Translation Booklet 4

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List 1

Deberas habrmelo dicho You should have told me

No tena ni idea de que estabas enfermo I had no idea you were ill
Me enter de ello a travs de Juana I learned about it through Jane
Menos mal que tropec con ella Its a good thing I ran into her
!"u te han dicho los mdicos# $hat have the doctors told you#
!%&mo te pas& eso# 'ow did that happen to you#
!%u(ndo de)ar(s el hospital# $hen will you leave the hospital#
*i pudiera pagarlo te llevara a la clnica +re, If I could pay for it Id ta-e you to the +ere, clinic
Mantenme al da de c&mo vas .eep me up/to/date on how youre doing
0aya sorpresa $hat a surprise
1ienes buen aspecto You loo- good
%ambiemos de tema 2ets change the sub)ect
No hablemos de enfermedades 2ets not tal- about illnesses
Me deprimen 1hey depress me
Me deprimo f(cilmente I get depressed easily
0enga3 anmate %ome on3 cheer up
'(blame de verbos 1al- to me about verbs
!+or qu quieres hablar de verbos# $hy do you want to tal- about verbs#
!No est(s harto de practicar verbos# 4rent you sic- of practicing verbs#
Depende de qu verbos practiquemos It depends on what verbs we practice
!No hemos cubierto todos los verbos# 'avent we covered all the verbs#
No hemos visto el condicional $e havent seen the conditional
+ero el condicional es sencillo 5ut the conditional is simple
"ui,(s lo es para ti May be it is for you
Y para ti tambin 4nd for you too
Me lo con ese tiempo del verbo I get mi6ed up with that verb tense
5ueno3 si te empe7as 8.3 if you insist
1e veo cansado You loo- tired
!Y t9 no# Despus de lo que he hecho yo 4nd wouldnt you# 4fter what Ive done
!"u has hecho# $hat have you done#
4cabo de terminar de escribir m(s de cuatro mil frases I have )ust finished writing more than four thousand
!"u quieres decir# $hat do you mean#
"uiero decir que todo hasta ahora ha sido f(cil para m I mean that everything up to now has been easy for me
1e crees muy listo You thin- youre real smart
:all muy pocos en el libro tres I missed very few in the boo- three
!;st(s buscando un reto# 4re you loo-ing for a challenge#
"uiero algo que me empu)e I want something to push me
"uiero algo desafiante I want something challenging
"uiero que me pongas a prueba I want you to test me
"uiero que me hagas sudar I want you to ma-e me sweat
"uiero el ingls como t9 lo hablas I want ;nglish li-e you spea- it
+ero los tres primeros libros contienen el ingls del uso
5ut the first three boo-s contain normal ;nglish
;ntonces !+or qu me cuesta tanto entenderte cuando
1hen3 why do I have so much trouble understanding you when
you spea-
4 lo me)or3 deberas limpiarte los odos May be you should clean out your ears
!0es# 4cabas de usar un verbo compuesto You see# Youve )ust used the phrasal verb
'ay miles de esos verbos 1here are thousands of those verbs
;ns7amelos 1each them to me
+ero son imposibles de asimilar si no vives en el pas 5ut they are impossible to assimilate if you dont live in the
4cepto el reto I accept the challenge
0ale3 t9 te lo est(s buscando 8.3 youre as-ing for it
List 2
*i yo supiera su nombre le llamara If I -new his name3 Id call him
59scalo en la gua telef&nica 2oo- it up in the telephone boo-
+odra hacerlo si tuviera gua telef&nica I could do it if I had a telephone boo-
1u vecina tendr( una Your neighbour probably has one
"uerer es poder $here theres a will theres a way
"uieres de)ar de molestarme $ould you quit bothering me#
!"uieres que me vaya# Do you want me to leave#
"uiero que te calles3 eso es todo I want you to shut up3 thats all
!"u haras si yo desapareciera de la fa, de la tierra# $hat would you do if I disappeared from the face of the
*altara de )9bilo I would )ump for )oy
Muchas gracias 1han-s a lot
0aya amigo $hat a friend
1e estoy tomando el pelo Im pulling your leg
!Desde cu(ndo eres bromista# *ince when are you a )o-er#
*iempre lo he sido Ive always been one
;sa es una faceta de tu car(cter que nunca he visto 1hats a facet of your character Ive never seen
!%rees que soy una persona seria# Do you thin- Im a serious person#
;res una persona muy intensa You are a very intense person
No me conoces You dont -now me
'abla con mi mu)er3 ella te lo dir( 1al- to my wife shell tell you
5ueno3 si t9 lo dices 8.3 if you say so
4hora bien3 !d&nde est(bamos# Now then3 where were we#
;st(bamos con el condicional $e were with the conditional
4h s3 y !"u haras si yo te apuntara con una pistola# 1hats right3 now what would you do if I pointed a gun at you#
Me pondra a temblar Id start sha-ing
1endras miedo de m $ould you be afraid of me#
No seras capa, de seme)ante cosa You wouldnt be capable of such a thing
19 tampoco Neither would you
No hablemos de cosas as 2ets not tal- about things li-e that
;sta conversaci&n es una calle)&n sin salida 1his conversation is a dead/end street
No estamos llegando a ninguna parte $ere not getting anywhere
+uedo traducir con facilidad esas cosas I can translate those things with ease
1u corbata no hace )uego con tu tra)e Your tie doesnt match your suit
Ya s que no I -now it doesnt
;ntonces !por qu la llevas puesta# 1hen why are you wearing it#
+orque me gusta destacar 5ecause I li-e to stand out
2a gente se burla de ti +eople ma-e fun of you
4 m !qu me importa# $hat do I care#
;l chismorreo no me molesta <ossip doesnt bother me
Me gano la vida vendiendo los coches usados I ma-e a living selling used cars
4 ese precio es una autntica ganga 4t that price its a real bargain
;sto nos per)udica a nuestra capacidad para competir 1his hampers our ability to compete
*e me pinch& una rueda I had a flat tire
No tena rueda de repuesto I didnt have a spare tire
1ard una hora en resolver el problema It too- me an hour to solve the problem
=n camionero par& para ayudarme 4 truc- driver stopped to help me
*i no hubiera parado a9n estuviera all If he hadnt stopped I would still be there
Menos mal que par& Its a good thing he stopped
Menos mal que hay gente como l Its a good thing there are people li-e him
+asemos a la lista siguiente 2ets go on to the following list
2ist >
!"u desea =sted tomar# $hat would you li-e to have#
"uiero un filete con patatas I want a stea- and potatoes
!%&mo quiere su filete# 'ow do you want your stea-#
5ien hecho3 por favor $ell done3 please
+oco hecho3 por favor ?are3 please
;n su punto Medium rare
!"uiere patatas fritas o patata asada# $ould you li-e :rench fries or a ba-ed potato#
!Me puede traer la cuenta3 por favor# %an you bring me the bill3 please#
Nos ha cobrado algo que no pedimos Youve charged us for something we didnt order
!2o pagar( en met(lico o con tar)eta# $ill you pay in cash or by card#
*u tar)eta ha caducado Your card is e6pired
No aceptamos talones $e dont accept chec-s
0uelvo en veinte minutos Ill be bac- in twenty minutes
;l accidente la de)& m(s dbil 1he accident left her wea-er
+ero fortaleci& sus ganas de vivir 5ut it strengthened her will to live
*aba que nunca volvera a tener miedo *he -new shed never be afraid again
1endr(s que dar marcha atr(s para salir Youll have to bac-up to leave
Mtelo en segunda para arrancar +ut it in second gear to start
1ienes que quitar el freno de mano You have to release the handbra-e
1ienes que usar el embrague para cambiar de marcha You have to use the clutch to change gears
Mantn las dos manos en el volante .eep both hands on the steering wheel
No te acerques demasiado a ese coche Dont get too close to that car
Mira atr(s antes de cambiar el carril 2oo- bac- before changing lanes
1engo que mantener a mi familia I have to support my family
Me cuesta llegar a fin de mes I have trouble getting to the end of the month
Me castigan por cada error que cometo 1hey punish me for every mista-e I ma-e
M(s vale tarde que nunca Its better late than never
M(s vale p()aro en mano que ciento volando 4 bird in the hands better than two in the bush
+or mucho que traba)es no te subir(n el sueldo No matter how hard you wor- they wont raise your salary
Dale la vuelta 1urn it over
'umedece el sello antes de pegarlo Moisten the stamp before stic-ing it on
*igue de frente .eep going straight
%uando yo vuelva tendr tiempo de sobra $hen I come bac- Ill have plenty of time
Me siento mareado @vrtigoA I feel di,,y
1engo el est&mago revuelto I have an upset stomach
%reo que voy a devolver I thin- Im going to throw up
1oma un sorbo de esto 'ave a sip of this
Descuida3 no quiero envenenarte Dont worry3 I dont want to poison you
Diles que le digan que venga aqu 1ell them to tell him to come here
2es di)e que le di)eran que viniera aqu I told them to tell him to come here
+ues no ha venido $ell3 he hasnt come
+or lo visto no se lo di)eron 4pparently they didnt tell him
;stamos metidos en un buen lo $ere in trouble
0enga3 no es para tanto %ome on3 its not that bad
;so te lo crees t9 1hats what you thin-
;res un caso perdido Youre a lost case
4l contrario3 soy un realista 8n the contrary3 Im a realist
*&lo ves el lado malo de las cosas You only see a bad side of things
2o siento3 pero soy as Im sorry but thats the way I am
4nda3 anmate %ome on3 cheer up
2ist B
1odo saldr( bien3 ya ver(s ;verything will turn out fine3 youll see
*i hubieras venido habramos ganado If you had come wed have won
;l ganar no es lo m(s importante $inning is not the most important thing
+ero es me)or que perder 5ut its better than losing
2es venceremos $ell defeat them
No tienen salida 1hey have no escape
;st(n atrapados 1heyre trapped
No hay ninguna forma de la que puedan ganar 1heres no way they can win
Nuestros )ugadores son me)ores que los de ellos 8ur players are better than theirs
No me digas You dont say
*iempre te est(s que)ando Youre always complaining
1odo el mundo trata de complacerte ;verybody tries to please you
4grade,co todo lo que habis hecho I appreciate everything youve done
No s lo que habra hecho si no hubiera sido por vuestra
I dont -now what I would have done if it hadnt been for your
2os espantap()aros no espantan a los p()aros *carecrows dont scare away the birds
;l mo s Mine does
!+or qu el tuyo s# $hy does yours#
+orque se basa en una nueva tecnologa 5ecause its based on a new technology
!"u clase de tecnologa es esa# $hat -ind of technology is that#
4to a mi hi)o mayor al poste I tie my older son to the post
!Y los p()aros le toman en serio# 4nd the birds ta-e him seriously#
2e toman muy en serio 1hey ta-e him very seriously
!"u hace# $hat does he do#
2es dispara con una escopeta 'e shoots at them with a shotgun
Nadar est( prohibido durante la marea alta *wimming is prohibited during high tide
2a luna influye en las mareas 1he moon influences the tides
;l conse)o de la administraci&n aprob& el nuevo
1he 5oard of directors approved the new budget
2as previsiones de ventas son buenas 1he sales forecasts are good
Nos vamos a forrar $ere going to ma-e a -illing
Me duele la muela I have a toothache
Me duele la garganta I have a sore throat
%uidado 2oo- out
Menos mal que te agachaste Its a good thing you duc-ed
!1ena que haberme agachado# $as I supposed to have duc-ed#
:allaron por un pelo 1hey missed by a hair
2a echo mucho de menos I miss her very much
No puedo continuar sin ella I cant go on without her
;lla es mi inspiraci&n *hes my inspiration
;l no puede guardar un secreto 'e cant -eep a secret
;s un boca,as 'es a bigmouth
Nadie le aguanta Nobody can stand him
*e comporta como un ni7o 'e behaves li-e a child
1iene rabietas cuando no consigue lo que quiere 'e has tantrums when he doesnt get what he wants
1iene un tornillo flo)o 'e has a loose screw
+ierde los estribos a menudo 'e loses his temper often
4lgunas personas le tienen miedo *ome people are afraid of him
2e gusta intimidar a la gente 'e li-es to intimidate people
*iempre se sale con la suya 'e always gets his way
;s un pesado 'es a pain in the nec-
4lg9n da le echar(n de aqu *ome day theyll -ic- him out of here
2ist C
No preveo ning9n problema I dont foresee any problems
No podemos subir el ancla $e cant raise the anchor
