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por sus conocimientos impartidos durante el desarrollo de este trabajo que llegué a concluir. A las autoridades de la Facultad de Ingenierías, en especial al Ing. Raúl Álvarez, Director de la Carrera de Ingeniería Industrial. De igual... more
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Abstract. – The work presented constitutes the design and construction of a lab-scale bioreactor to produce biogas from the organic matter known as biomass. The study involves different factors such as the type of bioreactor, materials... more
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Introduction Despite the fast and ongoing advances of Additive Manufacturing processes (AM), parts printed by Binder Jetting (BJ) technology present high brittleness, specially in ceramic materials. Thus it is a challenge to reduce it... more
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      3D printingAdditive Manufacturingbinder jetting
In the postprocess of infiltration in the Binder Jetting technology, the permeability (k) and hydraulic conductivity (K) are essential factors in the penetration of the infiltrant within the three-dimensional printing (3DP) model and thus... more
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      Materials ScienceAdditive Manufacturingbinder jetting
This article analyzes the interrelation between water and energy, taking as a case the analysis of the water flow of the Coca Codo Sinclair Hydroelectric Project. It investigates the case of this emblematic project, where the water used... more
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    • Water-Energy Nexus
The policy of Transformation of the Productive Matrix (TPM) created by the Ecuadorian government in 2013 focuses on stimulating the local production, reducing imports in raw materials and finished products. The main aim of this research... more
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La búsqueda incansable para hallar una vinculación entre la tecnología y la educación responde a la necesidad diaria del progreso y crecimiento económico y social de un país. Por esta razón el presente proyecto enlaza estos dos elementos... more
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This article analyzes the interrelation between water and energy, taking as a case the analysis of the water flow of the Coca Codo Sinclair Hydroelectric Project. It investigates the case of this emblematic project, where the water used... more
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    • Water Energy Nexus
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The objective of this article is to analyze the food transport in Ecuador faced with a possible reduction in the subsidy of diesel, taking as a case study the Metropolitan Public Company Wholesale Marketplace of Quito, in order to... more
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      BusinessEnergy PolicyAgricultural EconomicsMultidisciplinary
In Latin America and the Caribbean, the interrelationships among water, energy, and food are complex, partly due to their development models, which are intensive in their use of these resources. This research aims to recognize and... more
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      Energy ConsumptionEmbodied EnergyResourcesVirtual Water
este campo tan atractivo. 1.º, cuando se considera un problema específico en esta área, surge la necesidad de realizar trabajo interdisciplinario; esto ha llevado a muchos investigadores a mantener intercambios muy fructíferos con... more
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The fullerene molecule belongs to the so-called super materials. The compound is interesting due to its spherical configuration where atoms occupy positions forming a mechanically stable structure. We first demonstrate that pollen of... more
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      Pollen MorphologyNanotechnologyMultidisciplinaryFullerenes
The fullerene molecule belongs to the so-called super materials. The compound is interesting due to its spherical configuration where atoms occupy positions forming a mechanically stable structure. We first demonstrate that pollen of... more
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