Mastering Spanish

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Buenos das. 2Cmo est usted?

fdentification: introductions and


2A qu hora l|egamos?

K 1

Robert and Joan Robinson arrive in Spain and pass through Customs and

Po|ica: Buenos das' Su pasaporte, por favor.

Robert: Aqu tiene usted.
Po|ica: Usted es ingls, ;verdad?


Juan I

Juan I

Vamos a Espaa DUENC
el dia
Robert. Eso es.
Polica: Y, ;quin eS esta seora? er pasi
Robert: Esta es mi mujer, Joan Robinson. por fa
Polica: iY sus hijos? aqui
Robert: No estn con nosotros. Estn en Inglaterra. tiene
Po|ica. Muy bien. ;Cunto tiempo van ustedes a estar en Espaa? usteo
Robert; Tres semanas. es
Po|ica; Muy bien. Gracias. Adis. ing|s,
Robert: Adis. Lveraz
e50 es
K Diatogue 2
The Robinsons arrive at their hotel and check in at reception. 1quir
Robert. Buenos das. Soy el seor Robinson. ;Tiene usted una habitacin |a ser
reservada en mi nombre? mi/mi:
Recepcionista: ;Robinson? (Jn momento. ;Cmo se escribe su nombre? la mu1
Robert: R-o-b-i-n-s-o-n. Robinson. el hr.1o
Recepcionista: Ah, s. Aqu est' El seor Robinson de York en Inglaterra' los hr.1r
Robert: Eso es. no
Recepcionista: Una habitacin con bao por cinco das, iverdad? estan
Robert: S, eso es. con
Recepcionista: La habitacin nmero doce en el primer piso. Aqu tiene usted nosotr
la llave. lnglat(
Robert. Muchasgraclas. bien
Recepcionista: A usted, seor. muy
Diatogue 3 el tien
R van
In the evening the Robinsons go to meet some friends in a caf. Mr Robinson Usted
knows them but Mrs Robinson does not. estar
Juan Lpez: Buenas tardes, Roberto. 4Qu hay? tres
Robert: Hola, Juan. Esta es mi mujer, Joan _ Juana en espaol. la sem
Juan Lpez: Mucho gusto' seora Robinson. ras va(

Joan: El gusto es mo, seor Lpez.
Juan Lpez: 4Puedo presentarle a mi mujer? Mara, sta es Juana Robinson, la
mujer de Roberto.
Mara Lpez; Mucho gusto) Juana.
.)oan Encantada, Mara.
Juan Lpez. Bueno. Sintense. ;Qu van a tomar?

l:ueno/a/os/as good
e| da day
buenos das good day, good morning
su/sus your. his. her. their
e pasaporte passport
por favor please
aqu here
tiene has, have
usted you (polite speech)
es is, are
i n g| s / e s a / es es,/es a s English
2verdad? true? is that right? isn't it?
eso that
eso es that's it. that's rioht
v and
2quin? who?
este/a this
itacin |a seora lady, Mrs
mi/mis my
? la mu.1er wife, woman
el hl..1o son
rra. los hl..1os children, sons
no no, not
estn are (they are)
estamos are (we are,
con with
e usted nosolros us, we
Inglaterra England
bien well
muy very
2cunto? how much?
el tiempo time
van go, are going (they)
binson ustedes you (plural, polite speech)
eSIar to be
Espaa Spain
tres three
ta semana week
las vacaciones holidays

BUENos DiAs' C()Mo ESTA UsrED.) 3

gractas thank you wh
adis goodbye (Mr),':
soy Iam tai<es pl,
|a habitacin room
reserved Bue
name Bue
el nombre
el momento moment Bue
to write
The afi
escribir because
se escribe one writes, it is written
yes (9-10 p
e| bao bath, bathroom Bue
por for
e| nmero number
ooce twelve The for
primero/a/os/as first and car:
el piso floor (of building)' flat
la llave key Adi
la tarde afternoon, evening $7hen
buenas tardes good afternoon, evening .doa'

2qu? what?
nay there is, there are But
2qu hay? how are things, how are You? But
hola hello
espa o|/a,/es,/as Spanish With fr
mucho a lot, much
el gusto pleasure
mucho gusto pleased to meet you
mo/a/os/as mine
el gusto es mio the pleasure's mine (b) Pt
puedo I can
Polite i
presentar to introduce
sit down (addressing more than one
sintense forms :
to have (food and drink) rigid s1
o For supplementaty ttocabulaty lists see p. 285 each ot
form aI
iar forr

Explanations (c) Tt

a The grammar summat))) to uhich the grammar re;ferences refer, begins on p. 342 Ifyou r

(a) Meeting people andfortns of address and pc
form o
Spaniards shake hands when they meet people for the first time and at subse- singula
q,rent meetings. They also shake hands when leaving other people, and getting
away from a large group of Spaniards can be quite complicated! Us

$7hen meeting strangers for the first time, you address them as
(Mr), .seora' (Mrs) or .seorita' (Miss) and their Surname. If the meeting
takes place in the morning, the fuli greeting would be:

Buenos das, seor Gc:nz|ez. Good morning, Mr GonzIez.

Buenos das, seora Morales. Good morning, Mrs Morales.
Buenos das, seorita Agudo. Good morning, Miss Agudo.
The afternoon and evening are referred to by the same phrase, probably
because the Spaniards consider the time between lunch (1 2 por) and dinner
(9-10 pm) as being a single part of the day. Thus the greetingbecomes:
Buenas tardes' seor Gonz|ez' Good afternoon/evening,
Mr Gonzlez.
The form 'buenas noches' (good night) is usually used when it is night-time
and can be used to greet people as well as to say 'good night'.
Adis, buenas noches Goodbye, good night
When you know people fairly well, it is possible to greet them using 'don' or
.doa' with their first name, but the greeting remains fairly formal.

Buenas tardes, don Paco. Good afternoon, Paco.

Buenos das, doa Maria. Good morning, Maria.
!7ith friends, the irst name is used.
Hola, lsabel. Hello, Isabel.

(b) Polite andfarniliqr in socisl relationships

Polite forms are used to address strangers, people older than yourself, anyone
1 one in an official position such as policemen and Customs officials, and familiar
forms are used to address friends, children and animals. (The previous rather
rigid system is breaking down and some groups of people for example, stu-
dents - regularly address each other in the familiar form whether they know
each other or not. To avoid embarrassment it is better to start off in the polite
form and wait for the Spaniard to invite vou to address him or her in the famil-
iar form.)

(c) The polite forrn - grsr?xntar ref 7(i)

). 342 If you meet a bishop in England, you have to address him as follows:

How zs your Grace this morning?

and polite speech in Spanish has the same pattern with 'usted', a shortened
form of 'vuestra merced' (your Grace) taking, as in English, the third person
t subse-
singular of the verb.
I getting
Usted es ingls. You're English.

BUENos oas. |cl,lo EST USTED? 5

Without the pronoun 'usted', the sentence has a quite different meaning. WC

He's English. yo
Es ing|s.
If you are talking to more than one person the plural form 'ustedes' is used: yo
Ustedes son ingleses. You're English. Hower
Son ingleses. They're English. the en,
'Usted' can also be written 'Vd.' or 'Ud.', and 'ustedes' as 'Vds.' or 'Uds.' So
(d) The farniliarJortn tr5
This form, used to address friends, children and animals, is simpiy the second
The or
person of the verb in the singular form to address one person and the plural to
address more than one:
Eres espao|, 2verdad? You're Spanish, aren't you?
Sois ingleses, 2verdad? You're English, aren't you?
a The absence o;f subject pronouns is ex!>lained below.
the me

(e) Expressing possessioz. - gra?rrvvtar ref 2(io) So
To say 'my' in Spanish, use the word 'mi' with any singular noun: To ex1
staes mi mu.;er This is my wife.
b,ste es mr nuo. This is my son.

The plural form is 'mis':

Mis hr.;os estn en lnglaterra. My children are in England You u
Mis |laves estn aqu. My keys are here' upside
To say 'your', use the word 'su'with any singular noun: imposr

2Tiene usted su pasaporte? Do you have your passport? Ht

Su habitacin est aqu' Your room is here. In Spa
The plural form is 'sus': Es
Sus ht.'1os estn en IngIaterra Your children are in England. In spet
Sus |laves estn aqu. Your keys are here. the qu
(fl Expressing identity - grarnrnar ref 7(i) Us
Subject pronouns I, you, he, she, we, you, they - do exist in Spanish and are 2E
as follows:
I yo
you (familiar form, sing.) IU
he |
erally r
she ella Us
you (polite form, sing.) usteo tri

we nosotros,/as
you {familiar [orm, pl.) vosotros,/as
they ellos,/as
tsed: you (polite form, pl.) ustedes
However, they are rarely used, and it is the form of the verb, and particularly
the ending, which tells you who or what is the subject of the verb:
Js. ' Soy ingls. I'm English.
Eres francs You're French (sing.).
Es aIemn' He's German.
Es alemana. She's German.
: second
plural to The only subject pronouns regularly used are 'usted' and 'ustedes' which refer
to 'you' in the singular and the plural:
Usted es ing|s' You're E,nglish (sing.).
Ustedes son ingleses. You're English (pl.).
The adjectives of nationality agree with the person described and change from
the masculine form to the feminine if the Derson described is female:
Soy ing|s' I'm English (man speaking).
Soy inglesa. I'm English (woman speaking).
To express where you are from, use the following:
Soy de York ['m from York.

(g) Ashing questions

You will have noticed that a question in Spanish starts with a question mark
upside down and ends with one the right way up. This is because it is often
impossible to invert the verb and subject as we do in Engiish:
He is English Is he English?

In Spanish this becomes:

Es ingls. 2Es ing|s?
In speech, the question is recognised from the tone of voice and in writing from
the question mark upside down which shows a question has started. If the verb
has a subject, it is possible to form the question as in English.

Usted es francs' You're French.

and are 2Es usted francs7 Are you French?
Su h1o est aqu. Your son is here.
2Est su hi1o aqu? Is your son here?

Another simple way to form a question is to use the word'2verdad?', which lit-
erally means 'truth?' and turns any sentence into a question.
Usted es e| seor Gmez, 2verdad? You're Mr Gmez, aren't you?
Esta mu.1er es espaola, 2verdad? This woman is Spanish, isn't she?


Other questions can be formed using question words:
2ouin? Who? I
2ouin es usted? $ho are you? I
2Cunto? How much? 2
2Cunto vale7 How much does it cost?
How? One,
2Cmo se escribe7 How is it written? I

2ou7 What? z
2ou es7 What is it? 3
(h) So.yinS ushere sornething is'gratnrnar ref 8 6

To say where something is, use .est' or

.estn' if more than one tlring is meant:
(k) ,

2Dnde est e| bar7 Where is the bar?

Here it is. If a n
Aqu est.
2Dnde estn sus h1os7 Where are your children? N
Estn en Madrid. They're in Madrid. \

(i) Indicating sornething or so?neone using 'this' - gratnrnar ref I

2(zt) If a n
Esta mujer es francesa. This woman is French.
Este hombre es ingls.
This man is English.

To say 'this' or 'this one', simply leave out the noun. Therr
stees mi hr-1o. This is my Son.
mu.;er. This is my wife.

sta es mi

(j) Nurnbers 1-20 - gra??Lrnar ref 3

Several numbers occur in the dialogues, and here are the numbers 1 20: C Th,

uno [un hombre, una mu.;er)
2 dos
3 tres .F ot
4 cuatro
5 cinco
6 seis
7 siete Play t
8 ocho will hr
9 nueve
10 diez
II once
12 doce
13 trece
L4 catorce
15 quince

16 diecisis
17 diecisiete
18 dieciocho
l9 diecinueve
20 veinte
One ordinal number occurs, and here are the ordinals lst to 5th:
1st primero/a (el primer piso' |a primera habitacin)
2nd segundo/a
3rd tercero/a (el tercer piso, |a tercera habitacin)
4th cuarto
5th quinto
s meant:
(k) Singular and plural - grarrtrnar ref 1

If a noun ends in a vowel, the plural is formed by adding an '-s':

Mi h|o est aqu' My son is here.

Mis hi.1.os estn aqu. My sons (children) are here.
La ||ave est en la mesa. The key is on the table.
nar ref Las llaves estn en |a mesa. The keys are on the table.
If a noun ends in a consonant, the plural is formed by adding '-es':
La habitacin e5 muy bonita. The room is very nice.
Las habitaciones son muy bonitas. The rooms are very nice.
Therefore, you not only see but also hear all plurals in Spanish.

l: a The keg to these exercises begins on p. 292

oFo r students who wish to acquire a basic knowledge of Spanish.

(\ ) Exercise t Arriving in Spain

Piay the part of Mr Robinson in the following dialogue. The clues in English
will help you to remember the Spanish.
Polica. Buenos das. Su pasaporte' por favor.
Usted; (Sa1t here you are.)
Po|ica: Usted es ingls, iverdad?
Usted: (Say that's right.)
Polica: Y' iquin es esta seora?
Usted: (Say this is your wife, Joan Robinson.)

aUENo.s DiAs' iCoMO EsT U\TED? 9

Po|ica: 4Cunto tiempo van ustedes a estar en Espaa? 3 s
Usted: (Salt three weeks.) 4Us
Po|ica: Muy bien. Gracias. Adis. 55u
Usted: (Say goodbye.)
( Exercise 2 At the hotel Ask if
Play yourself in the following dialogue; greet the receptionist, identifii yourself Exam;
and spell your name.
ReceDCionista: Buenosdas. f I t-

Usted: (Sa1 good norning. You are Mr/Mrs/Miss... Ask i;f she has a room reserued 3Hi
in your name.) 4Mr
Recepcionista: ;Cmo se escribe su nombre? 5N(
Usted. (SPell your name.)
Recepcionista: Una habitacin con bao por cinco das, ;verdad?
Usted: (Sayyes, that's right.)
Recepcionista: La habitacin nmero doce en el primer piso. Aqu tiene usted o For
la llave.
Usted: (Sa1 nrur4t thanks.) Exer
ReceDCionista: Austed.

Exercise 3 Greeting peoPle
Play yourself in the following dialogue; exchange greetings with various people.
(The words in brackets are to be used by female students.)
E| seor Lpez: Mucho gusto) seor (seora, seorita). 4tE
Usted: (Say the Pleasure is yours.) 5tE
E| seor Lpez: staes mi mujer, Mara.
Usted; (Say Pleased to meet you.) Exer

e Exercise 4 Talking about yourself

Answer the following questions. (The words in brackets are to be used by
female students.)
1 2Es usted ing|s (ing|esa)? 4La
2 2auin es usted7 5M
3 1Cmo se escribe sU nombre?
4 2Cunto tiempo Va Usted a estar en Espaa7 (Four weeks) Exer
5 Usted es francs (francesa)' 1verdad?
Say al
(\ ) Exercise 5 Asking questions Exam
Convert the following into questions using the word '2verdad?'Example: Usted
es espao|' Usted es espao|' 2verdad?
1 Usted es ing|s. 4
2 sta e5 sU muJer. 5 1l

3 stosson sus h1os.
t+ Usted est de vacaciones.
5 Su nombre es Juan en espao|

( ) Exercise Possessions
Ask if something belongs to someone.
z yourself Example: Pasaporte. 2Es ste sU pasaporte7
1 Habitacin'
2 Llave.
n reserz-ted 3 Hi1o.
4 Mu.;er.
5 Nombre.

:ne usted o For students who uish to progress beyond a basic knouledge.

O Exercise 7 Denying that something is true

($7ords in brackets to be used by female students.)
Example: iEs usted espaol? No' no soy espao|'

s people.
l 2Es usted ir|ands (ir|andesaJ7
2 2Es usted de Yorl<7
3 zEs usted e| seor Brown [|a seora Brown)7
4 2Es usted arquitectoT
5 2Es Usted espao| (espao|a)?

Exercise 8 |ntroducing PeoP|e to each othe

Example: Mu-;er. iPuedo presentarle a mi mu-;er7

used by
1 Hr.1o.
2 Amigo.
3 E|seor Brown.
4 La seora Loez'
5 Marido.

( Exercise 9 Number Practice

Say aloud the complete sum.
Example: 2 * 2 = 4. Dos y dos son cuatro

rle: Usted
| 3+3 = 6 6 9+7 = 16
2 5 +6 = 11 7 8+6 = L4
3 4+9 =13 8 9+8 = L7
4 7 +8 = 15 9 l0+8 = 18
5 l0+2 =12 10 10+10 = 20

BUENos nas. ptwo EST UTED? l i

( Exercise IO Asking where things and people are Enelt
\ Listen I
Example: El bar 2Dnde est e| bar?
1 !h
l La habitacin'
2 Istl
2 La llave.
3 For
3 Su muJer.
4 Su hr.1o.
5 El taxi.

tJl fc"'
2Comprende usted e| espao| habla do? (Readil
(Listening exercises)
$hat :
lono in
;Crno se escribe?
I Un,
Listen to the tape and write down how these Spaniards spell their names. Then
2 Un,
check your answers on page 294.
3 Un,
4 Un,

Listen to the tape again and write down the names of famous Spaniards as they
are spelled out for you.
Listen to the tape. Write down as figures the numbers you hear. For example, if 2La
you hear 'once' you will write I 1. )Ld

The last of the listening exercises in every chapter consists of authentic listening
material - that is, unscripted conversations between native speakers who are trorr1
speaking at their normal speed. Listen to the conversation and answer the ques- (Puzz\t
tions in English. It is not necessary to understand every word to be able to
understand the message and answer the questions successfully. You may need
to use your dictionary to understand key words.
The following procedure may help: Sopa
I Listen to the conversation and study the quesrions. Unsct
2 Listen to the conversation again, and pause the tape when you feel you are the fig'
able to answer the irst question. Examtr
3 Continue until you have answered all the questions.
4 Listen again, correct your answers if necessary, and then check your answers lc
with those found at the back of the book. 2t

En el hotel
Listen to the tape, and answer the questions in English.
1 \7hat type ofroom does the man want?
2 Is there a room free, and where is it?
3 For how long does he need the room?
4 Which document does the receptionist ask for?

m .comprende usted e| espaol escrito?

(Reading exercises)

$hat are the customers asking for? \7rite down what they want and for how
long in each of the sentences below.
1 Una habitacin individua| con bao por siete das
les. Then
2 Una habitacin doble con ducha por nueve das.
3 Una habitacin con bao por dos semanas.
4 Una habitac|n individua| Con bao por tres dias.

ls as they E
Which room? !rite down the number and floor of the room in each of the sen-
tences below.

l La habitacin nmero trece en e| segundo piso.

lample, if 2 La habitacin nmero tres en e| primer piso.
3 La habitacin nmero diecisis en e| tercer piso.
4 La habitacin nmero Veinte en e| Cuarto piso.

who are
the ques- (Puzzles)
e able to
nay need
Sopa de nrneros (Nuntber soup)
Unscramble the mixed-up numbers and write them out correctly together with
:l you are the figure.
Example: noec = o|'lC = l l.

r answers I oacurt
2 tiese

BUENos oas. puo EST USTED? l3

3 acoterc
4 crete
5 evinet
9 steeediici
l0 izde


Serpiente de letras (Letter snake)

Start with the letter set in bold and, moving from letter to letter in any direction
you choose, find the question and answer.
R A 05 E
OS T E D? [-


La famil

R Diatog
The Ro
their or,

2 Tiene usted familia?

ldentification: descriptions of oneself

and family





La familia en el jardin

K 1

The Robinsons and the Lpezes are sitting in a Madrid caf. The waiter brtngs
their order.
Camarero: Vamos Un caf con leche para el seor Lpez, un caf solo
a ver'
para |a seora Lpez, una cerveza para este seory un vino blanco para la


KI Dialogt
Robert F
to take <

Juan L5
Juan L1
Juan L;
:'s Juan Lp

:'x -Wffi #,-'*' Robert:
habi L

f vocd
vamos a

e| caf
e| caf t
En Ia terraza -J. Allan Cash e| caf s
la cerve
el vino
Juan Loez: Gracias. blanco./
Maria Lpez: ;E,s usted de York, Juana? la ciuda
Joan Robinson: S, soy de York. pues
Mara Lpez,: Y, ;cmo es la ciudad de York? bastant
Joan Robinson: Pues, es bastante grande. Tiene unos cien mil habitantes. 9ranae,
Mara Lpez: 1Qu interesante! ;Tiene usted hijos? unos/ul
Joan Robinson: S, tengo dos, un hijo y una hija.
Mara Lpez: iCmo se llaman? el habit
Joan Robinson: El hijo se llama David. Tiene veintin aos y es estudiante en
iqu +
la universidad de Manchester. La hija se llama Barbara, tiene veinticinco

aos y est casada. Su marido es mdico en el hospita1 de York. la hr.1a
Mara Lpez: Entonces usted es abuela, ;verdad? llamarsr
Joan Robinson: No, todava no. Mi hija no tiene hijos. se llam.
Mara Lpez. 4Trabaja usted, o es ama de casa? se llami
Joan Rob|nson: S, trabajo. Soy profesora de matemticas en un instituto de veintiut
York. e| ao
Mara Lpez: 1Matemticas! Las matemticas son muy difciles' ino? ellla es
la unlv(
Joan Robinson: ;Qu va! Son muy fciles'

Kl Diatogue 2
Robert Robinson and Juan Lpez are business associates and Juan Lpez needs
to take down some details about Mr Robinson to be able to contact him in
England and in Madrid.
JuanLpez: ;Cul es su direccin en York, Roberto?
Robert: Sesenta y cuatro Bootham - B-o-o-t-h-a-m - Bootham Road, York,
Juan Lpez: Y sta es su oficina, .verdad?
Robert: S, eso es.
Juan Lpez: ;Tiene telfono?
i Robert: S; el nmero de telfono es 0l904 389256.
Juan Lpez: Gracias. ;Y su telfono aqu en Madrid?'
i* Robert' IJn momento. Estoy en el Hotel Bristol. El telfono es 22..43:79' y |a
iii habitacin es el nmero doce.
n Lpez: Muchas gracias.

,,. l


t vamos a ver
e| caf
let's see
caf' coffee
e| caf con |eche white coffee
rllan Cash black coffee
e| caf solo
para for
la cerveza beer
el vino wine
blanco/a/os/as white
la ciudad city
pues weli, then
bastante quite, rather, enough
ntes. grande/s big
unos/unas some, about
cien hundred
mil thousand
el habitante inhabitant
liante en
iqu + adjective! how * adjective!
interesante/s interesting
la ht.ya daughter
llamarse to be called
se llaman they are called
se llama he/she is called (his/her name is)
tituto de veintiuno (veintin) twenty-one
e| ao year
el,/la estudiante student
la universidad universiry


veinticinco twenty-five LdI)lLt
casado/a/os/as married Faldar
el marido husband
e| mdico doctor (ii) Adier
el hospital hospital
entonces then Un hc
la abuela grandmother Una c
todava yet Homb
todava no not yet Habit;
traba-1ar to work
2trabala usted? do you work?
el ama de casa housewife two. You'
trabaJo I work
el profesor/la profesora teacher
(iii) Adjr
Ias matemtiCas mathematics If these en
el instituto secondary school
difci|/es difficult Este h
;qu va| not at all! Est S.
f ci|/es easy Los hr
|a direccin address Las m
sesenta y cuatro qi vtrr-fnr r r
la oficina office However,
estoy Iam Este h
el telfono telephone Esta n
tD For supplententary z.tocabulary lists see p. 285. Estos

(c) Iun
Explanations In Chapte
. The gralnlar su?nma|y) to which the gramnar re;t'erences refer, begins on p. 342. 2lv
(a) Indicating that sornething is destinedfor sorneone 22v
'Para' is used to show that somethins is destined for someone.
Un caf Con |eche para Usted A whire coflee for you. 25v
Tengo un recado para usted. I've got a message for you.
The numl
written as
(b) Describing things or people - gratntttar ref 2
30 tl
Adjectives in Spanish agree with the noun they describe - that is, if the noun is 34 tr
feminine the adjective will have a feminine ending, and if the noun is plural the 40c
adjective will have a plural ending. The way these endings are formed is as 42c
follows: 50c
(i) Adjectives which end in 'o'
Un vino blanco A white wine (masc. and sing.) 66s
Una habitacin b|anca A white room (fem. and sing.) 70s

Zapatos blancos \X/hite shoes (masc. and pl.)
Faldas blancas White skirts (fem. and pl.)

(ii) Adfectives which end in anything else

Un hombre grande A big man (masc. and sing.)
Una ciudad grande A big city (fem. and sing.)
Hombres grandes Big men (masc. and pl.)
Habitaciones grandes Big rooms (fem. and pl.)
Adjectives which end in '-o' are seen to have four forms, and others have only
two. You will also note that adjectives are usually placed after the noun.

(iii) Adiectives of nationality

If these end in '-o' they behave as the examples listed above:

Este hombre es italiano. This man is Itaiian.

Esta seora es rusa. This lady is Russian.
Los hombres son argentinos. The men are Argentinian.
Las mujeres son chilenas. The women are Chilean.
However, if they end in a consonant they still have four forms:
Este hombre es a|emn' This man is German.
Esta mujer es alemana. This woman is German.
Estos hombres son franceses. These men are French.
Estas seoras son portugUesas. These ladies are Portuguese.

(c) Nurnbers 21-100 - gra??x??xar ref 3

In Chapter I you learned the numbers 1 20. Flere are the numbers 2l-100:
n p. 342. 2I Veintiuno(.veintin'before
masc. noun) 26 veintisis
22 veintids 27 veintisiete
23 veintitrs 28 veintiocho
24 veinticuatro 29 veintinueve
25 veinticinco 30 trernta
The numbers l-29 are written as one word, but numbers greater than 30 are
written as lhree words.
30 treinta 7\ setenta uno
renoun rs 34 treinta y cuatro 80 ocnenta
plural the 40 cuarenta 83 ocnenta y tres
med is as 42 cuarenta y dos 90 noventa
50 cincuenta 95 noventa y cinco
59 cincuenta y nueve 100 ciento (but 'cien'when
60 sesenta exactly 100 is referred to:
o) 66 sesenta y seis cien hombres = 100 men)
r.) 7O setenta ll6 ciento diecisis


Telephone numbers in Spanish are usually given as patrs: Soy r
Mi m
34:56:89 treinta y cuatro.cincuenta Y Mi m
seis:ochenta Y nueve Mis I
If you are not sure exactly how many you wish to refer to, you can render a

number imprecise by placing 'unos' or 'unas' before it: @) Gi"

Tiene Veinte aos. Ie's twenty years old. g7"a7n7n
T|ene unos Ve|nte aos. FIe's about twenty years old. This regr
El hotel tiene treinta habitaciones. The hotel has got thirty rooms' this one
El hotel tiene unas treinta The hotel has got around thirty Spanish r
habitaciones. rooms'
(d) Indicating possession z;,:ith the aerb 'tener' - grQtttrrtar 2Tral
refs 7(ii), (iz:) S' tr;
This irreguiar verb is used to express possession: The first
Tengo dos ht.1os. I've got two children. ends in '-
Juan tiene tres huas. John has three daughters. 'you', anr
Mara no tiene su ||ave. Mary has not got her keY. Trab.
lt is also used to express age: Trab;
Tengo Cuarenta y dos aos. I'm forty-two years old.
Juan tiene cincuenta aos' John is fifty years old.
Maria tiene veinticinco aos. Mary is twenty-ive years old' (h) Gia
ref 8
(e) Gir:ing your na7vle zt:ith the oerb 'llsntQrse' - gra?nnlqr You saw
re 7 (iii) is. The vr

You have already learned how to give your name) using 'soy' + name' With this Ztr5|"<

verb, you express 'I'm called . . .' S. es

Mi hi
2Cmo se |lama usted7
IJhat's your name? (How do you call yourselP)
Me ||amo Paco Gonz|ez'
My name's Paco Gonzlez. (I call myself Paco Gonzlez') I Exerci
2Cmo se ||ama su h1jo?
$7hat's your son's name? (How is your son called?) a The kt
5e llama David.
His name is David. (He's called David.)
(fl Giaing your job uith the rserb ,ser, . gra77x?rar ref 7(a) Exercis
To give your job simply use 'soy' + name of your iob. The word 'a' or 'an' is Play the 1

missed out in the Spanish sentence. Mara L1

Soy profesor. I'm a teacher. Usted: (

Soy emPleado de oficina. I'm an office-worker. Mara L1

Soy mecnico. I'm a mechanic.
Mi marido es dentista My husband's a dentist.
v Mi mu.1er es ama de casa. My wife is a housewife.
Mis hr.;os son estudiantes. My children are students.
n render a

@) GiainS your plsce of uoork uoith the aerb 'trsbajar' -

gra?tlt?Lar ref 7(i)
This regular '-ar' verb can serve as a model for all such verbs and, in iearning
this one verb, you will have learned how to handle literally thousands of
Spanish verbs.

1Dnde trabaJa Usted? $7here do you work?

Traba.lo en una oficina. I work in an office.
1Trabala su muJerT Does your wife work?
5, traba.1a en Un instituto. Yes, she works in a school.
The first person (I = yo) ends in '-o' and the third person (he/she = ellella)
ends in '-a'. The third person is also used with the pronoun 'usted' to refer to
'you', and thus the pattern so far is:

Traba-1o I work
Traba1a He/she works
Usted trabaJa You work

td. (h) GioinS your cioil ststus ztsith the aerb 'estar' - grqtnntar
ref 8
LAr You saw in Chapter 1 that .est' and .estn' are used to say where Something
is. The verb is also used to express being married:
:. With this iEst usted casado? Are you married? A man is speaking
Si. estoy casado. Yes, I'm married.
Mi ht.1a no est casada. My daughter is not married.

a The key to these exercises begins on p. 295.

t\') Exercise t Talking about yourself
t' or 'an' is Play the part of Joan Robinson in the following dialogue.
Mara Lpez: ;Es usted de York, Juana?
Usted: (Say yes, you are from York.)
Mara Lpez: Y, icmo es la ciudad de York?


Usted: (Say well ir's fairly big. It has about 100 000 inhabitants.) 1l Else
Mara Lpez: 1Qu interesante! iTiene usted hijos? 12 Nol
Usted: (Say ltou have tuo, a sttn and a daughter.) 13 El se
Mara Lpez' iCmo se llaman? 14 ESt
Usted: (Say the son is called Datid. He is 21 ltears old and is a studettt at 15 El nt
the Uniz;ersity of Manchester. The daughter is called Barbara, is 25 years old and
is ntarried. Her husband is a doctor i'L York Hospital.)
Mara Lpez: Entonces usted es abuela, 4verdad? O Exercis
Usted: (Scry no, not yet. Your daughter doesn't haae turyt children.) Example:
Mara Lpez: 4Trabaja usted? 1 Laha
Usted: (Say;les, you work. Yoy're a teacher o.f rnathenrutics in a school in York.)
2 El esp
Now repeat the exercise but giving genuine answers rather than playing the part 3 La gri
of Joan Robinson. 4 Yorl< r

5 Laha
(\) Exercise 2 Giving information about youself
Play the part of Robert Robinson in the following dialogue.
a Exercis
Juan Lpez: ;Cul es su direccin en York, Roberto? Example:
Usted: (Say 64 Bootham Road. Spell it. Add Yorle, England.) l E| se
Juan Lpez: Y sta eS Su oficina, 4verdad? 2 Soyp
Usted: (Sayye.s, that's right.) 3 El hor
Juan Lpez: .Tiene telfono? 4 La se
Usted: (Gite ltottr phone number 0901 389255.) 5 El hor
Juan Lpez: Gracias. 4Y su telfono aqu en Madrid?
Usted: (Say one n1o?nent. You are at the Bristol Hotel. The phone nuntber is
22:43:79, and the room nunber is 12.) Exercis
Juan Lpez; Muchas gracias. Say alouc
Now repeat the exercise but giving genuine answers rather than playing the part Example:
of Robert Robinson. L 17+
z z1
Exercise 3 True or false? 3 64+
4 37+
Read or listen to the dialogues again and then mark each of these statements 5 52+
true or false.
1 E| caf so|o es para el seor LpeZ.
2 La Cerveza es para |a seora Lpez.
3 E| vino bIanco es para Ia seora Robinson.
4 Joan Robinson es de York. Exercis
5 York es una ciudad bastante grande. Answer a
6 Yorl< tiene clncuenta mil habltantes.
7 La seora Robinson tiene tres huos.
8 Su hljo se |lama David y es mdico. 1 iTien,
9 Su h|ja se ||ama Barbara y est Casada. 2 2Tien,
10 La seora Robinson no trabaia. 3 lTien'

11 E| seor Robinson tiene una oficina en Bootham en Yor|<.
|2 No tiene te|fono en su oficina.
13 E| seor Robinson est en e| Hotel Cristina en Madrid.
|4 Est en |a habitacin nmero doce.
studert at 15 El nmero de te|fono es veintids, Cuarenta y tres, setenta y nueve
:ars old and

t\) Exercise 4 Describing things

E.xample: E| vino es b|anco. 2Y |a habitacin? Es b|anca

in York.)
1 La habitacin es grande. 2Y |a ciudad?
2 E| espaol es fci|. iY e| ing|s?
ng the part 3 La gramtica es difci|. 2Y e| vocabulario?
4 York es interesante. 2Y Madrid?
5 La habitacin es blanca. 2Y |a fa|da?

e) Exercise
Example: EI
5 Giving people3 nationality
seor es ingls. 2Y su mu.1er7 Es ingIesa.

1 E| seor es a|emn. 2Y su h1a7

2 Soy portugus' iY mi mu.1er7
3 El hombre es italiano. 2Y su h1o7
4 La seora es inglesa. 2Y su marido?
5 E| hombre es espao|. 2Y su abue|a7

number is
\ Exercise Number Practice
Say aloud the complete sum.
ng the part Example: 23 + 34 = 57. Veintitrs y treinta y cuatro son cincuenta y siete
I L7+29=46 6 25+27=52
2 2I+12=33 7 45+37=82
3 64+31=95 8 7)+ J= lJ
4 37+12=49 9 57+63=120
5 52+17=69 10 45+55=100

t'\ Exercise 7 Possessions

Answer all five questions positively.
Example: iTiene usted dos ht.,1os7 S' tengo dos h1jos.

I 2Tiene usted tres htiasT

2 2Tiene usted una casaT
3 2Tiene usted te|fono en 5U casa?


4 Zcuntas habitaciones tiene su casa? One r

5 2Tiene usted cuarenta aos? (dere

Now repeat the exercise, but give genuine answers' The s
Example: 2Tiene usted dos h1jos? S' tengo dos h1jos. The c
No, no tengo dos hi.l'os, tengo un ht.1o. What

O Exercise 8 Ta|king about youse|f

Answer the following questions genuinely.
Example: 2Cmo se llama usted7 Me l|amo + name'

1 2Cmo se l|ama Usted?

2 2Cuntos aos tiene usted7
3 tDe dnde es usted? com
4 iEs usted empleado (empleada) de oficinaT
5 2Trabala usted en una oficina? (Reading
iTiene Usted htjos?
7 2Cmo se |laman?
8 1ou son sus ht'ios7 r4
9 2Trabala su mu.;er? Uns ot
l0 4Dnde trabaJa su mu-1er?
Look at t
the top c
for each:

4Comprende usted e| espaol hablado?

(Listening exercises)

Mi Fanilia
Listen to the tape and write down details of the speakers' families. (You may
need to use the supplementary vocabulary list on page 285.)

lTiene usted hijos?

Listen to the tape and answer the questions in English.

I Does the woman have any children?

2 \shat are they?
3 How old are they?
4 Where are they studying?

One of thern is studying languages (lenguas) and the other is studying law
(derecho). But which one is studying which subiect?
Choose their names from the three given:
The son: (a) Gonzalo (b) Jorge (c) Juanito.
The daughter: (a) Pilar (b) Piedad (c) Pepita.
S7hat does the man think about these names? Select what he says from these
Spanish phrases:
(a) Me parecen unos nombres muy . muy bonitos.
(b) Me parecen unos nombres muy . . muy interesantes.
(c) Me parecen unos nombres muy . . ' muy espao|es'

2Gomprende usted el espaol escrito?

(Reading exercises)

Una farnilia bastante rars.
Look at the pictures below and the descriptions of the members of this family at
the top of the next page. !rite down the number and the corresponding letter
for each member of the familv.

(You may


I \

ffi ._i(J


Tiene unos veinte aos. Es alto, gordo y muy feo' Tiene e| pelo muy Corto.
z Es muy alto y delgado. Es muy viejo. Es el abuelo de la familia.
3 Tiene unos treinta y cinco aos. Es de estatura media. Tiene e| pelo muy
Tiene unos Cuarenta aos. Es muy bajo y muy gordo'
Es vie.1a. Tiene unos setenta aos. Es bajay bastante gorda'
Es1oven' Tiene unos quince aos. Es a|ta, de|gada y guapa'
Loo kattl
may need
Uno carta de un arnigo espaol NI\
Read the following letter and then answer the questions in English.
*y" PI
Modrid ,3 d.e

QueriJo amlo:
, n'to p,mera carta , k vo,1 a &cic cmo s,1 .-kny 1,e;,h 1res o\
arros . Sry kslqnle al*a \ clel.loJo ,1 mis am-gqs dlc.n 1r,a-soy NI
baslaqk' qwry \ ila^b; in+"y'g."*e. Sy dz |1a&;J' 1vivme( tc
ct.niro &'"h L"pftot cercq '.
az1o ?nrLa dt! o?'. No estoyJcagdq. TZ
M sov Irpi,o*,te espoiola,91',n1o e? peb ruio ,t losiios qzobs.
.|,"u^ ET
e" la o1icirla,ao ,no,,o-ftafu L inyorlaaY1e.,rhc;or, en
h ttu Ar",o?,,.
fsc,ik* 7^h ,. rrxnchre crna 1oto.
I)g ab'.zo, 'J'"Io Josodq,. 1Quin
Who is b
I How old is Lola? I El pa<
2 Vhat is she like? 2 El her
3 Where does she live in Madrid? 3 Mimz
4 Is she married? .1 La hr_1,

5 What colour are her hair and eyes? 5 El hr.;c

Where does she work?

muy corto.
I pelo muy

Look at the Wordsquare and try to find twelve words to do with the family. You
may need to use the supplementary vocabulary list on page 285.

,vme( to TI OMNJ R B P T
qzubs- trT HE RMANOBIK
'tn en

1Quin es?
$ho is being defined here? Write down the Spanish word and the English
1 El padre de mi padre es mi . . .

2 EI hermano de mi padre es mi . . .

3 Mi madre y mi padre son mis . . .

4 La hija de mi madre es mi . .

5 E| ht.;o de mi to es mi . .


2cmo es su ciudad? K Diatost
Mr Robi

Describing places and things Robert:

El note lsabel:

1' 1:l"r:;ffi'"sEBAsrhN
{^ yla
'7 ..-=-^),-- \^{y\

C -, )'^'3- ot
f -'- EUR.PA


l (.
- r)
xx .u^r-'*.^ ,".uJ
) -^natoZ
.,.uooNo,,o; \\ ono
q cRlpTAN^ _/ ._.
l .'^ 4millones..:1']::::":
{ : ooo'noonunt"t
nlt\u ..-^
.nn oo0- hat]itantes
lvv a )Uv."-
aqn o00 habitantes
iI L>'""-
-] "tn habitantes
El sur (q O0O habitantes

Un mapa de Espaa

Dialogue 1

Mr Robinson has an appointment with Juan Lpez and goes to his office'
Robert: Buenos das. Soy el seor Robinson'
|sabe|: Buenos das' seor Robinson. 4Cmo est usted?
Robert: Muy bien, gracias. Tengo una cita con el seor Lpez a las diez.
|sabe|: S, est, pero est ocupado. Est con un cliente. iQuiere Sentarse un
Robert: Gracias.
lsabel: Usted es de York, lverdad?
Robert: Eso es.
|sabe|: ;Dnde est York? ;Est cerca de Londres?
Robert: No. E'st muy lejos de Londres en e1 norte de Inglaterra.
|sabe|: Y, ;cmo es York? Es una ciudad pequea, ;verdad?
Robert: No, es bastante grande y muy antigua.
|sabe|: ;Qu negocio tiene usted en York, seor Robinson?
Robert: Tengo tres tiendas de recuerdos. Una est en e1 centro de York; otra
est en Harrogate, una ciudad a unos cuarenta ki1metros al norte de York;
y la tcrcera est en la costa, en una ciudad que Se llama Scarborough.
|sabe|: iQu bienl Y su hotel aqu en Madrid, .est bien?

En la oficina de objetos Perdidos

puo Es sU CIUDAD? 29
Robert: Est muy bien, gracias' La habitacin es muy grande y muy bontta. zqulere + \
sentarse (it
lsabel. ;Y las comidas? idnde?
Robert; Las comidas son cxcelentcs y los camarros S()n muy simpticos. cerca oe
|sabe|: ;Ah! El seor Lpez est libre ahora.lDon Juanl E1 seor Robinson est
aqu. Tiene una cita con usted a las diez. el norte
Juan Lpez: Buenos das, Roberto. iCmo est? Pase. Pase. pequeo/;
el negocto
Dialogue 2 la tienda
K el recuerd,
On her irst shopping trip in Madrid Mrs Robinson has unfortunately left her la tienda c
handbag in a taxi. She goes to the taxi drivers' lost property office la oficina Ia fbrica
de ob.;etos Perdidos. el taller
el centro
Empleado: Vamos a ver. Un bolso, lverdad? otro/a
Joan. Eso es. e| |<i|metr
Emp|eado: 4Cmo es el bolso, grande o pequec.r? la costa
)oan: Pues, cs bastante grande. que
Emp|eado: Y, 4de qu es? ;De piel o de plstico? bonito/a/(
Joan: Es de piel. la comida
Emp|eado: 4De qu color es? excelente/
Joan: Marrn y negro. el camarel
Emo|eado: Un bolso bastante grande marrn y negro y de piel. iE.s ste su
bolso? pase
Joan: S, creo que s' Gracias. el bolso
Emp|eado: lJn momento' por favor, seora. 4Qu hay en el bolso? la piel
Joan: Hay mi pasaporte' un pasaporte ing1s a nombre <le Robinson' unos
cheques de viajero' de piel
Emp|eado. 4De qu banco son los cheques? e| p|st|co
Joan: Del Banco Midland. Despus hay un pauelo, perfume . ' .
de plstict
Emp|eado: 1Algo ms? el color
:Aa ntt rr
)oan: S, hay unos guantes. avL YvL
Emp|eado: 4De qu color son los guantes? marrn/o
Joan: Songrises. .. YdePiel. creo
Emp|eado' E.ntonces, ste es su bolso, seora.
creo que
Joan: Muchas gracias. nay
Empleado: De nada, seora. Adis. el cheque
Joan: Adis. el cheque
el banco
e| paue|'
el perfum
Vocabulary 2algo ma.
los guant
ren9o I have
appointment, date
de nada
la cita
ocupado/a/os/as busy, occupied
C For sup
el cliente

3o MA'TERING sPlN1s1
'bonita. 2quiere + verb? will you + verb?
sentarse (ie) to sit down
tico s. 2dnde? where?
>inson est cerca oe near to
le.ios de far from
el norte the north
pequeo/a/os/as small, little
antiguo/a/os/as old, ancient
el negocio business
la tienda shop
el recuerdo souvenir, memory
:ly left her
-la oficina la tienda de recuerdos souvenir shop
Ia fbrica factory
el taller workshop
el centro the centre
otro/a another
el |<i|metro kilometre
la costa coast
que which
f:onito/a/os/as nice, pleasant (of things)
la comida meal, food
excelente,/s excellent
el camarero waiter
E.s ste su simptiCo/a /os/as nice, pleasant (of people)
libre,/s free, unoccupied
pase come in
el bolso handbag
Lson, unos la piel leather (of gloves, handbags,
garments, etc.)
de piel made of leather
el p|stico plastic
de p|stico made of plastic
el color colour
1de qu co|or7 what colour?
marrn,/ones brown
negro/a/os/as black
creo I think, believe
creo que s I think so
nay there is, are
el cheque cheque
el cheque de via.lero traveller's cheque
el banco bank
e| paue|o handkerchief
el perfume perfume
2a|go ms? anything else?
los 9uantes gloves
gris/es grey
de nada not at all, don't mention it

o For supplementary) vocabulary lists see p. 285.

En el nc
En el su
o The gra,nnlar sumlaly' to which the grammar references refer, begins on p. 312.
En el es
En el oe
(o) The tuso aerbs 'to be' - 'ser' and 'estar' - grarrtrttar ref 8 Espa
'Ser' is used to express permanent conditions: Sevilla e
Soy profesor. I'm a teacher.
Soy ing|s. I'm Engiish.
Es mecnico. He's a mechanic.
Es grande. He's big. Distances cr

'Estar' is used for one ofthree reasons: Toledo

To express position Segovie
2Dnde est Madrid? \here is Madrid?
Madrid est en Espaa. Madrid is in Spain'
To express tenpoary conditions
; mn e<r t t<rer1?
C Iow are you? (c) Wordt
Fctnrr hipn nrariz< I am well, thank you. A+el=al:
Mi padre est enfermo. My father is ill.
To describe a state which results frorn an action
Mi hermana est casada. My sister is married. (She got
married = the action. She is (d) Detai
marricd = the state which results
from the action.) 2Cmo
The bank is closed. (The bank closed 2De qu
E| banco est cerrado
2De qu
= action. The bank is closed = the
state which results.)
(e) Modil
(b) Expressing ztshere sornething is - gratnntar ref 8 To modifii r

The verb 'estar' will be used with one of several prepositions: Es gran
Es bast;
En In, ort Es muy
;Dncle esr | ondres7 $7here is London?
F<t: en' "'Y''''-"'"
lnnlsterra It's in England.
La ||ave est en |a mesa. The key is on the table. (f) 'Therr
Cerca cie I{ear to
Both these'
To|edo est Cerca de Madrid. Toledo is near to Madrid.
Lejos de Far fron Hay un
F| |-lanro est |eios de| hote|. The bank is far iom the hotel. Hay ml
En el centro de In the centre of
The word a
Madrid est en el Centro de Madrid is in the centre of Spain.
Espaa. 2ou h

Geographical position can be expressed as follows:
En el norte. In the north.
En el sur. In the south.
,n p. 342.
En el este. In the east.
En el oeste. In the west.
Santander est en e| norte de Santander is in the north of
ref 8
Espaa. Spain.
Sevi||a est en e| sur de Espaa Seville is in the south of Spain.
Valencia est en e| este de Espaa. Valencia is in the east of Spaln.
Cceres est en e| oeste de Caceres is in the west of Spain.
Distances can be expressed as follows:
Toledo est a setenta ki|metros Toledo is seventy kilometres
de Madrid. from Madrid.
Segovia est a noventa Segovia is ninety kilometres to
|<i|metros a| norte de Madrid. the north of Madrid.

(c) Words uthich contrqct to forrn near u)ords

A + el = al: Est a| norte de Madrid. It is to the north of Madrid.

De + el = del: Est |e.]os de| hote| It is a lons wav from the hotel.

,-is (d) Detailed descriPtions
r results
2Cmo es el bo|so7 $7hat is the handbag like?
2De qu es e| bo|so7 $7hat is the handbag made o
ank closed
4De qu Co|or es e| bo|so7 What colour is the handbae?
sed = the

(e) Modifying adjectirses - gra?w7lsr ref 2(iii)

To modify an adjective, one of several words can be used:
Es grande. It is big.
Es bastante grande. It is quite big.
Es muy grande. It is very big.

() ,There is' qnd ,there are' _ gravvnnar ref 10

Both these verbal phrases are expressed by the single worid 'hay':
Hay un bolso en la mesa There is a handbas on the table.
rtel. Hay muchos turistas en Sevilla. There are a lot of tourists in Seville.

The word also occurs in the greeting:
2ou hay7 F{ow are things?

Play the pz
o The key to these exercises begins on p. 297. tents of the
Usted: (S
Exercise t Intoducing yourse|f Empleado;
Play the part of Mr Robinson in the following dialogue. Usted: (S
Usted: (Say good morning. Identifu yourself as Mr Robinson.) Empleado:
|sabel: Buenos das, seor Robinson. iCmo est usted? Usted: (S
Usted: (Say you are fine, and haz.le an appointment with Mr Lpez at 10. Ask if Empleado:
he is in.) Usted: (S
lsabel: S, est, pero eSt ocupado' Est con un cliente. 4Quiere sentarse un Empleado:
momento? | |.+^A.
u)Lcu. /

Usted: (Say thank you.) Empleado:
Usted: (S
O Exercise 2 Talking about your town
Play the part of Mr Robinson in the following dialogue. O
lsabel: Usted es de York, lverdad? Give genuir
Usted: (Say that's right.) 1 2Es uste
lsabel: iDnde est York? 1Est cerca de Londres? 2 2Es uste
Usted: (Say no. It's a long way from London in the north of England.) 3 aEssuc
|sabe|: Y, 1cmo es York? Es una ciudad pequea, iverdad? 4 2Essuc
Used: (Say no. It's fairlg big and uery old.) 5 2Es excr
Now repeat the exercise, but give genuine answers about your own town, sub-
stituting the name for York. Exercise
Give genuir
Exercise 3 Rec|aiming lost PoPety
l' 2Est st,
Play the part of Joan Robinson in the following dialogue and reclaim your 2 2Est su
handbag. 3 ;F<t crl

Empleado: Vamos a ver. {Jn bolso, lverdad? 4 2Est su

Usted: (Sa3t that's right.) 5 ZEst sU
Empleado: ;Cmo es el bolso, grande o pequeo?
Usted: (Sag well, it's airly big.) Exercise
Emp|eado: Y, ;de qu es? 1De piel o de plstico?
Give genuir
Usted.(Sa1" ir's made of leather.)
Emp|eado: 4De qu color es? 1 aCmo l

Usted. (Say ir's broun and black.) 2 2Est us

Emp|eado: Un bolso bastante grande marrn y negro y de piel. iEs ste su 3 2Est us
bolso? 4 2Est us
Usted: (Sa1t 3lou think i is, and thank him.) 5 2Est ce

Exercise 4 Describing the Gontents of you handbag
Play the part of Joan Robinson in the following dialogue and describe the con-
tents ofthe handbag.
Empleado: iQu hay en el bolso?
Usted: (Say there is a passport, an English passport in the name of Robinson, some
traz; eller's cheque s.)
Empleado: 4De qu banco son los cheques?
Usted; (Sag they're from the Midtand Bank. Add that there is a handerchief,
EmpIeado: 1Algo ms?
Usted: (Sayyes, Ihere are some gloaes.)
10. Ask if Empleado: 1De qu color son los guantes?
Usted: (Say thejt are grq) and made of leather')
ntarse un Emp|eado: Entonces, ste es su bolso' seora.
Usted: (Thank him aery much.)
Emp|eado: De nada, seora. Adis.
Usted; (Say soodbye.)

O Exercise 5 Describing Permanent conditions

Give genuine answers to the following questions.
1 2Es Usted in9|s {inglesa)?
2 2Es usted profesor (Profesora)?
3 2Es sU casa grande o pequea7
4 2Es su ciudad antigua o modernaT
5 ZEs excelente la comida en su casa?
own, sub-
(_) Exercise Saying where things are
Give genuine answers to the following questtons.
1 iEst su casa cerca de| Centro de |a ciudad?
laim your 2 2Est su oficina (ta||er' fbrica) Cerca de su casa7
3 LEst su ciudad cerca o |e';os de Londres?
4 LEs,r" su ciudad en e| norte?
5 ZEst su ciudad en |a costa?

(\) Exercise 7 Describing temPoary cond.tions

Give genuine answers to the following questtons.
1 2Cmo est usted?
2 2Est usted ocupado (ocupada)7
Es ste 3 2Est usted enfermo (enferma)7
1 2Est Usted Casado (casada)?
5 iEst cerrada su oficina7

K nc"-t
O Exercise 8 Forming questions (l,istening r

The following are the answers. $7hat were the questions?
I Mi casa est |e.ios de aqu.
2 Es de Piel.
3 Es bastante grane- iQu es?
4 s, hay muchos turistas en Sevi||a. Look at the
5 Son grtses. town or ge(
b Estoy blen, gracias. mentioned.
7 s, mi h1o est casado'
8 No' e| banco no est cerrado.
9 S, mi h1a es secretar|a.
l0 S, ste {sta) es mi marido {mu.;er).
Look at the
t\) Exercise 9 Reclaiming |ost ProPety is being rec

Reclaim a smail, black, plastic handbag from the employee by answering his
Empleado: IJn bo1so, lverdad?
Usted: (Say that's right.) 1Qu ciut
Emp|eado: iCmo es? Listen to th
Usted: (Say ir's small.)
Emp|eado: iDe qu color es? Which i
Usted: (Say ir's black.) $7here i
Emp|eado: ;De qu es? Why is
Usted: (Say ir's rnade of Plastic.) (a) Po
Emp|eado: Entonces, ste es su bolso, 4verdad? (b) Po
Usted: (Say thank 1tou.) (c) Po
4 Which i
{ Can yor
(,\ Exercise I O Modifying adjectives
Answer the questions with modified adjectives as suggested'
Example: 2Son simpticos |os camareros7 (Fairly) s' son bastante
1 2Es simptico e|.1efe? (Very)
2 2Est |e.1os e| banco? (Fairly)
(Reading e>
3 2Es interesante su traba,.1o? (Fairly)
Read the ex
2Es grande su ciudadT (VerY)
questions ir
5 2Est bien e| hote|? (Fairly)

2comprende usted e| espaol hab|a do?
(Listening exercises)

1Qu es?
Look at the map on page 28 and listen to the tape. $rite down the name of the
town or geographical feature referred to. (Not all the features on the mao are

Look at the photograph on page 29. Listen to the tape and decide which object
is being reclaimed from a Lost Property Office.
;wering his

eQu ciudod?
Listen to the tape and answer the questions in English.
1 Which is Manolo's favourite citv?
2 Where is it?
3 Why is it his favourite? Select what he says from these Spanish phrases:
(a) Porque es muy bonita con muchas fuentes y calles para pasear.
(b) Porque es muy antigua con muchos museos muy interesantes.
(c) Porque es muy grande con muchas plazas muy bonitas
4 Which is the woman's favourite city?
5 Can you give one or two reascns why she likes it?


2Comprende usted el espaol escrito?

(Reading exercises)
Read the excerpt on the next page from a tourist pamphlet, and then answer the
questions in English.

Can you v
(The map
ToIedo est situada a unos setenta ki|metros aI
suroeste de Madrid. Tiene unos cincuenta v ocho 1 2Es st
miI habitantes, y es |a antigua capitaI de Espaa. 2 No. es
De inters turstico hav |a Catedra|, |a Casa de| 3 Vivo et
Greco y Ia Sinagoga de Santa Mara Ia BIanca. 4 Este aL

La Catedra| es de| siglo trece y est en e| centro 5 Juan e

de |a ciudad. Est abierta desde |as diez V media
de |a maana hasta |a una de |a tarde, v desde |as
tres y media hasta las siete de la tarde. La entrada
vale trescientas pesetas.
La Casa del Greco, artista famoso del siglo
diecisis, est cerca de Ia CatedraI en |a parte
antigua de Ia ciudad. La Sinagoga de Santa Mara
|a B|anca es de| sig|o trece y est bastante cerca
de la Casa del Greco.

I How far is it from Madrid to Toledo?

2 How many inhabitants has Toledo?
3 Is it the present capital of Spain?
4 What is there of tourist interest in the city?
5 What are the opening hours of the Cathedrai?
6 How much does it cost to go in?
7 Who was El Greco?
8 $7here is the Synagogue of Santa Mara la Blanca?


lVerda d o rnentira? (True or false)
Look at the map on page 28, and mark these statements as being true or false.
I Madrid tiene cuatro millones de haLlitantes.
2 Madrid est en el norte de Esoaa'
3 M|aga est en la costa sur de Espaa.
4 M|aga tiene un mil|n de habitantes'
5 Barce|ona est en e| oeste de Esoaa.
6 Barcelona tiene tres millones de habitantes.

Can you work out the anagrams to find the Spanish cities?
(The map on page 28 will help you.)
1 2Es ste el tren para RABONECAL7
2 No. este tren va a LESIVAL.
3 Vivo en LBlBo'
4 Este autobs va a CAVANELI.
5 Juan es de LAGAMA.

e or false.

1CoMo 's sU CIUDAD? 39

Joan: Y, ;1

2Dnde est su ciu dad?

callc a
Joan. Mu<
Finding out where things are Transentr
Joan. Grar

R Diatogue
Whilst Mr
bank to ch


I ${]ri

2Por dnde se va al mercado?

Dialogue 1

In hot weather Mrs Robinson is prone to headaches. She goes out in search of a
Joan: Perdn, seor' 4Hay una farmacia en esta calle?
Transente: No' seora. En esta cal1e no hay una farmacia, pero hay una en la
Calle de T'olcdo. 2Hay una fa

40 jl{ls7ERING SPII1SH
Joan: Y, ;por dnde Se va a la Calle de Toledo?
Transente: Mire usted, seora. Vaya usted por esta calle, tome la segunda
calle a la derecha y luego la primera a la izquierda y est en la Ca1le de
Toledo. Es una calie bastante ancha y 1a farmacia est a la derecha' al lado
de la Cafetera Sol.
Joan: Muchas gracias. 4Est lejos?
Transente: No, seora, est bastante cerca.
Joan: Gracias' Adis.
Transente: Adis.

Dialogue 2
Whilst Mrs Robinson is iooking for a chemist's, Mr Robinson is in search of a
bank to change some traveller's cheques. He stops a passer-by.
Robert: Perdn, seor. 4Hay un banco por aqu?
Transente: S, seor. Hay un banco al final de esta calle a la izquierda.
Robert' Y, 4est abierto ahora?
Transente: 4Qu hora es?
Robert: Son las diez.

search of a

ry una cn la
iHay una farmacia por aqu?

;D()NDE E:jT.A:jU CILDAD? 41

Transente; Entonces, s, est abierto. Los bancos estn abiertos desde las tome
nueve hasta la una. a la derech;
Robert Gracias, seor rue9o
Transente: De nada' a la izquier<
al lado de
^^- c1L]uI
Dialogue 3 PU
al final de
Mrs Robinson obtains pills for her heaciache and returns to the hotel for a abierto/a/o
coffee. She chats to the waiter in the hotel coffee-shop' anora
2qu hora t
Joan: Un caf con leche, por favor, y un vaso de agua. desde
Camarero: En seguida, seora. nasta
Joan: Hace mucho calor hoY, iverdad? et vaso
Camerero; S, siempre hace mucho calor en Madrid en verano' seora. Pero ^t <l9Uc1
Cl ^^.,-
en Inglaterra hace mucho fro y llueve mucho, 1verdad? en seguida
Joan: FIace mucho fro en invierno y llueve bastante, pero hay das hace calor
en el verano cuando hace sol. iNo hace mal tiempo nunca en Madrid? hoy
Camarero: S, seora. En el invierno hace mucho fro, pero aqu no llueve siempre
e Verano
hace fro
Joan: 1Qu suertel llover (ue)
el invierno
Diatogue 4
K hace sol
hace mal tir
Mr Robinson leaves the bank and realises he needs stamps to send postcards NUNCA
home. He asks the doorkeeper of the bank. 1qu suerte|
se venden
Robert' 4Dnde se venden los sellos, por favor?
el sello
Portero: Los sellos se venden en ei estanco, seor. el estanco
Robert: Y, ;hay un eslanco Por aqui? enfrente de
Portero: S, seor. Ah hay un estanco' enfrente de la panadera. Ia panader.
Robert: Gracias. El tabaco se vende tambin en el estanco, verdad? el tabaco
Portero; E'so es, seor.
Robert: Gracias.Adis.
Portero. Adis'
(a) Findi',
Vocabula ref 10
excuse me
la farmacia chemist's 2Hay ur
la calle street
2Hay ur
5e va one goes
look (polite command, imperative) 2Hay ur
mire en es
vaya go (polite command, imperative)

desde las por along
tome take (polite command, imperative)
a la derecha on the right
uego then
a la izquierda on the left
ancho/a/os/as wide
al lado de beside, at the side of
por aqu around here
al final de at the end of
rotel for a
al:ierto/a/os/as open
anora now
2qu hora es7 what's the time?
desde from
nasta until
el vaso glass
lora. Pero
el agua water
en seguida immediately, straight away
hace calor it's hot
rid? noy today
no llueve siempre always
e Verano summer
hace fro it's cold
llover (ue) to raln
llueve it rains
el invierno winter
hace sol it's sunny
I postcards hace mal tiempo the weather's bad
nunca never
;qu suerte| what good luck!
se venden are sold
el sello stamp
el estanco state tobacconist's
enfrente de opposite
la panadera baker's
el tabaco tobacco

(a) Finding out if a place exists in the zsicinity - gra?n?rrar
ref 10
IJse 'hay' + name of place + name of viciniry.

1Hay un banco por aqu? Is there a bank around here?

2Hay un hotel en esta calle? Is there a hotel in this street?
erative) 2Hay una oficina de turismo Is there a tourist office in this
en esta ciudad? city?


(b) Finding your u:ay there (f) Tellir
lf you ask rhe simple question: To ask the
2Dnde est e| Hote| Car|os Where is the Charles III Hotel? 1ou
TerceroT If the ansra
a Spaniard will probably answer: Eslau
En la Calle Mayor. In the Main Street.
but all oth
You have asked him where the hotel is and he has told you. Since you did not Son la
ask him how to get there, he may well assume you know the town well. If you Son la
want to know how to reach a certain place, use:
For more
How does one get to the Charles

2Por dnde se va al Hotel

Carlos TerceroT III Hotel?
(g) Whe
Remember that with feminine nouns the phrase will be:
To give th
2Por dnde se Va a |a oficina How does one get to the tourist
de turismoT office? Est a

(c) Understanding polite conunsnds - gra?n?nar ref 11 'Hasta' is i

In telling you how to reach a certain place, a Spaniard will use polite com- Vaya I

mands. The ones seen so far are as follows:

lMire usted! Look! (Not literally, but merelY (h) Disc

a way of getting your attention.)
To enquir,
lVaya por la calle! Go along the street.
lTome la segunda calle! Take the second street. 4Ou
Sometimes the pronoun'uSted'is found and sometimes not. The tone of voice 'Hace'is o
normally tells you that a polite command is being used. Hace I

Hace r

(d) Knotaing uhere places are - grarnrnar ref 8 Hace r

Several ways of saying where places are have now been introduced and are as

To enquir,
Est a la derecha' It's on the right.
Est a |a izquierda' It's on the left. 2ou
Est aI fina| de la cal|e. It's at the end of the street. Sevi
Est a| |ado de |a cafetera' It's beside the cafeteria. Hace r

Est enfrente del banco It's opposite the bank.

Notice tha
and you ar
(e) Knousing zthether the place is open or closed - grq??x?nor Hace r

ref 8
Other expr
E|banco est abierto The bank is open.
La tienda est cerrada. The shop is closed Llueve

(fl Telling the tirne
To ask the time, use the question:
rel? 1Ou hora es? the time?

If the answer contains the number 'one' it will be:

Es la una. It's 1 o'clock.

but all other times will have the plural form:
u did not
:11. If you
Son las dos. It's 2 o'clock.
Son las cinco. It's 5 o'clock.

For more on telling the time see Chapter 5.

@) When is the place open? - gra?tlrnar ref 3

To give the opening hours of shops, banks, offices and so on use the following:
Est abierto desde |as nueve It's open from 9 until I o'clock.
hasta la una.
'Hasta' is also used to express distance:
lite com- Vaya hasta Ia plaza. Go as far as the square.

rely (h) Discussing the useather - gra?nrnar ref 12

To enquire about the weather, use the following:
2ou tiempo hace7 $hat's the weather ]ike?
e of voice 'Hace' is often found in the answer:
Hace buen tiempo. The weather's fine.
Hace mal tiempo. The weather's bad.
Hace calor. It's hot.
Hace fro. It's cold.
nd are as
Hace sol. It's sunny.
To enquire about the weather in a certain place or region, use the following:

ZOU tiempo hace ahora en $hat's the weather like now in

SevillaT Seville?
Hace mucho sol It's very sunny.
Notice that .mucho' is used with .ca|or'. .fro' and .Sol' because these are nouns
and you are literally saying:
Hace mucho calor. It's very hot. (It makes much heat.)
Other expressions of weather are simple verbs, such as 'llover' (to rain):
Llueve mucho en lnqlaterra It rains a lot in England.


(i) Hou; to say you hazse a lot - granrnar ref 6
'MUCho' is used to express most ideas concerned with 'a lot' and 'much'.
'Mucho'is sometimes an adiectiae and then it agrees with the noun:
Tengo mucho trabaJo I've got a lot of work.
Tengo muchos amlgos. I've got a lot of friends.
Muchas gractas. Many thanks. (Thanks a lot.)
Sometimes it is an adaerb and then it does not change:
Llueve mucho. It rains a lot.
Trabajo mucho. I work a lot.

(j) Hozt: to be negatiae - grarnrnar ref 4

As you have seen, the basic negative in Spanish is 'no':
Soy ing|s. I'm English.
No soy ing|s ['m not English.
'Nunca' is used to express 'never' and can be placed before the verb:

Nunca trabaJo I never work.

of after the verb, with 'no' in front of the verb:

No traba..1o nunca. I never work.

(h) Hout to find out u;here things ore sold - grarwnar ref 7(iii)
Use the form 'se vende' if the thing referred to is singular.
2Dnde se Vende e| tabaco7
Where is tobacco sold? (Literally, where does tobacco sell itselP) Exercise i
and the form 'se venden' if the r,hing referred to is plural: Example: TJ
2Dnde se Venden los se||os? 1 The ban
lihere are Stamps sold? (Literally, where do stamps sell themselves?) 2 The tour
3 The cher
4 The tobr
5 The hott
Exercise i
o The kelt to these exercises begins on p. 300.
Example: Tl
1 The ban
2 The tour
3 The
Exercise I Finding out if a certain Place exasts 4 The tobr
E.xample: A bar. 2Hay un bar por aqu7
5 The hott

nd 'much'

Ir )

ef 7(ii)

qel f))
t,\ Exercise 2 Finding out how to get there
Example: The bar' 1Por dnde se va al bar?
I The bank.
nselves?) 2 The tourist office.
3 The chemist's.
4 The tobacconist's.
5 The hotel.

\ Exercise 3 Finding out if you are nea the Place
E'xample: The bar. 2Est |e.1os e| bar?

1 The bank.
2 The tourist office.
3 The chemist's.
4 The tobacconist's.
5 The hotei.


-\) Exercise 4 Following instructions O Exercise
Explain to your companion, who does not speak Spanish, what you have to do Example: ,

to reach your destination.

Example: Tome |a primera ca|le a |a derecha y la farmacia est al final de la
l iOu t
calle. Take the first street on the risht and the chemist's is at the end of the street.
2 2au I
3 2Ou t
Vaya por la calle, tome la segunda calle a la izquierda y la oficina de 4 2ou t
turismo est en esa caIle a la derecha. 5 2ou t
Tome |a Cuarta ca|le a |a izquierda, vaya hasta e| fina| y el hote| est a|
lado de |a Cafetera Montesol'
3 Vaya por esta calle, tome la tercera calle a la derecha y la oficina de
turismo est enfrente de| Banco Centra|.
Vaya por esta calle, tome la primera calle a la derecha y luego la segunda a O Exercise
|a izquierda. Pero no vaya ahora; |a farmacia est cerrada hasta las cuatro. Example: i

El Hote| Prncipe est en |a Cal|e de Segovia. Mire usted; Vaya por esta
calle, tome la tercera calle a la derecha y vaya hasta el final de la calle. El I Tobac,
hote| est aI lado del Cine So|. z Handb
Exercise 5 Finding out if the place is open 4 Coffee
1.) 5 Wine.
Exarnple: The bar. ZEst abierto e| bar?

I The baker's Exercise

2 The souvenir shop. O
3 The bank. Answer th,
4 The chemist's. Example:,
5 The tobacconist's. I 2Tiene
a Exercise Tel|ing the time 3
4 2fiene
Example: 2ou hora

l zou hora es?

V Son las nueve.
5 1Hay n

2 es?
2au hora O Exercise

i 2Oue hora es?

"^ Answer th'

4 2au hora es? 'vzm

. mV
Example: ,
I 4Hace
5 iou hora es? -. m'\J/ 3

2Ou hora es? 4

1Est c

7 2aun.,"
",, , ffi1w
2Hay n

8 iouhoraes?
q es? 'kpm
ZoU hora
l0 2ou hora es7 'oK/
have to do
O Exercise 7 Thlking about the weather
E'xample: 2ou tiempo hace? (Sunny) Hace so|.
1 2ou tiempo hace? (Fine)
final de la 2 2au tiempo hace? (Cold)
f the street.
3 2au tiempo hace7 (Bad)
oficina de 4 2ou tiempo hace? (Very sunny)
5 zou tiempo hace? (Very hot)
rtel est a|

oficina de

segunoa a
las cuatro.
O Exercise 8 Finding out where things are sold
Example: Stamps. 2Dnde se venden |os sel|os7
/a por esta
la calle. El I Tobacco.
2 Handbags.
3 Gloves.
4 Coffee.
5 $7ine.

(\I Exercise 9 Saying you have or do a lot

Answer the following questions, saying you have or do a lot.
Example: 2Tiene usted mucho S, tengo mucho trabaJo
I 2Tiene usted muchos amigosT
2 2Tiene usted muchos clientesT
3 2Trabaja usted mucho?
4 2Tiene usted muchas amigas-l
5 2Hay muchas personas en su familia?

O Exercise I o Saying it never happens

Answer the following questions, saying it never happens.
Example: 2Trabaja usted mucho? Nunca trabajo mucho
1 2Hace mucho so| en su regin7
2 2Llueve mucho en su ciudadT
3 LEst usted enfermo (enferma)?
4 LEst usted ocupado (ocupada)7
5 2Hay muchos turistas en su ciudadT


2Comprende usted el espao| hab|ado?
1Qu tietn;
(Listening exercises)
Listen to the
Mark the sta
trl 1 She is frc
1Adn de zsa usted? 2 The sum
Look at the town plan given below. Start from the hotel, listen to the instruc- 3 It snows
tons given on the tape and write down the name of the building you reach. You 4 They are
alwavs set off in the direction of the arrow. 5 The best
6 In Barcel


m icomPn
(Reading exr


Look at the :

if you:

F^.ol O I Turned
IsQ!t __l


lo l

3 I{ept stri

Look at the
hotel receptr
on the plan'
@ r'l

El boletn rneteorolgico
Listen to the weather forecast on the tape and take notes so that you can tell a
friend, who does not understand Spanish, what the weather will be like.

eQu tiernpo hoce?
Listen to the tape and answer the questions in English.
Mark the statements as 'true', 'false' or 'do not know'.

I She is from Madrid.

2 The summer in Madrid is very hot.
the instruc- 3 It snows in winter in Madrid.
u reach. You 4 They are both in Barcelona at the moment.
5 The best thing about Madrid's weather is that it is usually dry.
6 In Barcelona it is verv hot, but it is not humid.

ecomPende usted e| espao| escrito?

(Reading exercises)

Look at the roadsign on page 40, and write down which places you would reach
if you:

I Turned right.
2 Turned left.
3 I(ept straight on.

Look at the town plan on page 50. Read the following instructions left at your
hotel reception desk and decide which of the three buildings marked l, 2 and 3
on the plan you are being directed to.

\/ r I L
Va3a us1ed pu esa cale j
cto,to' ,t
calle q t
|a iz.1uierda

tai cas^ *td qQ Tinal eb esa cqlle a lo d",""ha

)u can tell a


(Puzzles) zE
Follow the line from the town to the weather sYmbol to ind out what the
weather is like.


E o rnentira? (True orfalse)

Are the times given under the clocks true or faise?

'@ '@ '@

Voy de comtr

Son las diez.

Son las cinco Es la una.
Dialogue 1

Juan Lpez i
a caf.

Juan: Uste
Joan: No.
Son las dos.
Son las once. Son las siete. iuan: Pero
Joan: S, tr

zEn qu trabaja usted?

ut what the
Daily routine


'lt*; ,'. &
'. ''k* -' i;

Voy de compras
w ,#'re

R Diatosue 1

Juan Lpez is chatting to Joan Robinson about her life in E.ngland. They are in
a caf.

Juan: Usted vive en York, sverdad, Juana?

