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Pendant 6 mois entre l’été 2011 et l’hiver 2012, un large mouvement de contestation populaire israélien a pris corps dans les villes, bénéficiant de relais dans l’opinion publique et l’espace médiatique et a ébranlé la vie politique... more
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In Israel, major social justice protests that developed during the “Peoples’ Spring”were marked by the emergence of spontaneous mobilizations and totally new forums for debate and criticism, such as the creation of a people’s assembly... more
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      Social PoliciesSocial MobilitySocial Housing
The 99%, the Indignados, Take the square, Occupy Wall Street, May 15, J14. These various revolt movements that crossed every continent in 2011 are highly urban in nature. Like the Arab revolts that inspired them, the 99, Occupy and the... more
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      Social MovementsPublic SpaceOccupy Wall Street
99%, Indignés, Take the square, Occupy Wall Street, May 15, J14, ces différents mouvements de révolte, qui ont traversé tous les continents durant l’année 2011, ont un caractère fortement urbain. Comme pour les révoltes arabes, dont ils... more
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      Social MovementsPublic SpaceOccupy Movement
Domestiquer son environnement dans un territoire confiné : le camp de réfugiés de Shu'faat à Jérusalem-Est par Sylvaine BULLE | Belin | Genèses 2009/1 -N° 74 ISSN 1155-3219 | ISBN 2-7011-5298-1 | pages 94 à 113 Pour citer cet article :... more
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      Refugee StudiesCommunity Engagement & ParticipationJerusalem
La morale et la justice peuvent-elles s’inscrire dans des situations imposant la survie et comprimant toute possibilité de liberté et d’accomplissement individuels ? À cette question, nous tentons d’apporter des éléments de réponse en... more
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      Critical ThinkingIsrael/PalestineMoral Philosophy
Distribution électronique pour ENS Cachan.
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      Social InteractionIsrael/PalestineUrban Sociology
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      Migration StudiesChicago HistoryMiddle East
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      Critical TheoryWar StudiesIsrael/PalestineCritique of Culturalism
The breakdown of the peace accords, the resumption of the Intifida in 2000, and the numerous military incursions that followed marked a new phase in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Today, East Jerusalem is a city cut in two by a... more
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      Divided CitiesSocial Theory, Urban and Cultural Studies, and the Interactions Between Urban Space, Politics, Memory, and Subjectivity
A paraitre dans Between the Lines; Forward some social ecology, Gricthing A & Zebich-
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      CommunicationPragmatismIsrael/PalestineSocial Ecology
Communication à l´ALBA , juin 2006 Sylvaine Bulle Paru dans : « Politiques d´urbanité dans les camps. Le cas palestinien », Conquérir et reconquérir la ville, Aki, Z et Beyhum, N (dir), Beyrouth, Université de Balamand, ALBA, Beyrouth,... more
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      Refugee StudiesIsrael/PalestineRefugee Camps
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      Social HistoryPhenomenology of Space and PlaceMaurice Halbwachs
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      PragmaticsWilliam JamesUrban theory
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      Social MovementsRosia MontanaGlobalization, Alter-Globalization, Antiglobalization, Globalization from Below, World Social Forum, Terrorism, New Media, Ecology
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      PalestineMemory StudiesCities and globalization/Global cities
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      AnthropologyPragmatismTim Ingold
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Are the demands of indignados of all countries fundamentally the same, or does each movement have its distinctive style? For Sylvaine Bulle, Israel's J14 movement must be understood as a critique of the state of exception.
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      Social MovementsInternational Occupy MovementAnticapitalism
Distribution électronique pour Assoc. Multitudes. © Assoc. Multitudes. Tous droits réservés pour tous pays.
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      Israel StudiesRadical Democracy