETS LOVE Spa staff must receive your pet in the vehicle and / or in our
facilities without collars or leashes. ES SPAC is not responsible for straps
Trajectory (how long was it and / or necklaces, as well as lost or forgotten identification badges.
Spa staff must confirm the service they must perform. The client is
released) responsible for specifying widely how you want the haircut and / or services
you want for your pet.
Lifecycle Legal assistance
Legal advice by telephone regarding conciliatory legal proceedings to claim
Legislation damages and damages caused by third parties or those caused by the
registered pet.

Present tense
4. SWOT matrix (Strengths, ATRIZ DOFA

Weaknesses, Opportunities and THREATS

The pace of life pace of modern life, which is very busy or fast, and even could be classified tiring and stressful, do not give free

time to enjoy pet, since virtually no time is spent at home.
Diseases Both the diseases that the animals themselves can contract, as well as those that they can transmit to their owners.
Climatology Depends on the home where the pet is welcomed, there will be dangers of lack of acclimatization by the animal, and
there may be danger of death.
Economic situation We are currently in a good economic time, although with the threat of a slowdown in growth, therefore we

Weaknesses (they are internal to

must take advantage of it to increase sales.
Franchises In recent years the phenomenon of franchising has flooded the shops, this is a great opportunity for expansion, with
which you can reach the whole country.

the company)
Branches Possibility of opening new stores in the provincial capitals of Colombia

Opportunities (they are external,

Leadership We are in front of the largest and most specialized store in Colombia. What the leading store for excellence.
Technology Pes'tlove has the most advanced technology in terms of veterinary services, owning its own clinic. It also has the
latest in fish farms, lighting and synthetic feed.

what the sale opportunities are)

Reputation Pes'tlove since its inception is the largest store in Colombia
Pes'tlove variety thanks to its size has more than 05 different breeds.

Production Because the vast majority of pets sold in pes'tlove are not native to our country, the production thereof depends on

Strengths (they are internal) the countries of origin of them, running the risk that at some point the availability of some It is not possible.
Legality The law in Colombia restricts the importation of some species in significant quantities, and many species are protected,
not allowing them to leave their country of origin.

Threats (they are external) Advertising The negative publicity that some dog breeds have received, such as the "PIT BULL" or similar dogs, have created
panic among the population.
Insurance In recent years, the government has required each owner to have insurance for each dog.
Situation The location of pes't love is on the outskirts of Bogota, and this forces a displacement.
Manipulation Because most species are not "produced" in our country, you can not be certain of the treatment that pets have
received before arriving at the store.
Present tense
Funding for this project will be made through a banking entity, making a loan of $ 50,000,000
million Colombian pesos, and contributing $ 15,000,000,000, based on capital.
In total, $ 35,000,000 would be available for the proper operation of the company, of which $
24,200,000 would be the initial investment.

5. Budget Value of items

Staff Monthly salary $ 2,500,000
Unit Stationery - Sum $ 10,000
Equipment Monthly rent - computer plus printer $ 80,000
Its the money assigned to the Transportation Unit - Urban displacement $ 2,100
Utilities Monthly fixed charge plus consumption $ 80,000
project. Ink for printer Unit $ 30,000
Amount of each item to use
Person 1 Person
Stationery 1 Summarize
Equipment 1 Month rent
Transportation 12 Urban commuting
Public services 1 Month of consumption
Printer ink 4 Units