*e rompi& la cuerda 1he rope bro-e
4brocha tu cintur&n de seguridad :asten your seatbelt
2e cogieron con las manos en la masa 1hey caught him red handed
+agaron por sus pecados 1hey paid for their sins
?econo,co que no hice un esfuer,o I admit I didnt ma-e an effort
2e castigaron con un l(tigo 1hey punished him with a whip
No )u,gues el libro por la cubierta Dont )udge the boo- by the cover
M(s vale prevenir que curar Its better to be safe than sorry
+refiero dibu)os animados a esto I prefer cartoons to this
;sos colores no casan 1hose colours dont match
;st(n avergon,ados de tu comportamiento 1heyre ashamed of your behaviour
*e sienten muy decepcionados 1hey feel very disappointed
=saste lengua)e muy ofensivo You used very offensive language
!*abes medir la altura de un edificio# Do you -now how to measure the height of a building#
!*abes medirlo con un bar&metro# Do you -now how to measure it with a barometer#
%laro que s hacerlo 8f course I -now how to do it
+rimero voy a la casa del arquitecto :irst I go to the architects house
Despus le digo lo siguiente 1hen I tell him the following
*i me dice =sted la altura de su edificio le dar este
bonito bar&metro
If you tell me the height of your building Ill give you this
pretty barometer
No seas gracioso Dont be funny
!*e te ocurre una forma me)or# Does a better way occur to you#
;ntonces no me hagas preguntas tontas 1hen dont as- me silly questions
:r&talo con algod&n ?ub it with cotton
!D&nde voy a encontrar algod&n# $here am I going to find cotton#
Mira en el botiqun 2oo- in the first aid -it
2o encontrar(s en el estante superior Youll find it on the top shelf
No lo puedo alcan,ar I cant reach it
*9bete a esta silla <et on this chair
2o har si me la su)etas Ill do it if you hold it for me
1ienes miedo de tu propia sombra Youre afraid of your own shadow
'ay una grieta en hormig&n 1heres a crac- in the concrete
;l hormig&n es una me,cla de arena y cemento %oncrete is a mi6ture of sand and cement
%reo que me estoy enamorando I thin- Im falling in love
No me hagas rer Dont ma-e me laugh
;n serio3 nunca me he sentido as *eriously3 Ive never felt this way
No eres capa, de amar a nadie Youre not capable of loving anyone
Muchas gracias3 eres una gran ayuda 1han-s a lot3 youre a big help
;res incapa, de sentir emoci&n Youre incapable of feeling emotion
;so es lo 9ltimo que esperaba or de ti 1hats the last thing I e6pected to hear from you
!%&mo van las cosas con Mara# 'ow are things going with Mary#
'emos roto $eve bro-en up
;lla cree que no soy lo suficientemente inteligente *he thin-s Im not intelligent enough
1iene ra,&n *hes right
4s que est(s de acuerdo con ella *o you agree with her
5ueno3 digamos que no eres un genio $ell3 lets )ust say youre not a genius
19 tampoco Neither are you
+ero al menos lo recono,co 5ut at least I admit it
* cu(les son mis limitaciones I -now what my limitations are
2ist D
!"u opinas de esta situaci&n# $hat do you thin- about this situation#
!"u quieres que diga# $hat do you want me to say#
2o que sea 4nything
%reo que no vale la pena I thin- its not worth it
8 sea3 no lo deberamos hacer In other words3 we shouldnt do it
%reo que sera demasiado arriesgado I thin- it would be too ris-y
Nada arriesgado3 nada ganado Nothing ris-ed3 nothing gained
*3 pero en este caso el riesgo es alto Yes3 but in this case the ris- is high
+uede que tengas ra,&n You may be right
!%u(nto vais a invertir en el proyecto# 'ow much are you going to invest in the pro)ect#
1odos nuestros ahorros 4ll our savings
!Y si fracas(is# 4nd if you fail#
;s imposible que fracasemos Its impossible for us to fail
!%u(l es vuestro secreto para el 6ito# $hat is your secret for success#
*omos muy traba)adores $ere very hardwor-ing
'ace falta mucho m(s que eso It ta-es a lot more than that
'ace falta perseverancia It ta-es perseverance
'ace falta pericia It ta-es e6pertise
'ace falta fuer,a de voluntad It ta-es will power
Y hace falta un poco de suerte 4nd it ta-es a little bit of luc-
No necesitamos nada de eso $e dont need any of that
;ntonces !c&mo vais a tener 6ito# 1hen how are you going to succeed#
1enemos un producto que se vende a s mismo $e have a product that sells itself
;s una poci&n para los calvos Its a potion for bald people
'ace que el pelo cre,ca un centmetro por semana It ma-es hair to grow a centimetre a wee-
Ya tenemos un pedido de %hina $e already have an order from %hina
1enemos que embarcar un mill&n de frascos para dentro
de un mes
$e have to ship a million bottles within a month
!2os tenis en stoc-# Do you have them in stoc-#
No los hemos empe,ado a fabricar a9n $e havent started producing them yet
;st(is locos !c&mo vais a fabricarlos# Youre cra,y3 how are you going to produce them#
+or eso te he llamado 1hats why I called you
!"u tengo yo que ver con esto# $hat do I have to do with this#
+ens que a lo me)or querras ayudarnos I thought you might want to help us
!4yudaros a hacer qu# 'elp you do what#
4 financiar la producci&n 1o finance the production
!Desde cu(ndo soy yo un banco# *ince when am I a ban-#
+ero tienes mucho dinero 5ut you have a lot of money
+ero no para tus locas ideas 5ut not for your cra,y ideas
!*abes cu(ntos chinos son calvos# Do you -now how many %hinese people are bald#
>BE millones de %hinos querr(n nuestro producto >BE million %hinese people will want our product
Multiplica eso por tres d&lares por frasco Multiply that by three dollars a bottle
!%u(nto dinero creis que necesitareis# 'ow much money do you thin- youll need#
8chenta mil pavos ;ighty thousand buc-s
5ueno3 ver lo que pueda hacer $ell3 Ill see what I can do
+ero est(s forrado 5ut youre filthy rich
+uedes conseguir el dinero en una hora You can get the money in an hour
8ye3 el dinero no crece en los (rboles 'ey3 money doesnt grow on trees
1engo que consultar con mi asesor fiscal I have to consult my ta6 advisor
!"u tiene l que ver con esto# $hat does he have to do with this
No puedo darte ochenta mil pavos as por las buenas I cant give you eighty thousand buc-s )ust li-e that
2ist F
!%&mo se siente ser millonario# 'ow does it feel to be a millionaire#
Me siento igual que siempre I feel the same as always
%re que tendra m(s tiempo libre I thought I would have more free time
!1e das cuenta ahora# Now do you realise#
2os ricos tienen problemas tambin ?ich people have problems too
+ero es me)or que ser pobre 5ut its better than being poor
1al ve,3 pero no estoy tan seguro May be so3 but Im not so sure
'as tenido mucho 6ito Youve been very successful
4hora que eres rico y famoso !qu vas a hacer con tu
Now that youre rich and famous what are going to do with your
0oy a reali,ar todos mis sue7os Im going to fulfil all my dreams
No pierdas tu sentido de la direcci&n Dont lose your sense of direction
;l pavimento est( resbaladi,o 1he pavement is slippery
1e puedes resbalar f(cilmente You can slip easily
5esaros y hacer las paces Ma-e up
;lla lleva mucho maquilla)e *he wears a lot of ma-eup
!%&mo puedo compensar por lo que hice# 'ow can I ma-e up for what I did#
;sta es una clase de recuperaci&n 1his is a ma-e up class
Gl invent& una historia 'e made up a story
Decdete Ma-e up your mind
;l comit est( compuesto por tres personas 1he committee is made up of three people
1engo que recuperar el tiempo perdido I have to ma-e up for the lost time
!%&mo te lo puedo enmendar# 2ets ma-e up a list of sub)ects
;stoy completamente desmorali,ado Im completely demoralised
!"u ocurre# $hats the matter#
%re que tena ingls dominado I thought I had ;nglish mastered
1odava tienes mucho camino por recorrer You still have a long way to go
*obre todo con verbos y preposiciones ;specially with verbs and prepositions
No saba que Hma-e upI tena tantos usos I didnt -now Hma-e upI had so many uses
0er(s que hay centenares de e)emplos con ese Youll see there are hundreds of e6amples li-e that one
Me rindo I give up
1e di)e que iba a ser difcil I told you it was going to be difficult
Me di)iste que queras un reto You told me you wanted a challenge
1e lo advert I warned you about it
*abas que no sera un lecho de rosas You -new it wouldnt be a bed of roses
4prender un idioma requiere sangre3 sudor y l(grimas 2earning a language requires blood3 sweat and tears
1ienes que estar encima de todo You have to be on top of everything
No puedes ba)ar la guardia You cant lower your guard
1ienes que demostrar agilidad mental You have to show mental agility
No s si estoy por la labor I dont -now if Im up to the tas-
4nda3 anmate3 no te desanimes %ome on3 cheer up3 dont get discouraged
+ero hay tanto que aprender 5ut theres so much to learn
No lograr(s nada si abandonas ahora You wont accomplish anything if you give up now
!De verdad crees que soy capa, de aprender todas esas
Do you really thin- Im capable of learning all these things#
+or supuesto que s 8f course I do
;ntonces3 sigamos adelante 1hen lets move on
4hora es la hora de la verdad Now is the moment of truth
No quiero volver a verte desmorali,ado I dont want to see you demoralised again
1ienes mi palabra You have my word
5ueno pues3 all( vamos $ell then3 here we go
2ist J
<uarda tus )uguetes +ut away your toys
1e guardar una copia Ill save a copy for you
4paga la vela 5low out the candle
1uve un revent&n camino de la oficina I had a blow/out on the way to wor-
Intentaron volar el puente 1hey tried to blow up the bridge
;stoy cansado de inflar globos Im tired of blowing up balloons
*unate 5low your nose
:ue un golpe ba)o It was a low blow
1ocaron el silbato 1hey blew the whistle
<an(bamos por die, puntos y en el 9ltimo
minuto lo fastidiamos
$e were winning by ten points and in the last
minute we blew it
Gl perdi& los estribos 'e blew his top
;l viento derribo el muro 1he wind blew down the wall
;l viento lo derribo 1he wind blew it down
No te preocupes3 ella s&lo est( desfog(ndose Dont worry3 shes only blowing off steam
2a tormenta pas& sin descargar 1he storm blew over
4paga la lu, 1urn off the light
4paga el incendio +ut out the fire
4paga la vela 5low out the candle
1iempo 1ime out
!"u pasa# $hats the matter#
D)ame descansar un minuto 2et me rest for a minute
;sos verbos me est(n volviendo loca 1hose verbs are driving me cra,y
4nda3 no es para tanto %ome on3 its not that bad
+areces disfrutar tortur(ndome You seem to en)oy torturing me
1omemos un descanso 2ets ta-e a brea-
?el()ate ?ela6
!+or qu no te quites esos horribles
$hy dont you ta-e off those horrible earrings#
;st(s me)or sin ellos You loo- better without them
+areces cansada You loo- tired
!"uieres que te traiga algo de beber# Do you want me bring you something to drin-#
;stoy bien3 pero me pica la espalda Im 8.3 but my bac- itches
1e la rascar si quieres Ill scratch it for you if you want
!D&nde te pica# $here does it itch#
=n poco m(s aba)o 4 little lower
8ye3 he dicho un poco m(s aba)o 'ey3 I said a little lower
No te pongas fresco conmigo Dont get fresh with me
+ero !no te gusta que te rasgue la espalda# 5ut dont you li-e me to scratch your bac-#
5ueno3 sigue3 pero contr&late 8.3 go on3 but control yourself
!"u tal as# 'ows that#
Me das escalofros You give me the shivers
4s que te gusta *o you li-e it
No estoy hecha de piedra Im not made of stone
5ueno3 es hora de volver a la lecci&n $ell3 its time to get bac- to the lesson
No me apetece estudiar ahora I dont feel li-e studying now
!"u te apetece hacer# $hat do you feel li-e doing#
"uiero que sigas rasc(ndome la espalda I want you to go on scratching my bac-
1e est(n saliendo los colores Youre blushing
!"u esperas# $hat do you e6pect#
!0olvemos a la lecci&n# *hall we get bac- to the lesson#
%(llate tonto y sigue rascando *hut up silly and -eep scratching
2ist K
1ienes la camiseta puesta al revs You have your 1/shirt on bac-wards
"utatela 1a-e it off
+&ntela de esta manera +ut it on this way
*e supone que lo llevas de esta forma Youre supposed to wear it this way
Menos mal que te diste cuenta Its a good thing you realised
*oy muy observadora Im very observant
