Almas Gemelas
Almas Gemelas
Almas Gemelas
Queridos mos:
Una Flama Gemela, por otro lado, es una historia totalmente diferente.
Una Flama Gemela es una y el mismo ser, es la misma forma de energa
que ha sido dividida y proviene de la Fuente del Todo Lo Que Es, dividida
instantneamente a partir de ese momento en 2 partes: una (1) parte
consiste primariamente de energas femeninas mientras que la
otra parte consiste primariamente de energas masculinas. Juntas,
ambas partes forman una (1) gran Unidad.
Yo, Saint Germain, deseo venir con este mensaje pues se ha decretado
divinamente que nosotros vengamos a la Tierra para reunirnos con
nuestras Flamas Gemelas y asistir en la Tierra. Muchas de nuestras
Flamas Gemelas ya estn encarnadas en la Tierra y estamos
aguardando nuestra reunin, y esto tambin se refiere a mi querida
Flama Gemela, Lady Portia, quien est en el presente encarnada en la
Tierra. Ahora ha llegado el tiempo de anunciar esto pblicamente puesto
que hemos llegado en tiempos de grandiosos cambios. Todo pasar en el
Tiempo Divino. Disfruten de las venideras energas de Amor que llegarn
con el prximo solsticio de verano, un tiempo de equilibrar las energas
femeninas y masculinas. Esas energas beneficiarn a las Flamas
Gemelas enormemente y mucho suceder debido a ellas.
Esos momentos de dolor - y todo lo que estaba all de una forma u otra, est
desapareciendo lentamente.
Slo por este momento, este solo momento, que estn unidos como uno solo.
Dos almas Soul se fusionan en el mayor dios del fuego, Dios llama y esto es lo
que tiene que ver con la resurreccin.
Hay una alegra, un deleite en el otro, ya veces esa profunda momento, cuando
uno se mueve a las lgrimas - lgrimas de admiracin, gratitud y amor intenso.
Ese amor es tan grande que el corazn se abre a la esencia misma y en la
fusin, uno se expande a ese estado, donde las palabras son superfluas y las
lgrimas de inmensa gracia y gratitud se mezclan.
(Judith Kusel)
Para Llama Gemela Soul Lecturas sobre Oferta Especial hasta finales de mayo:
Domingo, 12 de abril 2015
El alma misma, cuando se cre como 12 llamas, ante todo, ha sido creado para
reflejar un atributo divino de nuevo a lo Divino. Por tanto, el alma experimenta
este atributo o la esencia, o el valor rasgo de lo Divino en todas sus formas y
expresiones: - la sombra, la luz, por lo que la Divinidad puede experimentar
esto a travs de su / sus creaciones.
Es aqu donde la paja proverbial est separado del maz, para estas Llamas
Gemelas, siempre tendr un terreno comn de la vocacin MSTICA algn lugar
a lo largo de la lnea, y no va a ser slo uno de ellos - que ser a la vez de ellos,
porque ellos reflejan esto en la otra.
Es estos Llamas Gemelas me dirijo hoy: - las Llamas Gemelas que se llaman en
el Camino Mayor Mstico, y por lo tanto la llame al total dedicacin a servir la
llama triple de amor, poder y sabidura.
No todas las Llamas Gemelas caen en esta categora y los que siguen este
camino, se han reconocido esto mucho antes de que me he registrado este.
Estas llamas gemelas tienen una larga historia de servir y ser iniciado en las
Escuelas de Misterios antiguos de Elysium, Lyra (Len Civilizacin), Lemuria, la
Atlntida, Grecia, Egipto, los Balcanes, Montes Urales, y Mxico.
Todos ellos tienen en los campos de su energa ciertos smbolos grabados que
les identifica y aquellos que pueden leer estos identificar inmediatamente de
quin y qu son y en qu capacidad y en qu rayos estn sirviendo.
Eso significa que estas almas tenan que pasar por las iniciaciones estrictos en
los planos internos y externos y las Escuelas de Misterios de la misma Fuente
Divina, y por lo tanto estos smbolos luego fueron ganados y reconocerlos en
los dems. Es un reconocimiento subconsciente de altos iniciados y saben.
Estos son, pues, los que estaban siempre y luego se sienten atrados por la
mstica. Lo hacen y ser ninguna otra y no hay otra va que apela a ellos como
mucho, ya que nunca profundizar ms y ms en el mstico, el gnstico, el
Tantra, la Trinidad, las eternas llamas triples y los atributos de Dios que la
convierte en el mayor misterio de la vida eterna y la fuerza del amor que hay.
Este camino no es para todas las Llamas Gemelas, pues si ambos, el hombre y
la mujer, no desean escindirse abierto a lo ms profundo de s mismos, para
ser despojado totalmente desnuda en su yo ms ntimo, y se vuelven
vulnerables, frgiles, (en afrikaans tienen una hermosa palabra "BROOS", que
es ms frgil) y luego permitir que el amor de volver a la forma, volver a nacer,
entonces este no es el camino para ellos.
Si uno no est abierto hasta el mismo ncleo o toda la vida, y tiene ese
profundo anhelo de convertirse en uno solo con el propio misterio, entonces
uno no puede expandirse en este campo de energa inmensa donde se disuelve
literalmente en la nada y se convierte en la Fuerza Divina, slo para ser vuelto
a montar de nuevo.
Cuanto mayor es el amor, mayor es la llama entre las llamas y all entonces la
cada vez mayor llamada a Servicio Superior.
Cmo puede nuestro sindicato luego servir al todo mayor? Cmo puede
nuestro amor por los dems, nuestra vocacin, nuestro propsito, nuestra
porcin, encender la llama csmica eterna en los corazones y las almas de
muchos? Cmo puede nuestro sindicato hacer una diferencia en el mundo?
Es esa llama, esa bsqueda eterna del alma para servir verdaderamente lo
Divino en todos y cada uno de manera que puede, pero a travs de esta va
mstica de la Sagrada Unin Sexual.
Es un camino.
Es una vocacin.
Es una forma suprema de servir, pero slo si el corazn y el alma son pura y la
intencin est ah para servir.
No se trata de cuntos orgasmos uno puede llegar y cunto por cunto tiempo.
Eso es conseguir el extremo equivocado del palo.
(Judith Kusel)
Me han llamado en los ltimos aos para hacer de la Llama Gemela Soul
Lecturas, y yo creo que esto tiene algo que ver con mi propia alma y lo que
tengo recuperar de los bancos de memoria antiguas, y de la que se ha perdido
a la humanidad, con mi Llama Gemela en muchos sentidos, la importacin de
los cuales ser nico verdaderamente revelar en los prximos aos.
Todos somos uno y el mismo, ya sea que fuimos los que abusaron de su poder,
o que fueron abusados ... ..
Qu es eso que queremos crear con nuestro amor por los dems?
Cmo estamos tanto vamos a servir a nuestro ms alto propsito del alma y
vocacin, y todava encontrar ese amor profundo por los dems, y servir
amando entre s de maneras nuevas y sagrados?