Joan: No. Vivo en un pueblo pequeo cerca de York.
Juan: Pero usted trabaja en York, lno?
Joan: S, trabajo en un instituto en el centro de la ciudad'


Robert; lEst
,luan: E,ntonccs usted va al trabajo con Robertc-r' lverdad?
|sabel: S, es
Joan' No. Voy sola en mi coche. Tengo un coche pcqueo. Yt] empiczo mi Robert: iCl
trabajo a 1as nucve y Roberto empieza a las ocho y media'
Juan: 1Cmo es su instituto? ;E's grande? lsabel: No, r
da. Salgo
Joan: S, es bastante grande. Hay unos novecientos treinta alumnos.
casi todos
Juan: iSon todos chiccls, o ha1. chicas tambin?
JOan: Hay chiccts y chicas. Creo que hay unos cuatrocientos setenta chicos y Robert: tA q
unas cuatrocientas sescnta chicas. I.{ovecientos treinta en total.
lsabel: Todc
cinen rr m
Juan. iCome usted cn casa o en un restaurante de 1a ciudad? Rollert. Ya r,
-Joan: Como en e1 instituto con los alumnos.
Juan: Y, lcomc ustcd bien o mal? lsabel: Ya es
Joan: Pues bastante mal, pcro 1a comida es barata' Juan: 1Hoia.
Juan: 1A qu hora termina su trabajo?
Joan: Termino a las cuatro menos cuarto. Salgo de1 instituto y voy de
compras. E,ntonces voy a casa y hago la cena.
Juan: Ya veo quc trabaja usted mucho, Juana' lNos vamos 5ra? lCamarerol ivocabut.
iQu le debo?
Camarero: Son seiscientas pe\etas. seor. vivir
usted vive
K Dialogue 2 el pueblo
Mr Robinson has gone to see Juan Lpez oni-v tcl find that he is out. Whilst he ir
waits he chats to Isabel. voy
Robert: ;Vive usted aqu en Madrid, Isabel? el traba..1o
|sabe|: S, tengo un pisc.r en la Calle de Velzquez. solo/a/os/as
el coche
emnpzzr liel
el alumno
el chico
la chica
en total
usted come
el restaurant(
usted termin,
:...'l' menos
W el cuarto
W sar9o
co.1o et metro ir de compra

54 1uls7-R1NG s/,lAI/.sH
Robert: iEst lejos de aqu?
emplezo ml lsabel: S, est bastante lejos'
Robert: ;Cmo viene usted a la oficina? 4Tiene coche?
lsabel: No, no tengo coche. Es imposible aparcar un coche en Madrid hoy en
ros. da. Salgo de casa a las ocho, cojo el metro y llego aqu a las nueve en punto
casi todos los das.
)nta chicos y Robert: ;A qu hora sale usted de la orcina por la tarde?
|sabe|: Todo depende del trabajo. Por 1o general salgo de aqu a eso de las
cinco y media.
Robert: Ya veo que es usted muy trabaiadora, Isabel.
|sabe|: Ya est aqu el seor Lpez. Don Juan. Don Roberto le espera.
Juan: lHola, Roberto! Siento llegar tarde.

iCamarero! Vocabula
VIVIT to live
usted vive you live
vivo I live
el pueblo village
rt. \hilst he ir to go
voy Igo
va he/she goes
el traba-;o work
solo/a/os/as alone
el coche car
empezar (ie) to begin
emprezo I begin
empreza he/she begins
media half
novecientos nine hundred
el alumno pupil
el chico boy
la chica girl
cuatrocientos four hundred
en total in all, total
comer to eat, have lunch
usted come you eat, have lunch
el restaurante restaurant
mal badly
l:arato/a/os/as cheap
termrnar t^ onrl finiqh
Lv !^r\4t..rrivr.

termtno I end, finish

usted termina you end, finish
menoS iess, minus
el cuarto a quarter
salir to leave, go out
salgo I leave, go out
ir de compras to go shopping


I go shopping -ar
voy de compras
to make, do Trabajar
nago I make, do Traba-1o e
la cena dinner, evening meal Juan trab
ver to see Usted tra
veo I see
e to go away, leave -er
we're leaving Comer
nos vamos
deber to owe, have to Como en
what do I owe You? Mara cot
2qu |e debo?
seisclentos six hundred Usted co
venir (ie) to come
usted viene you come -ir
impossible Vivir
aparcar to park Vivo en I
hoy en da nowadays Vive en I
coger to take, catch Usted viv
co]o I take, catch
llegar to arrive
I arrive (b) Nesati
en punto sharp, exactiy (of time) Ifyou do not
e| da
todos Ios das every daY 2Tral:aya
caSl almost No, no tt

la tarde afternoon, evening

por la tarde in the afternoon. evening
to depend (c) Questi
depende it depends If the verb hu
todo all, everything
for question:
por lo general generally
a eso de about, around (of time) Vive aqu
tabalador/a/es/as hard-working 2Vive aq
esperar to wait for, hoPe
he/she is waiting If the verb ht
to feel, regret
sentir (ie) Juan vivr
siento I regret
late 2Vive Ju,
taroe Usted cc
2Come I

(d) Irregu
Explanations Certain com
(a) Talhins about your daity routine - granlnlar re 7 (i) The ones see

Todothisyouusethepresenttenseofregularandcommonirregularverbs. (i) Verbs w

the infinitive'. '-ar', '-er' and '-ir'. For
polite speech only the first and third Salir
Salgo de
Dersons are required and these are as follows:

Trabajar To work
Traba,lo en una oficina. I work in an office.
Juan traba-1a en Una fbrica. John works in a factory.
Usted en una tienda. You work in a shop.
Comer To eat, haz-te lunch
Como en un restaurante. I have lunch in a restaurant.
Mara come mucho. Mary eats a lot.
Usted come en Una cafetera. You have lunch in a cafeteria.
Vivir To liae
Vivo en Madrid. I live in Madrid.
Vive en Nueva York. He lives in New York
Usted vive en Sevilla. You live in Seville.

(b) Negatioes
If you do not do something' the verb is made negative using 'no':

2Trabala usted mucho? Do you work a lot?

No, no traba,io mucho. No, I don't work a lot.

(c) Questions
If the verb has no stated subject, the question is the same as the statement except
for question marks and a change in your tone of voice:
Vive aqu. He lives here.
2Vive aqu? Does he live here?
If the verb has a subject, the subiect is placed after the verb:

Juan vive aqu. John lives here.

2Vive Juan aqui? Does John live here?
Usted come mucho. You eat a lot.
iCome usted muchoT Do you eat a lot?

(d) Irregular zserbs'gra?nnlqr ref 7(ii)

Certain common verbs are irregular and do not follow the pattern given above'
) The ones seen in this chapter are as follows:
;uiar verbs.
endings in (i) Verbs with an irregular first person singular
t and third Salir To leaae, go out
Saloo de la oficina a la una. I leave the office at one o'clock.


Coger To take, catch (fl Telling tt
Cojo el tren. I catch the train.
Hacer To do, make Between the t
Hago mucho trabaJo. I do a lot of work. past', 'half pas

2Ou hor.
(ii) Verbs which change their spelling - gramrnar ref 7(iv) 2ou hor.
Tener To hate 2ou hor.
Tengo mucho trabaJo. I've got a lot of work. 2ou hor
Juan tiene dos hl.1os. John has two children. After half past
Usted tiene coche. You've got a car.
Venir To come aOu hor
Vengo en autobs' I come by bus. 2Ou hor
Paco viene a pie. Paco comes on foot. 2ou hor
Usted viene en coche. You come by car. 'Menos' actut
Empezar To begin ten = Son las r

Fmniczn ,a l:s nrreve. I begin at 9 o'clock. To express wl

lsabel empieza a las diez. Isabel begins at l0 o'clock.
Usted empieza a las tres. You begin at 3 o'clock. 2A qu ht
2'{ qu h<
Verbs which change their spelling from '-e-' to '-ie-' are identified in the vocabu-
laries by (ie). To say that s
punto' after t.

(e) Nurnbers 100-1000 - grq?tr?ttqr ref 3 1,{ qu ht

The numbers 100*i000 are as follows: To add the id

200 doscientos 700 setecientos 1A qu hl
300 trescientos 800 ochocientos
400 cuatrocientos 900 novecientos
500 quinientos 1000 mil
600 seiscientos
Additional numbers are simply joined on to the hundreds with no intervening
word: a The keg to t

2i5 doscientos treinta y cinco

478 cuatrocientos setenta y ocho
These numbers are similar to adjectives and agree with the nouns they describe.
If the noun is masculine, the number is masculine: (\ ) Exercise t
278 doscientos setenta y ocho chicos Play the part
If the noun is feminine, the number is feminine: Juan: Ustec
255 Usted: (Sal
doscientas cincuenta y cinco pesetas
Juan: Pero
The number 1000 (mil) is invariable in most cases and does not change: usted: (sar
1000 pesetas mrl pesetas Now repeat t
10 000 pesetas diez mil pesetas rately your ot

(fl Telling the tirne' gra??L?nar ref 3
Between the hour and the half-hour the word 'y' is used to express 'a quarter
past', 'half past" 'ten past' and so on:

ZoU hora es? (2.|5) Son las dos y cuarto.

1ou hora es7 (3.30) Son las tres y media.
2Ou hora es? (4.10) Son las cuatro y diez.
2Ou hora es? (5.25) Son las cinco y veinticinco.

After half past, 'menos' is used to express 'a quarter to', 'ten to' and so on:

2Ou hora es7 (6.45) Son las siete menos cuarto.

1ou hora es? (7.35) Son las ocho menos veinticinco.
iou hora es? (9.50) Son las diez menos diez.

'Menos' actually means 'less, minus' and thus you say literally: It's ten minus
ren = Son las diez menos diez.
To express when something occurs the word 'a' replaces 'son' or 'es':
2,Aqu hora emp|eza? (2,30) Empieza a las dos y media.
2A qu hora termin a? (5.l5) Termina a las cinco v cuarto.
the vocabu-
To say that something occurs at a certain time 'sharp' you use the words 'en
Dunto' after the time:

i'A qu hora ||ega? (1 1.00) L|ega a |as once en punto.

To add the idea of 'at roughly' or 'at about' you place 'eso de' before the time:
2,{ qu hora ||ega7 (around 9) L|ega a eso de |as nueve'

a The key to these exercises begins on p. 302.

rey describe.

\ Exercise t
O Saying where you live and work
Play the part of Joan Robinson in the following dialogue'
Juan: Usted vive en York, iverdad, Juana?
Usted: (Say no. You liz;e in a small aillage near York.)
Juan: Pero usted trabaja en York, ino?
lnge: Usted: (Say yes. You work in a secondary school in the centre of the city.)

Now repeat the exercise making such changes as are necessary to describe accu-
rately your own situation.


t\, Exercise 2 Saying whee you have lunch
Play the part of Joan Robinson in the following dialogue. 3 2Tiene u

Juan; ;Come usted en casa o en un restaurante de la ciudad?

Usted: (Say you eat in the school with the pupik.)
Juan: Y, lcome usted bien o mal? 4 2Aqu|
Usted: (Say well, it's fairly bad, but the food is cheap.)
Now repeat the exercise, making such changes as are necessary to describe
accurately your own situation.
5 2Hace u
Exercise 3 Saying at what time you finish work and what
you do aftewards
Play the part of Joan Robinson in the following dialogue. Now repeat

Juan: ;A qu hora termina su trabajo?

Usted: (Say you Jinish at 3.45. You leaae school and go shopping. Then gou go Exercise
home and make the dinner.) Tell your 51
Juan; Ya veo que trabaja usted mucho, Juana. Example: 7

Now repeat the exercise, making it fit your own situation. I 290 pes
2 485 pes

O Exercise 4 Answering questions 3

Answer the following questions, using the cues given. 5 520 pe:
Example: 2Dnde vive usted? (A small village) Vivo en un pueb|o pequeo.

I 1Dnde vive usted? (A large city) Exercise
2 2Dnde trabaJa Usted7 (An office) leave, et'
3 2Dnde come Usted? (In a bar)
4 tA qu hora termina su traba-1o? (At 5 o'clock) Ansu,er the
5 tA qu hora ||ega a casa? (At 5.45) Example: 1,

Now repeat the exercise, making the answers fit your own situation. 1 2,{ qu
2 iA qu
3 2Aque
t\, Exercise 5 Answering moe questions 4 2A qu
5 2A qu
Answer the following questions, using the cues given.
E'xample: iA qu hora sale usted de casa por la maana?
Salgo de casa a las ocho.
/\ r<
1 zA qu hora sa|e usted de casa por la -)
maana7 \9-l Answer the
1 lAqu
2 1au
2 2Cmo Viene usted a su traba..1o? 3 1Aqu
4 2Dnt

3 2Tiene usted coche?

4 zA qu hora empieza su trabajo7

to describe

5 4Hace usted mucho trabajoT

nd what

Now repeat the exercise, making the answers fit your situation'

Then you go t\ Exercise Number Practice

Tell your Spanish friend what you paid for various items.
Example: 750 pesetas. Setecientas cincuenta pesetas.
| 290 pesetas. 6 630 Pesetas
2 +85 pesetas. 7 745 Pesetas.
3 360 pesetas. I 970 Pesetas.
4 855 pesetas. 9 I 500 Pesetas.

5 520 pesetas. l0 I 0 000 Pesetas.

o peqLleo

Exercise 7 Saying at what time things begin' end, arrive,

O leave, etc.
Ansrver the following questions' using the cues given'
Example: 24 qu hora empieza |a sesin? (7 o'clock) Empieza a |as siete.
1 2Aqu hora sa|e e| tren7 (5'30)
2 2,Aqu hora l|ega e| autobs7 (7 .L5)
3 2A qu hora empieza |a sesin7 (8 o'clock)
4 2A qu hora termina |a sesin7 (11.30)
5 2Aqu hora saIe e| taxi? (9.15)

\ Exercise 8 Talking about your own daily routine
Answer the following questions genuinely.
I 2A qu hora sa|e usted de Casa por |a maana?
z 2Ou coge Usted para ir a su traba.io7
3 2A qu hora |Iega usted a sU trabaJo?
4 2Dnde trabaja usted?


5 2Cuntas horas traba.'1a usted por da?
6 1Dnde come Usted? aCom
7 ;Came uste.t hien o mal?

8 (Reading
zA qu hora termina su trabaJo?
9 tVa Usted de compras todos |os das?
10 2ouin hace |a cena en sU Casa? La segundt
Read this sec,
( ) Exercise 9 Forming questions
These are the answers. !hat were the questions?
Example: EI tren saIe a |a5 diez. 2A qu hora saIe e| tren?

El tren llega a las once.

2 Salgo de casa a las nueve Y media.
'le t
3 E| banco est cerrado. l-10,.,
4 Hay trescientos emp|eados en esta fbrica. SabeS t
5 Vengo a la oficina a Pie. eyecto,
y1o 5|a
6 Hay una farmacia al final de la calle.
7 La sesin empieza a |as ocho y cuarto. ?* la
of icina
8 Tengo un coche grande.
m 'intlS
9 Coyo el autobs para ir a |a oficina.
I leso c
10 Vive en Nueva York. has?a l,
Ia ?u",,
\r lu$o
sqrSo c
comprende usted el espaol hablado? -')
q.;t e
o (.Jo .^

(Listening exercises)
1o i".

Mi z:ids diaria
Listen to Ana describing her daily routine, and write down any times she
I $here ex
2 $hat doe
3 How doe
At what t
1Crno es su aida: 4
5 !here dc
Listen to the tape and answer the questions in English. $hen do
How doe
1 At what time does the man get up? 7

2 At what time does he leave the house?

3 Give the two timcs when he usua1l1, arrives at his office
4 How long is his lunch-time?
5 $7hen does he have lunch?
6 \hat r'n'ould he prer?

.comPrende usted e| espaol escrito?
(Reading exercises)

La segunda cctrta de Lolo

Read this second letter from Lola, and then answer the questions in English

(,-,r*r* ffir.rrrt,
jh.T ?, !!a":T;^ |
1onlera. -,:
3 r
",.:r:, Gtle
I;zei"::: l: {",ff #:*Pr#o"i1,r![
?ot la rnoarrr 5t1qo iiu Cag a ?as tho <|iez 1vo1 a {e a

cerca. l eft lq cofe Ftre-nq1".qunos

;t,."; T;,"y"IU)
l::c" z' ; " :' [, i i ? i r ::^; :";n,,n3.:;:
l;,.r':'i. I
sotre l:'-o,*-J rnadrc,
a ?ue,a ,leI So . Vueiuo"o l, a1,ci,ta.
-J hosfc. {os cinco t ast. EnTnces.-^

l luqo 1roLai"
,.oio"J'a" d ca:.a d.on& 1>rerr k cexo . l
opi.ino \ Vol
.r-n |t1o'.{.i.l - .nu.J -f runquitri r.o
l 't u,. es rnl 't,ic1o ail;

a-burridcr fqmbien'
' o{"o
Ua aLrozo,
1o io' .[osadq .

times she

1 Where exactly does Lola live?

2 \7hat does she have for company?
3 How does she get to work, and how long does it take?
4 At what time does she arrive at her office?
5 $here does she have lunch?
6 Vhen does she leave her office in the evening?
7 How does she describe her life in Madrid?


(Puzzles) 1Qu se t
Match one
the second

Crucigr arrta de nrnero s. lz(

LL\ ./
(Al1 the answers are numbers.) 3t(
10 2l

1 Mil menos ochocientos.

2 Once y once.
3 Cien menos ochenta y ocho.
4 Veinte por tres.
5 Trescientos cincuenta por dos.
6 Cuatro por cuatro.
7 Cincuenta y veinte.
8 Mil menos quinientos.
9 Doce menos nueve.
ln - ian nnr n| |\/
I I Ciento cincuenta y ciento cincuenta

Quse dice?
Match one sentence from the first column to the correct second sentence from
the second column. You can use each phrase once onlv.
l 2Ouin es usted? (a) Tengo cuarenta aos
2 2Cuntos aos tiene usted? (b) El gusto es mo.
3 1Cmo se |lama usted? (c) Es marrn.
4 Tanto gusto. (d) De nada.
5 2De qu color es7 (e) Son las tres y diez.
6 2De dnde eres7 (0 Soy Juan Delgado.
7 Muchas gracias. (g) Al final de la calle.
8 1ou hora es7 (h) A las cuatro y media.
9 2Dnde est e| caf7 (i) Me ||amo Mara.
l0 i.A qu hora sale e| taxi7 (i) Soy de Barcelona.


Revision and seff-assessment 9
Does t

test for Chaptes t -5


@ @) Nurnt
Write down
Do the full test and mark it, using the mark scheme found at the end of the test.
Then revise fuliy any sections of the material rn Chapters 1 5 for which you did l 2Cun
not award yourself a good mark. 2 2Cun
3 2Cun
4 2Cun
5 2Cun
Section t 6 1Cun
7 1Cun
Read the interview or listen to it on the cassette. Ifvou have the cassette do not 8 2Cun
read rhe interview. 9 2Cun
10 2Cun
Hombre: Pase, seorita' pase. Sintese. 4Cmo se 1lama usted? @ (b) Perso
Mu'1er: Me llamo Otilia Lzaro. Write down
Hombre: ;Cmo se escribe su apellido? l 1ouir
Mu.1er: L.A-Z_A_R-o' Lzaro' 2 1Cmc
Hombre: Gracias. Y, idnde trabaja usted ahora? 3 2Cun
Mu.1er: Trabajo en Galeras Mateo, la tienda de modas en la calle de Berceo. 4 2De dc
Hombre: Y, icmo es el trabajo? 5 2Est L
Mu..1er: Es bastante interesante, pero las horas son muy largas. 6 2Dnd
Hombre: Pues, esta tienda est abierta desde las nueve de la maana hasta la 7 2Es usl
una) y luego desde las cuatro hasta las siete y media. ;Est bien? 8 2Traba
Mu..1er: Est muy bien, seor' 9 2A que
Hombre: Entonces usted empieza a trabajar aqu maana. l0 2Aqu
Mu.ier: Muchas gracias, seor'

@ Questions Mark
Now write down the answers to the following questions.
I What does the man invite the woman to do?
o Section 1

2 \What does he ask first? 2 marks per

3 How is it spelt? C Section 2(
,1 tJhere does the woman work?
2 marks per
5 What does she think about her job?
6 What is the one disadvantage she mentions?
o Section 2(
7 What are the opening hours, of the man's shop, in the morning? 2 marks per
8 And in the afternoon? Maximum t

It 9 Does the woman get the job?
l0 When does she start?

Section 2
i9 (a) Nurnbers
Write down the total in words.
i of the test.
rich you did
l 1Cuntos son diez y cuatro?
2 2Cuntos son trece y doce?
3 1Cuntos son veinticinco y treinta y nueve?
4 2Cuntos son ochenta y Cuatro y quince?
5 2Cuntos son trescientos Veinte y doscientos treinta?
6 2Cuntos son ciento diez y cincuenta7
7 2Cuntos son cuatrocientos Cincuenta y quinientos veinte7
;sette do nor 8 iCuntos son once y sesenta y dos?
9 iCuntos son doscientos catorce y trescientos dieciocho7
10 2Cuntos son quinientos cincuenta y cUatrocientos cincuenta?

(p, (b) Personal identity

Write down the genuine answers to the following questions:
l 2ouin es usted7
2 1Cmo se escribe7
3 2Cuntos aos tiene usted?
le Berceo. 4 1De dnde es usted7
5 iEst Usted casado (casada)7
6 2Dnde est sU ciudad?
ana hasta la 7 2Es Usted ing|S (ing|esa)7
8 2Trabaja usted en una oficinaT
9 tA qu hora va usted a su trabajo?
10 2Aqu hora termina su traba1o?

Mark Scheme
o Section 1

2 marks per correct answer (maximum 20)

a Section 2(a)
2 marks per correct answer (maximum 20)

a Section 2(b)
2 marks per correct answer (maximum 20)

Maximum total 60


Se/y' assess rnent gr a de s
Over 50 excellent
30-50 satisfactory
Under 30 need for careful revision zc
Section 1

1 Come in and sit down.

2 Her name.
3 L-A-Z-A-R-O.
4 In a dress shop in Berceo Street.
5 It's quite interesting.
6 The hours are long.
7 9 am-1 pm.
8 4 pm-7.30 pm.
9 Yes.
10 The next day.

Section 2
(a) Nurnbers
1 Son catorce.
2 Son veinticinco.
3 Son sesenta y cuatro.
4 Son noventa y nueve.
5 Son quinientos cincuenta.
6 Son ciento sesenta.
7 Son novecientos setenta.
8 Son setenta y tres.
9 Son quinientos treinta Y dos.
10 Son mil.
Juego al gol
(b) Personal identity
I Soy(+name).
2 Name spelt.
3 Tengo (+ number) aos.
I oialogu
4 Soy de (+ name of town).
5 Estoy casado (casada). No estoy casado (casada). Dialogue
6 Mi ciudad est en el norte/surleste/oeste,/Centro de ing|aterra K 1

7 Soy |ng|s (inglesa). No soy |ngls (inglesa). Juan and Me

8 Traba.lo en una oficina. No traba,lo en una oficina. have coffee ir

9 Voy a mi trabajo a las (+ time). Juan: Muy

10 Termino mi trabaJo a las (+ time).

4ou hace usted en sus ratos

Leisure activities

Juego al golf

K 1

Juan and Mara Lpez have invited the Robinsons to dinner. After dinner they
have coffee in the sitting-room.

Juan: Muy bien. Vamos a Sentarnos en la sala de estar y a tomar caf.

4Quiere usted caf, Juana?


Joan: Gracias. Joan. No.
Juan: ;So1o o con leche? Maria: 'Dt
Joan: Con leche, por favor.
Juan: ;Quiere azucar?
Joan. No, gracias.
Juan: ;Cmo quiere usted el ca,Roberto? Vocabu
Robert: Solo, por favor, y c()n azucar.
Juan: Aqu tiene usted. Y para Mara, un caf cortado. Es decir, mucho caf y vamos a
muy poca leche' 4verdad, Mara? sentarse ie)
Mara; E,so es. la sala de es
Joan: Una cena excelente. Muchas gracias, Mara. querer (ie)
Mara; De nada, Juana. Zqulere Ust
Juan: lQuiere un cigarrillo, Juana?
Joan: Gracias, no fumo.
Juan: ;Quiere uno, Roberto?
Robert' Gracias. Ya veo que tiene usted muchos libros, Mara.
Mara: S, soy muy aficionada a 1os libros. Por las tardes, cuando no tengo
que trabajar, me siento aqu, escucho uno de mis discos favoritos v leo mis
Robert; 4Qu clase de libros preficre usted?
Mara; Prefiero novelas romnticas. il'ee usted mucho, Roberto?
Robert: No, prefiero los deportcs. Soy aficionado al golf. Juego al golf todos
los fines de semana.
Maria juega usted al golf con su marido, Juana?
Joan: No. Si tengo tiempo, do1, un paseo por cl campo cerca del pueblo, .v, si
hace mal tiempo, veo la televisin.

Dialogue 2
Juan Lpez decides a brandy rvould go well with the coeeand offers some ttl
his guests.
)uan: ;Quicre usted un coac' Juana?
Joan: No, gracias, el coac eS muv fuerte.
Juan. IJn ans, entonces. El ans es ms Suave.
Joan; Gracias.
Juan: 4Roberto? 4Un coac?
Robert: S, gracias.
-Juan: Dos coacs y dos anises. Muy bien.
Mara: .Hay teatros en York, Roberto?
Robert: S' hay un teatro y dos cines.
Mara: ;Va usted al teatro?
Robert: No voy mucho porque las entradas son bastante caras' pero voy al
cine de vez en cuando si hay una pelcula buena.
Joan: Hay muchos teatros aqu en Madrid, iverdad, Mara?
Mara'' S, hay muchos, v muchos cines tambin. Claro que en Madrid hay de
todo: teatros, cines, museos, discotecas.;Sabe usted lo que se dice de
Madrid? Hay muchos te

Joan: No.
Mara: .De Madrid al cielo es decir, Madrid es la mejor ciudad del mundo.

Lucho caf y vamos a we're going to, let's
sentarse (ie) to sit down
la sala de estar qittino-rnnm
querer (ie) to wish, want, love
2quiere ustedT do you want?

lo no tengo
os y leo mis W.
I golf todos flu
rueblo, y, si 'yj


ers some to

pero voy a1

adrid hay de
: se dice de
Hay muchos teatros aqu en Madrid


e| azCar sugar Ia vez
e| caf Cortado nearly-black coffee de vez en c
decir (i) to say, tell la pe|cuIa
es decir that's to say tambin
poco/a/os/as little, few craro que
el cigarrillo cigarette de todo
fumar to smoke el museo
ya now, already la discotecz
el libro book saber
ser aficionado a to be keen on, a fan of zsabe ustec
cuanoo when lo que
tener que + infinitive to have to + infinitive se dice
tengo que traba.lar I have to work el cielo
me siento I sit me.1or,/es
escucnar to iisten to el mundo
escucno I listen to
el disco record
favorito/a/os/as favourite
to read
I read Explan
la clase class, type
preferir (ie): to prefer (a) Expr,
2prefiere ustedT do you prefer? 'Vamos a'
prefiero I prefer
la novela novel Vamos
romntico/a/os/as romantlc
el deporte sport Vamos
el golf golf
jugar (ue) to play
.Juego al golf I piay golf
el fin de semana weekend (b) Expr,
si if
el tiempo time The irregul
tengo trempo I have time lowing pattr
aar to give
oar un paseo to go for a walk Ouiero
ooy un paseo I go for a walk Ouiere
er campo countryside, field Usted c
ver |a te|evisin to watch television
veo |a te|evisin I watch television
To ask if so
el coac cognac) brandy 4Ouiert
fuerte strong
el anis anisette To ask if so
suave smooth, gentle
el teatro theatre 2Ouierr
el cine cinema The answer
porque because
la entrada entrance ticket S' quie
caro/a/os/as dear No, no

IA VCZ time, occasion
de vez en cuando from time to time
|a pelcula fi1m
tambin also
claro que of course, it is clear that
de todo everything
el museo museum
la discoteca discotheque
saber to know
2sabe usted? do you know?
ro que what
se dice it is said, one says
el cielo heaven, sky
me-1or,/es better, best
el mundo world

(a) Expressing a future intention: Let's ... - gra?n?tlar ref 9
'Vamos a' + infi.nitiae expresses yourfuture intention:
Vamos a tomar caf. Let's have a coffee. (We're going to
have a coffee.)
Vamos a ir al cine. Let's go to the cinema. ($7e're going
to go to the cinema.)

(b) Expressing a usish or a usctrtt - grs??t?nctr ref 7(ia)

The irregular verb 'querer' is used ro express a wish or a want and has the fol-
lowing pattern:
Ouiero I want
Ouiere He/she wants
Usted quiere You want
To ask if someone wants something, you say:

2Ouiere usted un cigarrillo? Do you want a cigarette?

To ask if someone wants to do somethingr you say:

2ouiere usted tomar caf7 Do vou want to have a coffee?

The answers to such questions are as follows:
S' quiero un cigarriIlo. Yes, Iwantacigarette.
No, no quiero tomar caf. No, I don't want to have a coffee.


(c) Expressing a preference - gra??Lrnar ref 7 (io) 'Saber' is alsc

The irregular verb 'preferir' is used to express a preference and has the follow- No s la
ing pattern: 2Sabe us
Prefiero I prefer
Prefiere He/she prefers
Usted prefiere You prefer (g) Expre:
To ask about someone's preference) you say:
Spaniards di
1ou prefiere Usted, vino o Which do you prefer, w1ne or afternoon an
coac? brandv? each section ,

;Prc'firrrr'r r<fer eg; o escUChar Do you prefer to read or listen

Por |a m
discosT to records?
Por la tar
The answers to these questions are: Por la nc
Prefiero vino. I prefer wine.
Prefiero leer. I prefer to read. If the activity
the plural.
(d) Expressing q keenness for sornething Por las t;
The phrase'ser aficionado a'is used to express a keenness or liking for If a precise ti
A las cin<
Soy aficionado (aficionada) al I'm keen on tennis. teatro.
Juan es aficionado al golf . John is keen on golf.
Marta es aficionada al cine. Martha is keen on the cinema. (h) Sorne t

ZEs Usted aficionado a| ftbol7 Are you keen on football?

(e) Expressing an obligation - gv'attlttxsr ref 15
The irregular verb 'tener que' + infinitive is used to express an obligation: Ver
Veo la te
Tengo que traba.;ar. I've got to work. Juan ve I

Paco tiene que )ugar al golf. Frank has to play golf

Mara tiene que ir a| cine. Mary has to go to the cinema. Leer
Usted tiene queJugar al tenis You have to play tennis. Leo nove
Mara |ee
(f) Expressing an ability to do sortething - gra?nrnar ref 13
Dar un p
The verb 'saber' is used to express an abilitv and has an irregular first person Doy un

Paco da
S;ugar a| golf. I know how to play golf.
Juan sabe jugar al tenis. john knows how to play tennis. Jugar
Marta no sabe hacer caf Martha does not know how to make Juego al
cofee' Juan _iue
2Sabe usted bailar? Do you know how to dance? 2Juega t

'Saber' is also used to express knowing facts:

s the follow- No s la direccin' I don't know the address.

2Sabe usted e| nmero de Do you know the telephone
te|fono? number?

(g) Expressing the tirne of day ushen you do sornething

Spaniards divide their day into three Sections: the morning |a maana;
Ie or afternoon and evening - la tarde; and the night - la noche. They introduce
each section of their day with the preposition 'por':
Por la maana Voy a la oficina. In the morning I go to the office.
Por la tarde voy al teatro. In the evening I go to the theatre.
Por la noche no Voy a ningn At night I don't go anywhere.

If the activity occurs every morning, afternoon or evening, the noun is put into
the plural.

Por las tardes voy al cine. In the evenings I go to the cinema.

rr liking for If a precise time is mentioned the preposition 'por' is replaced by 'de':

A las cinco de la tarde voy al At five in the afternoon I go to the

teatro. theatre.

(h) Some leisure octiaities - grsnrnar refs 7 (i), (ia), (z:)
Escuchar To listen to
Escucho la radio. I listen to the radio.

rgatlon: Ver To see, watch, look (at teleuision)

Veo la te|evisin. I watch television.
Juan ve |a te|evisin. John watches television.
Leer To read
Leo novelas romnticas. I read romantic novels.
Mara lee peridicos. Mary reads newspapers.
ref 13
Dar un paseo To go for a walk
'first person
Doy un paseo por el campo. I go for a walk in the country.
Paco da un paseo por la ciudad. Frank goes for a walk in the city.

:enn1s. Jugar To play (sports)

rw to make Juego al golf . I play golf.
Juan..luega al tenis. John plays tennis.
rce? |Juega usted al ftbo|? Do you play football?


(i) Cornparing one thing usith another _ granLvngr re 2(<li) Robert: 1(
.que': Usred: (S,
The basic word for comparisons is .ms' followed by Robert: N
E| tenis es ms interesante que el ftbol.
Tennis is more interesting than football. (\) Exercise
El coac es ms fuerte que el ans'
Brandy is stronger than anisette. Play the par
If one thing is better than another the word 'mejor' is used: Maria: ;H
Usted: (S,
El cine es meJor que el teatro.
Mara: .Vr
The cinema is better than the theatre.
Usted: (S,
EI tenis e5 meJor que e| ftbo|.
the cinet
Tennis is better than football.
.el, or How would
If you wish to say that something is best you still use 'mejor' but place
'la'before it:
El tenis es el me.;or deporte del mundo.
Tennis is the best sport in the world.
a Exercise

Madrid es la me_;or ciudad del mundo. Example:1(

Madrid is the best city in the world.

o The key to these exercises begins on p. 304.

Exercise t Getting what you want

Play the part of Joan Robinson in the following dialogue.
Juan: ;Quiere usted caf, Juana?
Usted: (Say thank you.)
Juan: lSolo o con leche?
Usted: (Say with milk please.)
a Exercise

Juan: lQuiere azicar? Example: 1(

Usted: (Say no thank yott.)
1 Jugar al
How would you change your part to get black coffee with sugar? 2 DarunS
3 lr de cor
Exercise 2 Saying what you do in your leisure time 4 Ver la te
Play the part of MaraLpez in the following dialogue.
5 Escucha
Robert: Ya veo que tiene usted muchos libros, Mara.
Usted: (Say 1tes, you are r,tery keen on books. In the eaenings when you do not haae
to zuork, you sit here, listen to one of your fauourite records and read your books.)

oi) Robert: ;Qu clase de libros prefiere usted?
Usted: (Say you prefer romantic noaels. Ask Robert if he reads a lot.)
Robert: No, prefiero los deportes.

Exercise 3 Saying what leisure facilities exist

Play the part of Robert Robinson in the following dialogue.
Mara: ;Hay teatros en York, Roberto?
Usted: (Say yes, there is one theatre and two cinemas.)
Mara: iVa usted al teatro?
Usted: (Sag you do not go much because the tickets are rather dear, but )ou go to
film on.)
the cinema from time to time, if there is a good

How would you change the dialogue to describe your own town?
rlace 'el' or

(\I Exercise 4 Offering something to someone


O Exercise 5 Asking if someone wishes to do

Example: 2Ouiere usted jugar al golf?
I Jugar al tenis.
2 Dar un paseo.
3 Ir de comoras.
4 Ver |a televisin.
5 Escuchar un disco.

u do not haz;e
your books.)


8 lSabe
(\ ) Exercise Expressing a preference for something 9 1ou p

Prefer the thing in brackets. 10 2Es ust

Example: 2Ouiere usted un vaso de agua? (Un vaso de vino) No, prefiero
vaso de vino.
1 2ouiere usted un caf solo7 (Un caf con |eche)
2 usted un coac? (Un ans) Exercise

3 2Ouiere usted un vaso de vino? [Una cerveza)

4 2ouiere usted un t? (Un caf) Give your or
5 2ouiere usted Un caf con |eche7 (Un caf cortado) Example: 4C
sante que ei

1 2ou es
t\') Exercise 7 Expressing a Peference for doing something 2 2Ou es
3 2Ou es
Prefer the activity in brackets. 4 2Ou es
Example: lOulere usted ir al cine? {lr al teatro) No, prefiero ir al teatro. 5 4ou es
l 2Ouiere usted Ver |a te|evisin? (Dar un paseo)
2 2auiere usted sentarse en la sala de estarT (lr de compras)
3 2Ouiere usted escuchar un discoT (Leer un libro) a 1

4 2Ouiere usted ir al museoT (lr a la discoteca) Example: ...

5 2Ouiere ustedJUgar al golf? (Jugar al tenis)
I ... la te
2 ... al cir
O Exercise 8 Expressing a keenness for something 3 ... al gc
4 ...unp
Example: El tenis. Soy aficionado (aficionada ) al tenis. 5 ... nove
... afici<
I Los libros. 7 ... muc
2 Los discos. 8 ... discc
3 El cine. 9 ... al ter
4 El teatro. 10 ...)uga
5 La te|evisin.

O Exercise 9 Do you o dont you? R f:c"-*

Answer the following questions genuinely. (Listening e>

l 2lee usted nove|as romnticas7

2 2Juega usted al gol?
3 2Va usted al cine? Mi tiernpo
4 2Da usted un paseo por el campo cuando hace buen tiempo?
5 2Escucha usted Ia radio? Listen to thr
6 2Juega usted al tenisT cioing in thei
7 2lee usted muchos libros?

8 2Sabe usted Jugar al ftbol7
9 2ou prefiere Usted, el cine o el teatroT
10 ZEs usted aficionado {aficionada) a |a televisin7
prefiero un

(\,) Exercise I O WhatS your opinion?

Give your own opinion.
Example: 2ou es ms interesante, el cine o e| teatro7 E| cine es ms intere-
sante oue el teatro.

l 2ou es ms fuerte, e| vino o el coac?

ething 2 2au es ms fcil, e| ing|s o e| espao|?
3 iou es ms grande, Londres o Madrid?
4 aou es ms caro' e| teatro o e| crne7
5 4ou es ms barato, e| vino o |a cerveza?

O Exercise I t Add the verb

Example: radio. Escucho la radio.

1 ..' |a te|evisin.
2 ... al cine.
3 ... al golf .

4 ... un paseo por la ciudad.

5 ... nove|as romnticas.
6 ... aficionado {aficionada) al tenis
7 ... muchos libros
8 ... discos de msica clsica.
9 ... al tenis.
l0 '''Jugaralftbo|

4Comprende usted el espao| habla do?

(Listening exercises)

ol Mi tiernpo libre
Listen to the tape and write down in English what the Spanish speakers like
doing in their spare time.


iQu hgces en tus ratos libres? (What do you do in yourfree
Listen to the tape and answer the questions in English.
I $7hat two things does Marisa like doing in her free time?
2 Which is her favourite sport?
3 Which two other sports does she like? Select the correct ones from the
(a) el boxeo (boxing) (b) los bolos (ten-pin bowling) (c) el billar (billiards)
1d1 las carreras por carretera (road races) (e) las carreras de caballos (horse
racing) (f) las carreras de maratn (marathon races)
,1 $hat does she do wherl it rains?
5 Which sport does the man play well?
6 What two other thinss does he like?

6Comprende usted el espao| escrito?

(Reading exercises)

Look at the section of the Entertainments Guide from a Spanish newspaper on
the next page, and then answer the questions in English. (You may need to use
vour dictionarv.)

I Which film is on at the Sala l?

2 $7hat did science do to this ordinary man?
3 What do you think (M.13) tells you?
4 Which film is on at the Sala 2?
5 What is the most dangerous way of solving a crime according to the
6 Who can go to see the film in Sala 5 as indicated bv (T.P.)?
7 Which three words are used to describe the film in Sala 6?
8 Which ilm is on at the Sala 8?
9 Which two words are used to describe it?
l0 Who can go to see it as indicated by (M.18)?

srr'L' 1
&a rn |rqo cgnta. b dextt
rkruio: 6,x)' 8,$ y |0,$ m 13L

res from the

sAL.f, pcligm 2".
da.lw m tt*.
bru m&
vti a Yktiro
lar (billiards)
tlo*ario: 4,$, 6,il), 8.S y 10,a) {Iit l&
ballos (horse
s'Lll 3 3.. SEMANA
L! rogit ht vuolto otn u MEL GlBSOta,
Horario: 5, 7,30 y t0 (M. 13.)

sAL 4 14.' SEMANA

o6dc rAt.8ccit FstE|,, m hs hsbido W
pc|cul. dr suspcn$ tgn cxch&to @m 3t.
rA irrilo QUE lflEcE LA GuLt
Hoado: 4,30, 6,30, 8,30 y 10,30 (M. t3)

s,llLll 5 5.. SEMANA

so gnent s |s modoro cM|izacit... o
di |8 s|v8 atwoiu...
Lls ulTtitos DlAs llEt Hltt
Horario: 4,30, 6,30. 8,30 y 10,O ff. P.l

Slll/l 6 2.. SEMANA

c'int Eastw@d, Gffi Ham8n, ff
cl3i, mri$t|J@. tpa3iontntc
Horario: 5, 7,30 y 1O (M. 18)

Lewspaper on SllLA Z 3.. SEMANA

En 1977' slEb8 dfitro' s 1986' $ ro.
y need to use p3r8 siemprg. En 1992, n6t.o3 pooos tm
rs I han hrcho .o8lidad. Ha vuelto:
Horario: 5, 7,3O v 1O (M. 18)

s5,LA a 2.. SEMANA

Tom Cruiso y Ni@13 Kidman, s
Furia y pasin
Horario: 5, 7.3o Y 1o (M. 8}
rding to the
programacin T|no.: 25 29 96
C/ Solarillo de Gracia, 9


TV/Prograrnacin (Puzzles)
You are on holiday in Spain and decide to watch television. Look at this TV
Guide and answer the questions in English.
Palabras e
Crack the co
I Mara es
0,45 Co,lto de presen|o. |7,|5 lieeerrse. 23,00 Domingo Gine. .pols- z Pedro prr
cton. 17'45 0| tus deoc. tergeist>. EE UU, 3 Carolina
07,00 Tele Erp. Programa |8'45las meiorcs pe|olos lS8l, l0q minulos.
4 Pedro prr
oe servlclos. de nestro vido. Director: Tobe Hoo-

09J0 Teigos hoy. Progra. <Uno. dos. tres>. per. Intrpretes:
ma religioso. EE UU, 1961, b/n, 104 Craig T. Nelson,
|0'00 Feivo| de Popeve. minutos. Director: Jobeth Williams
||30 El prncipe impostbr. Billy Wilder.
Intr- Beatrice Straight.
|2,40 Bo|inon..Dibujs ani- pretes: James Cag- Aditsnelo
ney, Hont Buchholz.

13,(X) Amor o primero vislo. 20J0 E| dioo. ::i:: a ri: i: i t:;i:::: ti: t:;:: tt: Ut:l i i:;rl!i:ii:: i: l; l:!i:il:it;lr:: ii: r: ii !
Each of thes<
Programa concurso. common lett,
14,00Dinomuen. Dibujos
00,50 Lo holo de Alled
HitrhcocL Serie de 14 leisure activir
20,55 El fiempo. Informa- captulos de 0
:l ]l"1|r:|:i:!|]]Il jir*l+jii:i$rsrl!'il jj]il$ijiiiili||l|
cin meteorolgica. minutos de duracin Teatro
l4J0 El diorio in de sgrro. cada uno. Caf
lJos repo^rleros. Programa
01.50 Despedido y cielre de
no. lnlormattvo con Io misin..
15,00 E! fiempo reportajes de actua-
|5'05 lgs toruoos J{inio. lidad.
l5J0 los orunier oventuios Favorito
del tne. *El ripre de
22,00 [o iugodo. Resumen
de la jornada futbo. Disco
Esnapun,. Aeania.
Francia, Italia, 1959, lstica, con especial Ans
97 minutos. Director: atencin a los oarti.
Fritz Lans. Con dos disputado por
Debra Page-t, Paul los equipos andalu-
Hubschmid. ces. Mundo

I What is on Canal Sur at 15.30?

2 What do you think .ol tus vdeos' a L7.45 will be about?
3 When can you see the Weather Forecast?
4 What will 'Los reporteros' be about?
5 \hat will you see if you watch TV at 22.00?

rk at this TV

Pslabras en claoe
Crack the codes to work out what these people do in their spare time.
1 Mara es aficionada al twnxs.
cine. 2 Pedro prefiere Jugar al gvucpm.
'. EE"Pols-
UU, 3 Carolina es aficionada a las mnudkzr.
9 minutos. 4 Pedro prefiere jug ar al 8Il 611317
Tobe Hoo- .

l. Nelson,
A dir: ne lo ( Gue s s zu ork)
Each of these pairs of words has at least one letter in common. Take the correct
de common letter from each pair and you will make a new word which is a popular
, Serie de 14 leisure activity.
os de 60
de duracin Teatro FtboI
Caf Entrada
ciere de Libro Golf
Suave Fuerte
Favorito Novela
Disco Cigarrillo
Anis Discoteca
Cine PelcuIa
Deporte Museo
Mundo Romntico


Joan: Una

2ou desea?
Joan: Azu
Joan: Es n
Obtaining goods and services Dependient
Joan: iAh,
Joan: S, p
(Joan e;
-Joan: iQu,
Robert; Es
Joan: Mu]

m &w&Tffi%,

Vamos de compras

K 1

Before leaving Madrid, the Robinsons decide to go shopping to buy clothes for Dialogue
Joan Robinson and shoes for Robert Robinson. They arrive at the ladies' dress R 2

shop la tienda de modas. Next the Rol

Dependierrta: Buenos das, seora' aQu desea? Dependient;
Joan: Quisiera ver algunos vestidos de verano, por favor. Robert: Qu

Dependienta' Muy bien, seora. ;Qu talla, por favor?
Joan: Una treinta y ocho.
Dependienta. Bien. ;De qu color quiere el vestido?
Joan: Azul, creo, o quizs verde.
Dependienta: 4Este, por ejemplo?
Joan: Es muy bonito, pero' .no tiene usted otro ms claro?
Dependienta: Ms claro. Vamos a ver. eEste, entonces?
Joan: 1Ah, s! se es muy bonito. ;De qu es? iDe niln?
Dependienta: No, seora. Es de algodn ;Quiere probrselo?
Joan. S, por favor.
Dependienta: E.l probador est por aqu, seora.
(Joan entra en el probador y se pone el vestido. Sale y habla con su
Joan: ;Qu te parece' cario?
Robert; Es muy bonito. ;Cunto vale?
Dependienta' Doce mil peSetas' seor.
Joan: Muy bien. Me 1o quedo.
Depend|enta: Gracias, seora' ;Quiere pagar en caja? Por aqu.


ly clothes for Dialogue 2

Next the Robinsons head for the shoe shop la zapateria

Dependienta: Buenos das, seor. 4Qu desea?

Robert: Quisiera ver algunos zapatos, por favor.

2qu desea
querer [ie)
el vestido
la talla
por e.1emplc
e| niln
el a|godn
probarse (u,
2quiere prot
el probador
se pone
1qu te part
Dependienta: Muy bien, seor. ;Qu nmero gasta ustedi
Robert: Un cuarenta Y dos. cario
Dependienta: Y, ide qu color? valer
Robert; Marrones. 2cunto vaIt
Dependienta: IJn momento' por favor. stos, por ejemplo. Un cuarenta y dos me lo quedc
y marrones. pagar
Robert: S, son bastante bonitos, pero' .no tiene usted otros ms oscuros? la cala
Dependienta: Claro que s' stos,entonces' Son muy bonitos 1'tambin ms los zapatos
oScuros. 1Quiere probrse1os? gastar
Robert: S, gracias. 1A1r, son un poco estrechos! iTiene usted un cuarenta 1' tres? 4qu nmer
Dependienta: S, seor. Aqu tiene usted. IJn cuarenta v tres. oscuro/a/os,
Robert: ;Ah, s! stosso.' mucho ms cmodos. iQu te parecen) cario? esecno/a/(
Joan: Son muy bonitos. 4Cunto valen?
Deoendienta: Valen cinco mil pesetas. cmodo/a/c
Robert: Muy bien. Estos' por favor.
Deoendienta: Gracias, seor' ;Quiere pagar en caja?

(a) Shops
The opening
la tienda de modas fashion shop 9 am-l.l
la dependienta shop assistant
4.30 pm
desear to wish, want

2que deseaT what can I do for you? (what do you
querer (ie) to wish, want
quisiera I would like
algunos,/as some
el vestido dress
la talla size (of clothing)
azul/es blue
quizs perhaps
verde/s green
por e-lemplo for example
claro/a/os/as light (of coiour)
el niln nylon
e| a|godn cotton
probarse (ue) to try on (of clothing)
ZquIere probrselo? do you wish to try it on?
el probador fitting-room
entra r to enter, go in
ponerse to put on (of clothing)
se pone he/she puts on
hablar to speak, talk
habla he/she speaks
parecer to seem, appear
2qu te parece? how does it seem to you? what do you
cario darling
vater to be worth
ZcUnto Vale7 how much is it worth? how much is it?
larenta y dos queoarse to take (ofpurchases)
me lo quedo I'll take it (colloquial)
f,scuros? pagar to pay
la cala cash desk
:ambin ms
ros zapatos shoes
gastar to take (of shoe sizes)
arenta y tres?
2qu nmero 9a5ta usted? what size do you take (of shoes)?
oscuro/a/os/as dark (of colour)
cario? estrecho/a/os/as tight (of clothing and shoes), narrow
(of street, etc.)
cmodo/a/os/as comfortable

(a) Shops and shopping
The opening hours for shops are normally:
9 am-1.30 pm
4.30 pm-7.30 pm

Department stores in major cities usually open from 10 am to 8 pm and most (d) Sayin.
post offices are open from 9 amto 2 pm, with some also opening from 4 pm to Use the vert
6 pm. Banks are open from 9 am to 2 prn. Tobacco and cigarettes are sold at
the state-owned Shops called 'eStanCOS' and these shops also sell Stamps, sta- Ouisierz
tionery and most official forms. veran
Sizes for clothes are different in Spain:
16 18 22 24 (e) Gioini
Britain 8 10 12 L4 20 26
Spain 36 38 40 42 44 46 48 50 52 54 Ifyou are br

Shoes 2Ou ta
Britain 3 4 5 6789 10 11 12
44 and you rep
Spain 36 37 38 39 40 4L 42 43 45
Una tre
Britain 13 13'12 14 l4tl2 l5 r5112 16 However, w
Spain 33 34 3516 37 38 39 40
4ou nt
There is a simple pattern for recognising shop names: and you rep
Product Shop
Un cuar
los zapatos |a zapatera
los libros la libreria
la leche la lecheria (f) Ashinl
Common exceptions to this pattern are: If you wish
to use is:
er pan |a panadera
ta carne |a carnicera 2No tier
Note desire
2No tier
The explanations of grammatical points are divided into two sections in the rest
of the book: A for those wishing to obtain a simple, 'survival' knowledge; and B
2No tier
for those who wish to go further in their study of Spanish'

td (io)
(g) Estab
IJse the phr
(b) Finding out if a product is oaoilable - grarnrnar refs 7 (ii)
q2tiene usted' + name of product? 2De qur
lJse the phrase Es de al
2Tiene Usted peridicos Ing|eses7 Do you have English newspapers? 2De qut
;Ticnc tr,ted 7;loAtos de ante?
. | |L |L Do you have suede shoes? Son de

(c) Saying ushot you usant - grst?x?vlar ref 7 (iz:) (h) Ashin
IJse the verb 'quiero' + name of product: Mrs Robins
Ouiero un litro de leche. I want a litre of milk. 1ou te
Ouiero una botella de vino. I want a bottle of wine. Hor

n and most (d) Saying u:hat you ztsould lihe to see
i are sold at
Use the verbal phrase 'quisiera ver' + name of product:
Itamps, sta- Ouisiera ver alcunos vestidos de I'd like to see some summer
verano. dresses.
Ouisiera ver algunos zapatos I'd like to see some shoes.

24 26
(e) Giaing your size - grarnrnar ref 3
52 54 If you are buying most types of clothing the assistant will say:
\What size, please?
iou ta||a' por favor?
ll t2
44 45 and you reply with your size:
Una treinta y ocho. A thirty-eight.
However, when buying shoes the assistant will probably ask:

iOu nmero gasta Usted? !7hat size do vou take?

and you reply with the number of your size:

Un cuarenta y dos A forty-two.

(f) Asking to see alternotiae sizes and styles - gra?tlt?Lar ref 2(t:i)
If you wish to see smaller or bigger sizes or lighter or darker colours the phrase
to use ls:
; l\ln tiano r rcl_ar'l Don't you have any others?
otr o / otr a / otros,/otras ms + which are more + desired qualitv?
desired quality?
ns in the rest 2No tiene Usted otros ms baratos? Don't you have any others which are
leclge; and B
2No tiene Usted otro ms grande7 Don't you have a bigger one?

(g) Establishing the rnaterial

s 7(ii), (ia) Use the phrase .2De qu es?' or' in the plural, .2De qu son7.
2De qu es? What's it made o
F< 11c z|nnr1n It's cotton.
2De qu son? What are they made of.)
t? Son de piel. They're made of leather

(h) Asking and expressing an opinion - gra?tlt?xar ref 14

Mrs Robinson asks her husband's opinion of the dress:
)r r tp
LL narare)
How does it seem to you? (What do you think of it?)

and he replies: 'Me parecer
\/lc n.arcre mrrrl [6pj[g' Me pare
It seems very nice to me. (I think it's very nice.) Me pare
Similarly, he asks her opinion of the shoes: .2ou |e pa
i l t tc nzrercn) the pronoun
How do they seem to you? (What do you think of them?)
aOu |e
and she answers: 2Ou |e
:C\l l |e lta
Me parecen muy bonitos. ' avvL ,L l(r
They seem very nice to me. (I think they're very nice.)
1Ou le
If strangers were speaking the pronoun 'te' would be replaced by 'le':
iOu |e
ZoU |e parece7 $7hat do you think of it?
Me parece muy grande. I think it's very big. More comp
1Est e|
(i) Asking the price - gra?txtnar ref 3 Me part
\X/hen asking the price of a singular ob ject use the phrase .2cunto va|e?' 2A qu
Me parr
2Cunto vale |a fa|da? How much is the skirt?
Vale seis mil pesetas. It's 6000 pesetas.
(l) Furtht
For a plural object use the phrase .Zcunto va|en7'
2Cunto Va|en |os zapatos? How much are the shoes? further uses
Valen cinco mil pesetas. They're 5000 pesetas.
(j) Concluding the sale - grqrn?7xar refs 5(i), (ii) Vale aq
To conclude the sale and convey to the assistant rhat you wish to purchase the
skirt, blouse, tie or whatever, use the phrase 'me lo quedo' - 'lo' is used for a Lo sien
masculine singular noun, 'la' for a feminine singular, 'los' for masculine plurals No vale
and 'las' for feminine piurals:
(El bolso) Me lo quedo. I'll take it.
(La falda) Me la quedo. I'll take it.
(Los guantes) Me los quedo. ['ll takc them. Exercis
(Las blusas) Me las quedo. I'11 take them.
O The key t

(k) Expressing opinions using the aerb 'parecer' - gra??L?rrar ref 14

'Me parece' + adjectiae enqbles you to express s range of sirnple Exercise
opinions: Play the pz
dresses, siz
Me parece muy bonito. I think it's very nice.
Me parece bastante estrecho. I think it's fairly tight. Dependier
Me parece muy caro. I think it's very dear. Usted: (l

'Me parecen' + adjective gives you a similar range with plural objects:
Me parecen muy oscuros. I think they're very dark.
Me parecen bastante baratos I think they're fairly cheap.
.iou le parece?' is used to ask someone'S opinion of a singular object, with
the pronoun changing to 'te' in the familiar form:

2ou |e (te) parece la habitacin? What do you think of the room?

1ou |e (te} parece mi sombrero? rVhat do you think of my hat?
.2ou |e (te) parecen?' is used to ask opinions about plural objects:

1ou le (te) parecen los espao|es? What do you think about the
2ou |e {te) parecen |as comidas7 What do you think about the meals?

More complex sentences are formed by using 'me parece que' + phrase:

1Est el seor Gonz|ez7 Is Mr Gonzlez in?

Me parece que no est. I think he's not in.
2A qu hora sa|e e| tren7 $7hat tiine does the train leave?
Me parece que sale a las diez. I think it leaves at ten o'clock.

(l) Further uses of 'valer'

'Vale' and, for plural objects, 'valen' enable you to ask a price, but the verb has
further uses:

2Vale? OI(? (Do you agree?)

Vengo a las diez. 2Vale? come at ten o'clock. OI(?
Va|e aqu, gracias. Here is ine, thank you. (To a taxi
rurchase the driver.)
is used for a lnsicnt nero no me Va|e I'm sorry but it's no use to me.
uline plurais No vale la pena. It's not worth the trouble.

a The key to these exercises begins on p. 306.

rnar ref 14
,f sirnple Exercise I Saying what you want
Play the part of Joan Robinson in the following dialogue. Ask to see summer
dresses, size 38, in blue or green.

Dependienta: Buenos das, seora. eQu desea?

Usted; (Ask to see some summer dresses, please.)

Dependienta: Muy bien, seora. ;Qu talla, por favor?
Usted: (Say -78.)
Dependienta: Bien. ;De qu color quiere el vestido?
Usted: (Say blue, you think, or perhaps green.)
Dependienta: ;ste, por ejemplo?

Exercise 2 Asking to see othe goods and establishing t-l
what things ae made of lril-
I- Ell
Play the part of Joan Robinson in the foliowing dialogue. Ask to see a lighter tt,:t
colour and find out what the dress is made of. lEl
Dependienta: 1ste, por ejemplo?
Usted: (Say zr's aery nice, but does she hate a lighter one.)
Dependienta. Ms claro. Vamos a ver. 4ste, entonces? Exercise r

Usted; (Say1es. That one is aery nice. Ask what it is made of. Is it rytlon?)
Dependienta; No, seora. Es de algodn. ;Quiere probrselo? Ask to see tl
Example: Sr

O Exercise 3 Buying shoes

Play the part of Robert Robinson and ask to see brown shoes in size 42.
4 Some le
Dependienta: Buenos das, seor. 4Qu desea? 5 Some cc
Usted: (Say you would like to see some shoes, please.)
Dependienta: Muy bien, seor. ;Qu nmero gasta usted?

Usted: (Sal 12.) Exercise
Dependienta: Y, 4de qu color?
Usted: (Sav brown.)
State what r

Example: 4(

V Exercise 4 Asking if certain goods are avaitabte 1 2ou ta

2 2au
Find out if the following goods are available. 3 Zou ta
Example: English newspapers. 4Tiene Usted peridicos ingIeses? 4 2ou ta
I Summer dresses. 5 2ou ta
2 Leather handbags.
3 Nylon dresses.
4 Exercise
Suede shoes.
Cotton blouses. @ Write down

Example: V
) Exercise 5 Saying what you want V

Ask for the following things. 1 Vale cui

Example: ouiero un caf solo'
r 2 Valen cr


see a lighter

Saying what you wou|d |ike to see

O Exercise
Ask to see the following things.
Example: Some summer dresses. Ouisiera ver algunos vestidos de verano.
I Some leather shoes.
2 Some cotton dresses.
:42. 3 Some cotton skirts.
4 Some leather gloves.
5 Some cotton blouses.

Exercise 7 Giving the size

State what size you want.
Example: 2ou ta||a, por favor? (44) Una Cuarenta y cuatro
1 zou talla' por favor? {38)
2 zau ta||a, por favor? (40)
3 zOu tal|a, por favor? {50)
4 2au talla, por favor? (42|
5 4ou ta|la, por favor? (36)

(g Exercise 8 Understanding the price

Write down what you think the price is and check your answer in the key to the
Example: Vale dos mil quinientas pesetas. It costs 2500 pesetas.
Valen tres mil cuatrocientas pesetas. They cost 3400 pesetas.
I Vale cuatro mil doscientas pesetas.
2 Valen cinco mil seiscientas pesetas.

3 Vale mil setecientas pesetas. I Son mu'
4 Vale seis mll novecientas pesetas. 2 Sale a lz
5 Valen doscientas Desetas. 3 La seo
For further practice of prices work from the key, saying the number aloud
4 Es muy

Spanish and checking with the exercise.

5 Son mu'
6 El tren I

7 Son bas
(\ ) Exercise 9 Asking to see a|tenative goods 8 Llueve.
Ask to see bigger, smaller, lighter, darker things. Remember that 'otro' and the 9 Es muy
adjective used must agree with the noun. l0 No lleg;
Examples: Las blusas/grande' iNo tiene usted otras ms grandes?

E| bolso/barato. ZNo tiene Usted otro m5 barato?

Los zaoatosloscuro.
O Exercise t
Ask to see wt
2 La fa|da/pequeo. the price and
3 El vestido/claro.
'1 Los guantes,/caro.
5 Las blusas,/barato
t\I Exercise t O Asking someoneb opinion Dependiente
Ask what someone unfamiliar thinks of what you are wearing. Usted.
E.xamples: Mi blusa. aou le parece mi b|usa? Dependiente
Mis Zapatos. 2ou |e parecen mis zapatos7 Usted:
I Mi bolso. Usted:
2 Mis guantes. Dependiente
3 Mi falda. Usted:
1 Mi vestido. Dependiente
5 Mi sombrero.

( ) Exercisell
\ Conctudingasale
Say you will take the object offered.
R fc"-*
Examples: 2Esta b|usa, por e.1empIo7 S, me |a quedo. (Listening ex

4Estos Zapatos, por e.1empIo? S, me Ios quedo

I 2Este bolso, por e..1emplo?
2 2Esta blusa, por eyemploT 2ou dest
3 2Estos guantes, por e_lemplo?
4 Listen to the
2Este sombrero, por e.iemplo?
5 why she wis
2Esta falda, por eJemplo?

E 2ou ropi
Exercise |2 Expressing you opinion
Listen to the
Change the sentence iom a Statement to an opinion.
Examples: Es muy bonito. Me parece muy bonito. 1 What sor
Hace mucho calor. Me parece que hace mucho calor. 2 Does she

1 Son muy caros.
2 Sale a las ocho.
3 La seorita Gmez est en casa'
nber aloud in 4 Es muy grande.
5 Son muy estrechos.
6 El tren llega a Madrid a las once"
7 Son bastante baratos.
8 Llueve.
'otro' and the 9 Es muy cmodo.
l0 No llega nunca hasta las diez.
t\) Exerciset3 Obtainingclothes
Ask to see white shirts, give the size as 38, establish what the shirt is made of, ask
the price and conclude the sale by filling in the gaps in the following dialogue.

Dependiente: Buenos das, seor (seora). ;Qu desea?

Dependiente: 4Qu talla, por favor?
Dependiente; 4De qu color quiere la camisa?
Dependiente: Muy bien, seor (seora). sta es muy bonita.
Dependiente: E's de algodn.
Dependiente: Vale nueve mil pesetas.
Dependiente: Muchas gracias, seor (seora).

ecompende usted el espao| hablado?

(Listening exercises)

eou desea?
Listen to the tape and write down what the customer buys, the size and colour,
why she wishes to see another one and the price she pays.

2ou roPa sueles |levar?
Listen to the tape and answer the questions in English.
I rJ7hat sort of clothes does the woman wear to go to work?
2 Does she wear a skirt and a blouse or a dress?

\X/hat does the other woman wear at the weekend?
4 shat two things affect her choice of clothes?

.comprende usted el espao| escrito?

(Reading exercises)

Loo k at the photograph on page 84, and write down the three things the shop
says it offers, and the proud boast it makes.

(b) Reba,las

Look at the following photographs and answer the questions in English. (You I

may need to use your dictionary.) IK




" I --

/\ 'rfr
?H[l \ fl'"r lLS
ri r I

(c) Reba;as

I $7hat
/500c 2 What
3 Andf
4 Andf
I \What
2 Atwh
1 \7hat
(aJ Rebalas 2 \X/hat

rings the shop
(b) Rebajas

English. (You

?' 5
i Jr

{ rq t n#
:) Reba.;as

1 \X/hat is happening in this shop?
2 What can you buy for 3 900 pesetas?
3 And for l5 000 pesetas?
4 And for l0 000 pesetas?
I What is on sale in this shop?
2 At what price?
1 !7hat is on sale for 500 pesetas?
2 $7hat exactly do you get for that price?

Robert; Ur
Joan: Tenl
4ou va a tomar?
Joan: Con

Ordering a meaf Diatogue:

Halfivay thrc
Robert calls
Robert: iOl
Robert: aQ
Dialogues Robert; aQ
Diatogue Robert: aQ
K 1
The Robinsons enjoyed their evening at the home of the Lpezes. Now Joan Robert: Mr
and Robert Robinson invite the Lpezes to have dinner with them at a Mara: ;Tie
restaurant. Camarero:
Robert; lTiene una mesa libre? Mara: Pari
Camarero: iParacuntos? Joan: Y pa
Robert: Para cuatro. Robert: Juz
Camarero: S, seor. Por aqu. Juan: Yo q
Robert: Gracias. Trigame la carta, por favor. Robert: Lu
Camarero; Aqu tiene usted' Camarero;
Robert: Vamos a ver. Ensalada mixta, ensalada rusa) sopa de pescado,
consom ... aQu va a tomar) Mara?
Mara. No tengo mucha hambre. Para m una ensalada mixta y luego un bistec. K 4

Robert: lCon patatas? Finally come

Mara: ;No, por Diosl Sin patatas'
Robert: iOi
Dialogue 2 Robert: No
They all select their meal and Robert calls the waiter. usted dir
Robert. lCamarero! Robert. Ad
Camarero: Seor. ;Qu van a tomar?
Robert: Dos consoms, una ensalada mixta y una Sopa de pescado'
Camarero: 4Y despus?
Robert: Un bistec bien hecho, una merluza rebozada con patatas) un pollo asado I Restarrr
con patatas y un filete de ternera con una ensalada de lechuga y tomate.
Camarero' Muy bien, seor. 4Y para beber? 4Toman vino? Grupo 1"
Robert: S, dos botellas de vino de la casa' Entremeses r

Camarero: lTinto o blanco? Ensalada de

Robert: Una de tinto y una de blanco.
Joan: Tengo mucha sed. Trigame una botella de agua mineral tambin.
Camarero: iCon gas o sin gas?
Joan: Con gas.
Camarero: En seguida.

Dialogue 3
Halfivay through the meal they decide they want more bread and mineral water.
Robert calls the waiter.
Robert: iOiga!
Camarero: 1Seor?
Robert: iQuiere traerme ms pan y otra botella de agua mineral?
Camarero: Muy bien, seor. ;Van a tomar postre?
Robert: 4Qu tiene de postre?
Camarero: Pues, hay tarta helada, flan, queso, fruta .'.
Robert: 4Qu fruta tiene?
Camarero: Hay pltanos, melocotn en aimbar, uvas' manzanas ...
Now Joan Robert. Muy bien. iQu quieren ustedes?
them at a Mara: 4Tiene helado?
Camarero: S, seora.
Mara; Para m un helado de chocolate.
Joan; Y para m tambin.
Robert: Juan, 4qu quiere?
Juan: Yo quiero queso manchego.
Robert; Luego son dos helados de chocolate y dos de queso.
Camarero: En seguida, seor.
e pescado,

K Dialosue 4
o un bistec.
F'inally comes the moment to pay and Robert calls the waiter again.
Robert: ;oigal Trigame la cuenta' por favor.
Camarero; Aqu tiene. 4Toman caf?
Robert: No, gracias. Vamos a ver. Nueve mil doscientas pesetas. Aqu tiene
usted diez mil. Qudese con la vuelta.
Camarero: Muchas gracias, Seor, y muy buenas noches.
Robert: Adis.

. pollo asado
Restaurante 'Los Abetos' - Carta
Grupo,1" Entremeses y soPas Hors d'oeuores snd soups
Entremeses variados 600 Mixed hors d'oeuvres
Ensalada de lechuga y tomate 300 Lettuce and tomato salad

Ensalada mixta 450 Mixed salad
Ensalada rusa 450 Russian salad t%cabrl
Sopa de pescado 350 Fish soup
(nna rlp:rrnz 350 Rice soup la mesa
300 Consomm, thin soup traer
la carta
el hambre
Grupo 2" Huevos y veduas Egg and aegetable dishes tengo hamt
Huevos revueltos con tomate 500 Scrambled eggs with tomato mi
Tortilla francesa 500 French omelette sin
TortiIla espao|a 600 Spanish omelette U)pU)

Judias verdes con tomate 400 Green beans with tomato bien hecho
Guisantes con jamn 650 Peas with ham
Alcachofas rebozadas 700 Artichoke hearts in batter la sed
tengo mucr
Grupo 3o Pescados Fish er gas
Merluza rebozada l.500 Hake in batter con gas
900 Squid iied in batter el pan
Calamares a la romana
e| pltano
Rocr rnn ?l hnrnn 1.800 Baked sea bream
e| me|ocot
Atn Con tomate 1.000 Tuna with tomato e| almbar
las uvas
la manzana
Grupo 4" Carnes y aves Meat and poultry el chocolate
Cordero asado 1.400 Roast lamb la cuenta
Bistec I .500 Fillet steak
la noche
Pollo asado 7 50 Roast chicken
buenas noc
Filete de ternera 950 Veal steak
Chuletas de cerdo 950 Pork chops

Grupo 5" Postres Desserts

Tarta helada 400 Ice-cream cake (a) Eatin,
Flan 300 Caramel custard Restaurants
Helado 300 Ice-cream indicated b'
Fruta del tiempo 300 Fresh fruit quality and
Oueso manchego 400 Cheese from La Mancha and so it ir
without goir
meal at a fi
Vinos y aguas minea|es Wine snd rninersl usqters groups on tl
Vino de la casa (botella) 500 House wine (bottle) 3pmandc
Vino de la casa (media botella) 300 House wine (half bottle) areas restau
Agua mineral (botella) 200 Mineral water (bottle) cent would I

Caf \20 Coffee Many c

Pan 40 Bread on one plat


la mesa table
traer to bring
trigame bring me
la carta the menu
el hambre hunger
ishes I'm hungry
tengo hambre
tato m me (after prepositions)
stn without
despus afterwards
bien hecho well done (of meat)
beber to drink
trnto red (of wine)
la sed thirst
tengo mucha sed I'm very thirsty
tambin also
el gas gas
con gas frzzy (o mineral water)
e pan bread
e| p|tano banana
e| melocotn peach
el almibar syrup
las uvas grapes
la manzana apple
el chocolate chocolate
la cuenta bill
qudese keep (imperative)
la noche night
buenas noches good night

(a) Eating out
Restaurants in Spain are divided into five categories and these categories are
indicated by forks. The more forks a restaurant has, the higher will be the
quality and the prices. Most restaurants display their menu with prices outside
and so it is normally possible to establish what category the restaurant is
without going in. Many restaurants offer two types of specialist menus: a fixed
meal at a fixed price Men de| da and a meal selected from the various
aters groups on the menu Men turst|co. Lunch is served from around l.30 pm to
3 pm and dinner from around 8.30 pm to I I pm, although in some tourist
areas restaurants do serve meals slightly earlier. Tipping is universal and 10 per
cent would be considered a normal tip.
Many cafeterias and bars also serve meals in the form of a complete meal
on one plate - un plato combinado. These meals are often portrayed on the


iou vat
Vamos a
Notice that tl
quite clear th

(d) Expre:
-lwo verbal p

Tener ha
2Tiene u:
Si. tengo

Tener se,
iTiene ur
No, no t'
Both 'hambt
Tengo rr

walls of the cafeteria or in the menu and you can see exactly what the meal is (e) Orderi
before you order. If the bar or cafeteria serves portions of food you should ask
for .Llna racin', and .una racin de torti||a' would be a portion of omelctte. The two key
Most cafterias and bars have a two-ticr price system: one price for standing at Un bister
thc bar and another for sitting at a table and being scrved. Therefore, if you Un bister
order something at the bar and thcn sit at a table you will probabl1'ofnd the
(f) Makinl
(b) Giaing orders - gra?nntar ref 11
The form to
To ask Someone to bring you Something use the brm ,trigame, + noun Notice the pr
Trigame |a Carta. Bring me the menu. 2Ouiere
Trigame Ia cuenta. Bring me thc biil.
Trigame Una bote||a de vino Bring me a bottle of red wine.
tinto. k) Obtoir
To obtain m
(c) Ashing ushot so?tteone is going to haz;e - gr&?n??Lsr ref 9 2Ouiere
If onlv one Derson is addressed the lbrm is:

4ou va a tomar? What are you going to have?

Voy a tomar un bistec I'm going to have a steak. (h) Addre,
If scvcral people are addrcssed the plural form is used: The third pe

2ou van a tomar? $7hat are you going to have?
Vamos a tomar fruta. $(/e're going to have fruit.
Notice that the two pronouns 'usted' and 'ustedes' are often omitted when it is
quite ciear that'you' is meant rather than'he/she' or'they'.

(d) Expressing hunger and thirst - gra?tx?nar ref 15

Two verbal phrases are used:
Tener hambre To be hungty
2Tiene usted hambreT Are you hungry?
S, tengo hambre. Yes, I'm hungry.
Tener sed To be thirsty
: Tiona r tctaA < aA) Are you thirsty?
N|n nn tana^ <r1 No, I'm not thirsty.
;*4q, Both 'hambre' and 'sed' are feminine nouns and therefore are modified bv
using 'mucha' to convey the idea of 'very':
Tengo mucha sed. I'm very thirsty.

the meal is (e) Ordering dishes usith or usithout certain other things
r should ask
of omelette. The two kev words are 'con' and 'sin':
standing at Un bistec con patatas A steak with chips.
:fore, if you Un bistec sin patatas. A steak without chips.
y offend the

(fl Making polite requests - g?'a?tl?nar ref 7(it:)

The form to use is .2quiere' + ininitive?
aouiere traerme la cuentaT $7iil you bring me the bill?
10un: Notice the pronoun 'me' is placed on the end of the infinitive:
iOuiere decirme la hora? $7ill you tell me the time?

(d Obtaining rnore of sortething - gra??xr?Lsr ref 2(ui)
To obtain more water) bread, wine and So on you use the word .ms':
"e 9 2Ouiere traerme ms agua? tJill you bring me Some more water?
Trigame ms pan, por favor Bring me some more bread, please.

(h) Addressing ?ttore thsn one person
The third person plural of all Spanish verbs ends in '-n'


ZEs Usted espao|? Are you Spanish? (sing.) Only one cc
Zson Ustedes espaoIes? Are you Spanish? (pl.) ir
Los ing|eses beben t The English drink tea. voy
Los madrileos viven en Madrid. Madrilenians live in Madrid. vaya

Pronouns ar

(, Giaing orders - grsttlnxar ref 11 Mrelo.

Coma l.
The imperative is used to give orders and has two forms, one used with 'usted' Escriba
to address one person and another used with 'ustedes' to address more than Pngan
one person. Most verbs form their imperative from the first person singular and Dme c
follow this pattern: cinco
mtrar to look, uatch
miro (first person singular) I look
mire (imperative singular) look (sing.)
miren (imperative plural) look (p1.) (j) Indica
comer to eat To show thr
como I eat pronoun:
coma eat (sing.) Lcl- -^^-
coman eat (p1.)
Esta car
escribir to wnte zHay re
escribo I write Tengo r

escriba write (sing.) El vestic

escriban write (pl.)
If the first person singular is irregular, so is the imperative:
(k) Indicr
ooner to pILt, pldce
pon9o I put, piace To indicate
ponga put (sing.)
put (pl.)
4Ou v;
venir to come Usted v
vengo I come Juan va
ven9a come (sing.)
ven9an come (pl.)
sallr to leazte, go out (l) Indica
sargo I leave ref 15
sarga leave (sing.) Tener fr
salgan leave (pl.) Tengo r

aar to gizte
Tener c,
aoy I give
Mara ti
d give (sing.) (The accent distinguishes
the verb from the preposition 'de'.) Tener sr
oen give (pl.) 2Tiene r


Only one common verb fails to follow this pattern:
|r tugo
voy I go
vaya go (sing.)
vayan Co (pl.)
Pronouns are placed on the end of the imperative:
Mrelo. Look at it.
Coma la sopa. Cmala' Eat the soup. Eat it.
Iwith 'usted'
Escriba el precio. Escrbalo. Write the price. $7rite it.
is more than
Pngame Veinte litros. Give (put) me 20 litres.
singular and
Dme dos sellos de cuarenta y Give me two 45-peseta stamps.
cinco pesetas.

(j) Indicating that sontething is for so?neone

To show that something is for someone you use 'para' + the person's name or a
La sopa es para |a seora Garca' The soup is for Mrs Garcia.
Esta carta es para usted. This letter is for you.
2Hay recados para m? Are there any messages for me?
Tengo un recado para |. I have a message for hrm.
El vestido es para ella. The dress is for her.