+resto atenci&n a los detalles I pay attention to details
!'as puesto el despertador# 'ave you set the alarm cloc-#
!4 qu hora sonar(# $hat time will it go off#
*e me pegaron las s(banas esta ma7ana I overslept this morning
No puedes permitirte el lu)o de quedarte
You cant afford to oversleep
No soporto madrugar I cant stand getting up early
Me cuesta horrores levantarme I have a terrible time getting up
1ardo una hora en despe)arme la cabe,a It ta-es me an hour to clear my head
De)o el despertador en el ba7o I leave the alarm cloc- in the bathroom
;so me obliga a levantarme para apagarlo 1hat forces me get up to turn it off
No lo soporto cuando suena I cant stand it when it goes off
;s un sonido que me vuelve loco Its a sound that drives me cra,y
!*igues buscando un empleo# 4re you still loo-ing for a )ob#
2o he de)ado Ive given up
!%&mo piensas mantener a tu familia# 'ow do you plan to support your family#
0ivir del sueldo de mi mu)er Ill live off my wifes salary
!"u opina ella de eso# $hat does she thin- about that#
No hablemos de mi mu)er 2ets not tal- about my wife
;stoy harto de la vida de casado Im sic- of married life
No lo aguanto I cant stand it
;lla cree que me puede dar &rdenes *he thin-s she can order me around
!"uin cree que es# $ho does she thin- she is#
2e voy a dar un escarmiento Im going to teach her a lesson
+ero es ella quien te mantiene 5ut she is the one who supports you
;so es como debe ser 1hats as it should be
2levo a los ni7os al colegio I ta-e the children to school
'ago los quehaceres domsticos I do the housewor-
4yudo a los ni7os con sus deberes I help the -ids with their homewor-
1raba)o m(s ahora que antes I wor- harder now than before
4ntes traba)aba J horas al da I used to wor- eight hours a day
4hora nunca paro Now I never stop
Incluso limpio la ba7era I even clean the bathtub
;s un traba)o interminable Its a never/ending )ob
;n cuanto termines una cosa tienes que
empe,ar con otra
4s soon as you finish one thing you have to start
on something else
4l final del da estoy completamente agotado 4t the end of the day Im completely e6hausted
No tengo ganas de hacer nada I dont feel li-e doing anything
2os ni7os de)an todo en el suelo 1he -ids leave everything on the floor
1engo que recoger detr(s de ellos I have to pic- up after them
2a mitad de las veces mi mu)er llega a casa de
mal humor
'alf the time my wife gets home in a bad mood
1iene la cara de pedirme que haga la cena *he has the nerve to as- me to ma-e dinner
Menos mal que soy psimo cocinero Its a good thing Im a lousy coo-
*i no3 tendra que hacer la cena todas las
8therwise Id have to ma-e dinner every night
1enis los papeles invertidos Your rules are reversed
2a vida de un ama de casa es pesada 4 housewifes )ob is a pain in the nec-
2ist LE
*algamos de paseo 2ets go out for a wal-
Me apetece tomar un poco de aire fresco I feel li-e getting a little fresh air
!"uieres acompa7arme# $ould you li-e to come with me#
%(mbiate de ,apatos %hange your shoes
;sos ,apatos est(n algo gastados 1hose shoes are a little worn out
+ero los otros me hacen da7o en los pies 5ut the other ones hurt my feet
;ntonces ponte las playeras 1hen put on your tennis shoes
2os cordones est(n rotos 1he shoe laces are bro-en
1e compr unos nuevos !no te acuerdas# I bought you some new ones3 dont you
!D&nde los escondiste# $here did you hide them#
;st(n en el ca)&n superior de tu mesa de noche 1hey are in the top drawer of your bedside table
;st(n encima de la ca)a donde est(n los
1hey are on the top of the bo6 where the
passports are
+ues no los veo $ell I cant see them
;st(n delante de tus narices 1hey are right in front of you
+ero estos cordones son para ,apatos de vestir 5ut these laces are for dress shoes
Mira deba)o del (lbum de fotos 2oo- under the photo album
!*on estos# 4re these the ones#
*on para playeras !no# 1hey are for tennis shoes3 arent they#
+ero estos cordones son para ni7os 5ut these shoe laces are for children
!"u quieres decir para ni7os# $hat do you mean for children#
1ienen diminutas barras y estrellas 1hey have tiny stripes and stars
5ueno3 p&ntelos de todas formas $ell3 put them on anyway
!;st(s loca# 0an a pensar que soy pro
4re you cra,y# 1heyre going to thin- Im pro
!No lo eres# 4rent you#
No3 hasta ese e6tremo Not to this e6treme
;ntonces ir de paseo yo sola 1hen Ill go for a wal- by myself
Nunca quieres salir conmigo You never want to go out with me
*iempre est(s buscando e6cusas para no hacer
Youre always loo-ing for e6cuses not to do
1e est(s volviendo pere,oso Youre becoming la,y
4ntes hacamos todo )untos $e used to do everything together
4hora3 ni siquiera me hablas Now3 you dont even tal- to me
*iempre pareces cansado e irritable You always seem tired and irritable
Ya no parece gustarte nada You dont seem to li-e anything anymore
!+or qu no te callas# $hy dont you shut up#
*iempre te est(s metiendo conmigo Youre always pic-ing at me
No s lo que me pasa I dont -now whats the matter with me
No quiero discutir contigo I dont want to argue with you
+or cierto3 !hablaste con tu )efe# 5y the way3 did you spea- to your boss#
!*obre qu# 4bout what#
!No le ibas a pedir un aumento# $erent you going to as- him for a raise#
;s una prdida de tiempo Its a waste of time
*e est(n aprovechando de ti 1hey are ta-ing advantage of you
No quiero hablar de eso ahora I dont want to tal- about that now
;ntonces !cu(ndo vamos a hablar de ello# 1hen3 when are we going to tal- about it#
Mira3 d)ame en pa,3 quieres# 2oo-3 leave me alone3 will you#
0ale3 si te empe7as 8- if you insist
+uede que vuelva un poco tarde I may be bac- a little late
1engo que pasar por la casa de David I have to drop by Davids house
*i tienes hambre recalienta la pi,,a de anoche If youre hungry heat up the pi,,a from last
Dar tus recuerdos a David Ill give your regards to David
2ist LL
'a llegado la hora de tomar una decisi&n 1he time has come to ma-e a decision
8)al( tuviramos m(s informaci&n I wish we had more information
;so no cambiara la situaci&n 1hat wouldnt change the situation
4l menos nos sentiramos m(s tranquilos 4t least wed feel more reassured
2a vida est( llena de riesgos 2ife is full of ris-s
;s m(s arriesgado no tomar una decisi&n Its ris-ier not to ma-e a decision
"ui,(s tengas ra,&n You may be right
%onfa en mi3 s lo que digo 1rust me I -now what Im saying
1odo saldr( bien ;verything will turn out 8.
No puedo evitar de pensar en los ni7os I cant help thin-ing about the -ids
*on todava peque7os3 se adaptar(n 1hey are still little3 theyll adapt
Nunca pens que llegaramos a esto I never thought wed come to this
Deberamos haber seguido el conse)o de mi
$e should have followed my fathers advice
Deberamos haber vendido la casa $e should have sold the house
Deberas haberle pedido perd&n You should have apologised to him
2e heriste los sentimientos You hurt his feelings
Nos hubiera ayudado si le hubieras tratado
It would have helped us if youd treated him well
!%&mo te sentiras t9 si te di)eran que eras
retrasado mental#
'ow would you feel if they told you were
mentally retarded#
1engo que coger un vuelo ma7ana I have to catch a plane tomorrow
8dio volar I hate flying
+ero los aviones son muy seguros 5ut planes are very safe
!%u(l es el momento m(s peligroso de un vuelo# $hat is the most dangerous moment of a flight#
;l via)e de tu casa al aeropuerto 1he trip form your house to the airport
'a habido un cambio en el programa 1heres a schedule change
*i lo aflo)aras podras sacarlo If you loosened it you could ta-e it out
No puedo respirar con tanto humo I cant breath with so much smo-e
1e vamos a usar como un cone)o de indias $ere going to use you as a guinea pig
1enemos una amplia gama de productos $e have a wide range of products
Me est(s ocultando algo Youre hiding something from me
'asta ahora no ha habido que)as *o far there havent been any complaints
*i hicieras esto sera in)usto If you did that it would be unfair
"ue yo sepa l no la amena,& 4s far as I -now he didnt threaten her
No debes recurrir a amena,as You shouldnt resort to threats
No puedo con este problema I cant handle this problem
Dilo en vo, alta *ay it aloud
+or un lado me gusta la idea 8n the one hand I li-e the idea
+ero por otro lado estoy en desacuerdo 5ut on the other hand I disagree
Nunca est(s de acuerdo conmigo You never agree with me
0aya casualidad $hat a coincidence
;s improbable que le veas Its unli-ely youll see him
!+or qu tienes tanta prisa# $hy are you in such a hurry#
Ya lo superar(s Youll get over it
*9bete al coche <et into the car
+ara cuando llegues ya se habr(n ido 5y the time you get there theyll get left
;s asombroso el progreso que has hecho Its a ama,ing the progress youve made
!%&mo lo has conseguido# 'ow did you do it#
2e quiero vivo o muerto I want him dead or alive
"uiero un estudio en profundidad I want an in depth study
+uedes saltar este n9mero You can s-ip this number
2l(mame en cuanto llegue el anfitri&n %all me as soon as the host comes
2ist LM
!"uin est( encargado de esto# $ho is in charge of this#
!"uin lleva la vo, cantante aqu# $ho calls the shots here#
M(s vale que hables con un abogado Youd better tal- to a lawyer
M(s vale que hagas algo pronto Youd better do something soon
*e van a aprovechar de ti 1heyre going to ta-e advantage of you
M(s vale que no toques eso Youd better not touch that
M(s vale que me hagas caso Youd better pay attention to me
!D&nde estar(n# I wonder where they are
4lguien est( llamando a la puerta *omeone is -noc-ing at the door
!"uin ser(# I wonder who it is
No puedo permitirme el lu)o de perderlo I cant afford to lose it
Discutir con l es muy frustrante 4rguing with him is very frustrating
*oy escptico acerca del 6ito del plan Im s-eptical about the plans success
Date la vuelta 1urn around
!"u haras si eso fuera verdad# $hat would you do if that were true#
!"u pasara si no hiciramos nada# $hat would happen if we did nothing#
!"u haras t9 en mi lugar# $hat would you do if you were me#
Me pegara un tiro Id shoot myself
De)a de bromear !quieres# "uit )o-ing3 will you#
;st(s tomando las cosas demasiado en serio Youre ta-ing things too seriously
!"uieres que te caliente la sopa# Do you want me to heat up the soup for you#
1engo un hambre que no veas Im starving
Me siento violento I feel embarrassed
1endr(s que sobornarle Youll have to bribe him
1e forrar(s en ese negocio Youll ma-e a -illing in that business
Me puedes dar una estimaci&n del coste %an you give me a cost estimate#
;l director general fue despedido 1he general manager was fired
*u despido nos sorprendi& a todos 'is dismissal surprised all of us
:ue obligado a dimitir 'e was forced to resign
1uvo que firmar su propia dimisi&n 'e had to sign his own resignation
Yo no hubiera firmado I wouldnt have signed
!*abe el se7or *mith quin eres# Does Mr *mith -now who you are#
Nadie sabe quien soy Nobody -nows who I am
!*abe ella cu(ndo sale el tren# Does she -now when the train leaves#
!"uin sabe donde vive el fontanero# $ho -nows where the plumber lives#
;sta suciedad no puede quitarse 1his dirt cant be removed
*e le advirti& de que no fuera all 'e was warned not to go there
+erder(s por mucho que te esfuerces Youll lose no matter how hard you try
No lo comprar por mucho que me llames I wont buy it no matter how often you call me
+or mucho que estudies no aprender(s No matter how hard you study you wont learn
"uerer es poder $here theres a will theres a way
%lasifcalos por orden alfabtico *ort them in alphabetical order
2o voy a comprar por muy caro que sea Im going to buy it no matter how e6pensive it is
No lo har a no ser que me ayudes I wont do it unless you help me
0oy a heredar una fortuna Im going to inherit a fortune
!1e puedes creer lo que hicieron# %an you believe what they did#
Deban de haberse vuelto locos 1hey must have gone cra,y
Deberas haberles parado You should have stopped them
1endr(s que acostumbrarte a ello Youll have to get used to it
4ntes me apa7aba sin agenda I used to get by without an agenda