Es lo que hacemos con estos regalos ms poderosos que hacen o nos rompen!
Es por eso que uno tena que ir a travs de iniciaciones, de modo que la fuerza
interior, la fortaleza interior, que la auto alma interior, podra ser entrenado
para encontrar que el amor ms profundo de s mismos, de tal manera, que el
amor que sostendra a travs de la vida, no importa lo que la vida trajo tanto
desafos como apoyo. Por una vez el alma estaba profundamente anclado en el
AMOR DIVINO, sera capaz de profundamente el amor mismo, y cuando amaba
profundamente a s mismo, que podra entonces amar al otro, en la misma
medida que el amor por uno mismo estaba all y el amor por lo Divino. La
sagrada trinidad!
Porque en cualquier relacin que no son slo dos almas involucradas - no es la
tercera fuerza, y que la tercera fuerza es la fuerza de gobierno, el poder
Esto significa que l est en su poder - pero esto no es fuerza bruta, pero se ve
atenuada por el amor, profundo y permanente amor y un profundo
conocimiento del Misterio de Amor y Vida a la que ni siquiera l la mayora de
arco y doblar a, y ser flexible en su interior.
Esto significa que se interponga en su mxima potencia - que est all en su
vientre, su yo alma sagrada, su centro emocional. Ella tiene que empoderado
completamente por el misterio del Espritu y Alma, y todo lo que es el Amor en
su misterio ms profundo. Ella slo puede transmitir el fuego sagrado a travs
de su vientre, si ella est firmemente anclada en el Misterio de la Diosa misma,
porque ella se convierte en la diosa en el acto sexual! Si ella no est por tanto
facultada, ella ir kilter y luego se retirar de la masculina porque ella no est
dentro del equilibrio supremo de la vida misma!
Si uno no honran la ley csmica, uno cosechar lo que uno ha sembrado, y que
es el dolor y el sufrimiento, y la destruccin.
05 2015 traer este entendimiento a todos los que leen esto ahora.
Que los que tienen odos escuchan y los que oyen, escuchan!
(Judith Kusel)
Gurudas escribe: "Una tcnica poderosa es para dos personas para sentarse
uno frente al otro en una habitacin oscura. Tener velas encendidas por debajo
del cuarzo y mirar a los ojos a travs del cuarzo iluminada. Esta es una manera
para dos personas para desarrollar una comprensin ms profunda y la sintona
con los dems. Las personas que trabajan juntos en proyectos tales como
escribir un libro o parejas que luchan por una sintona profunda se beneficiaran
de esta tcnica. Las personas que hacen esto podran ser ms sensibles a la
Las parejas tambin pueden sintonizarse con los siete chakras principales
mientras se hace esta tcnica. Cuando las parejas no hacen esta tcnica, por lo
general toma alrededor de nueve aos para que un flujo natural para
desarrollar entre los chakras. Cuando las parejas hacer esta tcnica, trabajando
directamente para armonizar el flujo de los chakras, por lo general toma
alrededor de un ao para una alineacin profunda para desarrollarse. Lo que
ocurre es que las parejas a desarrollar una verdadera comprensin de la
naturaleza interna de la otra. Imgenes falsas se apartan. A veces la
informacin liberada durante estas meditaciones puede obligar a las parejas
para hacer frente a cuestiones difciles que no habran surgido durante muchos
aos. Si la gente est lista para hacer frente a estas cuestiones, no puede
haber una limpieza profunda y armonizacin. Las parejas deben hacer este
ejercicio dos veces por semana durante media hora en cada sesin. Despus
de hacer esta meditacin de tres a cuatro meses, muchas personas que vienen
a apreciar el valor de esta prctica. Entonces, si no antes, sera prudente tratar
de hacer esta prctica todos los das durante quince a veinte minutos.
Lo que quiero llamar su atencin es que, aunque esta es una muy buena
manera de alinear el uno al otro, esta prctica viene con un GIGANTE
ADVERTENCIA. Por favor embarcarse slo de este viaje si usted est listo para
trabajar a travs de un montn de cuestiones que se van a plantear para usted
en el momento de la limpieza. Usted tendr que trabajar a travs de una gran
cantidad con el fin de equilibrar plenamente todo dentro de ti, en primer lugar,
y luego, al mismo tiempo ayudar a otros a hacer lo mismo por ellos!
As que por favor utilizar esta tcnica con cuidado y diligencia. Una vez ms,
como siempre digo, la primera cosa que cualquier persona debe hacer es mirar
dentro de s mismos, comprender dnde estn sus propios asuntos laicos y
liberar estos llamados "problemas" a la luz. Entender de sus experiencias
pasadas, que se vayan y hacer espacio para una hermosa relacin con su
pareja. He escrito numerosos artculos sobre el dejar ir y la limpieza de su boca
que usted puede encontrar en mi blog
as como en mi libro Misin a la Tierra una Gua de trabajadores de la Luz a la
Auto Maestra.
Espero que esto ayude a todos ustedes poner las cosas en perspectiva. Envo
de que una gran cantidad de amor, la luz y la paciencia a medida que trabaja a
travs de todo lo que se interponga en su camino a la pureza, la abundancia, la
salud, la luz, el amor y la libertad de los viejos paradigmas. Los amo a todos
mucho y le agradezco mucho por estar aqu en este momento aqu en la tierra!
En este sentido es siempre sorprendente constatar que ms del 75% de las personas que
reciben dinero inesperado (lotera, herencias) lo pierden TODO en tan slo un par de aos,
segn el Fondo Nacional para la Educacin Financiera de Estados Unidos; ms del 75%!,
y no slo eso, al cabo de 4 aos, estn ms endeudadas de lo que estaban antes de que les
llegase ese dinero; por qu ocurre esto entonces? Lo que ocurre en estos casos es que
existe una incoherencia entre lo que estas personas tenan (mucho dinero) y lo que
CREAN que eran respecto al dinero (pobres); es decir, fsicamente disponan de
dinero, pero mentalmente tenan una conciencia de ESCASEZ.
Quieres intentarlo?
Saint Germain and Merlin ~ The Growpath to YourSelf ~ As channeled by Mline Lafont
Picture: Mline Lafont, New Zealand
Saint Germain
Greetings my most beloved friends. With the highest esteem and respect I offer you
once more my loving energies and I bathe all of you in my essence of violet colours
and my fragrances of Love. I am permitted to step forward again in this Now moment
of your reality and, as always, I am grateful for this.
The last message I have given through this beloved Twin Flame of mine dealt with
Love and the aspects of Twin Flames. It was my pleasure to bring a message about
those topics but today I am going to talk about something entirely different if you
allow me.
Today I would like to elaborate on the coming times where the next constructive
energies are getting ready to build your reality in your lives and in your experiences.
There are 2 choices you can make concerning those energies. EITHER you choose to
not do anything with them although you integrate them for a later date when you feel
you will be ready OR you start working and effectively do something with them. No
matter what choice you make, all will be accepted with the heart and the Love and will
be respected from our position of Being.