(k) Indicating future intentions . gra,L?7lar ref 9

To indicate what you intend to do you use the verb 'ir a' + infinitive:

Voy a comprar pan. I'm going to buy bread.

1ou vas a hacer7 $7hat are you going to do? (familiar)
Usted va a visitar Toledo You're going to visit Toledo. (polite)
Juan va a tomar sopa John is going to have soup.

(l) Indicating other conditions using the oerb 'tener' - gra?nntsr

ref 15
Tener fro To be cold
Tengo mucho fro. I'm very cold.
Tener calor To be hot
Mara tiene caIor' Mary is hot.
rsition 'de'.) Tener sueo To be tired, sleepjt
2Tlene usted sueo? Are you tired?



\ Exercise 4
Example: 1C
a The key to these exercises begins on p. 309. NUCVOS TCVU(

aou vz
2 1au vz
Exercise Obtaining a table and the menu 3 2ou v;
O t
4 2au vz
Play the part of Robert Robinson in the following dialogue and obtain a table 5 1ou v;
for four and the menu. 6 2ou v;
Usted. (Ask if he has a table Jree.)
7 2au vz
Camarero; 1Para cuntos?
8 2Ou v;
9 2ou v;
(Say for four.)
Camarero: S, seor. Por aqu.
10 2Ou vi
Usted: (Thank him. Ask for the menu.)
Camarero: Aqu tiene usted.
O Exercise
Correct the u

\ Exercise 2 Ordering a meal Example: Un

Order the following meal: fish soup, steak and chips, a bottle of red wine and I Agua mu
ice cream. 2 Un bistec
3 Agua mu
Camarero; 4Qu va a tomar? 4 Pollo asa,
Usted: (Order fish soup.) 5 Merluza r
Camarero: ;Y despus?
Usted: (Order steak and chips.)
( ) Exercise (
Camarero: 4Y para beber? sToma vino?
Usted: (Order a bottle of red wine.)
Give simple r

Camarero: lTomapostre? Example: 1Ot

Usted. (Order an ice-ueam.)
1 2ou |e
2 2ou |e
t\ Exercise 3 Polite requests 3 1ou |e
Ask the waiter to bring you the following things.
4 1ou |e
Example: A bottle of white wine. 2Ouiere traerme una botella de vino 5 2ou le
6 2ou |e
7 2ou |e
1 A mixed salad. 8 1ou |e
2 Peas with ham. 9 1ou |e
3 Roast chicken with chips. l0 2Ou le
4 Ice-cream cake.
5 A bottle of mineral water.
6 Some more bread. E
7 Some more wine. Exercise i
8 A black coffee.
9 A brandy. Answer the f
l0 The bill. Example: 2Lt

(\) Exercise 4 Explaining what you ae going to have
Example: 2ou va a tomar? (Scrambled eggs with tomato) Vov a tomar
huevos revueltos con tomate.
l 2ou va a tomar? (Russian Salad)
2 2au Va a tomar7 (A French omelette and chips)
3 4Ou va a tomar? (Squid in batter)
4 2Ou va a tomar? (Pork chops with chips)
btain a table 5 2ou va a tomar? (A caramel custard)
6 2ou va a tomar? (A banana)
7 2ou va a tomar? (Cheese from La Mancha)
8 2ou va a tomar? (White coffee)
9 2ou va a tomar? (Peaches in syrup)
l0 2ou va a tomar? (An apple)

(\) Exercise 5 Getting exactty what you want

Correct the waiter. If he offers you something with, order it uithout and vice versa
Example: Una tortilla con patatas, 2verdad? No, una tortilla sin patatas.
'ed wine and I Agua mineral con gas, Tverdad?
2 Un bistec con patatas, Tverdad?
3 Agua mineral sin gas. Tverdad?
4 Pollo asado con patatas, 2verdad?
5 Merluza rebozada sin patatas, 1verdad?

t\ Exercise Simp|e orders

Give simple orders to the waiter.
E.xample: 1ou |e traigo? (Mixed hors d'oeuvres) Trigame entremeses variados.

l iou |e traigo? (Consomm)

2 iau le traigo? (Green beans with tomato)
3 2ou |e traigo? (Artichoke hearts in batter)
4 2ou |e traigo? (Hake in batter)
:lla de vtno 5 2Ou |e traigo? (Baked sea bream)
6 iou le traigo? (Roast 1amb)
7 2au F traigo? (Caramel custard)
8 1ou |e traigo? (A bottle of red wine)
9 1ou |e traigo? (A black coffee and a brandy)
l0 1ou le traigo? (The bill)

a Exercise 7 Giving odes

Answer the following questions with polite orders.
E.xample: 2Le pongo veinte Iitros7 5' pngame veinte litros'


I 2Le traigo la cuentaT
2 1Le doy la direccin?
3 2Le escribo el precio? 1Qu corn
4 2_Lesirvo la sopa?
5 Listen to t
2Le digo el nmero de te|fono?

t\, Exercise I Saying what you are going to do I Manolo'

2 He likes
E.xample:iou va usted a comprar7 3 He prefe
Voy a comprar un vestido. 4 His frier
5 He likes
l 6 Neither
2ou va usted a tomar? 7 Manolo'

2 2au va usted a beber?

3 2au Va usted a visitar?

s (Reading ex

4 2au Va usted a ver?

Look at the
5 1ou va usted a |eer7
1 Name tl
2 Name tl
\ Exercise 9 Saying how you feel 3 $hat is
Answer the following questions in three ways. 4 $7hat is
E'xample: 2Tiene usted sed7 S' tengo sed.
S' tengo mucha sed.
No, no tengo sed.
1 2Tiene usted hambre? Look at thi
2 2Tiene usted calor? e9-100. $71
3 2Tiene Usted fro7 your answe
4 iTiene Usted sueo7
5 2Tiene usted sedT

2Comprende usted el espao| hab|ado?

(Listening exercises)

Quag g to7?xaT!
You are a Spanish waiter. Look at the menu on pages 99-100, listen to the tape
and write down what the customers order to eat and drink.


eQu contes?
Listen to the tape and answer the questions in English. Mark the following
statements as 'true , 'false' or 'do not know'.
I Manolo's favourite food is fish.
2 He likes a good wine with his food.
3 He prefers a young, white wine.
4 His friend prefers prawns.
{ He likes prawns cooked in batter.
6 Neither of the two has an afternoon snack.
Ll YtzI
rJ Lt-l 7 Manolo's friend sometimes has a sandwich mid-afternoon.

- !l compende usted el espao| escrito?
(Reading exercises)
Look at the menu on page 102 and write answers to the following questions.
50 1 Name the first courses.
2 Name the desserts.
3 What is slightiy odd about the hamburgers?
1 $hat is included in the orice as well as two courses and a dessert?

Look at this page from a Spanish waiter's notc-pad and the menu on pages
99 100. $(/hat would you tell the cook to prepare if you u'ere the waiter? (Give
your answers in E,nglish.)

t ,Jc7"s de 7
/ nsa(. rnjX.
J lo,f T@4
,| 41 n con t.
2 Cor4 a:.a 4o
J r de rl
4 lno t )n1o
/ ajuc.t nirt .on q
r to the tape



Can you unravel the anagrams to make sense of the following dialogue and
write out the scrambled words correctly? Check your answers on page 319.
Camarero: Buenos das, seora. aQu va a rornat?
Usted: Megatria la carta, por favor.
Camarero: Aqu tiene usted.
Usted; Vamos a ver. Sernonoc, sopa de daspoce, rnealsarca a la rnanaro.
1Qu recomienda usted?
Camarero: La zularern es muy buena hoy, seor'
Usted: Muy bien. Voy a tomar una ensalada de gachule y rneatot y luego la
Camarero: En seguic1a, seor.

lVerdad o rnenti?"q ? (True orfalse)

Mark these Spanish dishes as being correct or incorrect, and correct the incor-
rect ones.
Una ensalada de lechuga y pescado.
Una tortilla francesa.
Una tortilla alemana.
Huevos revueltos con guisantes.
Besugo al horno.
Ca|amares en a|mbar.
Oueso manchego.
Sopa rusa.
Atn con tomate. Dialogu,
Tarta del tiempo.
Dialogue 1

The Robinsc
metres south
parada de ta
Robert: aEs
Taxista: S,
Robert: A 1r

Taxista: Mr
Robert: No
Taxista: Bu

2Adonde vamos ?

dialogue and
Obtaining services - |

rage 319.

r la rnanaro.

tot y luego la

:ct the incor-

Dialogue I
The Robinsons decide to travel on to Toledo, an ancient city some 80 kilo-
metres south of Madrid. They leave their hotel and approach the taxi rank - la
parada de taxis.
Robert: ;E'st libre?
Taxista: S, seor. 4Adnde les llevo?
Robert: A la estacin de Atocha, por favor.
Taxista: Muy bien. Suban ustedes. gTienen ustedes prisa?
Robert; No. Vamos a Toledo, pero no s a qu hora sale el tren.
TaXiSta; Bueno. Vamos a la estacin entonces.

Dialogue 2 Vocabuli
They arrive at Atocha Station and Mr Robinson goes to the ticket office el
despacho de billetes. 2adnde?
Robert: ;A qu hora sale e1 prximo tren para Toledo?
Taquillera. Sale a las once y media.
Robert: Dos billetes, por favor. llevo
Taqui||era: 4De ida y vuelta o slo de ida? |a estacin
Robert: De ida y vuelta. subir
Taqui|lera: iDe qu clase, primera o segunda? suban ustede
Robert: De segunda. la prisa
Taquillera: Muy bien. Dos billetes de ida y vuelta segunda clase para Toledo tener pnsa
son novecientas pesetas. Ztienen usted
Robert: sTicne cambio de cinco mil pesetas? prximo/a/os
el tren
Taqui||era: S, claro. Cien son mil; ms cuatro mil, son cinco mil'
el billete
Robert: Gracias. lDe dcinde sale el tren? de ida
Taqui||era: Andn nmero doce' Por all y a la derecha. de ida y vuell
Dialogue 3 segundo/a/o
R el cambio
On the train the ticket collector - el revisor - arrives. 2tiene cambi<
e| andn
Revisor; Billetes, por favor. a||
Robert. Aqu tiene usted. por alli
Revisor: Gracias, seor' poder [ue)
Rot]ert: iA qu hora 1lega el tren a Toledo? 2se puedeT
Revisor: A la una menos cuarto, seor' sentir (ie)
Robert: Y, ;se puede tomar caf en el tren? lo siento
Revisor: Lo siento, seor, pero en este tren no hay coche comedor el coche com
K Diatogue 4 el autobs
delante de
The Robinsons arrive in Toledo at lunchtime and there are no taxis on the taxi ba-1ar
rank. Mr Robinson approaches a porter un mozo. la plaza
Robert' Perc1n, seor. No hay taxis libres. ;Qu hago para llegar al centro de conocer
la ciudad? zconoce uste
Mozo. ;Adnde quiere usted ir?
Robert. No lo s exactamente. Al centro de la ciudad.
Mozo: Pues, coja usted el autobs nmero tres' que sa1e de delante de la
estacin, ybaje en laPlaza de Zocodover, que est en el centro de la ciudad. tr'P'a'a
Robert: Gracias. aconoce usted un buen hotel en Toledo? (a) Transp
Mozo: S. El Hotei Suizo es muy bueno y muy barato.
Robert; Y, 2dnde est ei Hotel Suizo? The Spanish
Mozo. Est en \aPlaza de Zocodover, nmero doce, seor. los Ferrocarri
Robert: Muchas gracias. prices to trav
Mozo.' De nada, seor' fastest trains.


Lcket office-el
2adnde? where to?
les you (plural object pronoun)
llevar to take (of people), to wear (of
llevo I take
|a estacin station
subir to get in, go up
suban ustedes get in (plural imperative)
la prisa hurry, haste
pai'a Toledcr tener prisa to be in a hurry
atienen ustedes prisa? are you in a hurry?
prximo/a/os/as next
el tren train
el billete ticket
de ida one way/single
de ida y vuelta return
s|o only
segundo/a/os/as second
el cambio change
Ztiene cambio? do you have change?
e| andn platform
a|l there
por a|| over there
poder (ue) to be able, can
2se puede? can one? is it possible?
sentir (ie) to feel
lo saento I'm sorry (I feel it)
el coche comedor dining car
to it (object pronoun)
exactamente exactly
el autobs bus
rs on the taxi
delante de in front of
ba-1ar to get out) go down
la plaza square
'ai centro de conocer to know, be familiar with
i.^n^ra t tctarl) do you know?

lelante de la
de la ciudad. Explanations
(a) Transport
The Spanish nationalised railzuay system is called 'la Renfe' (Red Nacional de
los Ferrocarriles Espaoles). Trains have different names and you pay different
prices to travel on them with the highest prices being charged to travei on the
fastest trains.

Taxis in i

stripe along tl
They also car
engaged by dr
.Buses are
neys. On a or
the conductot
collecting farr
parada de au
stops there an
request stops
wish to get o1
pulling a cori
small buses w

(b) Asking
The principal trains are:
2Dnde e
Intercity Simiiar to the British train. aUtob
AVE the high speed train similar to the French TGV.
Directiort toua
Talgo a fast, air-conditioned train and among the best found in Spain.
TER (Tren Espaol Rpido) - a fast, air_conditioned, diesel-electric train' 2Adnde
Electrotren a fast, air-conditioned, electric train. Directon from
Rpido, expreso a long-distance, stopping train. 2De dnc
Tranva a stopping train covering short distances only. Similar to suburban
commuter trains.
(c) Saying.
For long journeys it is advisable to book a ticket and a sear in advance because,
when all the seats are sold, no more tickets are issued for that train. To book a You use the p
seat you go to a Renfe office (oficina de vla-1es Renfe) or a travel agent (agencia Tengo pri
de via-;es). In some stations special ticket offices (taquillas) issue reserved seats 2Tiene us1
and tickets and announce this with a special notice' .Venta anticipada'. \hen
you arrive at the station to take your train, two boards labelled'Llegadas' 'La prisa' is a
(Arrivals) and 'Salidas' (Departures) wrll help you find out where and when Tengo ml
your train leaves. A time will be given together with reference to track (va) or
platform (andn) and, at the head of the platform, you will probably find a
board which gives vou full information: (d) Soyins
The verb 'sab
Via 5 Nosaq
Tren: TER
Destino: Sevilla
The rest of tht
Salida: I 2.30
4Sabe ustt


Taxis n Spain are easily recognised because they have a broad coloured
stripe along the side. In Madrid this stripe is red, but it varies from city to city.
They also carry a sign 'Libre' when they are free and 'Ocupado' when they are
engaged by day, and a green or red light at night.
Buses are easy to use because they normally have a fixed fare for all jour-
neys. On a one-man bus you pay the driver as you get on) but on some buses
the conductor (cobrador) takes your fare. (He does not come around the bus
collecting fares and so you must pay before you sit down.) The bus stop (la
parada de autobs) is usually clearly marked with the number of the bus which
stops there and the main points in the city which the route serves. All stops are
request stops and the bus wili stop only if you signal. If you are on the bus and
wish to get off, you also give a signal to the driver by either pressing a bell or
pulling a cord' In some cities, such as Madrid, there is a .microbs' service of
small buses which are Darticularlv fast.

(b) Ashing ushere things are - grantrnar ref 8
2Dnde est la parada de $here is the bus stop?
Direction towards
2Adnde va usted7 $here are you going?
Direction from
2De dnde es Usted7 $here are you from?
to suburban
(c) Saying you are in a hurry - grattl?t?ar ref 15
nce because,
r. To book a
You use the phrase 'tener prisa' to tell someone you are in a hurry:
;enr (agencia Tengo prisa. I'm in a hurry.
eserved seats 2Tiene usted prisaT Are you in a hurry?
tada'. S7hen .La orisa' is a feminine noun and is therefore modired with .mucha':
d 'Llegadas'
re and when Tengo mucha prisa I'm in a great hurry.
'rack (va) or
'bably find a
(d) Saying that you knous sotnething - gram?7tar ref 13
The verb 'saber' is slightly irregular and has an irregular first person singular:
No s a ou hora sale e| tren' I don't know what time the train

The rest of the verb is resular:

2Sabe Usted |a direccin? Do vou know the address?

(e) Expressing 'next' in a series (h) Expre:
.Prximo' is used to express .next': 'Sentir' mear

2,{ qu hora sa|e e| tren7 \What time does the train leave? 2Est el :
2,{ qu hora sale e| prximo tren? time does the next train Lo sientc
An expressio
Vive en la orxima cal|e. He lives in the next street.
Lo sientc
(fl Expressing the destination of sornething
If something is destined for somewhere or someone you use the word 'para' to (l) Askins
express this idea:
Este recado es para usted. This message is for you. El banco
2Es ste el tren para Toledo? Is this the train for Toledo?
2ou ha
Do not Say ..Es ste e| tren de Toledo?' for that may be taken to mean the train 'Hago' is th,
coming from Toledo rather than the one going to Toledo.

(rn) Sayin
(g) Asking for single qnd return tickets graTTLTnqr
Un billete de ida, por favor. A single ticket, please. The verb 's
Un billete de ida y vuelta, por favor. A return ticket, please. 'conocer'is
it. This verb

(h) Ashingfor change 2Conoce

'El cambio' is 'change' and to ask if someone has change you say '2Tiene
S, cono;
cambio de' + the amount?
;Tiene camLrio de cinco mil Have you got change for 5000
pesetas? pesetas?

'Cambio' is also the sign over banks or travel agents where money can be (n) Sayinl
changed. 'Llevar' is us
what you we
(i) Establishing departure and aniaal tirnes - gra?n?nar ref 3 Siempre
qu hora sale el tren? What time does the train leave?
2,{ qu hora ||ega e| autobs? What time does the bus arrive?
(o) Persor
(j) Asking if sornething is possible - granx?nar ref 7 (iii) The followin
'Se puede' + infinitive is the basic way of asking if something is possible or Me
permitted: Me mira

2Se puede tomar caf en el tren7 Is it possible to get coffee on the Te

2Se puede aparcar en esta calle? Is parking allowed in this street? Te quier


(k) Expressing regret - gra??Lt?xqr ref 7(ia)
'Sentir'means 'to feel' and is used to express regret in the phrase 'lo siento':
leave? 2Est el seor Posada? Is Mr Posada in?
train Lo siento, pero no est. I'm sorry, but he's not in.
An expression of extreme regret is achieved by adding 'mucho' after the phrase:
Lo siento mucho, pero no s la I'm very sorry, but I don't know the
direccin. address.

rrd 'para' to (l) Asking ushat you should do

Necesito se||os. 1au hago? I need some stamps. What do I do?
E| banco est cerrado. The bank is shut.
o? rVhat do I do?
2au hago?
ean the train 'Hago'is the first person singular of the verb 'hacer' and is irregular.

(rn) Saying that you are farnilior usith or knozts of sornething -

gra??,?na ref 13
The verb 'saber', seen earlier, is used to say you know a fact. The verb
'conocer' is used to say you know of something - that is, you are familiar with
it. This verb also has an irregular first person singular, 'conozco':

lConoce usted la ciudad? Do you know (are you familiar with)

the city?
say '2Tiene
S' conozco Ia ciudad bastante bien. Yes, I know the city fairly well.


rney can be (n) Saying ushat you zpear

'Llevar' is used to mean 'to take' people somewhere, but is also used to express
what you wear:
wref3 Siempre llevo un cuando voy I always wear a suit when I go to the
a la oficina. office.
(o) Personal pronouns - grantrnar ref 5(i)
) The following pronouns are used to refer to people:
possible or Me lvle
Me mira. He looks at me.
)n the Te You (singular, familiar famillt and
street? Te quiero. I love you.


LC Him Es un bu
Le miran. They look at him. Est en e
Vaya ust,
LA Her
La ve. He sees her.
Le You (polite- replacing the 'usted' Exercise
pronoun, masc.)
Le creo. I believe you. a The key to
La You (polite - replacing the 'usted'
pronoun, fem.)
La escucho I listen to you.
Exercise I
(p) Soyinq you can do sornething - granx??xar ref 13
Play the part
Two verbs are used to express 'can do something'. 'Poder' is used to express
'can' in the sense of having permission to, and has the following forms:
Usted: (As
Taxista: S'
Puedo fumar en la oficina. I can smoke in the office. Usted: (Sor
No puedes dormir aqu' You can't sleep here. Taxista: Mr
Marta no puede venir Martha cannot come.
You can go in now. Now repeat t
Usted puede entrar ahora.
and you are i
2Puede usted decirm e la hora? Can you tell me the time?
'Saber' is used to express 'can'in the sense of knowing how to, and has the fol-
Usted: (AsA
Taxista: S t
lowing forms:
Usted: (Sot
No s bai|ar muy L}ien. I can't (don't know how to) dance Taxista: Mt
very well. Usted: (Sar
2Sabes hab|ar francs7 Can you speak French?

Juan sabe hacer una paella John can make a paella.
Can you play tennis?
Exercise 2
2Sabe ustedJugar al tenis?
Play the part
(q) Expressing that things qre rnade, sold, etc. - gra?n??xar Usted: (AsA
ref 7(iii) Taquillera:
The pronoun 'se' is used with almost any verb to express the passive form of Usted: (AsA
the verb (is made, are soid, etc.): Taquillera:
Usted: (AsA
2Dnde se Vende el pan? Where is bread sold? (Literally where Taquillera:
does bread sell itselP) Usted: (Sat
2Dnde se Compran |os bo|sos7 $7here are handbags bought? Taquillera:
E| vino se bebe mucho en Espaa. !7ine is drunk a lot in Spain.
Los billetes se sacan en la taouilla. Tickets are obtained at the ticket Now repeat t
office. first found ol

(r) Adjectiaes ushich haae a short forrn Exercise 3

Three common adjectives shorten before masculine singular nouns. They are Ask if the ticl
'Lrueno','primero' and'tercero': Example: 10(

Es un buen vino, 2verdad? It's a good wine, isn't it?
Est en el primer piso' It's on the first floor.
Vaya usted al tercer piso. Go to the third floor.

'usted' Exercises
a The keg to these exercise begins on p. 3 1 1.


a) Exercise I Obtaining a taxi and stating the destination

Play the part of Robert Robinson in the following dialogue.
:d to express
:ms: Usted: (Ask if he is free.)
Taxista: S, seor. ;Adnde les llevo?
Usted: (Say to Atocha Station, please.)
Taxista: Muy bien. Suban ustedes.
Now repeat the exercise, but ask the taxi driver to take you to the Plaza Mayor
and you are in a hurry.

I has the fol- Usted: (Ask if he is free.)

Taxista: S seor. ;Adnde les llevo?
Usted: (Say to the Plaza Mayor.)
ro) dance Taxista; Muy bien. Suban ustedes. gTienen ustedes prisa?
Usted: (Sag yes, lou are in a hurry.)

a Exercise 2 Finding out train times and booking tickets

Play the part of Robert Robinson in the following dialogue.
77tAr Usted: (Ask when the next train leaaes for Toledo.)
Taquillera; Sale a las once y media.
sive form of Usted: (Ask;t'or two tickets, please.)
TaquilIera; ;De ida y vuelta o slo de ida?
Usted: (Ask;t'or returu tickets.)
erally where
Taquillera: ;De qu clase, primera o segunda?
Usted: (Say second-class.)
;ht? Taquillera: Muy bien.
re ticket Now repeat the exercise and book a first-class single ticket to Barcelona, having
irst found out when the next train leaves.

Exercise 3 Asking for change

Ls. They are Ask if the ticket-office clerk has change for the following.
Example: 1000 pesetas. 2Tiene camLrio de mil pesetasT


I 500 pesetas.
2 100 pesetas.
3 5000 pesetas. ( ) Exercise
4 50 pesetas. \ I

5 2000 pesetas, Answer the f

Example: 2S
( ) Exercise 4 Asking arrival times
\ 1 2Sabe us
Example: Train/Toledo. aA qu hora ||ega e| tren aTo|edo? 2 2Sabe us
1 TraiMadrid. 3 2Sabe us
2 Bus/city centre. 4 lSabe us
3 Taxi/hotel. 5 2Sabe us
4 Train/coast. Now repeat t

5 Bus/museum.
( ) Exercise
Exercise 5 Asking if something is Possible o Permitted \ !

Example: iC
Example: Have coffee/here. 45e puede tomar caf aqu? r1 tfannra

1 ParVhere. )

2 Smoke/in this room. 3 2Conoce

3 Eanow' 4 2Conoce
,1 Go into/the museum. 5 2Conoce
5 Try on/this dress.

O Exercise Stating that something is or is not permitted O Exercise


Examples: 2Se puede fumar en el teatro en Espaa7 (No) No se puede fumar Example: Lo
en e| teatro en Espaa. I Los cigar
2Se puede fumar en Un bar en |nglaterra? (SD 5' se puede fumar 2 Los
en un bar en Inglaterra. 3 Las cami:
I 2Se puede aparcar en esta calle? (No)
4 EI vino/v
2 2Se puede tomar vino con la comida? (S) 5 Los trale:
3 2Se puede'1ugar a| go|f aqu7 (5)
4 2Se puede hacer caf en la habitacin7 (No)
5 2Se puede comer ms tarde7 (S)
R fzc"-*
( Exercise 7 Asking if someone l(nows of certain places

Examole: Un buen hotel iConoce usted Un buen hotel por aqu?
1 Un buen caf. En la taqu
2 Una buena discoteca.
3 Una buena tienda de modas. Listen to th
4 Un buen restaurante. go, at what
5 Una buena farmacra. wants.


\ Exercise 8 Can you or cant you?
Answer the following questions in two ways.
E.xample: 2Sabe usted nadar? S' s nadar'
No' no s nadar.
1 2Sabe usted hablar francs7
2 2Sabe usted bailarT
3 2Sabe usted hacer caf?
4 lSabe usted jugar al gol?
5 1Sabe usted hablar ingls7
Now repeat the exercise and give genuine answers.

(\) Exercise 9 Do you know them o don't you?

mitted Example: 2Conoce usted a este seor7 {No) No' no |e conozco
I 2Conoce usted a mi mu-1er7 (S)
2 lConoce usted a mis primosT (No)
3 lConoce usted a esta seora? [No)
4 2Conoce usted a estos seores? (No)
5 2Conoce usted |a ciudad? (S)

fl Exercise t o Asking whee things are sold' made, bought,

mitted \1 etc.
puede fumar Example: Los zapatos/vender iDnde se venden |os zapatos?
1 Los cigarrillos/comprar.
cuede fumar 2 Los relo.les/vender.
I Las camisas/hacer
4 El vino/vender.
5 Los tra..1es/hacer.

2comprende usted el espao| hablado?

(Lisrening exercises)

En lo taquilla
Listen to the tape and write down in English where the traveller wishes to
go, at what time she wants to arrive and what type and class of ticket she





(1) {3t (4) {s) to, (7t

a m a rtin 8,45 12,30 to,rc 18,30 z ,4c
MADRID.Medioda '16,26 18,41

ALBACETE 14,59 1 )? 1A.M ?n Ea 4,40 4,40

Villena 13,18 19,42
Elda-Petrel ta ?E 1A (1 22,06 6,58

ALlcNTE to,tb )n nq 20.15 7,45 7,45

(l) RAPIoo. suolem. E. 1.6,2., {Madr.d.Alinle)' caeteria. Guarderia' Autocares entre A|icante.Benidorm/Torrev.ejcampeIlo/vilIajoyosa y campoamo.
i2) ELECBoREN. supIem. B' J-., 2-' (Madrld'Alicantei. cafetera.
(3) ESTRELLA .NARANCol' supiem. D. circu|a ]os sbados y adems los mircoles. enrre ei 6.VlI al ]4-lX.88. 2.. {Gijon.Alicante). caetgria' 8a|| club. servicio
combinado aUtocares entre AIicante Y Bentdom/campelto^r'iIlaioyosTorrevre1a y Campoamor'
{4) TLGo' SupIem. A. 1..' 2.. (Macjrid'AIicanle). Caetera y video. sefuiclo combinado aUlocaes entre Alicante y Benidorm/CampelIolVilIajoyosTorrevieja Y
(sl lNTERCITY. suplem' B. 1-l, 2.. (ttladrid'AIicante). caetgra.
{6) lileas. Autoexpreso (Madrid Alicanle)'
ExPREso' No circuIa del 24.V| a| ,t7.Ix- ]...2.., camas, .].",2.l,
17) EXPBEso "CoSA 8LANCA". circuIa de| 24'V| aI l7'lx. camas' literas. Autoexpreso 1Maorid'Alicante). Servicio combinado de autocares ontre Alicante
y Benidorm/campello/viIlajoYosTorrevieia y campoamo.

o\t.r|AUJN)P fr \o@-]o\tnAUJ[9 0q i.^.

9 i..A
Hr n
.--H.F-?S*- ?}.
;:'E.<C<< ) us o F-
'=Y-)5 I -Jr!-----
@A 3 R c
'vO-*+F-+-. '.D rD . oo-o- o-. o-o- !'*bo
o i' P 'x.- X
.-;ta+tt- xooaD.Dxoo !nE F
, Listen to the tape and answer the questions in English. You may find you need
t .9
a to look up in your dictionary two or three forms of transport' but see if you can
guess them irst.

I How does the woman like to travei?
2 How does the man usually travel?
o 3 !hat does he do if he cannot use that means of transport?
4 How does the man travel to work?

E 5 Why?
E 6 How does the woman travel to work?
7 How does she travel when on holiday?
8 How does the man describe this means of transport?
9 What does she sav about it?

LJ] compende usted el espao| escrito?


(Reading exercises)

Look at the page from the RENFE timetable opposite and answer the questions
in English.
by .Sup|em'' in the footnotes?
1 \7hat is meant
c> > 2 $7hat facilities are available on the Rpido?
".!' 9 3 On which days does the Estrella 'Naranco' run?
tx! I 4 $7hat facilities are available on the Expreso?
; ii
5 Is the Expreso a daily service?
;1 6 How do you reach Benidorm/Campello/Yillaloyosa etc. if you travel on the
..,'o t9 Talgo?
- z=
- 6: o
k < x
o 60 t
o 19
> -tr

pf F




En la agencia de oiajes obl
Can you put this conversation in the right order?

- Todo depende de| precio. 1Cunto vale en tren7

_ En tren es ms Caro - dos mil quinientas pesetas _ pero es ms rpido y
ms cmodo' c|aro.
- A las tres y media de la tarde.
- Buenos das. 2Ou desea?
- Pues deme un bi|lete en tren oara maana.
- 2Cmo quiere ir, en tren o en autocar?
- Muy bien, seorita'
- Ouisiera ir a Barcelona.
- 2Y en autocarT
- 2,Aqu hora sale e| tren?
- En autocar son mil trescientas pesetas, ida y vuelta.

% etu3


Dialogue 1

The Robinso
tion desk r(


2Tiene una habitacin |ibre?
Obtaining services - 2

.ns rpido y

wam*&ffi-e ffi&ffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
ffiffiffi ffieffiffi w



Dialogue 1

The Robinsons arrive at the Hotel Suizo. They go in and approach the recep-
tion desk - recepcin _ where a young lady greets them.


Recepcionista: Buenas tardes. iEn qu puedo servirle?
Robert: Buenas tardes. 1Tiene una habitacin libre?
Recepcionista; ilndividual o doble?
Robert: Doble. por favor.
Recepcionista: iCon cuarto de bao?
Robert: S.
Recepcionista: Vamos a ver. Doble con cuarto de bao. S, la quince est
libre. iPara cuntos das?
Robert: Para tres das; hasta el viernes.
Recepcionista: Muybien.
Robert: ;Cunto vale 1a habitacin?
Recepcionista' La habitacin vale ocho mil pesetas por da. Luego tiene usted
las comidas.
Robert: iCunto valen las comidas?
Recepcionista: El desayuno vale cuatrocientas pesetas, el almuerzo v la cena
valen dos mil pesetas cada uno.
Robert: Doce mil cuatrocientas pesetas por da entonces.
Recepcionista: No, seor. La pensin completa vale un poco menos: doce mi1
pesetas por da. iQuiere usted 1a pensin completa?
Robert: Si, por favor.
Recepcionista: Ustedes son ingleses, lverdad? Joan: Gra<
Robert: Eso es. Recepcionisl
Recepcionista: lQuiere rellenar este impreso, por favor? ElAlcz
Robert: S. ;Qu piso es? Joan: Grar
Recepcionista: Segundo piso. Aqu tiene usted la llave. Recepcionis
Robert: Gracias. Joan: Grar
Dialosue 2
After a brief examination of the room Joan Robinson is not entirely satisfied and Vocabu
calls the porter el portero.
Joan; iOiga! ;Quiere venir un momento? servir (i)
Portero: S, seora. 1en qu pur
Joan: Me parece que esta toalla no est limpia, y Ia luz en el cuarto de bao 2a qu hore
no funciona. le/la
Portero: ;Perdone usted, seora! Voy a cambiar la toalla en seguida y a
arreglar la iuz en el cuarto de bao.
el cuarto de
Joan: Gracias. viernes
por da
Diatogue 3 el desayune
R el almuerzo
The Robinsons decide to go out for a walk before dinner and ask for a town caaa
plan at the receptionist's. cada uno/a
la pensin

Seorita, itiene usted un plano de la ciudad? un poco

Recepcionista: S, seora. Aqu tiene usted. rellenar


quince eSt

l tlene usted 8#g
'zo y la cena
os: doce mil
E| A|czar

Joan: Gracias. 4Por dnde se va al Alczar?

Recepcionista: Salga usted dei hotel, tuerza a la derecha y siga todo derecho.
El Alczar es el edificio muy grande al final de 1a calle.
Joan: Gracias. 1A qu hora se sirve la cena?
Recepcionista: A partir de las ocho y media hasta ias once, seora.
Joan: Gracias. Adis.
ReCeDcionista. Adis.

ratisfied and Vocabulary

servrr {rl to help, serve
2en qu puedo servir|e? how can I help you?
rto de bao La qU hora se sirve .'.? at what time is ... served?
le/la you (polite)
;eguida y individual single
doble double
el cuarto de bao bathroom
vrernes Friday
por da per day, a day
el desayuno breakfast
el almuerzo lunch
for a town caaa each
cada uno/a each one
|a pensin comp|eta full board
un poco a little
rellenar to fill in


el impreso form 2lndivid
pl nnrtprn porter (in hotei) Doble. 1

la toalla towel
limpio/a/os/as clean Ifyou requir
la luz light Con dor
funcionar to work (of lights, machines, etc.)
peroonar to forgive
lCon cu
Con dur
;perdone ustedl forgive me
cambiar to change
arreglar to repair, fix (c) Days r

el plano plan, map (of a city)

salir to leave, go out These are at
salga usted go out (imperative)
torcer {uel to turn, twist
tuerza turn (imperative)
to carry on, follow mircolr
seguir (i)
srga carry on (imperative) JUeves
todo derecho straight ahead viernes
el ediflcio building sbado
a partir de from (of time or money) doming
The days of
of the week'

Explanations El mart(
To express
(a) Hotels

Los mi
Hotels in Spain, as in many other countries, indicate their category with stars,
with five stars indicating an expensive, luxury hotel and one star indicating a Saturday an
cheap, simple hotel. A 'hostal' will be slightly cheaper than a hotei with the Los sb'
Same Star-rating and a
.pensin' will be a simple boarding-house. A11 hotels are
Los don
controlled by the 'Ministerio de Comercio y Turismo' and all must display a
price iist (tarifa de precios) in every room. The 'tarifa de precios' will tell you
the price of the rooms, with a maximum price charged for meals and other ser- (d) Exprt
vices provided by the hotel. 'Paradores' are a state-owned chain of hotels many gra?n77lav
of which are converted castles which have been beautifully restored to their pre-
You simply
vious splendour. A list of the 'paradores' can be obtained from the Spanish
Tourist Office (see page 358 for the address). The tourist office (oficina de Doscier
informacin y turismo) in any city can provide a list of the hotels in that city Mil pest
together with the prices they charge. Cinco n
Diez mi

(e) Expre
(b) Asking for a roo??t
One way to
You ask if the hotel has a room with the phrase: expressed ar

1Tiene una habitacin |ibre7 FIave you got a room available?

Creo ql
You make known your detailed requirements by using the following words: Creo ql


2lndividual o doble? Single or double?
Doble, por favor. Double, please.
If you require a twin-bedded room, you say:

Con dos camas. With two beds.

es, etc.)
ZCon cuarto de bao o con ducha7 With a bath or a shower?
Con ducha. With a shower.

(c) Days of the useek

These are as follows:
lunes Monday
martes Tuesday
mircoIes Wednesday
Jueves Thursday
viernes Friday
sbado Saturday
domingo Sunday
The days of the week are always written with a small initial letter and 'on * day
of the week' is expressed by 'el + day of the week':
El martes voy a Granada. On Tuesday I'm going to Granada.
To express a regular habit you use 'los' with the day:

Los mirco|es no trabajo. On $Tednesdav I don't work.

y with stars,
indicating a Saturday and Sunday are the only two days which have a plural form:
tel with the
Los sbados voy a| cine' On Saturdays I go to the cinema.
Jl hotels are
Los domingosJuego al golf On Sundays I play golf.
st display a

will tell you

d other ser- (d) Expressing hous rnuch per hour, day, useek, ?Ttolrth, etc. -
hotels many grantrnar ref 3
to their pre-
You simply place 'por' in front of the reievant noun:
the Spanish
(oficina de Doscientas pesetas por hora. 200 pesetas an hour.
in that city Mil pesetas por da. 1000 pesetas a day.
Cinco mil pesetas por semana. 5000 pesetas a week.
Diez mll pesetas por mes. l0 000 pesetas a month.

(e) Expressing opinions - gra?ntnar ref 14

One way to do this is to use 'creo que' + phrase. Simple opinions can then be
expressed as follows:
Creo que si. I think so.
words: Creo que no I think not.


Creo oue est en Nueva York I think he's in New York. (h) Findinl
Another way is to use 'me parece' + adjective or 'me parece' + phrase:
By placing th
2ou |e parece |a habitacin? What do you think of the room? verbs you can
Me parece muy bonita. I think it's very nice. (It seems very 2,{ qu h<
nice to me.)
Is it raining? 2'A qu h<
2Llueve? \hat
Me parece que no llueve. I think it's not raining. (It seems to
me that it is not raining.) iDnde s

(f) Mahing co?nplaints and getting things put right - gra?n?nar

ref 8
(i) Clean and dirty
; tr<ta Iimnin
cLJ!L' l a| rt t17fg de bao? Is the bathroom clean? (i) Radical

Esta toal|a est sucia. This towel is dirty Most verbs hr

'Estar' is used with these two adjectives because being clean or dirty is a tempo- example:
rary condition. Como ml
Comes p<
(ii) Getting things changed or repaired Come de
If something does not work, the phrase you use rs: Some verbs cl
No funciona. It does not work. types.
La luz no funciona. The light does not work.
E| te|fono no funciona The telephone does not work (i) Verbs wt
To ask for something to be changed, you say:
a The change

Will you change ...? Empezar

2Ouiere cambiar ...?
Will you change the towels? EmDiezo
2Ouiere cambiar las toallas? Fmnipzzs
To ask for something to be repaired, you say: Fmaiezz

2Puede arreglar ...? Can you repair...? The change r

iPuede arreglar la luz? Can you repair the light? person plural
iPuede arreglar estos zapatosT Can you repair these shoes?
Prefjgro l,

(g) More TDays of finding your zaay about - grarnrnar ref 11 Ouerer
In Chapter 4 you learned some basic ways of finding your way about a town Te quierc
and you should revise them before tackling these new ways: Sentarse
Me sient(
\zlna rlel |":ntel Leave the hotel. Senttr
Tuerza a la derecha. Turn right. Lo siento
Tuerza a la izquierda. Turn left. Tener
Siga todo derecho. Carry on straight ahead. (Note the aou t1et
difference between 'todo derecho' Venir
and 'a la derecha'.) 2,A que h


(h) Finding out ushen sornething happens - grsttl?tlar ref 7(iii)
By placing the pronoun 'se' in front of many third person singular or plural
room? verbs you can find out when or how things are done:
3ems very 2,{ qu hora se sirve |a cena7
What time is dinner served? (What time does dinner serve itselP)
2A qu hora se abre el banco?
seems to What time is the bank open? (\X/hat time does the bank open itselP)
) iDnde se vende e| tabaco?
$7here is tobacco sold? (\X/here does tobacco sell itselP)


(i) Radical-changing cerbs - grq??x??Lar ref 7(ia)

Most verbs have a stem which does not change and an ending which does. For
is a tempo- example:
Como mucho. I eat a lot.
Comes ooco. You eat little.
Come demasiado. FIe eats too much.

Some verbs change both the stem arrd the ending and can be grouped into three

ork. (i) Verbs which change '-e-' into '-ie-' in the stern
a The change is underlined.

Emoezar To begin
s? Empiezo a las siete. I begin at seven o'clock.
Empiezas ms tarde' You begin later.
Empieza a la una He begins at one o'clock.
The change affects the first, second and third persons singular and the third
person plural. Verbs which change in the same way are as follows:
Preferir To prefer
Preflcro las rubias. I prefer blondes.
, 11
Ouerer To wish, want) loz)e
out a town Te ouiero mucho I love you very much.
Sentarse To sit down
Me siento en la sala de estar. I sit down in the living-room.
Sentir To feel, regret
Lo siento mucho. I'm very sorry. (I feel it a lot.)
Tener To haae (Note: 'tengo'= I have)
rdote the
2ou t1ene usted7 $7hat have you got?
: derecho' Venir To come (Note: 'vengo'= I come)
2A qu hora v,lene e| autobs7 $hat time does the bus come?


Nevar To snow Ouiero u
Nieva mucho en los Pirineos. It snows a lot in the Pyrenees.
However, twc
Verbs which change in this way are indicated in the vocabularies as follows:
Empezar (ie) To begin Necesito
(ii) Verbs which change '-u-' or '-o-' into '-ue-' in the stern Hacer fah
Me hace
o The change is underlined. ciudad
Jugar To plal Me hacer
jugo aI go|f . I play golf.
Poder To be able, can
aPqgde usted decirme? Can you tell me?
Dormir To sleep Exerciser
Mi marido duerme mal. My husband sleeps badly.
Acostarse To go to bed a The key to t
Me acuesto tarde |os sbados. I go to bed late on Saturdays.
Llover 7'o rain
Llueve mucho en lnglaterra,
It rains a lot in England, doesn't it?
2verdad? Exercise I

Probarse To tty on (of clothng) Play the part

Marta se prqgba la falda. Martha tries the skirt on. double room,

Verbs which change in this way are indicated in the vocabularies as follows: Recepcionista
Usted: (Say
Jugar (uel To play Recepcionista
Poder {ue) To be able, can Usted: (Sol
(iii) Verbs which change '-e-' into '-i-' in the stern Usted: (Say
o All of these aerbs belong to the '-ir'catego?y. The change is underlined. Now repeat tL

Pedir To ask;for
zou pide usted? $7hat are you asking for?
Exercise 2
Servir To serz;e, help, be usedfor
Establish the
2Para qu sjrve7 What's it used for? 1

Seguir To follow, carty on (Iote: .5i9o'= Usted: (Ask

I follow)
las comidr
Pedro slgue por la calle. Peter carries on along the street.
Usted: (Ask
Verbs which change in this way are indicated in the vocabularies as follows: Recepcionista
valen dos
Pedir i) To ask for
Usted: (Szlgg

(j) Expressing needs - grq??x??tcrr ref 14 Recepcionista

peseras pc
This can be done by using the verb 'quiero', I want: Usted: (Say.


ouiero un caf. I want a coffee.
However, two other ways are as follows:
as follows:
Necesitar To need
Necesito una toalla limpia. I need a clean towel.

Hacer falta To need, lack

Me hace falta un plano de la I need a plan of the city ('hace'
ciudad. because 'plano' is singular).
Me hacen [alta unos Tdnat.:'\ I need some shoes ('hacen' because
'zapatos' is plural).

a The kelt to these exercises begins on p. -?14.

i, doesn't it?
t\ Exercise t Booking a room
Play the part of Robert Robinson in the following dialogue; book yourself a
1. double room with bath.

rs follows: Recepcionista: Buenas tardes. lEn que puedo servirle?

Usted: (Say good aftentoon. Ask i;f they have a roont free.)
Recepcionista: llndividual o doble?
Usted: (Say double, please.)
Recepcionista: ;Con cuarto de bao o con ducha?
Usted: (Sa1with a barh.)
d. Now repeat the exercise and book a single room with a shower.

O Exercise 2 Finding out the price

Establish the price charged for the room and meals and accepr the terms.

'Sigo'= Usted: (Ask how much the room costs.)

Recepcionista: La habitacin vale ocho mil pesetas por da' Luego tiene usted
e street.
las comidas.
Usted: (Ask how mttch the meals cost.)
s follows: Recepcionista: El desayuno vale cuatrocientas pesetas, el almuerzo y la cena
valen dos mil pesetas cada uno.
Usted: (Szggesr that full board costs 12,400 pesetas per day.)
Recepcionista: No. La pensin completa vale un poco menos: doce mil
pesetas por da. 4Quiere usted la pensin completa?
Usted. (Sayyes, please.)


(\) Exercise 3 Making comPlaints 3 EI banco
4 5e puede
Complain that the towel is not clean and the light does not work in the bathroom. K La fruta s

Usted: (Say that it seems to you that this towel is dirty and the light in the bathroom
does not work.)
Portero: lPerdone usted!

Now repeat the exercise and complain that the bed is dirty and the telephone
(\ ) Exercise t
does not work. Answer the f
l 2,A qu
( ) Exercise 4 Saying when you do things 2 2au p
\ 3 2auiere
E'xample: 2au daJuega Usted a| go|? (Monday) Juego al golf e| |unes'
4 2Dndt
1 2Ou da va Usted a Sevi|la? (\l/ednesday) 5 iTiene
2 2au da empieza usted su traba''1o? (Friday)

6 iCmo
3 zOu da sa|e usted para Crdoba? (Thursday) 7 2Nieva
4 1ou da l|ega usted a Barce|ona7 (Tuesday) 8 2Juega
5 2Ou da est usted |ibre? (Saturday) 9 1Duern
10 2,{ qu
( ) Exercise 5 Understandang what things cost 1 1 2llueve
\ L2 iSirve u
Explain to a friend, who does not speak Spanish, what things cost'

Example: Vale doscientas pesetas por hora. It costs 200 pesetas an hour.
Exercise 9
1 Vale dos mil pesetas Por dia.
2 Vale siete mil pesetas por semana. Change the
3 Vale treinta mil Pesetas Por mes. Example: Ne
4 Vale tres mil pesetas Por hora. Ne
5 Va|e cien pesetas por da' NL

I Necesito
Exercise Expressing opinions 2 Necesito
3 Necesito
Express an opinion about the following. 4 Necesito
Example: iou le parece |a habitacin? (Very nice) Me parece muy bonita. A Necesito
1 2ou |e parece e| hote|? (Excellent)
2 2au |e parece esta seorita7 (Very nice)
2Ou |e parece |a comida? (Rather expensive)
2au |e parece |a ciudad? (Very romantic)
1ou |e parece e| bo|so7 (Cheap)
(Listening ex

( ) Exercise 7 Asking when and where things happen

The following are the answers. $hat were the questions?
E,xample: E| tabaco se vende en e| estanco. iDnde se vende el tabaco7 En la recel
I La cena se strve a las nueve. Listen to the
2 Las aspirinas se venden en la farmacia' of the room.


3 El banco se abre a las diez.
e bathroom. 4 Se puede aparcar en la plaza.
5 La fruta se vende en |a frutera
the bathroom

e telephone O
\ Exercise 8 Answering questions
Answer the following questions.
I zA qu hora empieza Usted su traba1o por la maana?
2 2au prefiere Usted, e| vino o Ia Cerveza?
lunes. 3 2Ouiere usted ser rico (rical?
4 2Dnde se sienta usted para ver la telev|sin?
5 2Tiene usted hermanosT
6 2Cmo viene usted a su traba.'1o?
7 2Nieva mucho en su ciudadT
8 ZJuega usted al gol?
9 2Duerme usted bien o mal?
l0 2,1 qu hora 5e acuesta usted los sbados?
l1 2l|ueve mucho en su regin?
L2 2Sirve usted vino con la comida los domingos?
Exercise 9 Expressing a need
Change the following and use 'me hacelhacen falta'.
Example: Necesito ms tiempo. Me hace fa|ta ms tiempo.
Necesito unos zaDatos nuevos. Me hacen falta unos zapatos
1 Necesito una toalla limoia.
2 Necesito una chaqueta de piel.
3 Necesito unos calcetines.
ry bonita
4 Necesito un relo.1 de oro.
5 Necesito una cartera nueva.

;Comprende usted el espao| hab|ado?

(Listening exercises)

lbacoT En lo recepcin
Listen to the tape and write down exactly what the tourist wants, and the price
of the room.


lQuiere aenir un ntornento?
Listen to the tape and write down what the client is complaining about.

1 En qu puedo serairle?
Listen to the tape and answer the questions in English.
1 \Yhy has the woman come to the Reception Desk?
2 \hat two things are wrong with her room?
3 When was the room cleaned? t
4 What is her room number? I

2comprende usted el espaol escrito?


(Reading exercises) f(

Look at the photographs on page |25. !hich notice would you pay attention to (
if you: c
l $anted to find a room for the night with no other facilities? I
2 Were looking for the swimming pool in the hotel? d
3 $Tanted a room with a bath and central heating?
4 $anted to rent a flat in the town centre?

Read the descriptions of the three hotels and their facilities on the next page,
and then select the hotel from the ones given.
1 You wish to organise a business conference in the north of Spain in a hotel
with good conference facilities.
2 You want to take your whole family for a holiday with all kinds of sporting
facilities available.
3 You are something of a gourmet and eating well is important to you.
4 You want to be able to explore the capital of Spain with a good hotel to
return ro in the evening.

Carretera de Granada, 23
rbout. Situado en el mejor lugar de la Costa del Sol, en el centro
de Almera, al lado del mar, ais|ado de ruido, con extensos
jardines - tenis, piscina, deportes nuticos, extensa playa,
campo de golf a 2 kilmetros, parking gratuito, piscina
para nios.
132 habitaciones, todas con cuarto de bao, televisin'
telfonoy calefaccin central. Aire acondicionado en el
restaurante y bar. Abierto todo el ao.

Plaza de Colon, 15, Len
Situacin: En zona cntrica y cerca de la estacin de ferro.
Habitaciones: 150 con bao, calefaccin, telfono, mini-bar
y televisin.
Complementos: Amplios salones y excelente cocina
regional e internacional, sala de conferencias, sala de
fiestas y servicio mdico.

ry attentlon to
Calle Velzquez, 145, Madrid
Categora 4 estrellas ****
80 habitaciones todas con cuarto de bao completo o
ducha, televisin,, aire acondicionado' Hotel de
reciente construccin situado cerca del Paseo de la
Castellana y del centro de la capital.

he next page,

rain in a hotel

ds of sporting

:o you.
good hotel to


Rompecabezas Rr
(Puzzles) 5
En el hotel

Look at the picture of the hotel reception and list all the words which contatn
the letter 'e'. For example 'perro' (dog). Administer r

pages 6_8

Read the int
read the inte

Hombre: I
Mujer: Q,.,'
Hombre: I
Mujer: Un
Hombre: \
Mu.1er: Ne
Hombre: a
Mujer: Var
rrelnta y
r_*,-,qa H"zlE

(! treinta y
Mu-;er. 1De
Hombre: S
Mqer: S. ]
Hombre: V
Mu-1er: Mu
Hombre: C

@ Questions
Now write d
I What d
2 What si
3 What cr
4 What is

l 38 MASTERING s.PlN1s'1
Revision and self-assessment
test for Chaptes 6-| o

rich contain
Administer the test and mark it in the manner outlined for the earlier test (see
pages 66-68).

Section t
Read the interview or listen to it on the cassette. If you have the cassette do nol
read he intetwiew.

M Interaieus
Hombre: Buenos das, seora. tQu desea?
Mujer: Quisiera ver algunos zapatos, por favor.
Hombre; Muy bien, seora' ;Qu nmero gasta usted?
Mu.ier: Un treinta y ocho.
Hombre: Y, 4de qu color?
Mu.;er: Negros.
Hombre: istos, por ejemplo?
Mu..1er; Vamos a ver. ;Ay! Son un poco estrechos. 1Tiene usted un nmero
trelnta y nueve?
Hombre: Creo que s. Un momento' por favor. S, seora, aqu tiene usted un
trelnta y nueve.
Mu.;er: iDe qu son? ;De piel o de plstico?
Hombre: Son de piel, seora. Todos los zapatos en esta tienda son de piel.
Mr4er: S. stos sorr mucho ms cmodos. ;Cunto valen?.
Hombre: Valen cinco mil seiscientas pesetas) seora.
Mu.1er: Muy bien. stos, por favor.
Hombre: Gracias, seora. iQuiere pagar en caja? Por aqu.

Now write down the answers to the foilowing questions.
1 What does the woman want?
2 $hat size does she take?
3 What colour does she want?
4 What is wrong with the first pair she tries?


5 What does she ask for? Usted; (Sa,
6 What does she want to know about them? Recepcionisl
7 !hat are they made oP Usted. (,4s,

8 \7hat are the other shoes in the shop made of)

9 What does she say about the second pair?
l0 How much do they cost?
o Section I
Section 2 2 marks per
a Secrion 2(,
@ @) Getting a rneal 3 marks per
!7rite down what you would say in answer to the waiter's questions to get your- a Secrion 2(
self a meal of a mixed salad, roast chicken with chips, ice-cream and a bottle of 4 marks per
red wine.
a Section 2(,
Camarero: ;Qu va a tomar de primer plato? 4 marks per
Usted: (Ask for a mixed salad.)
Camarero; iY despus? Maximum tr

Usted: (Ask for roast chicken and chips.)

Camarero: lTomapostre? Se/y'asses,
Usted: (Say yes, an ice-creant.)
Camarero: 4Y para beber? Over60 e)i
Usted: (Ask for a bottle of red wine.) 40-60 satir
Under 40 j

Gq @) Finding out about trains
Write down what you would say to obtain the following information in a railway
station. trst,te
1 The time of the next train to Barcelona. Section I
2 The price of a return ticket.
3 The place the train leaves from. 1 Some s
4 Vhether meals are served on the train. 2 Size 38
5 The arrival time in Barcelona. 3 Black.
,1 They a
/7> 5 Asize!
$q ft) Booking a roo??L in a hotel 6 If they
\X/rite down what you would say to the receptionist in a hotel to obtain a double 7 Leathe
room with bath for ten days. Also find out about the price of the room' 8 Leathe
9 They a
Recepcionista: Buenos das. iEn qu puedo servirle? 10 5600 p
Usted. (Ask i he has a room free.)
Recepcionista: llndividual o doble?
Usted: (Say dorLble, Please.) Section 2
Recepcionista: 1Con cuarto de bao? (a) Getting
Usted: (Say yes, with a bathroom.)
Recepcionista: ;Para cuntos das? Voy a t(


Usied: (Say or ten days')
Recepcionista: Muybien.
Usted: (Ask how much the room costs.)

Mark scheme
o Section 1
2 marks per correct answer (maximum 20)

o Section 2(a)
3 marks per correct sentence (maximum 12)
l to get your- . Section 2(b)
rd a bottle of
4 marks per correct sentence (maximum 20)

o Section 2(c)
4 marks per correct sentence (maximum 20)

Maximum total 72

Se/y' asses s ?7xent g ra de s

Over 60 excellent
40 60 satisfactory
Under 40 need for careful revision

r in a railway
Section I
I Some shoes.
2 Size 38.
3 Black.
.t They are rather tight.
5 A size 39.
6 If they are made of leather or plastic.
tain a double 7 Leather.
8 Leather.
'om. Q Thev are mrrch more comfortable.
10 5600 pesetas.

Section 2
(a) Getting a rneal
Voy a tomar una ensalada mixta.


Pollo asado con patatas.
S, un helado.
Una botella de vino tinto.

(b) Finding out about trains @rt'

l zA qu hora sa|e el prximo tren para Barcelona? Lik
2 2Cunto vale un bi|lete de ida y vuelta?
3 1De dnde sale el tren?
4 2Se puede comer en el tren?
5 tA qu hora l|ega e| tren a Barce|ona7
(c) Booking a roorn in a hotel
2Tiene una habitacin Iibre?
Doble, por favor.
S' con Cuarto de bao.
Para diez das.
2Cunto vale |a habitacin7


R 1

Mr Robinson
a handicraft r

Lev, 4. They
Joan; iCon
joan: S, m


a|.e gusta?

Likes, dislikes and preferences

K 1

Mr Robinson's professional interest in souvenir shops takes him and his wife to
a handicraft shop and factory in Toledo: Artesana Espao|a, Ca||e de Samue|
Lev, 4. They go first to the workshops.

Joan: iCon qu se fabrica todo esto?

Emp|eado: Con oro y acero, seora. Es el arte tpico de Toledo y se llama arte
damasquinado. ;Le gusta?
Joan; S, me gusta mucho' aQu se fabrica aqu exactamente?
Emp|eado: Aqu se fabrica de todo, seora: broches, collares, pendientes,
espadas . . . Esto, por ejemplo) es un broche. ;Le gusta?

lLE GUSTA? 143

Joan: S, es muy bonito. iY todas estas cosas se venden aqu? Joan. S. E
Emp|eado: es, seora. Se venden en la tienda que est ah al lado del Robert: Mr
taller. Y se exportan tambin a Inglaterra, a Francia y a los Estados Unidos. Dependient.
Joan: Bueno. Muchas gracias. Ahora voy a ver lo que tienen en la tienda.
Adis. Dialogue:
Empleado: Adis' seora. R
Sightseeing i

q Dialosue 2 Joan: Vam

Estoy ca
Joan finds her husband, who is already in the shop. He is choosing presents for Robert: Mr
friends back home. Camarero:
Robert: 1Hola, cario! E.ste broche eS para Isabel, la hermana de Bill. iTe Robert; Un
gusta? Joan: Me

Joan: S, me gusta mucho. E's muy bonito. 4Cunto vale? Camarero.

Dependienta; Vale dos mil pesetas, seora. Joan: Un l:

Robert: Y unos pendientes para Dolores. Le gustan los pendientes a Dolores, Camarero:
;verdad? RoLrert: ;H
Joan: S, creo que s. 4Tiene usted pendientes? Camarero:
Dependienta: Claro que s. seora. Estos son muy bonitos, ;no? Joan: Una
Joan; S, son bastante bonitos, pero me gustan ms aqullos. Camarero:
Dependienta: 1stos, seora? churros '

Joan; S. ;No te gustan) cario? Ro[rert: Esr

Robert: S, me gustan mucho. aSon caros?
Dependienta: No, seor. Slo mil ochocientas pesetas.
Joan: Estos, entonces.
Robert: Y ahora, un regalo para ti' .Qu quieres? I Vocabul
Joan: Me gustan mucho los collares que tienen. Mira. seme encanta
Dependienta: 4E'ste, seora? fabricar
se fabrica
el oro
et acero
el arte
me gusta
me gustan
rc gu)Ld
le 9usta
le 9usta
me gustan n
me gustara
el broche
el collar
los pendient
t- E)Pdud
rd ^-^-i-


Joan: S. Es precioso.
al lado del Robert: Muy bien. El broche, los pendientes y ese collar, por favor.
ldos Unidos. Dependienta: Gracias, seor. 4Quiere pagar en caja? Por aqu.
en la tienda.
Dialogue 3
Sightseeing is always a tiring business and, evenrually, Joan calls a halt.
Joan: Vamos a tomar caf aqu. Ya sabes que no me gusta andar todo el da.
Estoy cansada.
I presents for Robert: Muy bien, cario. 1Oiga, camarero!
Camarero; Buenos das, seor. 4Qu van a tomar?
de Bill. gTe Robert: Un caf con leche para m. 1Qu quieres, cario?
Joan: Me gustara tomar algo fro. 4Qu tiene?
Camarero: Pues hay batidos, horchata, limn natural, cerveza . . .
Joan: Un limn natural, por favor.
es a Dolores, Camarero: Muy bien. 2A1go ms?
Robert; lHay churros? Me gustan mucho los churros.
Camarero: S, hay churros, seor. ;Y para la seora?
Joan: Una ensaimada.
Camarero: Muy bien. Un caf con leche, un limn natural' una racin de
churros y una ensaimada.
Robert: Eso es.

f abricar to make, manufacture
se fabrica (it) is made, manufactured
eSto this (neither masculine nor feminine)
et oro gold
et acero steel
el arte art
tpico/a/os/as typical
damasquina do/a/os/as damascened (steel nlaid with gold)
gusta to like (literally, to please)
me gusta i like (it pleases me)
me gusran I like (they please me)
te gusta you like (familiar)
le gusta you like (polite)
le gusta she likes
me gustan ms I prefer (they please me more)
me gustara I would like (it would please me)
el broche brooch
el collar necklace
los pendientes earrings
la espada sword
ah there

lLE GUSTA? 145

el taller workshop (c) Saying 1
exportar to export grarn?TlqT T.
se exportan (they) are exported
Francia France The verb is mr
los Estados Unidos USA
No me gu
la hermana
that, those (over there) (pronoun) (El vino n<
aqu|' aqu||a/os/as
el regalo present, gift No me gu
ri you (familiar, object pronoun) {Las uvas t

encantar to delight, please very much No me gu

me encanra I love it (it delights me)
precioso/a/os/as beautiful, adorable
ya already
andar to walk (d) Saying
cansado/a/os/as tired g7'o??',?Tlsr Tl
algo frio something cold (to drink)
The basic sent
el batido milk-shake
la horchata refreshing drink made from almonds Me gusta
e| |imn natura| l^-^- ;,,;-^
PurL rLrrrvrr rqN!
^,,*^ Me gusta
los churros batter fritter Me gusta
la ensaimada sugared bun No me gu
|a racin portlon
No me gu

(e) Express
prQ?7tftal" ?"l

(a) Saying you lihe sornething _ grc.n??ar ref 14
The basic sent
2ou |e g
Me gusta
Likes and dislikes are expressed using the verb 'gustar', but this verb means 'to 2ou le g
please'. Therefore the English sentence is reversed:
Me gusta
Me gusta el vino. I like wine. aou |e g
(El vino me gusta.) (Wine pleases me.) las mor
Me gustar
The verb is third person singular because the thing that pleases you is third
person singular. If what pleases you is plural, the verb is plural:
Me gustan las uvas. I like grapes.
(f) Saying t
(Las uvas me gustan.) (Grapes please me.) (i) Talking t
ZTe gusta
(b) Saying you like doing sornething - grc?7lrnar ref 14 2Te gusta
2Te gusta
The same form is used and the verb is alwavs singular:
golf (ii) Talking t
Me gusta lugar al golf I like to play golf. (Playing
pleases me.) I F ntt<t2 c


(c) Saying you do not lihe sortething or doing sornething -
grarL?txar ref 14
The verb is made negative:
No me gusta el vino. I do not like wine.
(El vino no me gusta.l (Wine does not please me.)
No me gustan las uvas. I do not like grapes.
roun) {Las uvas no me gustan.l (Grapes do not please me.)
rch No me gusta Jugar al golf I do not like to play golf. (Playing
golf does not please me.)

(d) Saying hous rnuch you like sornething or doing sornething -

gran?Lar ref 14
The basic sentence is modified in the following ways:
)m almonds Me gusta el vino. I like wine.
Me gusta bastante el vino. I quite like wine.
Me gusta mucho el vino. I like wine very much.
No me gusta el vino. I do not like wine.
No me gusta nada el vino. I do not like wine at ail

(e) Expressing a preference for sontething or doing sornething -

gratnrrlar ref 14
.ms' after the verb.
The basic sentence is modified by the addition of the word
2ou |e gusta ms, e| vino o |a Which do you prefer, wine or beer?
Me gusta ms |a Cerveza. I prefer beer.
2ou le gusta m5. Ver |a Which do you prefer, watching
erb means 'to
televisin o leer? television or reading?
Me gusta ms leer. I prefer reading.
aou |e gUstan ms. Ias rubias o Which do you prefer, blondes or
las morenasT brunettes?
Me gustan ms |as rubias. I prefer blondes.
s you is third

(f) Saying uhot others like or dislihe - gratTlttlar ref 14

(i) Talking to a friend
ZTe gusta el cineT Do you like the cinema?
t.4 ZTe gustan |as nove|as romnticas? Do you like romantic novels?
ZTe gusta fumar? Do you like smoking?

ing golf
(ii) Talking to others
Le gusta el teatro You like the theatre.

tLE GUSTA? | 47

Le gustan los guisantes. You iike peas. (j) Pointinl
I a nt rct) hpl-rpr You like drinking. You have seer
Le gusta jugar al golf . He likes playing golf.
Le gustalugar al tenis. She.likes playing tennis. Esta carta

The pronoun'le'has now been used to mean'you', 'he'and'she'. If any doubt Spanish has n
occurs) a short phrase is added: Ese
Le gusta a usted el teatro. You like the theatre. Ese broch
Le gusta a | )ugar a| golf . He likes playing golf. Esa casa e
Le gusta a ella;ugar al tenis She likes playing tennrs. Esos colla
Esas falda
If the person is named, the sentence is as follows:
Le gusta a Pab|o e| coac Paul likes brandy
The word order of these sentences is very flexible and all the following are quite Aquel hor
Aquella n
I e nttsta .a P,ah|n e| coac. Paul likes brandy.
A Pab|o le gusta el coac' Aquellos <

E| coac |e gusta a Pab|o. Aquellas s

If the plural form is required, the pronoun used is 'les':

Les gusta la ciudad. They like the city.

Les gustan los broches You like the brooches (h) Talhing
Joan Robinsor
(g) Saying that you like sortething oery rutuch - grs?vt??Lar ref 14 singular of the

The verb 'gustar' is simply replaced by the verb 'encantar': Fumas de

No comes
Me encanta su vestido. I like your dress very much.
2Vives aqr
Me encantan sus pendientes I like your earrings very much.
2ou quit
Me encanta bailar. I like dancing very much.

All other persons follow exactly the same pattern as with 'gustar'.

(h) Sayins that you ztsould lihe to do sontething - grq?ntns?'

ref 14 (i) Express
The verb .9Ustar' is used in the form
.gUstara' to expreSS .woul<l like': A number of c
range of opini,
Me gUstara visitar e| museo. I'd like to visit the museum.
.Le gustara bai|ar? $ould you like to dance?
Me aburre
Me aburre
(i) Making lists
\When you list things, you miss out the definite article:
Me intere:
Hay batidos, Cerveza, Caf' There are milk-shakes, beer, coffee. No me int
Broches, collares. pendientes Brooches, necklaces, earrlngs . . .


Q) Pointing things out - gra?tl??tar ref 2(o)
You have seen that 'este' is used to express 'this':
Esta carta es para usted. This letter is for you.
If any doubt Spanish has two other adjectives used to point things out:
Ese That (near to the person spoken to)
Ese broche es muy bonito. That brooch is very ntce.
Esa casa es muy antigua. That house is very old.
Esos collares son de oro. Those necklaces are made of gold.
Esas faldas son de lana. Those skirts are made of wool.
Aquel T'hat (oz:er there - not near the
speaker or the person spoken to)
vlng are qulte Aquel hombre es mi marido 'fhat man (over there) is my
Aquella muJer es mi abuela. That woman (over there) is my
-*- - l*^11-
rarrurrrULr1Ll ^* '
Aquel|os chicos son simpticos. Those boys (over there) are nice'
Aque||as seoritas son muy guapas' Those young ladies (over there) are
very pretty.

(k) Talhing tofriends, rneftibers of yourfarnily, etc.

Joan Robinson addresses her husband in the familiar form * the second person
wnar ref 14 singular of the verb. This form always ends in '-s':
Fumas demasiado. You smoke too much.
No comes mucho. You don't eat a lot.
rch. Do you live here in this house?
2Vives aqu en esta casa7
2ou quieres? !7hat do you want?

(i) Expressing other opinions - gra??x??tar ref 14

like': A number of other verbs are used in the same way as 'gustar' to express a whole
range of opinions (some you have seen already in Chapters 7 and l0):
c? Aburrir To bore
Me aburre el arte moderno. Modern art bores me.
Me aburren los hombres tontos. Stupid men bore me.
Interesar To interest
Me interesa |a msica c|sica' I'm interested in classical music.
beer, coffee. No me interesan las oe|cu|as de|
.rrings . .
oeste. I'm not interested in Western films

lLE GUSTA? 149

Ouedar 7-o haoe left Robert: Un,
Me queda una peseta. I've got one peseta left. Usted: (Say
Me quedan doscientas pesetas. I've got 200 pesetas left. Camerero: I
Decir To scty
Usted: (Say
Se dice que no est en To|edo. It is said that he's not in Toledo.
Creer To beliezte Exercise 4
Se cree que est en Madrid. It is believed that he's in Madrid. Say whether y
Examples: 2Lt
1 2Le gust
Exercises 2 LLe gust
a The key to these exercises begins on p. i 1 6. 3 2Le gust
4 ZLe gust
5 2Le gust

O Exercise t Finding out what things are made of

Play the part of Joan Robinson in the following dialogue; ask what things are
1Le gust
ZLe gust
made of. 8 2Le gust
Usted: (Ask uhat eaerything is n'tade of.) 9 ZLe gust
Emp|eado: Con oro y acero' seora' Es el arte tpico de Toledo y se llama arte l0 ale gust
damasquinado. ;Le gusta?
Usted: (Say yes, you like it a lot. Ask uhat exactly is made here.) Now repeat tl

Emp|eado; Aqu se fabrica de todo, seora: broches, collares, pendientes,
espadas. . .
Exercise 5
Say what you
( Exercise 2 Selecting a gift
\ Examples: 2L
Play the part of Joan Robinson in the following dialogue; choose some earrings. 2L

Robert. Y unos pendientes para Dolores. Le gustan los pendientes a Dolores, I ZLe gusl
2verdad? 2 2Le gust
Usted: (Say yes, you think so. Ask the assistant i;f she has earrings.)
Dependienta; Claro que s, seora. E,stos son muy bonitos, ino? 3 ZLe gusl
Usted: (Sayyes, they're quite nice, but you prefer those ouer there.) 4 2Le gusl
Dependienta: ;Estos. seora?
Usted: (Sa1'.'yes. Don't you like them, darling?)
5 2Le gust
Robert: S, me gustan mucho. 1Son caros? 6 ZLe gusl
Dependienta; No, seor. S1o mil ochocientas pesetas. 7 ile gust
Usted: (Say these, then.)
8 2Le gust
( Exercise 3 Getting a drinl< 9 2Le gus;
\ 10 lle gus
Play the part of Joan Robinson in the following dialogue; ask for cold drinks
and select a lemon juice. Now repeat t


Robert: Un caf con leche para m. 4Qu quieres, cario?
Usted: (Say 9ou would like to haae something cold. Ask the waiter what he has.)
Camerero: Pues hay batidos, horchata, iimn natural, ceweza . . .

Usted: (Say a fresh lemon juice, please.)

(\) Exercise 4 Saying what you like
r Madrid. Say whether you like the things offered, taking your cue from the faces.
Examples: 2Le gusta el caf sotoz @S' me gUSIa.
ZLe gustan las patatas fritas? I ruo, no me Oustan.
1 2Le gusta e| caf con |eche7 @
2 iLe gusta elvino tintoT @
3 2Le gusta la cerveza? @
4 2Le gustan las patatas fritasT @
5 2Le gusta e| coac? @
6 zLe gustan los p|tanos? )
hat things are 7 1Le gusta la paella? @
8 2Le gustan las chuletas de cerdo? @
9 iLe gusta el pescado? @
, se llama arte
l0 ZLe gustan las uvasT @
Now repeat the exercise, but this time give genuine answers.
;, pendientes,

O Exercise 5 Saying what you lil(e doing

Say what you like doing in your spare time, taking your cue from the faces.
Examples: 2Le gusta bailar? @lSi, me gusta bailar.
iome earrlngs. ZLe gusta leer? @ No, no me gusta leer.
tes a Dolores, I 2Le gusta arreglar el cocheT @
2 2Le gusta Ver |a televisin? )

) 3 lLe gusta trabqar? @

4 2Le gusta comer bienT @
5 2Le gusta ir de compras? 9
6 4Le gusta estudiar eI espaol7 @
7 2Le altenis?
gustaJugar e
8 2Le gusta beber vino? I
9 ale gusta escuchar discos? @
or cold drinks
l0 2Le gusta dar un paseo? @
Now repeat the exercise, but this time give genuine answers.

lLE GUSTA? 1 51
\ Exercise Thlking for others I 2Le gustar
Your companion does not speak Spanish. Explain his or her likes and dislikes, 2 |Le gustal
taking your cue from the faces. 3 2Le gustal
Examples: ZLe gusta el vino a su maridoZ @ wo, no le gusta el vino. 4 2Le gustal
ZLe gustan a su marido las uvasT @ Si, te gustan las uvas.
5 2Le gustal

l 2Le gusta a su marido e| coac7 @ ( ) Exercise 9

2 2Le gustan a su marido las rubias? @ \
Say how muc.
3 2Le gusta a su mujer el calor? @) Example:10t
4 2Le gusta a su mujer e| caf solo7 @ 1 2ou |e p
5 2Le gustan a su muJer los museos? @ 2 2Ou le p
6 2Le gusta a su hr.1o la Coca ColaT @
3 2Ou |e p
4 2Ou |e p
7 2Le gustan a su hr..yo los churros? @ 5 2ou |e p
8 2Le gusta a su amigo el sol? @
9 2Le gustan a su amigo las vacacionesT @
l0 ile gusta a su padre el fro? @ Exercise f
Give your opi
Exercise 7 Saying how much you like things o doing Example: 2Ot
1 2ou |e p
Answer the following questions and use the cues as follows: 2 aou |e p

7 = quite like 3 2ou |e p

,/,/ = likealot
4 2ou |e p
x = dislike 5 1ou |e p
XX = profoundlydislike
Example: 2Le gusta lavar el cocheT X
x No, no me gusta nada lavar el O Exercise
Example: Us

I 2Le gusta escuchar discos? xx qUinientas p

2 2Le 9u5ta bai|ar? / 1 Usted tie
3 2Le gusta trabaJarT x 2Cunto l
4 i'Le gusta Espa a? ,/ 2 Usted tiet
5 '/
2Le gustan los churrosT u/ 1Cunto

ale gusta |a Cerveza espaola7 x x 3 Usted tie

7 2Le gusta |a comida espao|a7 ulul 2Cunto

2Le 9ustan los espao|es7 u/ 4 Usted tie

9 2Le gusta el tabaco espaol7 x pesetas.
2Le gustan las chicas espaolas7 ulul 5 Usted tie
ocnenta I

\ Exercise 8 Accepting an invitation willingly or rejecting it
Answer the following questions, taking your cue from the tick or the cross.
Example: 2Le gustara 1ugar aI golft / S. me gustara mucho.


l 1Le gustara tomar caf? i
, and dislikes,
2 2Le gustara venir a mi casa? u/
3 2Le gustara ver |a te|evisin7 x
ttno. 4 2Le gustara ir de compras? 7

5 2Le gustara ir al cine? x

Exercise 9 Flatter the speaker

Say how much you like things.
Example: 2ou |e parece mi casa? Me encanta SU Casa
i 2Ou |e parece mi vestido7
2 2au |e parecen mis hijos7
3 2au le parece mi ciudad?
4 1ou |e parece mi mu.1er?
5 1ou |e parecen mis pendientes?