2ist L>
1u conducta fue vergon,osa Your conduct was disgraceful
No seas cotilla Dont be nosy
No es asunto tuyo Its none of your business
2as bu)as est(n gastadas 1he spar- plugs are worn out
%ambiemos de sitio 2ets change places
8)al( pudiramos cambiar de coche I wish we could change cars
2ogr convencerle I managed to convince him
4hora l est( de nuestra parte Now hes on our side
No volver( cambiar de opini&n 'e wont change his mind again
%ambiemos de lado 2ets change sides
1endr(s un perodo de prueba de tres meses Youll have a three month trial period
'as hecho un traba)o digno de elogio Youve done a praiseworthy )ob
Gl no es una persona digna de confian,a 'es not a trustworthy person
No te puedes fiar de l You cant trust him
1e de)ar( en la estacada 'ell leave you high and dry
4qu todo el mundo pasa la pelota 'ere everybody passes the buc-
!%&mo te atreves# 'ow dare you#
*u)talo a ambos e6tremos 'old it at both ends
;stralo con todas tus fuer,as *tretch it with all your might
No se romper(3 ya ver(s It wont brea-3 youll see
2lama al se7or que estaba aqu ayer %all the man who was here yesterday
!%u(l era el que t9 queras# $hich one was the one you wanted#
;l que yo quera era el a,ul 1he one I wanted was the blue one
;l a,ul3 el verdeN !"u importa# 1he blue one3 the green one3 what difference
does it ma-e#
Importa mucho It ma-es a big difference
;l a,ul vale cuatro veces m(s 1he blue ones worth four times more
M(s vale que lo hagas porque si no Youd better do it3 because otherwise
'ar lo que me de la gana Ill do what I feel li-e
'a sido una velada encantadora Its been a delightful evening
Nos lo hemos pasado en grande $eve had a wonderful time
No lo habran hecho si les hubieras advertido a
1hey wouldnt have done it if youd warned them
in time
+onme al da respecto al asunto 5ring me up/to/date on the matter
Nos ad)udicaron el proyecto 1hey awarded us the pro)ect
No cuentes conmigo %ount me out
!+odemos contra con tu colaboraci&n# %an we count on your collaboration#
Me encantara ayudaros Id love to help you
*e les pidi& no fumar 1hey were as-ed not to smo-e
*e har( en un futuro pr&6imo Itll be done in the near future
Deba haberse hecho hace mucho tiempo It should have been done a long time ago
*e le dio una transfusi&n de sangre 'e was given a blood transfusion
!%&mo sali& l de la operaci&n# 'ow did he come out of the operation#
*e recuper& en tiempo record 'e recovered in record time
*i hubiramos tenido m(s recursos podramos
haber competido con ellos
If wed had more resources we could have
competed with them
;sta decisi&n nos fortalecer( 1his decision will strengthen us
*i no estuviera tan apretado yo podra respirar
If it werent so tight I could breathe better
!1e importara aflo)arlo un poco# $ould you mind loosening it a little#
2as e6periencias as te ensanchan la mente ;6periences li-e that broaden your mind
2a carretera no ha sido ensanchada aun 1he highway hasnt been widened yet
!%u(ndo caduca# $hen does it e6pire#
*e te ha acabado el tiempo Your time has run out
2ist LB
*eg9n l deberas haberlo hecho 4ccording to him you should have done it
'ay un 0ie)o dicho sobre ese tema 1heres an old saying about that sub)ect
;n lo que a mi se refiere 4s far as Im concerned
*i fueras un poco m(s optimista If you were a little more optimistic
*oy un pesimista por naturale,a Im a pessimist by nature
1odos a favor del plan que levanten la mano 4ll in favour of the plan raise your hand
*e fue por el desagOe It went down the drain
2a f(brica se ubicar( cerca de aqu 1he factory will be located near here
Debe de haber estado borracho para hacer
seme)ante cosa
'e must have been drun- to do such a thing
;st(n de via)e de negocios 1hey are on a business trip
;st(n de via)e de novios 1hey are on their honeymoon
*e apro6ima la fecha de tu )ubilaci&n Your retirement date is approaching
!"u har(s cuando te )ubiles# $hat will you do when you retire#
'ar un via)e alrededor del mundo Ill ta-e a trip around the world
!Y despus# 4nd then#
Y despus dedicar mi tiempo a la ca,a 4nd then Ill devote my time to hunting
No vendr aqu para molestaros I wont come around here to bother you
P"u alivioQ $hat a reliefQ
*i pudieras aliviar este dolor te lo agradecera
de verdad
If you could relieve this pain Id really appreciate
2a superficie est( demasiado (spera 1he surface is too rough
"uiero que la hagas m(s lisa I want you to ma-e it smoother
;l fuerte viento derrib& el (rbol 1he strong wind blew down the tree
Derribaron el avi&n 1hey shot down the plane
!%&mo piensas sacarnos de este lo# 'ow do you plan to get us out of this mess#
No me lo e6plico I cant figure it out
No me e6plico por qu ella se fue I cant figure out why she left
2o tengo en la punta de la lengua I have it on the tip of my tongue
No rechaces una oferta as Dont turn down an offer li-e that
+or cierto3 !recibiste el recado# 5y the way did you get the message#
=n buen detalle ayudara las cosas 4 nice gesture would help things
Gl viene por aqu un da s3 otro no 'e comes around here every other day
M(s vale tarde que nunca 5etter late than never
*i no hubieras tenido tanta prisa If you hadnt been in such a hurry
!%&mo se mide el nivel de vida# 'ow is a standard of living measured#
*e tienen en cuenta muchos factores Many factors are ta-en into account
4ntes o despus ceder(n *ooner or later theyll give in
No puedo deshacer este nudo I cant untie this -not
!+or qu no sacaste el tema# $hy didnt you bring up the sub)ect#
*e habra hecho si hubiera habido tiempo It would have been done if there had been time
+uesto que no hubo tiempo no se hi,o *ince there wasnt time it wasnt done
+uede que ya se haya hecho It may have already been done
!"uin lo habr( hecho# I wonder who did it
"uienquiera que lo hi,o3 lo hi,o bien $hoever did it3 did it well
!+or qu se habr( hecho# I wonder why it was done
+ues se hi,o y ya est( $ell3 it was done and thats that
!*abes cu(nto tiempo llevan aqu# Do you -now how long theyve been here#
*i hubiera habido una tormenta no habramos
celebrado la reuni&n
If there had been a storm we wouldnt have held
the meeting
:ue un discurso muy convincente It was a very convincing speech
Me acercas la sal por favor# %an you pass me the salt please#
;speramos con mucha ilusi&n tu visita $ere loo-ing forward to your visit
2ist LC
;stoy agotado no me puedo mover Im e6hausted I cant move
'abramos tardado m(s si no nos hubieras
echado una mano
It would have ta-en us longer if you hadnt given
us a hand
*e est( revisando el primer borrador 1he first draft is being reviewed
*e modificar(n algunos puntos *ome points will be revised
1iene que haber un malentendido 1here has to be a misunderstanding
'abrmelo dicho You should have told me
1e hubieras enfadado Youd have gotten angry
'abla directamente al micr&fono *pea- directly into the microphone
1engo un dolor de garganta I have a sore throat
Me duele tragar It hurts to swallow
Deber(s haber ido al medico antes You should have gone to the doctor sooner
;st(s perdiendo el peso desde hace un a7o Youve been losing weight for a year
No mires atr(s3 sigue remando Dont loo- bac-3 -eep rowing
2a moneda est( enganchada en la ranura 1he coin is stuc- in the slot
*(cala con este destornillador <et it out with this screwdriver
*i tuviera cuchillo podra sacarla If I had a -nife I could get it out
;stas m(quinas me vuelven loco 1hese machines drive me cra,y
;lla vale su peso en oro *hes worth her weight in gold
!%rees que deberamos hacer el esfuer,o# Do you thin- we should ma-e the effort#
No vale la pena Its not worth it
0aldra la pena si nos pagaran It would be worth it if they paid us
;l profesor no se present& 1he teacher didnt show up
Deben de habrsele pegado las s(banas 'e must have overslept
De otro modo no me lo e6plico 8therwise I cant figure it out
'emos llegado a un acuerdo consensuado $eve reached a compromise agreement
1engo un compromiso ante aquella gente I have a commitment to those people
;s una vergOen,a nacional Its a national disgrace
2as dos empresas se fusionaron 1he two companies merged
*e tardaron meses en negociar la fusi&n It too- months to negotiate the merger
Nuestro equipo de ventas constituye un activo
valioso para la empresa
8ur sales team constitutes a valuable asset to
the company
;l activo y pasivo deben ser iguales 4ssets and liabilities should be equal
2a contabilidad es la base del balance 4ccounting is the basis of the balance sheet
*i este negocio fuera rentable no tendramos
que despedir a la gente
If this business were profitable we wouldnt have
to lay off people
'a habido despidos masivos en ese sector 1here have been massive layoffs in that industry
2o 9nico que me interesa es conservar mi
1he only thing Im interested in is -eeping my )ob
!%&mo te ganas la vida# 'ow do you ma-e a living#
!4 qu te dedicas# $hat do you do#
!;s as de sencillo# Is it that simple#
"uiero pulir mi ingls I want to brush up on my ;nglish
*e te olvid& poner el acento Youve forgot to put the accent
;stoy ahorrando para comprar un coche Im saving up to buy a car
!"u hace que un hombre haga algo as# $hat ma-es a man do something li-e that#
1ena que haber estado desesperado 'e must have been desperate
!+ara que servir( eso# $hat good will that do#
*i no fueras tan crtico con l If you werent so critical of him
No hay tantos como antes 1here are not as many as there used to be
%ambio de marchas sin usar el embrague I change gears without using the clutch
+ara concluir la sesi&n quisiera pediros un favor 1o wrap up the session I would li-e to as- you a
;stas tcnicas funcionan en determinadas
1hese techniques wor- in certain situations
;stas tcnicas no son siempre fiables 1hese techniques arent always reliable
2ist LD
*e me pusieron los pelos de punta My hair stood on end
1ena un miedo horrible I was scared to death
Me puse a temblar I started sha-ing
;l profesor me calm& 1he teacher calmed me down
;l miedo es una sensaci&n aterradora :ear is a terrifying sensation
*e me fue el santo al cielo It completely slipped my mind
De)a de tocarte la nari,3 !"uieres# *top pic-ing your nose3 will you#
;st( tan le)os que apenas lo puedo divisar Its so far away that I can hardly ma-e it out
%asi nunca se debera hacer It should hardly ever be done
;se tipo es un pesado de narices 1hat guy is a pain in the nec-
P"u fastidio levantarse por la ma7anaQ $hat a drag it is getting upQ
;lla tiene un don para los idiomas *he has a gift for languages
;s una ni7a superdotada *he is a gifted girl
1iene un coeficiente de inteligencia muy alto *he has a very high I"
Me estoy liando con tantos datos Im getting mi6ed up with so much data
Me est(s liando Youre getting me mi6ed up
!"u tiene que ver esto con aquello# $hat does this have to do with that#
1e codeas con gente importante You rub shoulders with important people
+or mucho que traba)es no vas a ganar m(s
No matter how hard you wor- youre not going to
earn more money
+or muy inteligente que seas No matter how intelligent you are
+or muchas veces que vayas No matter how often you go
+or muy r(pido que condu,cas No matter how fast you drive
+or mucho que le presiones No matter how hard you pressure him
+or muchas vitaminas que tomes No matter how many vitamins you ta-e
%anclalo %all it off
!+or qu aguantas ese comportamiento# $hy do you put up with that behaviour#
Dile que se ocupe de sus propios asuntos 1ell him to mind his own business
No es asunto suyo Its none of his business
;st( fisgoneando en tu vida privada 'es prying into your private life
4l)ate del vapor <et away from the steam
0oy a apretarles las tuercas Im going to tighten the screws on them
0oy a hacerles sudar un poco Im going to ma-e them sweat a little
No te asomes por la ventana Dont lean out of the window
No te apoyes en la pared Dont lean against the wall
;stamos respirando el humo de este tubo de
$ere breathing the fumes from that e6haust
2(vate los dientes y acustate 5rush your teeth and go to bed
No puedo evitar rerme delante de l I cant help laughing in front of him