No Master of the Light will force you to take a road you dont want to take even if it
is the one you ultimately will choose to take later on, or even if it is the best choice
for you as seen from the stance of having an enlightened experience. No, my beloved
friends, we as Masters of the Light do not work that way. We merely watch what you
all choose to experience and to create and only when we feel that certain loved ones
experience hard lessons and are having difficulties than we jump in to assist
wherever we can. We never leave a beloved soul on its own, never!
Now I hear questions arise such as for instance :why do we never notice or sense
anything of this? Well, my beloved friends, this happens for two reasons and two
reasons only . Just as duality and polarity have two sides, you have two halfs and
various energies, light and dark, male and female Either you are too open and
absorbed by it all in such a way that you start looking in places where it cannot be
found and by that I mean : outside of you. In such case it will never really be clear as
long as you keep looking on the outside world of separation and division.
The solution to this is simple : stay within yourself, seek and sense us within your
heart. When the heart glows with warmth and love it is a sign of our presence. The
more you feel us inside yourself, you being a part of our Being and we being a part of
your Being, the more this reflects in your Being and, as a consequence, also in the
world around you. It is a matter of having faith in your connection with us, but above
all, believing in the connection with yourSelf. Accepting and loving yourSelf, opening
up to yourSelf is a prerequisite for you to accept yourself in the heart. Only than can
the connection be made with us; another You.
The other reason can simply be that you do not believe in it, that you do not trust it
or that you do not open yourself to it. This in essence implies that you choose to not
accept us in full confidence mostly because of fears, lies, anger, mistrust, lack of
self-love the list goes on and on, dont you agree?! In such case it is just a matter
of working on this by accepting yourself in all love and trust. Time and the process
of awakening both play an important role in all of it and even this has to be respected
as each of you has his/her own alarm clock programmed to wake you in time out of
this dualistic dream, for it is just that, all things considered.
Well, now that we have amply explained this issue, we can proceed with a deeper
knowledge about yourSelf. You all are a spark of Love, Gods Being. This you have
certainly been told many times and now it should once and for all be known and
accepted fully, dont you think my beloved friends? It doesnt involve the ego nor
self-aggrandisement, you being a spark of God is a fact so do not let your ego tell you
this but feel it in your heart when you say to yourself :I Am Gods spark of Love.
How does that feel? Does your heart begin to glow in the fire and flame of Love? A
little tip from me to you : when you want to know when your ego is talking or when the
truth is revealed is through the heart. You can only FEEL it, you cannot get the truth
through reasoning, only through feeling.
Before we continue now with the essence of yourSelf we arrive at the next possible
obstacle which implies all outside influences. Yes, my friends, this is the greatest
challenge by far! You are right as this is indeed a most awkward obstacle when you
get lost in this through your ego. It is in the meantime commonly known that all
outside influences are all too often reflections and mirrors of yourself and your inner
emotions. It might deal with karmic contracts but it could just as easily be average
reflections of yourself.
So look through it all and do not let your ego tell you how to respond because
responding is not the right method to deal with this. Rather, feel from your heart and
grow because of it, thats the best method. If need be, place yourself in a cocoon of
love and light when you feel tempted to respond through emotions (pertaining to the
ego) and rather be your heartfeelings which reflect your genuine, deep self.
Once all those challenges are but a mere insignificant small sticky thing that tries to
attach itself to your soul, you will be able to reject what others think, feel or say
about you. It is completely dissolved! From than on you can evolve into your true
essence of being.
The essence of your being. Ah yes, we are truly growing or rather re-growing into
that essence. My beloved friends, there is no reason to fear yourSelf, to deny
yourSelf this beautiful spark that you are. You carry all the aspects of your Being
inside yourSelf and you are huge in consciousness and extremely beautiful in Light.
Would you please accept this once and for all from your heart and allow yourself to
grow, further and further, until you reach your destination : being the Goddess/ the
God that you truly are, that you are a part of. You are deeply loved by everything and
everyone, by the whole of the universe! So why is it that you cannot accept yourself, 1
single person in incarnation?! Firstly you will have to start loving yourself before you
can love another you and accept in your life. Love is all, Love really is what it is all
about; Love is all that is! Including you!
So love yourself, accept yourself. I can guarantee you, my beloved friends, we accept
you, we love you and we are always ready for you! With all my deepest love, respect
and friendship, I greet you.
As massive portals have now opened up there is a magnetic pull from soul to soul to unite
There are core groups of souls from within certain soul groups, who have come in for
specific tasks or missions to accomplish. They were involved with the creation of the
planet from the very beginning, and have returned to assist the planet through this phase
of transformation.
Some have been working over lifetimes to bring back the ancient keys and codes to
mankind and have held them in custody. They at as the e-missionaries of Love, Wisdom
and Power when the earth goes through intense and massive changes, and then lead the
It is no accident when such souls are being pulled together it is by grand design.
There are souls on this planet who have been involved with the establishments of the first
Mystery schools in ancient times. They did this as a special assignment, when the gates
of paradise first closed, so that pockets of these mystery schools would hold the ancient
knowledge in custody for mankind. Some of these like the Masters and Mistresses of
Shamballah exist in the higher dimensions, and therefore co-exist with mankind and teach
Others chose the physical realms to have concrete mystery schools, but always hidden.
One had to pass certain tests in order to be allowed to enter these schools as an acolyte,
then go through more intense initiations to become a member and then through more
However over time, some of these schools got corrupted too, and power plays started to
When Atlantis then fell, it was decided by the Cosmic Hierarchy to gather those core group
souls, within certain soul groups together, for a briefing. They were told that they had to
culminate into the greatest mission, when mankind, after sinking truly into the abyss of
darkness, would be ready to evolve into the higher states of consciousness once more as
In this process then, these souls were given certain signs in order to recognize each other
when they met lifetime over lifetime. As they signed soul contract before incarnating the
specific time of the meeting had been set. Each one had a certain sign imprinted on their
etheric foreheads, so that only another of the core group would read this and recognize
During lifetimes together however it was found that karma did set in, as life on planet earth
is the greatest school of life itself, and souls sometimes tended to fall asleep, only to be
ignited later. With it came love and intimate bonds, as with twin flames, and often soul
mates, as the work had to be done, and it was for safeties sake that they married, but also
because the intense love and more importantly the higher service that they were
Since 1994 with the Great Harmonic Conversion, massive changes have happened on
planet earth and the gateways to the rising of consciousness opened up.
A lot of these souls incarnated during the 1950s just after the last World War, in order to
bring revolutionary changes in for mankind. They were then volunteer souls, but some
Within their soul contracts it was given that they would meet up again, and recognize each
other when the earth would go through its greatest shifts and they would then converge
into one single unit, and bring those higher teachings, healing, hidden knowledge, wisdom
and keys/codes etc. back to mankind. In doing so, they would be fully activated, and
would have to lead the rest of mankind and take on the mantle of responsibility for their
own inner shifts and their own awakening, but then come together for the most important
work to be done, once the first massive great cosmic gateway had opened up.