O Exercise t O Giving your oPinion of things

Give your opinion, taking your cue from the word in brackets.
loing Example: 2ou |e parece esa mujer7 (Delightful) Me encanta esa muJer
1 2ou |e parece |a ciudad? (Boring)
2 2au le parecen esos hombres7 (Interesting)
3 1au le parece |a comida7 (Quite likeable)
4 1ou |e parecen |as revistas? (Boring)
5 zou |e parece e| programa7 (Interesting)

nada lavar el \ exercise t I Saying how much money you have left
Example: Usted tiene dos mil pesetas y compra un regalo que vale mil
quinientas pesetas. ZCUnto le queda7 Me quedan quinientas pesetas.
1 Usted tiene tres mil pesetas y compra un collar que vale mil pesetas
2Cunto |e queda7
) | lctorl tipne rien . pesetas
r y compra una revista que vale sesenta pesetas.
4Cunto le queda7
3 Usted tiene diez mil pesetas y toma una comida que vale dos mil pesetas.
1Cunto |e queda?
4 Usted tiene doscientas pesetas y Compra un peridico qUe vale veinte
pesetas. 2Cunto |e queda7
5 Usted tiene quinientas pesetas y compra unos cigarrillos que valen
ochenta peseias. 2Cunto |e queda?
ejecting it
the cross.

lLE GUSTA? 1s3


2Comprende usted el espao| hab|ado?

(Listening exercises)
I t,u
I baor
I hoce
cQu se fabrica ahi? \ {eolr

Look at the map of Spain on page 28 (Chapter 3). Listen to the tape and write I 1-*
down in Engiish where various products are made, crops are grown' etc. in Spain. | ,fi:
I muc

| ,;
Listen again to the tape and write down what Ana and Paco like doing given
certain weather conditions.
| +t".

aQu te interesq?
Mark the bllowing statements as .true', .false' or .do not know' I Write dov
(a) The man likes weight-lifting. 2 $7hat is tt
(b) He plays tennis occasionally. 3 $7here do
(c) The woman loves to play tennis.
t+ !7hat doe
Shc has won prizcs playing tennis. What typr
(e) The man suggests that the woman teach him to play tennis. 6 $7hat leisr
() The woman is fascinated by politics. 7 whv?
(g) They agree to play tennis. 8 $7hat doe

comprende usted e| espao| escrito? tRompec,

(Reading exercises) (Puzzles)

Otra carta de Lola tE

Read this letter from Lola, and answer the questions on the next page in aQu le gu'
English. (You may need to use your dictionarSr.)
Follow the lir
A Mara |e gt


Madrid, rT 6" Jspfiemb*'e\
Auerido anSo:
, u'l" carla te vo,1 ocont.., cqles 5orr rnis posa{emps.
Cuando |.1oce tven "-l'i.'1o qn e/ veftloo, me 1usiq sclir por a|
con rnis omi9os, i. lce.l" o o, |o P|o,*.ormr eIso;
baor'e en | Piscinq o en .' ^or. 6" e-1 invierno, coon<l-o
\.. bqstqnte
-}eotro o o| cinl 1+"e1 Hadr1c{.
Cmo T:-3':l* -i:Tt*
1o sobesY,ha1 rrochos *eq+ros
\ m(Eho6 crnes *r.1tbua.os "^-lq copi{ol' "
:ape and write 4-"."e;a" }eo,"o- queda'rme en cqio .1 leer o'n 1;Aro
, etc. in Spain. in.leresqnte. / q'.}"l nucho [o-s biog"t.o1..qs .Y leo
muchos, sobre tdo [e.s bio1re6iq5 a3-1ente irtone
en o" his*otio .te 3po6Y. ' ,n, e( -lenis,
o .u 1y.t"n ^nodo. losldeporfgs, ), Po.ootutridas'
1;+A'J? a0
.1 bolon.."to sor +nE ^,1
e doing given *.f"p'
,/.'.-", p,i,to,j cuto,ne lo 3*e -|* hocer en
trs rd'ts l /.bres.
U, o.bro=o,
Ia losrda.

I Write down the three things that Lola likes to do when the weather is ine.
2 $hat is the weather iike in Madrid in winter?
3 \i7here does Lola go when the weather is cold?
4 What does she do if she staYs at home?
5 !hat type of reading does she particularly like?
6 What leisure activity does she not like at al1?
1 whv?
8 !hat does she want you to write to her about?


next page
Qule gusta hocer?

Follow the lines and find out what each Derson likes to eat or do. Example:
A Maria le gusta tomar el sol.

lLE GUSTA? l5s

uona t<osa

Don Juan
Carolina Plar




Dialogue 1
Mensaje secreto In Madrid tht
Start with the letter set in bold and, moving from letter to letter in any direc-
tion. find rhe message.
Juan: aQu
Mara. 4Por
A Juan: aQu
ET Mara: No s
ELN Juan; Ah er
SMA Mara: ;En r

PEC Juan: No lo
AEN Maria. Ah,
ol elirninar c

Juan; lUna
Mara: Un r

Juan: Estup
Maria: La s,

once. lQr
Juan: Son I

cine en d

Dialogue 2
The couple a

Juan: Quier
Taquillera: (

Juan: De la

Doa Rosa

zPor qu no vamos a| cine?

pgn Jus6
fs;6lin6 Pfanning social activities
- Dialoques

M Diatogue 1

In Madrid the Lpezes are planning their evening's activities.

in any direc- Juan: 4Qu quieres hacer esta tarde?
Mara: ;Por qu no vamos al cine?
Juan: ;Qu ponen?
Mara: No s. iDnde est el peridico?
Juan: Ah est, en la mesa'
Marta: 4En qu pgina est la gua de espectculos?
Juan' No 1o s seguro. En la pgina diez u once.
Mara: Ah, s. Aqu est. Vamos a ver) pues. En ei cine Rialto ponen Ctno
elirttinar a su jefe, en el cine Infantas ponen Rotna, citt aperta de Roberto
Juan: ;Una pelcula italiana! Ya sabes que no me gustan ias pelculas italianas.
Mara: IJn momento' En el cine Palace ponen Bodas de sangre) una pelcula
Juan: Estupendo. Vamos al cine Palace. iA qu hora empieza?
Maria. La sesin de la tarde empieza a las siete, y la sesin de la noche a las
once. .Qu hora es ahora?
Juan: Son las seis 1, media, pero no importa. Cogemos un taxi y llegamos al
cine en diez minutos. iVamosl

@ nnusrn z
The couple arrive at the cinema and go up to the ticket office - la taquilla

Juan: Quiero dos butacas Por favor.

Taqui||era; iPara la sesin de la tarde o de la noche?
Juan: De 1a tarde. por favor.


1 r:1ll lttlirrliil
.iir*l .11]'l !, jl|'i!.::iIl1t

&w En el cine P,

Taquillera: l
%mweWffiffiffiffi s
B Juan: Aqu
Taquillera: t

&&& & Juan: Graci
&&&\Jw Taquillera: /

kffie m* ,,,.-'.iu,i,i,-l K Diatogue 3

1 After leaving
,-\rPn in o

)uan. lVolv
Mara: 4Pclr
Juan: iQ.'
Maria: Porq
Juan: Muy
calle de 1r

Mara: E'sto.

f,; *,,i" " . X J{x1 "Jl',1

I i;l l:-i : ]i}::,i{:;1t
-', ' l:"'
:' zpor que
l.]ji'; J;i;'T;;'
;i:'" ]]
: ll# :'":'', .:;l,;. ",:u'.,
eI peridico
*','' 1 :o.
|.*ryiei.r]]''::::::.-,"-.i*.''''{!thiillll'].'..' kxil{*
rtld# |a pgina
**J,ffi * *''uia: "i*il.H ;![';','i"u*'u'
la guia
;** .**y**9 e| espectcuI

Taqui||era' Aqu tiene usred. Dos butacas en la fila vcinic. U
Juan: 1Cunto valen? eliminar



En el cine Palace ponen Bodas de sangre

Taquillera: Mil doscientas pesetas.

Juan. Aqu tiene. ;A qu hora termina la sesin?
Taqui|era: A las diez y cuarto. setrr.
Juan: Gracias.
Iaqui||era: A usted. s()r.

R Dialogue 3
After leaving the cinema thc Lpezes decide what tcl do for the rest of the

Juan: lVolvemos a casa a pie o cogemos un taxl/

Mara: ;Por qu no tomamos un aperitivo en aquel bar? Vamos; te invitcl.
Juan: 1Qu amable! ;Por qu me invitas?
Mara: Porque eres muy guapo y te quiero mucho.
Juan. Muy bien. Y despus vamos a cenar en aque] restaurante gallego de ia
calle de la Montera. lDe acuerdo?
Mara: E,stoy perfectamente de acuerdo, pero primero, el aperitivo ...

.por qU why?
e| peridico newspaper
|a p9ina page
la guta guide
e| espectcuIo entertalnment
seguro/a/os/as sure, certain
or (before a following 'o-' or 'ho-')
eliminar to eliminate



elJefe boss (c) Makir

italiano/a/os/as Italian 2Por qu
la boda wedding 2Por qu
ra san9re blood aPeril
|a sesin session, performance
importar to matter
no rmporta it doesn't matter (d) Askin
el taxi taxi
la butaca stall (seat in cinema or theatre) You simply
la fila row (in cinema or theatre)
2ou p
el pie foot
2ou p
a pre on foot, walking
2Oue p
el aperitivo aperitif
invitar to invite
iqu + adjective! how * adjective!
;qu amab|e! how nice!
(e) Sayin,
gallego/a/os/as Galician, from Galicia
guapo/a/os/as pretty, handsome You use the
2de acuerdoT OK?, do you agree? the pronour
estar de acuerdo to agree, be in agreement
perfectly 2Cmo
No lo sr
Notice how
(a) Entertainrtents (f) Sayinl
The .gua de espectcu|o5' (entertainments guide) in the local paper will tell The verb 'in
you what is on in the town. The guide will normally be divided into various sec-
tions: 'cines' for cinemas, 'teatros' for theatres, 'discotecas' for discotheques, El bancr
'salas de fiestas' for dance-halls and 'clubs nocturnos' for nightclubs. Cinemas No lmP,
will either be .sesin continua', which means they have continuous showings,
or indicate in their advertisement the times for the two sessions, the evening
session - de la tarde - and the late-night session de la noche. In cinemas and (g) Expre
theatres it is normal to tip the usher or usherette who shows you to your seat.
If the meanr
tr\ l Voy en
(b) Asking 'zrhy' and explaining 'becsuse' Vamos,
Van en
You use two words which are remarkably similar in appearance' the difference Vaena
being in the spelling and accentuation:
If the meanr
;Por qu? Porque lVhy? Because
Why do you smoke? Voyap
2Por qu fuma usted7
Porque me gusta. Because I like it. Vamos i

(c) Making a suggestionfor an actirsity
2Por qu no Vamos a| cine7 $hy don't we go to the cinema?
2Por qu no tomamos Un $7hy don't we have an aPeritif')

(d) AshinS zphat is on st the cinetnq or theatre

atre) You simply use the phrase:
2ou ponen? what's on?
2ou ponen en e| cine Luna? What's on at the Luna Cinema?
2ou ponen en e| teatro Martn? $7hat's on at the Martin

(e) Saying you do not knous - grattlmar ref 7(ii)

.s', and
You use the verb 'saber', which has an irregular first person singular
the pronoun 'lo':
\7hat's his name?
2Cmo se ||ama7
No |o s. I don't know.
.s' has stress mark to distinguish it from the pronoun
Notice how the verb a

(f) Saying thq.t sontething is not irnportant - grann??Lar ref 14

aper will tell
The verb 'importar' is used in the third person singular:
r various sec-
liscotheques, cerrado.
E| Eranco est The bank is shut.
Lbs.Cinemas No importa. It doesn't matter'
us showings,
the evening
cinemas and (g) Expressing zpays of getting about
yOUr Seat.
If the means of transport is mechanical, it is often preceded by the preposition

Voy en cocne. I'm going bY car.
Vamos en autobs. !e're going by bus.
Van en tren. They're going bY train.
he difference Va en avin. He's going bY air.
If the means of transport is non-mechanical, the preposition 'a' is found:
Voy a pie. I'm going on foot.
\7e're going by horse.
Vamos a caballo.

tPoR QU No VAMos ALCINE? 161

(h) Expressing exclsntatory opinions (l) Saying
You use .iou' + adjective!' and an exclamation mark opens and closes the 'No importa'
utterance: used in the sa

;Ou caro! How dear! No me ir

iou bonito! How nice! No me ir
1Ou amab|e es Usted! How kind you are! No me ir
ile impc
(i) Expressing agreentent
The short expression to indicate that you agree is 'de acuerdo':
(ru) Thef<
Let's go to the cinema. Most adverbr
Vamos al ctne.
De acuerdo. oK. rpido-
To express more fully your agreement, you use 'estar de acuerdo '

Usted trz
Juan es muy guapo, 1verdad? John's very handsome, isn't he? F(tn\/ tnt
No estoy de acuerdo. I don't agree.
Mara es muy guapa. Mary's very pretty. Commot
4Est usted de acuerdo7 Do you agree?
Vamos d
(j) Further uses of the z:erb 'poner' - grarrtrnar ref 7 (ii) de

The first person singular of 'poner' is irregular, and is 'pongo' I put:
Usted h;
Pongo la cartera en la mesa. I out the brief-case on the table.
Juan pone la radio en la mesa. John puts the radio on the table.
Juego m
As a reflexive verb 'ponerse' can have three meanrngs:
Me pongo chaqueta cuando hace fro.
I put on my jacket when it's cold.
Me pongo rojo cuando hace mucho sol.
I become red when it's very sunny. O The key to
Me pongo a traba..lar a las nueve.

I begin to work at 9 o'clock.

(k) Finding out precise details a)

Exercise 1

.ien qu' + noun * verb? Play the par

To establish the precise location of something, use
cinema, then
1En qu pgina est? \X/hich page is it on?
2En qu habitacin est7 \X/hich room is he in? Juan'' aQu
2En qu ca|le vive Usted? Which street do you live in? Usted: (Ast
Juan: tQu
Usted: (So:


(l) Saying thqt sornething does not ntstter - gra?wnar ref 14
I closes the 'No importa' conveys the gencral idea of it doesn't matter" but the verb can be
used in the same way as 'gustar', 'aburrlr', 'interesar', etc.' as seen in Chapter 11:

No me imDorta. It doesn't matter to me.

No me importa el precio. The price doesn't matter to me.
No me importan los gastos. The expenses do not matter to me.
ZLe importa el retrasoT Does the delay matter to you?

(rn) The forntqtion of adaerbs _ grat?l?vlar ref 6

Most adverbs are formed by adding '-mente' to the feminine form:

rpido_ rpida + mente = rpidamente
total - total + mente = totalmente

L't he? Usted traba.1 a muy rpidamente. You work very quickly.
Estoy totalmente de acuerdo. I am totally in agreement.

Common irresular adverbs are as follows:

Deprisa Quickly
Vamos deprisa. Let's go quickly.
Despacio Slowly
Hable despacio, por favor. Speak slowly, please.

ut: Bien Well

Usted hab|a bien e| espao|. You speak Spanish well.
: table. Mal Badly
Juego muy mal al golf . I play golf very badly.

a The key to these exercises begins on p. 319

\ Exercise t Planning an outing
n + verb? Play the part of Mara in the following dialogue; express a wish to go to the
cinema, then find the newspaper and the entertainments guide.
Juan: ;Qu quieres hacer esta tarde?
n? Usted; (Ask uhy you don't go to the cinema.)
Juan: ;Qu ponen?
Usted: (Say you don't know. Ask where the newspaper is.)


Juan: Ah est, en la mesa. Usted: (Ask
Usted: (Ask on which page is the Entertainments Guide.) Taquillera: I
Juan; No 1o s Seguro. E.n la pgina diez u once.
Usted: (Say ah, yes, here it is.) Now repeat tl

:\ ) Exercise 2 Making suggestions (\) Exercise 4

Suggest you visit various places. Play the part,
Example: 2Por qu no Vamos a |a costa? a drink in a nr

Usted: (Ask
Juan: iQu l

Usted: (Say
Juan: Muy I

Exercise 5
and that y
Example: 2Po
2 gusta ms la

l 2Por qu

2 2Por qu

3 2Por qu l

4 2Por qu l

5 2Por qu t

Exercise 3 obtaining tickets o seats comPaniol
Play the part of Juan in the following dialogue; obtain two seats in the stalls for Example: iSa
the evening performance.
Taqui|lera: Buenas tardes. iQu desea? I 2Sabe ustr
Usted: (Say good eaening. Ask for two seats.)
2 2Sabe ustr
Taqui||era: ;Para la sesin de la tarde o de la noche? 3 iSabe ustr
Usted: (Say the etening performance"please.) 4 2Sabe ustr
Taqui|lera' Aqu tiene usted. Dos butacas en la fila veinte. 5 zSabe ustr


Usted: (Ask how muclt theg cost.)
Taquillera. Mil doscientas pesetas.
Now repeat the exercise, but obtain four seats for the late-night performance.

\ Exercise 4 Inviting someone to have a drink
Play the part of Mara in the following dialogue; invite your companion to have
a drink in a nearby bar.

Usted: (Ask why 9ou don't haz;e an aperitif in that bar.)

Juan; 1Qu amable! ;Por qu me invitas?
Jir\ Usted: (Say because he is very handsome and you loae him aery much.)
Juan: Muy bien.

Exercise 5 Explaining vlhy you ae not doing something
and that you prefer something else .D
Example: 2Por qu no toma usted Un care soroz
gusta ms |a cerveza. \({ Porque me

k]ffi tN\ | 2Por qu no toma usted Una torti||a?

\ lltr ir'.
-\\ ,Jl_
2 2Por qu no..1uega usted a| golf?

- 3
ilmilz- 2Por qu no Va Usted a| teatro?
rlict u
ilrrolLF 4 2Por qu no da usted un paseo?
il'ffiT 5
ciudad7 5 -\
2Por qu no ViVe Usted en la

Exercise Saying that you do not know and that you

companion does not know either
the stalls for
Example: 2Sabe usted el nmero de telfono? No' no |o s.
1Y su maridoT No, no lo sabe.
1 2Sabe usted la hora? 2Y su amiga?
2 1Sabe usted |a direccin? iY su mu.1er?
3 1Sabe usted cmo se l|ama7 2Y sus ht.;os7
4 2Sabe Usted en qu ca|le vive? 1Y sus amigos7
5 2Sabe Usted dnde est e| hote|? 2Y su ht..1a7


Exercise 7 Saying how you intend to get there I tAquh
Example: 2Cmo va usted a| cine7 Voy en taxi.
4Y su mu-

l 1Cmo Va Usted a Sevil|a7 2 zAquh

2 1Cmo va usted a |a costa7 2Y su hr.1c

3 iAquh
3 |Cmo Van Ustedes al Centro?

2Y su am
4 2Cmo va usted a Madrid?
4 zAquh

5 2Cmo Van Ustedes al teatro? - 1Y su mu

Exercise 8 Do you agree or don't you? Exercise I

Example: Madrid es |a capital de Espaa. 2Est usted de acuerdo? S' estoy de Example:
1 Piso/ofi
1 Londres es |a capital de |nglaterra' 4Est usted de acuerdo? 2 Pueblot
2 Veinte y treinta son sesenta. 2Est Usted de acuerdo? 3 Andn/
3 Hace mucho so| en Espaa. 7'Est usted de acuerdo? 4 Direcci(
4 L|ueve bastante en lng|aterra' 2Est usted de acuerdo7 5 Calle/pi
5 Madrid est en |a costa. iEst usted de acuerdo? 6 Ciudad,
7 Parte/tt
tJ Exercise 9 Describing things in an exclamatory way 8 Plaza/st
\ 9 Calle/ta
E.xample: Este seor es muy amable. 1ou amab|e es este seor| l0 Pueblor
1 Esta seorita e5 muy guapa'
2 La fiabitacin es muy grande' Exercise 1

3 Este bolso es muy bonito.

Example: Tt
4 Este vestido es muy barato.
5 Este coac es mUV fuerte' I The tin
2 The we
3 The jor
4 The her
Exercise t o Saying when you and you companion begin 5 The col
to do things 6 The del
7 The wo
'A ]) Me pongo a traba-1ar
E,xample: 2A qu hora se pone usted a traba1ar? (..J 8 The col
a las nueve. .,5, \/ 9 The fo6
2Y su maridot Se
pone a trabaJar a las diez. l0 The pr<


l zA qu hora se pone usted a trabajar?

2Y su mu1er7

2 tA qu hora se pone usted a estudiarT 2
aY su hijoT
3 zA qu hora se pone usted a preparar la cenaT

2Y su amiga?
@ 4 @
tA qu hora se pone usted a jugar al golf?

2Y su mujerT

S, estoy de
e) Example:
Exercise I t Finding out exactly where things are
Calle,/museo. 2En qu ca|le est el museo7
I Piso/oficina.
2 Pueblo/castillo.
3 Andn/tren.
4 Direccin/playa.
5 Callelpiscina.
6 Ciudad/camping
7 Parte/teatro.
ay 8 Plaza/supermercado.
9 Calle/taller.
l0 Pueblo/hospital.

\ er"..ise 12
f) Expressing a lack of concern
Example: The price. No me importa el precio.
I The time.
2 The weather.
3 The journey.
4 The heat.
n begin 5 The cold.
The delay.
7 The work.
lo a trabaJar 8 The colour.
9 The fog.
l0 The programme.


) Exercise t 3 Saying how you do things 2Com
Answer the following questions, giving genuine answers.
Example: 2Trabala usted mucho o pocoT Traba.lo mucho. (Reading exe
Traba.;o poco.
Tiernpo liL
1 2Traba.ja Usted rpidamente o |entamente7
2 i-Duerme usted bien o mal?
3 2Hab|a usted el espaol fcilmente o difci|mente7
4 2luega usted al tenis blen o mal?
5 2Desayuna usted deprisa o despacioT

.comprende usted e| espaol hab|ado?

(Listening exercises)

1Ests libre?
Listen to the tapes, write down what the speakers are being invited to do and
whether thev accept or not.

1Estars libre tt.aana por la tarde?

Listen to the tape and answer the questions in English. (You will need the word
'Cartel' EntertainmentsGuide).
I S7hat are the speakers discussing?
2 What does the man suggest?
3 Why does this not appeal to the woman?
4 What is the 'splendid'film called?
5 How does the woman react to this?
6 Why does the man recommend it?
7 !7hen do they agtee to meet?
8 $here do they agree to meet? Select the street name from the three given: Look at thes,
(a) La Calle de Alca| (b) La Ca|le de Atocha (c) La Calle de Goya you would vir
I you wantr
2 you fancit
3 you wishe
4 you wantr
5 you wishe
6 you decid
7 you wishe
8 you wantr

comprende usted e| espaol escrito?
(Reading exercises)

Tiernpo libre

tARFq'ERlA Nucstrol

V|vERos PRoP|os
EN LA cAP|TAL DE ESPAA Alcanr.r..33'36
som...QU.M . or.e.

(aotes Lista)

san LPon4|do' 3 (De||as EsDad'J
ref.: 242 A8 89 Madrid I

Msica de Vivaldi
:d to do and Carne
Pan de Tarta de Chicls

Gasa Dcpe Cocotte: Carne horneada al laurel

Napo|en: Pescado a| vino y roqueort
Fundada en 1926 Croquetas de Manzana
. 2S9 66 36
lor3.4s7 so 32 |
paseo de La Habana, 33 Conde de Aranda, | Tel. 276 06 4l

eed the word coc|NA CATA|NA coc|rA nEG|otAL rTAlAilA
uErscr, il.rElE.4{BB07 CEXIiAL lltt lXA. tl (r+ r Av. dJ y.atd
T.l 2!!anO
TELET. 2S0 or f7 ',l

- Especaldad''
JoaquIn Marie Lpgz' 30

F-.f; 8re-*1,:${.#'.'ffJ
(entre Blasco de Gatay v Gu2mn e| Buno}
Telorcs 243 1a 25 v 243 30 43

three gtven:
Look at these advertisements for restaurants in Soain and decide which one
de Goya you would visit if:
I you wanted to try Catalan cooking?
2 you fancied an Italian meal?
3 you wished to eat seafood but needed to park your car easily?
4 you wanted to try French cooking?
5 you wished to eat home cooking?
6 you decided to try Peruvian cuisine?
7 you wished to eat food typical of Madrid?
8 you wanted to eat roast lamb in the Segovian style?



eQu significa?
Match up the sentence with the meaning beiow, writing down the number of
the sentence and the letter of the meaning. stri
l aou quieres hacer maana7
2 tA qu hora empieza?
3 2Por qu no Cogemos un taxi7
4 No |o s seguro.
5 No importa.
6 1Por qu no Vamos a |a p|aya?
7 Estoy de acuerdo.
8 1ou amab|e!
9 Te quiero mucho.
t0 2,A qu hora termina7
(a) \7hy don't we go to the beach?
(b) It doesn't matter.
(c) At what time does it end?
(d) How nicel
(e) At what time does it start?
(0 \What do you want to do tomorrow?
(g) I love you a lot.
(h) Why don't we take a taxi?
(i) I don't know for sure.
0) I agree.

Correos d

K 1

In Toledo .N;

England and
Joan; Buen
Joan: ;Cu,


2Cunto vale?

number of
Obtaining goods and services in a
strange town

Correos de Madnd

Diatosue I
In Toledo Mr and Mrs Robinson wish to buy postcards for their friends in
England and go to the newspaper kiosk - el quiosco.
Joan: Buenos das. ;Tiene usted tarjetas postales de Toledo?
Vendedor; S, ah estn, seora, al lado de las revistas.
Joan: ;Cunto valen?


Vendedor: Las grandes valen cuarenta y cinco pesetas y las pequeas treinta Dependiente
pesetas' seora. Robert: Gt
Joan: Estas seis, por favor. -fengo cuatro grandes y dos pequeas.
Vendedor: Son doscientas cuarenta pestas. seora. Dialogue 3
Joan: Aqu tiene usted trescientas pesetas. K
Vendedor: Sesenta pesetas de vuelta. The Robinsc
hreq hrrtte
Joan: iTiene usted peridicos ingleses?
Vendedor: No, seora. La prensa extranjera llega a las cuatro de la tarde.
butcher's lz

Slo tengo e\ Tintes, pero eS de ayer. Vendedor;

Joan: No, gracias. lTiene sellos para las tarjetas? Joan. Png
Vendedor: No, seora. Los sellos Se compran en Correos. Vendedor:
Joan: 2En qu calle est Correos? Joan: Jam
Vendedor: Est en esta misma calle. Siga usted todo derecho unos doscientos Vendedor.
metros y Correos est a la dcrecha. Joan. S, ul
)oan: Gracias' Adis. Vendedor:
Vendedor: Adis'seora. Joan: ;Tier
Dialogue 2 Joan: ;Tier
K Vendedor:
The Robinsons go into the Post Office la Oficina de Correos - and Joan: No,
Mr Robinson approaches the counter. Vendedor:
Robert: Buenos das. iCunto vale mandar una tarjeta postal a Inglaterra? mantequ
Dependienta: Vale cuarenta v cinco pesetas. Joan: Aqu
Robert: 4Y una carta? Vendedor:
Dependienta: Una carta vale 1o mismo, cuarenta y cinco pesetas.
Robert; Bueno. Dme seis sellos de cuarenta y cinco pesetas.
Dependienta: Aqu tiene usted. Son doscientas setenta pcsetas.
Robert: Gracias' 4Dnde est el buzn, por favor? [Yere!!!
el quiosco
la tarJeta pos
la revista
el duro
ra prensa
e| buzn
e| rincn
un cuarto de
e| .1amn sert
e| .'1amn de
aeso es todo

ueaS treinta
Dependienta: Ah est, seor, en el rincn.
Robert: Gracias.
Diatogue 3
The Robinsons wish to have a picnic lunch and decide to buy ham, cheese,
bread, butter and wine. Thcy find an indoor market and go to the pork
de la tarde. butcher's la charcuteria.
Vendedor: Buenos das, seora. cQu desea?
Joan: Pngame un cuarto de ki1o de jamn.
Vendedor: {amn serrano o jamn de York?
Joan: Jamn de York.
os doscientos Vendedor: Aqu tiene' 1A1go ms?
Joan: S, un cuarto de kilo de ese queso manchego.
Vendedor: Muy bien. ;Eso es todo?
Joan: lTiene mantequilla?
Vendedor: S, seora. ;Cunta quiere?
Joan: lTiene un paquete de cien gramos?
Vendedor: S, seora. ;A1go ms?
rreos and Joan: No, gracias. ;Cunto es todo?
Vendedor: E'l jamn, trescientas pesetas' el queso, cuatrocientas pesetas 1' la
mantequilla, cien pesetas. Son ochocientas pesetas en tota1.
Joan: Aqu tiene usted. Adis.
Vendedor; Adis' seora, y muchas gracias.

el quiosco newspaper kiosk
la taryeta postal postcard
la revista magazlne
el duro five-peseta coin
la prensa press
extranlero,/a /os/as foreign
ayer yesterday
comprar to buy
Correos Post Office
mismo/a/os/as same
mandar to send (ofthings), order
dar to give
oeme give me
e| buzn post-box
e| rincn corner
un cuarto de kilo a quarter of a kilo
e| .1amn serrano smoked, cured ham
e|.1amn de York York ham
; pcn p< tnrn7 is that all?



la mantequilla butter (c) Saying t

| n'a| |tA packet
e gramo gram 'Extranjero'is
La prensa
Explanations Soy extrar

(a) Quantities in shops (d) Findins

Spain uses the metric system of measurement and therefore quantities in shops The verb 'cot
and elsewhere are expressed in 'kilos' for weight and 'litros' for liquid measure: nouns:
Pngame un ki|o de manzanas. Give me a kilo of apples (about
2.21b). 2Dnde sl
Ouiero medio kilo de merluza. I want half a kilo of hake (about
1. I rb). For plural not
Deme un cuarto de kilo de Give me a quarter of a kilo of
queso. cheese.
2Dnde sr

Ouiero cien gramos de I want 100 grams of butter.
Pngame veinte Iitros de Give me 20 litres of petrol (e) Finding
gasolina. (4.4 gallons).
The basic phr
Other quantities found are as follows: used to find o
2Tiene un paquete de t7 Have you a packet of tea?
2Cunto t
Ouiero una lata de guisantes. I want a tin of peas. How
Deme un tubo de crema. Give me a tube of cream.
1Cunto t
2Tiene una caJa de cerillas? Have you a box of matches How
Deme una barra de pan. Give me a loaf of bread.

(fl Basic ot
Four basic or
(b) Referring briefly to things as follows:

It is possible to refer briefly to things by simply leaving out the noun: Deme
Deme un
Full uersion
2La casa grande o |a casa pequea7 The big house or the small house? Trigame
Bief aersion
1La grande o |a pequea? The big one or the small one? Pnoame
Naturally, the definite article and the adjective continue to agree with the noun
left out: This form is r

me' - that is,

2ou libro quiere' e| azu'| o el verde7 such as petrol
Which book do you want, the blue one or the green one?
2ou zapatos son de usted, los negros o los marrones? Pngame
Which shoes are vours. the black ones or the brown ones?


(c) Saying that you areforeigt or a stranger
'Extranjero' is used to describe things or people from another country:
La prensa extranJera llega a las The foreign press arrives at
cuatro. 4 o'clock.
Soy extran.Jero (extranJera ). ['m a foreigner.

(d) Finding out ushere you buy things - grarrl?nar ref 7 (iii)
ities in shops The verb 'comprar' (to buy) is used in the form 'se compra' with singular
rid measure: nouns:
2Dnde se compra e| pan7
Where is bread bought? (Where does one buy bread?)
For plural nouns the form becomes 'se compran':
ilo of
2Dnde se Compran los sel|os7
Where are Stamps bought? (\here does one buy stamps?)

ol (e) FindinS out hous rnuch it costs to do sornething

.1Cunto Va|e7', and this form is
The basic phrase for establishing a price is
used to find out the cost of doing something:

Zcunto Va|e mandar una carta a Inglaterra?

How much does it cost to send a letter to England?
2Cunto Va|e entrar7
How much does it cost to so in?

(f) Basic orders for shopping - grstntnar ref 11

Four basic orders are used in shopping and ordering food and drink. They are
as follows:

ln: Deme Giae me

Deme Un paquete de azcar. Give me a packet of sugar.

all house? Trigame Bring me

Trigame Un t Con |imon. Bring me a tea with lemon.

. one? Pngame Giae me

Pngame un kilo de uvas. Give me a kilo of grapes.
vith the noun
This form is used of things which have to be measured and means literally 'put
me' that is, 'put on to the scales and weigh for me'. It is also used for liquids
such as petrol:
Pngame veinte Iitros Give me 20 litres. (Put 20 litres into
the tank.)

pUNT) VALE? 175


And for ordering drinks in a bar: 2En qu

Pngame tres Cervezas' Give me three beers. (Put them on to Whic
the bar.) 'tSte
Dgame Tell me addressed, ar
Dgame, 2cunto es todo? Tell me, how much is it all? addressed - 't
Dgame, 2a qu hora sa|e e| tren? Tell me, what time does the train with nouns b.
(j) Ashing.
(g) Finding out exactly u;here things are
The form to use is .4En qu' + noun * verb?: How
2En qu ca||e est Correos7 In which Street iS the Post office? 4Cunto
2En qu casa vive? In which house does he live? How

E 2Cunto
(h) Otherfortns in ushich the noun is ornitted
(k) Expres
(i) El libro de Juan es interesante. John's book is interesting.
El de Juan es interesante.
The interroga
John's is interesting.
Mi mu-1er y la mu.ier de Pablo. My wife and Paul's wife. lTiene m,
Mi mujer y la de Pablo. My wife and Paul's. Do yr
Los peridicos ingleses y |os The English papers and the Spanish iTiene se
peridicos espaoIes. papers. Do y,
Los peridicos ingleses y los The English papers and the Spanish
espaoles. ones.
Las chicas de Madrid y las The girls from Madrid and the girls
chicas de Sevilla. from Seville. Exercise
Las chicas de Madrid y las The girls from Madrid and those
de Sevilla. from Seville. o The key to t

(ii) E| chico que est ah. The boy who is there.

EI que est ah. The one who is there.
La tienda que est en |a plaza. The shop that's in the Square. (\, Exercise t
La que est en |a p|aza. The one that's in the square.
Los hombres que veo a||. The men that I see over there. Play the part
Los oue veo a||' Those that I see over there. has postcards,

Las chicas que me gustan The giris that I like. Usted: (Saf
Las que me gustan. Those that I like. Vendedor: I
Usted: (Ask
(i) Indicating zahich one you are referring to - gra?rr?rrctr ref 2(r:) Vendedor: I
pesetas) s(
You can refer to things without using the noun: Usted: (Say
2Ou bo|so quiere usted, ste o se? Ese por favor.
\7hich handbag do you want, this one or that one? That one, please.


2En qu casa vive' en sta o en aqu||a7
t them on to Which house does he live in. this one or that one over there?
.ste'refers to things near the speaker, .se' to things near the person
.aqu|' to things distant from both the speaker and the person
addressed, and
all? addressed 'that over there'. These forms are distinguished from the ones used
the train with nouns by having a stress mark on them,

(j) Ashing for other seroices in s Post Office

2Cunto Va|e mandar un te|egrama a Londres?
How much is it to send a telegram to London?
;t Office? Zcunto vale |lamar por te|fono a Paris?
ive? How much is it to telephone Paris?
2Cunto va|e poner un t|ex a Nueva York?
How much is it to telex New York?

(h) Expressing hoas rnuch you require

The interrogative ..Cunto7' agrees with the noun:
2Tiene merluza? S' 2Cunta quiere?
Do you have hake? Yes. How much do you want?
the Spanish 2Tiene se|los? S. 2Cuntos quiere?
Do you have stamps? Yes. How many do you want?
the Spanish

nd the girls
nd those
a The key to these exercises begins on p. 321.

t\-) Exercise I Obtaining postcards
Play the part of Joan Robinson in the following dialogue; find out if the shop
has postcards, establish the price and select six, four large and two small ones.
Usted: (Say goocl monting. Ask the sttlesntan d he has posrcards of 7-oletlo.)
Vendedor: S, ah estn' seora, al lado de las revistas.
Usted: (Ask hou much the.y cost.)
ar ref 2(a) Vendedor: Las grandes valen cuarenta y cinco pesetas y las pequeas trelnta
peSetas' seora.
Usted: (Sa1t these six please. Say you haae four large ones and tuo small ones.)

'ne) piease.


\ Exercise 2 Asking about newsPaPers and stamPs I Two kilos,
z Half a kilo
Play the part of Joan Robinson; ask about English papers and stamps. ) One kilo ol
Usted: (Ask the salesman if he has English newspapers.) 4 Quarter of
Vendedor; No, seora. La prensa extranjera llega a las cuatro de la tarde. 5 30 litres of
Slo tengo e| Times, pero eS de ayer.
Usted: (Sajt no thank gou. Ask if he has stamps for the postcards.) (\) Exercise 7
Vendedor: No, seora. Los sellos Se compran en Correos.
Use 'deme'to
Exercise 3 Asking Pices and obtaining stamPs
Example: Five

Play the part of Robert Robinson; ind out the cost of sending postcards and
I A tin of per
ietters to England and ask for six 45-peseta stamps.
2 A box ofm
3 A loaf of br
Usted: (Say good moruing. Ask how much it costs to send a postcard to England.) 4 Six 3O-pest
Dependienta: Vale cuarenta y cinco pesetas. 5 The Times.
Usted: (Ask how much for a letter.)
Dependienta: Una carta vale lo mismo, cuarenta y cinco pesetas. ( ) Exercise I
Usted: (Say good. Askfor six 45-peseta stamps.) \
Ask where the

O Exercise 4 Buying food for a Picnic

Play the part of Joan Robinson; buy a quarter of a kilo of York ham, a similar
Example: Brea
1 Milk.
amount of Manchego cheese and 100 grams of butter. 2 Sugar.
3 Stamps.
Vendedor: Buenos das, seora. aQu desea? 4 English nei
Usted: (Ask for a quarter o;f a kilo of ham.) 5 Postcards.
Vendedor: jamn Serrano o jamn de York?
Usted: (Say York harn.)
Vendedor: Aqu tiene. 1Algo ms? al
\ Exercise 9
Usted: (Say yes. A quarter of a kilo o;f that Manchegan cheese.) Select accordir
Vendedor: Muy bien. lEso es todo? Example: 2Ou'
usted: (Ask if he has butter.) favor.
Vendedor: S, seora. ;Cunta quiere?
Usted: (Ask if he has a packet of 100 grams.) l 2ou peri
2 2au vino
O Exercise 5 Asking about reading matte
Find out if the salesman has the following reading matter.
2au cigar
^'.: LdlJd
L\-2UC -^^^

2ou habil
Example: English newspapers. 2Tiene usted peridicos ingIeses?
I English novels. (\, Exercise f0
2 Spanish magazines. Example: Go ir
3 French newspapers.
4 English books. 1 Send a lettr
5 Italian newspapers. 2 Send a post
3 Park.
t\-, Exercise Buying things 4 Play tennis.
5 Gointhen
Use .pngame' to buy the following.
E'xample: Quarter of a kilo of ham. Pngame Un Cuarto de ki|o de1amn.


I Two kilos of apples.
2 Half a kilo of cheese.
rps. 3 One kilo of peaches.
4 Quarter of a kilo of butter.
rdela tarde. 5 30 litres of petrol.

L Exercise 7 Buying things
Use 'deme' to buy the following.
Example: Five 45-peseta stamps. Deme cinco sellos de cuarenta y cinco pesetas.

rostcards and I A tin of peas.

2 A box of matches.
3 A loafofbread.
to England.) 4 Six 30-peseta stamps.
5 The Times.

e Exercise 8 Finding out whee to buy things

Asklvhere the following things may be bought.
Example: Bread. 2Dnde Se compra e| pan7
Lam, a similar i Miik.
2 Sugar.
3 Stamps.
4 English newspapers.
5 Postcards.

\ Exercise 9 Selecting something

Select according to the cue in brackets.
Example: 2Ou uvas quiere' las verdes o las negras7 (Black) Las negras, por

1 2Ou peridico quiere, e| espao| o el ing|s7 (English)

2 1au vino quiere. el tinto o el b|anco7 (Red)
3 2au cigarrl||os quiere. |os ingleses o los espao|es? (Spanish)
4 2Ou Zapatos quiere' |os negros o los marrones? (Black)
5 2Ou habitacin quiere. |a grande o |a pequea? (Small)

t\-l Exercise I O Finding out how much it costs to do something

Example: Go in. 2Cunto vale entrar?
1 Send a letter to Engiand.
2 Send a postcard to the United States.
3 Park.
4 Play tennis.
5 Go in the museum.


Lista de
1/2 kilo 1

l/2 kilo
O Exercise I t Pointing out what something is like 1/4 kilo


Example: 2Cmo es e| coche de Juan7 (Big) E| de Juan es grande. Total

1 2Cmo es |a mu.1er de Pab|o? (Pretty) Lista de
2 1Cmo son |os hijos de Juan? (Ta11) 1/2 kilo s

3 zDe qu co|or es e| bolso de Marta7 (Green) 1/4 kilo 1

4 2Cmo es la habitacin de Paco? (Small) l/2 kilo l


O Exercise t 2 Pointing out which one you want

E,xample: 2ou co||ar quiere, ste o se? (That one) se'por favor

1 2Ou pendientes quiere, stos o aqu||os? (Those over there). [n tac"-p"

2 2au re|o.1 qu|ere, se o aqu|7 (That one). (Reading exe
3 2au Chaqueta quiere' sta o sa? (This one)'
4 2au ca|cetines qu|ere, stos o sos? 1These).
5 2Ou camisas quiere' sas o aqu||as? (Those over there). eQu recet
Read the fol
Spanish cool,
l ComPrende usted e| esPaol hab|ado? |
below. (You r

(Listening exercises)
Ingredientes -

o Patatas
En el rnercado (1) o Fluevos
a Sal
Listen to the tape and write down what the customer buys and how much of o Aceite l
. Cebolla -
1 En el puesto de charcuteria
2 En el puesto de fruta

En el rnercado (2)
Listen to the tape and select the correct shopping list from the three given. You
will hear a new word .salchichn' Sausage. Don't be put off by the expression
'en lonchas'. It simply means 'in slices'.
Which dish is
Lista de cornpras 1

1/2 kiloham 4000 I Onion sou

1/4 kilosausage 150 2 Spanish or
l/2 kilo cheese 625 3 Scrambled
Total 477 5


Lista de cornpras 2
1/2 kilo ham 2500
1/2 kilo sausage 500
l/4 kilo cheese 250
Total 2750
Lista de cornpras 3
112 kilo sausage 2000
1/4 kilo Manchego cheese 500
1/2 kilo York ham 700
Total 3200

4Comprende usted el espao| escrito?

(Reading exercises)

Qureceta es?
Read the following recipe for a typical Spanish dish taken from a genulne
Spanish cookbook, and then decide which one it is from the selection given
below. (You may need to use your dictionary.)

Ingredientes y cantidades Modo de hacerlo

o Patatas l t/a
kilos 1. Se pelan las patatas, se lavan y se cortan muy
o Huevos 6 finas. Se pica la cebolla muy fina tambin.
o Sai
row much of
o Aceite 1 decilitro 2. En una Sartn Se pone el aceite, y cuando est
caliente se echa la cebolla. Se empieza a cocer y en
. Cebolla 1
seguida se echan las patatas, a las que se aade sal
y Se tapan' movindolas de vez en cuando, hasta
que estn tiernas'
3. Se baten los huevos con un poco de sal y se
hacen dos tortillas a buena lumbre, dndoles la
vuelta en seguida para que se cuaien por un lado.
Se sirven en una fuente grande, una al lado de otra
:e given. You
he expression

shich dish is it?

I Onion soup?
2 Spanish omelette?
3 Scrambled eggs?

(Puzzles) zEt
iQu despistada!
Conchita has been shopping at the market and you can see what she bought in
the picture. Compare her shopping list with the shopping and make a list of the
things she forgot to buy.


Q,uuo ,. |-l,",o' 1 ; Vi,o ;
Dot vasos r'?nodo;Glo; Corr. ;
ra ,; ?astubs) Planzanqs )Qrot; ()vas.
Diatogue 1
The Robinsor
Campo de Cr
have to hire a
enquire how tr
Robert: aEs I


EEn qu Puedo servi|e?

re bought in
Finding out what is possibf e
: a list of the


$ff*o$Kffi' *q#trtrr6lm".
Dialogue 1
The Robinsons decide to leave Toledo and visit the famous windmills at
Campo de Criptana, about 70 kilometrcs to the south-west. To do this they
have to hire a car, and Mr Robinson gocs to the reception desk in the hotel to
enquire how to do this.
Recepcionista: Buenos das, scor Robinson. ;En qu puedo serivirle?
Robert: iEs posible alquilar un coche en Toledo?



K Dialosue 3
The Robinso
car. Mrs Rob
Guardia: Br
-Joan; ;Se pr
Guardia: S
bien aqu
Joan: Graci
Guardia: N,
Joan. Graci
Guardia. D,

Diatogue 4
On the way b
Robert: Pr
Los molinos de Campo de Criptana
Robert: Sr
Recepcionista: S' seor. Puede usted alquilar un coche en la Agencia Robert: No.
Nacional, en la calle de Alfonso XII. Empleado:
Robert: iEst lejos? nFrarf. A nr
Recepcionista: No, seor' muil cerca; a unos quinientos metros del hotel. Fmnlp;rln'
Robert: Gracias. mente a'
Robert: Grz
Dialogue 2 Empleado:
The Robinsons make their r,vay to the car-hire agencv.
Robert: Buenos das. Aqu puedo alquilar un coche, 2verdad?
Empleado; Eso es. ;Para cuntos das?
Robert: Slo para hoy' Quicro visitar 1os molinos de Campo de Criptana.
Empleado: Mu1, bien, scor. iPara cuntas personas? posible
Robert: Para dos; mi mujer -v yo. 1Tiene un coche econmico? alquilar
Empleado: S, scor. E'l Renault 5 es muy bueno y muy econmico. S1o vale el metro
cuatro mil seiscicntas pesetas por da, ms treinta 1, cinco pcsetas por visitar
ki1metro. el molino
Robert; Muy bien. Un Renault 5' por favor. 4Puedo conducir en Espaa con eConmiCo/e
un carnet de conducir ingls? conducir
Emp|eado: Creo que s. iTiene tambin el carnet de conducir internaciona1? el carnet de (

Robert: S' internacional

Emp|eado: Entonces puede usted conducir en Espaa, seor. ;Quiere sen_ dentro de
tarse? Su coche va a estar listo dentro de diez minutos. prohif:ido/a/
Robert: Gracias. preocuparse

1 84 lvlsr'RING SPl'\r1SH
R Diatogue 3
The Robinsons arrive in Campo de Criptana and look for a place to park the
car. Mrs Robinson approaches a policeman.

Guardia: Buenas tardes, seora. 4En qu puedo ayudar1a?

Joan: lSe puede aparcar el coche en esta calle?
Guardia: S, seora. Est prohibido aparcar en la p\aza, pero ei coche est
bien aqu. No se preocupe.
Joan: Gracias. ;Es posible ir en el coche hasta 1os molinos?
Guardia: No' seora. Lo mejor que puede hacer es dejar el coche aqu y subir
andando. No est muv leios.
Joan: Gracias.
Guardia' De nada, seora'

Diatosue 4
On the way back to Toledo, the Robinsons stop for petrol.
Emp|eado; Buenas tardes. 4Qu le pongo?
Robert: Pngame veinte litros, por favor.
Emp|eado: 4Sper, sin p1omo o corriente?
Robert; Sper.
Emp|eado: Ya est. 1A1go ms?
n la Agencia Robert: No, gracias. iCunto es?
Empleado: Dos mil pesetas.
Robert: Aqu tiene. 4Qu hago para volver a Toledo?
tros del hotel. Emp|eado: Coja usted la carretera nmero cuatroclentos uno. Va directa-
mente a Toledo.
Robert: Gracias.Adis.
Emp|eado: Adis' y buen viaje.

posible possible
alquilar to hire, rent
Lico. Slo vaie el metro metre
) pesetas por visitar to visit
el molino windmill
n Espaa con econmico/a/os/as economical
conducir to drive
ternacional? el carnet de conducir driving licence
internaciona l,/es international
listo/a/os/as ready
lQuiere sen- dentro de within
prohibido/a /os/as prohibited, forbidden
preocuparse to worry

-,- QUE

lo mejor the best ZPuedo en

delar to leave No puedo
subir andando to walk up (go up walking) Juan no pt
sper top grade (of petrol) Usted pue
sin plomo unleaded (of petrol)
cornente normal grade (of petrol) ZPuede us
para in order to You saw in Ch
para volver in order to return or allowed:
coger to catch, take
coJa take (imperative) 1Se puede
ta carretera road
directamente directly
(d) Express
You use the

Dos mil pe
(a) Driaing ion np<pl
In Spain you drive on the right-hand side of the road. Main roads are called I

'carreteras nacionales' and are numbered from one to six. They appear in red on
road maps with the numbers Nl to NVl. Motorways are being built to cary the (e) Saying t,
heaviest traffic and these are labelled 'A' on maps for 'autopista'. Distances are
The adjective
measured in kilometres and, since one kilometre is five-eighths of a mile, to

convert from kilometres to miles you divide by eight and multiply by ive' Petrol Z tr5 Lct ll5 t<1

is called 'gasolina' and the petrol station 'la gasolinera'. Both petrol and oil (el iEstn listl
aceite) are sold by the litre and there are two basic grades of petrol, .sper', the Mara no t
top grade, and 'corriente' or 'normal', the lower grade. Unleaded (sin plomo) is . ^L4
2tr51.<1 u)LE
' '.+^

also available. Petrol starions are not so common in Spain as in some other coun-
tries and you need to take care on long journeys that you do not run out ofpetrol.
(fl Indicatir,
E The adjectives
'estar' in spee<
(b) Finding out ushat is possible Prohibido
You use the phrase .2es posible' + the ininitive?: Prohibida
2Es posible alquilar un cocheT Is it possible to hire a car? 2Se puede
2Es posib|e comprar se||os aqu? Is it possible to buy stamps here? N|n a<t r

(c) Finding out if you can do sornething - gra?ntnar ref 7 (ia) (g) Express
The verb 'poder' (to be able, can) is irregular and singular forms are as follows: The form usec
poder to be o.ble, can Lo me;or r

pueoo I can Lo me.1or r

pueoes you can (famiiiar) a Correr

puede he/she can Lo me1or r

usted puede you can (polite) volver e

ZPuedo entrarT Can I come in?
No puedo venir hoy. I cannot come today
Juan no puede conducir. John cannot drive.
Usted puede comprar pan aqu. You can buy bread here.
iPuede usted decirme la hora? Can you tell me the time?
You saw in Chapter 9 that 'se puede' is used to say that something is permitted
or allowed:

2Se puede aparcar aqui? Is parking allowed here? (Can one

park here?)

(d) Expressing 'per' or'a, an' in quantities - grantrnar ref 3

You use the word 'por' to express the following ideas:
Dos mi| pesetas por da. 2000 pesetas per day (a day).
Cien pesetas por persona. 100 pesetas per person.
Cuarenta pesetas por hora. 40 pesetas an hour.
ads are called
pear in red on
It to carry the (e) Saying that sontething or sonteone is ready - grq?7wnar ref 8
Distances are The adiective'listo/a/oslas' is used with the verb 'estar':
of a mile, to
by five. Petrol 2Est |ista |a cena? Is dinner ready?
ro1 and oil (el 2Estn listos mis zapatos7 Are my shoes ready?
l, .sper', the Mara no est |ista' Mary isn't ready.
isin plomo) is .tr5L< u5LcU ||)tU Are you ready?
Le other coun-
out ofpetrol. (fl Indicating that sotnething is prohibited
The adiectives 'prohibido/a/os/as'is used by itself in notices and with the verb
'estar' in speech:
ProhiLrido baarse. Swimming prohibitc.l.
Prohibida la entrada. No entry.
Prohibido acampar. No camping.
r? iSe puede fumar en el teatroT Is smoking allowed in the theatre?
rps here? No, est prohibido. No, it's forbidden.

ef 7 (ia) (g) Expressing ushat is the best thing to do - graTTvnxar ref 2 (oii)
rre as follows: The form used is as follows:
Lo me..1or que puede hacer ... The best thing you can do ...
Lo me,1or que puede hacer es ir The best thing you can do is go
a Correos. to the Post Office.
Lo me..1or que puede hacer es The best thing you can do is
volver a Madria. return to Madrid.


(h) Saying hoza you do sornething 4Ou quit
The action is expressed by a verb and the manner by another verb in the '-ing
[orm: It can be placr
Subo andando. I walk up. (I go up walking.) Nada cor
Sale corriendo. He runs out. (He goes out running.)
or after the ve
No quierc

(i) Further uses of the irrtpersonalforrt 'se' - gratnnlar ref 7 (ii) Similarly, the
and used as a
You saw in Chapters 9 and I 1 some examples of this form:
2Fuma us
Se dice oue no est en Casa. It is said that he's not at home. Nunca.
By adding the pronoun 'me', the form becomes personal: Nunca vo
No voy nt
Se me dice oue no est en Casa. I'm told that he's not at home.
(n) Nouns J
(j) Expres sing po s sibility and irnpo s sibility
Many adjectir
The two adjectives 'posible' and 'imposible' express these two ideas: singular of the

2Es posible hablar con el Is it possible to speak to the Lo me.1or

director? manager? The l:
Es imposible aparcar en el It's impossible to park in the Lo difciI e
centro de Madrid. centre of Madrid. The c
Lo interes
(h) Quontity expressed by the definite article The i;

When in English the indefinite article 'a' or 'an' is used, Spanish prefers the
(o) Further
deinite article:
In Dialogue 3
Ochenta pesetas la botella. 80 pesetas a bottle.
Cien pesetas el metro 100 pesetas a metre. Lo me.;or
Cuarenta pesetas Ia pieza. 40 pesetas a piece. The t
Diez pesetas el paquete. l0 pesetas a packet.
But the verb '

(I) Buying petrol - grsrt?ttxar ref 11 ;D.1eme t

Mi mu..1er
There are three ways of asking for petrol: coac.
L|neme el depsito' por favor. Fill the tank, please. El .1efe no
Pngame treinta litros. Give me 30 litres.
Mil pesetas, por favor. 1000 pesetas'worth, please. 2Me puec

(rn) More negatioes - grattlft?ctr ref 4

In formal speech thanks are often answered with the phrase 'de nada'(not at
ali) and the negative 'nada' is used to express 'nothing':

2ou quiere Usted7 !hat do you want?
Nada. Nothing.
r in the '-ing'
It can be placed before the verb:
nc.) Nada comprendo de este libro. I understand nothing in this book.
rt running.)
or after the verb with 'no'before the verb:
No quiero nada. I want nothing. (I don't want any-

r ref 7 (iii) Similarly, the negative 'nunca' (never) can be placed before or after the verb
and used as a sinsle-word answer:

lFuma ustedT Do you smoke?

me. Nunca. Never.
Nunca voy al cine. I never go to the cinema.
No voy nunca al teatro I never go to the theatre.
(n) Nouns fortned frorn adjectitses - gra?tl??xar ref 2 (aii)
Many adjectives can be turned into nouns by placing 'lo' before the masculine
LS: singular of the adjective:
the Lo me1or es ir a Correos.
The best (thing) is to go to the Post Office.
the Lo difci| es |a gramtica.
The difficult (part) is the grammar.
Lo interesante es el baile.
The interesting (part) is the dance.

e prefers the
(o) Further uses of 'dejar'
In Dialogue ), the policeman says:

Lo me.ior que puede hacer es de-1ar e| coche aqu.

The best thing to do is to leave the car here.
But the verb 'dejar'is also used to express 'leave, let, allow, lend':
1D.1eme en paz! Leave me in peace!
Mi mu,.1er no me de.1a beber My wife does not let me drink
coac' brandy.
El ,1efe no me de.;a fumar. The boss does not allow me to
iMe puede dejar mil pesetas? Can you lend me 1000 pesetas?

tada' (not at


Usted: (Sar
Exercises Empleado:
o Usted: (Sar
The key to these exercises begins on p. 324.


Exerc ise I Asking what is possible

O Exercise
Example: Co

Find out if the following are possible. 1 Smoke.

Example: Hire a car in Toledo. 2Es posible alquilar un coche en ToledoT 2 Leave no
I Buy cigarettes in the hotel.
3 Park here
2 Have lunch at I o'clock.
4 Talk to tl
3 Change travelier's cheques in this bank.
5 $atch te
4 Try on the dress.
5 See some leather handbaes. m Exercise (

$hat is the e

\ Exercise 2 Hiring a car I Cinco mi
Play the part of Robert Robinson in the foliowing diaiogue; find out whether or 2 Mil quini'
not you can hire a car, say it is for one day, for two people and you want an 3 Veinte m
economical car. 4 Cien pesr
Usted: (Say good morning. Ask iJ you can hire a car here.) 5 Ciento ci
Empleado: E'so es. 1Para cuntos das?
Usted: (Say only for today. Say you want to tisit the windmills at Campo de O Exercise l

Cnptana.) Example: Di
Emp|eado; Muy bien, seor. iPara cuntas personas?
Usted: (Say Jor two; your uife and you. Ask if he has an economical car.)
I Breakfasl
2 Lunch.
(- 3 Car.
\ Exercise 3 Part<ing the car
4 Shoes.
Play the part of Joan Robinson in the following dialogue; find out whether you 5 Your wif
can park in this street and whether you can take the car up to the windmills.

Guardia: Buenas tardes, seora. iEn qu puedo ayudarla? m Exercise I

Usted: (Ask if you can park in this street.) Explarn to yt

Guardia: S, seora. Est prohibido aparcar en la plaza, pero el coche est following no
bien aqu' No se preocupe.
Usted; (Say thank you. Ask if it is possible to go in the car as far as the windmilk.) I Prohibid,
Guardia' No. seora. 2 Prohibid,
3 Prohibid
(, Exercise 4 Buying Petol 4 Prohlbid
5 Prohibid
Play the part of Robert Robinson in the following dialogue; buy 20
litres of top-grade petrol and find out the cost. Exercise '
Empleado: Buenas tardes. 4Qu le pongo? Spanish fr
Usted: (Ask or 20 litres, please') Example: 15
Emp|eado: Sper, sin plomo o normal? se pueoe.


Usted: (Say, super.)
Emp|eado: Ya est. ;A1go ms?
Usted; (Sa1t no thank jou. Ask hou much it is.)
Empleado: Dos mil pesetas.

O Exercise 5 Finding out if you can or cannot do something

Example: Come in 2Puedo entrarT
I Smoke.
oledo? 2 Leave now.
3 Park here.
4 Talk to the boss.
5 \atch television.

Exercise Understanding Prices and quantities

What is the employee saying to you?
l Ctnco mil pesetas por da, seor.
rt whether or 2 M|| quinientas pesetas por persona, seor.
you want an l Veinte mi| pesetas Por semana, seor.
4 Cien pesetas por media hora. seor.
5 Ciento cincuenta pesetas por minUto, seor.

at Campo de
(\) exerclse 7 Finding out if something or someone is ready
Example: Dinner. 2Est lista |a cena?

I Breakfast.
2 Lunch.
3 Car.
4 Shoes.
whether you 5 Your wife.
Exercise I Understanding notices
Explain to your companion, who does not speak Spanish, what the
l coche est following notices mean.

rc windmills.)
I Prohibido fumar.
2 Prohibida a entrada'
3 Prohibido baarse.
4 Prohibido aparcar en la plaza.
5 Prohibido el paso.

Exercise 9 Explaining what is allowed in England to a

Spanish friend by answering his questions
Example: 2Se puede Comprar vino en |os cafs en |ng|aterra? No, no
se oueoe.



I 5e puede aparcar en todas las calles en InglaterraT

2 Se puede fumar en los autobuses en Inglaterra? com
3 Se puede comprar cigarrillos en la calle en lnglaterra?
(Listening ex
4 Se puede tomar cerveza en un pub en Inglaterra?
5 Se puede Jugar al golf en lnglaterra?
['{ ]

E Por lqs can

Listen to
m Exercise lO Understanding prices and quantities Spanish towr

How much does the salesman want?
I Veinticinco pesetas el litro.
2 Vale seiscientas pesetas el metro.
lSe puede,
3 Vale cuarenta pesetas la pieza.
1 El par vale diez mil pesetas. Listen to the
5 Son ochenta pesetas |a racin.

Exercise I t Saying'nothing' Quiero alq

Exampie: 2ou hay en la habitacin7 No hay nada Listen to the
1 2Ou quiere usted? I The car-h
2 2au ve usted en la cal|e? (a) Fast (
3 2ou toma usted?
1 2au estudia usted7 2 The wom
5 2ou hace Usted |os domingos?
(a) l0 da
3 In the wo
t\, Exercise t 2 Saying you never do something (a) 4 peo

Example: 1Va usted mucho al cineT No, no voy nunca al cine. 4 The car-h
(a) Renar
I 2Bebe usted mucho vino? (c) Ford,
2 2Fuma usted?
3 iDuerme usted en Ia oficina? 5 The wom
4 (a) Fast
2Visita usted museos?
5 i,Toma usted mucho el solT She inten.
(a) To th
(\ ) Exercise | 3 What ae you allowed to do? 7 The Merc
Example: iPuede usted fumar en la cama7 (a) 5700
(Mu_1er) No, mi muJer no
me deja fumar en la cama. 8 The car-h
I 2Puede usted dormir en la oficina? (Jefe) (a) 5.00
2 lPuede usted estudiar en casaT (Hr.;os)
3 2Puede usted beber coac? [Doctor)
4 1Puede usted salir con rubiasT {Mu-1er)
5 aPuede usted ir al bar? (Marido)


comprende usted e| espao| hab|ado?
(Listening exercises)

Por las carreteras de Espaa
Listen to the tape and write down as numbers the distances siven between
Spanish towns.

lSe puede o no?
Listen to the tape and write down what is or is not allowed.

Quiero alquilar un coche

Listen to the tape and select the correct answer from the ones supplied.
I The car-hire company is called:
(a) Fast Cars (b) Reliable Cars (c) Madrid car-hire
2 The woman would like to hire a car for:
(a) l0 days (b) 2 weeks (c) 3 days
3 In the woman's party there are:
(a) .1 people (b) 3 people (c) 5 people

4 The car-hire agency has:

(a) Renault, Seat and Ford cars (b) Seat, Ford and BMW cars
(c) Ford, Mercedes and Seat cars
5 The woman insists that the car be:
(a) Fast (b) Comfortable (c) Spanish
6 She intends to go:
(a) To the north of Spain (b) To the south of Spain (c) To France
7 The Mercedes costs per day:
(a) 5700 pesetas (b) 5900 pesetas (c) 5500 pesetas
8 The car-hire agency is open until:
(a) 5.00 (b) 5.30 (c) 6.30


2comprende usted el espao| escrito?
(Reading exercises)

Ej &'
Por Ias carretergs de Espaa frT
w {-F
Look at these roadsigns seen in Spain, and write down what you think they
mean. (You may need to use your dictionary.) pffi$

NO APARCAR ffiffiffiYffiXffi
AI/ISAMOS GRUA PffiHffiffi&3*X&ffi KM ffiI
pffiH*Tn ffi$trmw&-ffiffi
ffiM MtKffiffi p&tr &tr

(Ctno se

Se dice 'la
pt$vlsl0llAl Look at the tr

the Spanish r

w f-
w:"*qil*s., # {#



\ s*Krns.

think they

pnl{lgtun Ln lJEtTn
j lgllsuufu0s llEuros
ffi pENsl0Nlili
m&_ ffi&Lut DE
':.8 ..'
.' n&' &
I$1ffiffi t0

3ffi *{3

,battery' en espaol?
1Crno se dice
Se dice ,lg batera,.
Look at the picture of the car below and try to match up the letter on the car to
the Spanish words given in the list on the next page. (You may need to use your

t \_r
N K\


(a) Tyre (D Exhaust pipe
(b) Steering wheel (g) Bonnet (hood)
(c) \Xl'indscreen (h)

Windscreen wiper
(d) Bumper (fender) (i) Headlamp
(e) Boot (trunk) (t) Headrest
Vocabulary as follows'
1 El tubo de escape
2 El limpiaparabrisas
3 El reposacabezas
4 El volante
5 E| neumtico
6 El parabrisas
7 El parachoques
8 El maletero
9 E| cap
10 El faro

El Rastro

R 1

The Robinsc
with Mara
decided to ur

Mara: cQu
Joan; Me i



2ou vas a hacer?
Making plans

'$ w.."
#\ ,.. ,

ffi** . i.
! -
t#'.. '.:,:.'
.tp *'

El Rastro

R 1

The Robinsons are back in Madrid, and Joan Robinson is planning an outing
with Mara Lpez. Now that they know each other fairly well, they have
decided to use the familiar form of address.
Mara: 2Qu vas a hacer el domingo por la maana, Juana?
Joan: Me gustara visitar el Rastro, ese mercado grande que hay aqu en
Madrid. iPuedes ir conmigo?


Mara: S, con mucho gusto. Suelo ir a misa a las ocho pero estoy libre a partir
de las nueve y media. ;Dnde nos vemos?
Joan: Delante de mi hotel a ias nueve y media. lTe parece bien?
Mara: Me parece estupendo. Hasta el domingo entonces.
Joan: Adis. Hasta el domingo.

Dialogue 2
Robert Robinson rings Juan Lpez at his office.
Secretaria; Dgame.
Robert: oiga' 4Est el seor Lpez?
Secretaria: ;De parte de quin, por favor?
Robert: Soy el seor Robinson.
Secretaria: iAh, seor Robinson! S, el seor Lpez est. Un momento' por
favor. Ahora le pongo.
Juan; Hola, Roberto. ;Qu tal lo pasaste en Toledo?
Robert: Muy bien, gracias. Oye, Juan, .eStS libre maana por la tarde?
Juan: S, creo que s. Tengo que trabajar hasta la una' pero entonces estoy
libre. ;Por qu?
Robert: 4Por qu no jugamos un partido de golP
Juan: Muy bien. ;A qu hora quedamos? Ministt
Robert: A las tres, si te va bien. Te espero delante de mi hotel, si quieres.
Juan: Vale, hasta maana entonces.
Robert: Adis, hasta maana.
la maana
Dialogue 3 gustar
me gustar;
After the excursion of Joan and Mara to the Rastro, the Robinsons and the
el mercado
Lpezes meet up for lunchtime drinks. conmrgo
Juan; ;Qu otras ciudades vais a visitar? con mucho
<nler /rrel
Robert: Pues yo tengo que volver a Inglaterra la semana que viene.
Mara; Hay que visitar las ciudades del sur; Sevilla, Granada, Crdoba. Son suelo ir
la misa
todas muy hermosas.
Joan: S, me gustara mucho visitar Granada. Muchos turistas van a Granada, 2dnde nos
Juan: S, sobre todo en los meses de julio y agosto' pero no te preocupes, estupendo/
Juana, hay muchos hoteles muy buenos en Granada y es una ciudad muy decir (i)
grande. digame
Robert: Muy bien. Vamos a ir a Granada, entonces. or
Joan: Y luego vamos a volver a Madrid y os lo vamos a contar todo antes de otga
volver a Inglaterra. 2de parte dr

Mara: Un brindis por nuestros amigos ingleses: salud, amor y pesetas ... y poner
lp nnnnn
buen viaie a Granada.
2lo pas '..?


ibre a partir

mento) por

onces estoy

Ministerio de Informacin y Turismo


la maana mornlng
gusrar to please, like
rns and the me gustara I'd like
el mercado market
conmigo with me
con mucho gusto with great pleasure
soler (ue) to be accustomed to
,rdoba. Son suelo ir I'm accustomed to going, I usually go
la misa Mass
ver to see
a Granada,
adnde nos vemos? where shall we meet? (where shall we
see each other?)
preocupes, estupendo/a/os/as fine, great
:iudad muy decir (i) to say, tell
digame hello (answering the phone)
or to hear
do antes de oiga hear, hello (when speaking on phone)
2de parte de quin? who's calling
lesetas ... y poner ro pur
le pongo I'il put you through
pasar to spend time, pass
1|o pas ...7 did you enjoy (spend your time) ...?


maana tomorrow Voy a vi
tener que to have to Vas a cc
tengo que trabaJar I have to work Juan va
el partido game, round (of golt) Usted vi
La qU hora quedamos7 when shall we meet? Vamos i
ir to go Vais a v
te va bien it suits you (it goes well with you)
la semana que viene next week
nay que it is necessary, you, one must, ought (c) Talhb,
The seconr
el sur
beautiful friends, me
tourist ends in '-s':
el,/la turista
sobre todo above all
..1ulio July Comes r
a9osro August qu
os you (familiar plural pronoun)
contar (uel to teil, relate The plu
antes de before
el brindis toast, drink to someone's health 2Fumis
nuestro/a/os/as our Comis
la salud health 2,A qu
et amor love
(d) Sayin,
'T-ha.'prh (n
Explanations please me):

(a) Using the telephone 2Ouiere

S, me g
Using a private telephone in Spain is exactly the same as in any other country Me gust
and you simply dial the number you require. Telephone kiosks in the street are
marked .Te|fonos' and in some towns there are telephone centres which are
similarly marked. Some kiosks are for local calls only and these are marked (e) Ashinl
'Conferencias urbanas': others, for iong-distance calls, are marked 'Con' joins r
'Conferencias interurbanas'; and those for all types of calls, including interna-
tional ones, are marked 'Conferencias internacionales'. The dialling tone is a 2Ouiere
continuous buzz, he ringing tone is a single continuous note and the engaged
tone is a single, repeated note. til7hen answering a phone, you normally say (fl Sayinl
.Dgame' and the speaker will reply ,oiga, and may identifiz himself with the
phrase .Soy yo, Paco Martnez', for example. If you have to identifu yourself the You can exp
person answering wiil ask: .2De parte de quin7' and you answer this by saying
Por lo g
'De parte del' and your name.
A more eleg

td the singular
Suelo cc
(b) Expressing future intentions - grqttxT?xsr ref 9 I us'
You indicate your future plans by using the verb 'ir a' + infinitive. The parts of 2,{ que 1

the verb included here are:


2oo MASTERING s.PlN/s1

Voy a visitar Sevilla. I'm going to visit Seville.
Vas a comprar un sombrero You're going to buy a hat.
Juan va a llegar a las tres. John's going to arrive at 3 o'clock.
Usted va a salir maana. You're going to leave tomorrow.
Vamos a visitar Granada. IJe're going to visit Granada.
Vais a visitar Inglaterra. You're going to visit England.
I you)

st, ought (c) TalkinS to friends - gratwTtsr ref 7(i)

The second person singular or plural of the verb is used to talk to
friends, members of your family and children. The singular form always
ends in '-s':

iFumas mucho? Do you smoke a lot?

Comes demasiado. You eat too much.
n) 2A qu hora sa|es de casa7 $7hat time do you leave home?
The plural form always ends in '-is':
ralth 2Fumis mucho? Do you smoke a lot?
Comis demasiado. You eat too much.
2A que hora sa|s de casa7 What time do you leave home?

(d) SayinS u;hot you r.uould like to do - grarrtrnar ref 14

The verb .gustar' is used in the form .me gustara' - I would like to (it would
please me):

2Ouiere usted visitar el museoT Do you want to visit the museum?

5, me gustara mucho Yes, I'd like to.
rer country
Me gustara bailar. I'd like to dance.
e street are
which are
Lre marked (e) Asking sorneot e to sccorttpony you.
e marked
'Con' joins with 'mi'to form the word 'conmigo':
ng lnterna-
g tone is a 2Ouiere usted ir conmigo? Do you want to go with me?
re engaged
'rmally say (f) Saying ushat you usually do
:lf with the
,ourself the You can express your habits by using 'por lo general':
s by saying
Por lo general como a la una. Usually I have lunch at I o'clock.
A more elegant way is to use the verb 'soler', which changes to 'suelo', etc. in
the singular forms and is followed by the infinitive:
Suelo comer a Ia una.
I usually have lunch at I o'clock.
'he parts of 1A qu hora suele l|egar el tren7
$7hat time does the train usually arrive?


No sueles beber vino. Lverdad? (h) Sayin,

You don't usuallv drink wine. do vou? grarnTnsr
You use the
(g) Arranging to rneet
Hay qu<
To establish the place use the phrase ,2Dnde nos Vemos7': Hay qut

2Dnde nos Vemos7 Where shall we meet?

Delante del hotel. In front ofthe hotel. (l) Month
To establish the time use the phrase ,2A qu hora quedamos?': enero
2,A qu hora quedamos? What time shall we meet?
A las tres y media. At 3.30.
(h) Expressing sn opinion about the arrange?nents - gra?rr??rar ..1unio
ref 14
Months are
To ask a friend's opinion of the time and place you say'2Te parece bienT': express 'the
A las dos en el hotel. At 2 o'clock in the hotel. El prime
;Te- r'"
c' n:rprp hpn7 Do you agree? On
Me parece bien. I agree.
(Note that '<

With strangers, the pronoun used is 'le':

El tres d
A las tres en mi oficina. At 3 o'clock in my office. Onr
2Le parece bien? Do you agree?
You can ask and answer these questions with the verb 'valer': (tn) Refer
A las siete en el bar. iVale? At 7 o'clock in the bar. OI(? The verbal p
S, va|e. Yes, OI(. place):
El lunes
(i) Asking if sorneone had a good tinte - gram,nqr re 16(i) Nex
La sema
The past tense of the verb 'pasar' (to spend) is used with the pronoun 'lo':
2Lo pasaste bien en ToledoT Did you have a good time in Toledo? El veran
(Did you spend it (time) well in Nex
5, |o pas muy bien. Yes, I had a very good time.
(n) Expre
(j) SqyinS you haoe to do - gratn??xar ref 15 You use 'anl
Ouiero r
You use the verb 'tener que' + infinitive:
Esta maana tengo que trabajar. This morning I have to work.
2Tienes que ir a casaT Do you have to go home?
Juan tiene que estudiar esta tarde. John has to study this evening.
Usted tiene oue volver a las dos. You have to come back at 2 o'clock.