1iene una nari, tan grande 'e has such a big nose
'ay algo de l que atrae a las mu)eres 1heres something about him that attracts
"ui,(s3 sea la forma en que sonre Maybe its the way he smiles
1ienes que reconocer que no es guapo You have to admit hes not handsome
;s feo3 s&lo por fuera 'es ugly only on the outside
+or dentro es una persona maravillosa 8n the inside hes a wonderful person
*u vo, me da escalofros 'is voice gives me the shivers
Me casara con l si me lo pidiera I would marry him if he as-ed me
;st( demasiado ocupado hacindose rico 'es too busy getting rich
1iene un don que pocos hombres poseen 'e has a gift that few men possess
*e siente su presencia cuando entra por la
'is presence is felt when he comes in through
the door
%asi me desmayo cada ve, que me mira I almost faint whenever he loo-s at me
;s una l(stima que est( casado Its too bad hes married
2ist LF
!1e importara recoger tus ,apatos# $ould you mind pic-ing up your shoes#
2a fecha de renovaci&n se ha cambiado 1he renewal date has been changed
1e est( saliendo por la tangente Youre going off on a tangent
*e habra publicado antes si no se hubiera
inundado el almacn
It would have been published sooner if the
warehouse hadnt been flooded
2l(mame en cuanto sepas algo %all me as soon as you -now something
2o siento3 lo hice sin querer Im sorry3 I didnt mean to do it
!1e das cuenta de lo que me has hecho# Do you realise what you have done to me#
!%&mo voy a salir de este lo# 'ow am I going to get out of this mess#
;st(n metidos en un atasco 1heyre stuc- in the traffic )am
*i hubieran quebrado podramos haber cobrado
la cantidad
If they hadnt gone ban-rupt we could have
collected the amount
Ya es demasiado tarde Its too late now
!"u hacemos ahora# $hat shall we do now#
!1iene alguien alguna sugerencia# Does anybody have any suggestions#
Debisteis cobrarles antes You should have collected from them sooner
No nos digas no que debimos hacer Dont tell us what we should have done
Dinos lo que debemos hacer ahora 1ell us what we should do now
!%u(l es nuestro saldo bancario# $hats our ban- balance#
1enemos suficiente para llegar a mayo $e have enough to get through 4pril
!Y si alargamos las condiciones de pago# 4nd if we lengthen the terms of the payment#
No les gustar( a nuestros proveedores 8ur suppliers wont li-e it
;sto no es un concurso de popularidad 1his isnt a popularity contest
;6igir(n el pago parcial 1heyll demand partial payment
4lgunos dependen totalmente de nosotros *ome of them depend entirely on us
*on en su mayora peque7os proveedores 1hey are mostly small suppliers
2os grandes pueden aguantar 1he big ones can hold out
2os peque7os se hundir(n 1he small ones will go under
!+odremos prorrogar la lnea de crdito# %an we e6tend the credit line#
Ya estamos hasta cuello en deudas $e are already up to our nec- in debts
;sperad3 se nos olvida algo $ait were forgetting something
1enemos una valiosa colecci&n de pinturas aqu
mismo en la oficina
$e have a valuable collection of paintings right
here in the office
!;st(s sugiriendo que las vendamos# 4re you suggesting that we us sell them#
!"u m(s podemos hacer# $hat else can we do#
No veo otra salida I dont see any other way out
!%u(nto valen# 'ow much are they worth#
?ecuerdo su valor hace die, a7os I remember their value ten years ago
:ueron tasadas por un e6perto 1hey were appraised by an e6pert
;n aquel entonces valan tres mil millones 4t that time they were worth > billion
!%u(nto valdran ahora# 'ow much would they be worth now#
Depende de c&mo queramos venderlos It depends on how we want to sell them
*i los subastamos conseguiremos menos If we auction then well get less
*i contratamos a un agente podemos conseguir
un LC por cien m(s
If we hire an agent we can get LC per cent more
*e tardara m(s pero ganaramos m(s It would ta-e longer but we would earn more
!%u(nto crees que tardaramos# 'ow long do you thin- it would ta-e us#
+odramos deshacernos de todos ellos en un
a7o m(s o menos
$e could get rid of all of them in a year more or
4s podramos saldar nuestras deudas 1hat way we could settle our debts
Incluso podramos pactar una buena
indemni,aci&n por despido para todos
$e could even negotiate good severance pay for
!%u(ndo nos quedara al final# 'ow much would we have left in the end#
4un quedara suficiente para prepararnos un
paracadas de oro
1here would still be enough left over to prepare
ourselves a golden parachute
!"u quiere decir un paracadas de oro# $hat does a golden parachute mean#
*ignifica que podemos )ubilarnos ahora y vivir
felices y comer perdices
It means we can retire now and live happily ever
2ist LJ
2os escoceses tienen un acento e6tra7o 1he *cottish have a strange accent
1ienen fama de ser taca7os 1hey are famous for being tight/fisted
*i yo fuera ,urdo podra hacerlo If I were left/handed I could do it
2levaos a esa gente de aqu 1a-e those people away
De)a que te releve 2et me ta-e over for you
;sa gente es de mente muy estrecha 1hose people are very narrow/minded
+rimero hacemos una previsi&n de ventas :irst we ma-e a sales forecast
Despus hacemos un plan de producci&n 1hen we ma-e a production plan
%on esos datos elaboramos el presupuesto de
$ith this data we draw up an e6pense budget
2os gastos generales se comparten 8verhead e6penses are shared
*e asignan a cada departamento seg9n el
n9mero de empleados
1hey are allocated to each department according
to the number of employees
4lgunos )efes de departamento se que)an de
esta poltica
*ome department heads complain about this
*in embargo3 es la forma m(s )usta 'owever its the fairest way
%ada mes las ventas reales se comparen con las
ventas estimadas
;ach month actual sales are compared to the
estimated sales
!Y qu pasa si hay desviaciones# 4nd what happens if there are variances#
2ocali,amos las causas y tomamos medidas $e pinpoint the causes and ta-e action
Nuestros clientes son imprevisibles 8ur customers are unpredictable
'ay muchos altiba)os a lo largo del a7o 1here are a lot of ups and downs throughout the
;s un negocio estacional Its a seasonal business
2a temporada alta empie,a ahora 1he high season is beginning now
2a situaci&n de tesorera me)ora en mayo 1he cash situation improves in may
2os mos est(n al lado de los de ella Mine are ne6t to hers
;l de ellos es diferente del nuestro 1heirs is different from ours
!De quin es el que est( en el suelo# $hose is the one on the floor#
4quel antes era de l 1hat one used to be his
Ya no es de l Its not his anymore
0ine para que t9 me ayudaras I came so that you could help me
1raba)o para poder mantenerte I wor- so that I can support you
'abla alto para que todos te oigan *pea- loud so that everyone can hear you
8 una e6tra7a vo, que me asust& I heard a strange voice that frightened me
Mir atr(s pero no vi nada I loo-ed bac- but I didnt see anything
Mir en todas partes I loo-ed everywhere
+or fin me di cuenta de lo que era :inally I realised what it was
;l telfono estaba descolgado 1he telephone was off the hoo-
Me acerqu andando al telfono I wal-ed up to the telephone
No pude creer lo que oa I couldnt believe what I head
:ue una vo, tan dbil It was such a wea- voice
De repente me qued helado *uddenly I fro,e
;ra mi mu)er que me llamaba It was my wife who was calling me
Mi mu)er llevaba tres a7os muerta My wife had been dead for three years
%olgu y casi me desmay I hang up and almost fainted
2as llamadas seguan ocurriendo 1he calls -ept occurring
*u vo, pareca cada ve, m(s cerca 'er voice seemed closer and closer
Ya no lo poda aguantar I couldnt stand it any more
2entamente me estaba volviendo loco I was slowly going cra,y
Decid por fin ir al cementerio I finally decided to go to the cemetery
Me acerqu lentamente a la tumba de mi mu)er
I slowly wal-ed up to my wifes grave
'aba habido una tormenta la noche anterior 1here had been a storm the night before
=n poste telef&nico haba cado 4 telephone post had fallen down
=no de los cables haba cado )usto en la tumba
de mi mu)er
8ne of the wires had fallen right on top of my
wifes grave
2ist LK
No perdamos contacto con realidad 2ets not lose touch with reality
No construyamos castillos en el aire 2ets not build castles in the air
1e pareces a tu padre @fsicamenteA You loo- li-e your father
1e pareces a tu padre @de comportamientoA You ta-e after your father
Ya aprender(s los secretos del oficio Youll learn the tric-s of the trade
Ya debera haber sido enviado It should have already been sent
!"uin tuvo la genial idea de hacer eso# $ho had the great idea to do that#
No fui yo It wasnt me
2a culpa fue de +epe It was +epes fault
No me eches la culpa a m Dont blame me
*iempre est(s buscando alguien a quien echar la culpa Youre always loo-ing for someone to blame
!;n qu direcci&n se fueron# $hich way did they go#
'ola Juan3 !"u tal est(s# 'ello John3 how are you doing#
!"u tal van las cosas all# 'ow are things going there#
No tan bien como haba esperado Not as well as I had e6pected
!1e est(n dando mucha <uerra# 4re they giving you a hard time#
4l contrario3 soy tratado como un rey 8n the contrary3 Im treated li-e a -ing
;ntonces !qu es lo que pasa# 1hen whats the matter#
;s el clima3 no me acostumbro Its the climate3 I cant get used to it
1e advert que hara mucho fro I warned you that it would be very cold
No s como la gente puede vivir aqu I dont -now how people can live here
4nda3 no es para tanto %ome on its not that bad
Menos mal que s&lo me queda una semana Its a good thing I only have a wee- left
*i no me volvera loco 8therwise Id go cra,y
!"u opinan del nuevo proyecto# $hat do they thin- of the new pro)ect#
2es gusta el dise7o pero dicen que es demasiado caro 1hey li-e the design but they say its too e6pensive
+ero ese precio fue pactado hace meses 5ut the price was agreed on months ago
+ero ese precio se bas& en un dise7o m(s avan,ado 5ut that price was based on the more advanced design
!%&mo que m(s avan,ado# $hat do you mean more advanced#
No hemos cambiado ni una sola coma $e havent changed a single coma
;llos parecen pensar que s 1hey seem to thin- so
!;st( 'ans# Is 'ans there#
"ue se ponga al telfono 'ave him get on the line
'ola 'ans3 soy David 'ello 'ans3 this is David
Juan dice que no est(is de acuerdo con el precio John tells me you dont agree on the prices
4s es3 habis hecho algunos cambios 1hats right3 youve made some changes
;l dise7o es idntico al que acordamos 1he design is identical to the one we agreed on
;l dise7o es igual3 estoy de acuerdo 1he design is the same3 I agree
+ero !+or qu cambiasteis de materiales# 5ut why did you change materials#
2os materiales son seg9n lo especificado 1he materials are as specified
+ero el proveedor es diferente 5ut the supplier is different
!"u m(s da# $hat difference does it ma-e#
;ste proveedor no est( certificado 1his supplier isnt certified
!"u quieres decir Hno certificadoI# $hat do you mean not certified#
*&lo traba)amos con empresas certificadas por el 5*I $e only wor- with companies certified by 5*I
No s&lo tenis que estar certificados vosotros Not only do you have to be certified
*ino todos vuestros proveedores tambin 5ut all your suppliers as well
8 sea3 tenemos que renegociar In other words we have to renegotiate
No veo otra salida I dont see any other way out
1endr que someter esto al conse)o Ill have to submit this to the board
2ist ME
'ay una escase, de mano de obra cualificada
en este pas
1here is a shortage of s-illed labour in this
No hay ni un solo ingeniero de caminos 1here isnt a single civil engineer
Deberais haber previsto ese problema You should have foreseen that problem
M(ndame un fontanero y un electricista *end me a plumber and an electrician
1engo dos fsicos nucleares aqu que no est(n
haciendo nada
I have two nuclear physicists here who are doing
2os voy a mandar a casa Im going to send them home
+ero hasta mayo vamos a cargarles en tu
5ut until May were going to charge them to your
;ntonces no me eches la bronca si salgo de
