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edit[[1991 India economic crisis]] [[2007â??present recession in the United States]] [[2011 Skoda Rapid]] [[32 bit microprocessors]] [[555 timer IC]] [[64 bit microprocessors]] [[AD-AS model]] [[AI in Line Tracer]] [[AI in Transportation]] [[AI in military applications]] [[AI in nuclear applications]] [[AK model]] [[Abs (programming)]] [[Abstract type]] [[Accelerated stress testing]] [[Acceptance Sampling]] [[Acceptance sampling]] [[Accessibility]] [[Acos]] [[Activity recognition]] [[Advanced Programmable Interrupt Controller]] [[Advanced features of CAD software for drafting]] [[Advanced jigs and fixtures]] [[Adverse selection]] [[Affective computing]] [[Aggregate expenditure]] [[Aggregate income]] [[Agricultural Cooperative]] [[Agricultural cooperative]] [[Agricultural cooperative marketing in India]] [[Agricultural insurance in India]] [[Aicraft propeller]] [[Aircraft design process]] [[All India Financial Institutions]] [[Alloc.h]] [[Anganwadi]] [[Animat]] [[Animation studio]] [[Applications of ODE]] [[Applications of UML]] [[Arthashastra]] [[Artificial Imagination]] [[Artificial Inteligence in fiction]] [[Artificial Intelligence and Law]] [[Artificial Intelligence as a Positive andNegative Factor in Global Risk]] [[Artificial Intelligence in Data Mining]] [[Artificial Intelligence in medicines]] [[Artificial Intelligence in routing schemes]] [[Artificial Passenger]] [[Artificial brain]] [[Artificial intelligence in Interfaces]] [[Artificial intelligence in e commerce]] [[Artificial intelligence in industries]] [[Artificial scarcity]] [[Asctime]] [[Ashutosh Gowariker]] [[Ashwani Thakur]] [[Asset Price Inflation]] [[Asset based welfare]] [[Atan(c)]] [[Atan2(c)]] [[Audio signal processing]] [[Auto-encoder]] [[Automated Planning and Scheduling]] [[Automated proof checking]] [[Automatic Gear Changer]] [[Automobile design]] [[Autonomous robot architecture]] [[Avalanche breakdown]] [[Balanced budget]] [[Ballistic transistor]] [[Band brake]] [[Band pass filter]] [[Band pass filter using different components]] [[Bank failure]] [[Banking in India]] [[Basel I]] [[Bearing (mechanical)]] [[Behavioural theory of the firm]] [[Bevel gear]] [[Bharat Nirman]] [[Bhilai Steel Plant]] [[Big Push Model]] [[Binary expression tree]] [[Binomial distribution]] [[Bitwise operations in C]] [[Boiler design]] [[Brakes and clutches]] [[Btowc]] [[Buddhist economics]] [[Business rules engine]] [[CSR]] [[CSR at L&T (subpage)]] [[Cam follower mechanism]] [[Capital Market]] [[Capital accounting(financial accounts)]] [[Capital adequacy ratio]] [[Capitation fee]] [[Carbon neutrality]] [[Carg]] [[Cascade amplifier]] [[Cash Reserve Ratio]] [[Casinh (C)]] [[Caste politics in India]] [[Central Government Health Scheme]] [[Certificate of Deposit]] [[Chakravarty Committee on Monetary Policy (1985)]] [[Challenges of Inflationary Policy In India]] [[Chamberlin's oligopoly model]] [[Chi Square Test]] [[Child labour]] [[Child labour in India]] [[Child rights and corporate social responsibilty]] [[Chip formation]] [[Cimag]] [[Circular flow of income]] [[Cis]] [[Classical Theory of Growth and Stagnation]] [[Clearerr]] [[Clipper (electronics)]] [[Clock]] [[Cloud testing]] [[Code synthesis based object models]] [[Cold War in Europe]] [[Commercial paper in India]] [[Commercial policy]] [[Compatibility testing]] [[Composite structure diagram]] [[Compressed-air vehicle]] [[Computer Vision]] [[Conductivity modulation]] [[Confidence interval]] [[Conj]] [[Consistent hashing]] [[Constructor (object-oriented programming)]] [[Container (data structure)]] [[Contribution of corporate social responsibility in india]] [[Corporate Sustainability]] [[Corporate social responsibility Bharat