(k) SayinS ushot it is necessary to do or ushat one ought to do -
gra??x?nar ref 10
You use the form 'hay que'+ infinitive:
Hay que conocer Sevilla. One ought to know Seville.
Hay que salir a las tres. It is necessary to leave at 3 o'clock.

(l) Months of the year

enero .1ulio January July
febrero agosto February August
marzo setiembre March September
abril octuDre April October
mayo noviembre May November
a77L7tLAr -1unio diciembre June December
Months are written with a small initial letter. 'El primero' may be used
'ien?': express 'the first', but all other dates are expressed with cardinal numbers:
El primero de mayo voy a Pars.
On the first of May I'm going to Paris.
(Note that 'on' is never translated in a date.)
El tres de abril voy a Roma.
On the third of April I'm going to Rome.

(rn) Referring to next useeh, tnonth, year, etc.

'? The verbal phrase 'que viene' can be used to express 'next' in time (but not in
El lunes que viene voy a Madrid.
; (i) Next Monday I'm going to Madrid.
La semana oue viene Vamos a Pars.
Next week we're going to Paris.
n Toledo? E| verano que viene voy a Espaa.
well in Next summer I'm going to Spain.

(n) Expressing 'before' in tirne

You use 'antes de' * infinitive:
Ouiero ver Sevilla antes de volver a Inglaterra.
I want to see Seville before returning to England.

I o'clock.


(o) Our - grs??t?tlar ref 2(ia) E]
The possessive adjective 'nuestro' has four forms: Exercise
Nuestro coche es amarillo. Our car is yellow. Play the pi
Nuestra habitacin es muy bonita. Our room is very nice visit the Re
Nuestros amigos son muy Our friends are very nice Mara: .C
simpticos' Usred: (5
2Dnde estn nuestras maletas? Where are our suitcases? Madric
Mara: Cr

Usted: (S
Mara: M
(p) Talking obout the future Exercise
You can use the future tense to talk about the future. This is formed from the
infinitive with the following endings in the singular: Play the pe
free tomorl
Llegare el lunes que viene. I'11 arrive next Monday.
L|egars a |as dos You'll arrive at 2 o'clock. Usted: (S
Juan ||egar4 ms tarde' John will arrive later.
Juan: S,
Usted l|egar a las cinco. You'll arrive at 5 o'clock. Usted: (A
Juan: Mu
Some verbs are irregular, with a change in the stem: Usted: (S
Salir hotel, iJ
Sa|dr a las Cuatro. l'll leave at 4 o'clock.
Vendr e| martes que viene. I'll come next Tuesday. Ask your fr:
Example: F
No podr venir. I shan't be able to come. I Saturda
2 Sunday
Lo sabr maana. know tomorrow.
3 Thursd:
4 Next wt
Poner 5 Next M
Pondr |a ma|eta en |a habitacin. I'11 put the suitcase in the room.
Tener Exercise
Tendr que trabajar maana. I shall have to work tomorrow. Answer the
Decir shown in th
Lo dir a Paco maana. I'11 tell Frank tomorrow. Example: 2l

Exercises I ile gust

2 2Le gust
a The key ro rhese exercises begins on p. 326.
3 2Le gust


\ Exercise I Making plans
Play the part of Joan Robinson in the following dialogue; say you would like to
visit the Rastro and arrange to meet in front of the hotel at 9.30.
Mara: 4Qu vas a hacer el domingo por la maana, Juana?
Usted: (Say yot,t uould like to z;isit the Rastro, that big market that there is here in
Madrid. Do you uant to come with nte?)
Mara: Con mucho gusto. .Dnde nos vemos?
Usted: (Say in front of your hotel at 9.30. Ask if that is ail right.)
Mara: Me parece estupendo.

\ Exercise 2 Arranging to meet
:d from the
Play the part of Robert Robinson in the following dialogue; find out if Juan is
free tomorrow afternoon and arrange to play golf at 3 o'clock.

Usted: (Say listen Juan, are you free tomorrou afternoon?)

Juan: S, creo que s. ;Por qu?
Usted: (Ask why you don,t pla1t a game o.f sol.)
Juan: Muy bien. ;A qu hora quedamos?
Usted: (Say at 3 prn if that's ctll right. Say you will wait for him in .front of yottr
hotel, if he wishes.)

O Exercise 3 Finding out what people intend to do

Ask your friend what he is going to do.
Example: Friday morning. 2ou vas a hacer e| Viernes por la maana?
1 Saturday evening.
2 Sunday morning.
3 Thursday afternoon.
4 Next week.
5 Next Monday afternoon.

\ Exercise 4 Saying what you would like to do

'row. Answer the following questions, taking your cue from the ticks and crosses, as
shown in the example.
E'xample: .Le 9Ustara ViVir en Espaa? S, me gustara.
5, me gustara mucho'
X No' no me gustara.
XX No' no me gustara nada
1 2Le gustara visitar To|edo7 ul
2 2Le gustara ser dentista7 x
3 ale gustara Ver |a te|evisin?
' '

()UVAs A HACER? 2o5

4 cine? x x
2Le gustara ir a| l 2Cundo
5 iLe gustara escuchar un disco7 2 2Cundo

t\ ) Exercise 5 Saying what you usually do 4 1Cundo
5 2Cundo
Example: Por lo general como en casa. Suelo comer en casa
I Por lo general ceno a las seis.
f Pnr |a nanara| ||fo a casa a |as diez.
3 ( , Exercise f
Por lo general no salgo por la tarde. \
4 Por |o generaI cojo e| autobs. Example:2Cr
5 Por lo general traba_yo mucho. vrernes que !

l 2ou da
\\ Exercise Saying what you have to do 2 2Cundo
Explain that you cannot join in with the proposecl activity, giving as your reason 3 2Cundo
the cue in brackets. 4 2Cundo
Example: 2Vamos al cineT (Work) No puedo porque tengo que traba..lar 5 2Cundo
1 lVamos al I>ar? (Study)
2 2Vamos al cineT (Go back to the office) t\, Exercise f
3 lVamos al teatroT (See your wife) Example: Vol
4 iVamos a la discotecaT (Write a letter)
5 2Vamos de comprasT (Wait for your son) 1 Voy a apr
2 Vas a ver
7 3 Juan va a
u\I Exercise Saying what one ought to do 4 Usted va i
Example: Visit the cities of the south. Hay que visitar las ciudades del sur. 5 Voy a resr
1 Visit Toledo.
2 Buy bread.
Go shopping.
Get to know Madrid. R Ec"-pr.
5 Change some traveller's cheques. (Listening exr

O Exercise 8
Example: 12 March
Dates from you diary
- dinner with John. El doce de marzo voy a cenar con
r iQu Quier.

I l4 February - visit Toledo. Listen to the

2 l0 August - work at home. answering the
3 25 March - disco with Mary. 1 Which dal
4 I May - dinner with Martha. 2 Are they n
5 ll October-buyacar. 3 Where do
4 What is th

O Exercise 9 When are you going to do it?

Example: 2Cundo va usted a Visitar Francia? (Next year) Voy a visitar Francia
When is o
Where an<

e| ao oue viene'


1 2Cundo Va usted a comprar el cocheT (Next month)
2 2Cundo Va usted a visitar el museo? (Next $ednesday)
3 1Cundo Va usted a ver a don AlfonsoT (Next week)
4 2Cundo va usted a terminar el traba,.1o7 (Next Friday)
5 2Cundo Va usted a ir de comprasT (Next Saturday)

O Exercise I O Talking about the future
E'xample: 2Cundo ||egar Usted a Madrid? (Next Friday) L|egar a Madrid e|
viernes que viene.
l 2Ou da vendr usted a cenar Conmigo? (Next Thursday)
2 2Cundo visitar usted mi Casa en Granada? (Next summer)
'our reason 3 2Cundo sabr usted e| precio? (Tomorrow afternoon)
4 2Cundo podr usted arreg|ar el coche7 (Next Tuesday)
rbaJar. 5 2Cundo comprar usted el tocadiscos7 (Next Monday)

t\',) Exercise t I Talking about the future

E'xample: Voy a char|ar con mis amigos. Charlar con mis amigos
1 Voy a aprender e| francs.
2 Vas a ver la televisin.
I Juan va a ayudar a su muJer.
4 Usted va a tomar el sol en la Playa.
et sur. 5 Voy a reservar una habitacin para quince dias.

2Comprende usted el espao| hab|ado?

(Listening exercises)

cenar con
tQu quieres hocer?
Listen to the tape and write down what the speakers are planning to do by
answering the questions in English.
1 Which day of the week are they talking about?
2 Are they making plans for the morning or the afternoon?
3 !here do they arrange to go?
4 What is that exactly?
5 $hen is one ofthe speakers free?
6 $7here and when will thev meet?
itar Francia



When and
At what tir
iQu te gustara hacer? 3 $7hat doer
4 How long
Listen to the tape and answer the questions in English. 5 Name the
I shich day are the speakers talking about? 6 What doer
2 $7hat concerns the woman? 7 What wou
3 What does she suggest because of this? 8 How does
1 Where might they go?
What will the water be like? Select the word she uses from the following.
(a) fra (cold) (b) fenomena| (terriic) (c) fresqusima (very fresh)
b Which famous Spanish monastery does the man suggest they visit? lRomoecal
7 At what time do they agree to meet?
8 W'here do they agree to meet? (Puzzles)

2Comprende usted el espao| escrito? Cada oaeja

Match up a p
(Reading exercises) reasonable ser
1 Si hace bu
Una carta de Lolo 2 Si llueve
Read Lola's letter and answer the questions in English. 3 Si hace fr,
4 Si hace so
5 No suelo I

fJ,adrid, tz cle Seylienbre 6 Si me llarr


0 uer ido anilo:

| Te ux,ib ho,a Parq cle..;,te lo 9ue me .:,usarahorcr en mi lConoc esE

l v.sio a 4u p|or",,Jaldre de a91u,o !o, o' dz lola,de ,1eln..]e All of these pl
,j ||ey,e. o. Lond,es q /qs c.*e{.o 1c{iez.Ve,drs a
l se/;."b'e',.o
I b,j,,*,, .,iop,,rto,c,verdad ? 1 2Est To|e
l?;;,; po*, ,,o,' 1,i,n dro5 con,9o on (o ,ca1;!d .)e L. :trnntlr

I r"o1o|e,ra 1 ne q.;+qt.-q visi.|or jodis os si4;os de in*es 3 2En qu c

l g,,Yond,,,-J!o1/," d" Londtes, e( ?oIa,o de Buc<nqhqm, 4 2Dnde h
! 5 1En qu c
,Q t-luseo Bril,inico y l" ?hza de Tr"7olq,r. 6 2En que p
Aro uq saks, no /rrrlo Lebx nucho', pse'o me 1'sta'ia nrJcho

o-o. i,no (?ez^ en ub de eso-s 7o^osos,7ub' que,lienes en I

nqlqter,". S g"e Io pr[ m,',j bien contiqo 11 me hore mrho.
.7a ;12los.per1;do l
il'*;;" rnsar qL ,,1. ') 7.onto
,0 l

\an1)oi"iones'. Un ab.azo rnv; f uerte-t

-L J,Lo

I When and at what time will Lola leave Soain?
2 At what time will she reach London?
3 What does she hope you will do?
4 How long can she stay with you?
5 Name the places she would like to visit.
6 What does she not usually do very much?
7 $7hat would she like to do and where?
8 How does she jokingly describe the English?

nr frech)
,'isit? omPecabezas

Cada ozseja co?r str pareja

Match up a phrase from the first column with one from the second to make a
reasonable sentence.
I Si hace buen tiempo (a) ir a| cine.
2 Si llueve (b) tomar el sol en e| jardn.
3 Si hace fro (c) pero hoy tomar un coac.
a Si hace sol (d) sa|dr a| campo con mi amigo'
No suelo beber mucho (e) vendr a buscarte en mi coche
'n bre 6 Si me ||amas por telfono (0 me pondr e|abrigo.

1Conoces Espaai
7e l ae
,drs a All of these places have been named so far in the book, but where are they?

l 2Est Toledo en el centro de Espaa o en el norte?

.1e 2 2En qu ciudad est el Metro?
in*ers 3 2En qu ciudad hay un A|czar famoso7
t:3no,m /
4 2Dnde hay unos mo|inos famosos7
5 2En qu ciudad est e| Rastro7
6 1En qu parte de Espaa estn Granada' Sevil|a y Crdoba?
t t]ch
nes e4



Revision and self-assessment 6

How do

test for Chapters | | -l5

$7hat ar
8 Which c
9 $7here v
l0 When w

Administer the test and mark it in the manner outlined for earlier tests (see
pages 66-68).
@ @) At the
$7rite down
cost to post t,
Section t Dependienta
Read the interview or listen to it on the cassette. If vou have the cassete do no
Usted: (Ask
read the interview.
Usted: (Ask
Interzsieus usted: (4sk
Hombre: 4Qu te gusta hacer los fines de semana?
Mu_1er: Todo depende del tiempo. Si hace buen tiempo me gusta dar un paseo
por el campo' pefo si hace fro, me gusta ir al cine o al teatro. @ @) Hiring
Hombre: ;Por qu no Vamos al cine el sbado que viene? Write down r
Mu.1er: 4Qu ponen? for a week an
Hombre: No s. Voy a mirar la gua de espectculos. Mira; hay una pelcula Empleado:
estupenda en el cine Capitol. ;Quieres ir? usred: (Ask
Mu'1er: 1A qu hora empieza? Empleado: S
Hombre: La sesin de la tarde empieza a ias siete y la de la noche a las once. Usted: (Sor
;Qu sesin prefieres? Empleado:
Mujer: La de la tarde. No me gusta ir a la cama tarde. pesetas p
Hombre: Muy bien. La sesin de la tarde, entonces. 4Dnde nos Vemos) y a
qu hora?
Mu,ier: Delante del cine a las siete menos cuarto. iTe parece bien? @ @) Lihes,
Hombre: Me parece muy bien. Hasta el sbado, entonces. \X/rite down I
Muier: Adis. Hasta el sbado.
I 2Le gus
2 2Le gus
@ Questions 3 2Ou |e
Now write down the answers to the following questions. 4 ile gus
5 2Dnde
1 What does the man want to know? .Le gus
2 $7hat affects the woman's leisure activities? 7 2Le gus
3 $7hat does she do if the weather is fine? 8 2ou |e
4 And if it's cold? 9 1Le gus
5 \X/hat does the man suggest?
l0 2Ou le

2 1 o MASTERING sPl^'1.S1
nt 6
How does he find out what is on?
What are the times of the two performances?
8 Which one does the woman choose and whv?
9 Where will they meet?
l0 When will they meet?

Section 2
iier tests (see
,4 k) At the Post Office
Write down what you would say to find out how much postcards and letters
cost to post to England and to obtain ten 45-peseta stamps.

Dependienta: Buenos das. ;Qu desea?

rassette do not
Usted: (Ask how much it costs to send a postcard to England.)
Dependienta: Una tarjeta postal vale cuarenta y cinco pesetas.
Usted: (Ask how much a letter costs.)
Dependienta: Una carta vale cuarenta y cinco pesetas.
Usted: (Ask or ten 45_peseta stamps.)
dar un paseo ,g ft) Hirins a car
$rite down what you would say to find out if you could hire a car) to hire one
for a week and to find out how much it will cost.
'una pelcula Emp|eado: Buenos das. iBn qu puedo servirle?
Usted: (Ask if yu can hire a car here.)
EmpIeado: S. iPara cuntos das?
he a las once. Usted: (Sall or a week' Ask how much it costs per day')
EmpIeado: Vale cuatro mil seiscientas pesetas por da, ms treinta y cinco
pesetas por kilmetro.
ls vemos, y a
(9 @) Lihes, distikes and preferences
\X/rite down genuine answers to the following questions.

r, ZL
.' ^qu5l<' d U)tc(
.,--^J el vino?
z ''
LL^qL/)tdl I -
d "'-ed los calamaresT
3 2ou le gusta ms' el vino o |a cerveza?
4 2Le gusta visitar museosT
5 1Dnde le gusta pasar sus Vacaciones7
6 1Le gusta a su marido {mu..1er) el calorT
7 2Le gusta a su marido (mujer) ir de comprasT
8 2ou |e gusta ms a sU marido (mu.'1er)' tomar el sol o dar un paseo?
9 2Le gustara vivir en Espaa?
10 2ou |e 9Ustara ms' visitar Un museo o ir aI teatro7



(b) Hiring a
Marl< Scheme
2Puedo a
o Section I Para una
2 marks per correct answer (maximum 20)
(c) Likes, di
a Section 2(a) ( mpn
4 marks per correct answer (maximum 12) (
2 mon
. Section (2b) 3 Me gust
.1 marks per correct answer (maxin'rum 8) 4 S, me g
a Section (2c) 5 Me gust
2 marks per correct answer (maximum 20) 6 Si. le gu
7 S, le gu
Maximum total 60 8
| ^ ^,,-+-
L gu)tc
9 ( mpn

Se/y' asses s rnent grades 10 Me gust

Over 50 excellent
30 50 satisfactory
Under 30 need for careful revision

Section 1

l $hat the wornan likes to do at the weekends.

2 The weather.
3 She goes for a walk in the country.
4 She goes to the cinema or the theatre.
5 He suggests they go to the cinema on Saturday.
6 By looking at the entertainments guide.
7 7 pm and 11 pm.
8 She chooses the evening performance because she does not like to go to
bed late.
9 In front of the cinema.
10 At 6.45 pm.

Section 2
(a) At the Post Office
2Cunto vale mandar Una taUeta posta| a |ng|aterra?
iY una carta?
Derne diez sellos de cuarenta y cinco pesetas.

21 2 MASTERING 5-PlN1s1
(b) Hiring a car
2Puedo a|qui|ar un coche aqu?
Para una semana' 2Cunto va|e por da?

(c) Likes, dislikes and preferences

1 S' me gusta e| vino. No, no me gusta e| Vino.
2 s, me gustan |os ca|amares. No, no me gustan |os Ca|amares.
3 Me gusta ms e| vino/|a cerveza'
I Si. me gusta visitar museos. No, no me gusta visitar museos.
5 Me gusta p.lsar mts vacaciones en + namc of couniry.
6 s' le gusta el calor. No. no |e gusta e| Ca|or.
7 s, |e gusta ir de compras. No, no le gusta ir de compras.
8 Le gusta ms tomar e| so|/dar Un paseo.
9 S, me gustara vivir en Espaa. No, no me gustara vivir en Espaa
10 Me oustara ms visitar un museo,/ir al teatro.

ike to go to



Joan. S, cla
Mara. Y, ;te
4Visitaste la catedral? Joan: Me gu
Mara: 1Corr
)oan: S. Fu
Roberto c
Talking about the past - | Mara' Entot
Joan: S, lo 1

Dialogue 2
Before leavinl
chats to the hr

Robert: Voh
rlLl y l..

Robert: S, r
Robert: S. I
en el Circ
e@ est delar

Robert: .D
golf. Hast

El Rastro

Diatogue I
Joan Robinson and Mara Lpez stroll through the Rastro chatting about Joan's
visit to Toledo. They pause near one of the stalls.
Maria: Mira, Juana, ciento vcinte pesetas. Es una ganga.
Joan: Lo sicnto. Maria' pro no comprendo. ;Qu quicre decir .una ganga'?
Mara: Es una cosa que eS muv barata como ese peine.
-Joan: Ah' s. Ahora comprendo.
Mara: 4Visitaste la catedral en To1edo? La catec

Joan: S, claro. Fui dos veces.
Mara" Y, ite gust?
-joan: Me gust mucho.
Mara: 4Compraste algo en Toledo?
Joan: S. Fui con Roberto a una fbrica de artesana y compr un monedero.
Roberto compr muchas cosas: un broche, unos pendientes y un collar.
Mara,' Entonces 1o pasaste bien en ia antigua capital de Espaa, iverdad?
Joan; S, 1o pas muy bien; es una ciudad encantadora.

H Diatosue 2
Before leaving to meet Juan l-tipez for their round of golf Robert Robinson
chats to the hotel reccptionist.

Recepcionista: iCundo volvi usted de Toledo, seor Robinson?

Robert: Volv anoche' Cog el tren de las diecisiete horas y 1legu aqu a ias
siete y media.
Recepcionista; ;Le gust Toledo?
Robert; S, me gust mucho.
Recepcionista: iComi usted perdiz a la toiedana, ese plato tpico de To1edo?
Robert: S. Fui a comer un da a la Venta del Aire, ese restaurante muy buencl
en el Circo Romano.
Recepcionista: Me parece quc Su amigo acaba dc llegar, seor Robinson. Ah
est delante del hotel.
Robert: 4Dncle? No le veo. Ah s, es mi amigo Juan Lpez. Vamcls a jugar al
golf. Hasta luego.
Recepcionista: Hasta luego, seor Robinson'

rbout Joan's

nr oe n or')

La catedral en Toledo



g Diatosue 3 tocar
me toca a mi
on the golf course Juan Lpez questions Robert about his trip to Toledo. qanar
Juan: lFuiste a los molinos en Campo de Criptana? ya vers
Robert: S. Alquil un coche y pas todo un da en Campo de Criptana.
Juan: ;Te gustaron los molinos?
Robert: 1Flombre, clarol Son parte de la historia de Espaa, 4no?
Juan: 4Qu otras cosas viste? iVisitaste el museo del Greco? Explanat
Robert: S' fui un da con Juana, pero el gua nos habl en espaol muy
damcnte y no comprend mucho.
Juan: 1Qu lstima! Los cuadros del Greco son muy famosos y muy preciosos.
Robert: S, ya lo s. Bueno, me toca a m jugar, 4no? Voy a ganar' ya vers. (o) Talking
The form of tt
used to talk ab
Vocabulary regular verbs

ta ganga bargain Contprar

comprender to understand Compr u
no comprenoo I don't understand fnmnr:<fr
querer {ie) decir to mean' signi Marta con
2qu quiere decir? what does it mean? Usted con
ra cosa thing t-ert verb
como like, as
el peine comb Comer
la catedral cathedral Com bier
ta vez trme, occasion Comiste n
oo5 veces twlce Juan com
algo something, anything Usted con
|a fbrica factory
la artesana handicraft
el monedero purse Salir
la capital capital Sa| a |as r
encantador /a/es/as charming Saliste a lz
anocne last night Pablo salir
la perdiz a la toledana partridge dish typical of Toledo Usted sali
el plato dish, plate
la venta inn Notice that
acabar de to have just (done something)
acaba de llegar he's just arrived
le him (direct object pronoun) (b) Spellinl
hasta luego see you soon
ra parre part Verbs which e
la historia history to preserve thr
rpidamente quickly
|a |stima pitv L|egu a I

t ^^-^+^
;qu lstimaI what a pity! L|c9c1)t

el cuadro picture, painting Pagu mi

famoso/a/os/as famous Pagaste n

tocar to be someone's turn
me toca a mi it's my turn
Toledo. ganar to win, earn
ya vers 5,ou'll see

ol muy rpi-

ruy preciosos.
r' ya vers. (a) Talhing about the past - gra?n?tlqr ref 16(i)
The form of the verb you have seen in the dialogues is the preterite tense and is
used to talk about single actions or events in the past. The singular forms of the
resular verbs are as foilows:
t-art verbs
Comprar To btty
Compr Un monedero. I bought a purse.
Compraste un collar. You bought a necklace (familiar).
Marta compr un broche. Martha bought a brooch.
Usted compr unos pendientes. You bought some earrings (polite).
t-ert verbs
Comer To eat
Com bien' I ate well.
Comiste mucho. You ate a lot (familiar).
Juan comi ma|. John ate badly.
Usted comi poco. You ate little (polite).
Salir To leaz;e, go out
Sa| a |as nueve' I left at 9 o'clock.
Saliste a las diez y media. You left at i0.30 (familiar)
Pab|o sali a |as doce y cuarto Pablo left at 12.15.
foledo Usted sa|i a |as cinco y Veinte. You left at 5.20 (polite).
Notice that '-er' and '-ir' verbs have the same cndings.

rn) (b) Spelling changes - gratn?trar ref 16(ii)

Verbs which end '-gar' add 'u' after the 'g' before an ending beginning with 'e'
to oreserve the sound found in the infinitive.

L|egu a las diez. I arrived at I 0 o'clock.

Llegaste tarde. You arrived late.
Pagu miI pesetas. I paid 1000 pesetas.
Pagaste mucho. You paid a lot.



(c) Saying that you liked sornething - granunar ref 14 (h) Referrin
re 5(i)
The verb 'gustar' is used and only the third person singular and plural are
needed: Two pronouns
2Le gust |a comida? Did you like the meal? (Did the meal
please you?) Lo
S' me gust mucho. Yes, I liked it very much. Ya lo s'
ile gustaron los cuadros? Did you like the pictures? 2El bolso?
S, me gustaron bastante. Yes, I quite liked them. Le
No le veo.
(d) Saying that you enjoyed yourself - grat?L7nsr ref 16(i) 2Juan7 Le t

Notice that pro

The verb 'oasar' is used with the Dronoun 'lo':
4Lo pas bien en To|edo? Did you have a good time in Toledo?
(Did you spend time well in
S' lo pas muy bien' Yes, I had a good time.
(i) Tolhins t

The verbs four

number of cor
(e) Saying ushere you usent group changes
The verb 'ir' (to go) is used and is irregular. The forms of the singular are as Andar
follows: Anduve pc
Fui a Toledo. I went to Toledo. Anduviste
Fuiste al cine. You went to the cinema (familiar). Juan andu
Juan fue al teatro. Usted andt
John went to the theatre.
Usted fue a Londres. You went to London (polite). Similar ver
(fl Saying zuhat you haae just done - gra,rtlmsr ref 17 Condu_.1e b
The verb used is 'acabar de' in the present tense + infinitive: D1e la ver<
Acabo de llegar. I've just arrived. Estar
Acabas de ver a Mara' You've just seen Mary (familiar). Estuve en
Pepe acaba de salir. Joe has just left. Hacer
Usted acaLra de lugar al tenis. You've just played tennis (polite). Hice much
Note: Hizo
@) Sayinq thot it is your turn No pude v
The verb used is 'tocar' and it behaves just as 'gustar' does: Puse la ma
Me toca pagar. It's my turn to pay. Producir
Te tocajugar. It's your turn to play (familiar). Produ-1e ur
Le toca salir. It's his/her turn to leave. Ouerer
Le toca a usted pagar It's your turn to pay (polite). No quise s


1 (h) Referring to things and people using pronouns - grann?nsr
ref 5(i)
.nd plural are
Two pronouns are found in the dialogues and refer to the following things or
Did the meal
Lo It (masc. sing.)
l. Ya |o s' I already know it.
s? 2E| bo|so? Lo compr ayer. The handbag? I bought it yesterday.
LE Him
No t" u"o. I can't see him.
1Juan? Le vi anoche. John? I saw him last night.
Notice that pronouns are usually placed before the verb.

re in Toledo?
:ll in
(i) Talhing about past - granutlsr ref 16(io)
The verbs found in Section A are regular with the exception of ir' (to go)' A
number of common verbs are irregular but do follow a pattern. One major
group changes both the stem and the endings, following this pattern:
ingular are as Andar To walk
Anduve por la calle. I walked along the street.
Anduviste por el parque. You walked through the park.
(familiar). Juan anduvo por el mercado ]ohn walked through the market.
Usted anduvo por |a exposicin. You walked through the exhibition.
rllte). Similar verbs are:
Conducir To driae
Condu.;e bien. I drove well.
Decir To say
Dr1e la verdad. I told the truth.
Estar To be
:amiliar). Estuve en Pars. I was in Paris.
Hacer To do, make
s (polite). Hice mucho traba1o. I did a lot of work.
Note: Hizo mucho traba1o. He did a lot of work.
Poder To be able, can
No pude venir. I could not come.
Poner To put, place
Puse la maleta en la cama I put the suitcase on the bed.
Producir To produce
niliar). Produye un peine. I produced a comb.
Ouerer To wish, want
ite). No quise salir. I did not want to go out.


Saber To know ( ) Exercise 4
No lo supe. I did not know it. \
Tener To haae
Play the part
Tuve que volver. hired a car ar
I had to return.
Traer To bring Juan: iFuis
Traje a mi hermano. I brought my brother. Usted: (Sal
Venir To conte Juan; aTe g
Vine deprisa. I came quickly. Usted: (Say

O Exercise 5
Reply to the f
Example: 2Or
a The ke1 to these exercises begins on p. 328.
1 2Dnde
2 1au co
3 2Cunto
1au ha
Exercise t Finding out what something means 5 2Aqu t
Play the part of Joan Robinson in the following dialogue; find out whar 'una 6 iou tot
ganga'means. 7 2Cunto
8 2A quir
Maria. Mira, Juana, ciento veinte pesetas. Es una ganga. 9 2Ou vis
Usted: (Sa1l you are sony) Mara' but 1ott do not understand. Ask uhat ,una
10 2ou esr
Maria: Es una cosa que es muy barata, como ese peine.
Usted: (Say ah ys. Iow you understattd.) e Exercise
Examples: 2C,
(l Exercise 2 Saying where you went and how you lit<ed it LE:
\ I 2Vio ustec
Play the part of Joan Robinson in the following dialogue; explain that you wenr
twice to the cathedral and enjoyed it. 2 2Comi us
3 1Volvi us
Mara: 1Visitaste la catedral en Toledo? 4 2Sali uste
Usted: (Sayl'res, of course. You tuent tuice.) 5 aBebi ust
Mara.' Y, 1te gust?

Usted: (Say ltou liked ir a lot.)
Exercise 7

O Exercise 3 Saying when and how you got back and how
you lil(ed a place
Example: The
I Cinema/lar
Play the part of Robert Robinson in the foliowing dialogue; explain that you 2 Markethi
returned last night on the 17.00 train, arrived at7.30 pm and enjoyed Toledo. 3 Shopping/1
4 Discotheqr
Recepcionista: ;Cundo vcllvi usted cie Toledo, seor Robinson? 5 Cathedral/'
Usted: (Say you returned last night. Yott caught the 17.00 trairt and arriz-ted here
at 7.30.)
( ) Exercise 8
Recepcionista: ;Le gust Toledo? \
Usted: (Sayye.s, you liked it a bt.) Repiy to the fo


\ Exercise 4 Saying where you went and how
Play the part of Robert Robinson in the following dialogue; explain that you
hired a car and spent the day at Campo de Criptana.
Juan: lFuiste a los molinos en Campo de Criptana?
Usted: (Sayyes. You hired a car and spent a whole day in Campo de Cnptana.)
Juan: aTe gustaron los molinos?
Usted: (Say of course. Thejt are part of the history o;f Spain, aren't they?)

( ) Exercise 5 Saying what you did

Reply to the following questions in the affirmative.
Example: 2ou a|quil usted? 2Un coche7 5' alquil un coche.
1 2Dnde aparc Usted7 2En |a p|aza?
2 2au compr usted? 2Un peine7
3 2Cunto pag usted7 Zciento veinte pesetas7
4 tau hab| usted? 2Espao|?
5 tA qu hora ||eg usted a casa7 2,A las nueve7
6 1ou tom Usted en e| bar? 2Una cerveza?
t what 'una 7 2Cunto pag usted7 2Cien pesetas7
8 zA quin invit Usted7 2A su amigo?
9 2ou visit usted? 1La caLedra|?
k what 'una l0 2Ou escuch usted por |a tarde? 1Discos de msica clsica7

\ e*"'cise Saying what

Q you did o did not do
E'xamples: 2Cogi Usted e| autobs? (S) S' cog el autobs.
2Escribi Usted |a carta? (No) No, no escrlb |a Carta
ked it
l 2Vio Usted |a televisin? (Si)
rat you went
2 2Comi usted bien? (No)
3 2Vo|vi Usted anoche7 (5)
4 2Sa|i usted a |as once7 (Si)
5 iBebi usted horchata7 {No)

o\ Exercise 7 Saying whee you went' when and with whom

Exampie: Theatre/yesterday/wife. Fui al teatro ayer con mi mu1er
d how
1 Cinema/lastnighfriend.
2 Markethis morning/husband.
ain that you
'ed Toledo.
3 Shopping/yesterday/son.
4 Discotheque/this evening/sister.
5 Cathedral/yesterday morning/daughter.
I arrbed here

(\) Exercise 8 Saying what has just happened

Reply to the following questions in the affirmative.



Example: 2LIeg Juan? S, acaba de l|egar. Exercise t

1 2Sali Marta? The followin
2 LEntr su marido7 Example: S'
3 1Vo|vi eI gua? l S, anduv
4 1Pag Paco? 2 S, puse
5 2L|eg |a prensa extranJera?

3 No,nop
4 S, |o sup
O Exercise 9 Saying whether you liked something or not
Examples: 2Le gust la catedra|? S, me gust mucho.
5 S' estuve

S, me gust.
X No' no me gust.
XX No' no me gust nada
1 (Listening er
2Le gUSt |a comida7 X
2 1Le gust |a ensa|ada? ui 7'
2Le gustaron las chuletas?
2Le gust el he|ado? 7
xx [4
5 4Le gustaron los entremeses? , , Lo siento,
Listen to the
(\ ) Exercise t O Finding out if it3 your turn
Example: Pay. 2Me toca pagar?
I Play. Listen to the
2 Leave. what she bot
3 Buy.
4 Listen.
5 Speak.

E 1Qu hicis
Listen to the
) Exercise t t A day in your life The worr
Answer the following questions in the affirmative. (a) last S
The man
L tA qu hora sa|i usted de casa7 2,A |as ocho? (a) atac
2 2Cmo fue a su traba1o? 2En coche7 The mus:
3 tA qu hora l|eg a su traba.1o7 iA las nueve? (a) classi
4 2au dr'1o Usted a sus amigos7 2Buenos das? The conc
5 2Hizo mucho trabajo? (a) in tht
6 2Dnde comi? 2En casa? The man
7 2Tuvo que trabajar mucho por la tarde? (a) with
8 1Tra1o ms traba;o a casa? The worr
9 1Vio |a te|evisin por la tarde7 (a) to dir
10 2'A qu hora se fue a |a cama7 iA las once? In the en
Now repeat the exercise but this time give genuine answers. (a) toac


Exercise l2 Asking what people did
The following are the answers. What were the questions?
E'xample: S' tra';e a mi hermano. 2Tra1o usted a su hermano?
1 S' anduve por e| parque.
2 S, puse la ma|eta en la habitacin.
3 No, no pude comprenderle.
4 5' lo supe ayer'
not 5 S. estuve en Mlaga e| mes pasado.

2Comprende usted el espao| hab|ado?

(Listening exercises)

Lo siento, pero no cornprendo

Listen to the tape, decide what Joan's problem is and how it is resolved.

Listen to the tape and write down in English where Joan went in Toledo and
what she bousht rhere.

eQu hiciste el dom.ingo pasado?

Listen to the tape and select the correct answer from the ones supplied.
1 The woman rang the man:
(a) last Saturday (b) last Friday (c) last Sunday
The man was out:
(a) al a concert (b) shopping (c) visiting his mother
The music he was listening to was:
(a) classical (b) jazz (c) folk
The concert was:
(a) in the open air (b) in a concert hall (c) in a bar
The man went to the concert:
(a) with his wife (b) with two friends (c) with four friends
The woman rang the man to invite him:
(a) to dinner (b) to go into the country (c) to go to a disco
In the end, she went:
(a) to a disco with friends (b) shopping (c) to see her mother



. ffi:i:;t:ti*b*ffi

2Cornprende usted el espaol escrito?

(Reading cxercises)
Read these signs seen in Spain and write down what they mean in English. BffiA'
ffi:.':r1:l:f;1 i$


ffitrffi ;l
x*xgmm ffit ffifrffi&#*
Mnf*nruA or 7 3S a !3 3S
J& e-

&[*mry rytrffi ;:

[RsE pc ]s a l 3*
&-&.ffi' ff

ff mwmefuffiffi& a n$}{nffi


frffi#Tflffi&{$ $:*B S &&Y &

s- $*&m * *& ,&ffixmffiT{&
T&nO &S, XEffi& i


A p{ $ry*effi

etr pffin{#ffi


L English.

{:e${$qffiYffi& #ffiffiTe#-t
&e- ff&Kfr$ pffi$tr
l&ffiffiffiffiffifu&- &
tues'ffi& e*. ffiffi &_ tr38&
e$&t$*ffi & pffiffi&
, ,&ffi! ffiYffi

ffiffi X-**m.

&ffi 10




E Tall
De oacgcxoTres
Where did these people go on holiday. Rearrange the anagrams to find out
where they went. All the places you need (and some you do not) are found on
the map below.
I Me gusta el calor. Fui a la ASOCTDELSOL.
2 Me gusta e| esqu. Fui a |os R|PNoiES.
3 Me gustan |os monumentos rabes' Fui a DRANAGA'
4 Fui a visitar a mi amigo cata|n que vive en CLANBoREA.
5 Me gustan mucho |os teatros y los museos. Visit DIRAMD.
6 l\4e encanta el paisale verde. Fui a ACIGALI. Dialogue
K 1

Joan Robinsc
meet up to dir
Mara: iQu
-Joan: Los er
Mara: S, m
"/Yln" Joan: No m
Mara: iQu
. Dialogue 2
Barcelona S,/ ,n
Joan wants to

j zt p..'
\ o Madrid Joan: iCom
Maria: S. S
\ Compr e

) //-< Joan: A ver.

Varencia A 7 Mara: Quin
7 \o
Dialogue 3
Robert Robin
o Granada on the table,
Costa del Sol Robert: .D
Juan: ;Ests
Camarero: S


4compraste algo?
Talking about the past - Z
to find out
rre found on

K 1

Joan Robinson and Mara Lpez separate in the Rastro market and ]ater
meer up to discuss their purchases. Joan has bought some pictures of Madrid.

Mara: 1Qu cuadros ms bonitos! ;Dnde los encontraste?

Joan: Los encontr en un puesto en aquella calle. ;Te gustan?
Mara.. S, me gustan mucho. iCunto te costaron?
Joan: No mucho' Slo quinientas pesetas cada uno. Una ganga, .no, Mara?
Mara: 1Qu pronto aprendes! 1Y qu bien hablas el espaol, Juana!

R Diatosue 2
Joan wants to know what Maria has bought.
Joan: gCompraste algo?
Mara: S. Sub por aquella calle y encontr un puesto de joyas antiguas.
Compr esta sortija vieja. E,l vendedor me dijo que e s de1 siglo pasado.
Joan: A ver. S, eS muy bonita. 4Cunto te cost?
Mara: Quince mi1 pesetas, pero eS de oro.

Dialogue 3
Robert Robinson has a slight mishap in the golf c1ub. He leaves his sun glasse s
on the table, goes to the bar with Juan and, when he returns, the glasses have
Robert: 4Dnde estn mis gafas de sol? Las dej aqu en ia mesa'
)uan.. ;Ests seguro? E'spera un momento. Voy a llamar al camarero. ;Oiga'
Camarero: S, seor. 2Qu quiere?



Juan: ;Vio ur
Camarero: S

ffi' &:Lffi Mire; ah t

Robert: Muc

K 4
Robert approa
Robert: Perd

en la mesa
Joven: ;Qui
Robert: Pero

donde las
ffi Joven: ;Dn

&" Pero, ;dr
& Robert: Me
ffi t
i*ffi Joven: 4Qu.
Robert: ;No

encontrar (ue]
el puesto
"i$ costar (uel
!i :n| | r^nt^|

i: aprender
;qu bienI
ij la loya
]l la sortr..ya
.,:^i^ /- r^- r--
vtr:)u/ d/ u>/ d>
el vendedor
el siglo
t^- ^-c^- Uc )^ -,
|<1) LJC|<1) )L
el compaero,
nace un mom
la terraza
estar equrvoc.
usted est eqL
En el Rastro mio/a/os/as

22B 'VISZ'RING s?lN1sH

Juan: iViousted unas gafas de sol? Mi compaero las dej aqu en esta mesa'
Camarero: S' seor, las vi. Hace un momento entr un joven y las cogi'
Mire; ah est en |a terraza.
Robert: Muchas sracias.

Diatogue 4
Robert approaches the young man on the golf club terrace.
Robert: Perdone, seor. Me parece que usted cogi mis gafas de sol' Las dej
en la mesa en el bar.
Joven: tQu? No, seor. Est usted equivocado. Estas gafas son mas'
Robert: Pero son gafas inglesas. Mire, seor, llevan el nombre de la tienda
donde las compr en York.
Joven; ;Dnde? Ah, s, ahora lo veo. Perdneme' Seor. Las cog sin pensar'
Pero, ;dnde estn mis gafas entonces?
Robert: Me parece que estn ah en el bolsillo de su chaqueta, seor.
Joven: ;Qu? iCaramba! Tiene usted razn. Perdneme, seor.
Robert: 1No hay de qu, seor!

encontrar (ue) to find, meet
los them (direct object pronoun) masc.)
el puesto stall (in a market)
costar (uel to cost
pronro soon, quickly
;qu pronto! how soon, quickly!
aprender to learn
iqu bienI how nice, goodl
la loya jewel
la sortua rlng
vielo/a/os/as old
el vendedor salesman
el siglo century
pasado/a/os/as past, last
|^. ^--. tcl)
tcr) 9ct
uE )ul sun glasses
el compaero/|a compaera companlon
ta5 them (direct object pronoun, fem.)
.'1oven,!venes young
el .1oven young man
nace ago
nace un momento a moment ago
Ia terraza terrace
estar equivocado/ a/ os/ as to be mistaken, wrong
Usted est equivocado/a you're mistaken, wrong
mo/a/os/as mine


llevar to bear, carry, wear (of clothing) Costar
sin pensar without thinking 2Cunto
el bolsillo pocket Llegar
la chaqueta jacket
2A qu h
lcarambal gosh! blast!
tener razn to be right
usted tiene razn you're right (d) Refern
;no hay de qu| don't mention it, it doesn't matter
The adjective
| |ant t a|
l .^m|
LV^ LVr I rPl

Explanations Sali pari

Fui a Gra

(e) Saying
(a) Giaing exclantqtory opinions
You use 'hac
The form you use is .1qu' + noun + .ms' + adjective!
Sali hac
;Ou cuadros ms bronitos| V7hat pretty pictures! Llegu h
;Ou comida ms barata! What a cheap meal! Le vi hac
iOu hombre ms tonto| $7hat a stupid man!
iou chicas ms guapasI tX/hat pretty girls!
(f) Sayins
To exclaim how nice, expensive, etc. something is, the form is similar: about it
1ou tontoI How stupid! (of a male) Estar seq
1ou tontal How stupid! (of a female) No estoy
1ou baratol How cheap! (of a masculine object) nomDr
1ou carosI How dear! (of masculine objects)
Estar eol
1ou preciosasl How beautiful! (of feminine objects)
1ou bien lo hace usted! How well you do it! r-L^., ^^,
tr'5tuy L1|

Tener ra;
(b) Referring to things using pronouns - gratn??Lar ref 5(i)
Usted tie
In Chapter 16 you saw the use of the two pronouns'lo'and'le'. Two further
direct object pronouns are found in this chapter and are used to refer to plura1
(g) Sayins
masculine or feminine objects:
The possessi'
Los Them (masc. pl.)
you own som
2los cuadros7 Los compr en The pictures? I bought them at that
ese Duesto. stall. 1Es ste l

Las Them (fem. pl.) Is thi

2Mis gafas? Las de.1 en la mesa. My glasses? I left them on the table. 2Es sta:
Is thi
(c) The third person plural of the past tense of regular '-ar' 2Son st<
Are t
z;erbs - grq?tl?nar ref 16(i)
1Son st.
The ending '-aron' is added to the stem of the verb: Are t


Costar To cost
2Cunto costaron? How much did they cost?
Llegar To arriae
2,{ qu hora ||egaron? !hat time did they arrive?

(d) Reerring to last useek, rnonth, etc.

The adjective 'pasado' is placed after the noun:
Llegu e| |unes pasado. I arrived last Monday.
Lo compr |a semana pasada' I bought it last week.
Sa| para Sevi|la e| mes pasado He left for Seville last month.
Fui a Granada el ao pasado. I went to Granada last year.

(e) Saying that sornething happened a certain tirne ago

You use 'hace' followed bv the relevant expression of time:
Sali hace una hora. He left an hour ago.
L|egu hace tres dias' I arrived three days ago.
Le vi hace un mes. I saw him a month ago.

() Soyins that you are sure of sornething, or right or 7Drong

about it
Estar seguro/a To be sure ('segura' is the feminine form)
No estoy seguro {segura) de su I'm not sure about his name.
oblect) nomDre.
Estar eouivocado/a To be mistaken, urong ('equiz;ocada' is
the feminine form)
Estoy equivocado (equivocada) I'm mistaken.
Tener razn To be right
Usted tiene razn' You're right.
fwo further
fer to plural
@) Saying you ouJn sornething _ gra?n?7lar re 5 (iii)
.eS' and .son' to Say that
The possessive pronoun .mo' is used after the verb
you own something:
r at that
2Es ste su bo|so? S' es mo.
Is this your handbag? Yes, it's mine.
re tabie. 2Es sta su maleta? S, es ma.
Is this your case? Yes, it's mine.
'-QTt 2Son stos sus guantes? S, son mos'
Are these your gloves? Yes, they're mine.
2Son stas sus gafas? S, son mas'
Are these your glasses? Yes, they're mine.

Notice that the possessive pronoun agrees with the thing described and not with Suyo
.mo' is preceded by the definite article. .e|', Esta ma
the possessor. Elsewhere the word
'la'r'los'r'las': Any ambigu
steno es mi bolso. El mo es rojo. Esta mal
This isn't my handbag. Mine is red. Esta mal
Esta no es mi maleta. La ma es marrn. Esta mal
This isn't my case. Mine is brown.
stosno son mis guantes. Los mos son grises.
These aren't my gloves. Mine are grey.
stasno son mis gafas. Las mas son ing|esas.
These aren't my glasses. Mine are English. Exercisr
(h) Saying you did sornething usithout thinhing, uishing to, etc. o The kqt to

You use the word 'sin' + infinitive:

Lo cogr sin pensar. I picked it up without thinking.
Lo beb sin querer. I drank it without wishins to.
O Exerci sef

E Play the part

the pictures r
(i) Regular '-er' and '-ir' aerbs in the third person plural in the Maria: iQut
pas t tense - gratwtlar ref 16(i) Usted: (Sat
The ending '-ieron' is added to the stem of the verb:
Mara: S, n
Usted: (Sar
2ou recibieron? What did they receive?
2A qu hora prometieron ||egar? $7hat time did they promise to arrive?
Exercise 2
(j) Irregular aerbs in the third person plural in the psst tense - it cost
grst?t?nar ref 16(ia)
Play the part
Most of the irregularverbs found in Chapter l6 also have the ending'-ieron': what it cost.
No hicieron nada. They did nothing. Usted: (Ask
Estuvieron en Valencia. They were in Valencia Mara: S, cl
The exceptions are those which have a J' at the end of the stem these end in Usred: (say
'-eron': Mara: Quin
No dr.;eron nada. They said nothing.
Condu.1eron mal. They drove badly.
Tra.ieron a su madre. They brought their mother

(k) SayinS that things belong to other people - grsttt?trcrr ref S(ii)
The relevant possessive pronouns are:
Tuyo Yours (familiar)
Este bolso es tuyo, 2verdad? This handbag is yours, isn't it?
Mi regin es ms bonita que My region is prettier than yours.
la tuya.


rd not with Suyo His, hers, yours (polite)
.. Lr!r!t
L, t
Esta maleta es suya. This case is his.
Any ambiguity is resolved by using the relevant pronoun:
Esta maleta eS de |. This case is his.
Esta maleta es de ella. This case is hers.
Esta maleta es de usted. This case is yours.

g to, etc. a The key to these exercises begins on p. 330.

to E
O Exercise t Saying where you found something
Play the part of Joan Robinson in the following dialogue; say where you found
the pictures and how much they cost.
I in the Mara: 1Qu cuadros ms bonitos! ;Dndc los encontraste?
Usted: (Say yotr found then ort a stall in that street. Ask if she likes them.)
Mara: S, me gustan mucho. iCunto te costaron?
Usted: (Sa1 rnt mttch. only 500 pesetas. A bargain isn't it, Mara?)
:o arrive?
Exercise 2 Finding out what your friend bought and what
tense - O it cost
Play the part of Joan Robinson; ind out if your friend bought anything and
'-ieron': what it cost.
Usted: (Ask if Mara bought anything,)
Mara: Si' compr esta sortija vieja.
rese end in Usted: (Say let's see. Yes, it's aay nice. How much did it cost?)
Mara: Quince mil pesetas, pero eS de oro'

ref s(iii)




--) Exercise 3 Finding out what happened to something you 3 1Cundo s

|eft on a tab|e 4 2Cundo fl

aqu en |a mesa.
5 2Cundo p
Example: 2Dnde estn mis gafas de so|? Las de.1

( )
lr., \ Exercise 7
Example: iCu
hace dos das.
l 4Cundo v
2 2Cundo c
3 1Cundo p
4 1Cundo tt
5 1Cundo ft

\ Exercise 8
Examples: Mat
Toledo est
l El espao|
2 Hace calor
\ Exercise 4 Giving exctamatory opinions 3 Los espac
Comment on the quality of things and ask where your friend found them. 4 Franco vivi
Example: Pretty pictures. 1ou cuadros ms bonitos! 2Dnde los encontraste? 5 El Talgo es

I Cheap brooches. 6 Strong brandy.

2 A handsome man. 7 A cheap present. (\, Exercise 9
3 Typical postcards. 8 Comfortable shoes.
4 An interesting book. 9 Beautiful earrings. Example: 2Es c

5 Excellent ham. 10 A charming ring. r

atr) uE u)LE
. r. ^

2 de Ust

,.ar'verbs 3
Exercise 5 Using the third Peson P|ual of regular
2Son de us
2Son de us
Example: Costaron miI pesetas, 2verdad? (200ol No. Costaron dos m| pesetas. 5 zEs de ust
1 Llegaron a las ocho, 2verdad? (Las nueve.)
2 Aparcaron en la plaza, 2verdad? {La calle)
Alquilaron el coche en Madrid, 2verdad? (Toledo)
Hab|aron ing|s, 1verdad? (Espaol)
O Exercise t O
because yor
5 Reservaron una habitacin con bao, 1verdad? (Ducha} Example: lEs

.\') Exercise Referring to last week' month' etc. 1 2Es de uste

2 2Es de uste
Example: 2Cundo ||eg usted7 (Tuesday) L|egu e| martes pasado. 3 lSon de us
1 2Cundo ||eg usted7 (Thursday) 4 2Son de us
2 2Cundo Visit usted To|edo7 (\eek) 5 2Es de uste


rg you 3 2Cundo sa|i usted de Madrid? (Month)
4 |Cundo fue usted a |ng|aterra7 (Year)
5 2Cundo pas usted sus vacaciones en Mlaga? (Summer)

O Exercise 7 Saying how long ago something happened

Example: 1Cundo compr usted e| broche? {Dos das) Compr e| broche
hace dos das.
I 2Cundo vio usted a Juan? (Tres horas)
2 2Cundo cambi usted |os cheques? (cuatro das}
3 2Cundo pag usted |a cuenta? (Cinco minutos)
4 2Cundo termin usted e| traba1o? (Un mes)
5 2Cundo fue usted a| cine? {Una semana)

a Exercise 8 Am l ight or wrong?

E,xamples: Madrid es |a capita| de Espaa. Usted tiene razn.
To|edo est en la Costa' Usted est equivocado.
1 E| esoao| se hab|a en |a Amrica de| Sur.
2 Hace calor en lnglaterra en el invierno.
3 Los espaoles no Comen pan con la comida'
them. 4 Franco vivi en Esoaa.
ncontrasteT 5 El Talgo es Un tren espaol.

L\- Exercise 9 ls this yours?

E'xample: 2Es de usted este paue|o? S, es mo.

I 2Es de usted esta novela?

2 2Es de usted esta revista?
-ar'verbs 3 iSon de usted estos guantesT
4 2Son de usted estas gafas?
mil pesetas. 5 2Es de usted este collar?

t O Explaining that something cannot be yours

e Exercise
because yous is different
Example: 2Es de Usted este bo|so? (Green) No, no es mo. El mo es
I 1Es de usted esta toalla? (White)
2 2Es de usted este brocheT (Of gold)
3 2Son de usted estos zapatosT (Black)
4 2Son de usted estas revistasT (English)
5 ZEs de usted este monederoT (Of leather)


t\) Exercise I t What did they do?

Example: iDnde estuvieron? (BiIbao) Estuvieron en BiIbao'
I zA quin tra.ieron? (Su hermano) Listen to the
2 1Cmo condujeron? (Bien)
3 2ou dt.'1eron? (Nada) I $7here dic
4 2ou hicieron7 {Mucho traba-1o) 2 In which r
5 2ou se pusieron7 (La chaqueta) 3 What did
4 Why did t
t\') Exercise t 2 Saying that things belong to other PeoPle 5 Name twc
6 What did
Example: Mis caIcetines son de Iana. (Ni|n) Mis caIcetines son de |ana, pero 7 \What has
Ios tuyos son de ni|n'

1 Mi casa est en York. (Nueva York)

2 Mis hryos son estudiantes. {Hombres de negocios) .comPe
3 Mi falda es de a|godn. (Lana)
4 Mis discos son de msica c|sica. {Msica popu|ar) (Reading exer
5 Mi fami|ia est en |ng|aterra. {Espaa)

O Exercise l3 Saying that things belong to other peoPle

Rephrase the following sentences using pronouns for the articles and people in
Tclbln de a
Read the smal
then answer tl
the second half of the sentence.
Example: Aqu est mi impermeab|e, pero, 2dnde est e| impermeab|e de 1 You wou
usted7 Aqu est mi impermeab|e, pero, 2dnde est e| de usted7 2 You neec
l Aqu est mi muJer' pero, 2dnde est |a mu.1er de Juan7
3 You have
2 Aqu estn mis padres' pero, 2dnde estn |os padres de Juana?
4 You wanr
3 Aqui est mi traJe. pero' 2dnde est el tra..1e de Paco7
5 You neei
1 Aqui estn mis panta|ones, pero, 2dnde estn |os panta|ones de Mara?
6 You wou
5 Aqui est mi camisa, pero, 2dnde est |a camisa de usted?
7 You wan
October r

8 You
iComprende usted e| espaol hablado?
are r
washing r
(Listening exercises)
9 You wish
l0 You are a

En el Rastro
Listen to the tape and write down what the speaker bought, where she found it,
how much it cost and what it is made of.

Listen to the tape and write down the name of the object being argued over,
where it was left and how ownership is proved.


lCorrtpraste algo?
Listen to the tape and answer the questions in English.
I $7here did Marisa go shopprng?
2 In which street in particular?
3 $7hat did she buy there?
4 Why did this take a long time?
DPle 5 Name two of the three things she bought in the market?
6 What did the specialist shops sell?
) lana. pero 7 $7hat has she bought for rhe man?

u ;Comprende usted el espao| escrito?

(Reading exercises)

oPle Tabln de anuncicls

Read the small advertisements from a Spanish newspaper on the next page and
rd people in
then answer the questions by selecting the correct advertisement.
rmeable de 1 You would like to learn Spanish dancing.
2 You need to work as a free-lance English translator.
3 You have a room to let with access to cooking and clothes-washing faciii-
4 You want to learn to drive.
de Mara?
5 You need to have some photocopies made.
6 You wouid like to learn Italian.
7 You want to follow a good qualty course on nutrition and health in
October or November.
8 You are a girl looking for a room in a flat with central heating, TV and a
washing machine available to you.
I You wish to rone up in a gym.
10 You are a girl looking for a room in a flat in the city cenrre.

she found it,

argued over,



3 SE busca chica para compar- f APRENDE a conducir en Au-

tir piso. Habitacin individual, to-Escuela Las AlPujarras. Jun-

ecomica' soleado' calefaccin to a Alsina. Paseo Ronda' 95
:entral. teIevisin, lavadora. Matrcula: l5'000 ptas.
Junto Trfico. C/. Tibnidas'
| " B_ q cLAsES de baile espaol. In.
'2- '----
b SE alouila habitacin doble eresados llamar al
para seritas. Piso soleado y
cntrico. con telfono v lavado- h CURso de nutricin y salud.
ra. Llamar al 264142.- De carcter oficial, reconocido
oor la Universidad de Granada.
En octubre y noviembre. Razn
en Facultad de Medicina.
c TRADUCC|ONES en ingls.
Precio econmico. Telf .:
i COPTSA fotocopias, calidad,
d SE dan clases de italiano. Li- rapidez, prestigio, planos. C/.
cenciado nativo. Pregunta por Sol,5. Telf.:27991l.
Livio. Llamar al telfono
2959991 o C/. Lavadero de la i GIMNASIo Bodv chic. Aero-
Cruz. 7. 1.". Junto S. Juan de -bic,
gim-jazz, mntenimiento,
Dios. musclacin artes marciales,
culturismo, sauna, asesoramien-
to diettico' Nva. de San Antn,
23, Te|.: 25602o.
e CHICO busca Piso de estu-
diantes Dara el prximo curso.
Dov 18.00 ptas. mximo. Pido
hatitacin individual. aseo. coci-
na, lavadora Y a ser Posible cer-
cano a Ciencias. Llamar al
9s8/7 lol l l.


Sopa de letras: en el Rostro

Hidden in the Wordsquare below are ten things you might buy in the Rastro
market. Can you find them? (They are ail positioned either horizontally or

OELCAMI SA triatogu
C R I P S NB OR K Dialogue 1
UFZLEOR CT Joan Robinsc
AUDISCO SE she finds the
DMKTOVS WR Dependiente
R E L OJ K R IA Joan: Habl
OB S OR T I JA no est a
S OMB R E R OL Dependiente
DMALETA PI .loan: Era r,


2ou deseaba?
Describing things in the past



. the Rastro
izontally or

R 1

Joan Robinson saw a blouse in a shop and returns later to buy it. Flowevcr,
shc flnds the window display has been changed.
Dependiente: Buenos das, seora. aQu dcseaba?
.)oan: Haba una b1usa en cl escaparate que me gustaba mucho, pero ahora
no est all.
Dependiente: iUna blusa, seora? iCmo era?
Joan: Era roia v amarilla.



Dependiente: Y, ;dnde estaba exactamente?

Joan: Estaba a la derecha del escaparate. Vocabular
Dependiente: A ver si mc acuerdo ... 4E'ra de algodn o de 1ana?
Joan: Creo que era de algodn y vala diez mil pesetas' oesear
Dependiente: Ah, s, ahora me acuerdo, setlra' Lo siento mucho, seora, 2que deseabaT
pero tcna tres de esas b1usas y las vend todas ayer. Ya no quedan de ese haba
modelo. la blusa
Joan: ;Qu lstima! Era mu1, bonita. el escaparate
Dependiente: 4Quiere mirar otras blusas, seora? Tengo muchas que son gustar
mu-v bonitas. me gustaba
Joan: No, gracias. Adis.
Dependrente: Adis' seora. 2cmo era?
Dialosue 2
esta r
2dnde estaba
Robert Robinson has had a mysterious visitor at the hotel. acordarse de (L
Recepcionista: 1Seor Robinson! Haba una seorita aqu antes que le me acuerdo de
e| a|godn
la lana
Robert: ;Una seorita? 4Cmo era? vater
Recepcionista: Era bastante a1ta, tena el pelo rubio 1. ller'aba un traje azul' vaha
Robert: 1Cmo se llamaba? tener (ie)
Recepcionista: No lo s, seor Robinson' No dijo su nombre. tena
Robert: Pues, ;qu quera? queaar
Recepcionista: Tampoco lo s. No dej ningn recado. Entr, pregunt Si ya no quedan
estaba usted en el hotel y' cuando 1e dije que no estaba, se march sin decir el modelo
Robert: 1Qu raro! A ver si vuelve otra vez. ;Est mi esposa?
Recepcionista: Creo que s. Hace un rato estaba en el bar.
Robert: Gracias.

Diatogue 3
City centres change continually, and La Puerta del So1, the city centre of
Madrid, is no exception. Robert Robinson returns to his old haunts with Juan
Lpez and indulges in a bout of nostalgia.
Robert: Todo esto est muy diferente. Haba un caf all donde ahora ha5'
una Zapatera' E'n aquella esquina una seora muy vieja venda puros y
cigarrillos, y la mejor paste1era de la ciudad estaba por este lado.
Juan: 1Hombrel 1Qu memoria! Ya veo que te acuerdas de todo
2Cmo es eso?
Robert: Pues, cuando yo viva en Madrid, tena una novia espaola muy
guapa que traba'aba en una oficina en esta plaza' Todos 1os das yo vena a
buscarla y merendaba con ella en e1 caf que ahora ya no existe'
_,|uan: Y, ;cmo se llamaba esa novia espaola tan guapa?
Robert: Se llamaba ... La verdad es que no me acuerdo de su nombre.
Juan: 1Qu memoria! ;Ya veo que no te acuerdas de nada! La Puerta de

0esear to wish, want
ho, seora, 2que deseabaT can I help you? (what did you want?)
:dan de ese haba there was, there were
la blusa blouse
el escaparate shop window
as que son gusrar to like (to please)
me gustaba I liked
ser to be
2cmo era? what was it iike?
rolo/a/os/as red
amarillo/a/os/as yellow
esta r to be
2dnde estaba? where was it?
acordarse de (ue) to remember
tes que le me acuerdo de I remember
e| a|godn cotton
la lana wool
valer to cost) be worth
aje azul. it cost
tener (ie) to have
tenia I had
quedar t^ rAffioin
LU rLrlrurrrt lre left
pregunro s1 ya no queoan there are none left
h sin decir el modelo model, style

I ,& '"l-

.:.S. F
.!:. l '!i;.,., li:
,r eentre nf lr: I
s;,' ;i :$
s with Juan ,"" .b fud

:ahora hay
1a puros y

rao1a muy
)- yu vlrrrd
,,^ ,,^^;^ a^
&., !*r "

La Puerta del Sol



mtrar to look at
zquiere mirar? do you want to look at?
antes before, earlier
to look for
le buscaba he/she was looking for you E_l
llevar to wear, carry
llevaba he/she was wearing (a) Talhinl
el traJe suit (male or female) To say what 1
azul/es blue
For all verbs
el pelo
llamarse to be called (literally, to call onself Trabalabz
rubio/a/os/as fair, blonde Traba-iabe
1cmo se |lamaba? what was she called?
decir (i) to say, tell Juan trab,
no dr,.1o she did not say
Usted trat
querer (ie) to want, wish, love
2qu quera? what did she want?
tampoco neither For nearly all
ninguno/a/os/as none, no
preguntar to ask Viva en e
pregunto she asked Vivas cerr
marcnarSe to go away, leave
se march he/she left Paco viva
sin decir nada without saying anything Usted viv.
raro/a/os/as odd, curious
1qu raro| how odd! The exception
la vez time, occasion
Era camar
otra vez again
Eras ms
el rato while. shorl space of rime <

nace un rato a little while ago Mara era

diferente/s different Usted era
Ia zapateria shoe shop
la esquina corner (of street) (b) Describ
vender to sell
venda he/she used to sell The same forn
el puro cigar
la pasteleria cake shop Llevaba ur
mejor,/es better, best Juan tena
el lado side (ofstreet, square, etc.) Usted era
la memoria memory
vivir to live
vivia I used to live (c) Saying t
la novia girlfriend, fiance, bride The verbal forr
traba,.lar to work
Haba una
traba.;aba he/she used to work
venir {ie) to come
I used to come Haba cinc
merendar to have a snack in mid-afternoon
merendaba I used to have a snack (d) Rernem,
existir to exrst
nada nothing You use the ve



(a) Talking about the past - gra?tl?txar refs 18 (i), (ii)

To say what you used to do in the past you use the imperfect form of the verb.
For all verbs which end in '-ar' the pattern is as follows:
all onself Trabalaba en una oficina. I used to work in an office.
Traba..1abas en una lFbrica. You used to work in a factory
Juan trabajaba en un banco John used to work in a bank.
Usted trabajaba en un taller You used to work in a workshop

For nearly all verbs which end in '-er' or '-ir' the pattern is as follows:
Viva en esta cal|e I used to live in this street.
Vivas cerca de Madrid' You used to live near Madrid
Paco viva en esta p|aza. Frank used to live in this square.
Usted viva en un piso. You used to live in a flat (polite).
The exception to this pattern is the irregular verb 'ser' (to be):
Era camarero. I used to be a waiter.
Eras ms gordo. You used to be fatter (familiar).
Mara era dependienta Mary used to be a shop assistant.
Usted era profesor. You used to be a teacher (polite).

(b) Describing hou things Tpere - grsnxnxar refs 18 (i), (ii)

The same form is used to describe things or people in the past:
Llevaba un trale azul. She was wearing a blue suit.
Juan tena el pe|o rubio. John had fair hair.
Usted era alto y delgado You were tall and thin.

(c) Saying thot there uJas, rpere or used to be

The verbal form .haba' is used for both singular and plural:
Haba una zapateria en esta Ca||e. There used to be a shoe shop in this
Haba cinco seores en el bar. There were five gentlemen in the bar'
(d) Renternbering things - grarrr?nar ref 7 (io)
You use the verb 'acordarse', which changes its stem in the present tense: .



No me acuerdo I do not remember. (h) Irregult

2Te acuerdasT Do you remember? (familiar)
If you state what you remember, this is joined to the verb with 'de': lba al mer

2Se acuerda usted de su nombreT Do you remember his name? (polite)

2Adnde t

Marta iba
(e) Saying that you do not either
Usted iba
'Tampoco' can be used either as a single word answer or with a verb:

No comprende. Yo tampoco. He doesn't understand. Neither do L

2ou quera7 Tampoco |o s. What clid she want? I don't know
Vea |a te|l
that either.
Veas a tu
(f) Uses of the pronoun 'le' - grarnrnar ref 5 (i)
Alfonso ve
'Le' can be used to refer to him:
No le veo. I can't see him. Usted Vea
It is also used to refer to 'you' (masc. sing.):

Le comprendo perfectamente, I understand you perfectly. sir.

(i) Referrin
s (i), (ii)
It is aiso used to express'to him, to her, to you':
In Chapter 8 .

Le hab| en espaol. I spoke to him in Spanish. direct object o1

I a Aiia mr ArrarriAn I told her my address.
Me ve.
Le exp|iqu e| prob|ema I explained the problem to you.
Te veo.
Confusion rarely arise s because the sentence in which the pronoun occurs gives Le veo.
its meaning. Le veo.
La veo.
Ah viene Paco' Ayer |e di cien Here comes Frank. Yesterday I
La veo.
pesetas. gave him 100 pesetas.
The indirect ol
as follows:

Me hab|'
(g) Uses of the intperfect tense - gra?nttlar refs 18 (i), (ii) Te dr_;e la v
Le di cien
The imperfect is used for one of three reasons: Le habl a'

To refer to repeated action in the past: Le devo|v

Nadaba en e| mar todos |os das. I used to swim in the sea every day.
You will noticr
To describe something or someone in the past: and that confur
Era alto y gordo y llevaba gafas. He was tall and fat and wore glasses. which person ir
To refer to an interrupted action in the past: Mire, seo
Juan esperaba e| autobs John was waiting for the bus
cuando le vi. when I saw him. If the confusior


(h) Irregular aerbs in the irnperfect - gra??x?nar ref 18 (ii)
lr 7.o go
lba a| mercado |os sbados. I used to go to the markct on
ne? (polite)
2Adnde ibas? were you going? (familiar) '
Marta iba al teatro los lunes. Martha used to go to the theatrc on
Usted iba a Madrid, 2verdad? You were going to Madrid, weren't
Jeither do I
Ver 7b see
L't l<now
Vea |a te|evisin todas |as tardes. I used to watch television every
Veas a tU novia todos |os das. You used to see your girlfriend every
day (familiar).
Alfonso vea a su ht.1o |os martes. Alphonse used to see his Son on
Usted vea |a te|evisin mucho. You used to watch television a lot

y, sir.
(i) Referring to other people by using pronouns - grsTTlTrar refs
s (i), (ii)
In Chapter 8 you learned a range of pronouns used to refer to people as the
direct obiect of the verb. These were aS bllows:
Me ve. He sees zze.
) you.
Te veo. I seeyor; (familiar).
occurs gives Le veo. I see him.
Le veo. I seeloz (polite, masc.)
La veo. I seeyoz (polite, fem.).
:day I
La veo. I see her.

The indirect object pronouns are used to express 'to me', 'to you', etc. and are
as follows:

Me hab|. He spoke o me.

ii) Te dr.1e la verdad. I told y,'ir the truth tfamiliar).
Le di cien pesetas I gave 100 pesetas royozz (polite).
Le hab| ayer. I spoke to him yesterday.
Le devolv |os documentos aver. I returned the documents to her
- vLrJ ua]/.
You will notice that the pronoun 'le' expresses 'to him', 'to her' and 'to you'
and that confusion may arise. This rarely happens because the context tells you
rre glasses. which person is being referred to in the sentence:
Mire, seora. ZLe gUsta este Look, madam. Do yozr iike this
modelo? model?
If the confusion does arise, it is removed by adding short phrases after the verb:


Le di cien pesetas a usted. I gave 100 pesetas to !ou. r\ Exercise 2 t
Le dt.1e mi nombre a |' I told him my name.
Play the part of
Le devo|v los pape|es a e||a. II rptrrrnpd
llLur tl:,c nqner< tn hpr
appearance and t

If two third person pronouns occur before the verb, 'le' changes to 'se':
Se lo di. I gave it to him. buscaba.
Usted: (Say, a.
The order of the pronouns before the verb is invariably indirect direct- verb:
Me las dio. He gave them to me. Usted: (Ask uh
Te lc exp|iqu. I explained it to you. Recepcionista:
Se lo pecli. I asked him for it. Usted: (Ask uh

Exercises Exercise 3 I

.T p.
he key to these exercises begins on 333.
Read or listen
not known.

( ) I In the Puerta
\ Exercise I Trying to obtain goods seeR Previously 2 There used t,
Play the part of Joan Robinson in the following dialogue; try to obtain the red 3 The best cak
and yellow cotton blouse, seen earlier in the window. 4 Robert has n
5 He used to h
Dependiente: Brrenos das, seora. aQu deseaba? 6 She was very
Usted: (Say there uas a blouse in the window that ltou liked a lot, but it is not there
7 Every day Rc
8 They used to
Dependiente: ;{Jna blusa, seora? iCmo era?
Usted: (Salt i was red and ltellow.)
Dependiente: Y' 1dnde estaba exactamente?
Usted: (Say it was on the right of the window .)
r\ Exercise 4 !

Dependiente: A ver si me acuerdo... ;Era de algodn o de lana? Answer the follo

Usted: (Say you think it'u)as cotton, and cost 10 000 pesetas.) Example: 2Dnc
Dependiente: Ah, s, ahora me acuerdo, seora. 1 aDnde viv
Now repeat the exercise, but try to obtain some grey shoes which were on the 2 2Dnde tra
left of the window and cost 8000 pesetas. 3 tA qu hor
4 zA qu hor
Dependiente: Buenos das. iQu deseaba? { ; |]nrle rn
Usted: (Sajt there were some shoes in the window that 1ou liked a lot, but now thq)


zA qu hor
are not there.)
t Lvvl
Dependiente: ;Unos zapatos? 4De qu color eran? 8 aOu beb;
Usted: (Sa9 grey.)
9 ZVea |a te|,
Dependiente: Y, 2dnde estaban exactamente? l0 ZLe gustab,
Usted: (Salt on the left of the window.)
Dependiente: Y' ;cunto valan? Now repeat the
Usted: (Say 8000 Pesetas.) genuine answers


I\ r"e'.ise 2 Finding out about a mysteious visitor
Play the part of Robert Robinson in the following dialogue; find out the basic
appearance and name of the visitor and what she wanted.
Recepcionista: ;Seor Robinson! Haba una seorita aqu antes que le
rect- verb:
Usted: (Say, a 1.,oung lady. Ask uhat she was like.)
Recepcionista: Era bastante alta, tena el pelo rubio y llevaba un traje azul.
Usted: (Ask what her name uas.)
Recepcionista: No 1o s, seor Robinson. No dijo su nombre.
Usted: (Ask tuhat she uanted.)
Recepcionista: Tampoco lo s.

Exercise 3 Understanding things described in the past

Read or listen again to Dialogue 3 and then mark the following as true, false or
not known.
l In the Puerta del Sol a shoe shop has replaced a caf.
2 There used to be an old man in the square who sold newspapers.
tain the red 3 The best cake shop in the city used to be in the square.
4 Robert has never lived in Madrid.
5 He used to have a Spanish girlfriend who lived in the square.
it is rtot there
6 She was very tall and dark-haired.
7 Every day Robert came to meet her in the square.
8 They used to visit a caf in the square'

O Exercise 4 Saying what you used to do

Answer the following questions, following the cues given.
Example: 2Dnde viva usted? {Madrid) Viva en Madrid.
l 1Dnde viva usted7 (Bi|bao)
were on the 2 2Dnde traba.'1aba Usted7 (En una oficina)
3 zA qu hora sa|a de casa por la maana? (8.30}
4 zA qu hora ||egaba a |a oficina7 {9.l5)
but now they
5 2Dnde coma? (Un restaurante)
6 tA qu hora vo|va a casa? (5.30)
7 2Dnde cenaba? (En casa)
8 2Ou beba con |a cena7 (Vino)
9 2Vea Ia te|evisin por |a tarde? {S)
10 ZLe gustaban los programasT (Bastantel
Now repeat the exercise; imagine what your life was like ten years ago and give
genuine answers.