6. Consumer/Target Audience Present tense

The veterinary establishments and Spa belong to the consumer
market where the subcategory of services markets, are
Describe the three types of constituted by those markets in which individual or family buyers
consumers: acquire intangible goods for their present or future satisfaction,
for example: services, laundry, education, health, etc.
End consumer: The person who Users will buy our product and / or services to PET'S LOVE due
consumes the product, but doesnt The prices that are handled are very low.
decide on the purchase. Offer greater comfort and convenience to our customers.
Offer the most innovative products in the market.
Real consumer or objective: The Take advantage of every opportunity that is presented to
person who makes the purchase educate our customers.
Help our clients respond to an emergency or fulfill an obligation
decision. The added value offered by our products, our guarantee.
Potential Consumer: The person The technological advantages that we offer in our products.
Help our clients feel identified with their group
who has a provisional contact with The facility to recognize our name
the product or who will be the LOCATION AND SEGMENTS
The establishments are located in Kra. 6sur No. 47-82, Barrio
consumer in the future. Ciudadela July 20-Barranquilla, where the population is stratum
Describe the profiles 1,2 and 3 or more as they are the people who care most about
their pets look great, that has a system of medicine in case of
Demographic profile illness or who care about the welfare of the pet and take it to
Geographic profile review periodically

Psychographic profile
Present tense
7. Competition/Positioning Positioning
Show the consumer the "greater" benefit you will have if you take your pet to PES'T LOVE ..
Through events where you can have direct contact with consumers and they can be shown and explain what each zone
consists of and the benefit for their pets.
The promotion part is very important for PEST'T LOVE especially at the time of launching the business, because the

Describe the type of competition your idea is to create a very good first impact and capture most of the target audience. For this it is important to participate in
different fairs and show the brand through important alliances.
Dog World:

product or service has: It is a fair that brings together pet shops, veterinary clinics, adoption centers, nurseries and concentrate companies in a
space where pet friends will find a variety of products and services. In addition there are tastings, exhibitions, exhibitions
and integration activities.

Direct In this fair the idea is to create one of the zones of the company and in this way to make known one of the different
services that are offered within the place, additional will be counted to the consumers the activities that the dogs will be
able to realize in each one of the zones and the benefits that this one will grant them in factors of health, well-being,

Hint socialization and happiness.

Canine Extravaganza:
It is a Fair for dog lovers, where masters can go to parade with their pet and receive prizes. The parades are qualified by

Main Competition canine experts who come from abroad.

Participation PES'T LOVE
PES'T LOVE will reward the winners of the different parades with a party in the Party Zone, with this the idea is to get
people who did not know the place, know him and are encouraged to take their dog to different areas.
Present tense

Provide owners and pet owners with

8. Project objectives comprehensive solutions in the veterinary
services, sale of accessories, hairdressing
Describe the goal to be achieved in and spa for pets, seeking comprehensive
your project. care of them.

Present tense
Market research is one of the most important aspects in a study of
projects since the collection, planting, organization and this will allow
9. Market research to understand the market to make decisions, identify problems and

The project is a pre-feasibility study for the creation of an

Explain the market research you have establishment dedicated to the provision of services oriented to the
made in your project: which are the care of pets, the idea arises due to the recent growth of purchase of
pets especially dogs and cats and the purpose of said project is to
latest changes of consumers and the cover the need for a center that integrates various services, such as
beauty, food, medical assistance, etc.
target public?
The increase of pets in the cities is increasing, as well as the number
of families that have them, in Colombia every 6 of 10 families have a
pet in their house, being dogs the preferred animals followed by cats.

Present tense
Distribution channels
Pes't Love, is one of the leading companies in the pet care sector (dogs and
10. Schedule In order to make the Pes't Love service available to consumers, we find
distribution channels that can be:
Channels of direct distribution: it is the one that is carried out directly from the
Include the distribution channels for clinic to the final user.
Pes't love website
the products of your project: Merchandising
Direct Central reservation of the clinic itself
Pet's Love, differs from the rest of the competitors because it uses the
Indirect relatively low price strategy, with its respective discounts according to the
services provided, same way it does through the 2x1 offer, its payment
method they are made through credit cards, credited and the plan separates,
etc. using advertising media such as radio, television, social networks,
magazines, brochures and banners.
The client can not be given more or less than what is promised.
The distribution channels of the services and / or product of Pes't love, is
direct to the final consumer

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