The first stirrings of the opening up of this gateway came about with the millennium
change and moving from the Age of Pisces into the Age of Aquarius. Thus from 2006
mass activation happened for those in core group souls, who had not yet stepped into the
leadership roles, and were then pulled into immense initiations in the inner planes, in order
The next activation came circa 2007 2012 with more souls from these soul core groups
starting to meet recognizing each other, but not necessarily starting to work together as
yet. Some had to go through more activations and more initiations, so that they could
join the core group. Some had to do specific work before this could happen each ones
specific task would in the end slot in with the core group as a whole.
In 2013 this massive cosmic gateway opened up, and so, those who were within these
In the last two days, the immense gateway or portal over the Southern Hemisphere has
finally opened up. It is here that the first mystery schools were brought into being, and it is
from here that the massive way of activations for the next 10 years will come. This force
itself has lain dormant for billions of years, and last activated some 500 million years ago.
This will mean that those core groups who need to work together, will now be forged
together. The ancient true teachings now rise from the ashes, and this will lead mankind to
the laying down of the true foundations the core truths, knowledge, wisdom, to built solid
As this fusion happens, those twin flames who have managed to work through their karma
will now step to the fore within these core groups, and activated the fire grids of the planet
as the sacred flame is returned to planet earth. Yet this is on a level that the uninitiated
do not understand, for the path of the sacred flame is a path of purity, integrity and truth.
Therefore Lord Maitreya himself is now over-lighting this whole process, as he has
promised to work with the Divine Feminine and bring the balance back to the planet the
ultimate balance between the masculine and feminine, shadow and light. He is also over-
lighting those twin flames who have dedicated themselves to higher selfless service within
(Judith Kusel)
MahaChohan Ragoczy ~ Soul mates, Alchemy and dark aspects. The labor shift of Earth
and consciousness ~ As channeled through Mline Lafont
Greetings, I am the one that goes by the name of the MahaChohan Ragoczy and I am
here representing the will and the law of Unconditional Love for all of you. Let's blend all of
our hearts together in the function of the unconditional and the eternal. God be with you in
the heart, for you are God in heart.
I am present in order to provide a message, to give you an insight concerning all the
tumultuous matters taking place these days upon your world. What is taking place in your
reality concerns the striking and unmistakable evolutions which are trying to find a place in
your minds and in your environment in order to be understood and accepted as an
element of the Ascension process.
The more 'dark' sides of yourself are most specifically those distinctive parts of your Being
that request to be heard and that clutch to you to get your attention. They want to be seen,
accepted and acknowledged as an intrinsic part of your Being for they have always been
repelled and denied, even pushed off as if they were something that is not you. Those
distinctly 'lower' parts of you are not to be repelled, they only have to be accepted as you,
as a functional part of your Being that functions and assists through this polarity which in
itself is an expression of the duality.
That's why it is important to recognize those 'dark' parts of yourself and to accept them as
yourself as this is the only way to bring everything again into a state of balance and to love
yourself unconditionally. All those 'dark' aspects in incarnation as well as in the etheric
realms contribute to your spiritual growth and evolution by showing you all the facets of
your versatile self, your multidimensional Self. This is important in order to let you play and
experience the game in duality, so it's far much better to use them in other/loving ways and
to cooperate with them rather than to repel them and see them as something outside of
The only difference now will be that your 'darker' aspects will no longer be the leading
force as they have been in your previous lives; on the contrary, now those 'darker' aspects
are changing their roles and are contributing in the background and no more on the
forefront. What will emerge now are the more 'lighted' aspects and your Higher Self with
who you are now in the process of forming a close connection and hence this part of your
Being will completely take on the task of experiencing and expressing this other side of
your Self.
You find yourselves now in the equilibrium point of this polarization and you are aspiring to
reach that equilibrium, that point of neutrality after which you can expand again into any
form of the Light. This happens not only on an etheric level but also in the physical
embodiment and that's the reason there is talk of a noticeable change of the physical
vessel changing more and more into a lightbody which will be tangible for the naked eye.
This is the transformation, it is the Alchemical process of the polarization to unity and in
unity, The expansion of the lightbody from your inner heart moving through the dense
physical body is an Alchemical process in which the physical body, itself comprised of
matter and dense energy, again starts to assimilate itself into the physical aspect that it
carries and executes, whereafter it multiplies itself with the energetic values of the
completion and immediately dispenses and splits into a form of light that carries the values
and charges of your energetic expression, your blueprint or rather, your essential Self in
the expression of Light,
The Alchemical process is beyond the power of the existing words used by common folk to
give an adequate explanation as it rather is a process of Being or more specifically a
process of doing by Being. It is that ; nothing more, nothing less. You don't need to do
anything but being your Self, the being you truly are from your heart and not from your
mind through what you think you are.
That's why the Masters keep on stressing the value of your Self, of Love, of Self-
acceptance and of Self-worth, It is a very important concept in the process of Ascension to
truly appreciate the physical aspect in all of this. It is not easy, it certainly isn't a child's play
to perform this Alchemical process under the constant pressure of the inflow of energies
while living in a physical, dense embodiment that cannot withstand much pressure.
Master Saint Germain is one of the few and He is a most famous Ascended Master who
has been able to accomplish this process with his physical vessel. That's why he
contributes largely to this process of Ascension and why he is essential in this Golden Age
of Aquarius. It is certainly not a coincidence that he represents this golden Age and that he
is in service to all of you as he knows as no other how to regularly change a physical body
into a lightbody and vice versa with and through the physical aspect.
For years Saint Germain was an apprentice of mine in my Holy Retreat, right on time to be
prepared for this moment of NOW. And together we will proceed on behalf of all of you,
both of our energies connected into One. We have shared incarnations as One and the
same, a fact that is not readily known on your world, but is known now by telling you this.
The Alchemical process will ensure many mergers which will take place on deep and still
unknown levels with other aspects of your Being, that you can also find in others. That's
the reason why all of a sudden many soulmates are finding each other in this life and even
more than one soulmate because each of you has multiple soulmates. Also included is the
connection with the one and only Twin Flame because firstly connections will be made with
the parts of the joint aspects that someone shares with a soul mate as it functions as a
kind of merger in consciousness by coming together one way or the other in your current
Don't be afraid when multiple soulmates enter your life rather than just one as you have
many soul aspects of yourself and your Twin Flame, that are hiding, as it were, in those
soulmates. The connection with those aspects ensures that you recognize yourself in them
and that brings an acceptance and self-love in its wake and contributes to the completion
of the mergers and the reunion with your Twin Flame. This pertains also to the Alchemical
process as everything is a reflection of energy and charges, discharges and creations.