1hen dont get on my bac- if I go over budget
:ue idea tuya llevarlos all en primer lugar It was your idea to ta-e them there in the first
No nos pidas que paguemos tu falta de
Dont as- us to pay for your lac- of foresight
No soy perfecto3 lo admito Im not perfect I admit it
!Necesitas a alguien m(s# Do you need anybody else#
M(ndame un qumico y un e6perto en hormig&n *end me a chemist and an e6pert in concrete
;stamos en un calle)&n sin salida $e are on a dead end street
*e me han agotado las ideas Ive run out of ideas
4tropellaron al cartero 1hey ran over the postman
;l pobre hombre sufri& lesiones graves 1he poor man suffered serious in)uries
1uvo varias costillas rotas 'e had several bro-en ribs
2a ambulancia tard& una hora en llegar It too- the ambulance an hour to arrive
=na multitud de gente se congreg& 4 crowd of people gathered
;l conductor estaba muerto de miedo 1he driver was scared to death
Menos mal que estaba asegurado Its a good thing he was insured
4bran el libro por la p(gina cuarenta 8pen the boo- to page BE
:)ense c&mo empie,a el quinto p(rrafo 2oo- at how the fifth paragraph begins
;s tpico de la nueva hola de escritores Its typical of the new wave of writers
'an tirado las reglas cl(sicas por la ventana 1heyve thrown the classical rules out the window
!"u piensan =stedes# !4lgunas opiniones# $hat do you thin-# 4ny opinions#
%ualquiera puede hacer cosas as 4nybody can do things li-e that
Me recuerda la pintura abstracta It reminds me of abstract art
!;n qu sentido# In what way#
Nadie puede sacarle ni pies ni cabe,a Nobody can ma-e heads or tails of it
P0aya cara que tienes hoyQ You loo- awful todayQ
No he pegado o)o en toda la noche I didnt get any sleep last night
Incorp&rate y mantn la espalda recta *it up and -eep your bac- straight
1ienes que causar una buena impresi&n You have to ma-e a good impression
+areces vie)o y agotado You loo- tired and worn/out
1e est(n empe,ando a salir canas Youre starting to get grey hair
4ntes estabas lleno de energa You used to be full of energy
4ntes eras m(s fuerte que un buey You used to be stronger than an o6
No eres el mismo desde tu divorcio Youre not the same since your divorce
!"u quieres que haga# $hat do you want me to do#
*al y disfruta de la vida un poco <o out and en)oy life a little
1odava no estoy para ello Im not up to it yet
+ero tienes una larga vida por delante 5ut you have a long life ahead of you
Mi vida ya no es lo que fue My life isnt what it used to be
0ivir solo me deprime 2iving alone gets me down
Me recuerdas a mi primo You remind me of my cousin
1uvo el mismo problema pero lo resolvi& 'e had the same problem but he solved it
*e apunt& a un via)e colectivo al Jap&n 'e signed up for a pac-age tour to Japan
%onoci& a una chica y se cas& con ella 'e met a girl and married her
2ist ML
!"u tiene que ver mi coche con tu casa# $hat does my car have to do with your house#
'oy en da la ropa no tiene que hacer )uego Nowadays clothes dont have to match
Me apuesto a que no sabes mi nombre I bet you dont -now my name
*e est( haciendo cada ve, m(s difcil Its getting harder and harder
1ropec con Juan en el metro I ran into John in the subway
%hocaron contra el muro 1hey ran into the wall
:ui corriendo detr(s de ella I ran after her
2a alcanc en la esquina I caught up with her at the corner
1endremos 6ito a la larga $ell succeed in the long run
Nos quedamos sin gasolina $e ran out of gasoline
;l se7or +re, tiene la palabra Mr +ere, has the floor
*i tuviramos que empe,ar de cero If we had to start from scratch
+ens(ndolo bien s quiero una cerve,a 8n second thought I do want a beer
Me asegurar de que se haga Ill see to it that its done
2o tienes bien merecido It serves you right
*&lo veo un inconveniente I only see one drawbac-
;n resumidas cuentas estoy de acuerdo In short I agree
%ortaron la reuni&n antes de lo previsto 1hey cut the meeting short
!"uin dirige este cotarro# $ho is running this show#
2e gusta presumir de su coche nuevo 'e li-es to show of his new car
*i no lo hubieras lavado en agua caliente no se
habra encogido
If you hadnt washed it in hot water it wouldnt
have shrun-
*e encoge incluso en agua fra It shrin-s even in cold water
Metete por la primera calle lateral 1urn down the first side street
No hay un stop pero tienes que ceder 1here isnt a stop sign but you have to yield
1engo los cables cru,ados Ive got my wires crossed
No se te ocurra llamarle ahora Youd better not call him now
!%&mo pretendes que le localice# 'ow do you e6pect me to locate him#
1ienes que usar mtodos m(s sutiles You have to use more subtle ways
Me dieron una lista de reivindicaciones 1hey gave me a list of grievances
;6igen m(s dinero y menos traba)o 1hey demand more money and less wor-
%ualquier subida de salaries ser( supeditada a
un aumento en la productividad
4ny wage increase will be tied to an increase in
8)al( todo estuviera automati,ado I wish everything were automated
2as m(quinas no se declaran en huelga Machines dont go on stri-e
No se enferman cada dos por tres 1hey dont get sic- every other day
'acen lo que les dicen sin rechistar 1hey do what you tell them without saying a word
*era un sue7o hecho realidad It would be a dream come true
Desench9falo antes de repararlo =nplug it before repairing it
Dan por sentado que estamos de acuerdo 1hey ta-e for granted that we agree
D)ame que te de un conse)o 2et me give you a piece of advice
Yo que t9 no lo hara If I were you I wouldnt do it
P0aya golpe de suerteQ $hat a stro-e of luc-Q
"uiero desearte mucha suerte I want to wish you the best of luc-
+robar fortuna en esta profesi&n Ill try my luc- in this profession
%on un poco de suerte puede que ganes $ith a little luc- you may win
Me complace anunciar que It pleases me to announce that
*rvase =sted mismo 'elp yourself
Gl es muy difcil de contentar 'es very hard to please
;stoy satisfecho con tu progreso Im pleased with your progress
!'ay alg9n motivo para continuar# Is there any point in going on#
Gl quiere sumar puntos con el )efe 'e wants to score points with the boss
2ist MM
;s in9til continuar Its pointless to continue
!"u te pasa ahora# $hats the matter with you now#
1e voy a cortar el cuello Im going to cut your throat
1e voy a retorcer el cuello Im going to ring your nec-
Me est(s haciendo la vida imposible You re are ma-ing my life miserable
+arece que me est(s castigando It seems li-e youre punishing me
!;st(s# %re que se cort& la lnea 4re you there# I thought we got cut off
1enemos que recortar gastos $e have to cut bac- on e6penses
+ara abreviar3 se divorciaron 1o ma-e a long story short3 they got a divorce
;res una deshonra para familia You are a disgrace to the family
!"u conclusi&n sacas de esto# $hat conclusion do you draw from this#
!'as preparado ya el presupuesto# 'ave you drawn up the budget yet#
4 medida que adquieras e6periencia
aprender(s como tratar con la gente
4s you gain e6perience youll learn how to deal
with people
'aremos eso s&lo como 9ltimo recurso $ell do that only as a last resort
1uvimos que recurrir a financiaci&n e6terna $e had to resort to outside financing
!%&mo puedes soportar esa clase de arte# 'ow can you stand that -ind of art#
*i sigues intentando a la larga tendr(s 6ito If you -eep trying youll eventually succeed
Me cuesta traba)o respirar I have trouble breathing
%ortar( me)or si lo afilas Itll cut better if you sharpen it
'umedece el sello antes de pegarlo Moisten the stamp before stic-ing it on
!4 qu sabe# $hat does it taste li-e#
No s lo que es ser millonario I dont -now what its li-e to be a millionaire
;s como cualquier otra cosa Its li-e anything else
Dara lo que fuera para ser como t9 Id give anything to be li-e you
1engo problemas como todos los dem(s I have problems li-e everyone else
No tengo quien me planche la ropa I dont have anyone to iron my clothes
Nadie agradece mi generosidad No one appreciates my generosity
+or eso de) de ayudar a la gente 1hats why I quit helping people
%uanto m(s les ayudas menos agradecidos
1he more you help them the less grateful they
%uanto m(s r(pido vas3 m(s pronto llegas 1he faster you go the sooner you arrive
;so no est( relacionado con mi campo 1hat is not related to my field
+uesto que se fueron hace una hora no creo que
les puedas alcan,ar
*ince they left an hour ago I dont thin- you can
catch up with them
+ara ahora ya deben estar en *oria 5y now they should be in *oria
'abl sobre una gran variedad de temas I spo-e on a wide range of sub)ects
!+or qu no subes el suelo un poco# $hy dont you raise a floor a little#
1ambin podramos ba)ar el techo $e could also lower the ceiling
!+or que no hacis las dos cosas# $hy dont you do both#
Gl intent& levantar mis (nimos 'e tried to raise my spirits
;so suscita dudas acerca de su @de ellosA
capacidad para hacer el traba)o
1hat raises doubts about their ability to do the
2os (rboles no te de)an ver el bosque You cant see the forest for the trees
+demelo 4s- me for it
+rubatelo 1ry it on
;nsaya tu discurso ?ehearse your speech
2os ensayos para el papel empie,an hoy 1he rehearsals for the role start today
!+ara qu son estas cosas# $hat are these things for#
?eali,aron pruebas de la nueva droga 1hey performed test on the new drug
?espire profundamente 1a-e a deep breath
2lene los pulmones de aire :ill your lungs with air
Mantn la respiraci&n unos segundos 'old your breath for a few seconds
1e est(s poniendo a,ul Youre turning blue
2ist M>
'agas lo que hagas ten cuidado No matter what you do be careful
%rea un fichero para los datos %reate a file for the data
1ardar(s un da en introducir los datos Itll ta-e a day to enter the data
2a reuni&n se ha convocado para ma7ana 1he meeting has been called for tomorrow
;stoy preparando el orden del da Im preparing the agenda
;l conse)o se re9ne cada dos meses 1he board meets every two months
!%u(nto tiempo suele durar la reuni&n# 'ow long does the meeting usually last#
%asi nunca sobrepasa las dos horas It hardly ever goes beyond two hours
;so es corto para una reuni&n de conse)o 1hats short for a board meeting
4s lo quiere el presidente 1hats how the chairman wants it
Me hubiera gustado ver su cara Id have li-ed to have seen his face
?ealmente no estaba tan enfadado 'e really wasnt that angry
;nca)& las noticias bastante bien 'e too- the news pretty well
%re que iba a e6plotar I thought he was going to blow up
2a empresa suspendi& pagos 1he company suspended payments
4punta la cantidad en esta casilla $rite down the amount in this bo6
?ellena estos dos espacios en blanco :ill in these two blan-s
:rmalo en la esquina inferior derecha *ign it at the bottom right corner
*uma las cantidades 4dd up the amounts
*i hubiera habido un e6cedente de trigo lo
habramos e6portado
If there had been a surplus of wheat we would
have e6ported it
=na economa produce bienes y servicios 4n economy produces goods and services
2os precios oscilan seg9n la oferta y la
+rices fluctuate according to supply and demand
%uando la oferta e6cede la demanda los precios
$hen supply e6ceeds demand prices fall down
;n el caso contrario suben In the opposite case they go up
Muchos factores influyen en el +I5 Many factors influence <N+
!"u significa +I5# $hat does <N+ mean#
*ignifica +roducto Interior 5ruto It means <ross National +roduct
Mide el tama7o y la salud de la economa It measures the si,e and the health of the
5uenos das se7or +re,3 soy +edro <ood morning Mr +ere,R 1his is +eter
2e llamo de <eneral Motors Im calling you from <eneral Motors
*oy el Nuevo director de compras Im the new purchasing manager
2e llamo acerca de un peque7o problema con su
Im calling you about a small problem with your
Me refiero a la factura n9mero >E>E Im referring to invoice number >E>E
2a factura para pie,as y mano de obra 1he invoice for parts and labour
4l parecer hubo un malentendido 4pparently there was a misunderstanding
1enamos entendido que no nos iba a cobrar por
la mano de obra
$e understood that you werent going to charge
us for labour