Petroleum]] [[Corporate social responsibility at Bharat Petroleum]] [[Corporate social responsibility at Hero Honda]] [[Corporate social responsibility at Hyundai]] [[Corporate social responsibilty at Coca-Cola India]] [[Corporate sustainability]] [[Correlation analysis]] [[Cosh]] [[Cost-plus pricing]] [[Couplings]] [[Cpow]] [[Cproj]] [[Creal]] [[Creativity techniques]] [[Credit Control]] [[Cricket bat industry of India]] [[Critical minimum effort theory]] [[Crowding out (economics)]] [[Crowdsource testing]] [[Cryogenic engineering]] [[Csqrt]] [[Currency management by the Reserve Bank of India]] [[Curve fitting]] [[DLF Foundation]] [[DMA controller]] [[DRAM]] [[Darjeeling tea]] [[Dasain]] [[Data Structures/Stacks and Queues]] [[Data file]] [[Data flow diagram]] [[Database]] [[Debt of developing countries]] [[Decimation (signal processing)]] [[Default arguments]] [[Deflationary gap]] [[Demand-led growth]] [[Demographic dividend]] [[Demographics of India]] [[Deque (C++)]] [[Derivative (finance)]] [[Design Of Mechanical Joints]] [[Design and manufacturing of gears]] [[Design and manufacturing of planetary mixer with strainer]] [[Design of keys and shafts]] [[Design of moulds]] [[Developing countries' debt]] [[Dictionary-based machine translation]] [[Differentiator]] [[Diffusion capacitance]] [[Diffusion current]] [[Digital storage and sampling oscilloscope]] [[Digital storage oscilloscope]] [[Direct memory access]] [[Directional control valve]] [[Disinflation]] [[Disk storage]] [[Distributed Software Engineering]] [[Distributed artificial intelligence]] [[Dividend policy]] [[Dollarization]] [[Domestic trade]] [[Double-ended priority queue]] [[Dow Agrosciences]] [[Drift current]] [[Driverless cars]] [[Dual Sector model]] [[Dual port RAM]] [[Dual sector model]] [[Dubai International Financial Centre]] [[Dummy Variable Regression Analysis (statistics)]] [[Dynamic Modeling]] [[Dynamic memory allocation]] [[Economic forces]] [[Economic liberalization]] [[Economic liberalization in India]] [[Economic survey of India 2010-11]] [[Economics of Lord Mahavira]] [[Economics of heritage villages in India]] [[Education economics]] [[Education in India]] [[Education in testing]] [[Effects of Inflation and Interest rates on Financial Markets]] [[Elder law in India]] [[Electric steam boiler]] [[Electrode boiler]] [[Electronic keyboard]] [[ElectrÃc steam boÃler]] [[Embodied agent]] [[Encapsulation (object-oriented programming)]] [[Endogenous growth theory]] [[Entertainment Industry In India]] [[Environmental economics]] [[Environmental resources management]] [[Equity linked saving schemes]] [[Equity trading]] [[Errno.h]] [[Eurosystem]] [[Evolution from lathe to CNC]] [[Evolution of Corporate Social Responsibility in India]] [[Exnora and Pepsico waste management centre]] [[Expert System for Biometric Identification]] [[Expert System for Biometrics Identification/sandbox]] [[Exploded view drawing]] [[FET]] [[Factor payments (economics)]] [[Family planning in India]] [[Farmer Suicides in India]] [[Fei-Ranis Model of Economic Growth]] [[Female education]] [[Fermi level in Semiconductor]] [[Ferrography]] [[Ferror]] [[Fgetpos]] [[Fgetwc]] [[Fgetws]] [[File:Tahera1.jpg]] [[Filter bank]] [[Finance in India]] [[Financial Inclusion]] [[Financial Information Network and Operations Ltd.]] [[Financial exclusion]] [[Financial system]] [[Finite difference]] [[Five-Year plans of India]] [[Fixed exchange rate system]] [[Fixed point iteration method]] [[Fixed rate bond]] [[Flash Memory]] [[Flat Panel Display]] [[Flexure bearing]] [[Flip-flop (electronics)]] [[Floating ecopolis]] [[Fly wheel]] [[Flywheel]] [[Footprints network]] [[Forced migration]] [[Foreign Banks in india]] [[Foreign Education Provider Bill in