Samraat Singh, the renowned pen name of Jainendra Gautam, is a literary maverick who thrives on pushing creative boundaries. Hailing from Bihar, India, Samraat began his journey into the world of w...ver másSamraat Singh, the renowned pen name of Jainendra Gautam, is a literary maverick who thrives on pushing creative boundaries. Hailing from Bihar, India, Samraat began his journey into the world of words as DoDo, an audacious teenager crafting raw, unapologetic verses during his senior secondary school years.
RAP GENESIS is a testament to that fearless creativity—a fusion of six lyrical albums, five in English and one in Hindi (हिन्दी), capturing the untamed energy of youth and the rhythmic soul of rap. It's not just a book; it's a pulse, a vibe, a movement.
A graduate in Geology from Patna University with a professional stint at CSIR-CIMFR, Samraat blends intellectual depth with artistic daring. Currently pursuing a Master's in Geoinformatics, he remains unafraid to experiment, evolve, and redefine storytelling.
As the author of the critically acclaimed A Death Day Saga, Samraat Singh has already carved his name in contemporary literature. But with RAP GENESIS, he invites readers into the raw, unfiltered world of DoDo—where rhythm meets reason and words spark revolution.ver menos