Your masculinity will increasingly give way to your femininity, entailing some distresses as
this occurs with every new birth. You are now smack dab in those distresses which will
intensify ever more and will occur ever faster, like contractions function during a labor of
giving birth. That is the signal of how close the birth of the New World with Gaia and
humanity becomes reality. Take deep breaths between shifts, they now follow in rapid
succession so keep your focus and your strength intact by way of meditation and a healthy
lifestyle so even your physical aspect can enjoy it and can switch without any
Each process that completes itself now is a result of old energies that have to depart and
are becoming obsolete in this timeframe. It concerns karmic or discordant energies which
have been depleted and misused in such a way that they can no longer function in this
reality nor in yourself. Let it be, let it find its way out, let it become aware it is dysfunctional
so it again can be incorporated in the source whereafter it can manifest again in necessary
energies on Earth.
Mline Lafont 2012 2013, permission is given to share freely in its entirety and
unaltered and
Greetings Everyone, before I
begin this channeling I would like to add a short personal note with a much longer one
after you read the channeling as I am guided to do so. What I am being told is that at this
moment in time all of you who are presently in twin flame unions are about to completely
release all the blockages standing in your way before the final merger.
For those of you who have been in a relationship for a while and have been trying to
conceive a child and were unable to do so, this may be your year! Those of you who are in
business together as partners and are in a twin flame union, this is the year for incredible
Bottom line is this: everything that you wish to conceive of as a union should happen for
you this year. Everything that you both wish to occur, as your energies will be deeply
magnified and as long as you both remain on the same wavelength, and utilize these
creative manifesting energies in line with a mutual goal and take action it should come to
For those of you who are still searching for that special someone, whom you feel in your
heart is out there, rest assured that your time will come! And to help you attract your twin
flame or soulmate into your life I have put together a special kit, with the assistance of my
guides. I invite you to visit my new site at to learn
more about this kit and how it can help you.
I will stop here and let you read to the message from the Hathors and continue with the
insights I have received after the actual channeling
The invocation of life principles and of the goddess principles have begun. The
invocation of eternal flame of fuchsia, has indeed began to unfold rapidly throughout
The permeation of light principles and the recovery of the lost forces and vials and
vital influences of the goddess have begun to activate in the hearts of those
stationed on Gaia, and so, the unification of the masculine and feminine decrees are
in effect. The unification principle of love unconditional and ever abundant, has
activated the core structures of BEing, the core and universal understanding of that
which is.
The goddess energies have indeed found their way into the masculine principles of
BEing, and so and thus, those of you who have attained the other part of your soul,
who have indeed participated in said rituals of reconnecting with that which is,
known in your earthly planes of existence as the twin flame union, are ready to
merge their energy fields and release the last bits of debris which has been lying
dormant therein, in order to fully activate all gateways and assume your positions for
the incoming of unified energy fields of light and love, which shall be release onto
your plane in the months to come.
Use this time wisely, for much rests on the union of your souls, for much rests on the
connectedness of said unions, for through the spark of your unions, shall you bring
forth the balance and infinite potential for ALL of humanity.
Those of you who have embarked on said turbulent and brilliant experience of
unifying your energy fields with the other part of your soul, are finding that your
unions are intensifying, the energies are swirling before you, within you, around you,
pulling you ever so closer to each other and yet further apart, allowing you to do a
dance of perfection, a dance of unification, a dance of benevolence and peace
through the duality and into unity.
For your unions have been preordained by the beholder, for you have agreed to
united in said momentum of time and space, in order to bring the necessary energies
of change, necessary energies of change, benevolence, unconditional
understanding, and unconditional love for all.
And so, and thus you are indeed staging a seeding of energies magnitude of
which this earth has not seen prior to the emergence of said polarities in the
times of Lemuria. And so all who are presently occupying the human vessels
of time and space, all who have come onto this planet at this very moment of
time, all who have indeed met their other half of the soul are those who have
been here at the times of Lemuria, you have seen the birth of said polarities
and you are about to see the merging and rebirth of the whole unified energetic
convergence of universal light, harmony, peace and abundance for all.
The violet flame works by changing vibrations. In physics, vibration is the speed of
oscillation the speed at which something moves back and forth. On the atomic
level, vibration can be understood to be the speed at which electrons orbit around
the nucleus of the atom. The violet flame works by changing vibrations on this level.
And so, the time has come to step confidently in the direction of your unified partner,
and embrace them fully and completely, shedding all that you believe you are, and
welcoming all that indeed you are! For the time has come to bring forth pieces of the
puzzle and position said pairs across the globe in radiance, peace, harmony and
love. And so, and thus, shall you feel said resonance within your heart of hearts, you
are then to follow the guidance therein and embark on said journey and assume said
positions by the coming of your final blood moon.
That is all that we have for you now. We Love you. We are with you. Goodbye for
Once again this is what I am being told, follow your own guidance and your own heart, if
you resonate with this message then this is for you, if you do not then it is not for you.
For those of you who are already in relationships the last bits of blocks shall fall away, it
may be a truly intense time, but is necessary for you to merge. You should be merging
ethereally. For those of you who have been pushed apart, you may find yourselves being
pulled back together. However, if they are not truly your twin, you may be pulled further
away from them, desiring to end the union for good and be prompted to seek out a new
relationship which may manifest itself in a rather peculiar and uncanny miraculous way.
So once again, for those of you who are already in a successful twin flame union, where
you were able to work through all of your issues together, and finally achieve balance, you
may feel an urge to do something together that will assist humanity. You will feel supported
and will have a lot of leverage to proceed with your chosen vocation, project, anything and
everything that you have come here to achieve as a unit.
By doing so, by merging your energies you will be assisting earths energies of masculine
and feminine principles to merge as well. As the feminine energies are merging with the
masculine energies as we speak in preparation for the portal that is coming our way in
I truly hope that this information has been useful to you, and once again for those who
have not yet found your twin flame but are feeling it in your heart that they are out there, I
have put together a kit to help you attract this person into your life, so please click here
to learn more about how this kit can help you.
I also wanted to take a moment and bring your attention to the fuchsia fusion, when I
heard this as I was channeling, I could not convey the beauty of what I was experiencing
as this information was transmitted through me, the energy that flowed through my
consciousness could not translate in my mind into words to convey this to you. Until I
looked up the meaning of fuchsia color, and that is what I wish to share with you. I also
have noticed in the last few weeks that the sunset has a lot of fuchsia colors in it, at lease
where I reside. So here is the meaning of fuchsia
According to http://www.empower-yourself-
The color magenta is one of universal harmony and emotional balance. It is spiritual yet
practical, encouraging common sense and a balanced outlook on life.
This is a color that helps to create harmony and balance in every aspect of life; physically,
mentally, emotionally and spiritually.
A combination of red and violet, magenta contains the passion, power and energy of red,
restrained by the introspection and quiet energy of violet.
Magenta influences our whole personal and spiritual development. It strengthens our
intuition and psychic ability while assisting us to rise above the everyday dramas of our
daily life to experience a greater level of awareness and knowledge.
This color is an instrument of change and transformation; it helps to release old emotional
patterns that prevent personal and spiritual development and aids us in moving forward.