( ) Exercise 5 Saying how things have changed 2,{ qu h

\ I
Examples: Ahora hay una zapatera aqu, pero antes ... {Un caf) Ahora hay aCmo it
una Zapatera aqu, pero antes haba un caf' Ahora Juan es 3 24 qu h
mdico' pero hace seis aos ... (Estudiante) Ahora Juan es 4 2En qu
mdico' pero hace seis aos era estudiante' 5 2Dorma
6 2Haca m
1 Ahora hay una farmacia en esta calle, pero antes ... (Un restaurante) profesore
2 Ahora el espao| es fcil, pero hace tres meses ... (Difci|) 7 4Coma e
3 Ahora estoy libre, pero hace una hora ... (Ocupado) 8 zEsrudiat
4 Ahora hay un bar aqu, pero hace tres aos ... (Un teatro) 9 2Compra
5 Ahora soy.;efe, pero hace unos cinco aos ... (Empleado) aos?
l0 ZLe gust
(\ ) Exercise Asking for peop|e to be described
The following are the answers, but what were the questions? Exercise t0
Example: Era ba.;o y gordo. 1Cmo era? saw him
1 Era alto y delgado. Example: Lea
2 Se llamaba Juan Gonz|ez.
cuando le vi.
3 Llevaba un tra,1e gris.
4 \x
ouera su nmero de telfono.
5 Era ing|s.
\ Exercise 7 Referring to people by using pronouns
Answer the following questions in the affirmative.

Example: 2Dio usted cien pesetas a Juan? S, |e di cien pesetas.

1 2Escribi usted |a carta a su marido?
2 2Habl Usted en ing|s a| gua? 4
3 2Pag usted mi| pesetas aI camarero? --
4 2Vendi usted e| coche a |a chica? ./
\ \

5 1Mand usted el paquete a su ht.1a?


' |t

O Exercise 8 Saying that you dont either

Example: No lo comprendo. 2Lo comprende usted? Tampoco lo comprendo O Exercise t I

1 No lo s. 2Lo sabe usted? Example: 2Dev

2 No lo quiero. 2Lo quiere usted? I 2Dijo usted
I No me gusta. ZLe gusta a ustedT 2 2Exp|ic us
4 No lo veo. ilo ve usted? 3 2Mostr us;
5 No lo oigo. ilo oye usted? 4 2Escribi u:
5 ZDio usted

\ Exercise 9 Tatking about you youth
Answer the following questions, recalling your schooldays.


1 2,{qu hora iba usted a |a escuela?
)Ahora hay 2 2Cmo iba a |a escue|a?
ora JUan es 24 qu hora ||egaba?
fra JUan es 4 2En qu c|ase se aburra7
5 2Dormia en claseT
6 2Haca muchas preguntas a los
turante) profesoresT
7 2Coma en |a escue|a?
8 ZEstudiaba por las tardesT
9 iCompraba cigarrillos en aquellos
t0 2Le gustaba la escuelaT

Exercise t O Saying what someone was doing when you

saw him
Example: Lea el peridico
cuando le vi.

:omprendo. O Exercise t t Saying that you did it yesterday
Example: 2Devo|vi usted |os documentos a Pablo? S' se |os devolv ayer'
1 2Dijo usted la direccin a Maria?
2 2Exp|ic usted el p|an a A|fredo?
3 ZMostr usted |a carta a Manue|7
4 2Escribi usted la Carta al seor Posada7
5 2Dio usted e| nmero de te|fono a mi secretaria?



comprende usted el espaol hab|ado?

4Tena ustr

iTomaba r
(Listening exercises) eleccion

[d 2Ouin er;
4Visitaba u
Mi abuela 2Cmo se
Listen on the tape to a 'typical' grandmother talking about her earlier life and
then answer the questions in English.
I At what time did she get up?
Z What did she have for breakfast?
3 $here did she go at 6.30?
4 !7hat did she do there?
5 !7hat did she have for lunch? lVerdad o n,
6 At what time did she return home? Mark the follor
7 !hat did she have for dinner?
8 At what time did she go to bed? 1 En e| ao
9 !7ith whom did she share her bed? 2 En 1936 |

3 En 1300

4 En 1950 I

5 En 1540 I

A los quince aos 6 Gibraltar

7 Los ingles
Listen to the tape and answer the questions in English. You may need to look 8 Muchos tr
up one or two key words if you cannot guess their meaning. 9 Los nortei
For example 'Monias' nuns. 10 usted hat
l $here did the woman live when she was fifteen vears old?
2 Where was the school she attended?
3 Who were the teachers at the school?
4 Name two of her leisure time activities.
5 $7hat else did she have to do?

.comPende usted e| espaol escrito?

(Reading exercises)

Read the questions and answers and decide which 'ghostly' figure from Spanish
history is being interviewed?
iEn qu sig|o vivi Usted7 En el siglo veinte
1Dnde viva usted? En el Pardo en Madrid.
ZEra Usted el rey de Espaa7 No, pero era muy importante en la
na|tira csn,aola.


l 2Tena usted enemigos7

2Tomaba usted parte en

S' mis peores enemigos eran |os
comunistas y los masones.
No' porque no haba e|ecciones.
2ouin era sU mejor amigo? La polica secreta.
2Visitaba Usted otros pases? No' nunca. Tena miedo de una
revo|ucin comunista en Espaa
2Cmo se l|amaba usted? ???
3arlier life and


lVerdad o rnentira?
Mark the following statements true or false.
l En e| ao 850 |os moros ya estaLran en Espaa.
2 En l93 |os rusos tenan |a bomLra atmica.
3 En I 300 los ingleses comian patatas.
4 En l950 Franco era e| .;efe de| Estado espaol.
5 En |54o Madrid era |a capital de Espaa.
6 Gibraltar formaba parte del imperio britnico en 157o.
7 Los ingleses vean mucho la televisin en |os aos treinta.
/ need to look 8 Muchos turistas ing|eses visitaban Espaa en |os aos setenta.
9 Los norteamericanos iban a |a |una en |os aos Cuarenta.
10 Usted hab|aba bien e| espao| hace cinco aos.

from Spanish

rtante en la



Juan: S, me r

Mara.. Bueno

2ou te pasa? taza de t'

Juan: Gracias
Maria: S, ncl

Sickness and health Dialogue 2

The doctor arri
Doctor: aQu
-Juan: Me due
Doctor: Vamc
Juan: Anoche
Doctor: ;Era 1

Juan: Creo qr
gE,s grave, c
Doctor: No se
maana y tr
)uan'. Gracias

Dialogue 3
Too much sun
Joan Robinson
chemist deals w

Cliente: ;Tien
CIiente: Aqu
Joan: iTiene r

1A1go ms?
)oan: S. Necr
Dialooues Farmacutico:
)oan'. Deme u
Diatosue I
K FarmacUtico:
Joan: No. Tar
Mara Lpez goes to urge her husband to get up but finds he is not wel1.
Mara: ;Vamos, Juan, levntate! Son las ocho y veinte' Vas a llegar tarde a la pesetas e1 tr
oficina. Joan: Gracias
Juan: ;Ay, Mara! No me siento bien. FarmacUtico:
Maria: 4Qu te pasa, cario? cuenta ... s(
Juan: Me duele ia cabeza y creo que tengo fiebre. Joan: Aqu tie
Mara: S, ests muy plido. iTe duele algo ms? FarmaCUtiCo:

Juan.. S, me duele tambin el estmago.
Mara: Bueno. Voy a l1amar al mdico en seguida y luego tc voy a hacer una
taza de t.
Juan: Gracias. 4Quieres llamar tambin a la oficina?
Mara.. S, no te preocupes.

Diatogue 2
The doctor arrives and begins to examine Juan.
Doctor: .Qu le duele, seor Lpez?
Juan: Me duele la cabeza y me duele el estmago.
Doctor: Vamos a ver. iQu comi ayer?
Juan: Anoche tom mer1uza y un flan.
Doctor: lEra fresca la merluza?
Juan: Creo que s. Mi mujer la compr ayer en la pescadera dc 1a esquina.
lEs grave, doctor?
Doctor: I.{o se preocupe, seor Lpez. No es nada' Qudese en la cama hasta
maana y tome esta medicina. Voy a venir a verle maana por la tardc.
Juan: Gracias, doctor.

Dialosue 3
Too much sun and a change of diet have also taken their toll of the Robinsons.
|oan Robinson calls at the chemist's - Ia farmacia - but has to wait as the
chemist deals with another customer.
Farmacutico: Buenos das. 4E'n qu puedo servirle?
Cliente: lTiene aigo para la tos?
Farmacutico: S, esto eS mu}r bueno. Vicks Frmula cuarenta y cuatro.
Cuatrocientas quince pesetas.
Cliente: Aqu tiene usted. Gracias.
Farmacutico: A usted, seor. Y usted, seora. iQu desea?
Joan: 2Tiene algo para el dolor <1e garganta?
Farmacutico: S, seora. Esto es excelente. Cuatrocientas cincuenta pesetas.
;A1go ms?
Joan: S' Necesito algo para el dolor de cabeza' 2Qu recomienda usted?
FarmacUtico: OKAL eS muy bueno, seclra. Doscientas pesetas el paquete.
Joan: Deme un paquete de OI(AL, entonces.
Farmacutico: ;Eso es todo?
Joan: No. Tambin necesito algo para las quemaduras del sol'
FarmaCUtiCo: Esta crema es muv buena, seora. Seiscientas cincuenta
ar tarde a la pesetas el tubo.
Joan.. Gracias. 4Cunto es todo?
Farmacutico: Cuatrocienta' cincuenta, ms doscientas, ms sciscicntas cin-
cucnta '.. stln mil trcscientas pesetas' seora.
Joan: Aqu tiene usted. Adis.
Farmacutico: Adis, seora, y muchas gracias.

:t)TfI] Tp_ DcA) 7q?

Ia taza
e| t
|a pescader

la cama
la medicina
la tos
el dolor de r

el dolor de r

las quemadr
ia crema
el tubo

] Explani
(a) Medic
Chemists in
fumera'. H<
for many m
expense of
chemist's is
which tells
Doctors in S
- horas de
La farmacia doctor on c
desk. In adc
ments - cen
Vocabulary puestos de
medically qr
levantarse to get up other countr
IeVntate get up (familiar imperative) to hospital.
sentirse (ie) to feel healthy by a
no me siento bien I don't feel weli of alcohol; ir
pasar to happen, be the matter and are accu
2qu te pasa? what's the matter with you?(familiar)
doler {ue) to hurt
me duele la cabeza
la fiebre
I've got a headache
p|ido/a/os/as pale (b) Sayini
e| estmago stomach
llamar to call The verb yc
e| mdico doctor persons sing


la taza cup
el t tea
fresco/a/os/as fresh
la pescaderia ish shop
grave/s serious, grave
queoarse to stay, remain
qudese stay (polite imperative)
la cama bed
la medicina medicine
la tos cough
el dolor de garganta sore throat
necesrtar to need
el dolor de cabeza headache
recomendar {ie) to recommend
las quemaduras del sol sunburn
ta crema cream
el tubo tube

(a) Medicql aid
Chemists in Spain usually sell only medicines; for toilctries you go to 'la per-
fumera'. Flowever, chemists are particularly good at diagnosing and prescribing
for many minor illnesses and can oten save the incon'''enience and possible
expense of a visit to a doctor. If you require medicine urgently when ttre
chemist's is closed, you should look br a notice displayed outside all chemists
which tells you the chemist's shop which is open farmacia de guardta.
Doctors in Spain work as they do in most countries, with their consulting hours
- horas de consulta indicated outside their surgeries. Most hotels have a
doctor on call and, should you require one, you should ask at the reception
desk. In addition to the normal doctor's services there are emergency depart-
ments centros de urgencia - in most hospitals and roadside first-aid posts -
puestos de Socorro/puestos primeros auxilios - manned by doctors or other
medically qualified staff. Ambulances are less frequent in Spain than in some
other countries and it is often a taxi that takes a patient or road-accident victim
to hospital. The best advice to give anyone visiting another country is to keep
healthy by avoiding excesses of sun, sudden changes in diet or excessive intake
of alcohol; insure yourself against illness; and take with you any drugs you need
and are accustomed to.

(b) Saying hous you feel - grarnrnar refs 7 (io)
The verb you use is 'sentirse', which changes in the first, second and third
persons singular as follows:

1QUE:rE PASA? 2s5

How do you feel? (polite)
- (f) Ashins
2Cmo se Siente usted7
: C Amn
a!v, ',v
a cinf<? How do you feel? (familiar) You use ano'
Me siento bien. I feel well.
Me siento mal. I feel ill. 2Tiene a
Me siento meJor. I feel better. caDezi
Me siento peor. I feel worse. 2Tiene a
No me siento bien. I don't feel well.
Or you can t
Another wav to express this is to use the verb 'estar'. as follows:
aCmo est usted7 How are you? Necesitc
Estoy bien. I'm well.
Estoy me.1or. I'm better. If you wish t,

1ou rer
(c) Saying ushot hurts - grarn??xar ref 14
You use the verb 'doler', which behaves in exactly the same way as 'gustar' (g) Ashinl
and actually means'to hurt'. You need to use only two parts of the verb, the You can ask
third persons singular and plural:
2ou pa
Me duele el l:razc. My arm hurts. (My arm hurts me.) Wha
Me duele la mano. My hand hurts.
A/le rlr rclc l.a niern3.
'.'t.'.''' My leg hurts. You make th
Me duele la cabeza. I've got a headache. (My head hurts
2Ou te
If what hurts is plural the form chanses to 'duelen': 2ou |e
Me duelen los o-1os My eyes hurt
Me duelen los pies. My feet hurt.

(d) Asking ushat hurts - gra?wnar ref 14 (h) Ashinl

Ifyou speak to a friend you ask: The same ve
2Ou te due|e7 W'hat's hurting you? 2Cmo s

and to a stranger: 2Cmo t

1ou |e
1ou le duele7 $7hat's hurting you? iOu |e
You answer
(e) Another u)sy of saying ushat hurts A mi hr,1r
You can also use the verb 'tener' to say what is hurting: A mi abr
Mi maric
Tenna rlolar r1e cabeza. I've got a headache. No le pe
Tengo do|or de estmago. I've got a stomach-ache.
Tengo fiebre. I've got a fever.
Tengo un resfriado. I've got a cold.

(f) Asking for things in the chenst's _ gra?n?nar ref 7 (ia)
You use another part of the verb 'tener' to ask for, for example, medicines:
iTiene algo para el dolor de Have you got something for a
cabeza? headache?
2Tiene algo para la diarrea? Have you got something for
Or you can use the verb 'necesitar':
Necesito algo para la tos. I need something for a cough.
Necesito algo para el dolor de o.1os. I need something for sore eyes.
If you wish to know what the chemist recommends you ask:

2ou recomienda usted7 What do vou recommend?

as 'gustar' (g) Asking u:hat is the ntqttey _ gra?Lr?Lar re 5 (ii)

. *'4"1- th-
You can ask what is happening (or the matter) by using the verb 'pasar':
! vrrvt LrrL

Lrts me.)
2ou pasa7
What's happening? (S7hat's the matter?)
You make this a personal question by adding a pronoun:
ead hurts
2ou te pasa?
What's the matter with you? (familiar)
2Ou |e pasa?
$7hat's the matter with you? (polite)

(h) Ashing hous other people feel

The same verbs are used, and the person referred to is placed after the verb:
2Cmo se siente su marido7 How does your husband feel?
2Cmo est sU hUo? How is your son?
2ou |e pasa a su mu.1er? What's the matter with your wi?
2ou |e duele a su madre7 $7hat's hurting your mother?
You answer such enquiries in a similar fashion:
A mi hr.;o le duele el brazo My son's arm hurts.
A mi abuela le duelen los o.;os. My grandmother's eyes are hurting.
Mi marido no se siente bien. My husband does not feel well.
No le pasa nada a mi muyer. There's nothing the matter with my


(i) Saying that other people ore ill Doctor: V
The verbs used are once again similar, and the person referred to is simply Usred: (S,
Doctor: aI
Usted: (S,
Mi mujer est enferma' My wife is ill.
Mi marido tiene dolor de cabeza. My husband has a headache.
Mi ht.;o tiene do|or de estmago. My son has a stomach-ache.
Play the par
sore throat,
(j) Ashing if sornething is fresh
The adjective 'fresco' is used to express generally the idea of something (or
someone) being fresh:
Usted: (A
1Es fresca la merluza? Is the hake fresh? ;Algo n
Trigame agua fresca' Bring me some cool water. Usted: (s,
;ou fresco es ese seor| $hat a fresh man he is! Farmacutir
Hace fresco aqu' It's fresh (cool) here. Usred: (s,
Usred: (s,
Exercises pesetas
I l<fa.l. / q,
The key to these exercises begins on p. 335.

Tell the
Exercise Saying that you are unwell
Play the part of Juan Lpez in the following dialogue; complain that you feel
unwell, have a headache, a fever and a stomach-ache. Examples: 2

Mara: ;Vamos, Juan, levntate! Son las ocho y veinte. Vas a llegar tarde a la
Usted: (Tell Mara you do not feel well')
Mara: ;Qu te pasa, cario?
Usted: (Say you have a headache and think you haz,te a fe'uer.) 1 2ou |e
Mara: S, ests muy plido. ;Te duele algo ms?
Usted: (Sayyes, you haae a stomach-ache as uell.)
Mara: Bueno. Voy a llamar al mdico en seguida y luego te voy a hacer una 2 1au E
taza de t.

O Exercise 2 Tlling the docto how you feel

Play the part Juan Lpez in the following dialogue; tell the doctor you have a
3 1Ou le

headache and a stomach-ache and that you ate hake and caramel custard last
4 2ou |e

Doctor: ;Qu le duele, seor Lpez?

Usted: (Sa1t yu haz;e a headache and a stontach-ache.) 5 iOu |e


Doctor: Vamos a ver. 4Qu comi ayer?

r is simply
Usted: (Say last night you ate hake and a caramel custard.)
Doctor: lEra fresca la merluza?
Usted: (Say you think so.)

O Exercise 3 Obtaining medicine at the chemistS

Play the part of Joan Robinson in the following dialogue; obtain medicines for a
sore throat, headache and sunburn.
Farmacutico: Y usted, seora. ;Qu desea?
Lething (or
Usted: (Ask i he has something;t'or a sore throat.)
Farmacutico: S, seora. E.sto es excelente. Cuatrocientas cincuenta pesetas.
iAlgo ms?
Usted: (Sag yes you need something for a headache. IIrhat does he recornmend?)
Farmacutico: OKAL es muy bueno, seora. Doscientas pesetas el paquete'
Usted: (Sa1t giue me a packet of OI{AL, then.)
Farmacutico: ;Eso es todo?
Usted: (Say no. You also need something;t'or sunbum.)
Farmacutico: Esta crema eS muy buena, seora. Seiscientas cincuenta
pesetas ei tubo.
Usted: (Sa1t thank 1ou. Ask how much it all is.)

Exercise 4 Saying what hurts - t

Tell the doctor what is hurtins vou.

at you feel
E'xamples: 2ou le due|e? Me duele la cabeza

' tarde a la

2Ou le due|e7 Me duelen los pies.

l 2ou |e due|e?

hacer una 2 2au le duele?

3 1au |e duele?
/ou have a
ustard last 4 2au |e duele7

5 zOu |e due|e?


Exercise 5 Saying what hurts -2
Tell the doctor what is hurting you.
Example: Tengo dolor de cabeza. Exercise
Example: F:

I Wife.
2 Son.
3 Daughtr
4 Husban,
5 Father.

Example: Fr
1 Wife/ill.
2 Son/bett
3 Daughte
4 Husbanr
5 Father/v

\ Exercise obtaining medicines at the chemistS. l
(\ ) Exercise '

Ask for medicines. Example: Headache. iTiene algo para el dolor de cabezaT
I Sore throat.

2 A cold. I Wife/hee
3 Diarrhoea. 2 Husban<
4 A cough. 3 Grandm
5 Stomach-ache. 4 Daughte
5 Friend/p

O Exercise 7 Obtaining medicines at the chemistS - 2

Example: Cough. Necesito algo para la tos O Exercise '

Example: G
1 Diarrhoea.
2 Sore feet. 1 Son/ston
3 Sunburn. 2 trriend/fr
4 A cold. 3 Husbanc
5 Stomach-ache. 4 Wife/hea

O Exercise 8 Explaining how you feel

Example: 2Cmo se siente7 (Well.) Me siento bien.
l Il1.
2 Better.
3 W'orse.
4 Well.
5 Not well.


V Exercise 9 Asking how others feel
E'xample: Friend. 2Cmo est su amigo?
1 Wife.
2 Son.
3 Daughter.
4 Husband.
5 Father.

O Exercise t o Saying how othes feel

Example: Friend/well. Mi amigo se siente bien.
1 Wife/ill.
2 Sobetter.
3 Daughter/worse.
4 Husband/not well.
5 Father/well.

) cabeza? O Exercise l t Giving Pecise detai|s . I

Example: Son/stomach-ache. A mi hil'o le duele el estmago.
1 \X/ife/headache.
2 Husband/sore throat.
3 Grandmother/sorefeet.
4 Daughter/painfulleg.
5 Friend/painful eyes.

\ Exercise t 2 Giving precise details - 2
Example: Grandmother/headache. Mi abuela tiene dolor de cabeza.
I Son/stomach-ache.
2 Friend/fever.
3 Husband/cold.
4 Wife/headache.


.comPende usted el espaol habla do? m itc"-p'
(Listening exercises) (Reading ex

You are in
paper and d

Urgencias m
Madrid (91): Cruz
237 39 00. La Paz: i
00. Cardiologa: 2.
04. Ciudad Univel
(Urg. S. S.): 408 5

Barcelona (93): B
ge: 336 34 5 l. V. Ht
2ll94 54. Hospital
co: 323 14 14. Sanr
En lq consultq del ntdiccl 235 55 55. Bilbao (9
S. Cruces:409 3l 0(
lencia (96): La Fe
Listen to the tape of people talking to the doctor and indicate on rhe pin-people 6011. Zaragoza (9
what is wrons with them. Residencia Miguel

vet: 35 57 00. Cl
331 71 00.
Trfrco: 742 3,l
Guardia Civil:458 r

Tele-Ruta: 742 li
En lg consulta del tndico Ayuda en caretera
07 92. Ayuda del Aur
vilista, S. A. (ADA)
Listen to the tapc and select the crtrrect answer from the ones supplied. 100 899-519 33 0(
tron Asistencia: 5
I The man fcels: 14. FiaLancia Ass
(a) ghastll (b) slightly ill 1c; laint ce: 519 16 16. Eurc
sistance: 5972125.
2 He has:
(a) a headache and a sore arm (b) a headache and a Sore thrnqt .]
bad cough and a fever I You havr
3 He began to f-eel ill: 2 You wan
(a) this morning (b) yc:tcrda mtl1ping (ct yesterday evening 3 You neer
4 Does an1'thing else hurt him? 4 You wist
(a) no (b) his shoulder (la espalda) (c) his arm (el brazo) 5 You wisl
5 What has he been doing fiequently? (You wiil need to look up some key
words such as 'estornudar'.)
(a) being sick (b) feeling faint (c) sneezing
6 He does not know what 'la fiebre del heno' is. It is:
(a) hayver (b) influenza (c) sunburn
7 He is advised to take an aspirin:
(a) every two hours (b) with every meal (c) every four hours
8 He should see the doctor:
(a) within a tw days (b) the next day (c) if he does not improve

;Comprende usted e| espao| escrito?
(Reading exercises)

You are in Spain. Look at this .Te|fonos ti|es' from a national daily news-
paper and decide which number you would ring for the following emergencies.

Urgencias mdicas: Alquiler de coches: Prdidas: Madrid (9l). Vi. Vallecas-Medioda: 203 l l
Madrid (91): Cruz Roja: Avis: Madnd: (91) 247 Z0 sa: 435 24 45. Diners: 247 48.
237 39 00. LaPaz: 734 26 48. Barcelona:(93) 308 99 40 00. American Express: Seguridad: Polica Na-
00. Cardiologa: 243 78 99. Hertz: Madrid: (91) 459 90 09. Eurocard: 435 cional: 09l. Polica Mmi-
04. Ciudad Universitaria 542 l0 00. Barcelona: (93) 24 45. cipal: 092. Guardia Civil
(Urg. S. S.): 408 55 30. 237 37 37. Ital: Madrid: Madrid oe lralco: 4)t /t uu
Barcelona (93): Bellvit- (91) 401 75 10. Bmcelona: Servicios mdicos: Am. Bomberos: 080.
ge 336 34 5 l. V. Hebrn: (93) 201 21 99. bulmcias mmicipales: 588 Comisarias: Arganzue-
2|1 94 54. Hospital Cini. Mensajeros: Madrid: 44 00. Centro de Quemados la:227 19 5S.Barajas: 205
(91) 214 38 01. Barcelona: de la Cru Roja: 244 52 07.
co: 323 14 14. Sant Pau: (93) 423 0 90. Bilbao:
43 00. Buenavista: 401 70
Intoxicaciones: 262 04 20. 13' Carabanchel: 41
235 55 55. Bilbao (94): R. 89
(94) 433 76 08. Valencia: oxigenoteapia: 7u 33 76'
S. Cruces: 409 3l 00. Va- (9) 366 27 54. Sevilla: Transfi.rsiones: 261 75 05.
33. Centro: 521 04 11.
lencia (96): La Fe: 340 (9s4) 62 s2 rl. Chamartn: 4|5 96 12'
pin-people 6011. Zaragoza (976 ): Radio Taxi:
Centro de drogadictos: 430
Chamber:4l9 88 07. En.
Madrid: 60 77.
Residencia Miguel Ser- (91) 247 82 00. Bilbao: Casas de Socorro: Ar- trevas: 785 90 14. Esta.
vet: 35 57 00. Clnico: (94) 443 52 00. Barcelona: ganzuela-Villaverde: 269 cin de Atocha: 22.7 46 27 .
337 17 00. (93) 300 38 11. Valencia: l4 63. Carabanchel-Latina: Estacin de Chamartn:
Trficoz 742 3| 12. (96) 370 32 04. Zaragoza: 4647632,471 07 5l y 462 315 9l 16. Fuencanal-
Guardia Civil: 458 6 26. (976) 42 42 42. Sevilla: 84 19. Centro: 2Zl 00 25. Barrio del Filar 730 26
Tele-Ruta:742 12 13. (9s) 4s8 00 00. Chamartn-Teturrr: 279 12 01. La Estrella: 772 29 7 l.
Ayuda en carretera: 455 Inforiberia: Madrid: 23. El Pardo: '736 07 54. Latina: 247 79 16. Los
07 92. Ayuda del Automo- (91) 4ll 25 45. Bilbao: Latina'.265 08 27. Medio- Cmenes: 711 00 15. Me-
vilista, S. A. (ADA): 900 (94) 424 43 00. Barcelona: dia:791 27 44. Moncloa: dioda: 468 53 53. Retiro-
:d. 100 899-519 33 00. Ci- (93) 325 43 04. Valencia: 207 00 26. Retiro- Cortes: 429 09 94. San
troen Asistencia: 519 13 (96) 351 97 37. Zuagoza: Moratalz: 420 03 56. Sa- Blas: 206 58 40' Tetun:
14. FiaLancia Assistan. (976) 32 62 62. Sevilla: lamanca: 255 52 18. San 315 54 06. Universidad:
ce: 519 16 16. Europ as- (9s) 422 89 0t. Blas-Horlaleza: 206 33 06. 241 15 29. Usera: 217 29
sistance: 5977125. Tarjetas de crdito: Universidad: 446 26 75. 45. Vallecas: 477 54 96.

oat (c) a

I You have lost your VISA card.

2 You want to hire a car from HERTZ in Madrid.
t You need a taxi in Bilbao.
4 You wish to report a theft to the Municipal Police.
5 You wish to enquire about a friend who is in the Clinic tnZaragoza.
some key




Can you unscramble thc parts of the body set in bold? Take care - the article
'el, la, los, las' is included. (You may need to use the Supplementary
Vocabulary List No. 14.) En
I Me duele mucho acfezaba.
2 A Paco le duelen jolosos.
3 Me duelen zasrolbos.
4 A mi hr.1o le duele dolede.
5 lTe duelen nosafmas?
Me due|e mucho locaba'
7 A Marta le duelen sislope.
8 A mi hr.1a le duelen sernipsala. l=Diatoou
9 Me duele bastante zalrain. l-
I0 2Le duele areloja?
K .

Joan Robins
Gran Va in
Guardia: I
Joan: Esta
-, .^-Ai^.
\JUcll Ulcl. C

Joan: Cog
Guardia. 1
Joan: Era
queta n(
Joan: Mu<
Guardia. a

Joan: Hac
Guardia: I
Joan: S, s
Guardia. I
le trajo
Joan: Mur
Guardia: I
son tan

It's a bad c
knocked do'

:he article

K 1

joan Robinson has her handbag snatched from her whilst she is shopping in the
GranVa in Madrid. She goes to the police station la comisara.
Guardia: Buenas tardes, seora' ;En qu puedo ayudarla?
Joan: Estaba de compras en la Gran Va y un joven me rob.
Guardia: 1Qu rob exactamente, seora?
Joan: Cogi mi bolso y se fue corriendo.
Guardia: iCmo era el joven?
Joan; Era bastante bajo, tena ei pelo moreno muy largo y llevaba una cha-
queta negra y pantalones grises.
Guardia: ;Qu haba en el bolso?
Joan: Muchas cosas. Mi pasaporte, mi dinero, mis cheques de viajero ...
Guardia. ;Cundo pas todo esto?
Joan: Hace media hora o as.
Guardia: Entonces usted es la seora Robinson, iverdad?
Joan' S, soy la seora Robinson pero, ;cmo 1o sabe usted?
Guardia: El joven entr en un banco de la Gran Va y trat de cambiar sus
cheques de viajero. El guardia que estaba de servicio en el banco le cogi y
le trajo aqu. Y aqu est su bolso, seora.
Joan: Muchisimasgracias.
Guardia; De nada, seora. Tiene usted mucha Suerte. Todos los ladrones no
son tan tontos como ese.

Dialogue 2
It's a bad day for the Robinson. Mr Robinson hurries across a road and is
knocked down by a car. A crowd gathers.
Transente: 1Dios mo! ;Est muerto?

"{ ,,ri.'

# ;*
e rB ,:ff

i$;n;$ "
Mu1er: N
Robert: i
Robert: )
s ffiM Mu-1er: iI
{; qAdn
Robert: I
wse Mu..1er: iI
'ir" d Robert: S
Mu.ier: 1(
Robert: t
Mu;er: N
pital. I

All the pro
the hospita
a er'v davs
Tuan Lpe:
Maria: /n
Robert: S
JUAN. (L,l
Robert; T

La Gran Va Maria: T)-

266 tllSTElllNG S17,VL\'H



& I Ct*fiolalspairoh

s ffi 4lJ/r]n'd ld.} 1l.0[i

6 La ambulancia
:&b ii

Mu-;er: No, no est muerto' pero est herido. ;Dnde le duele, seor?
Robert: 1Ay, la pierna! Me duele horriblemente 1a pierna.
Transente: 4E'st rota ia pierna?
Robert; No, no est rota porque la puedo mover' pero me duele mucho.
Mu.1er: ;Llame la ambulancia! No Se preocupe, Seor, no ser nada serio.
;Adnde iba cuando le atropell el coche?
Robert' Iba al Hotel Bristol. ;Dnde est el conductor del coche?
Transente: El coche no par, seor.
Mu.1er: il'e espera alguien en el Hotel Bristol?
Robert: S. Mi mujer.
Mu..ler: iCri66 se llama su mu jer?
Rol]ert: La seora Robinson.
Mujer: No se preocupe, seor. Voy a llamar al hotel y decirle que vaya a1 hos-
pital. Ah' ah viene la ambulancia'

Diatosue 3
Al1 the problems are finally resolved. Joan Robinson has her handbag back and
the hospital finds that Mr Robinson has only extensive bruising to the leg. After
a few days they can continue their holiday and go to the airport. Mara and
Juan Lpez are there to See them off.
Mara: ;A qu hora sale el vuelo para Sevilla?
Robert; Sale a las docc y veinte.
Juan' ;Cunto tiempo vas a pasar en Sevilla?
Robert: Unos quince das. Tengo que volver a mi trabajo pronto.
Maria: Pero va a venir a Vernos otra vez e] ao oue viene. ;vcrdad?

/.S(Xl()RR( ).t 267

Joan: Claro. lPero no vais vosotros a venir a vernos a York? estar roto,
Mara: Espero que si. zesta rota
mover (ue
A|tavoz: E'l vuelo de Iberia nmero |21 para Sevilla va a salir dentro de breves la ambula
momentos. Seores pasajeros, a la puerta l2, por favor. preocupar
Robert: E.s nuestro vuelo. Adis, Juan. Adis, Mara, y gracias por todo. no se pre(
Joan: Adis' Mara. Adis' Juan. IT
Juan: Recuerdos a vuestros hijos, y hasta el ao que viene. 2adnde i
Robert: Eso es. Hasta el ao oue viene. atropellar
el conduc
que vaya
Vocabulary el vuelo
qulnce d;
el guardia policeman n05
la comisara police station espero qu
ayuaar to help dentro de
2en qu puedo ayudar|e/|a? how can I help you? el pasa.ler<
estar de compras to be shopping gracias pc
estaba de compras I was shopping nUeStfo/a/
|a Gran Va main shopping street in Madrid recueroos
roDar to rob, steal
Irse to go away
se fue corriendo he ran off (went away running)
ud.Jul /- /^- /--
^-i^ dl u>/ d)
el pelo
small, low
hair I Explar
moreno/a/os/as dark (of hair)
largo/a/os/as long
|nC n2nt2|^n( trousers
o asl or about that (a) Sayi
tratar de to try to g'raTnnla
trat de cambiar he tried to change
\X/hat was
estar de servicio to be on duty
estaba de servicio he was on duty the preteri
traer to bring
IYhat z
le traJo he brought him
muchsimas gracias very many thanks Estaba
tener suerte (ie) to be lucky Iwa
tiene usted suerte you're lucky 2Adn
el |adrn thief Whe
Ian ... como so ... as, as ... as
tonto/a/os/as stupid, foolish (b) An it
iDios mo| my God!
estar muerto /a/os/as to be dead The verb 'i
.est mUerto7 is he dead? lba al r
estar herido/a/os/as to be injured
est herido he's injured 2Adn
la pierna ieg
Juan it
horriblemente horribly Usted

estar rotola/os/as to be broken
Zest rota |a pierna7 is his leg broken?
mover (ue) to move
de breves
la ambulancia ambulance
preocuparse to worry
rdo. no se preocupe don't worry
tr to go
2adnde iba? where were you going?
atropellar to run over
el conductor driver
parar to stop
alguien someone
que vaya that she should go
el vuelo flight
quince das a fortnight
nos us (direct object pronoun)
espero que si I hope so
dentro de breves momentos shortly
el pasa,lero,/la pasa,lera passenger
gracias por todo thanks for everything
nuestro/a/os/as our
rid recuerooS a give my regards to



(a) Saying ushot zaas going on zt;hen sontething else happened -

gl a?nnxar ref 18 (ii)
What was going on is expressed by the imperfect tense and what happened by
the preterite:

II/hat was going on? ... IY/hat happened?

Estaba de compras ..'y Un.JoVen me rob.
I was shopping ... and a young man robbed me.
2Adnde iba ... cuando |e atropel| e| coche7
$here were you going '.. when the car knocked you down?

(b) An irregular imperfect - gran?t?xar ref 18 (ii)

The verb 'ir' (to go) is irregular in the imperfect:
lba al cine. I was going to the cinema.
2Adnde ibas7 Where were you going? (familiar)
Juan iba al mercado. John was going to the market.
Usted se iba a la cama You were going tct bed (polite).

(c) The aerb ,ir' (to go) used in a reflexiae o,,n Mi mar
.of and you need Este rel
By making the verb reflexive you add the idea of .away' or
not state where the person is going:
(h) Refet
Voy al cine. I'm going to the cinema. (i), (ii)
Me voy. I'm off.
Eljoven fue al banco The young man went to the bank. 'Nos' is the
El joven se fue. The young man went away. Nos mi
By adding 'corriendo'you say how he went away: Nos da

El joven se fue corriendo The young man ran off (went away Pronouns a
running). Viene;

(d) An irregular preterite - gra?rl??tsr ref 16 (it:)

() Sayin,
The verb 'traer' (to bring) is irregular in the preterite: 'Nuestro' is muchas cosas a Espaa I brought many things to Spain.
ZoU traJiste7 \7hat did you bring?
Paco tra.1o a su hermano. Frank brought his brother.

(j) Sayin,
(e) Expressing the absolute supeilatirse - grq?7r?vrar ref 2 (iii)
You simply
This form does not exist in English and the nearest English gets to it is to say
'very, very + adjective': La sem,
E| ao
Esa chica es guapa. That girl is pretty.
Esa chica es muy guapa. That girl is very pretty.
Esa chica es guapsima. That girl is very, very pretty.
'-isimo/a/os/as'is added to the adiective and agrees with the noun:
Muchsimas gracias Very many thanks. (h) The i
In spoken 5
(fl Cornparing things oJ equal size, price, etc. - gra??x??Lar doing. It is
ref 2 (z:i) '-ar'verbs t.

You olace 'tan' before the adiective and 'como' after it: A las dr
2ou e
Soy tan alto como usted. I'm as tall as you.
Este es tan caro como el otro This one is as expensive as the other JUan e5
2ou e
This form c
(g) Saying thqt sornething or so?rleo??.e is dead, T,rounded' etc. -
grarrtrnar ref 8 2Adnc
You use the verb 'estar' because you are describing a state which results from
an action - that is, someone dies and is then dead:

Mi abuelo est muerto' My grandfather is dead.


Mi marido est herido My husband is injured.
Este re|oj est roto. This watch is broken.
you need

(h) Referring to yourselaes using pronou?ts - gra?wtlar refs 5

(i), (ii)
bank. 'Nos' is the pronoun used to express 'us':
Nos mira. He looks at us.
Nos da dinero. He gives us money.
lt away Pronouns are placed on the end of an infinitive of a verb:

Viene a vernos. He's comins to see us.

(i) Saying that sarnething belongs to you - gratn?tlar ref 2 (iz:)

'Nuestro' is used to express 'our':
Nuestra casa est en M|aga. Our house is in Malaga.
Nuestros h1os estn en Londres Our children are in London.

(iii) (j) Saying'next'

You simply add 'que viene' after the expression of time:
is to say
La semana que viene. Next week.
E| ao que viene. Next year.

(k) T:he irnperfect continuous tense - gra??L?ttar ref 19

In spoken Spanish the imperfect continuous is often used to say what you were
doing. It is formed from the imperfect of 'estar' and the present participle. For
'-ar' verbs this ends in '-ando' and for other verbs in '-iendo':
A las doce estaba traba.iando. At 12 o'clock I was working.
2ou estabas haciendo a |as tres? $hat were you doing at 3 o'clock?
he other
Juan estaba escribiendo una carta. John was writing a letter.
2ou estaba usted leyendo7 What were you reading? (polite)
This form of the verb is not used with the verb 'ir' (to go):
) etc. -
2Adnde iba usted? Where were you going?
ults from


(l) Other adjectiaes u:hich require the uerb 'ester' - gra??r?nar O Exercise
ref 8 Play the pa
Some of these adjectives have been used in earlier chapters but many are new: when it hap
Estoy aburrido. I'm bored. Guardia. (

Mi mu.;er est Cansada. My wife is tired. Usted. (S,

2Est abierto e| bar? Is the bar open? Guardia: (

Las tiendas estn Cerradas. The shops are shut. Usred: (s,

Le estoy muy agradecido. I'm very grateful to you.
4Est usted casada? Are you married?
Creo que est bebido I think he's drunk.
Mi ht1o est dormido. My son is asleep. Play the pa
ZEst escrito en ing|s7 Is it written in English? broken bece
Est prohibido fumar' Smoking is prohibited.
Mu.1er: 1D
Est permitido baiIar' Dancing is allowed.
la Usted: (Sr
Mi marido est Sentado en My husband is sitting on the terrace.
|: cnn: e<t fra The soup is cold.
Usted: (Sc

E| caf est caliente. The coffee is hot.

Estoy enfermo. I am iil. Exercise r

E| taxi est |ibre' The taxi is free.

Read or list
Siempre est triste. He is always sad.
I When dr
2 How lon
Exercises 3 Will the,
4 $7hat do
a The key to these exercises begins on p. 337. 5 \X/hen is

O Exercise I

O Exercise I Saying what happened

Play the part of Joan Robinson in the following dialogue; say you were shopping
Example: 2l
1 2Adndt
when a young man snatched your handbag and ran off. 2 iAdndt
3 2Adndt
Guardia' Buenas tardes, seora. 1En qu puedo ayudarla? 1 2Adnde
Usted: (Sa1l 1lou were shopping in the Gran Va and a 1oung rnan robbed 1ou.) 5 2Adnde
Guardia. ;Qu rob exactamente, seora?

Usted: (Sa1t he grabbed your handbag and ran away.)
Exercise 7

a) Exercise 2 Describing the assailant Example: 1E

\ I
Guarda' ;Cmo era el joven? aEs tont(
Usted; (Sa9 he was;t'airl1t short, had uery long dark hair, and was wearing a black 2 2Es guap
jacket and grey tousers.) 3 2Es caro
4 2Es fcil
5 2Es simp


WI??TAT Exercise 3 Describing what was stolen
Play the part of Joan Robinson; describe the contents of the handbag, and say
'are new: when it happened.
Guardia: ;Qu haba en el bolso?
Usted: (Say many things' Your passpo|' your monej) your tratleller,s cheques ...)
Guardia: ;Cuando pas todo esto?
Usted: (Sa1t about haf an hour ago.)

O Exercise 4 Saying what has happened to you

Play the part of Robert Robinson; say that your leg hurts badly but is not
broken because you can move it.
Mu.ier: 4Dnde le duele, seor?
le terrace
Usted: (Say your leg. Your leg hurts horibly.)
Transente: iEst rota la pierna?
Usted: (Say no, it's not broken because you can mo"L)e it, but it hurts you a lot.)

Exercise 5 Have you understood?

Read or listen again to Dialogue 3 and then ansv,/er the following questions in
I When does the Robinson's flight leave?
2 How long will they stay in Seville?
3 \)ill they return to Spain next year?
4 \X/hat does Mara hope to do?
5 \When is the flight going to leave?

o\ Exercise Saying where you wee going

E'xample: 2Adnde iba usted7 (Cinema) |ba al cine'

e shopping 1 2Adnde iba usted7 (Poiice Station)

2 2Adnde ibra usted7 (Hotel)
3 2Adnde iba usted? (Market)
4 2Adnde iba usted7 (Discotheque)
zd 1tou.) 5 ,Adnde iba usted7 (Factory)

Exercise 7 Saying that something or someone is vey, vey ...

Example: 2Es barata |a comida? S' es baratsima'
I 2Es tonto ese hombreT
'ng a black 2 2Es guapa su mu1er?
3 2Es caro ese hotel?
4 2Es fcil el espaol?
5 1Es simptica esa seora?

O Exercise 8 Mal<ing comparisons
E.xample: EI espao|,z1'ci|,zel ingls. EI espaoI es tan fciI como el lng|s'
2Ou es
2ou es
3 2Ou es
I E| vino/bueno,/e| coac. 4 2ou es
2 El Hote| Bristo|/baratole| Hote| Esoaa. 5 4ou es
3 Toledo/interesante/Segovla.
4 Este broche/caroleste collar.
5 Este hombre,/tonto/mi marido. O
Example: S<

( ) Exercise 9 Saying where things are I Daugh

\ 2 $atch/
Example: 2Dnde est su hotel? (Near the centre) Nuestro hote| est cerca
del centro.
3 Wife/br
4 Shops/,
1 iDnde estn sus ma|etas? (In the room) 5 Husbar
2 2Dnde est su h1a7 (At home) 6 Smokir
3 1Dnde estn sus padres7 (In the hotel) 7 Dancin
4 1Dnde est sU coche? (In the Street) 8 Bar/clo
5 1Dnde est sU casa7 (In the north of England) 9 This gr
10 This la
Exercise t o Saying you will do it next week, month, yea,
Example: 2Cundo va usted a visitar Segovia7 (Next week) Voy a visitar
Segovia la semana que viene. 2Compr
1 2Cundo va usted a volver a lng|aterra7 (Next month)
2 Va Usted a a|qui|ar el coche7 (Next Tuesday) (Listening e
3 2Cundo va usted a Comprar los regalos? (Next Friday)
4 1Cundo va usted a marcharse de Madrid? (Next year)
5 2Cundo va usted a visitar Londres7 (Next summer)
Listen to th

was doing.
Exercise I t Saying what you were doing
Example: 1ou estaba Usted haciendo ayer a las tres de la tarde?
Estaba trabaiando.
En la corn
Listen to thr
up a few key
I $7hat ha
2 Where d
3 Name tb
4 Why doe
5 How wer
6 How dot
7 $hy cou


l 2ou estaba usted haciendo ayer por |a maana?
2 2au estaba usted haciendo ayer por la tarde?
ng|s j 2ou estaL}a usted haciendo ayer por la noche?
4 iou estaba Usted haciendo ayer a las doceT
5 2ou estaba usted haciendo ayer a las dos de la tarde?

e) Exercise | 2 Saying how things are

E'xample: Soinjured' Mi ht.;o est herido'
1 Daughter/married.
esta cerca
2 Watch/broken.
3 $Vifelbored.
4 Shops/open.
5 Husband/drunk.
6 Smoking/forbidden.
7 Dancing/allowed.
8 Bar/closed.
9 This guidebooVwritten in Spanish.
10 This lady/very grateful to you.
h, year,

ly a vlsitar
4comprende usted el espaol hab|ado?
(Listening exercises)

Listen to the tape and write down where the soeaker was and what he or she
was doing.

En lo cornisora

Listen to the tape and answer the questions in English. You may need to look
up a few key words, such as 'ruidosa' and 'casco'.
1 $7hat has the woman had stolen?
2 Where did this happen?
3 Name three things which have been stolen.
4 Why does the loss of her house keys concern her particularly?
5 How were the thieves travelling?
6 How does she describe their means of transport?
7 Whv could she not see their faces?

TsocoRRo/ 275
ecomprende usted e| espao| escrito? iRomper
(Reading exercises) (Puzzles)
Can you ch
Sucesos clue given?'

Read these news items and answer the questions in English. En casa
De prin
Por la n
Dos jvenes roban 700.000
pesetas en el Banco Central de tssta es r

Herradura Una'ga
En Espa
Dos jvenes robaron en la maana de ayer, a
Valen o
mano armada, el Banco Central de Henadura,
de donde se llevanrn 700.000 pesetas. El robo ;ou hc
ocuriti sobre las nueve y rnedia de ]a maana, Me gust
cuando dos jverres entaron en el banccl.
cogieron dos bolsas de dinero y salieron cor
riendo hacia la Calle Canalejas donde les
esperaba otra pcrsona con un coche. Los tres
salieron a toda velocidad hacia la Pr-rnta de la

I \Who carried out the attack?

2 How much did they steal?
3 When exactly did it happen?
4 Were the robbers armed?
5 How did they make their escape?

Dos heridos graves en la colisin

de dos coches cerca de Cllar
Dos personas resultaron heridas graves a con
secuencia de una coIisin frontal entre dos
coches cerca dc la localidad granadina de
Cllar. Sobre las cuatro de la tarde de ayer el
coche de matrcula AL'3865 0. entr en col-
isin con el coche de matrcula A-2111 CB,
en el kilmetro 139 de la cirrretera N'342,
dentro del trrnino municipal de Cllar. Los
heridos ueron trasladados al Hospita] General
de Baza.

6 How many people were injured and how many cars were involved?
7 What sort of collision was it?
8 When did it happen?
9 Where exactly did the accident happen?
l0 Where were the iniured taken?


Can you change one letter of the word to form another word according to the
clue given? The first two are done for you.
En casa me gusta sentarme en el ... SOFA
De primero voy a tomar ... SOPA
Por |a maana me pongo |a . ' '
Roberto no tiene la pierna ...
sta es una bonita f|or de Verano.
Una'ganga'es una . muy barata.
En Espaa vivo en Una .'.
Valen ochocientas pesetas ... uno.
1Ou horror| No me 9Usta ...
Me gusta la piscina porque ... muy bien.



Revision and self-assessment 6 What d

test tor Chapters | 6-20

7 \X/hat d
8 For wh,
9 What h
l0 !7hat d

Administer the test and mark it in the manner outlined for earlier tests (see
pages 66-68). @ @) Beins
$7rite down
headache anr

Section t Hombre: a(
Usred: (sa:
Read the interview or listen to it on the cassette. Ifvou have the cassette do nol Hombre: 4J
read the interview. Usred: (sa:
Hombre: il
Usred: (sa:
Intertsieus Hombre: a'
Hombre: 2Cundo volviste de Barcelona? Usted: (Sa:
Mu.,1er: Ayer por la noche' Cog el avin de las dieciocho horas y llegu aqu a
las ocho.
@ @) Atthe
Hombre; ll'o pasaste bien en Barcelona? 'Write down,
Mujer: S, lo pas magnficamente bien. Visit la Catedral de la Sagrada
Familia y compr muchos regalos en las Ramblas. headache anr
Hombre: 2Qucompraste? recommends
Mu1er: Pues vamos a ver. Compr unos pendientes muy bonitos para mi hija, Farmacuticr
un collar para mi madre y esto para ti. Usted: (Asl
Hombre: Para m. .Qu es? Farmacutic<
Mu.;er: Pues abre el paquete y vers' Usted: (Sat
Hombre: ;Una chaqueta de piel! ;Qu regalo ms magnfico! Muchsimas Farmacuticr
gracias. Usted: (Asl
Mu..1er: 4Por qu no me invitas a tomar algo en aquel bar? FIace mucho calor y
tengo sed.
Hombre: 1Hombre! Claro que s. @ @) Askins
\7rite down
female visitor
@ wanted.
Now write down the answers to the following questions.
I What does the man want to know? (d)
2 !hen did she? @ Tothin.
Imagine you
3 How did she travel? questions.
4 At what time did she arrive?
5 Did she enjoy herselP l 2Dnde

27B MASTERING sPl,\'1s1

It 6 What did she do?
7 What did she buy for her daughter?
8 For whom is the necklace?
9 What has she bought for the man?
l0 What does she suggest that he do to show his appreciation?

Section 2
:r tests (see
@ @) Beins itt
Write down what you would say to explain that you feel unwell and have a

headache and a stomach-ache. Also say you think you are running a fever.
Hombre: iCmo se siente?
Usted: (Say you do not feel well.)
ssette do zol Hombre: ll'e duele algo?
Usted: (Say you hazte a headache.)
Hombre: ;Le duele algo ms?
Usted: (Say 9ou haae a stomach-ache.)
Hombre: lTiene fiebre?
Usted: (Say yes, yoLt think you haue a feaer.)
legu aqu a
'rg @) At the chernist's
\rite down what you would say to the chemist to ask if he had something for a
la Sagrada
headache and say you also need something for a sore throat. Then ask what he
recommends for sunburn.
rara mi hija, Farmacutico; 4Qu desea?
Usted: (Ask i he has something for a headache,)
Farmacutico: Esto es excelente. ,.Algo ms?
Usted: (Say yes, ylou need something or a sore throat.)
t{uchsimas Farmacutico: Esto es muy bueno. iAlgo ms?
Usted: (Ask what he recommends for sunburu.)
rcho calor y

\iq ft) Asking about a stranger

Write down the questions you would ask to find out what your mysterious
female visitor was like, what she was wearing, what she was called and what she

\9 @) Tolkins about your youth

Imagine you are twelve years old, and write down answers to the following
1 2Dnde viva usted?


2 1Cmo se |lamaba su meJor amigo (amiga)? 7 Some

3 2Fumaba ustedT 8 F-or he
4 2Sa|a usted con chicas (chicos)? 9 A leatl
5 2ou le gustaba beber? l0 She su
6 2Vea la televisin por las tardes?
7 2Trabalaba mucho en el instituto?
8 2Tena usted una bicic|eta7 Section 2
9 zEstudiabra usted el espaol en el instituto7 (a) Being
l0 2ou compraba con su dinero7
No me
Me due
Me due
Mark scheme S, creo

o Section 1 (b) At the

2 marks per correct answer (maximum 20)
o Secton 2 (a) S, nece
3 marks per correct sentence (maximum 12) 2ou rt
. Section 2 (b) (c) Asking
4 marks per correct sentence (maximum 12)
o Section 2 (c)
zOu |l.
3 marks per correct question (maximum l2)
o Section 2 (d) 2Oue q
2 marks per correct answer (maximum 20)
(d) Talkin
Maximum total 7
l Viva e
2 Mi me_
S.U - assessnxettt grades 3 S, fun
Over 60 excellent 4 S, sali
36 60 satisfactory 5 Megu
Under 36 need for careful revision 5' ve.
7 Si, tral
Answers B S, teni
9 S, estl
Section 1 institut
l0 Compr
I When the woman returned from Barcelona.
2 Last night.
3 By plane.
4 At8pm.
5 Yes, she enjoyed herself a lot.
6 She visited the Cathedral of the Holy Family and went shopping the


7 Some earrings.
8 For her mother.
9 A leather jacket.
10 She suggests that he invite her to have a drink in a nearby bar.

Section 2
(a) Being ill
No me siento bien.
Me duele la cabeza.
Me due|e el estmago.
( rran |a ra^nc fiebre'
Yvr lLilY\

(b) At the chernist's

2Tiene algo para el dolor de cabeza?
S, necesito a|go para e| do|or de garganta.
iou recomienda usted para |as quemaduras de| so|?

(c) Asking about a stranger

2Cmo era7
1ou |levaba?
iCmo se |lamaba7
2Ou quera7

(d) Talking about your youth

l Viva en (+ name of town).
2 Mi me;or (amiga) se llamaba (+ name).
3 S, fumaba. No' no fumaba.
4 si, sala con chicas (chicos). No, no sa|a Con chicas {chicos)
5 Me gustaba beber |eche/t/caf/CocaCo|a/cerveza, etc.
s' vea |a te|evisin por las tardes. No, no vea |a te|evisin por |as
7 S, traba|aba mucho en el instituto. No. no trabaJaba mucho en e| insti-
8 s' tena una bicicleta' No, no tena una bicic|eta.
9 s' estudiaba e| espao| en el instituto. No, no estudiaba e| espaol en e|
l0 Compraba libros/cigarrillos/ropa/discos, etc. con mi dinero

>ing in the



John ate
'John' is the
Grammatical terms used My hust
'My husbanr
The person

John ate
'the apple'is
The word or
John ate
'ate' is the r
Noun example:
Usually the name of a person, thng or place. .Beer', .waiter' and .town' are all
nounsin English, iust as'cerveza'r'camarero'and'ciudad'are in Spanish. The I feel }:'ur
names of things you feel or experience are also nouns. 'Cold','fear'and'happi- She /ook,
ness' are all nouns in English' just as .fro', .miedo' and .a|egra' are in Spanish. We are t
Masculine and ferninine Verb endinl
All nouns in Spanish are either masculine or feminine and you should learn the Each verb ir
gender (whether it is masculine or feminine) of the noun as you learn the noun plural. Thes
itself. Masculine and feminine do not mean male and female. For examole. 'la spond to the
persona' (the person) can refer to both men and women. I

Singular and plural you

A singular noun points out that it rs one place, thing, person, etc. and a plural he/she
noun refers to more than one thing, person or place. we
Articles: the definite article they
The definite article in English is 'the' and in Spanish there are four such articles
In Spanish i
- el, la, los, las - because Spanish nouns may be masculine or feminine, and the
article changes in the plural. the action, a

Articles: the indefinite article Hablo e:

The indefinite article in English is 'a' or 'an' in the singular and 'some' in the

plural. In Spanish there are four - un, una. unos. unas but'unos' and'unas' Tense
are often omitted. The tense c
happen. Eac
An adjective is a word which describes a noun. 'The man' is a noun (man) with I buy brr
definite article (the). 'The fat man'has the adjective'fat', which describes the I bought
Regular ver
Subiect, obiect, verb A regular ve:
The subject of a sentence is the person or thing performing the action or being all reguiar vt
described. F'or example: the infinitive


John ate the apple.
'John' is the subject.
My husband is very old.

'My husband' is the subject.

The person or thing which has the action performed on it is the object of the

John ate the apple.

'the apple' is the object.
The word or words which express the action are called the verb:
John ate the apple.
'ate' is the verb. The verb can also tell you how or what the subiect is. For
)wn' are all
anish. The I feelbungry.
rnd'happi- She /oos very tired.
in Spanish. We are the best.
Verb endings
d learn the Each verb in Spanish has six endings, three in the singular and three in the
n the noun plural. These endings tell you who performs the action of the verb and corre-
xample, 'la spond to the following English forms:
I first person singular
you second person singular
nd a plural he/she third person singular
we first person plural
you second Person Plural
they third Person Plural
rch articles
re, and the In Spanish it is nearly always the verb ending which tells you who performed
the action, and this is why verb endings are so important:
Hab|o espao|. I speak Spanish.
Hab|an espao|. They speak Spanish.
'me' in the
and 'unas' Tense
The tense of a verb tells you when the activity happens, happened or will
happen. Each verb has several tenses! shown by the verb ending:

lman) with I buy bread (present tense). Compro pan.

scribes the I bought bread (past tense). Compr pan'
Regular verbs
A regular verb follows a regular pattern which, once learned, can be applied to
rn or being all regular verbs of the same type. The form of a verb found in a dictionary is
the infinitive. In English we express this by the form 'to go', 'to smoke" 'to


eat') etc. This form in Spanish ends in '-r'. There are three types of regular
verbs: those that end in '-ar', those that end in '-er' and those that end in '-ir'.
For example:
comprar (to buy) regular '-ar'verb
comer (to eat) - regular '-er' verb
subir (to go up) - regular '-ir' verb
frregular vertrs
These verbs do not follow any regular pattern and must be learned individually.
A pronoun is a word used instead of a noun. Subject pronouns replace the Conten
sub ject:
1 The far
The waiter brings the coffee.
2 Descril
He brings the coffee. 3 $7ork
and object pronouns replace the object: 4 Daily r
5 Leisure
The waiter brings the coffee. 6 Food a
The waiter brings rr.
7 Travel
Adverbs 8 Shops r

These tell you more about the action of the verb, explaining how or when or O Finrlin,
where it happens: 10 Ordina
11 The ser
The man spoke quickly. L2 At the l
I bought rt yesterday.
\3 At the

Prepositions Parts o
A preposition is a word used for showing in what relation one thing stands to
another thing. For example:
Madrid is near Toledo.
Before me in the queue.
tr rher
Accents - the acute la familia
In pronouncing Spanish correctly you stress a certain syllable of each word and el abuelo
the rules explaining this are on page xiii. An accent is put on a word which los abuelos
breaks the rules and it shows where the stress fal\s. An accent does not affect the casarse
la hermana
sound of the letter it is oaer, only the stress. For example:
el hermano
Vamos a |a 1Fbrica. los hermanr
Est en |a zaoatera. el matrimor
la muchach
Accents - the tilde el muchach
An .n'with a tilde () is pronounced like the .ni' in .onion'. Thus .nio' (boy). nacer
(See page xii.) |a nia


s of regular
end in '-ir'.

Supplementary vocabulary lists


replace the Contents

I The family 285
2 Describing people, places and things 286
3 !7ork 286
4 Daily routine 287
5 Leisure activities 287
6 Food and drink 288
/ I ravel 288
8 Shops and shopping 289
rr when or 9 Finding out where things are 289
l0 Ordinal numbers 290
II The seasons 290
12 At the hotel 290
|3 At the post ofice 290
L4 Parts ofthe body: sickness and health 291
3 stands to

t The family
la familia family e| nio young boy
el abuelo grandfather la novia girlfriend, fiance
Lword and
los abuelos grandparents el novio boyfriend, ianc
ord which
casarSe to get married el padre father
tt affect the parents
la hermana sister los padres
el hermano brother la prima cousin (female)
los hermanos brothers and sisters el primo cousin (ma1e)
el matrimonio ---*;^l
rrrdrrrLu ^^,,^t^
LUUIJTL los primos cousins
la muchacha girl soltero,/a unmarried
el muchacho boy Ia ta aunt
o'(boy). nacer to be born e| to uncle
|a nia young girl Ios tos uncles and aunts


2 Describing people, places and thi tr Daity
atto tall, high estrecho narrow, tight acostarse {L
amarillo yellow estropeado ruined, broken abrir
ancho wide, broad eXtrao strange anaar
azul blue falso false ayudar
ba-1o low, little gordo fat beber
blanco white igual equal, similar cambiar
caro light (of colour) Incorrecto incorrect cenar
clsico classic targo long cerrar (ie)
color naran-1a orange lleno full charlar
convencido convinced mooerno modern comprar
correcto correct natural natural comprenoe
corto short normal normal contestar
de algodn of cotton NUCVO new deprisa
de cristal of glass oscuro dark (of colour) desayunar
de lana ofwool peligroso dangerous despacio
delgado slim nco rich clespertarse
de madera of wood roJo red dormir (ue)
de ni|n of nylon rubio blonde, fair- ecnar una c
cle oro of gold haired entrar
de plata of silver seco dry estudiar
distinto different 5eflo serious
divertido rmrrqins vacio empty
dulce sweet ver0e green

el,/la artista
el director director, manager el negocio business el asiento
ra empresa firm, business el obrero workman bailar
encontrar (ue) to ind Ia profesin profession el baile
la fbrica factory el supermercado supermarket baarse
el hombre de businessman el taller workshop la capital
rE9uL ru)
r^^^^-i^- la tienda shop el castillo
la industria industry traba.;ar en/de to work aas la catedral
el -1efe boss el traba.;ador workman el concierto
llamar por to telephone el traba;o work el club
telfono el cuadro
e| da libre


4 Daily routine
rw, tight acostarse (ue) to go to bed hablar to speak, talk
:d, broken abrir to open hacer falta to need
andar to walk hacer una to ask a question
ayudar to help pregunra
beber to drink invitar to invite
L, similar cambiar to change lavarse to get washed
cenar to have dinner limpiarse to wash, clean
cerrar (ie) to close, shut llamar to call
charlar to chat necesitar to need
)rn comprar to buy olvidar to forget
'al comprender to understand pasar to spend, pass
al contestar to answer (of time)
deprisa quickly preguntar to ask
(of colour) desayunar to have breakfast pronto soon, early
)rous despacio slowly recibir to receive
despertarse (ie) to wake up tarde late
dormir (ue) to sleep temprano early
le, fair- echar una carta to post a letter tener sueo to be sleepy
red entrar to enter, go into vialar to travel
estudiar to study visitar to visit

5 Leisure activities
acompaar ro accompany disfrutar to enloy
aprender to learn |a excursin excursion
ellla artista artist |a exposicin exhibition
lss el asiento seat ganar to win
nan bailar to dance los gastos expenses
sion el baile dance hacer camping to go camping
narket baarse to bathe, swim hacer una visita to make a visit
hop la capital capital la iglesia church
el castillo castle |a invitacin invitation
:k atlas la catedral cathedral el lugar place
lan el concierto concert e| magnetfono tape-recorder
el club club et mar sea
el cuadro picture |a montaa mountain
e| da libre day off montar a caballo to ride a horse


la msica muslc er programa programme las Navidac
la radio radio EI UE) LC
nadar to swim
la obra work (artistic) el recado message pasaoo ma
el pais country reservar to resen'e
el palacio palace la reunin meeting el pinchazc
el parque park la revista magazine los Pirineos
el partido match (sport) sacar entraoas to get tickets la provinci;
perder to lose (cinema, etc.) la regin
pintar to parnt sacar fotos to take photographs sacar billett
la piscina swimming-pool el sitio de inters intere sting place
la playa beach tener un da |ibre to have a day off
practrcar to participate in el tocadiscos record-player
(of sport) tocar to play (of music)
la prensa press) newspapers tomar el sol to sunbathe

los almacer
el anuncio
6 Food and drinl< la blusa
los calcetin
la bebida drink er pan bread la camisa
el bocadillo sandwich el n:stpl cake |a carnicer.
costar (ue, to cost pedir to order, ask br la cartera
frito fried ra pera pear las cerillas
incluido included la pieza a piece la chaqueti
de fruta
el _.1ugo ruit juice la pimienta pepper la diferenci
las legumbres vegetables er precro price la falda
el litro a litre la propina t1p |a frutera
los macarrones macaronl la sal salt el imperme
Ia naranla orange servir (i) to servc
no incluido not included poco hecho medium rare
la paella paella (rice dish)
7 Travel arriba
el Ayuntarr
el aeropuerto alrport et este east deba.lo de
la agencia de travel agency explicar to explain delante de
via..1es a gente people detrs de
DUSCaT to look for el horario timetable difcilmente
el coche cama sieeping-car |a informacin information enlpor tod,
comprobar (ue) to check, examine lento slow partes
CTUZAT IO CTOSS llenar to ill
|a estacin de service station la maleta suitcase
servicio el mapa map
et metro underground train,
the underground


las Navidades Christmas el semforo .-^{C^
Ltdlrll li-Lr-
e oeste west la Semana Santa Holy $7eek
pasado maana the olr ofter el sur south
tomorrow el,/la turista tourist
el ninrhazn puncture ViaJar en avin, f^
LU r-^-,^l
LldvLl l*-,
uj arrt
ios Pirineos Pyrenees DATCO, COCNC, boat, car, train,
)ts la provincia province tren, etc.
, etc.)
|a regin region el vuelo flight
rtographs sacar billetes to obtain tickets la zona azul restricted parking
znnp /lit,-rqllrr
lay off blue zone)
8 Shops and shoppin
los almacenes department stores
el anuncio announcement las medias stockings
la blusa blouse la nota note
los calcetines socks los pantalones trousers
la camisa shirt un par pair
la carniceria butcher's shop |a perfumera perfume shop
:r, ask for la cartera briefcase la reba-1a reductions, sale
las cerillas matches el relo_1 watch
la chaqueta jacket la relo.1era watchmaker's
la diferencia difference la ropa clothing
la falda skirt la ropa interior underwear
|a frutera fruit-shop el sombrero hat
el impermeable mackintosh el traJe sult
m rare

9 Finding out whee things ae

aba..1o down (of street)
arriba rrn /nfctft] en ninguna parte nowhere
el Ayuntamiento Town Hall fciImente easily
;^L^t^ t^ badly
L]UclU L] under mal
rlain delante de in front of mostrar (uel to show, indicate
detrs de behind sobre on
rbie difcilmente with difficulty todo derecho straight ahead
nation enlpor todas everywhere


'ground train,


t O Ordinal numbers
primero first sexto sixth el accidenl
segundo second sptimo seventh la boca
tercero third octavo eighth el comprin
cuarto fourth noveno ninth cortarse
quinto fifth dcimo tenth el dedo
Note that 'primero' and 'tercero' lose their final before masculine singular el dedo de
nouns el primer da. los dientes
la enferme
la espalda
el esparadr
estar muer
| | The seasons guardar ca
la herida
herirse (ie)
la pnmavera sprlng el otoo aulumn morir (ue)
el verano summer el invierno winter

| 2 At the hotel
el ascensor lift e|1ardn garden
e| ba|cn balcony el patio patio, courtyard
pl r an< prie hall-porter la puerta door
devolver (ue) to return, give back repetir {i) IO repeat
echar una carta to post a letter urgenre urgent
la escalera stairs

t 3 At the post office

certificado registered la palabra word
el giro postal postal order el telegrama telegram
la lista de correos poste restante


| 4 Parts of the body: sickness and health
el accidente accident la mueca wrist
la boca mouth el muslo thigh
el comprimido tablet la nariz nose
cortarse to cut oneself la operacin operation
el dedo finger la ore.1a ear
re singular el dedo del pie toe la pastilla pill
los dientes teeth ponerse enfermo to become ill
la enfermedad illness quemarse to burn oneself
la espalda back la rodilla knee
el esparadrapo sticking-plaster romper to break
estar muerto to be dead la salud health
guardar cama to stay in bed el tobillo ankle
la herida wound la venda, el bandage
herirse (ie) to hurt oneself venda.;e
morir (ue) to die



E| seor L1

l(ey to the exercises Usted: El

E| seor L1
Usted: En

1 S, soy inl
(+ name). S
spelled in S
no soy fran

I Usted es
t Buenos das. 4Cmo est usted?
h1os, iverd
Juan en esp

r 1tr5 .)Lcl :
Exercise t Arriving in Spain .1 .tr) 5tc1 :
Po|ica: Buenos das. Su pasaporte' por favor.
Usted: Aqu tiene usted.
Po|ica: Usted es ingls, iverdad?
Usted: Eso es. Exercise
Po|ica: Y' ;quin es esta seora? I No, no sr
Usted: staes mi mujer, Joan Robinson. seor Brow
Po|ica: 4Cunto tiempo van ustedes a estar en Espaa? espao| (es
Usted: Tres semanas.
Polica: Muy bien. Gracias. Adis. Exercise
Usted: Adis. r1 c|
t I)t taAn
vlvv r
? ; Pt tcr'la r

Exercise 2 At the hotel Lpez? 5

Receocionista: Buenos das.
Usted: Buenos das. Soy el seor/la seora/seorita (+ name). 4Tiene usted Exercise
una habitacin reservada en mi nombre? I Tres rr tre
Recepcionista: iCmo se escribe su nombre? trece. 4 S
Usted: (Name spelled in Spanish.) siete son di'
Recepcionista: Una habitacin con bao por cinco das, iverdad? diecisiete.
Usted: S, eso es'
Recepcionista: La habitacin nmero doce en el primer piso. Aqu tiene usted Exercise
la llave. 1 2Dnde t

Usted: Muchas gracias. mu.1er? 4

Receocionista: Austed.

Exercise 3 Greeting people
E| seor Lpez: Mucho gusto' seor (seora, seorita).
Usted: El gusto es mio.
E| seor Lpez: sta es mi mujer, Mara.
Usted: Encantado (Encantada).

Exercise 4 Ta|king about youself

1 5' soy ing|s (ing|esa). No, no soy ingls {inglesa)' 2 Soy el seor
(+ name). Soy |a seora (+ name). Soy |a seorita (+ name). 3 (Name
spelled in Spanish') 4 Cuatro semanas. 5 S, soy francs (francesa). No,
no soy francs (francesa).

Exercise 5 Asking questions

l Usted es ingls, 2verdad? 2 sta es su mujer, 2verdad? } Estos Son sus
h1os, 4verdad7 4 Usted est de vacaciones, 2verdad? 5 Su nombre es
Juan en espao|, 2verdad?

Exercise Possessions
l iEs sta su habitacin? 2 2Es sta su l|ave7 3 iEs ste su ht.;o?
4 iEs sta su mu.Jer7 5 2Es ste su nombre?

Exercise 7 Denying that something is true

1 No' no soy ir|ands {ir|andesa)' 2 No, no soy de York. 3 No, no soy e|
seor Brown (|a seora Brown)' 4 No, no soy arquitecto. 5 No, no soy
espaol (espaola).

Exercise 8 lntroducing people to each other

1 iPuedo presentarle a mi hilo? 2 iPuedo presentarle a mi amigo?
3 2Puedo presentarle al seor Brown7 4 2Puedo presentar|e a |a seora
Lpez? 5 1Puedo presentar|e a mi marido?

ene usted Exercise 9 Number Pactice

I Tres y tres son seis. 2 Cinco y seis son once. J Cuatro y nueve son
trece. 4 Siete y ocho son quince. 5 Diez y dos son doce. 6 Nueve y
siete son diecisis. 7 ocho y seis son Catorce. 8 Nueve y ocho son
diecisiete. 9 Diez y ocho son dieciocho. l0 Diez y diez son veinte.

iene usted Exercise t O Asking where things and people are

1 2Dnde est la habitacin? 2 2Dnde est |a l|ave7 3 2Dnde est su
mu.;er? 4 2Dnde est 5U ht'1o? 5 1Dnde est e| taxi?


Listening exerc?ses
tr ana
Ana Criado; Paco Delgado
E Mara Lpt
Usted: Si
Velzquez; Camilo Jos Cela; Seve Ballesteros. Mara Lpt

Usted: Pr
Mara Lpt
Usted: Si

13; 7 ; 12; 9; 17 ; 3; 5; 15:. 7; 20. Mara Lpt
Usted: El
est ca
I A (double) room with bath. 2 Yes, on the third floor. 3 For six days. Mara Lpt
4 His passport. Usted: N
Mara Lpt
Usted: S
Rea ding exercises
tE Exercise
Juan Lpe.
I A single room with a bath for 7 days. 2 A double room with a shower for Usted: Sr
9 days. 3 Aroomwith abathfor2 weeks. 4 Asingleroomwith abathfor Juan Lpe.
3 days. Usted: S

Juan Lpe;
Usted: S
Juan Lpe,
I Room No. 13 on the 2nd floor. 2 Room No. 3 on the lst floor. Usted: U
3 Room No. 16 on the 3rd floor. 4 Room No. 20 on the 4th floor. habitar
Juan Lpe;
Pu zzles Exercise
td 1 false 2
9 true lC
1 cuatro 3 catorce = l4;4 trece = l3; 5 veinte = 20;
6 quince 9;8 cinco = 5;9 diecisiete = 17; 10 diez = Exercise
Es granc

2Cmo se l|ama usted 7 Me |lamo Roberto. I Es aleme
5 Es espa

294 MASTERING sPlN1.'1

2 2Tiene usted famifia?

Exercise t Talking about yourself

Mara Lpez: iEs usted de York, Juana?
Usted: S, soy de York.
Maria Lpez: Y' ;cmo es la ciudad de York?
Usted: Pues, es bastante grande. Tiene unos cien mil habitantes.
Mara Lpez: ;Qu interesante! 1Tiene usted hijos?
Usted: S, tengo dos, un hijo y una hija.
Mara Lpez: ;Cmo se llaman?
Usted: El hijo se llama David. Tiene veintin aos y es estudiante en la uni-
versidad de Manchester. La hija se llama Barbara, tiene veinticinco aos y
est casada. Su marido es mdico en el hospital de York.
days. Mara Lpez: Entonces usted eS abuela, 4verdad?
Usted: No, todava no. Mi hija no tiene hijos.
Mara Lpez: ;Trabaja usted?
Usted: S, trabajo' Soy profesora de matemticas en un instituto de York.

Exercise 2 Giving information about yourself

Juan Lpez: iCul es su direccin en York, Roberto?
rwer for Usted: Sesenta y cuatro Bootham B-o-o-t-h-a-m - Road, York, Inglaterra.
bath for Juan Lpez: Y sta es su oficina, 1verdad?
Usted: S, eso es.
Juan Lpez: 4Tiene telfono?
Usted: S, el nmero de telfono es 0904 389256.
Juan Lpez: Gracias. 4Y su telfono aqu en Madrid?
Usted: Un momento. E.stoy en el Hotel Bristol. El telfono es 22:43:79, y |a
habitacin es el nmero doce.
Juan Lpez: Muchas gracias.

Exercise 3 True or false?