India]] [[Foreign Exchange Management Act]] [[Foreign Trade Multiplier]] [[Foreign direct investment]] [[Foreign exchange derivative]] [[Forex swap]] [[Formal verification]] [[Four layer diode-pnpn]] [[Fputwc]] [[Frexp]] [[Friedman's k-percent rule]] [[Friend class]] [[Function generator]] [[Fundamental psychological law]] [[Fusion tree]] [[Fuzzy Logic Systems]] [[Fwprintf]] [[Gains from Trade]] [[Game tree]] [[Gap buffer]] [[Garhwal District]] [[Gary Becker]] [[Gender Equality]] [[Genetic Operators]] [[Getenv]] [[Getwc]] [[Global Sullivan Principles]] [[Gmtime]] [[Gnomes of Zurich]] [[Good luck cafe]] [[Goodness of fit]] [[Google Crisis Response]] [[Green Revolution in India]] [[Green development]] [[Green microfinance]] [[Grey box testing]] [[Grinding machine]] [[Gross Enrollment Ratio]] [[Gross domestic product]] [[Handwriting Recognition]] [[Hardwired control]] [[Harry Markowitz]] [[Hawley's Risk Theory Of Profit]] [[Health Issue In Rural India]] [[Health conditions in Sub-Saharan Africa]] [[Health reforms in India]] [[Healthcare in India]] [[Heat treatment processes in manufacturing]] [[Heating, ventilation and air conditioning using thermocouple]] [[Hedonic Regression]] [[Help:Edit summary]] [[Help:Minor edit]] [[High-mast lighting]] [[Hindustan Unilever]] [[History of Indian Economic Thought]] [[Honda Dio]] [[Hotelling's rule]] [[Human Language Technology]] [[Human capital]] [[Human settlement]] [[Human software testing]] [[Human trafficking]] [[Hundi]] [[IEEE machine]] [[Impasse]] [[Implicit data structure]] [[Inclusive business]] [[Inclusive growth]] [[Income in India]] [[Income-consumption curve]] [[India Infoline]] [[India's Agriculture Development Problem: Lack of Access to Credit]] [[Indian Financial System Code]] [[Indian Oil Corporation]] [[Indian Railways]] [[Indian Textile Industry]] [[Indian and ISO standards for dimensioning]] [[Indian black money]] [[Indian economy]] [[Industrial Securities Market]] [[Industrial sickness]] [[Inflationary gap]] [[Initiatives Against Child Labour In India]] [[Innovations in Indian Banking System]] [[Inspection in manufacturing]] [[Insurance]] [[Intel 80386]] [[Intellectual capital]] [[Intelligent Control]] [[Intelligent Database]] [[Intelligent word recognition]] [[Interaction between monetary and fiscal policies]] [[Interest-free economy]] [[Interface (computing)]] [[Internal Organisation of Processor]] [[Internal debt]] [[International Economic Law:The sources]] [[International finance]] [[Interpolation]] [[Interrupts]] [[Intertemporal choice]] [[Intrusion detection]] [[Inttypes.h]] [[Investment Management]] [[Investment management]] [[Irregular matrix]] [[Iswdigit]] [[Iswlower]] [[Iswupper]] [[Itc e-choupal]] [[JNNURM]] [[Jabbar Patel]] [[Jackscrew]] [[James Edward Meade]] [[James Marcus Bach]] [[Joan Robinson's growth model]] [[Jones Lang LaSalle]] [[Kaldor's growth model]] [[Keiretsu]] [[Khap]] [[Knuckle joint (mechanical)]] [[Kunal Kohli]] [[Labour Discrimination]] [[Labs]] [[Land acquisition in India]] [[Landing performance]] [[Large-scale macroeconometric model]] [[Lever]] [[Life cycle hypothesis]] [[Limits, fits and tolerance]] [[Limits, fits and tolerances]] [[Lindahl tax]] [[Linked data structure]] [[Liquidity Preference]] [[Liquidity adjustment facility]] [[List of countries by military expenditures]] [[Loan waiver]] [[Locale.h]] [[Localization for robots in dynamic environment]] [[Localtime]] [[Locking arrangement]] [[Log(c)]] [[Log-linear modeling (economics)]] [[Loreto Convent, Delhi]] [[Low-level equilibrium trap]] [[Low-noise amplifier]] [[Lucas-Islands model]] [[MESFET]] [[Machine Learning]] [[Machine Listening]] [[Machine design in game engines]] [[Machine perception]] [[Macroeconomics]] [[Mahesh Manjrekar]] [[Mahindra