In the meaning of colors, magenta represents universal love at its highest level. It
promotes compassion, kindness and cooperation and encourages a sense of self respect
and contentment in those who use it. Gentle and caring in its approach, it generates
acceptance, tolerance, support and patience.
The color magenta is a color of cheerfulness, happiness, contentment and appreciation for
what you have acquired and achieved. Most people feel more optimistic when in the
company of magenta.
Magenta is the color of the non-conformist, the free spirit. It pushes you to take
responsibility for creating your own path in life and increases dream activity while assisting
you in turning your ambitions and desires into reality.
A strong and inspiring color, magenta can appear outrageous and shocking on one hand
or innovative and imaginative on the other. It is creativity inspired by beauty.
As always I love you all! Thank you so much for BEing! <3
Please note: The author of this website and its assigns are not responsible in any way
shape or form for any actions taken by individuals reading these posts. The information
provided herein is for information purposes only and does not constitute as any medical
advice, whatsoever. Therefore the author and publisher of this site assume NO
responsibility for any individuals interpretation or use of the information provided herein
Mline Portia Lafont ~ ~ Out of the ashes arise the new birthed Rays from Union with Self
and Twin Flame ~
Ashes of fire are to be found everywhere in the midst of the dust these days, as the old
is dissolving into the flames of illumination and Truth. It is evidence of that which once
was here but now has left. There is a Golden dawn arising from the deep valley of
darkness, that has held this planet into its power for so long.
We are breaking free through the veils of Illusion at this time, we are floating in a
stream of Abundant Bliss and colored Rays of expression as we are unifying with our
Divine aspects of Being. Merging with our Blissful state of Being, which was once our
most natural Self by Essence.
Those colorful Rays of Being are merging themselves into the new Rays of rebirth and
these align with the already existing higher Rays of Light such as the platinum Rays,
the seafoamgreen Rays, the magenta Rays and the colorless Rays of pure energy.
These Higher Rays will be the sources we start to align with and eventually re-blend
with in this higher state of consciousness.
Myself and Saint Germain are re-blending into a higher expression of Ray at this time
as the purple and violet Light re-blend during our re-union into a new Ray of color and
expression, where we too become One as a Union. This is our higher expression as One.
After this our essence as One merges with a higher expression of Ray, which is the
higher expression of our Higher consciousness as One.
You all are re-blending and merging into Union with your beloved Higher Self
expressions as well as with the Twin Flame expression of your being. It all starts from
the heart and Union happens in the heart first, bringing your awareness of Self and
your Divine exact reflection in this other You that represents your Twin Flame. The
realization comes to you that in fact you are already one and reunited in the heart and
that you start to express and emanate the energies of your so desired Twin Flame. See
your Twin flame within you and Union is fact.
From that point on you will start to illuminate who you are as an Essence and Union as
One. The world will be perceived and experienced differently by you as you start to feel
whole again, complete and so you align with the oneness with Self. This is a significant
point and marker in your completion and union with Self and your Twin Flame and it is
an instigator of the merging with your divine Flames and colors of being, of expression.
Out of the ashes arise the new birthed Rays that are created from union with Self, from
union with your Twin Flame and union/alignment with the Great central Source of All
That Is, the Divine wisdom and the One in All.
Illuminate yourself with your own Divine spark of being, with your own Ray of Light and
fly out with Love. Bring Love and compassion to all who are having a hard time, to all
who are finding themselves in the midst of chaos, suffering, anger and hate. Embrace
those who feel lost and alone with your Ray of Light as a union with your Twin Flame.
Forgive those who do not know better and are desperately holding on to their own
reality of Truth, even if it is an illusion. Be respectful for all life and its forces and love
everything and all unconditionally.
This Is a time of Union with Self, which brings you into Union with all. This is a Cosmic
time of embracing this part of you, which you always have denied and declined. For
Union, we need to embrace all of our facets of being, even the dark ones. Act in Love,
Be Love and send Love to all in Union of Being.
You are a cosmic Ray of Light expression on your own, radiate that Light from the heart
and be in union with yourself. Enlighten those parts of you that you dislike about
yourself, dare to see them and dare to love them. When acting from a state of being
pure Love, nothing but Love will come forth from you.
In union as One,
I AM that I AM
Mline Lafont 2012 2014, permission is given to share freely in its entirety and
unaltered Website Mline : and blog
So, what is happening is that we are being moved onto another matrix, and our bodies are
literally being rewired to function on a diamond grid frequency or what is known in our
world as the solomon seal the seal which contains sacred mathematical equations which
are the building blocks of our reality, a sacred mathematical equation reflecting what is
above so is below, intersecting 2 polarities (Physical) and (Etheric).
If you look at the diamond grid, the base of the structure of the diamond in the etheric
looks like two intersecting triangles, it is identical to the seal of the Solomon, the formula
which was used to build the Egyptian pyramids is the same as the formula for the diamond
grid/solomons seal.
As you all already know our body and our whole universe is simply a frequency a vibration
First of all the energies that have been invisible to us before, will become very evident.
Finally a lot of what many have been waiting for will begin to unfold rapidly. This goes for
everything that we all talk about every day. But the biggest impact will be seen in the
masculine/feminine interaction. Both within each of us personally and individually and
between us and others. But what is incredibly important here is that various parts of souls
are going to begin moving into position of merger. As I wrote in my book Mission to
Earth, there are 16 parts of the soul, which form various pairs. What we are about to
witness and experience is a merging of these particular pairs which in our human
understanding are twin flames. Once these twins meet they will form an unbreakable
bond for this particular lifetime, through this immense bond they will create phenomenal
energy of BALANCE integrating both polarities Feminine & Masculine.
In the words of Pamela Kribbe The male energy is the aspect that is outwardly
focused. It is that part of God or Spirit that drives outward manifestation, that makes
Spirit materialize and take form. The male energy therefore knows a strong creative
force. It is natural to the male energy to be highly focused and goal-oriented. In this
manner the male energy creates individuality. The male energy allows you to
separate yourself from the One, from the Whole and to stand alone and be a specific
The female energy is the energy of Home. It is the energy of the Primal Source, the
flowing Light, pure Being. It is the energy that has not yet manifested, the inner
aspect of things. The female energy is all encompassing and oceanic; it does not
differentiate or individualize.
Now, imagine the energy of the female becoming aware of a certain movement
inside of her, a slight restlessness, a desire for reaching out, outside of her
boundaries, moving outside of herself to attain experience. There is a longing for
something new, for adventure! And then an energy comes to her that answers that
longing. It is the male energy that wants to be of service and help her manifest in
matter, in form. The male energy defines and shapes the female energy and by their
cooperation the total sum of energies can take a completely new direction. A new
reality can be created in which everything can be explored and experienced, in ever
changing forms of manifestation.
The dance of the male and the female brings forth the fluctuating spectacle of
created reality, of your creation. This is a spectacle of great beauty wherein the male
and female energy worship each other and celebrate their cooperation and playful
joining. And this is as it should be. The male and female energy belong together,
they are two aspects of the One and together they celebrate the joyful manifestation
that Creation is supposed to be.