1false 2false 3true 4true 5true 6false Tfalse 8false
9 true 10 false 1l true 12 false 13 false 14 true 15 true

10 Exercise 4 Describing things

1 Es grande. 2 Es fci|, 3 Es difcil. 4 Es interesante. 5 Es blanca.

Exercise 5
Giving PeoPle3 nationality
1 Es alemana. 2 Es portuguesa. 3 Es ita|iano. 4 Es ing|s.
5 Es esoaola.


Exercise Number practice
I Diecisiete y veintinueve son cuarenta y seis. 2 Veintiuno y doce son
treinta y tres. I Sesenta y cuatro y treinta y uno son noventa y cinco. t )). z
4 Treinta y siete y doce son cuarenta y nueve. 5 Cincuenta y dos y del Sol, M
diecisiete son sesenta y nueve. 6 Veinticinco y veintisiete son cincuenta y of an impo
dos. 7 Cuarenta y cinco y treinta y siete son ochenta y dos. 8 Treinta y
cinco y treinta y ocho son setenta y tres. 9 Cincuenta y siete y sesenta y
tres son ciento veinte. 10 Cuarenta V cinco V cincuenta y cinco son cien.
Puzz les
familia; he
Exercise 7 Possessions hermano.
1 S, tengo Una casa. 3 S, tengo telfono en mi
tres ht.,1as' 2 S, tengo
casa. 4 Mi casa tiene (+ number) habitaciones. 5 S, tengo Cuarenta
1abuelo (1
Exercise 8 Tall<ing about youself 5 primo (c<
1 Me ||amo (+ name)' 2 Tengo ( + number) aos. 3 Soy de (+ town).
,1 S' soy emp|eado {emp|eada) de oficina. No, no soy emp|eado {emp|eada)
de oficina' 5 S' traba.1o en una oficina. No, no traba.Jo en Una oficina.
6 Tengo (+ number) hr.1os. No tengo hr.1os. 7 Se llaman (+ names). 8 Son 2Cn
(+ prossion). 9 Mi mu'1er traba.'1a. Mi mu.1er no trabaJa. l0 Trabaja en
una oficlna/una f brica/Un instituto,/Un hosoita|' etc'

Listening exercises Exercise

Usted: Br-
IE lsabel: Bu
Usted: M
Paco has one sister and two brothers. The sister is called Mara and is 20 years Isabel: S,
old. The brothers are called Alberto, who is 19 and Juan who is 15. momen
Ana has two brothers. Her elder brother is tall and slim with short hair and Usted: Gr
is fairly intelligent. The younger brother is short and fat.
lsabel: Us
Usted: Es,
1 Yes, she hastwo. 2 A son and a daughter. 3 Twenty and twenty-two lsabel: 4D
years old. 4 At the University. 5 The girl is studying languages and the Usted: Nc
boy, law. 6 Gonzalo and Piedad. 7 (c) They are very Spanish names'Me lsabel: Y,
parecen UnoS nombres muy . muy espao|es'_ They seem to me names Usted: Nc
verv ... verv Soanish.
Re ading exercises Usted:
Usted: Pu,
1d; 3c; 4f:' Empleado:


tco. 1 33. 2 Talr\ and slim, quite pretty and very intelligent. 3 Near the Puerta
v del So1, Madrid. 4 No. 5 She has fair hair and blue eyes. 6 In the office
,uenta y of an import/export company.
reinta y
'cr rld y Puzzl
)n cien.

fami|ia; hermana; abue|o; to; prima;

hermano; nia; Soltero.
)en ml
enta E
1 abuelo (grandfather);2 tio (uncle); 3 padres (parents); 4 hermana (sister);
5 primo (cousin).
). 8
)a.Ja en
Son 3 zCmo es su ciudad?

Exercise t Introducing yourself

Usted: Buenos das. Soy el seor Robinson.
|sabe|: Buenos das, seor Robinson. 1Cmo est usted?
Usted: Muy bien, gracias. Tengo una cita con el seor Lpez a las diez. ;Est?
is 20 years lsabel: S, est, pero est ocupado. Est con un cliente. 4Quiere sentarse un
rt hair and Usted: Gracias.

Exercise 2 Talking about your town

lsabel: Usted es de York. :verdad?
Usted: Eso es.
ty-two |sabe|: 4Dnde est York? ;Est cerca de Londres?
ed the Usted: No. E'st muy lejos de Londres en el norte de Inglaterra.
mes'Me lsabel: Y, 1cmo es York? Es una ciudad pequea, 1verdad?
names Usted: No, es bastante grande y muy antigua.

Exercise 3 Reclaiming lost ProPety

Empleado: Vamos a ver. Un bolso, gverdad?
Usted: Eso es.
Emp|eado: iCmo es el bolso, grande o pequeo?
Usted: Pues, es bastante grande.
Emp|eado: Y, ;de qu es? 4De piel o de plstico?


Usted: Es de piel. Exercise
Emp|eado: 4De qu color es? Empleado:
Usted: Marrn y negro. Usted: Es
Emp|eado: Un bolso bastante grande marrn y negro y de piel. 4Es ste su Empleado:
bolso? Usted: Es
Usted: S, creo que s. Gracias. Empleado:
Usted: Es
Exercise 4 Describing the contents of your handbag Empleado:
Empleado: ;Qu hay en el bolso? Usted: Es
Usted: Hay un pasaporte' un pasaporte ingls a nombre de Robinson' unos Empleado:
cheques de viajero. Usted: Gr
Emp|eado: iDe qu banco son los cheques?
Usted: Del Banco Midland. Despus hay un pauelo, perfume ' . ' Exercise
EmpIeado: 1Algo ms? 1 S, es mu
Usted: S' hay unos guantes. Interesante
Emp|eado: ;De qu color son los guantes?
Usted: Son grises ... y de piel.

Emp|eado: Entonces, ste es su bolso, seora. Listening
Usted: Muchas gracias.
Empleado: De nada, seora. Adis.
Usted: Adis. I Toledo; 2
6 Campo d
Exercise 5 Describin9 Pemanerrt Gonditions
l S, soy ingls (ing|esa). No, no soy ing|s (inglesa), soy (+ nationality)'
2 S. soy profesor (profesora). No' no soy profesor (profesora)' soy + job.
3 Mi casa es grande. Mi casa es pequea' Mi casa es bastante / muy / A handbag
grande / pequea. 4 Mi ciudad es antigua / moderna' 5 La comida de
mi casa es / no es excelente.

Exercise Saying where things are 1 Granada.

l Mi casa est/no est cerca de| centro delaciudad. 2 Mi oficina {taller, fountains ar
fbrica) est,/no est Cerca de mi casa. 3 Mi ciudad est cercal|e'.1os de one/two of t
Londres. 4 Mi ciudad est,ho est en e| norte. 5 Mi ciudad est,ho est in the evenir
en la costa.

Exercise 7 Describin9 temPoary conditions Reading e

l Estoy bien, gracias. 2 S, estoy/ No' no estoy ocupado (ocupada). 3 S' 1 ',7^ l,^. a)
estoy/ No' no estoy enfermo (enferma} . 4 s, estoy/ No' no estoy casado
l., v Alltt _

Blanca Syna
casada)' 5 Mi oficina est/ no est cerrada' artist from t.

Exercise 8 Forming questions
1 2Dnde est su casa? 2 2De qu es7 3 iCmo es? 4 2Hay muchos
turistas en Sevilla7 5 zDe qu color son7 6 2Cmo est usted? 7 2Est 2 fals
casado su hijo? 8 ZEst cerrado e| banco? 9 iEs secretaria su htla?
10 1Es ste su marido? (2Es sta su mu.1er7)


Exercise 9 Reclaiming lost property
Empleado: Un bolso, lverdad?
Usted: Eso es.
E,s ste su Empleado: 1Cmo es?
Usted: Es pequeo.
Emp|eado: 4De qu color es?
Usted: Es negro.
Emp|eado: aDe qu es?
Usted: Es de plstico.
son, unos Emp|eado: Entonces, ste es su bolso' ;verdad?
Usted: Gracias.
Exercise Io Modiying adjectives
l S, es muy simptico. 2 S' est bastante |ejos. 3 S, es bastante
interesante. 4 S, es muy grande. 5 s' est bastante b|en.

Listening exercises

1 Toledo; 2 Picos de Europa; 3 Bada1oz;4 San Sebastin;5 Caste||n;

6 Campo de Criptana.

r 1ob.
y/ A handbag.
nida de

1 Granada. 2 In the south of Spain. 3 (a) It is very nice with many

fountains and streets to stroll along. 4 Madrid. 5 You could give any
's one/two of these: She is from Madrid, it is the capital of Spain and very lively
/no est
in the evenings (por la noche es muy divertido).

Reading exercises
a). 3 s 1 70 km;2 58l 000; 3 No;4 Cathedral, El Greco's FIouse, Santa Mara la
Blanca Synagogue; 5 10.30 1.00 and 3.30-7.00;6 300 pesetas; 7 A famous
artist from the 16th century; 8 Near El Greco's House.

/ ztr)t<1
Pu zzles

I true; 2 false; 3 true; 4 false; 5 false; 6 true.



1 Barcelona; 2 Sevilla; 3 Bilbao; 4 Valencia; 5 Mlaga

1 2Dnde
3 2Dnde
se venoe e
4 2Dnde est su ciudad? Exercise
l S, tengo
mucho. 4
Exercise I Finding out if a certain place exists familia.
| 2Hay un banco por aqu? 2 2Hay una oficina de turismo por aqu?
3 1Hay una farmacia por aqu? 4 2Hay un estanco por aqu? 5 2Hay un Exercise
hote| por aqu7 I Nunca h
ciudad. 3
Exercise 2 Finding out how to get there {ocupada).
1 2Por dnde se va al banco7 2 1Por dnde se Va a |a oficina de turismo7
3 2Por dnde 5e Va a |a farmacia? 4 1Por dnde se va a| estanco7 5 2Por
Liste ning
dnde se va a| hotel?

Exercise 3 Finding out if you ae nea the place

1 2Est |e.1os e| banco7 2 2Est |e.1os la oficina de turismo7 3 2Est le'1os |a I Farmacia
farmacia? 4 2Est |ejos el estanco? 5 2Est |ejos e| hote|? 5 Mercado

Exercise 4 Following instructions

1 Go along the street, take the second street on the left and the tourist office is
in that street on the right. 2 Take t}le fourth street on the left, go as far as the Good weatl
end and the hotel is beside the Montesol Cafeteria. 3 Go along rhis street, take South it is r,

the third street on the right and the tourist office is opposite the Central Bank. the Madrid
4 Go along this street, take the first street on the right and then the second on 30 degrees.
the left. But don't go now; the chemist's is closed until 4 o'clock. 5 The
Prncipe Hotel is in Segovia Street. Look; go along this street, take the third
street on the right and go as far as the end. The hotel is beside the Cine So1.
a t-"^.
Lrult C r-',
- Lru
Exercise 5 Finding out if the place is open
1 2Est abierta la panadera? 2 2Est ablerta |a tienda de recuerdos? Reading
3 2Est abierto e| banco7 4 2Est abierta |a f armacia? 5 2Est abierto
estancoT [
Exercise Te||ing the time I Sports par
I Son las tres. 2 Son las doce. 3 Son las siete.
5 Son las once. 6 Es la una. 7 Son las cuatro.
las dos. 10 Son las ocho.
4 Son las cinco.
8 Son las seis. 9 Son E
Exercise 7 Talking about the weather
1 Hace buen tiempo. 2 Hacefro' 3 Hace ma| tiempo. 4 Hace mucho
sol. 5 Hace mucho calor.


Exercise 8 Finding out where things are sold
1 aDnde se vende e| tabaco7 2 2Dnde se venden |os bolsos7
3 2Dnde se venden |os guantes? 4 2Dnde se vende el caf? 5 iDnde
se vende el vinoT

Exercise 9 Saying you have or do a lot

l S' tengo muchos amigos. 2 S, tengo muchos C|ientes' 3 S, traba'1o
mucho' 4 S' tengo muchas amigas' 5 S' hay muchas personas en mi
2Hay un Exercise I O Saying it never happens
1 Nunca hace mucho so| en mi regin. 2 Nunca l|ueve mucho en mi
ciudad. 3 Nunca estoy enfermo (enferma). 4 Nunca estoy ocupado
(ocupada). 5 Nunca hay muchos turistas en mi ciudad.
' 5 2Por Listening exercises

;t lejos la 1 Farmacia Alonso; 2 Piscina municipal; 3 Cine 5ol; 4 Banco Vizcaya;

5 Mercado.

office is
r as the Good weather throughout Spain except the East and the Pyrenees. In the
LrLr Lt t-l'^
taNL South it is very fine and very hot. In the Pyrenees and the East it is cold. In
.i Bank. the Madrid area it is verv ine. very sunnv with temperatures in excess of
rond on 30 desrees.
: So1.
l true; 2 true (ca|iente hot); 3 do not know; 4 true; 5 true; false.

os7 Rea ding exercises

)ierto el
I Sports pavilion and marketl 2 Post Office; 3 Town Hall and tourist sights.

9 Son E
No. 2.

l mucno


Pu zzles cuarenta y
tas pesetas

Seville, very hot; Santiago, very bad weather; Madrid, cold; Valencia, sunny;
Bilbao, raining.
leave, et
I Sale a la:
ocho. 4 1

1 false; 2 true; 3 false; 4 true; 5 false; 6 true.

I Salgo d,

5 zEn qu trabaja usted? las (+ time)

instituto, et
Exercise t Saying whee you |ive and wok todos los di
Juan: Usted vive en York, lverdad, Juana?
Usted: No. Vivo en un pueblo pequeo cerca de York. Exercise
Juan: Pero usted trabaja en York, lno? l2Aquh
Usted: S, trabajo en un instituto en el centro de la ciudad. cerrado el t
viene usted
Exercise 2 Saying whee you have |unch empieza la
Juan: ;Come usted en casa o en un restaurante de la ciudad? oficina? I
Usted: Como en el instituto con los alumnos.
Juan: Y, lcome usted bien o mal?
Usted: Pues bastante mal. oero la comida es barata.

Exercise 3 Saying at what time you finish work and what

you do afterwards
Juan: 1A qu hora termina su trabajo?
Usted: Termino a las cuatro menos cuarto. Salgo del instituto y voy de
compras. Entonces voy a casa y hago la cena. I At 7.00 a;
Juan: Ya veo que trabaja usted mucho, Juana. 5 Between
Exercise 4 Answering guestions
I Vivo en una ciudad grande. 2 Trabalo en una oficina. 3 Como en un Reading e
bar. 4 Termino a las cinco. 5 Llego a casa a las seis menos cuarto. 1 In a small
walks and it
Exercise 5 Answering moe questions del So1. 6
1 Salgo de casa a |as ocho y cuarto. 2 Vengo en coche. 3 S, tengo un
coche pequeo. 4 Empiezo a las nueve' 5 S' hago mucho traba-1o.
Pu zzles
Number Practice
Doscientas noventa pesetas. 2 Cuatrocientas ochenta y cinco pesetas.
3 Trescientas sesenta pesetas. 4 Ochocientas cincuenta y cinco pesetas. 1 dosciento:
5 Ouinientas veinte oesetas. 6 Seiscientas treinta oesetas. 7 Setecientas setenta; 8 ql


cuarenta y cinco pesetas. 8 Novecientas setenta pesetas. 9 Mil quinien-
tas pesetas. 10 Diez mil Pesetas.

Exercise 7 Saying at what time things begin, end' arive'

leave, etc,
1 Salea lascincoymedia. 2 Llega alassieteycuarto. 3 Empiezaalas
ocho. 4 Termina a las once y media. 5 Sale a las nueve y cuarto'

Exercise 8 Talking about your own dai|y outine

1 Salgo de casa a las (+ time). 2 Coyo el tren/autobs/coche' 3 L|ego a
|as (+ time). 4 Trabalo en una oficina/fbrica/tienda/un hospita|,ztal|erl
instituto, etc' 5 Traba'1o (number) horas por da. 6 Como en casalen un
restaurante,/bar/una cafetera. No como. 7 Como bien/ma|/bastante
bien/bastante mal. 8 Termino a las (+ time). 9 VoylNo voy de compras
todos |os das. 10 Yo hago|a cena. Mi mujer/Mi marido hace la cena.

Exercise 9 Forming questions

1 2A qu hora ||ega e| tren? 2 2A qu hora sale usted de casa? 3 2Est
cerrado el banco? 4 2Cuntos empleados hay en esta fbrica? 5 2Cmo
VieneUsted a|aoficina? 6 2{ay unafarmaciaporaqu? 7 iAquhora
empieza |a sesin7 8 2Tiene usted coche? 9 2au coge para ir a |a
oficina? l0 iDnde vive?

Listening exerc?ses

7.30; 7.45; 8.05; 8.15, I 1.00; 11.20; 1.00; 2-5.30; 6.30.

y voy de
1 At 7.00 am. 2 At7.45 am. 3 At 8.45 or 9 am sharp. 4 Half anhour.
5 Between 1.00 and 1.30 pm. 6 He would like an hour for lunch.

mo en un Reading exercises
to. 1 In a small flat in the Calle de Montera. 2 A cat called Montse. 3 She
walks and it takes about 10 minutes. 4 8.2O. 5 In a cafeteria in the Puerta
del Sol. 6 5.30. 7 Very quiet but somewhat boring.
rngo un

resetas. l doscientos; 2 veintids; 3 doce; 4 sesenta; 5 setecientos; 6 diecisis; 7
tecientas setenta; 8 quinientos; 9 tres; 10 novecientos; 1l trescientos.



I No, prefi
If; 2a; 3i; 4b; 5c; 6j; 7 d; 8e; 9g; 10h. una cervez,

I No, prefi
zo'u hace usted en sus atos libres?
prefiero lee
_jugar al ten

Exercise I Getting what you want I Soy aficic
los discos.
Juan: 1Quiere usted caf, Juana?
Usted: Gracias.
Juan: lSolo o con leche?
Usted: Con leche, por favor. Exercise ,

1 S, leo n'
Juan: lQuiere azucar?
al golf. No,
Usted: No, gracias.
ooy un pas(
Exercise 2 Saying what you do in your leisure time por er camp
escucho la r
Robert: Ya veo que tiene usted muchos libros' Mara.
muchos libr,
Usted: S, soy muy aficionada a los libros. Por las tardes, cuando no tengo que
trabajar, me siento aqu, escucho uno de mis discos favoritos y leo mis
pgar aI ft|'
Robert: ;Qu clase de libros prefiere usted?
Usted: Prefiero novelas romnticas. il'ee usted mucho, Roberto?
Robert: No, prefiero los deportes.
Exercise t

Exercise 3 Saying what leisure facilities exist l El coac e

espaol' El e
Mara: .Hay teatros en York, Roberto?
que Madrid.
Usted: S, hay dos teatros y dos cines.
Mara: ;Va usted al teatro? teatro. 5 L

Usted: No voy mucho porque las entradas son bastante caras) pero voy al cine
de vez en cuando si hav una pelcula buena.
Exercise f
I Veo la tele
la ciudad.
Exercise 4 Offering something to someone tenis. 7 Le'

1 2ouiere Usted Un coac? 2 2auiere usted un cigarri||o? 3 2ouiere

9 Juego al
usted un ans7 4 2ouiere usted una cerveza? 5 2ouiere Usted Un Vaso tr

de vinoT
Lis tening
Exercise 5 Asking if someone wishes to do something
I 2Ouiere ustedJugar al tenisT 2 iauiere usted dar un paseoT 3 2Ouiere
usted ir de compras? 4 2auiere Usted ver |a te|evisin? 5 2ouiere usted Boy: He disli
escuchar un disco? srster, and in
Girl: She is n
friends. She i
disco every Si


Exercise Expressing a prefeence for something
1 No' prefiero un caf con |eche, 2 No, prefiero un ans. 3 No' prefiero
Una cerveza. 4 No' prefiero un caf' 5 No, prefiero un caf Cortado.

Exercise 7 Expressing a preference for doing something

1 No, prefiero dar un paseo. 2 No. prefiero ir de compras. 3 No.
prefiero leer un libro. 4 No, orefiero ir a la discoteca. 5 No. orefiero
JUgar al tenis.

Exercise 8 Expressing a keenness for something

1 Soy aficionado (aficionada) a los libros. 2 Soy aficionado (aficionada) a
los discos. 3 Soy aficionado (aficionada) al cine. 4 Soy aficionado
{aficionada) aI teatro. 5 Soy aficionado {aficionada) a |a televisin'

Exercise 9 Do you or don't you?

l S, |eo nove|as romnticas' No, no |eo nove|as romnticas. 2 S, 1uego
a| go|f ' No, noJuego a| go|f . 3 S' voy a| cine. No' no voy a| cine' 4 s'
doy un paseo por el campo cuando hace buen tiempo. No, no doy un paseo
por e| campo cuando hace buen tiempo. 5 S, escucho |a radio. No, no
escucho |a radio' 6 S, 1uego al tenis. No' no juego a| tenis. 7 S. |eo
muchos libros. No. no leo muchos |ibros. 8 S' s.;ugar aI ftbo|. No, no s
tengo que
y leo mis 1ugar a| ftbo|. 9 Prefiero e| cine/el teatro. 10 S, soy aficionado
(aficionada) a |a te|evisin. No, no soy aficionado (aficionada) a |a te|evisin.

Exercise t O What3 your opinion?

l El coac es ms fuerte que el vino. 2 El ingls es ms fci| que e|
espao|. El espaol es ms fci| que el ingls' 3 Londres es ms grande
que Madrid. 4 F-l teatro es ms Caro que e| cine. El cine es ms caro que e|
teatro. 5 La cerveza es ms barata oue e| vino'
roy al cine
Exercise t t Add the verb
1 Veo la te|evisin. 2 Voy al cine. 3 Juego a| go|f . 4 Doy Un paseo por
|a ciudad' 5 Leo nove|as romnticas. 6 Soy aficionado (aficionada) a|
tenis. 7 Leo muchos IiLrros. 8 Escucho discos de msica clsica.
9 Juego al tenis. 10 S.1ugar al ftbol.
tn vaso

Liste ntng exeTcLses

/1 avv,r,
; )r riora
re usted Boy: He dislikes TV and prefers sports. In the summer he plays tennis with his
sister, and in winter he plays football in a youth club team.
Girl: She is not keen on sport and goes to the theatre and the cinema with her
friends. She is keen on modern theatre and romantic films. She also soes to a
disco every SaLurday evening.

what th
I Reading and sports. 2 Tennis. 3 (a) el boxeo (boxing) and (e) las Dependie
carreras de caballos (horse racing). 4 She reads books or goes to the cinema. Usted: I
5 Tennis. 6 He likes reading and going ro the cinema. Dependie
Usted: i,
Res ding exerce'ses
r4 Exercise
Usted: (
I The Grass Cutter. 2 It changed him into a god. 3 You must be over Dependier
film. 4 $(hite Sands. 5
13 years of age to see the Change yourself into the Usted: t
victim. 6 Anyone. 7 Classical, majestic, exciting. 8 A Very Distant Dependier
Horizon. 9 Fury and passion. 10 You must be more than 18 years old. Usted: A

I 2Tiene I
I Great adventures of the cinema. The Tiger of Esnapur. 2 Home-made 3 2Tiene r
videos. 3 At 15.00 and 20.55. 4 A currenr affairs news programme. 5 2Tiene I
5 Football reports, in particular about Andalusian teams.
I Ouiero
Pu zzles

botella de
trl Exercise
1 Maria, tenis; 2 Pedro, ftbol; 3 Carolina, novelas; 4Pedro, qo|f .
I Ouisiera
de a|godr
a19unos gu

I Una treit
cuarenta y

7 2au desea? I It costs
4 It costs (

Exercise t Saying what you want I 2No tien
Dependienta: Buenos das, seora. aQu desea? pequea7
Usted: Quisiera ver algunos vestidos de verano, por favor. carosT 5
Dependienta: Muy bien, seora. 4Qu talla, por favor?
Usted: {Jna treinta y ocho. Exercise
Dependienta: Bien. 4De qu color quiere el vestido? 1 2ou le
Usted: Azul, creo, o quizs verde. parece mi

Dependienta: 4ste, por ejemplo? sombrero?


Exercise 2 Asking to see othe goods and estab|ishing
what things are made of
Dependienta: ;Este, por ejemplo?
) las
he cinema.
Usted: Es muy bonito, pero' .no tiene usted otro ms claro?
Dependienta: Ms claro. Vamos a ver. 4Este, entonces?
Usted: ;Ah, s! se es muy bonito. ;De qu es? iDe niln?
Dependienta: No, seora. Es de algodn. 4Quiere probrselo?

Exercise 3 Buying shoes

Dependienta: Buenos das, seor. iQu desea?
Usted: Quisiera ver algunos zapatos, por favor.
)e over Dependienta: Muy bien, seor. ;Qu nmero gasta usted?
lf into the Usted: Un cuarenta y dos.
stant Dependienta: Y, ;de qu color?
rs old. Usted: Marrones.
Exercise 4 Asking if certain goods are available
1 2Tiene usted vestidos de verano? 2 i.Tiene usted bolsos de pielT
r-made 3 4Tiene usted vestidos de niln? 4 2Tiene usted Zapatos de ante?
ne. 5 2Tiene usted b|usas de a|godn?

Exercise 5 Saying what you want

1 Ouiero un caf con |eche' 2 ouiero un |itro de leche. 3 ouiero una
bote||a de vino. 4 Ouiero Un coac. 5 ouiero Una cerveza.

Exercise Saying what you would |ike to see

I Oursiera ver algunos zapatos de piel. 2 Ouisiera ver algunos vestidos
de a|godn. 3 ouisiera ver a|gunas fa|das de a|godn. 4 Ouisiera ver
a|gunos guantes de pie|. 5 ouisiera ver a|gunas b|usas de algodn.

Exercise 7 Giving the size

I ocho. 2 Una cuarenta. 3
Una treinta y Una cincuenta 4 Una
cuarenta V dos. 5 Una treinta v seis.
Exercise 8 Understanding the price
I It costs 4200 pesetas. 2 They cost 5600 pesetas. 3 It costs 1700 pesetas.
4 It costs 6900 pesetas. 5 They cost 200 pesetas.

Exercise 9 Asking to see alternative goods

l 2No tiene usted otros ms oscuros7 2 2No tiene usted otra ms
pequea7 3 2No tiene Usted otro ms c|aro? 4 2No tiene usted otros m5
carosT 5 ZNo tiene usted otras mas baratas?
Exercise t O Asking someoneS opinion
l 2ou le parece mi bolso7 2 2au le parecen mis guantes? 3 iOu |e
parece mi fa|da? 4 2au le parece mi vestido7 5 2Ou le parece mi


Exercise I I Concfuding a sale
l S' me lo quedo. 2 S, me la quedo. 3 S, me |os quedo" 4 S, me |o E
quedo. 5 S. me la quedo. (a)
Exercise t 2 Expressing you opinion
I Me parecen muy caros. 2 Me parece que sale a las ocho. 3 Me parece (b)
que la seorita Gmez est en casa. 4 Me parece muy grande 1 Handbag
5 Me parecen muy estrechos. 6 Me parece que el tren llega a Madrid a (c)
las once. 7 Me parecen bastante baratos. 8 Me parece que llueve.
I Socks;2.
9 Me parece muy cmodo. 10 Me parece que no |lega nunca hasta |as

Exercise l3 Obtaining clothes 2Oud

Dependiente: Buenos das, seor (seora). ;Qu desea?
Usted: Quisiera ver algunas camisas, por favor.
Dependiente: iQu talla, por favor?
Usted: lJna treinta y ocho. Exercise
Dependiente: ;De qu color quiere la camisa? Usted: gT
Usted: Blanca. Camarero:
Dependiente: Muy bien' seor (seora). sta es muy bonita. Usted: Pa
Usted: iDe qu es? Camarero:
Dependiente: Es de algodn. Usted: Gr
Usted: 4Cunto vale? Camarero:
Dependiente: Vale nueve mil pesetas.
Usted: Muy bien. Me la quedo. Exercise
Dependiente: Muchas gracias, seor (seora). Camarero:
Usted: So
Listening exercises Usted: Ur
r4 Camarero:
Usted: S,
She wishes to buy a size 40 blouse in white or yellow. The irst one is too dear Camarero:
and she buys a cheaper one for 9000 pesetas. Usted: S'

I 2Ouiere I

I Simple clothing. 2 A skirt and a blouse. 3 Trousers with a blouse or a jamn? 3

jersey. 4 The weather, and whether she is going out or not. tarta he|ad
traerme m
caf soIo?
Read ing exercises
t4 Exercise
1 Voy a tor
The shop offers good prices, better service and more quality. It boasts it is the
patatas. 3
de cerdo cc
7 Voy a tor
9 Voy a tor


me to
I An end of season sale; 2 Trousers; 3 Suits; 4 Jackets.

le parece (b)
I Handbags; 2 At half-price.
drid a (c)
sta las

8 4ou va a tomar?

Exercise t Obtaining a table and the menu

Usted: lTiene una mesa libre?
Camarero: 1Paracuntos?
Usted: Para cuatro.
Camarero: S, seor. Por aqu.
Usted: Gracias. Trigame la carta, por favor.
Camarero: Aqu tiene usted.

Exercise 2 Ordering a meal

Camarero: 4Qu va a tomar?
Usted: Sopa de pescado.
Camarero: ;Y despus?
Usted: Un bistec con patatas.
Camarero: iY para beber? iToma vino?
Usted: S, una botella de vino tinto.
too dear Camarero: lTomapostre?
Usted: S. Un helado.
Exercise 3 Polite requests
1 2Ouiere traerme una ensalada mixta? 2 2auiere traerme guisantes con
rse or a jamn? 3 iouiere traerme pol|o asado Con patatas? 4 2auiere traerme
tarta helada? 5 2Ouiere traerme una botella de agua mineral? 6 2Ouiere
traerme ms pan? 7 1ouiere traerme ms vino7 8 2ouiere traerme Un
caf so|o? 9 2Ouiere traerme un coac7 l0 iOuiere traerme |a cuenta7

Exercise 4 Explaining what you are going to have

1 Voy a tomar una ensalada rusa. 2 Voy a tomar una tortilla francesa con
patatas. 3 Voy a tomar calamares a la romana. 4 Voy a tomar chuletas
it is the
de cerdo Con patatas ' 5 Voy a tomar un flan. 6 Voy a tomar un p|tano.

7 Voy a tomar queso manchego. 8 Voy a tomar un caf con |eche.

9 Voy a tomar me|ocotones en a|mbar' 10 Voy a tomar Una manzana'


Exercise 5 Getting exactly what you want Read ing e
I No, agua mineral sin gas. 2 No, un bistec sin patatas. 3 No, agua
mineral con gas. 4 No, pollo asado sin patatas. 5 No, merluza rebozada tr_l
con patatas. I Soup; pat
custard; ricr
Exercise Simp|e orders of wine.
1 Trigame un consom' 2 Trigame judas verdes Con tomate.
3 Trigame a|cachofas rebozadas. 4 Trigame merluza rebozada'
5 Trigame besugo a| lrorno. 6 Trigame cordero asado. 7 Trigame un
f|an. 8 Trigame una bote|la de vino tinto. 9 Trigame un caf solo y un
coac. )'0 Trigame |a cuenta. 2 fish soup;
lamb; 2 veal

1 S' trigame
Giving orders
|a cuenta. 2 5, deme |a direccin ' 3 s, escrbame e| r4
precio. 4 S, srvame |a sopa. 5 S, dgame el nmero de te|fono.
romat = ton
Exercise 8 Saying what you ae 9oin9 to do pescado; m
merluza; ga
I Voy a tomar una cerveza. 2 Voy a beber vino. 3 Voy a visitar el
mUseo' 1 Voy a ver |a te|evisin. 5 Voy a leer e| peridico'

Exercise 9 Saying how you feel

l S, tengo hambre. S, tengo mucha hambre. No, no tengo hambre. 2 S, Una ensala<
tengo calor. S, tengo mucho ca|or, No, no tengo ca|or. 3 S' tengo fro. S, Una tortilla
tengo mucho fro. No. no tengo fro. 4 S' tengo sueo. S, tengo mucho Una tortilla
sueo. No, no tengo sueo. 5 S, tengo sed. S, tengo mucha sed. No. no Huevos revr
tengo sed. Besugo al h
Calamares e
Oueso man
Listening exerclses Sopa rusa (
14 Atn con to
Tarta del tie
l st customer: Mixed hors d'oeuvres, steak and chips and a half-bottle of fizzy
mineral water.
2nd customer: Fish soup, roast chicken with a lettuce and tomato salad and a

.q .^d

I false; 2 true; 3 false; 4 true; 5 do not know (he says he likes prawns on their Exercise 1

own 'las gambas solas', or [ried 'las gambas fritas'; 6 false; 7 true. Usted: aEs
Taxista: S.
Usted: A L
Taxista: M

Reodi ng exerczses

I Soup; paella; spaghetti; frsh soup; mixed salad. Caramel custard;
custard; rice pudding. 3 They are made of fish. 4 Bread, water and a glass
of wine.

Jame un
olo y un
2 fish soup; 2 mixed salads; 3 French omelettes; I tuna with tomato; 2 roast
lamb; 2 veal steaks; 1 red wine; L fizzy mineral water.

let rE
romat = toffir, megratia = trigame; semonoc = consom; daspoce =
pescado. mealsarca a la manaro = calamares a la romana; zularem =
merluza; gachule y meatot = lechuga y tomate; zularem = merluza.

. 2( Una ensalada de lechuga y pescado (false). Lechuga y tomate.

o fro. S Una tortilla francesa (true).
MUChO Una torti|la a|emana (false). Una torti||a francesa o espao|a.
. No. no Huevos revueltos con guisantes (false). Con tomate.
Besugo al horno (true).
Ca|amares en a|mbar (false). Calamares a |a romana'
Oueso manchego (true).
Sopa rusa (false). Ensaladilla rusa.
Atn con tomate (true).
Tarta del tiempo (false). Fruta del tiempo.
le of flzzy

lad and a

9 2Adnde vamos?

rn their Exercise I Obtaining a taxi and stating the destination

Usted: iEst libre?
Taxista: S, seor. 2Adnde les llevo?
Usted: A la estacin de Atocha, por favor.
Taxista: Muv bien. Suban ustedes.

KEY To Ex'RC1.sEs 3 i l
Second aersion Exercise l
Usted: 4Est libre? 1 ;Cnnara
Taxista: S, seor' iAdnde les llevo? discoteca pr
Usted: A la Plaza Mayor. aqui? 4 Ll
Taxista: Muy bien. Suban ustedes. iTienen ustedes prisa? una Duena
Usted: Si. tenemos prisa.

Exercise 2 Finding out train times and booking tickets

Usted: ;A qu hora sale el prximo tren para Toledo?
Taquillera: Sale a las once y media. Exercise I

Usted: Dos billetes, por favor. 1 S' s hab

Taqui||era: ;De ida y vuelta o slo de ida? bailar. 3 5

Usted: De ida y vuelta. no s.iugar

Taqui||era: ;De qu clase, primera or segunda?
Usted: De segunda. Exercise'
Taquillera: Muy bien. 1 S' |a con.
tes conozco
Secortd aersion
Usted: 1A qu hora sale el prximo tren para Barcelona? Exercise
Taquillera: Sale a las once y media. etc.
Usted: Un billete, por favor. 1 2Dond s
Taquillera: ;De ida y vuelta o slo de ida? 3 2Dond s
Usted: De ida. se hacen lo
Taquil|era: 4De qu clase, primera o segunda?
Usted: De primera.
Taquillera: Muy bien. Listening
Exercise 3 Asking for change tE
1 2Tiene cambio de quinientas pesetasT 2 2Tiene cambio de cien pesetas? She wishes
3 2Tiene cambio de cinco mil pesetasT 4 2Tiene cambio de cincuenta 8.30 pm.
pesetas? 5 2Tiene cambio de dos mil pesetas?

Exercise 4 Asking arrival times

l 2A que hora |lega el tren a Madrid? 2 2A qu hora l|ega e| autobs a|
Centro de la ciudad? 3 2A qu hora l|ega e| taxi a| hote|7 4 2A qu hora I On the se

||ega el tren a |a costa? 5 2A qu hora ||ega el autoLrs a| museo7 4 By Metrc

train. 8 R
Exercise 5 Asking if something is Possible o Permitted
1 2Se puede aparcar aqu? 2 2Se puede fumar en esta habitacin7 3 iSe
puede comer ahora? 4 iSe puede entrar en el museo? 5 25e puede Reading e
probar este vestidoT I You have
to neighbou
Exercise Stating that something is or is not Permitted couchettes.
l No' no se puede aparcar en esta cal|e. 2 S. se puede tomar vino con la September.
comida' 3 S, se puede.1ugar a| go|f aqui. 4 No' no se puede hacer caf
en la habitacin' 5 S, se puede comer ms tarde.


Exercise 7 Asking if someone knows of certain places
1 2Conoce Usted un buen caf por aqu? 2 2Conoce Usted Una buena
discoteca por aqu? 3 2Conoce Usted Una buena tienda de modas por
aqui? 4 2Conoce Usted Un buen restaurante por aqu7 5 2Conoce usted
una buena farmacia oor aaui?

Exercise 8 Can you or cant you?
1 S' s hab|ar francs. No, no s hab|ar francs. 2 St, s Lrai|ar. No, no s
bailar. 3 S' s hacer caf. No' no s hacer caf. 4 S' s.,1u9ar a| go|f' No
no s.;ugara| go|f. 5 S' s hab|ar ing|s' No, no s hab|ar ing|s.

Exercise 9 Do you know them or dont you?

1 S' |a Conozco' 2 No, no |es conozco. 3 No, no |a conozco '1 No. no
|es conozco. 5 S, |a conozco.

Exercise t O Asking where things are sold, made, bought,

l 2Dond se Compran |os cigarril|os? 2 2Dond se venden los re|o..1es?
3 2Dond se hacen |as camisas7 4 ;Dond se vende el vino? 5 zDond
se hacen los traJesT

Listening exercises

She wishes to buy a first class return ticket to Alicante and to arrive before
8.30 pm.

bs al
u hora 1 On the sea by boat (por el mar en barco). 2 By car. 3 He goes by bus.
4 By Metro. 5 It is more practical. 6 By bicycle (en bicicleta). 7 By
train. 8 Romantic. 9 It makes the journey more interesting.
i 32Se
ede Reading exercises
1 You have to pay a supplement. 2 Cafeteria and crche. Coach connections
to neighbouring towns. 3Saturdays and \ednesdays' 4 Sieeping car and
Ited couchettes. 5 No, it does not run from 24th of June to the lTth of
o con la September. 6 There is a coach service.
Lc| Ld|

Puzzles Exercise ,

_ Buenos das. 2ou desea? Usted: Me

no func
- Ouisiera ir a Barcelona.
- 2Cmo quiere ir, en tren o en autocar ?

_ Todo depende de| precio. 1Cunto va|e en tren 7 Second t,ersit

- En tren es ms caro - dos mi| quinientas pesetas - pero es ms rapido y Usted: Me
ms cmodo, c|aro. Portero: 1I
- 2Y en autocar ?
- En autocar son mil trescientas pesetas, ida y vuelta. Exercise ,

- Pues deme un billete en tren para maana. I Voy a Ser

_ Muy bien. seorita. para Crdol
- 2A qu hora sale el tren 7 sbado.
- A las tres y media de la tarde.
Exercise r

1 It costs 2t

t o 2Tiene una habitacin |ibre? 30 000 pese

100 pesetas

Exercise ,

Exercise l Booking a oom I Me parec

Recepcionista: Buenas tardes. 4En qu puedo servirle? bastante ca
Usted: Buenas tardes. 4Tiene una habitacin libre?
Recepcionista: llndividual o doble? Exercise I

Usted: Doble, por favor. 1 24 qu ht

Recepcionlsta: 1Con cuarto de bao o con ducha? qu hora se
Usted: Con cuarto de bao. vende la fru

Second z;ersion
Recepcionista: Buenas tardes. 4En qu puedo servirle?
Usted: Buenas tardes. ;Tiene una habitacin libre?
Recepcionista: ;Individual o doble? Exercise i

1 Empiezo
Usted: Individual.
Recepcionista: 1Con cuarto de bao o con ducha? 3 Ouiero/N
Usted: Con ducha. 5 Tengo/Nr
Exercise 2 Finding out the price ciudad. 8
a las (+ timt
Usted: 4Cunto vale la habitacin?
Recepcionista: La habitacin vale ocho mil pesetas por da. Luego tiene usted
l2 Sirvo,/Nt
las comidas.
Usted: Exercise'
4Cunto valen las comidas? I Me hace
Recepcionista: El desayuno vale cuatrocientas pesetas, er almuerzo y la cena
valen dos mil pesetas cada uno.
3 Me hacer
hace falta u
Usted: Doce mil cuatrocientas pesetas por da entonces.
Recepcionista: No. La pensin completa vale un poco menos: doce mil
pesetas por da. ;Quiere usted la pensin completa?
Usted: S, por favor.


Exercise 3 Making complaints
Usted: Me parece que esta toalla no est |impia y la luz en el cuarto de bao
no funciona.
Portero: ;Perdoneusted!
Second z;ersion
raproo y Usted: Me parece que esta cama est sucia, y el telfono no funciona.
Portero: lPerdoneusted!

Exercise 4 Saying when you do things

1 Voy a Sevi||a el mirco|es. 2 Empiezo mi trabajo el Viernes' 3 Sa|go
para Crdoba e| .;ueves. 4 L|ego a Barcelona e| martes. 5 Estoy |ibre e|

Exercise 5 Understanding what things cost

I It costs 2000 pesetas a day. 2 It costs 7000 pesetas a week' 3 It costs
30 000 pesetas a month. 4 It costs 3000 pesetas an hour. 5 It costs
100 pesetas a day.

Exercise Expressin9 oPinions

1 Me parece exce|ente. 2 Me parece muy simptica. 3 Me parece
bastante Cara. 4 Me parece muy romntica' 5 Me parece barato.

Exercise 7 Asking when and whee things happen

1 2,A qu hora se sirve |a cena? 2 2Dndese venden |as asp|rinas? 3 2A
qu hora se abre e| banco? 4 2Dnde se puede aparcar? 5 2Dnde se
vende la fruta?

Exercise 8 Answering questions

I Empiezo mi traba.lo a las (+ time). 2 Prefiero el vino/la cetveza.
3 Ouiero/No quiero ser rico (rica). 4 Me siento en la sala de estar.
5 TengolNo tengo hermanos. 6 Vengo a mi traba,;o en
coche/autoLrs/tren,/bicic|etala pie' 7 Nieva/No nieva mucho en mi
ciudad. 8 JuegolNo juego al golf . 9 Duermo bien/mal. 10 Me acuesto
a |as (+ time) |os sbados' 11 L|ueve/No |lueve mucho en mi regin.
12 Sirvo/No sirvo vino con la comida los domingos.
ene usted
Exercise9 Expressing a need
1 Me hace falta una toalla limpia . 2 Me hace falta una chaqueta de piel.
y,, ra falta unos calcetines. 4 Me hace falta un relo..1 de oro. 5 Me
l^ LLrrd
3 Me hacen
hace falta una cartera nueva.

doce mil


Liste nxng
tE Exercise
Robert: Y
The customer wants a single room with a shower and a telephone; Usted: S.
asks about
the price of the room, whether breakfast is included and
at what time breakfast Dependienl
rs served. The room costs 4000 pesetas per day.
Usted: S,

E Dependient
Usted: S.
Robert: S
The room is dirty, the shower is not working and the mini-bar
is emptv. Dependient

E Usted:


I To
make a compraint. you probabry gathered this from the gist
of the whore Robert: U;

conversation. The expression actuaily used was 'Tengo unu q,i"_1u'

complaint. 2 The bathroom is very dirty and the telephone do-es nor- I have a Usted: Me
work. Camarero:
3 At 11.30 that morning. 4 Fourreen.
Usted: Un
Reodin I exercxses Exercise'
tE 1 S' me gu
gustan. 5
I DIAZ habitaciones Solo dormir. 2 Salida a piscina. 3 Hostal princesa. gustan. 9
Habitaciones con bao y ca|efaccin. 4 Se alquila piso en Tru.1il|o. Amplio,
Centrico' calefaccin Central. Exercise


1 No,nom
3 No,nom
oe compras
I Hotel Guzmn. 2 Hote| Miramar. 3 Hote| Guzmn' 4 Hote| Cata|n. al tenis. 8
10 No, no r

Exercise t
Recepcin (Reception); recepcionista (receptionist); f|ores (flowers); 1 No, no le
(porter); criente (customer); maleta (suitcase); perro (dog); el calor.
comedor (dining- 4
roc.rm); mesa (table); Camarero (waiter)' Did you find le gusta la C
anv thers?
9 S, |e gust

1 | 2Le gusta?

I l\ln ma nr
me gusta tri
Exercise t Finding out what things are made of churros. 6

Usted: iCon qu se fabrica todo esto? comida espi

Emp|eado: Con oro y acero, seora. Es el arte tpico de Toledo y se tabaco espa
llama arte
damasquinado. ll-e gusta?
Usted: S, me gusta mucho. .Qu se fabrica aqur exactamente? Exercise I

Emp|eado: Aqu se fabrica de todo, seora: broches, collares' pendientes, 1 S' me gu'
espadas ... gustaria. 4

3 1 6 MASTERING 5'PIA'1S-1
Exercise2 Selecting a gift
Robert: Y unos pendientes para Dolores. Le gustan los pendientes a Dolores,
asks about Usted: S, creo que s. iTiene usted pendientes?
e breakfast Dependienta: Claro que s, seora. Estos son muy bonitos, 1no?
Usted: S, son bastante bonitos, pero me gustan ms aqullos.
Dependienta: ;stos,seora?
Usted: S. ;No te gustan' cario?
Robert: S, me gustan mucho. 1Son caros?
)ty. Dependienta: No, seor. Slo mil ochocientas pesetas.
Usted: stos,entonces.

Exercise 3 Getting a drinl<

the whole Robert: Un caf con leche para m. 4Qu quieres, cario?
I have a Usted: Me gustara tomar algo fro. ;Qu tiene?
rt work. Camarero: Pues hay batidos, horchata, limn natural, cerveza
Usted: Un limn natural. por favor.

Exercise 4 Saying what you lil(e

l S. me gusta. 2 S' me gusta' 3 No' no me gusta. 4 No, no me
gustan. 5 S, me gusta. 6 S, me gustan. 7 No' no me gusta' 8 S, me

gustan. 9 No. no me gusta' l0 S, me gustan.
Exercise 5 Saying what you like doing
l No, no me gusta arreg|ar e| coche. 2 S, me gusta Ver |a te|evision.
3 No, no me gusta traba1ar' 4 S, me gusta comer bien. 5 S, me gusta ir
de compras. 6 s' me gUsta estudiar e| espao|. 7 No' no me 9ustaJUgar
a| tenis. 8 No, no me gusta beber vino. 9 5, me gusta escuchar discos'
:| Cata|n.
10 No, no me gusta dar un paseo.

Exercise Ta|king for others

\. ^rtr^ 1 No. no le gusta e| coac. 2 S, |e gustan |as rubias. 3 No' no |e gusta
/1 vvr LU v
;r (dining- e| ca|or. 4 S' |e gusta el caf solo. 5 S' le gustan los museos. 6 No, no
le gusta |a Coca Co|a. 7 S' |e gustan |os churros' 8 No, no |e gusta e| so|.
9 S' le gustan |as vacaciones. l0 No' no |e gusta e| fro.

Exercise 7 Saying how much you like things or doing

1 \lo me gUsta nada escuchar d|scos. 2 Me gUsta bastante bai|ar' 3 No
me gUsta trabaJar' 4 Me gUSta mucho Espaa. 5 Me gUstan bastante |os
churros. 6 No me gusta nada |a cerveza espao|a" 7 Me 9usta mucho |a
comida espao|a. 8 Me gUstan bastante |os espao|es' 9 No me 9usta e|
tabaco espao|. 10 Me gustan mucho |as chicas espao|as.
llama arte
Exercise 8 Accepting an invitation willingly or reiecting it
1 5, me gustara mucho' 2 S, me gustara mucho. 3 No' no me
endientes, gustara. 4 S. me gustara mucho. 5 No. no me gUstaria.


Exercise 9 Flatter the speaker
1 Me encanta su vestido. 2 Me encantan sus hr..1os . 3 Me encanta su
ciudad. 4 Me encanta su muier. 5 Me encantan sr r< nendipnfec

Me encar

Exercise I o Giving you oPinion of things

I Me aburre la ciudad. 2 Me interesan esos hombres. 3 Me gusta
bastante la comida. 4 Me aburren las revistas. 5 Me interesa el programa

Exercise I I Saying how much money you have left

1 Me quedan dos mil pesetas. 2 Me quedan cuarenta pesetas. 3 Me Exercisr
quedan ocho mil pesetas. 4 Me quedan ciento ochenta pesetas. 5 Me Juan: a(
quedan cuatrocientas veinte pesetas. Usted: a
Juan: a(
Usted: I
Listenlng exerczses Juan: A
r4 Usted:
Juan: N

I Cars are produced in Valencia and Barcelona. 2 Apples are grown 1n Usted: I
northern Spain in the region of Asturias. 3 Stamps are sold in the state
tobacconist's. 4 Shoes are produced in Menorca. 5 Oranges are grown in Exercisr
the regi,,n of Valencia. I 2Por qc
3 2Por qt
5 2Por qu

When it's nice, Paco likes to go to the swimming pclo1 or to the beach' \7hen Exercisc
the weather is bad, he likes to stay at home and read or watch the television. Taquillera
When the weather is very hot, in the summer, Ana likes to sunbathe in the Usted: E
garden, or go to the countryside with her friends. Taquillera
Usted: f
I true; 2 false; 3 true; 4 know; 5 true; 6 truel 7 a(
do not true. Taquillera
Second aer
Reading exercises Taquillera
I She likes going out with her friends, going to the countryside or the beach, Usted: e
sunbathing, or swimming in the swimming-pool or the sea. 2 It is fairly cold. Taquillera:
3 She likes to go to the theatre or the cinema. 4 She likes to read. 5 She Usted: t
likes interesting books, particularly biographies of important people from Taquillera:
Spanish history. 6 She does not like sport. 7 She finds them boring. Usted: a(
8 What you do in your spare time. Taquillera:

Puzzl Usted: 1I
14 Juan: iQ
Usted: P
Doa Rosa, playing golf; Don Juan, bananas; Carolina, chips; Mara' Juan: Mr
sunbathing; Mateo, swimming; Paco, playing tennis.


;. E
Me enCanta el espaol.

.a | 2 2Por qu no vamos al cine?


3Me Exercise I Planning an outing

5Me Juan: 4Qu quieres hacer esta tarde?
Usted: 4Por qu no Vamos al cine?
Juan: 1Qu ponen?
Usted: No s. ;Dnde est el peridico?
Juan: Ah est' en la mesa.
Usted: iEn qu pgina est la gua de espectculos?
Juan: No 1o s seguro. En ia pgina diez u once.
n 1n Usted: Ah, s. Aqu est.
grown ln Exercise 2 Making suggestions
I 2Por qu no Vamos al teatro? 2 2Por qu no Vamos a las tiendas?
3 2Por qu no Vamos a| museo7 4 1Por qu no Vamos a |a discoteca?
5 2Por qu no Vamos a |a p|aza?
r. When Exercise 3 Obtaining tickets or seats
evision. Taqui|lera: Buenas tardes. 4Qu desea?
in the Usted: Buenas tardes. Quiero dos butacas, por favor.
Taqui||era: 4Para la sesin de la tarde o de la noche?
Usted: De la tarde, por favor.
Taquil|era: Aqu tiene usted. Dos butacas en la fila veinte.
Usted: ;Cunto valen?
true. Taquillera: Mil doscientas pesetas.
Second ztersion
Taquil|era: Buenas tardes. ;Qu desea?
Usted: Quiero cuatro butacas, por favor.
air1y cold Taqui||era: ;Para ia sesin de la tarde o de la noche?
5 She Usted: De la noche.
:rom Taqui|lera: Aqu tiene usted. Cuatro butacas en la fila veinte.
ing. Usted: ;Cunto valen?
Taquillera: Dos mil cuatrocientas pesetas.

Exercise 4 lnviting someone to have a drink

Usted: ;Por qu no tomamos un aperitivo en aquel bar? Vamos; te invito.
Juan: ;Qu amable! 4Por qu me invitas?
Usted: Porque eres muy guapo y te quiero mucho.
Juan: Muv bien.


Exercise 5 Explaining why you are not doing something importa e
and that you prefer something else color. 9
l Porque me gustan ms |as chu|etas' 2 Porque me gusta ms el tenis'
3 Porque me gusta ms el museo. 4 Porque me gusta ms ver |a Exercisr
televisin. 5 Porque me gusta ms el campo. t I r dudJu
3 Hablo e

Exercise Saying that you do not know and that you al tenis. JL
companion does not know either
1 No, no |o s. No, no lo sabe' 2 No, no |o s. No' no lo sabe. 3 No, no Listenin,
lo s. No, no |o saben. 4 No, no |o s. No, no lo saben. 5 No, no lo s.
No, no lo sabe.

Exercise 7 Saying how you intend to get there I One spe

because th
1 Voy en avin. 2 voy en tren. 3 Vamos a pie. 4 Voy en autobs.
rs to go shr
5 Vamos en taxi.
a summer

Exercise 8 Do you agree or dont you?

1 5, estoy de acuerdo 2 No, no estoy de acuerdo. 3 S, estoy de
acuerdo. 4 S, estoy de acuerdo. 5 No, no estoy de acuerdo.
I What to
Exercise 9 Describing things in an exclamatoty way interesting
does not fz
1 ;Ou guapa e5 esa seorita! 2 iau grande es |a habitacin| 3 1ou
bonito es este bo|so| 4 iou barato es este vestido! 5 ;Ou fuerte es este 8 (a) In A.

I La Fondz
Exercise I O Saying when you and your companion begin La Llama

to do things
I Me pongo a trabaJar a las ocho y media. Se pone a traba,lar a las nueve y Puzzles
cuarto. 2 Me pongo a estudiar a las siete. Se pone a estudiar a las seis.
3 Me pongo a preparar la cena a las cinco y media. Se pone a preparar la lf;2e;3h;
cena a las seis menos cuarto. 4 Me pongo a Jugar al golf a las seis y media.
Se pone a Jugar al golf a las once y media.

Exercise t t Finding out exactly where things are

1 2En qu piso est |a oficina7 2 1En qu pueb|o est el castillo? 3 2En
qu andn est el tren? 4 1En qu direccin est Ia playa? 5 2En qu
cal|e est la piscina? 6 1En qu ciudad est eI camping? 7 2En qu parte
est el teatro? 8 2En qu p|aza est el supermercado? 9 2En qu ca|le Exercise
est el ta||er? 10 2En qu pueb|o est el hospita|? Usted: Bt
Exercise l2 Expressing a fack of concern Usted: 2C
I No me importa la hora. 2 No me importa el tiempo. 3 No me importa Vendedor:
e| viaje. 4 No me importa e| ca|or. 5 No me importa e| fro. 6 No me pesetas
Usted: s


:hing importa el retraso. 7 No me importa el traba.1o. 8 No me importa el
color. 9 No me importa la niebla. 10 No me importa el programa.
Exercise t 3 Saying how you do things
1 rpidamente. Traba-1o |entamente. 2 Duermo bien. Duermo ma|.
3 Hablo e| espao| fci|mente. Hablo el espaol difcilmente' 4 Juego bien
our al tenis. Juego mal al tenis. 5 Desayuno deprisa. Desayuno despacio.

3 No, no Listening exercises

ro |o s.
1 One speaker invites the other to play a game of golf. The invitation is refused
because the second speaker does not know how to play go1f. 2 The invitation
is to go shopping and is accepted because the second speaker would like to buy
a summer dress. Thev asree to meet in the Puerta del Sol at 10.30.

cle E
1 $7hat to do the next day. 2 They go io the cinema. 3 She cannot see any
interesting films in the Entertainments Gurde. 4 Dracula. 5 She says she
does notfancy goingto see it. 6 Itis anewversion ofthe film. 7 At 7 pm.

3 iOu
te es este
8 (a) In Alcal Street' (The other Streets do exist in Madrid, but .La Cal|e de
A|caI,was the correct answer.)

Reading exercises
I La Fonda; 2 Ouattrocento; 3 El Pescador; 4 La Galette; 5 Casa Pepe;
6 La Llama;7 El Organillo; 8 Dario's.
rs nueve y Puzzles
las seis.
lf;2e;3h; 4i;5b; 6a; 7i, 8d; 99; 10c.
eparar la
is y media.

| 3 2Cunto va|e?
3 2En
:n qu
qu parte
,a Ld||c
f --l^ Exercise I Obtaining postcards
Usted: Buenos das. ;Tiene usted tarjetas postales de Toledo?
Vendedor: S' ah estn' seora, al lado de las revistas.
Usted: ;Cunto valen?
e rmporta Vendedor: Las grandes valen cuarenta y cinco pesetas y las pequeas treinta
No me peSetaS) seora.
Usted: Estas seis, por favor. Tengo cuatro grandes y dos pequeas.

KEY TO E'xER.Is'Es 321

Exercise 2 Asking about newsPaPers and stamps Exercise
USted: 4Tiene usted peridicos ingleses? 1 EI ing|s
Vendedor: No, seora. La prensa extranjera i|ega a las cuatro de la tarde. 4 Los negr
Slo tengo e| Times, pero eS de ayer.
Usted: No, gracias. lTiene sellos para las tarjetas? Exercise
Vendedor: No, seora. Los sellos Se compran en Correos. somethil
1 2Cunto
Exercise 3 Asking Pices and obtaining stamPs una tarJeta
Usted: Buenos das. 2Cunto vaie mandar una tarjeta postal a Inglaterra? 4 2Cunto
Dependienta: Vale cuarenta y cinco pesetas.
Usted: iY una carta?
Deoendienta: Una carta vale 1o mismo, cuarenta y cinco pesetas.
Usted: Bueno. Deme seis sellos de cuarenta y cinco pesetas' por favor.
Exercise 4 Buying food for a Picnic 1 LadePa
Vendedor: Buenos das. 1Qu desea? 4 La de Pa,
Usted: Pngame un cuarto de kilo de jamn.
Vendedor: {amn serrano o jamn de York? Exercise
Usted: Jamn de York' 1 Aqu|los,
Vendedor: Aqu tiene. 1Algo ms? favor. 5 I
Usted: S, un cuarto de kilo de ese queso manchego.
Vendedor: Muy bien. sEso es todo?
Usted: gTiene mantequilla? Listening
Vendedor: S, seora. ;Cunta quiere?
Usted: iTiene un paquete de cien gramos?
I l/2 kilo ':
Exercise 5 Asking about eading matter bananas; I
l ing|esas7 2 2riene Usted revistas

1Tiene Usted nove|as espao|as7

3 2Tiene Usted peridicos franceses? 4 2Tiene usted libros ingleses7
5 2T|ene usted perdicos ita|ianos?

Exercise Buying things Shopping L

1 Pngame dos ki|os de manzanas' 2 Pngame medio ki|o de queso'
3 Pngame un ki|o de me|ocotones. 4 Pngame un Cuarto de kilo de
mantequi|la. 5 Pngame treinta litros de gaso|ina' Reading e

The dish is
Exercise 7 Buying things

1 Deme una lata de guisantes. 2 Deme una caJa de cerillas. 3 Deme una
barra de pan. 4 Deme seis sellos de treinta pesetas. 5 Deme el Times. Puzzles
Exercise 8 Finding out where to buy things Conchita fo
1 2Dnde se compra |a |eche7 2 2Dnde se Compra e| azcar?
3 2Dnde se Compran los sel|os? 4 2Dnde 5e Compran los peridicos
ing|eses7 5 2Dnde Se Compran |as taUetas postales7


Exercise 9 Selecting something
1 El ing|s' por favor. 2 E| tinto, por favor. 3 Los espaoles, por favor.
.a tarde. 4 Los negros' por favor. 5 La pequea, por favor'

Exercise t O Finding out how much it costs to do

1 2Cunto vale mandar Una carta a |ng|aterra? 2 2Cunto Va|e mandar
una taryeta posta| a los Estados Unidos? 3 2Cunto va|e aparcar7
rra? 4 1Cunto va|e.';ugar a| tenis? 5 iCunto va|e entrar en e| museo7

Exercise t I Pointing out what something is like

I La de Pablo es guapa. 2 Los de Juan son altos. 3 El de Marta es verde.
4 La de Paco es pequea.

Exercise t 2 Pointing out which one you want

l Aqu||os, por favor. 2 se, por favor. ] sta'por favor. 4 stos, por
favor' 5 Aqu|las' por favor.

List enxng exerclses

I l/2 kilo'serrano'ham; I kilo of blue cheese. 2 2 kilos of apples; 1/2 kilo of

bananas; I kilo ofblack grapes.

Shopping List I is correct.

Reading exercises
The dish is a Spanish omelette.
eme una
Conchita forgot to buy wine, two glasses, fish, pears and grapes


| 4 2En qu puedo servirle? Exercise
1 No smok
square. 5

Exercise t Asking what is possible Exercise

1 2Es posible comprar cigarrillos en el hotel? 2 2Es posible comer a la una? Spanish I

3 2Es posible cambiar cheques de viajero en este bancoT 4 2Es posible I No, no sr

probarse el vestido? 5 2Es posible ver algunos bolsos de piel? 5 S, se put

Exercise2 HiringaCa
Usted: Buenos das. Aqu puedo alquilar un coche, 4verdad?
Emp|eado: es. iPara cuntos das? Exercise
Usted: Slo para hoy. Quiero visitar los molinos de Campo de Criptana' 1 25 peset;
EmpIeado: Muy bien, seor. iPara cuntas personas? piece. 4'
Usted: Para dos; mi mujer y yo. iTiene un coche econmico?
Exercise 3 Parking the car I No quier
Guardia: Buenas tardes, seora. iEn qu puedo ayudarla? nada. 5 |

Usted: ;Se puede aparcar el coche en esta calle?

Guardia: S, seora. Est prohibido aparcar en la plaza, pero el coche est Exercise
bien aqu. No se preocupe. I No bebo
Usted: Gracias. iEs posible ir en el coche hasta los molinos? oficina. 1

Guardia: No, seora.

Exercise 4 Buying petol 1 Mi.;efe
en casa.
Empleado: Buenas tardes. iQu le pongo?
Usted: Pngame veinte litros, por favor. salir con ru
Emp|eado: iSper, sin plomo o normal?
Usted: Sper. Liste ning
Empleado: Ya est. 1Algo ms?
Usted: No, gracias. ;Cunto es? [d
Empleado: Dos mil pesetas. I 250 kms;

Exercise 5 Finding out if you can o cannot do something

l 2Puedo fumar? 2 2Puedo salir ahora? 3 2Puedo aparcar aqu?
4 1Puedo hablar con e| .;efe? 5 2Puedo ver la te|evisin? 1 You can
1n astreet I
Exercise Understanding prices and quantities charge.
1 5000 pesetas a day, sir. 2 1500 pesetas per person, sir. 3 20 000 pesetas
a week, sir. 4 100 pesetas per half-hour, sir. 5 150 pesetas a minute, sir.

Exercise 7 Finding out if something o someone is ready I a;2 b;3

1 2Est |isto e| desayuno7 2 2Est |ista |a comida? 3 2Est |isto el coche7
4 2Estn listos Ios zapatos7 5 2Est lista su mu1er?
I No park
on the brid
and unloac
Exercise 8 Understanding notices
1 No smoking. 2 No entrance. 3 No bathing. 4 No parking in the
square. 5 No access.

Exercise 9 Explaining what is allowed in England to a

a una? Spanish friend by answering his questions
)le 1 No, no se puede. 2 S, se puede. 3 No, no se puede' 4 S, se puede.
5 S, se puede.

Exercise t O Understanding prices and quantities
I 25 pesetas a litre. 2 It costs 600 pesetas a metre. 3 It costs 40 pesetas a

piece. 4 The pair costs 10 000 pesetas. 5 It's 80 pesetas a p,rrtion.

Exercise tl SaYing'nothing'
1 No ouiero nada. 2 No veo nada. 3 No tomo nada. 4 No estudio
nada. 5 No hago nada.

he est Exercise | 2 Saying you never do something

1 No bebo nunca vino. 2 NO fumo nunca. 3 No duermo nunca en la
oficina. 4 No visito nunca museos. 5 No tomo nunca el sol'
Exercise t 3 What ae you allowed to do?
1 Mi.Jefe no me dela dormir en la oficina. 2 Mis hljos no me de..1an estudiar
en casa. 3 Mi doctor no me de'Ja beber coac. 4 Mi mu.1er no me deJa
salir con rubias. 5 Mi marido no me dela i al bar'

Listening exercises
1 250 kms;2 621 kms;3 70 kms;4 231 l<ms.

hins E
1 You can't visit the castle. 2 You can't park in the square, but you can park
in a street nearby. 3 You can smoke. 4 You can't speak to the person in
, sir.

rdy ). a;2b;3 a;4 c;5 b;6 a;7 c;8 b.

Reading exercises
I No parking. We shall inform the tow-away truck. 2 Pedestrian. Take care
on the bridge. Walk in singie i1e on your left. 3 Pedestrian zone. Loading
and unloading from 8.00 to 12.00. 4 Danger. Temporary road surface.
KEY To ExER.IsEs- 325
5 Attention. Bus lane on your right. City Centre. Post Ofice. Tourist Exercis,
Office. Museum. Basilica of St Mary. 7 Attention. Radar speed check. I Suelo c
8 39 kms. awa-v. Avila, the best walled city in the world. 9 Street traders are por ra tar
forbidden in the village streets. 10 Drive carefully through rhe rown.
Schools. Doctors' surgeries. Pensioners' C1ub. Exercisr
I No pue
Puzzles votver a li
pueoo pc
1f El tubo de escape Exhaust pipe nt tp p<npl
2h El limpiaparabrisas \7indscreen wiper
31 El reposacabezas Headrest Exercisr
,lb El voiante Steering wheel I
Hay qu
5a El neumtico Tyre (Tire in American English) compras.
6c El parabrisas $(/indscreen de via_jero
7d El parachoques Bumper (trender in American English)
8e El maletero Boot (Trunk in American English) Exercisc
99 E| cap Bonnet (Hood in American English) I El cator
10i El faro Headlamp trabaJar e
Mara' 4
octubre v(

t 5 4ou vas a hacer? Exercise

I Voyac,
Exercise t Making plans 4Voyat(
Mara: ;Qu vas a hacer e1 domingo por la maana, Juana? sbado qL
Usted: Me gustara visitar el Rastro' ese mercado grande que hay aqu en
Madrid. ;Puedes ir conmigo?
Mara: Con mucho gusto. 4Dnde nos vemos?
Usted: Delante de mi hotel a las nueve y media. ;Te parece bien?
Maria: Me parece estupendo. l Vendr
Granada e
Exercise 2 Arranging to meet 1 Podr at
Usted: Oye' Juan, lunes que
4ests libre maana por la tarde?
Juan: S, creo que s. 4Por qu?
Usted: 4Por qu no jugamos un partido de golP Exercise
Juan: Muy bien. 1A qu hora quedamos? 1 Aprende
.1 Usted to
Usted: A ias tres, si te va bien. Te espero delante de mi hotel, si quieres.
Exercise 3 Finding out what people intend to do
l iou vas a hacer e| sbado por la tarde? 2 1au vas a hacer e| domingo Liste ning
por |a maana7 3 2ou vas a hacer e| .1ueves por |a tarde? 4 2ou vas a
hacer la semana que viene? 5 1ou vas a hacer e| |unes que V|ene por a tE
I Saturday
Exercise 4 Saying what you would like to do Madrid. :

l S, me gustara. 2 No, no me gustara 3 S, me gustara mucho.

4 No, no me gustara nada. 5 S, me gustara.
rlst Exercise 5 Saying what you usually do
I seis. 2 Suelo llegar a casa a las diez. 3 No suelo
Suelo cenar a las salir
lers are por |a tarde. 4 Sue|o coqer el autobs. 5 Suelo trabaiar mucho.

Exercise Saying what you have to do

I No puedo porque tengo que estudiar. 2 No puedo porque tengo que
volver a la oficina. 3 No puedo porque tengo que ver a mi mu.1er. 4 No
puedo porque tengo que escribir una carta. 5 No puedo porque tengo
que esperar a mi hljo

Exercise 7 Saying what one ought to do

1 Hay que visitar Toledo. 2 Hay que comprar pan. 3 Hay que ir de
compras. 4 Hay que conocer Madrid. 5 Hay que cambiar unos cheques
de viajero.
h) Exercise 8 Dates from your diary
Lish) 1 El catorce de febrero voy a visltar Toledo. 2 El diez de agosto voy a
traba..lar en casa. I El veinticinco de marzo voy a ir a la discoteca con
Mara. 4 E| primero de mayo Voy a Cenar con Marta. 5 E| once de
octubre voy a comprar un coche.

Exercise 9 When are you going to do it?

1 Voy a comprar el coche el mes que viene. 2 Voy a visitar el museo el
mirco|es que viene. 3 Voy a Ver a don A|fonso |a semana que viene.
4 Voy a termlnar el trabaJo el viernes que viene. 5 Voy a ir de compras el
sbado oue viene.
aqul en

Exercise I O Talking about the future

1 Vendr a Cenar con Usted e| .1ueves que viene. 2 Visitar su CaSa en
Granada e| verano que viene' 3 Sabr e| precio maana por |a tarde.
1 Podr arreg|ar e| coche e| martes que viene. 5 Comprar e| tocadiscos e|
lunes que viene.

Exercise t t Tall<ing about the future

1 Aprender e| francs. 2 Vers |a te|evisin '
3 Juan ayudar a su mujer
4 Usted tomar e| so| en |a p|aya. 5 Reservar una habitacin para quince
d as.

omingo Listening exercises

oor la
I Saturday. 2 The morning. 3 To the Prado. 4 A large museum in
Madrid. 5 From 1.30 pm. 6 In front ofone ofthe soeakers'offices a
1.45 pm.


)ar anriar
Usted: S

1 Next Saturday. 2 The heat. 3 They should go swimming. 4 To a lake

in the mountains. 5 Very fresh (fresqusima). 6 The Escorial. 7 At 9 am.
8 In Spain Square (|aPlaza de Espaa). Juan: gF
Usted: S
Juan: 1T
Reading exercises Usted: iH
I 2 pm on September 20th. 2 At 4.10 pm. 3 Go and meet her at the
airport. 4 A fortnight. 5 The Tower of London, Buckingham Palace, the Exercisr
British Museum and Trafalgar Square. She rarely drinks. 7 Drink a beer 1 S, apar
in one of the famous pubs. 8 She calls them the 'perfidious Anglo-Saxons'. un perne.
verb.) 1
change in
Puzz les p)t<1J.

t4l discos de

Id;2a;3f; 4b;5c; 6e Exercise

l S' vi |a
ras once.

I In the centre; 2 Madrid; 3 Toledo; 4 Campo de Criptana; 5 Madrid; 6 In the Exercise

South. I Fui al ci
tarde con

1 S' acab
acaba de

Exercise t Finding out what something means Exercise

Mara: Mira, Juana, ciento veinte pesetas. E.s una ganga. 1 No, no
.una ganga'? 4 S'mec
Usted: Lo siento, Mara, pero no comprendo. iQu quiere decir
Mara: Es una cosa que eS muy barata, como ese peine.
Usted: Ah, s' Ahora comprendo' Exercise
I ZMe toc
Exercise 2 Saying where you went and how you liked it escuchar?

Mara: ;Visitaste la catedral en Toledo?
Usted: S, claro. Fui dos Veces.
Mara: Y, ate gust?
Usted: Me gust mucho. Exercise
1 S, sal c
Exercise 3 Saying when and how you got back and how mi trabaJo
you liked a place mucno trz
Recepclonista: 1Cundo volvi usted de Toiedo, seor Robinson? tarde. 8
Usted: Volv anoche. Cog el tren de las diecisiete horas y llegu aqu a las l0 S' fui .

siete y media.


Recepcionista: 4Le gust Toledo?
Usted: S, me gust mucho.
a lake
9am Exercise 4 Saying whee you went and how
Juan: iFuiste a los molinos en Campo de Criptana?
Usted: S. Alquil un coche y pas todo un da en Campo de Criptana.
.Juan: iTe gustaron ios molinos?
Usted: 1Hombre, claro! Son parte de la historia de E'spaa, 4no?
Exercise 5 Saying what you did
a beer
l 5' aparqu en la p|aza' (Note spelling change in the verb.) 2 S, compr
cns'. un peine. 3 5, pagu ciento veinte pesetas. (Note spelling change in the
verb.) 4 S' hab| espao|. 5 S' l|egu a casa a las nueve' (Note spelling
change in the verb.) S, tom Una cerveza en e| bar. 7 S, pagu cien
pesetas' 8 S, invit a mi amigo. 9 S' visit |a catedra|' 10 S' escuch
discos de msica clsica Dor la tarde.

Exercise Saying what you did or did not do

1 S, vi te|evisln. 2 No, no com bien. 3 S, volv anoche
|a 4 S, sa| a
|as once. 5 No, no beb horchata'

In the Exercise 7 Saying whee you went' when and with whom
1 Fui al Cine anoche con mi amigo. 2 Fui a| mercado esta maana con mi
marido. 3 Fui de compras ayer con mi hr.;o. 4 Fui a la discoteca esta
tarde con mi hermana' 5 Fui a |a catedral aver por |a maana con mi hiia'

Exercise 8
Saying what has just happened
1 S, acaba de salir' 2 S, acaba de entrar. 3 S, acaba de vo|ver. 4 s,
acaba de pagar. 5 S' acaba de l|egar.

Exercise 9
Saying whethe you liked something or not
1 No, no me gust' 2 S, me gust mucho. 3 No' no me gustaron nada
'qnor') 4 S' me gust. 5 S' me gustaron mucho.

Exercise O Finding out if it3 your turn

1 2Me toca jugar? 2 2Me toca salirT 3 2Me toca comprarT 4 ZMe toca
ir escucharT 5 ;Me toca hablarT

Exercise I t A day in your life

1 S. sa| de casa a |as ocho. 2 S, fui a mi
traba.;o en coche. 3 S, |legu a
tw nueve. 4 S. dt.;e ,Buenos das, a mis amigos. 5 S, hice
mi traba.1o a las
mucho trabajo' 6 S, com en Casa. 7 S, tuve que trabajar mucho por |a
tarde. 8 S' traje ms trabajo a casa. 9 S' vi |a te|evisin por |a tarde.
u a 1as l0 Si. fui a la cama a las once.