;so puede ser3 pero no en nuestro caso 1hat may be but not in our case
*u carta del > de mayo afirm& que la mano de
obra sera libre de cargo
You letter of may >rd stated that labour would
be free of charge
!"uisiera que le mandara una copia# $ould you li-e me to send you a copy#
%omprendo perfectamente su poltica I perfectly understand your policy
;l acuerdo est( claro en este punto 1he agreement is clear on this point
2leva dos meses en vigor Its been in force for two months
No podemos cursar esta factura $e cant process this invoice
2o siento3 pero no podemos hacer nada Im sorry but we cant do anything
2e tengo que devolver la factura I have to return the invoice to you
;6pira una nueva sin la mano de obra Issue a new one without labour
2e pagaremos cuando la recibamos $ell pay you when we receive it
%ursaremos la factura sin demora $ell process the invoice without delay
;s un placer hacer negocios con =sted Its a pleasure doing business with you
*igamos en contacto 2ets stay in touch
2ist MB
No he hecho nada en absoluto I havent done anything at all
4lguien debera investigar ese asunto *omeone should loo- into that matter
4 nadie parece importarle demasiado Nobody seems to care that much
No lo dobles as Dont fold it li-e that
4l)ate del fuego <et away from the fire
;lla se dio de ba)a de la clase *he dropped out of the class
1ienes que dar paso a esos coches You have to give way to those cars
;ste tipo de calendario resulta 9til 1his -ind of calendar comes in handy
2l(male de nuevo %all him bac-
4verigua todo lo que puedas :ind out everything you can
;stoy esper(ndolo con mucha ilusi&n Im loo-ing forward to it
Gchale un vista,o y dime lo que opinas 2oo- it over and tell me what you thin-
;spera3 d)ame coger un l(pi, 'ang on3 let me get a pencil
8s parecis mucho You loo- a lot ali-e
Dimos por supuesto que lo sabais $e too- for granted that you -new it
No deberas burlarte de esa gente You shouldnt ma-e fun of those people
'ay espacio para uno m(s 1heres room for one more
%(lmate %alm down
+uedes descartar esa posibilidad You can rule out that possibility
2as cortinas prendieron fuego 1he curtains caught fire
Nosotros rellenaremos esos de cuadros $ell fill in those bo6es
!+odras dar marcha atr(s unos metros# %ould you bac- up a few metres#
Mantn la espalda recta .eep your bac- straight
*i tengo una moneda se la dar @a lA If I have a coin Ill give it to him
*i tuviera una moneda te la dara If I had a coin Id give it to you
*i hubiera tenido una moneda se la habra dado If I had had a coin I would have given it to him
*i puedo lo har Ill do it if I can
*i pudiera lo hara If I could I would do it
*i hubiera podido lo habra hecho If I had been able I would have done it
*i s la respuesta te la dir If I -now the answer Ill tell you
*i supiera la respuesta te la dira If I -new the answer Id tell you
*i hubiera sabido la respuesta te la habra
If I had -nown the answer I would have told you
*i hay tiempo se har( If theres time itll be done
If there were time it would be done
*i hubiera habido tiempo se habra hecho If there had been time it would have been done
!'a habido incidentes 9ltimamente# 'ave there been any incidents lately#
Me cuesta traba)o entenderte I have trouble understanding you
%uanto m(s r(pido vas m(s pronto llegas 1he faster you go the sooner you arrive
No quiero entrar en detalles I dont want to go into detail
M(s vale que me digas todo Youd better tell me everything
4punta antes de disparar 4im before firing
1u progreso no ha sido del todo bueno Your progress hasnt been all that good
No puedes mantenerte con el grupo You cant -eep up with the group
1e est(s quedando atr(s Youre falling behind
+ronto ser(s un lastre para el grupo *oon youll be a drag on the group
1e voy a sacar del grupo Im going to ta-e you out of the group
2o estoy haciendo por tu propio bien Im doing it for your own good
*i hubieras hecho un mayor esfuer,o no
habramos llegado a esto
If you had made a greater effort we wouldnt
have come to this
+ero puesto que no hiciste un esfuer,o no
tenemos m(s remedio
5ut since you didnt ma-e an effort we have no
Deberas haber estudiado m(s You should have studied more
2ist MC
No queda nada por hacer 1heres nothing left to do
Me voy Im leaving
Ya no aguanto esto I cant stand this anymore
;res libre de hacer lo que quieras Youre free to do whatever you want
+uedes hacer lo que te de la gana You can do whatever you feel li-e
Nadie te est( reteniendo aqu Nobody is -eeping you here
!4 quin le gusta este sitio# $ho li-es this place#
!"u le gusta a Juan# $hat does John li-e#
!%u(les son tus prioridades# $hat are your priorities#
+ara ser efica, debes fi)ar prioridades 1o be effective you must set priorities
!1e importara regarme las plantas# $ould you mind watering my plants#
0oy a estar fuera durante tres semanas Im going to be away for three wee-s
+asar por tu oficina para de)arte las llaves Ill drop by your office to leave you the -eys
!;star(s all sobre las seis# $ill you be there around si6#
!%u(ndo estar(s de vuelta# $hen will you be bac-#
"ue te lo pases muy bien 'ave a good time
No hagas nada que yo no hara Dont do anything I wouldnt do
M(ndame una postal *end me a postcard
;sto podra haber sido peor 1his could have been worse
Menos mal que nos enteramos de ello a tiempo Its a good thing we learned about it in time
+odramos haber sufrido prdidas $e could have suffered losses
No quiero que esto vuelva a ocurrir I dont want this to happen again
'emos estado estudiando tu propuesta $eve been studying your proposal
!%&mo piensas medir el 6ito de la campa7a# 'ow doe you plan to measure the success of the
!"uin va a llevar a cabo la encuesta# $ho is going to carry out the survey#
!%u(nto tardar(n# 'ow long will it ta-e them#
!%u(nto nos cobrar(n# 'ow much will they charge us#
!%u(ndo lan,aremos la campa7a de prensa# $hen will we launch the press campaign#
!0amos a hacer la campa7a de mailing# 4re we going to do a mailing campaign#
!%u(ntas cartas se van a mandar# 'ow many letters are going to be sent#
!;stamos dentro del presupuesto# 4re we in budget#
!"u m(s vamos a hacer# $hat else are we going to do#
!No sera me)or subcontratarlo# $ouldnt it be better to subcontract it#
*on con mucho los m(s capaces 1hey are by far the most capable
"uiero un estudio en profundidad I want an in depth study
;n cuanto a l puedes hacer lo que quieras 4s for him you can do whatever you want
*e comporta como si fuera el )efe 'e behaves as if he were the boss
;st(n al tanto de todo 1hey are aware of everything
No hay duda al respecto 1heres no doubt about it
*al con las manos vacas I came out empty/handed
1ienes que dar el e)emplo You have to set an e6ample
'asta cierto punto estoy de acuerdo 1o a certain e6tent I agree
"ue yo sepa nada ha cambiado 4s far as I -now nothing has changed
;n lo que a mi se refiere te puedes ir 4s far as Im concerned you can leave
'asta ahora todo ha ido bien *o far everything has gone well
Nac a principios de los cincuenta I was born in the early fifties
Me case a finales de los sesenta I got married in the late si6ties
Nos mudamos a mediados de los sesenta $e moved in the mid si6ties
*oy partidario de ir en coche Im in favour of going by car
'an ocurrido bastantes cosas desde entonces "uite a few things have happened since then
List 26
%ru,aron la meta en primer lugar 1hey crossed the finish line in first place
;stamos gan(ndoles terreno $ere gaining ground on them
2es estamos alcan,ando $ere catching up with them
*e a)usta como un guante It fits li-e a glove
1engo que tratarles con guante de seda I have to treat them with a sil- glove
+or el amor de Dios !qu has hecho# $hat have you done for <ods sa-e#
Me voy para siempre Im leaving for good
No te guardo rencor I dont hold a grudge against you
Nos asaltaron a punta de pistola 1hey held us up at gun point
No quiero ri,ar el ri,o I dont want to split hairs
Nos de)aron salir con venta)a 1hey gave us a head start
'a,lo de esta forma por si acaso Do it this way )ust in case
'ablaron detenidamente sobre el asunto 1hey spo-e at length about the matter
4 la larga todo saldr( bien In the long run everything will turn out fine
2o ultimo que necesitamos aqu es un boca,as
como l
1he last thing we need here is a loud mouth li-e
Gl se enamor& locamente de ella 'e fell madly in love with her
1ienes suerte de tener un marido como l Youre luc-y to have a husband li-e him
;ste negocio e6iste para ganar dinero 1his business e6ists to ma-e money
No importa c&mo It doesnt matter how
1enemos tres productos en el mercado $e have three products on the mar-et
Mientras tanto puedes revisar esto In the meantime you can chec- this
P"u foll&nQ $hat a messQ
*iempre estoy de buen humor Im always in a good mood
Duermo las siestas todas las tardes I ta-e a nap every afternoon
Nunca mantienes tus promesas You never -eep your promises
"uiero convocar una reuni&n especial I want to call a special meeting
"uiero que hagas una presentaci&n I want you to ma-e a presentation
"uiero que prepares algo sobre la calidad total I want you to prepare something about total
!+refieres usar transparencias o diapositivas# Do you prefer to use overheads or slides#
2os )efes de departamento asistir(n 1he department heads will attend
!%u(nto tardar(s en prepararlo# 'ow long will it ta-e you to prepare it#
!"u ha sido ese ruido# $hat was that noise#
Yo no he odo nada I didnt hear anything
0iene de la cocina Its coming from the -itchen
*uena como si algo estuviera hirviendo It sounds as if something were boiling
1e di)e que no ba)aras el volumen I told you not to turn down the volume
*9belo un poco 1urn in up a little
'ay un mont&n de papeles sobre mi mesa 1heres a stac- of paper on my des-
'an subido los costes laborales 2abour costs have gone up
Descansemos unos minutos en la sombra 2ets rest for the few minutes in the shade
Nos quedan aun tres -il&metros $e still have three -ilometres left
0oy a hacer el resto de camino andando Im going to wal- the rest of the way
4penas puedo mantenerme de pie I can hardly stay on my feet
!Me ayudas a levantarme# %an you help me get up#
*e nos est( acabando el tiempo 8ur time is running out
No te preocupes3 nos sobra tiempo Dont worry3 we have plenty of time
Mi hi)o por fin se ha graduado My son has finally graduated
'a tardado die, a7os It has ta-en him ten years
'a sido lucha constante a7o tras a7o It has been a constant struggle year after year
+ero ha valido la pena 5ut it has been worth it
2ist MF
+rep(rate para una sorpresa +repare yourself for a surprise
2a compa7a te va a ascender 1he company is going to promote you
4 partir de ma7ana vas a ser una persona
*tarting tomorrow youre going to be an
important person
%omer(s en el comedor e)ecutivo Youll eat in the e6ecutive dinning room
0ia)ar(s en primera clase Youll travel in first class
1endr(s un coche de la compa7a Youll have a company car
1e dar(n una cuenta de gastos 1heyll give you an e6pense account
1u foto aparecer( en la prensa Your picture will appear in the press
Dos departamentos depender(n de ti 1wo departments will report to you
*er(s la mano derecha del presidente Youll be the chairmans right hand man
1u despacho estar( en la planta superior Your office will be on the top floor
1endr(s un cuarto de ba7o privado Youll have a private bathroom
1u despacho ser( tres veces mayor que este Your office will be three times bigger than this
1endr(s una moqueta de lana Youll have a wool carpet
1u ventana dar( al ro Your window will loo- over the river
0er(s el aeropuerto a lo le)os Youll see the airport in the distance
+odr(s ver el ir y venir de los aviones Youll see the planes coming and going
Y sabes !qu m(s# 4nd do you -now what else#
+aquita ser( tu secretaria +aquita will be your secretary
No quiero que ella sea mi secretaria I dont want her to be my secretary
;lla es muy mandona y dominante *hes very bossy and domineering
;lla me pone nervioso *he ma-es me nervous
Y adem(s se que)a todo el tiempo 4nd besides she complains all the time