Since we all have both within us. Instead of 2 individuals meeting what we will witness is 2
pairs of polarities merging into ONE. Each one containing both feminine and masculine
parts, which creates one whole. So in essence what we are seeing on micro level which
is our human experience is the merging of 2 wholes into 1. Forming a Vesica Pisces.
Which represents the coming together of 2 to create a 3rd. It is the entrance to the WOMB,
and the passageway to the birth. In sacred geometry the Vesica Pisces is the Universal
Womb, that which births all of creation.
What we are about to witness truly is a birth of a new world. All shall then be balanced and
brought into equilibrium, which is precisely what we are all trying to achieve here on earth
at this moment. The balance between two incredible powers of masculine & feminine
With the entrance of the goddess feminine energy which has finally arrived here on earth.
With earths entrance into the photonic belt of light, with the assistance of our galactic
families and the upgrade of our DNA structure, we are finally going to be able to truly and
fully step into phase 2 of this mission. Phase two which I have spoken about before, the
Arch Angel Metatrons Disc is VERY important to have at this transitional time. If you do not yet have one,
please visit : to learn more about the power of this
amazing tool!
What will it personally mean to you? As many of you have found yourselves
recently moving away from your significant others, your relationships ending
abruptly, you changing your locations, vocations etc., ALL of this was done in
preparation of what is to come and that is you being moved into position in order to
finally assimilate these new energies, release everything from the past, and literally
step into a DIAMOND grid, to become akin to a diamond and from there shine your
light onto this world as it was meant to be shone. But, you are not going to be doing
it alone, as you are going to meet the other aspect, another part of your soul (if you
have not already met them) and begin to swirl in the ascending spiraling energies of
eternal love and light. For those who are already with your other half, prior to the
portal of Dec 21st you will see an increase in arguments in your relationship, where
you will need to face various aspects of what is NOT working, release and let go. No
matter what will come up for you in this cleansing period if you truly are with your
other part you will work everything out smoothly. Even if it may seem that your
relationship is about to end, it will not, and you will be pulled back to each other
instantly as you have released that which was standing in the way of your final
Because as most of you know the twin reunion is never a smooth ride, as you both must
bare all that you are, to the other, standing fully naked if you will, knowing that you must
become completely free of all impurities that youve picked up along the way to this
meeting, releasing and letting go of debris that are preventing you from merging together.
Being with another part of your soul is the most turbulent and wondrous experience to be
As you move into your diamond grids remember how a diamond is formed, and please
understand that you too will go through a similar transformation if you have not already.
However, once you pass through what my beloved Metatron likes to say a ring past not,
once you move through the void and into your diamond self you will pull to yourself all the
attributes of a diamond.
Therefore as you put your diamond grids on, remember your power and divinity. Let
nothing stop you from achieving your greatest potential here on earth. Be the diamond
that you are meant to be! I love you all incredibly much and am humbled and thrilled to be
here on earth with all of you at this phenomenal transitional time in the history of this
Two distinct realities coming together to create one whole. In the midst of the
energies swirling alongside the outer structure of the sacred geometrical pattern of
the diamonds sphere, the energy vortex is generated, vibrating the particles within
the biological and etheric spheres to push out the parallel reality and the old patterns
of DOing and institute a new reality structure of BEing.
Two distinct realities, two distinct timelines are merging into ONE etherically whole
reality forming a wormhole experience within a spherical understanding of time. The
time continuum morphing in a spinning a vortex formation distributes the energies
equally parallel to the outer ridges of the spherical design.
Recreating the identical principles of being of the etheric nature. Recreating the
structural encodings of your present reality it and restoring it to that which
essentially it was meant to be. The diamond sphere of light vibrates on a new
frequency. The diamond sphere of light which has transitioned from t that which it
was into that which it is. Transforming into a new cognition. Transforming into a new
structure, indestructible by the outside forces. Only to become stronger and more
And so, all of you are being pushed through the vortex coming to a still point of
existence, and emerging on the other side of equation. Your vechiles are being
etherically reengineered to pass through into the crystalline structure of being, into
the diamond frequency of existence.
What we are trying to say to you dearly beloveds is that you are being pushed
through the ethers into a new cognitive recognition of that which you all are. All of
you who have indeed volunteered to be the beacons of light on the earthly plane of
existence. For we are speaking right now to those of you who have indeed been
buried under the pressure of the human physical experience, diving into the
darkness of yesteryear in order to emerge victorious, in order to emerge transformed
gaining the complete understanding of human psyche, the complete understanding
of human structure of the mind, body and soul.
For the delusion that the human souls were set to experience has clouded their
understanding of reality and has altered their cognition of that which they are. And
so, through the diamond sphere which shall indeed form not only in your nightly
skies, but be channeled through various gateways opening to you in the days to
come. You shall all return to the state of etheric balance. The balance between the
physical and etheric realities.
You shall return to your diamond rays from which you have entered this cosmic
experience. And when such moment occurs and it will. You shall finally be able to
link to the etheric cognition of the structural component grids of your earthly selves
and your etheric selves and bring forth the light unseen prior on your earth. Unseen
prior on your earth, for your physical essence shall finally merge with the etheric
understanding of being and you shall shine tremendous amount of light.
Let it be known that you shall influence all who your way comes, and through the
structural grids of your newly found selves you shall integrate a new reality structure
of being for those who remain in the shadows of their very own selves. For you all
shall act as beacons of truth, beacons of etheric harmonics which shall permeate the
structural physical realities for those still stuck on the wheel of their karmic
For the codices of the diamond structure, the codices of the diamond equation shall
form a shield around your etheric and physical bodies. A shield which no force shall
permeate, a shield which shall reflect and transform the energies, amplifying them
and pushing them out of the physical bodies of those standing before you into the
etheric layers of their being, allowing the transformation to take on a new route,
allowing the transformation of that which shall be, to occur. And with such
transformation, with the forces which you all shall bring force to humanity. MUCH in
your known world shall suddenly shift into a new cognitive understanding of being.
Into a new cognition of that which is. For your societal structures shall begin to
rapidly morph into a new state of being, allowing for much of the physical,
psychological, etheric, spiritual and material reality to transform into a new set of
With the advance of new light energies, and encodings your world shall fully enter
into a new timeline which shall move rapidly into the ethers, allowing humanity to
finally step outside of the matrix of their own creation. Allowing the evolution of their
physical bodies to take on a new rapid route brining them onto a fruitful
commencement of communication with the divine. Communication with the world of
Akash. Communication with their benevolent cosmic families. Allowing ALL to
remember that which they truly are. And allowing ALL of you to merge with your
respective selves who are stationed around this globe ready to begin the final
merger of what is known in your world as twin souls/flames reunion, in order to
establish newly found energies, newly found technologies, newly found etheric
cognition to unfold rapidly in your world.