Exercise t2 Asking what people did Exercisc
I 2Anduvo usted por el parque? 2 2Puso Ustedla ma|eta en la habitacin7 it cost
3 2Pudo usted comprenderle? 4 2Lo supo usted ayer? 5 ZEstuvo usted Usted: a(
en M|aga el mes pasado? Mara: Sj
Usted: A
Listening exercises Mara: a

left on a
Joan is invited to go window-shopping, but fails to understand the term ln l 2Dnde
Spanish until Mara puts it into E'nglish. guantes? t
en la mes;
5 2Dnde
She visited El Greco's house twice and bought a print of a painting called 'The
Crucifixion'. l 1ou brr
guapo! 2D
5 1ou.1an
),c; 2a; 3b; 4a; 5c; 6b;' 7 a.
fuerte! 2D
Reading exercises 9 ;ou pet
ms encan
1 Pedestrians. Leave by the staircase. 2 Market hours. Morning from
7.30 to 13.30. Afternoon l6 to 19.30. 3 Fruiterer's. Butcher's. Poulterer's. Exercise
Fishmonger's. Baker's. lst Floor. 4 Open all day on Mondays. verbs
5 Everything at half-price. Pedestrian access. 7 Parking prohibited in I No. Lleg
the town centre except for the evenings before holidays. 8 Road closed at the
Andosilla Pass. The crossing at Peralta is open 24 hours a day. Reservaron
9 Contaminated water. Bathing is dangerous. 10 Dangerous bends at
2700 m. Exercise

Puzzles Madrid el n
I Costa del 2 Pirineos; I Granada; 4 Barcelona; 5 6 Galicia.
1 Vi a Juar,
| 7 2Compaste a|go?
3 Pagu la
5 Fui al cin

Exercise t Saying where you found something I Usted tier
Mara: 1Qu cuadros ms bonitos! 2Dnde ios encontraste? 4 Usted tiel
Usted: Los encontr en un puesto en aquella calle. 4Te gustan?
Mara: S, me gustan mucho. 4Cunto te costaron? Exercise ,

Usted: No mucho. Slo quinientas pesetas cada uno. IJna ganga, 1no, Mara?
l S' es ma


Exercise 2 Finding out what your friend bought and what
]cin7 it cost
steo Usted: iComprastealgo?
Mara: S, compr esta sortija vieja.
Usted: A ver. S, es muy bonita. 4Cunto te cost?
Mara: Quince mil pesetas, pero eS de oro.

Exercise 3 Flnding out what happened to something you

left on a table
r^rm ln l 1Dnde est mi cheque7 Lo dg aqu en la mesa. 2 2Dnde estn mis
guantes? Los mesa. 3 2Dnde est mi co||ar? Lo dej aqu
de.1 aqu en |a
en |a mesa. 4
1Dnde est mi novela7 La dej aqu en |a mesa.
5 2Dnde est mi toa|la7 La dej aqu en |a mesa'
d'The Exercise 4 Giving exc|amatoy oPinions
l 1ou broches ms baratos| 2Dnde los encontraste? 2 iau hombre ms
guapo| 2Dnde le encontraste? 3 iou taryetas ms tpicas! 2Dnde |as
encontraste? 4 iau libro ms interesante| 2Dnde |o encontraste?
5 ;Ou'1amn ms exce|ente| 2Dnde lo encontraste7 6 ;ou coac ms
fuerte| 2Dnde lo encontraste7 7 ;ou rega|o ms barato| 1Dnde |o
encontraste? 8 1ou Zapatos ms cmodos| 2Dnde |os encontraste7
9 1ou pendientes ms hermosos| 2Dnde los encontraste? 10 ;Ou sortl.1a
ms encantadora! 2Dnde la encontraste?

:er's. Exercise 5 Using the third Peson plural of regula ,-ar,

lin 1 No. Llegaron a las nueve. 2 No. Aparcaron en la calle. 3 No.
at the Alqui|aron el coche en Toledo. 4 No. Hablaron espao|. 5 No.
Reservaron Una habitacin con ducha.

Exercise Referring to |ast week' month, etc'

1 L|egu e| .1ueves pasado' 2 Visit Toledo |a semana pasada. 3 Sa| de
Madrid e| mes pasado. 4 Fui a |nglaterra e| ao pasado. 5 Pas mis
vacaciones en Mlaga e| verano pasado'
Exercise 7 Saying how long ago something happened
1 Vi a Juan hace tres horas. 2 Cambi |os chegues hace cuatro das.
3 Pagu |a cuenta hace cinco minutos. 4 Termin el trabaio hace un mes.
5 Fui al cine hace una semana.

Exercise 8 Am | ight or wrong?

l Usted tiene razn. 2 Usted est equivocado' 3 Usted est equivocado
4 Usted tiene razn. 5 Usted tiene razn.

Exercise 9 ls this yous?

l S, es ma. 2 S' es ma. 3 S, son mos. 4 S, son mas. 5 S' es mo

Exercise I O Explaining that something cannot be yours Puzzles
because yous is different discos; cr
1 No, no es ma. La ma es b|anca. 2 No, no es mo. El mo es de oro. sortua.
3 No, no son mos. Los mos son negros. 4 No' no son mas. Las mas son
inglesas. 5 No, no es mo' E| mo es de piel'

Exercise I t What did they do?
1 Tra..;eron a su hermano. 2 Conduleron bien. 3 No dyeron nada.
4 Hicieron mucho trabajo. 5 Se pusieron la chaqueta. Exercisr
Exercise t 2
Saying that things belong to other people Usted: F
1 Mi casa est en York' pero |a tuya est en Nueva York. 2 Mis h1os son
no estl
estudiantes, pero los tuyos son hombres de negocios. 3 Mi falda es de Dependie
a|godn, pero |a tuya e5 de |ana. 4 Mis discos son de msica c|sica, pero Usted: I
los tuyos son de msica popu|ar' 5 Mi familia est en |ng|aterra, pero |a Dependie
tuya est en Espaa. Usted: F
Exercise t 3
Saying that things belong to other people Usted: C
1 Aqu est mi mujer' pero, idnde est la de |? 2 Aqu estn mis padres' Dependie
pero, idnde estn |os de e|la? 3 Aqui est mi traje, pero' 2dnde est e|
de |7 4 Aqui estn mis panta|ones, pero, 2dnde estn los de e|la7 Second z:er
5 Aqu est mi camisa, pero' 2dnde est |a de usted7 Dependie
Usted: F
Lis tening exercises

E_l Used: G:
She bought a brooch in an antiques shop in Toledo Street. It cost 15 000 pesetas Usted: A
and is silver. Dependiet
Usted: C

A briefcase left at the Reception Desk is being discussed. Ownership is estab- Recepcior-
lished by the fact that it is a French briefcase purchased in Paris with the name buscab
of the shop visible. Also the owner's name is found inside. Usted: 1I
Usted: 1(
1 In London. 2 In Oxford Street. 3 Shoes. 4 She likes to try on all the Usted: Pr
shoes. 5 Earrings, bracelets (pulseras) and winter jerseys, (erseycitos para el Recepcion
invierno que viene ahora). 6 Jeans. 7 Leather trousers.
Reading Exercises 1 true 2


trs Puzzles
discos; cuadros; maleta; camisa, cartera; perfume; reloj, sombrero; libros;
as son

t 8 2ou deseaba?

Exercise I Trying to obtain goods seen previously

Dependiente: Buenos das, seora. aQu deseaba?
e Usted: Haba una blusa en el escaparate que me gustaba mucho, pero ahora
no est all.
oe Dependiente: 4Una blusa, seora? ;Cmo era?
r, pero Usted: Era roja y amarilla.
'o la
Dependiente: Y' ;dnde estaba exactamente?
Usted: Estaba a la derecha del escaparate.
Dependiente: A ver si me acuerdo...4Era de algodn o de lana?
e Usted: Creo que era de algodn, y vala diez mil pesetas.
padres, Dependiente: Ah' s, ahora me acuerdo, seora'
]\ Ll |
Second tersion
Dependiente: Buenos das. ;Qu deseaba?
Usted: Haba unos zapatos en el escaparate que me gustaban mucho pero
ahora no estn ali.
Dependiente: iUnos zapatos? 4De qu color eran?
Used: Grises.
Dependiente: Y' 4dnde estaban exactamente?
) pesetas Usted: A la izquierda del escaparate.
Dependiente: Y, 1cunto valan?
Usted: Ocho mil pesetas.

Exercise 2 Finding out about a mysterious visitor

is estab- Recepcionista: ;Seor Robinson! Haba una seorita aqu antes que le
:Ie name buscaba.
Usted: ;l'Ina seorita? ;Cmo era?
Recepcionista: Era bastante alta, tena el pelo rubio y llevaba un traje azul.
Usted: ;Cmo se llamaba?
Recepcionista: No lo s, seor Robinson' No dijo su nombre.
all the Usted: Pues, .qu quera?
;para el ReCepCionista: Tampoco lo s.

Exercise 3 Understanding things described in the past

1 true 2 false 3 true 4 false 5 false 6 notknown 7 true 8 true


Exercise 4Saying what you used to do Listening
1 Viva en Bi|bao. 2 Trabajaba en una oficina' 3 Sa|a de casa a |as ocho
y media' 4 Llegaba a |a oficina a las nueve y cuarto. 5 Coma en un
restaurante. 6 Vo|va a casa a las cinco y media' 7 Cenaba en casa' I At 6.00 e
8 Beba vino con la cena' 9 Vea la televisin oor |a tarde. l0 Me worked. 5
gustaban bastante los programas. 7 A fried e1
9 Vith her
Exercise 5 Saying how things have changed
l Ahora hay una farmacia en esta ca||e, pero antes haba un restaurante.
2 Ahora e| espaol es fcil' pero hace tres me5e5 era difci|' 3 Ahora estoy
libre' pero hace una hora estaba ocupado' 4 Ahora hay un bar aqu, pero I In Madri
hace tres aos haba un teatro. 5 Ahora soy.1efe, pero hace unos cinco going to the
aos era empleado.

Exercise Asking for people to be described Reading t

1 2Cmo era? 2 2Cmo se |lamaba7 3 2Ou ||evaba? 4 2au quera? Francisco F

5 2Era ingls7

Exercise 7 Referring to peop|e by using Ponouns Puzzles

1 S, le escrib |a carta. 2 S, |e hab| en ingls. 3 S' |e pagu mi| pesetas I true; 2 fal
4 S' le vend el coche. 5 S' le mand el paquete. I 0 true/falst

Exercise 8 Saying that you dont either

l Tampoco |o s' 2 Tampoco lo quiero. 3 Tampoco me 9u5ta.
4 Tampoco lo veo. 5 Tampoco lo oigo.

Exercise 9 Talking about your youth Exercise

l '|ba a la escuela a las (+ time). 2 |ba en coche,/autobs/tren/bicic|eta/a Mara: Va
pie. 3 Llegaba a |as (+ time). 4 Me aburra en |a c|ase de (+ subject). oficina.
5 SlNo dorma en clase. 6 SlNo haca muchas preguntas a los profesores. Usted: iA
7 SlNo coma en |a escue|a. 8 SlNo estudiaba por |as tardes. 9 SlNo Mara: aQt
compraba cigarri||os en aque||os aos. 10 SlNo me gustaba la escue|a. Usted: Me
Mara: S,
Exercise t O Saying what someone was doing when you Usted: S,
saw him Mara: Bu<
taza de
1 Esperaba e| autobs cuando |a vi. 2 Echat:a Una carta cuando |a Vi.

3 Ba|aba cuando |e vi. 4 Dorma cuando |e vi. 5 Tomaba el so| cuando Exercise i
la vi.
Doctor: aC
Usted: Me
Exercise t t Saying that you did it yesterday Doctor: Vr
1 S, se |a djje ayer. 2 S, se |o exp|iqu ayer. 3 S, se |a mostr ayer. Usted: Anr
4 S' se |a escrib ayer. 5 S' se |o di ayer. Doctor: iE
Usted: Cre


Listening exeT'cLses
ocho td
1 At 6.00 am. 2 Dry bread and water. 3 Into the countryside. 4 She
worked. 5 Dry bread, cheese and water from the well. At 8.00 pm'
7 A fried egg, bread and potatoes with water from the well. 8 At 10.00 pm.
9 With her three sisters.

pero 1 In Madrid. 2 Near her home. 3 Nuns. 4 Meeting friends, going out,
co going to the cinema. 5 Her homework.

Reading exercises
eria? Francisco Franco Bahamonde, the dictator of Spain from 1939-1975.

eSetas. I true; 2 false; 3 false; 4 true; 5 false; 6 true; 7 false; 8 true; 9 false;
l0 true/false. (Did you speak Spanish well five years ago ?)

| 9 2Q'u te Pasa?

Exercise t Saying that you ae unwel|

:ta/a Mara.. ;Vamos, Juan, levntate! Son las ocho y veinte. Vas a llegar tarde a la
e50res. Usted: ;Ay, Mara! No me siento bien.
/No Mara: ;Qu te pasa, cario?
lra. Usted: Me duele \a cabeza y creo que tengo fiebre.
Maria.. S, ests muy plido. ;Te duele algo ms?
tu Usted: S, me duele tambin el estmago'
Maria: Bueno. Voy a llamar ai mdico en seguida y luego te voy a hacer una
taza de t.

noo Exercise 2 Tetling the doctor how you feel

Doctor: ;Qu le duele, seor Lpez?
Usted: Me duele la cabeza y me duele el estmago.
Doctor: Vamos a ver. ;Qu comi ayer?
Usted: Anoche tom merluza y un flan.
Doctor: lEra fresca la merluza?
Usted: Creo oue s.


Exercise 3 Obtaining medicines at the chemistS Exercise
Farmacutico: Y usted, seora. iQu desea? I Amimr
Usted: ;Tiene algo para el dolor de garganta? 3 Amiab
Farmacutico: S, seora. E'sto es excelente. Cuatrocientas cincuenta pesetas. amigo le c

1A1go ms?
Usted: S, necesito algo para el dolor de cabeza. ;Qu recomienda usted? Exercise
Farmacutico: OKAL es muy bueno, seora. Doscientas pesetas el paquete.
Usted: Deme un paquete de OI(AL, entonces.
I Mi hr-1o
trene un rr
Farmacutico: 1Eso es todo?
Usted: No. Tambin necesito algo para las quemaduras del sol.
Farmacutico: Esta crema eS muv buena. seora. Seiscientas cincuenta Listenini
pesetas el tubo.
Usted: Gracias. iCunto es todo?
1 Headacl
Exercise 4 Saying what hurts - I right leg.
1 Me duele la garganta. 2 Me duele la pierna. 3 Me duele e| estmago.
4 Me duelen los o.;os. 5 Me duelen las manos.

Exercise 5 Saying what hurts - 2 I a (the wc

1 Tengo do|or de estmago. 2 Tengo do|or de o.;os. j Tengo do|or de r4 r
( actarn
garganta. 4 Tengo dolor de pies. 5 Tengo dolor de piernas.

Exercise obtaining medicines at the chemist3 - l Reading

I 2Tiene algo para el dolor de garganta? 2 2Tiene algo para un resfriadoT L (91) 135
3 2Tiene algo para Ia diarrea? 4 2Tiene algo para la tos? 5 2Tiene algo 5 (976) 33
para e| do|or de estmago?

Exercise 7 Obtaining medicines at the chemist3 - 2 Puzzles

1 Necesito algo para la diarrea. 2 Necesito algo para el dolor de pies. l la cabez
3 Necesito algo para las quemaduras del sol. 4 Necesito algo para un / rvJ Prc), '
resfriado. 5 Necesito a|go para e| dolor de estmago.

Exercise I Explaining how you feel

1 Me siento enfermo (enferma). 2 Me siento meJor. 3 Me siento peor.
4 Me siento bien. 5 No me siento bien.

Exercise 9 Asking how othes fee| Exercise

1 iCmo est su mu.1er? 2 2Cmo est sU ht..1o7 3 Guardia:
2Cmo est 5U hUa?
4 1Cmo est su marido? 5 2Cmo est sU padre7 Usted: Es
Exercise t O Saying how others feel Usted: Cc
I Mi mu.1er se siente enferma. 2 Mi hilo se siente meJor. 3 Mi hl.;a se
siente peor. 4 Mi marido no se siente bien. 5 Mi padre se siente bien.

Exercise I t Giving Pecise details - t
1 A mi muJer le duele la cabeza. 2 A mi marido le duele la garganta.
3 Ami abuela le duelen los pies. 4 Ami hiia le duele la oierna. 5 Ami
pesetas. amigo le duelen los o1os.

ed? Exercise t 2 Giving precise detaifs - 2

rquete. l Mi ht'.1o tiene dolor de estmago. 2 Mi amigo tiene fiebre. 3 Mi marido
tiene un resfriado. 4 Mi mujer tiene dolor de cabeza.

ncuenta Listentng exercsse

1 Headache and stomach-ache. 2 Painful arm. 3 Sore feet and a oainful
right leg. 4 Sore eyes and a sore throat.

I a (the word used was 'fatal'); 2 b; 3 c; 4 b (la espalda shoulder);

ror oe 5 c (estornudar to sneeze); 6 a;7 c;8 a.

Reading exercises
;friado? l (91) 435 2415. 2 (9r) 542 ).0 00. (q4) 44j 52 00. 4 Oq2
I atgo 5 (976) 337 77 00.

es. I la cabeza; 2 los ojos; 3 los brazos; 4 el dedo; 5 las manos; 6 la boca;
UN 7 los pies; 8 las piernas;9 la nariz;10 la ore1a.

20 ;Socoo!

Exercise t Saying what happened

Guardia: Buenas tardes, seora. 4En qu puedo ayudarla?
Usted: Estaba de compras en la Gran Va y un joven me rob.
Guardia: 4Qu rob exactamente, seora?
Usted: Cogi mi bolso y se fue corriendo.



Exercise 2 Describing the assailant
Guardia: ;Cmo era el joven?
Usted: Era bastante bajo, tena el pelo moreno muy largo y llevaba una cha- Exercise
queta negra y pantalones grises. 1 Estaba e

Exercise 3 Describing what was stolen
Guardia: iQu haba en el bolso? Exercise
Usted: Muchas cosas. Mi pasaporte, mi dinero, mis cheques de viajero . . .
I Mi hlae
Guardia: iCundo pas todo esto? 4 Las tien<
Usted: Hace media hora o as. fumar. 7
escrita en
Exercise 4 Saying what has happened to you '

Mu-1er: 4Dnde le duele, seor?

Usted: 1Ay, la pierna! Me duele horriblemente la pierna. Listeninl
Transente: 4Est rota la pierna?
Usted: No, no est rota porque la puedo mover' pero me due}e mucho.
1 In the br
Exercise 5 Have you undestood? in the river
I At L2.20. 2 A fortnight. 3 Yes. 4 She hopes to visit the Robinsons in
York. 5 Within a few moments.

Saying where you were 9oin9 I Her han
1 |ba a la comisara 2 |ba a| hote|. 3 |ba a| mercado' 4 |baaia documents
discoteca. 5 lba a la fbrica. unable to g
7 They we
Exercise 7 Saying that something o someone is vey'
very, .. Reading
l S, es tontsimo. 2 S' es guapsima. 3 S' es carsimo' 4 S. es
facilsimo. 5 S' es simpatiqusima. (Note spelling change.) I Two yor
from the br
Exercise 8 Making comPaisons were injure
l vino e5 tan bueno como e| coac' 2 E| Hotel Bristol es tan barato
E| yesterday.
como e| Hotel Espaa. 3 To|edo es tan interesante como Segovia. 4 Este General H
broche es tan caro como este collar. 5 Este hombre es tan tonto como mi
marido. Puzzles
Exercise 9 Saying whee things are SOFA / SC
l Nuestras maletas estn en |a habitacin. 2 Nuestra ht.;a est en casa' NADO.
3 Nuestros oadres estn en e| hote|. 4 Nuestro coche est en la ca||e'
5 Nuestra Casa est en e| norte de Inglaterra.

Exercise t O Saying you will do it next week, month, year,

I Voy a volver a lnglaterra el mes que viene. 2 Voy a alquilar el coche el
martes que viene. 3 Voy a comprar los regalos el viernes que viene.
4 Voy a marcharme de Madrid e| ao que viene. 5 Voy a visitar Londres e|
verano oue vrene.


una cha- Exercise t t Saying what you were doing
1 Estaba escribiendo cartas. 2 Eaba aorendiendo e| esoao|. 3 Estaba
bailando. 4 Estala pintando la casa. 5 Estaba tomando el sol.
Exercise t 2 Saying how things are
l Mi ht'1a est casada ' 2 Mi re|oj est roto. 3 Mi mujer est aburrida.
4 Las tiendas estn abiertas' 5 Mi marido est bebido' Est orohibido
fumar. 7 Est permitido Lrai|ar' 8 E| Lrar est cerrado. 9 Esta qua est
escrita en espao|. 10 Esta seora |e est muy agradecida.

Liste nrng exerctses

I In the bank changing money. 2 At home cleaning the house. 3 Fishing
in the river. 4 In the caf having a coffee with friends.
sons in

I Her handbag. 2 As she left the theatre. 3 Her purse, all her personal
documents, her identity card, her passport, her house keys. 4 She will be
unable to get into her house. 5 By motorcycle. 6 Very noisy and very large.
7 They were wearing crash helmets.

Reading exercises
1 Two youths. 2 700 000 pesetas. 3 At 9.30 am. 4 Yes. 5 They ran
from the bank and were driven away by a third robber in a car. 6 Two people
were injured in a two-car collision. 7 It was a head-on crash. 8 At 4 pm
aIo yesterday. 9 At kilometre number 139 on tLre 342 national road. l0 To the
4 Este General Hospital of Baza.
rmo ml
.asa. NADO.

rche el

'ndres el


Useful addresses and books C. Smith
Harrap's ,

I Referr
Spain anc
Spain (M
Addresses culture).
L. Hoo
Centre for Information on Language Teaching (CILT) D. Peters
20 Bedfordbury beaten tri
London S7C2N 4LB P. E. Rus
An excellent source of lists of useful grammar books, dictionaries and back-
ground books about Spain.
Hispanic Council
Canning House
2 Belgrave Square
London S!7lX 8PJ
A good centre for information about Spain and, in particular, the Latin
American republics.
Spanish Institute
102 Eaton Square
London Swl$ gAN
For information about the economic and cultural life of Soain.
Spanish Tourist Office
57 St James Street
London 5!714 lLD
For all matters relating to tourism in Spain.

Grammar books
Prez, Sala, Santam arina, Spanislz (Cassell Language Guides) .


C. Smith, Collins Spanish Dictionary (HarperCollins).
H arrap's Spanish Paperb ack Dictionary (Harrap) .

Reference books
Camping and caraxanning in Europe (AA Publications).
Spain and Portugal (Fodor's Modern Guides).
Spain (Michelin: Red series for hotels, etc., and Green series for history and
J. L. Hooper, The Spaniards (Viking).
D. Petersen, Spain on Backroads (Hunter). For those who wish to get off the
beaten track and explore the 'real' Spain.
P. E. Russell (ed.), Spain: a companion to Spanish Studies (Methuen).
rd back-

re Latin


13 To kr
l4 Impe
Grammar summary l5
The 1

l7 Talki
18 The i
l9 The
Contents i

The follo
1 Nouns and articles 343 to learn tl
2 Adjectives 343 of this sur
(i) Agreement 343
(iD Adjectives of nationality 344
(iii) Modifuingadjectives 344
Possessiveadjectives 344
(v)Demonstrativeadjectives 345 Not
(vi)Comparisons 345
(vii)Forming nouns from adjectives 346 All nounr
3 Numbers, dates and time 346 end in '<
4 Negatives 348 (radio) -
(i) No 348 masculinr
(iD Nunca 348 before a r
(iiD Nada 348 nouns is
(iv) Nadie 348 which enr
Pronouns 349 lowing ex
(i) Direct object pronouns 349 El libr
(ii) Indirect object pronouns 350 Lam
(iii) Possessivepronouns 350 Un cl
(iv) Demonstrativepronouns 35r Una
(v) The personal 'a' 35r
6 Adverbs 35r In practi<
7 The present tense 352 stress tha
(i) Regular verbs 352 Unos
(ii) Verbs with irregular first person 352
(iii) Reflexive verbs 353
(iv) Radical-changingverbs 353
(v) Four irregular verbs - 'ser', 'ir', 'dar'r'estar' 353
8 'Ser' and 'estar' 354 .
9 The immediate future -'ir a' + infinitive 354 ^di
10 There is, there are - 'hay' (i) Agre
II Giving orders - the imperative 355 Adjective
l2 Talking about the weather 355 Adjective

To know - 'saber', 'conocer', 'poder' 356
T4 Impersonal verbs - 'gustar', etc. 356
Idioms using 'tener' 358
16 The past tense - the preterire 358
(i) Regular verbs 358
(ii) Verbs with irregular first person 359
(iii) Verbs with spelling changes in the third persons 360
(iv) Irregular verbs - the .pretrito grave' 360
tt Talking about the immediate past - 'acabar de' + infinitive 361
18 The imperfect tense 36r
(i) Regular verbs 36r
(iD Irregular verbs 362
19 The imperfect continuous - I was 362
The following summary of the grammar found in this book will help the student
343 to learn the material systematically. It will be useful to study the relevant section
)Lt )
of this summary after having tackled the chapter in which the grammar occurs.
345 t Nouns and articles
346 All nouns are either masculine or feminine. Generally speaking nouns which
346 end in '-o' are masculine - common exceptions' 'la mano' (hand)' 'la radio'
348 (radio) - and those which end in '-a' are feminine. 'The' is expressed before a
348 masculine noun by 'el' and by 'la'before a feminine noun. 'A' or 'An' is 'un'
348 before a masculine noun and 'una'before a feminine noun. The plural form of
348 nouns is formed by adding '-s' to those which end in a vowel and '-es' to those
348 which end in a consonant. The plural forms of the articles are as seen in the fol-
349 lowing examples:
349 El Iibro es caro. Los libros son caros.
350 La mujer es guapa. Las mu-1eres son guapas.
350 Un chico ing|s. Unos chicos ingleses.
351 Una racin de patatas fritas. Unas raciones de patatas fritas.
35r In practice the plural forms of 'un' and 'una' are rarely used unless you wish to
352 stress that some ... do something and others do not. For example:
t)z Unos espao|es hablan ing|s. Sone Spanish people speak English.
2 Adjectives
(i) Agreernent
7)) Adjectives agree with the nouns they qualify and usually follow the noun.
J)) Adjectives which end in '-o'have four forms:


Un vino caro. A dear wine. Aqu
Una revista cara. A dear magazine. esl
Vinos caros. Dear wlnes. Buer
Revistas caras. Dear magazines. 5U
Those which end in anything else have two forms, a singular and a plural: Ah l
Su al
Un..lerseyazul. A blue iersey.
Una falda azul. A blue skirt. The mer
Guantes azules. Blue gloves. resolved
Blusas azules. Blue blouses. Su p,
(ii) Adjectitses of nationality Su p.
Those which end in '-o' behave as 'caro' (dear), seen earlier, but those which
end in a consonant also have four forms: Nues
Un chico espaol. A Spanish boy. Nues
Una chica espao|a. A Spanish girl. nu
Hombres espaoIes. Spanish men.
Mu.;eres espao|as. Spanish women. Vues
(iii) Modfying adjectiaes
(u) Den
This can be done by placing additional words before the adjectives:
F ste
Es algo grande. It's a little on the big side. Este r

Es bastante grande. It's fairly big. (It's big enough.) pel

Es muy grande. It's very big.
Es demasiado grande. It's too big. Ese. t

Es grandsimo. It's very, very big. Esas r

When an
(iz;) Pos sessiae adj ectiaes person ad

These are as follows: Aque

Mi. mis My
Mi chaqueta es verde y My jacketis green and
mis zapatos son marrones. my shoes are brown. (z.ti) Cor,

Tu. tus Your (when addressing a fend, To compi

mentber of your family or a child)
Ms .

Tu camisa es blanca y Your shirt is white and El vin

tus calcetines son grises. your socks are grey.
Su. sus His, her, your (addressing a Sevill;
stranger), their Mar
Ah va Paco. 5u padre es profesor. There goes Frank. His father is a Tan..
teacher. El an.


Aqu viene Mara. Su madre Here comes Mary. Her mother
est en Paris' is in Paris.
Buenos das, don Juan. 2Cmo est Good day, don Juan. How is your
su muierT wife?
rl: Ah van Pab|o y Pedro. There go Paul and Peter.
Su abuelo es general.
'lheir grandfather is a general.

The meaning of 'su' is usually clear but, if any problem does occur, it 1S

resolved as follows:
Su padre de |. His father.
Su madre de ella. FIer mother.
5u padre de usted. Your father.
Su madre de ellos. Their mother.
: which
Nuestro. nuestra. nuestros. Our
Nuestro padre es escocs pero Our father is Scottish but our
nuestra maore es francesa. mother is French.

Vuestro. vuestra. vuestros. vuestras Your (familiar and plural)

2Cmo estn Vuestros padres? How are your parents?

(o) Dentonstrcttiae adjectioes

Este. esta. estos. estas This, these
Este collar es muy barato This necklace is very cheaP
pero estas blusas son muy caras. but these blouses are very dear.
Ese. esa. esos. esas That, those
Esas uvas son muy buenas. Those grapes are very good'
\X/hen an object or person is some distance away from both the speaker and the
person addressed, you use 'aquel':
Aquel. aquella. aquellos. aquellas That, those (oaer there)
Aquella casa es muy antigua. That house (over there) is very old'

(ai) Compsrisons
To compare one thing with another, you use one of the following three forms:
itd) Ms ... que More ... than
E| vino es ms caro que |a cerveza. Wine is more expensive than beer.
Menos ... que Less ... than
Sevilla es menos grande que Seville is less big (smaller) than
Madrid. Madrid.
Tan ... como As ... as
E| ans es tan fuerte como e| coac. Anisette is as strong as brandy.


There are also some irregular comparative torms: Expressin
months c
Mejor Befter
tence, anr
El caf es meJor que e| t. Coffee is better than tea. 'uno' is a
Peor Worse
El vino tinto es peor que el The red wine is worse than the white
blanco. wine.
Mayor Greater, older
Soy mayor que usted. I am older than you. Veng
Menor Smaller, younger 'Next'is ,

Es menor que yo. He is younger rhan I. Voy z

'Last' is e
(aii) Fortning nouns frorn adjectiues
It is possible to form nouns from adjectives by adding 'lo' before the masculine
singular. Such nouns are used to express .the ... parbiaspect': Habitual
two days
Lo difcil es |a gramtica. The difficult part is the grammar. form thei
Voy t

3 Numbes, dates and time

Telling tl
Numbers are given in Chapters I,2 and 5. The numbers I to 29 are written as aOu
one word. For example:
If I o'clo
Irece L3
veinticinco 25 Es la

Thereafter they are written as three words: For all ot

cuarenta y nueve 49 Son I

When you refer to exactly 100, the number 'ciento' shortens to 'cien': Between
2Cunto va|e7 Cien pesetas. How much is it? l00 pesetas.
Son I

Multiples of a hundred agree with the noun they qualifii:

Doscientos cincuenta hombres. 250 men.
Ouinientas veinte pesetas. 520 pesetas. Son I

1000 is expressed by 'mil' and is invariable in most situations: To ask at

Dos mil pesetas. 2000 pesetas. LA qI

Doce mil pesetas. 12 000 peseras. Both'es'

.un mil|n' and is
I 000 000 is expressed by the noun therefore followed by .de': Sale
Un mil|n de pesetas. I 000 000 pesetas.
Trece millones de habitantes l3 000 000 inhabirants.


Expressing the date is found in Chapters 10 and 15. The days of the week and
months of the year are written with a small letter, unless they begin the sen-
tencer and the first of the month can be expressed by using'primero' (although
'uno' is acceptabie):
Voy a Pars e| dos de diciembre. I'm going to Paris on the second of
e white December.
'On' with a date is always expressed by 'el':
Venga a verme el martes. Come and see me on Tuesday.
'Next' is expressed by the short phrase 'que viene':
Voy a Sevilla el viernes que viene. I'm going to Seville next Friday.
'Last' is expressed by 'pasado':
Sa|i de Madrid e| mirco|es pasado. He left Madrid last $ednesday.
Habitual actions can be expressed by making the day of the week plural. Only
.los sbados' and .|os domingos', and the others
two days have plural forms,
nar. form their plural by the use of the plural definite article:
Voy a la iglesia los domingos I go to church on Sundays.
Voy al teatro los..1ueves. I go to the theatre on Thursdays.

Telling the time is found in Chapter 5. To ask the time the basic question is:

ritten as 2ou hora es7 \hat's the time?

If I o'clock occurs in the answer, the verb will be singular:
Es la una menos velnte It's twenty to one.

For all other times, the verb will be plural:

Son las tres y cuarto. It's a quarter past three.
Between the hour and half past the hour the word 'y' is used to add precise

Son las tres y diez. It's ten past three.

Between half past and the hour the word 'menos' is used:
Son las cuatro menos cinco. It's five to four.
To ask at what time something happens the basic question is:

2A qu hora sa|e e| autocar? What time does the coach leave?

Both 'es' and 'son' are now replaced by 'a':
by'de': Sale a las siete y medta. It leaves at half past seven.


4 Neqatives lT Prrc
(i) No (i) Dir<
The basic negative is 'no' and is placed before the verb: These ar
Soy ingls. I'm English. the posit
No soy ingls. I'm not English. Me
'No' can be used as a one-word answer: Mel
2Le gusta el coac7 No. Do you like brandy? No.
f" u,

(ii) Nunca Le vt

Never is expressed by 'nunca'. This can be placed before the verb: LA

La vt
Nunca voy al cine. I never go to the cinema. La qr
Or it can be placed after the verb with 'no' before the verb:
No voy nunca al cine. I never go to the cinema. NoI
It can also be used as a one-word answer: LC
Le v(
1Fuma usted? Nunca. Do you smoke? Never.
(iii) Nada Nos
Nothing (nada) is used in the same way as 'nunca': Nos

Nada quiero. Os
I don't want anything.
No quiero nada. Os v,
I don't wanr anyrhing.
1ou quiere? Nada. !(/hat do you want? Nothing. Les
No lr

(io) |adie Ahor
Nobody (nadie) can be used as the subjecr of the verb and takes the third LO5
person singular: No lc
Nadie lo sabe. Nobody knows it. Les
No lo sabe nadie. Nobody knows it. LCS V
2ouin lo sabe? Nadie. Who knows it? Nobody.
It can also be used as the object of the verb and is then preceded by the per- No l;
sonal 'a' (see 5(v) below):
(In some
A nadie veo. I can see nobody.
No veo a nadie. I can see nobody. Direc
2,A quin busca usted? Anadie. \l'ho are you looking for? Nobody.

5 Pronouns
(i) Direct object pronouns
These are as follows and are placed before the verb usually, but on the end of
the positive imperative:
Me Me
Me ve. He sees me.
You (familiar)
t" u"o. I see you.

Le Him
Le veo. I see him.

La Her, it (fem. object)

La veo. I see her.
La quiero. I want it.

LO It (masc. object)
No lo quiero. I don't want it.

Le You (polite, masc.)

Le veo. I see you.

LA You (polite,;fem.)
La veo. I see you.

Nos Us
Nos ven. They see us.
Os You (familiar, plural)
Os ven. They see you.
Les Them (masc., people)
No les veo. I can't see them.

Las Them (fem., people or objects)

Ahora las veo. Nclw I can see them.
he third LOS Them (masc., oblects)
No los quiero. I don't want thern.

Les You (polite, masc. plural)

Les veo. I can see you.

Las You (polite, fem. plural)

No las veo. I can't see you.

(In some areas of Spain 'lo' is used for 'him'.)

Direct object pronouns are placed on the end of the positive imperative:
body. Escrba|o, por favor. rJ7rite it down, please.


(ii) Indirect object pronouns (iz:) Det
For all but the third persons these are identical to the direct object pronouns. These art
'Le' is used for all the third persons singular and 'les' for the third persons mark to s
Le hablo. I speak to him (to her, to you).
Les hablo. I speak to them (to you).

The meaning is usually clear, but if ambiguity occurs it is resolved by (z:) The
adding a short phrase after the verb.
This is fo
Le digo a usted. I say to you.
Veo i
Le digo a l. I say to him.
Veo i
Le digo a ella. I say to her.
Veo i
Les doy a ustedes I give to you.
Les doy a ellos. I give to them (masc.).
give to them (fem.).
lac rlnrr a all:< I

Indirect object pronouns are also placed on the end of the positive imperative:
Deme un paquete de cigarrillos. Give me a packet of cigarettes.
tion of '-r
If both direct and indirect pronouns are found the order is invariably:
indirect direct - aerb Trabi
Me lo da. He gives it to me.
If several
If a third person indirect pronoun is involved 'se' replaces all the third person but the lz
Se lo da. He gives it to him. m(

Any ambiguity about the meaning of 'se' is resolved in the same manner as pre- Some ad
viouslv exolained. replaced
(iii) Possessioe pronouns indu
Each possessive pronoun has four forms as follows:
mto, mta, mtos, mtas mlne coml
tuyo. tuya, tuyos. tuyas yours (familiar)
Several a
suyo, suya. suyos, suyas his, hers, yours, theirs
nuestro, nuestra, nuestros, nuestras ours bien
vuestro, vuestra, vuestros, vuestras yours (polite) mal
After the verb 'ser' the pronouns are used on their own:
1De quin es esta ma|eta7 Es ma. \7hose is this suitcase? It's mine. muc
lSon tuyos estos guantesT Are these gloves yours? poc(
In all other cases the pronouns are preceded by the appropriate definite article:
2Una fa|da? Compr |a ma en A skirt? I bought mine in that '("arAl
esa tienda. shop. teml


(it:) Demonstratioe Pronouns
onouns. These are the same as the demonstrative adjectives (see 2(v)) but have a stress
persons mark to show they are a different form:

2Es sta su maleta? No. Aqulla. Is this your suitcase? No. That one
). over there.

)y (zt) The personal 'at

This is found before the direct object of the verb when that object is a person:
Veo a Juan. I see John.
Veo al chico. I see the boy.
Veo a las chicas. I see the girls.

Adverbs are formed from the feminine singular of the adjective with the addi-
tion of '-mente'.
rpida +mente = rpidamente rapidly
Traba1a rpidamente. He works rapidly.
If several adverbs are found in one sentence' it is normal to leave '-mente' off all
I person but the last one:
Traba'ia rpida, tranqui|a y He works quickiy, quietly and
metdicamente. methodically.
r as pre- Some adverbs are cumbersome when formed in the usual way and are usually
replaced by short phrases. For example:
frecuentemente = con frecuencia frequently
indudablemente = sin duda undoubtedly
cuidadosamente = con cuidado carefully
finalmente = por fin finally
completamePlg = Por comPleto completely
Several adverbs are irregular:
bien well
mal badly
deprisa v^,,urr^rJ

despacio slowly
mucho a lot
poco little
ms more
menos less
tarde late
temprano early

7 The present tense Re1

These ve
(i) Regular aerbs of a refle:

verbs are divided into three conjugations and are usually referred to by the llamz
verb-ending in the infinitive -'ar','-er'and '-ir.' Subject pronouns are little me ll
used in Spanish except for the 'usted' and 'ustedes' pronouns, which are used te lla
with the third persons of the verb to convey the polite 'you' form. The regular se lla
verbs are as follows: uste(

-ar -ir os llz

comprar comer (to eat) vivir (to live) se lle
(to buy) uste(
1yo compro como vtvo
2t compras comes vives The thir
3 |/e||a compra come vtve passive:
3 usted compra come VVe Las r
4 nosotros,/as compramos comemos vivimos er
5 vosotros./as compris comis vivs
eIlos,/elIas compran comen vtven El vit
ustedes compran comen vtven

(ii) Verbs zuith irregular first person (ia) Ra

Some verbs have an irregular first person singular only and follow the regular These vt
pattern for the other persons. Those found in this book are: divided i
coger (to catch, pick up) coJo. coges ... -o- (-
conducir (to drive (of a car)) conduzco, conduces ...
conocer (to know (ofpeople, conozco, conoces... poder
places)) I puec
decir (to say, tell) digo. dices ... (also radical- 2 puec
changing, see below) 3 puec
hacer (to make, do) hago. haces... 3 uste(
or (to hear) or9o, oyes ... 4 pode
parecer (to seem, appear) parezco, pareces... 5 pode
poner (to put, place) pongo, pones... I puec
saber (to know (offacts)) se, sabes... 6 ustet
salir (to leave, go out) salgo, sales ...
seguir (to bllow, carry on) sigo, sigues ... (also radical-
changing, see below) The ster
tener (to have) tengo, tlenes ... (also 2,3 and
radical-changing, see below)
traer (to bring) traigo, traes ...
ver (to see) veo, ves... (z:) Fot
venir (to come) vengo, vienes ... (also
radical-changing, see below) These fc


(iii) Reflexiue oerbs
These verbs have a reflexive pronoun before each person. A common example
of a reflexive verb is:
llamarse to be called (call oneselD
r by the
me llamo I'm called 1 I call myself)
Lre 1itt1e
te llamas you're called
rre used
se llama he's/she's called
usted se llama you're called
nos llamamos we're called
os l|amis you're cailed
se llaman they're called
ustedes se llaman you're called
The third persons of the reflexive form are frequently used instead of the
I naranias se r-ultivan
.as Oranges are grown in Valencia.
en Valencia. (Oranges grow themselves in
El vino se produce en Daimiel. Wine is produced in Daimiel.
(Wine produces itself in Daimiel).

(ia) Radical- changing oerbs

regular These verbs change both the stem and the ending in certain persons and are
divided into three groups:
-o- (-ue-) -e- (-ie) -e- Gi.) -.-i'verbs
poder (to be able, can) enTpezar (to begin) pedir (to ask for, order)
I puedo venir emplezo a las siete pido vino
2 puedes venir empiezas a las diez nir'lc< ccrveza
3 puede venir empieza a las once pide caf
3 usted puede venir usted empieza a las dos usted pide leche
4 podemos venir empezamos a las tres pedimos agua
5 podis venir empezis a |as cinco peds naran.1ada
pueden venir empiezan a |as cuatro piden agua mineral
6 ustedes pueden venir ustedes empiezan a ustedes piden vino tinto
las nueve
The stem changes when the stress falls on it, and the change affects persons 1,
2,3 and . The verbs are marked in the vocabulary lists in the following way
poder (ue); empezar (ie); pedir (i).

(a) Four irregular oerbs - 'ser', 'ir', 'dQr', 'estqr'

These four verbs have a similar pattern and are best learned as a group.


ser (ro be) ir (to go) dar (to giz,te) estar (to be) 'Hay qu
I soy voy doy estoy ought', r

2 eres vas clas ests

3es VA aa est
3 usted es usted va usted da usted est
4 somos vamos damos eStamos
5 sois vais dais estis
6 son van aan estn
6 ustedes son ustedes van ustedes dan ustede5 estn
The imp
that perr
8 'Ser' and'estar'
'Ser' is used to express permanent conditions:
Soy ing|s. I'm English.
Es profesor. He's a teacher. (Note the absence of escribi
the indefinite article when
referring to a job or profession.) votver
'Estar'is used for one ofthree reasons:
To express position
Madrid est en Espaa. Madrid is in Spain.
To express tenporay conditions importar
2Cmo est usted? Estoy bien. FIow are you? I'm well. tr

To express a state which results frorn an action

Franco est mUerto' Franco is dead. (The action he This forr
died; the state he is dead.) 'usted' <

being gir
positive r

9 The immediate future -'ir a' + inlinitive decir

The irregular verb 'ir' (see 7(v)) is used to talk about future plans:
Maana VoV a Visitar Toledo. Tomorrow I'm going to Visit Toledo.

t O There is, there are - 'hay' arz ft

'Hay' expresses both the singular'there is' and the plural 'there are':
4Hay un banco por aqu? Is there a bank around here? Hacr
S' hay muchos bancos en esta Yes, there are a lot of banks in Hacr
calle. this street. Hace


'Hay que' + infinitive is used to convey 'it is necessary', 'one should', 'you
ought', etc.
Hay que visitar el castillo de Coca. You ought to visit the Coca Castle.

| | Giving ordes - the im ative

The imperative is formed from the first person singular of the present tense; if
that person has an irregular form the imperative also has the same form. The
imperative is formed as follows:
singular plural
comprar -compr(o) = col'l'lPl'+ e = compre usted compren
beber -beb{o) = beb+a = bebausted beban
nce of escribir -escrib(o) = escrib+a = escribausted escriban
)n.) volver -vuelv(o) = vuelv +a = vuelva usted VUCIVAN
poner -pong(o) = ponQ+a = ponQa ustd pon9an
'-ar'verbs add an '-e' to form the imperative and all others add an '-a'. The only
important irregular verb which does not follow this pattern is 'ir' (to go):
voy vaya usted vayan
he This form of the imperative is used to give orders to strangers. The pronouns
'usted' or 'ustedes' are often omitted since it is clear to whom the order is
being given. Obyect pronouns are placed on the end of the imperative when it is
positive and in the normal position when the command is negative:
decir -dig(o) =dig+a = diga usted digan
Dgamelo. Tell it to me.
No me lo diga. Don't tell it to me.

| 2 Talking about the weathe

'Hace' + noun is the usual way to express most weather conditions:
1ou tiempo hace7 !hat's the weather like?
Hace buen tiempo. It's fine.
Hace mal tiempo. The weather's bad.
Hace calor. It's hot.


Hace fro. It's cold.
lvte (
Hace sol. It's sunny.
Hace viento. It's windy.
lvle c
Since nouns are being used they are modified with 'mucho': La

Hace mucho calor. It's very hot. Negative

Other weather conditions are as follows: Non
Est |loviendo' It's raining. (At this moment lt ls Other pe
Llueve mucho en Inglaterra. It rains a lot in England. aTe (
Le gr
(Habitually it rains a lot.)
Est nevando. It's snowing. tAt this momenl it is The pror
snowing.) resolved
Nieva mucho en los Pirineos. It snows a lot in the Pyrenees.
Le g(
(Habitually it snows a lot.)
Le g(
Hay niebla. It is foggy.
Le gr
t 3 To know . 'sabe,, ,Co]1oce,, ,Poder,

Les c

The pror
'Saber' is used to say you know a fact or how to do something: ambiguit
S su nombre. I know his name' No lt
2Sabe usted bailarT Do you know how to dance? 2Les
'Conocer' is used to say you are familiar with a person, a place or a work of art: Other ve:

Conozco a este seor. I know this gentleman. Abur

2Conoce usted MadridT Do you know Madrid? Mea
Conoce muy bien las novelas de He knows Galds's novels very Enca
GaIds. well. lvle e
'Poder' is used to say you can do something or have permission to do it:
No puedo salir hoy. I can't go out today.
Me l-
| 4 lmpersonal verbs - 'gustar', etc. lnter
2Le ir
Only the third persons singular and plural of these verbs are commonly used
and object pronouns are used to indicate the subject of the verb. In fact, the
subject of the English sentence becomes the object of the Spanish sentence and
vlce versa:
Gustar To please, like
Me gusta el vino or I like wine. (Wine pleases me.)
El vino me gusta.


Me gusta bailar or I like dancing. (Dancing pleases
Bailar me gusta. me.)
Me gustan las uvas or I like grapes. (Grapes please me.)
Las uvas me gustan.

Negatives are placed in the usual position:

No me gusta el calor. I don't like the heat'

is Other persons are referred to by using different pronouns:

2Te gusta el vino? Do you like wine? (familiar)
Le gustan las vacaciones. He likes holidays.
The pronoun 'le' is also used to refer to 'she' and 'you' and any ambiguity is
resolved by using additional phrases:
Le 9u5ta a | e| coac. He likes brandy.
Le gusta a ella la cerveza. She likes beer.
Le gusta a usted el vino. You like wine.
Nos gusta este hotel. We like this hotel.
iOs gusta mi falda? Do you like my skirt? (familiar)
Les gustan esos zapatos. They like those shoes.
The pronoun 'les' is also used to refer to 'they' (fem.) and 'you' (pl.) and any
ambiguity is again resolved by additionai phrases:
No les gusta a ellas el vino. They do not like wine (fem.).
2les gusta a ustedes el hotel? Do you like the hotei?
of art: Other verbs with a similar pattern are:
Aburrir To bore
Me aburre el arte moderno. Modern art bores me.
Encantar To like a lot
Me encantan los edificios I like old buiidings a lot.
Hacer falta To need
Me hace fa|ta ms dinero. I need more money.
lmoortar To natter
No me importa el precto. The price doesn't matter to me.
lnteresar To interest
2Le interesa a usted el arte Are you interested in modern
moderno? art?
y used
Parecer To seewt
Me parece muy bonito. It seems very pretty to me.
ce and To haae left
Me quedan cien pesetas. I have I 00 pesctas left.


t 5 ldioms using 'tene, 3
4 Com
A number of common exoressions use 'tener' + noun:
5 Com
Tengo calor. I'm hot. 6 Com
Tengo fro. I'm cold. 6 Uster
Tengo sed. I'm thirsty. -ir
Tengo prisa. I'm in a hurry. Salir
Tengo razn. I'm right. l Sal t
Tengo suerte. I'm lucky. 2 Salist
Tengo sueo' I'm sleepy. 3 Sali
Tengo hambre I'm hungry.
3 Uster
miedo. I'm frightened. 4 Salin
Since Spanish nouns are used to express English adjectives, 'mucho' (or 5 Salist
'mucha' with the feminine nouns 'sed', 'prisa', 'suerte', 'hambre') must be 6 Salier
used to modifu the noun: 6 Uste<

Tengo mucha hambre. I'm very hungry. The pret

'Tener' is also used to express age:
Tengo cuarenta y cinco aos. I'm 45 years old.
'Tener que' + infinitive means 'to have to, must'
Juan tiene que ir a Madrid. John has to go to Madrid. (ii) Ver
sound o
| 6 The past tense - the preterite Verl
(i) Regular aerbs Llegt

The form of the preterite of regular verbs is:

Comprar To buy
l Compr pan. I bought bread.
2 Compraste vino. You bought wine (familiar).
3 Compr cigarri||os. He bought cigarettes.
3 Usted compr revistas. You bought magazines (polite).
4 Compramos recuerdos. \7e bought souvenirs. Vert
5 Comprasteis discos. You bought records (familiar). Emp
6 Compraron pasteles. They bought cakes. Emp
6 Ustedes compraron coac. You bought brandy (polite).
Comer To eat
1 Com mucho. I ate a lot.
) Cami<p narn You ate a little (familiar).


3 Comi bien. He ate well.
3 Usted comi ma|. You ate badly (polite).
4 Comimos en casa. We ate at home.
5 Comisteis en el hotel. You ate in the hotel (familiar).
6 Comieron demasiado. They ate too much.
6 Ustedes comieron muy poco You ate very little (polite).
Salir To leaae
1 Sal temprano. I left early.
2 Saliste tarde. You left late (familiar).
3 Sali ayer. He left yesterday.
3 Usted sa|i a |as tres. You left at 3 o'clock (polite).
4 Salimos en coche. We left by car.
o' (or 5 Salisteis muy tarde. You left very late (familiar).
ust be 6 Salieron a las cinco. They left at 5 o'clock.
6 Ustedes salieron temprano. You left early lpolite).
The preterite tense is used to talk about single, complete actions in the past (the
imperfect tense is used to refer to repeated or habitual actions - see 18, below):
Ayer compr un coche' Yesterday I bought a car. (A single,
complete action.)

(ii) Verbs uith irregularfirst person

Certain verbs have a spelling change in the first person singular to preserve the
sound of the verb:
Verbs which end in '-gar'
Llegar To arriae
Llegu a las dos. I arrived at 2 o'clock.
(Additional 'u'before the 'e'.)
Llegaste a las tres You arrived at 3 o'clock.
Verbs which end in '-car'
Buscar To look for
Busqu e| hote|. I looked for the hotel. ('c'
changing to 'qu' before the 'e'.)
Buscaste a Juan. You looked for John.
Verbs which end in '-zar'
Empezar To begin
Empec a |as dos. I began at 2 o'clock. ('z'
changing to 'c' before the 'e'.)
Empezaste m5 tarde. You began later.


(iii) Verbs zaith spelling changes in the third persons con
Other verbs have a spelling change in the third persons singular and plural, est;
when 'i' changes to 'y' between two vowels: hac
Leer To read
Le e| peridico' I read the newspaper. poc
Ley una nove|a. He read a novel. por
I prreran 12 c r4rtrl They read the letter. pro
Verbs which behave in a similar way are 'creer' (to believe), 'oir' (to hear) and saD
'construir' (to build). tenl
Some'-ir'verbs have changes in the third persons singular and plural 'o' tra
changes to 'u' or 'e' changes to 'i': ven
Note th
Dormir To sleep 'i' of thz
Dorm bien. I slept well.
Durmi ma|. He slept badly.
Durmieron mucho. They slept a lot.
'Morir' (to die) behaves in a similar way.
Pedir To ask .for, order
Ped chuIetas. I ordered chops.
Pidi pae||a. He ordered paella. 'acaDar
|)ir1iaran np<rlrn They ordered fish.
'Preferir' (to prefer), 'repetir' (to repeat)) 'seguir' (to follow) and 'servir' (to
El sr
serve) behave in a similar way.

(ia) Irregulqr uerbs - the ,pretrito graae,

A group of verbs change both the stem and the endings when the preterite
formed' These verbs are known as the .pretrito grave, and the pattern is
follows: (i) Rel
Andar To ualk The for
I Anduve por la calle. I walked along the street. -ar
2 Anduviste por la plaza. You walked through the square comprar
(familiar). I com
3 Anduvo por la ciudad. He walked through the city. 2 com
3 Usted anduvo por el campo. You walked through the 3 com
countryside (polite). 3 uste
'{ Anduvimos mucho. We walked a lot.
Anduvisteis al cine. You walked to the cinema 4 com
6 Anduvieron por la calle. They walked along the street. 5 com
6 Ustedes anduvieron mucho. You walked a lot (polite). Ct

Both the new stem and the endings have to be learned with these verbs, which com
are as follows:


conducir - conduje, conduJiste, etc. to drive
decir - dUe. dUiste, etc. to say, tell
plural, estar - estuve, estuviste, etc. to be
hacer - hice, hiciste, etc. to do, make (llore: third
person singular - hizo)
poder - pude, pudiste, etc. to be able, can
poner - puse, pusiste, etc. to put, place
producir - produje, produ.;iste. etc. to produce
querer - quise, quisiste, etc. to want, wish
rr) and saber - supe, supiste, etc. to know
tener - tuve, tuviste, etc. to have
I 'o' traer - traie traiiste etc. to bring
venir - vine. viniste, etc. to come
Note that if the third person plural of these verbs has a'j'before the ending, the
'i' of that ending is lost: decir - dleron; traer - traJeron.

l7 Talking about the immediate past - 'acabar

de' + infinitive
'Acabar de' is used to express what has just happened, with the present tense of
'acabar' beine used:
Acabo de llegar. I've just arrived.
'zir' E| seor Mora|es acaba de sa|ir Mr Morales has just left.

erlte 1s t 8 The imperfect tense

(i) Regular oerbs
The forms of the imperfect tense are as follows:
.a -er -tr
comprar (to buy) comer (to eat) aiair (to lite)
I compraba pan coma mucho viva en Madrjd
2 comprabas uvas comas poco vivas en MIaga
3 compraLra revistas coma demasiado viva en Francia
3 usted compraba usted coma en casa usted viva en Bi|bao
4 comprbamos comiamos en una vivamos en
recueroos cafetera Inglaterra
5 comprabais comais en Casa vivais cerca de
cigarrillos Madrid
which 6 compraban flores coman en Un vivan en Londres


6 ustedes ustedes coman pan ustedes vivan en The imper
compraban vlno Barcelona preferred t

(ii) Irregulqr aerbs Estab.
Oniy three verbs are irregular in this tense:
ser (ro be) ir (to go) aer (to see)
I era iba vea
2 eras ibas veas
3 era iba veia
3 usted era usted iba usted vea
4 ramos bamos veamos
5 erais ibais veais
eran iban vean
6 ustedes eran ustedes iban ustedes veian
The imperfect is used in three ways:
To describe things in the past
Era muy alto y tena e| FIe was very tall and had blonde hair.
pelo rubio.
To express repeated or habitual actions in the past
Cuando viva en Madrid, When I lived in Madrid, I used to
visitaba el Prado todos los visit the Prado every Sunday.
A continuous action in the past which is interrupted
Lea e| peridico cuando I was reading the paper when you
usted ||eg' arrived'

9 The imperfect continuous - | was

This is formed from the imperfect of 'estar' + the present participle. The
present participle of '-ar' r,erbs ends in '-ando' and that of '-er' and '-ir' verbs in
Estaba buscando a mi h1o. I was looking for my son.
Estabas viendo |a te|evisin. You were watching television.
Estaba tomando caf. He was drinking coffee.
Usted estaba esperando el You were waiting for the bus.
Estbamos sacando fotos de We were taking photographs of the
la catedral. cathedral.
Estabais lugando al golf . You were piaying golf.
Estaban comiendo. They were eating.
Ustedes estaban tomando el sol. You were sunbathine.


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eqJ '
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.8ulop no oJo'{\ ]Eq/)N zopuer)Pr-.| patsn PqPlse 9no?
:qsruBds ua{ods ur traJradurr aql o1 psrreJard
sI puB (8uI- sB,t\ I' LuJoJ qSII8uE eq] I}3Bxe se^IioJ snonultuoc ]JeJJeduI eqJ
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O Spanish

Second edition

Robert Clarke
Lecturer, Uniz,tersity of York Language Teaching Centre

Betty Parr
Founding Editor

O Robert Clarke 1982, 1995
Text artwork O Macmillan Press Ltd 1982' 1995
Photographs, other than those sourced, O Robert Clarke 1982,1'995

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First edition 1982
Second edition 1995
Published by Fc
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throughout the world Id,

ISBN 0 333 6t435-6
ISBN 0-333-61437 2 cassettes Tt
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in case of difficulry, from Macmillan Direct, Houndmills, Basingstoke, Hampshire'
RG21 6XS (telephone 01256 29242).

Introduction: how to ttse this book tiii

Guide to pronunciation
l Buenos das' 2Cmo est Usted?
ldentification: introductions and goodbyes t

Passing through Customs; Arrival at a hotel; Meeting friends
Forms of address; Possession and identity; Asking questions;
Numbers l-20; Plural

4Tiene usted familia?

ldentification: descriptions of oneself and family l5
Talking about one's home town; Giving address and telephone
'Para'; Adjectives; Numbers 21 I00; 'Tener'; 'Me llamo'+ name;
Work and status
LCmo es sU ciudad7
Describing places and things 2B
Description of home townl Recovery of lost property
'Ser' and 'estar'; Contractions; Modif ing adjectives;
en 2Dnde est su ciudad?
Finding out where things are 40
Finding places in a strange town; Describing the weather in a
strange town and at home
Finding out, Time and weather; 'Mucho'; Negatives
eller or,
ZEn qu trabaja usted? l0 iT
Daily routine 53 ol
Topics 1A
Talking about one's work; Enquiring about other people's jobs Bc
and lives Gt
Grammar Dr
Regular and irregular verbs in the present tense;
Numbers 100-1000; Teiling the time
T Re
I Revision and self-assessment test for Chapters 1-5 66
ll LL
6 2ou hace usted en sus ratos |ibres? Lit
Leisure activities 69
Topics Vi
Conversation after a meal; Discussion of leisure activities and ca.
facilities Gr
Grammar U
Let's ...; Wishes and preferencesl 'Tener que' + infinitive; 'Saber';
Time oI day: Comparisons 12 1P

2Ou desea? 10
Obtaining goods and services B4
Topics for
Shopping for a dress and for shoes Gt
Grammar 'P(
.Ouiero'+ noun;
.ouisiera Ver' + noun; Sizes; .2De qu es?';
.4Cunto va|e?,.,.Me lo quedo'; .Me parece' + adjective; .Valer'
13 2C
rOu va a tomar? ol
Ordering a meal 98
Topics Bu
Eating in a restaurant pi(
Grammar Gr
'Tener hambre', 'tener sed'; Polite requests; Third person plural; Qr
Imperative; 'Voy a'* verb va
aAdnde Vamos7
Obtaining services -' l ill 14 2E
Travel by taxi, train and bus 10
Gram.mar Hi
.zDnde?'; .Tener prisa'; .Prximo'; .Se puede' + infinitive; .Sentir'; Gr
.Conocer', Persnal pronouns; .Poder'; .Se' + verb to express Lc
passive; Shortened adjectives Ne

|0 2Tiene una habitacin libre?
53 Obtaining services - 2 t25
Booking a room in a hotel; Simple complaints
Days; 'Creo que', 'me parece que'; Complaints; Radical-changing

I Revision and self-assessment test for Chapters 6-10 139

1l zle gusta?
Likes, dislikes and preferences 143
Visiting a tourist shop; Selecting presents; Ordering a snack in a
'Gustar'; 'Encantar'; Lists; 'Este', 'ese', 'aqLJel'

t2 ZPor qU no Vamos al cine?

Planning social activities t57
Planning a trip to the cinema; Obtaining tickets; Inviting someone
for a drink after the cinema
.Porque', .2por qu7; .No importa'; .Ir en,' .ir a'; .1ou'+
adjective!; 'De acuerdo'; 'Poner'; adverbs

l2 ZCUnto Vale?
Obtaining goods and services in a strange town 171
Buying postcards; Finding out postage rates; Buying food for a
.Soy extranjero'; .ZCUnto
Quantities in shops; Omitting nouns;
vale7'; Orders for shopping; .ste',.se', .aqul'; .1Cunto

lll t4 2En qu puedo servirle7

Finding out what is possible t83
Hiring a car; Parking a car; Buying petrol
'2Es posible' + infinitive?; 'Por'; 'Listo'1 'Prohibido'; 'Lo mejor';
Negatives;'Lo' + adjective;'Dejar'

l5 zou vas a hacer? 20 1S<
197 Er
Making Plans
Topics la
Planning a weekend trip to a market; Arranging to play golf; Re
Talking about future Plans Gt
Grammar Irr
Usingthetelephone;'lra'+infinitive;'Conmigo';'Soler';'Tener 'lr:
.Antes de';
que'J infinitive; .Hay que' + inrnitive; Months; ml
'Nuestro'1 Future tense
I Revision and self-assessment test for Chapters 1 1-15
l 2Visitaste |a catedra|? Supple
Talking about the Past - I I{ey to
Topics Gramt
Relating visit to a strange town; Discussing what you did in
a a

strange town; Saying what else you did on a trip

The past; 'Acabar de' + infinitive; 'Tocar'; Pronouns

17 1ComPraste algo?
Talking about the Past - 2

Discussing purchases in a market; Recovering property left in a bar

'Pasado'; 'Hace' + time; 'Estar seguro', 'estar equivocado',
.Sin' + infinitive
razn,; Possessive pronouns;

lB 2Ou deseaba? 239

Describing things in the Past
Trying to buy blouse seen earlier in a shop window; Seeking to
identifit a stranger; Recalling how a town used to be
.Hab a, .Tampoco'1 More pronouns
Imperfect tense; ;,Acordarse';
l9 iou te pasa? 252
Sickness and health
Describing symptoms of illness; Telling a doctor how you feel;
Obtaining medicines at a chemist's
Grammar .iou pasa?'
.Me siento' + adverb; .Me due|e' + part of the body;

20 lSocorrol
197 Emergencies 265
Reporting a robbery to the police; Dealing with a road accident
Imperfect, imperfect continuous and preterite tenses;
.Irse'1 .-simo'; .Tan .'. como'; .ZEst
muerto./herido /r oto?' ;' Nuestro';' Esta r' + adjective

I Revision and self-assessment test for Chapters 16-20 278

Grammatical terms used 282
S upplem entary a o c ab ul ary li s t s 285
214 I{ey to the exercises 292
Useful addresses and books 310
Grammar summaty 312




the mai
aim is d

lntroduction: how to use this

book Voca
This 1is
and ex1
been se
tion Un
$elcome to the new edition of Mastering Spanish. The course is intended for adults r
complete beginners but it also offers a valuable refresher course for those who f^ ^t rl-

have previously learned a little Spanish but now find that it has grown 'rusty'. A equatel'
knowledge of Spanish will allow you to communicate with and understand not Itn
only the people of Spain but also the peoples and cultures of more than twenty work th
republics in Central and South America, for Spanish is a truly international lan- of your
guage. To help you learn quickly the sounds of Spanish and the correct lntona- lowing
tion of spoken Spanish, two cassettes have been provided to accompany the look at
book. On the cassettes are recorded all the dialogues in this book and listening rioht hr
practice. Sections of the book included on the cassette are indicated by the recognl
symbol l\S.l . Somc of the Listening Material consists of authentic conversation
culine (
between native speakers of Spanish. For advice on how to deal with this mater- the Spa
ial, see page 12.
The book has a dual purpose. Firstly, it wiil help you learn to communicate
with Spanish speakers in many everyday situations and to live among Spanish
speakers without causing or suffering embarrassment or misunderstandings. If t-Expl
you intend to spend a holiday among Spanish speakers, or if you are involved in
business activities with a Spanish or Latin American company) you will find this Both b
book will provide a grounding in the basic skills of communicating in Spanish. Studen
Secondly, this book offers the first stages in Spanish for students who wish Spanisl
to acquire the basis for a more formal knowledge of the grammar and structures explana
of the language with a view to developing a reading knowledge or writing skills at sectionr
a later date. Each chapter deals with a situation you will almost certainly lrraP LL r

encounter in dealing with Spanish speakers and you will learn the language guage c

appropriate to that situation. In addition, each chapter develops the grammar of all tt
and vocabulary to allow you to use it in different ways and to express ideas of of the r

your own. After Chapters 5, 10, l5 and 20 there are revision sections and tests gramm
to a1low you to check your own progress in speaking and understanding Spanish. the sun

Dialogues [E*
I E^,Er

The basic material of each chapter is presented in the form of dialogues; for Each cl
most effective use these should be studied with the help of the cassettes. The the boc
conrents list shows what is covered in each chapter - the chapter title describes the sec
the main communicative aim and the topics set out the situations in which this
aim is developed.

This lists the words found in the dialogues together with other useful words
and expressions. The book contains approximately 1000 words which have
been selected from the lists devised by the Council of Europe in their publica-
tion (Jrt niael umbral (A threshold leae). Tltis publication sets out guidelines for
ded for adults who wish to iearn to speak and understand basic Spanish: to reach, in
rse who fact, the 'threshold' of genuine competence rvhilst being able to survive ad-
rrqtrr' A equately in Spanish-speaking countries.
and not It may be useful for you to compile your own vocabulary notebook as you
twenty work through the book, listing the words either alphabetically or under headings
nal lan- of your own choosing such as 'Family', 'Leisure' and 'Daily routine'. The fol-
intona- lowing procedure will help you learn the words: cover up the English version,
any the look at the Spanish words and try to guess their meanings. Check that you are
istening right by revealing the English version and continue in this way untii you can
hrr rhe recognise all the new words. Then reverse the process and work from the
English to the Spanish list. Try to learn with each new noun whether it is mas-
culine (el/un), or feminine (la/una). A friend can help you here, asking you for
; mater- the Spanish for English words and checking your answer in the book.

Iings. If Explanations
olved in
ind this Both background information and grammar are explained in this section.
anish. Students whose main concern is with speaking and understanding simple
ho wish Spanish will probably not wish to pursue all the details of the grammatical
:uctures explanations and, from Chapter 7 onwards, these are therefore presented in tu'cl
skills at sections: the irst (marked A in the book) dealing with the basic grammar of the
ertainly chapter and the second (marked B) extending the grammar and range of lan-
rnguage guage covered. In addition there is in the reference Section a c(rmplete summary
rammar of all the grammar covered in the book and you may wish to study each section
ideas of of the summary as its content is dealt with in the chapters of the book. The
nd tests grammar references given in the explanations indicate the relevant sections in
lpanish. the summary.

ues; for Each chapter presents the exercises in two sections: the first set (marked A in
es. The the book) is for students who wish to learn a basic range of simpie Spanish and
escribes rhe second (marked B) extends this basic range to include different situations
and topics. The list of grammatical terms in the reference section will help you
to understand the explanations and the exercises more easily.
The role-play exercises require you to change the person of the verb as
(Say you want = I want = Ouiero. Ask if he/she has = Have you? = 2Tiene

Reference mateia|
It is wc
This contains additional word lists arranged by topics, keys to the exercises, a how 51
short list of useful addresses and reference books and a summary of the panyin
grammar found rn Mastering Spanish. This summary draws together for easy procee
reference the fundamentals of the different grammatical subjects covered in the referen
explanations sections - so, for instance, having studied various aspects of verbs Sp
throughout a chapter, you can check quickly how these fit into the whole all of t
picture. in Eng
the wr
look at
to spel

lelp you

verb as
Guide to pronunciation
: zTiene

It is worth reading through this section now so that you gather a general idea of
rclses, a how Spanish is pronounced, particularly if you have not purchased the accom-
' of the panying cassettes. Otherwise you will soon pick up the pronunciation as you
for easy proceed through the course and you can come back to this section simply for
d in the reference.
of verbs Spanish is basicaliy an easy language to pronounce correctly because nearly
: whole all of the sounds found in Spanish are roughly similar to sounds already found
in English. Each sound is pronounced in the same way every time it occurs and
the written form of words is very close to the spoken form. See the individual
sounds below and repeat them several times, do the same with the short phrases
which contain the sounds in full words and repeat them several times; finally,
look at or listen to an English name being spelled in Spanish and work out how
to soell vour own name.

The vowels
Un kilo de patatas Between 'cat' and 'father'
A kilo of potatoes (northern English' cat',' mat')
Un litro de leche First sound of 'eiephant'
A litre of milk
Un litro de vino Like 'ee' in 'seen'but shorter
A litre of wine
Dos vasos de vino Like 'o' in 'for'but shorter
Two glasses of wine
Una blusa de seda pura Like 'oo'in'root'; 'u'is silent
after .q' in words such as
A blouse of pure silk
(what?) or .aqu|' (that one) and also
after 'gu * e' or 'gu * i' in words
such as 'guisantes' (peas)
Mi marido y mi h1o Pronounced like the Spanish 'i'
My husband and my son

The consonants
l_r rr Un vaso de vino blanco Both very similar to the English
A glass of white wine 'b'
Cinco copas de coac Before 'i' and'e'like 'th'in
Five glasses of brandy 'thin'. (In South American Spanish
like 'c' in 'ice'.) Before anything else
like 'c' in 'cat'
2Dnde est Madrid7
Where is Madrid?
Much softer than in English and
rather like 'th' in 'rlzough'
2ou ta| |a fami|ia? As in English Spanir
How is the famiiy? basic
Before 'i' and'e'like 'ch'in

Usted coge la maleta (a) If

granae 'loc/z'. Before anything else like SL

You take the big suitcase 'g'in'go' L'

2ouin es ese hombre7 Always silent
'Who is that man?
(b) rf
Sopa de a1o Like .ch' n,Ioch, EI
Garlic soup
Dos kilos de uvas As in English
Two kilos of grapes Any v
Un litro de leche As in English the wr
A litre of milk o
Se llama Manuel As in English

He's called Manuel
No soy alemn As in English
I'm not German
Este nio es espao| Like 'ni' in 'onion'
This boy is Spanish
Mi padre es portugus As in English
a, be,
My father is Portuguese erre, (

2Ou quiere usted7 Always found with 'u' and

$7hat do you want? pronounced like 'c' in 'cat'
2Para qu sirve? A rolied or trilled 'r'
$hat is it used for?
rr Un paquete de cigarrillos A strongly rolled or trilied 'r'
A packet of cigarettes
lsabe| es muy simptica Like 's' in 'simple''
Isabel is very nice separa
Patatas fritas, por favor As in English
Chips, please
Un vaso de vino blanco See 'b, v'
A glass of white wine
2EI wter' por favor? As for 'v' (only found rn
The toilet, please? foreign words taken into Spanish)


ZEl taxi est |ibre7 Between vowels as 'gs' and
The taxi is free? elsewhere as 's'
Mi h1o mayor y yo As in 'young'but more strongly
h My older son and I pronounced
Un kilo de manzanas Always like 'th' in'thin'
A kilo of apples
g else

Id Pronunciation patterns
Spanish is pronounced in a rhythmic way and the rhythm is produced by two
basic rules:
(a) If a word ends in a vowel (a, e, i, o. u),'-s'or'-n', the last but one sound is
Las peras valen cuarenta y cinco pesetas el kilo.
The pears cost 45 pesetas a kilo.
(b) If a word ends in anything else, the last sound is stressed:
El relo.; del profesor es de oro
The teacher's watch is made of gold.
Any word which breaks one of the two rules has a stress mark to show where
the word should be stressed:

ouiero Una racin de.1amn de Yorl<, por favor.

I want a portion of York ham, please.

The Spanish alphabet

a. be. ce, de, e, efe, ge, ache, i. .1ota, ka' e|e, eme, ene, ee, o, pe' cU, ere,
erre, ese, te, u, uve, uve doble, equis, y-griega, zeta.

- iSu nombre, por favor? 'Your name, please?'

- Clarke. 'Clarke.'
- 2Cmo se escribe7 'How is it written?'
- Ce, ele, a, ere, ka, e. 'C-l-a-r-k-e.'
- Gracias. 'Thank you.'
Note that .' counts aS a separate letter in Spanish and thus warrants
Separate treatment in alphabetical listings. So
.maana' follows .manzano' in a





A comprehensive course for adults with no or little previous

knowledge of the language who want to understand, speak and
read Spanish confi dently.
suitab|e for home study or c|assroom courses
by Robert C|arke, a successfu| teacher o Spanish to adu|ts,
with many years' experience
pub|ished by Macmi|lan, the experts in |anguage teaching
gradua| introduction to new vocabu|ary and structures with
careuI expIanations
d varied practice exercises plus puzzles to make sure you are
confident with what you have learnt
extraunscripted dia|ogues so that you can get used to hearing
Spanish at a natural pace
covers a|| the everyday situations you wi|| encounter in Spain
and Latin America

Mastering Spanlsh is available as a book or with Nvo cassettes

in a complete pack (ISBN 0-333-61436-4). The cassettes are also
available separately (ISBN 0-333-61437-2). Your learning will be
more effective and faster and your accent more accurate if you
study with the cassettes.

IJD|\ U-JJ-o |+Jc-o

Cover illustration:
Danny Jenkins , lllll]llilLilil[lll tfiillnfiil

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