M(s vale que te acostumbres a ella Youd better get used to her
:ue por decisi&n del presidente It was the chairmans decision
1&malo o d)alo 1a-e it or leave it
4yudar(s a elaborar su agenda Youll help to draw his agenda
4sistir(s a las reuniones del conse)o Youll attend the board meetings
No me atrevera a hacer algo as I wouldnt dare do something li-e that
D)ame que intente una ve, m(s 2et me try one more time
No te decepcionar I wont let you down
+uedes contra conmigo You can count on me
0amos a salir del presupuesto $ere going to run over the budget
:irma encima de la lnea discontinua *ign above the dotted line
;l que sea verdad o no es otra cuesti&n $hether its true or not is another matter
;stn de acuerdo con nosotros o no vamos a
seguir adelante
$hether they agree with us or not were going to
go ahead
%uando sonres pareces die, a7os m(s )oven $hen you smile you loo- ten years younger
!+or qu siempre te pones tan serio# $hy do you always loo- so serious#
!+or qu abandonaste tu pas# $hy did you leave your country#
'ubo una serie de huelgas que desestabili,aron
la economa
1here was a series of stri-es that destabilised
the economy
*e convocaron elecciones anticipadas ;arly elections were called
Nadie gan& una mayora Nobody won a ma)ority
'ubo luchas internas en cada partido 1here was a political infighting in every party
2os militares se hicieron con el poder 1he military too- power
Decidieron abolir los partidos 1hey decided to abolish the parties
Me metieron en la c(rcel 1hey put me in )ail
4 los dos a7os hubo una amnista general 1wo years later there was a general amnesty
%ompr un billete de avi&n y aqu estoy I bought a plane tic-et and here I am
4hora tengo que empe,ar de cero Now I have to start from scratch
Menos mal que no perd mis ahorros Its a good thing I didnt lose my savings
2ist MJ
;stamos al borde del precipicio $e are on the edge of the cliff
;stoy al borde de un ataque de nervios Im on the verge of a nervous brea-down
'a llegado el momento de hacer algo 1he time has come to do something
1engo un alto concepto de l I have a high regard for him
*iempre parece saber lo que hace 'e always seems to -now what hes doing
1iene un se6to sentido como las mu)eres 'e has a si6th sense li-e women
2as mu)eres no tienen seis sentidos $omen dont have si6 senses
1ienen mucha m(s intuici&n que nosotros 1hey have much more intuition than we do
!%&mo vas a encuadernar esos papeles# 'ow are you going to bind those papers#
De la forma habitual In the usual way
!%&mo se hace aqu# 'ow is it done here#
*e hace mediante un proceso trmico Its done by means of a heat process
!%&mo has dado conmigo# 'ow did you find me#
5usqu tu nombre en la gua telef&nica I loo-ed up your name in the phone boo-
No te has afeitado hoy You didnt shave today
1engo intenci&n de de)arme barba Im planning to grow a beard
+ero est(s bien como est(s 5ut youre fine the way you are
'emos adelantado la reuni&n $eve brought the meeting forward
No creo que lo hicieran I dont thin- they did it
No podran haberlo hecho 1hey couldnt have done it
;staban conmigo toda la noche 1hey were with me all night
;s imposible que lo hicieran Its impossible for them to have done it
Me hubiera gustado estar contigo Id have li-ed to have been with you
'abra dado lo que fuera por estar all Id have given anything to have been there
;n aquel entonces haba una chica que me
4t that time there was a girl I li-ed
*e sentaba delante de mi en clase *he sat in front of me in class
;ra la chica m(s hermosa que )am(s haba visto *he was the most beautiful girl Id ever seen
No poda quitar los o)os de ella I couldnt ta-e my eyes off her
Menos mal que se sentaba delante de mi Its a good thing she sat in front of me
No se daba cuenta de que la miraba *he didnt realise I was loo-ing at her
"uera pedirla que saliera conmigo I wanted to as- her to go out with me
1ard dos meses en reunir suficiente valor It too- me two months to get up enough courage
2a par en el pasillo y se lo pregunt I stopped her in the hall and as-ed her
+areca sorprendida pero acept& *he seemed surprised but she accepted
;l viernes la recog en su casa 8n :riday I pic-ed her up at her house
'aba reservado una mesa en el me)or
restaurante de la ciudad
Id reserved the table in the best restaurant in
:ue una cena maravillosa It was a wonderful dinner
4ntes del postre fui al servicio 5efore the dessert I went to the mans room
De vuelta a la mesa la chica se rea 5ac- at the table the girl was laughing
Me di)o que mi cremallera estaba abierta *he told me my ,ipper was open
2a cerr muy discretamente I closed it very discreetly
No me di cuenta de algo importante I didnt realise something important
;l mantel se haba enganchado en mi cremallera 1he table cloth had got stuc- in my ,ipper
Imagnate lo que pas& despus Imagine what happened then
Me levant de la mesa para irme I got up from the table to leave
Di unos pasos entre las mesas I too- some steps between the tables
2lev el mantel conmigo sin darme cuenta I too- the table cloth with me without realising
1odos los platos cayeron al suelo 4ll the plates fell to the floor
1oda la gente me miraba 4ll the people were loo-ing at me
Me case con la chica cinco a7os m(s tarde I married the girl five years later
2ist MK
=n hombre entr& en un calle)&n 4 man wal-ed into an alley
;ra de noche It was night time
*e acerc& andando a tres hombres 'e wal-ed up to three men
2es ense7& algo que llevaba en una ca)a 'e showed them something he was carrying in a
2os tres miraron en la ca)a 1he three loo-ed into the bo6
!"u es lo que buscaban# $hat were they loo-ing for#
5uscaban un bra,o 1hey were loo-ing for an arm
!+or qu me cuentas historias como esa# $hy do you tell me stories li-e that#
%rea que te gustaban I thought you li-ed them
Me ponen los pelos de punta 1hey ma-e my hair stand on end
'ablemos de cosas m(s agradables 2ets tal- about nicer things
+ero primero termina el relato 5ut first finish the story
+ara resumirlo se trataba de un mdico 1o sum it up it was about a doctor
;l que llevaba la ca)a era mdico 1he one carrying the bo6 was a doctor
Dos das antes se haba cortado el bra,o 1wo days before he had cut off his arm
:ue a ense7(rselos a tres hombres 'e went to show it to the three men
4s cumpla una promesa In that way he fulfilled a promise
2os cuatro hombres se conocan 1he four men -new each other
*e conocieron en un barco que se hundi& 1hey met on a ship that san-
:ueron los 9nicos supervivientes 1hey were the only survivors
2ograron llegar a una isla desierta 1hey managed to reach a desert island
No haba comida en la isla 1here wasnt any food on the island
*aban que moriran de hambre si no 1hey -new that they would starve to death if
they didnt
Ya puedes de)ar de contra la historia You can stop telling the story now
Ya me imagino lo que pas& I can already imagine what happened
;ntonces pasemos a otro tema 1hen lets go on to another sub)ect
"uiero ense7arte a mane)ar esta m(quina I want to show you how to operate this machine
!+or qu no lo hiciste# $hy didnt you do it#
Me di)iste que lo ibas a hacer You told me you were going to do it
2o hubiera hecho yo si hubiera sabido que no lo
ibas a hacer
I would have done it if I had -nown you werent
going to do it
!"uin te di)o que lo hicieras# $ho told you to do it#
!4 quin ense7aste la foto# $ho did you show the picture to#
2o har(s ma7ana !no# Youll do it tomorrow3 wont you#
2o haras por mi !no# Youd do it for me3 wouldnt you#
2o has hecho muchas veces !no# Youve done it many times3 havent you#
2o vas a hacer m(s tarde !no# Youre going to do it later3 arent you#
+uedes hacerlo !no# You can do it3 cant you#
2o haces a menudo !no# You do it often3 dont you#
"uiero alargar el cable I want to lengthen the cable
1enemos que levantar la moral aqu $e have to lift the moral here
No s lo que me pasa I dont -now whats the matter with me
4ntes no tardaba nada en hacer estas listas It used to ta-e me no time to do these lists
4hora es como mover una monta7a Now its li-e moving a mountain
*e me ha agotado la imaginaci&n Ive run out of imagination
Ya no me siento inspirado I dont feel inspired anymore
"ui,( debiera dedicarme a otra cosa May be I should devote myself to something else
Mi cerebro no parece funcionar como antes My brain doesnt seem to wor- li-e it used to
Me est( costando traba)o terminar este libro Im having trouble finishing this boo-
Y todava me queda una lista m(s 4nd I still have one more list left
Menos mal que este es mi 9ltimo libro Its a good thing this is my last boo-
2ist >E
'e odo todo lo que has dicho I heard everything youve said
5ueno !y qu# $ell3 so what#
No deberas decir cosas as You shouldnt say things li-e that
!"u van a pensar tus alumnos# $hat are your students going to thin-#
0as a perder su confian,a Youre going to lose their confidence
;st(s cansado pero no est(s acabado Youre tired but youre not finished
1e quedan muchos libros por hacer You have a lot of boo-s left to ma-e
0as a hacer uno sobre mar-eting Youre going to ma-e one about mar-eting
1ienes que hacer uno sobre contabilidad You have to ma-e one about accounting
1ienes que grabarlos en un estudio You have to record them in a studio
<racias por las palabras bonitas 1han-s for the nice words
8)al( fuera verdad todo eso I wish all that were true
Me encantara hacer m(s libros Id love to ma-e more boo-s
Nada me agradara m(s Nothing would please me more
+ero ya no soy la sombre de lo que fui 5ut Im not a shadow of what I was
4ntes no haba nada que me frenara 1here used to be nothing to stop me
Me he vuelto mucho m(s cauto Ive become much more cautious
4hora la vida parece m(s difcil Now life seems more difficult
1odo parece cuesta arriba ;verything seems uphill
Me estoy empe,ando a cansar Im starting to get tired
;st(s pasando por una mala racha Youre going through a bad period
;st(s en la crisis de los cuarenta Youre in a midlife crisis
Ya saldr(s de ella Youll come out of it
2a vida tiene sus altiba)os 2ife has its ups and downs
No olvides tus dos dichos favoritos Dont forget your two favourite sayings
"uerer es poder $here theres a will theres a way
Y !%u(l es el segundo# 4nd what is the second#
No puede traducirse al espa7ol It cant be translated into *panish
+uesto que pareces estar de buen humor
chame una mano
*ince you seem to be in a good mood give me a
!"u quieres que haga# $hat do you want me to do#
"uiero que me termines esta lista I want you to finish this list for me
!%u(ntas frases te quedan# 'ow many sentences do you have left#
Me quedan bastantes I have quite a few left
!+or qu no das algunos conse)os# $hy dont you give some advice#
2a gente est( harta de mis conse)os +eople are sic- of my advice
"uin soy yo para dar conse)os de todos modos $ho am I to give advice anyway#
1us conse)os valen su peso en oro Your advice is worth its weight in gold
No soy tan presumido Im not that presumptuous
;ste es el cuarto libro de la serie 1his is the fourth boo- in the series
No es m(s difcil que el libro tres Its not more difficult than boo- three
;stos libros contienen toda la mec(nica del
idioma que vas a necesitar
1hese boo-s contain all of the mechanics of the
language youre going to need
*i est(s haciendo esta lista significa que tienes
un nivel bastante alto
If youre doing this list it means you have a fairly
high level
Dedica tu tiempo a leer novelas Devote your time to reading novels
=sa el ingls siempre que puedas =se ;nglish whenever you can
2as clases de ingls no te ayudar(n ;nglish classes wont help you
2a soluci&n final s&lo puede venir de ti 1he final solution can only come from you
No esperes que otros te resuelven los
Dont e6pect others to solve your problems for
;l ingles es como todo lo dem(s ;nglish is li-e everything else
=n profesor s&lo te puede llevar hasta la mitad
del puente
4 teacher can only ta-e you half way across the
1ienes que transitar el resto de camino t9 solo You have to go the rest of the way by yourself

También podría gustarte