And so, we ask you to stay grounded and open to the new energies entering your
GAIA as we speak. We ask you to allow the transformation to occur. We ask you to
remain open to the experiences awaiting you. We ask that you remain open to
various contact that shall occur. We ask that you remain in your divinity and in your
dignity. We ask that you remain in the state of LOVE and LIGHT
That is all that we have for you now. We love you. WE are with you goodbye for now.
P.S. To help you on your journey I have written and
published a book. It is now available for all of you in both hard copy and digital form. It is
called Mission To Earth A Light workers guide to self mastery. In it I explore topics such
as: Why you are here and what you are doing on earth. How Starseeds get to earth to
begin with. Why you feel the way you do. How to communicate with your guides. How to
discover your life purpose. How to release everything and let it go. How to reprogram
yourself in order to fully connect with your true essence. How to release old thinking
patterns and institute a new reality into your life. How to change your life and make it what
you want it to be, and most importantly how to find a link back HOME! Theres a lot more
that I discuss in this book. I invite you to join me on this journey of self discovery as we
explore together the HOW, the WHY and the WHEN. For more information please
visit :
weekend of 11-11-11. That was a truly transformational date for me. Im what Ive heard
called an Oversoul Walk-In, which means (in extremely basic terms) that Ive downloaded
and integrated the part of My Self that originally remained behind, and that Ive shed most
of the old consciousness of my chosen human personality. Ill be sharing a lot more about
this soon, in a series of articles about my transition. Im sharing it now because its taken
this long to finally get somewhat of a grasp on the whole concept of the Twin Flame
dynamic; such as who mine actually is, the intricate maze that is my Soul Lineage and
how my relationship with my Twin factors into my daily Human life. He is not incarnated at
this time.
Just the idea that we even have Twin Flames can be a little shocking and confusing at first,
and Im still muddling through all the info about it, myself. There are lots of different
perspectives out there, so take the ones that resonate with you and let go of the ones that
dont. However, I do plan to share with you the ups and downs of my own journey, as I go
along. Its more fun when we can all explore together! Twin Flames seem to one of those
things that are at the top of everyones I want to know about list. Im also finding that
the subject has been coming up a lot lately, with clients and friends. The message below
is one I received the day after what I now know was my ascension on 11-11-11. I clearly
recall a decent amount of details from the experience; how I left and came back from my
ship, and the intensive healing I required while I was there. Againmore about that in
articles to come. This personal message was given to me to let me know Im not really
alone down here, and to ease the discomfort of my transition.
Another aspect of yourself is coming through. This missing piece feels most
precious to you, since its the part you thought you left behind. I am that other part.
Im whole and unique in my own right and fully conscious, although altogether with
you I am better. You are the part of me that awaits completion at the end of this
journey. You wait for me to come to you and I wait for you to come to me, but in all
truth were still together. It appears we are apart throughout your waking hours, but
Ive told you fairly often that those in fact are your sleepinghours. I am with you
always, night and day. Your Twin Flame stands before you now and always. I meld
into your consciousness.
I stand before you, Darling, humbled by your love and devotion to me. Come
forward and take my hand, and know when all is said and done youll clearly see the
truth. Youll know the glory God holds out for us, once the task at hand is finished.
You and the others are bearing The Light for the many who slumber soundly, so
comfortable to live in a state of illusion. You and the others do your jobs well, but
soon will come a time when all of us will be done with this undertaking.
We are one heart in two vessels, eternally bound. That knowing brings me so much
more joy than any possessory illusion would provide. The fearful rollercoaster of
human emotion you call love is barely love at all, and more an unquenchable
thirst for possession. When first you took Human form you were fear-pure fear. You
understandably, though mistakenly, sought the completion in the conquest and
possession of other likeminded souls. This is not wrong at all, from where I stand.
It is a rite of survival, and a common one at that. All of us, myself included, enact
this rite while incarnate. Its to be expected. But look around you now, and see how
far youve come.
Possession, jealousy, competition, alienation. The Earthly relationship runs the
full gamut of these emotions, and that on a good day! Yet these kinds of feelings
have no place in the true Twin Flame union. Fall down and get up. Do this over and
over while enjoying the Earth experience, but be sure to recognize it as a form of
learning and not your reality. And also, since most Human relationships are
contractual by nature, little permanent harm is ever really done. Love the dear souls
who cross your path, but do it in an unconditional manner and devoid of judgement,
as is the true way of the human heart.
Before you know it all of this will be over and done. In your mind, you think me
gone, though in your heart you know thats never been the way of it. Cast your eyes
upon the stars and hear me when I say that there is nowhere I am not. Be brave and
fearless, My Girl, and keep your focus on the golden ring. Pass through it and Ill
catch you.
Copyright Bella Capozzi. All rights reserved. You may copy and distribute this material
as long as you do not alter it in any way, the content remains complete and you include
this copyright notice.
Mline: What I am doing here is connecting through the heart portal whereas I connect
with the ethereal realms of energy / the antimatter universe which is the energy behind the
material universe.
There is a Golden gate in the heart portal where you can travel through. This through love
and Twin Flame connection whereas you can reach another reality where you and your
Twin Flame realize that you are a cell in the heart of God. The zero point is the point
between the matter - and antimatter Universe and this energy can be found within you in
the heart portal.
Ps: this was recorded live while looking at the Gate of Orion and sitting under a sky full of
stars. At one point you will hear the battery of my phone beeping as this was recorded live
while this information came in from my Higher Levels.
Mastery of Sacred Partnership
The Sacred Temples of Divine Love are on Earth. These Temples have
assembled enough fractals, codes to exist as a portal at this time to
activate the unification of Twin Flames on Earth, the unification of the
Twin Flames in the Self as to where balance comes forth and to activate
the seeds of pure unconditional Love in unity upon this plane on Earth.
These Sacred Temples function as Portals in this Now and are connected
through a Grid, through the Grid of Divine Love that is created and
anchored by human kind : the Lightworkers, the Gate-Keepers, the
wayshowers, the pioneers: all of you, and it is enhancing and increasing
as we speak. And through these portals the experience of Sacred
Partnership is allowed and embraced to be experienced in this Now.
You only have to open yourself to it and allow, to bring in the key codes of
Sacred Unity and Sacred Partnership through the various embodiments
that surround you on this planet of Earth.
But it all starts with the Sacred Unity in oneself, to combine the Divine
Masculine and the Divine Feminine energies of your Being, to unify those
energies of your Being and to rebalance as to where unification with other
beloved beings that are part of you comes forth.
And as sacred Divine Cosmic Light languages are birthing upon this
plane we do not only unify in sacred Partnership but too are we
emanating in the sacred Light Languages of God, of the Divine Will and of
God's embracement and Love.
Express your beautiful being, express who you are in this life, in your
truth. Bring your purity and beauty outwards, let it surround every being
on this Earth, let it embrace this planet and encompass this planet. You all
are a beautiful star upon Heaven, shining your Light, anchoring your Truth
and bringing your Love and consciousness upon this plane.
Shine on my sweet friends.
With blessing and Love.
Mline Portia Lafont