Rise]] [[Making simple decisions in AI]] [[Malnutrition in India]] [[Managerial economics]] [[Manufacturing process of solar evacuated tube collector]] [[Mapping UML design to java]] [[Marginal profit]] [[Marginal propensity to consume]] [[Marginal propensity to save]] [[Markowitz Model]] [[Marris's Managerial Theory of Firm]] [[Marxian economics]] [[Maternal nutrition]] [[Matrix representation]] [[Mbrlen]] [[Mbrtowc]] [[Mean Variance Model]] [[Mechanical Scissor Lifter]] [[Mechanical amplifier]] [[Mechanical joint]] [[Memccpy]] [[Memory fragmentation]] [[Memory safety]] [[Memory segmentation]] [[Mempcpy]] [[Merchant bank]] [[Micro electronics]] [[Microinequity]] [[Milwaukee Symphony Orchestra]] [[Min-max heap]] [[Mktime]] [[Mobile application development]] [[Mobile crane]] [[Mobile tower design]] [[Modf]] [[Monetary Approach to The Balance of Payments]] [[Monetary policy of India]] [[Monetary-disequilibrium theory]] [[Money market]] [[Money market in India]] [[Monoculture]] [[Mortality rates]] [[Mould design]] [[Mprotect]] [[Multiple inheritance]] [[Mutual fund]] [[NABARD]] [[NCS, Vizag]] [[Narasimham Committee-I (1991) report]] [[Narrow Framing]] [[National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development]] [[National Housing Bank]] [[National Rail Vikas Yojna]] [[National Social Assistance Scheme]] [[Navy Children School, Visakhapattnam]] [[Neoclassical synthesis]] [[Nepal tea]] [[Net interest margin]] [[Neural Network]] [[New Private Sector Banks]] [[Non pressure welding]] [[Non-Banking Financial Company]] [[Non-financial asset]] [[Non-performing asset]] [[Non-recursive Filter]] [[Normal distribution]] [[Numerical differentiation]] [[Numerical integration]] [[Numerical interpolation for equal intervals]] [[Numerical interpolation for unequal intervals]] [[Numerical solution to PDE]] [[Nuts and bolts]] [[OMTROLL]] [[Object tracking]] [[Object-oriented database]] [[Obstack]] [[Ontology Learning]] [[Ontology learning]] [[Op amp integrator]] [[Opaque data type]] [[Open Economy]] [[Open market operations]] [[Ordinary differential equation]] [[Orthogonal array testing]] [[Oscilloscope]] [[Output (economics)]] [[Overlapping generations model]] [[P-n junction]] [[P.A.L.S.]] [[P/E ratio]] [[Packed storage matrix]] [[Panera Bread]] [[Parametric amplifier]] [[Parametric oscillator]] [[Partial equilibrium]] [[Pay Commission]] [[Payment system]] [[Payment systems in India]] [[Perception using artificial intelligence]] [[Petrochemistry]] [[Photoresistor]] [[Pile (data structure)]] [[Pipeline burst cache]] [[Piping and plumbing fittings]] [[Piston,Crankshaft Design]] [[Planning and Acting in the Real World]] [[Poisson distribution]] [[Pooled Finance Development Fund Scheme]] [[Population Ageing]] [[Population projection]] [[Potential Function Based Movement in Games]] [[Potential Variation in step graded semiconductor]] [[Poverty alleviation programmes in india]] [[Poverty in India]] [[Power Diode]] [[Power delivery]] [[Pradeep Sarkar]] [[Pramathesh Barua]] [[Prefetch input queue]] [[Primary education]] [[Primary market]] [[Printer (computing)]] [[Priority sector lending]] [[Private sector banks in India]] [[Product data management]] [[Product design phases]] [[Production drawing]] [[Programmable unijunction transistor]] [[Propensity to consume]] [[Psignal]] [[Public Debt Management]] [[Public Distribution System]] [[Public Finance]] [[Public Private Partnership in India]] [[Public float]] [[Public sector banks in India]] [[Publicâ??private partnership]] [[Pulse Polio]] [[Punjab National Bank and Social Corporate Responsibility]] [[Puts]] [[Puts (C)]] [[Putwc]] [[Pwd.h]] [[Quadratic probing]] [[Quality control]] [[Quality-driven architecture design and quality analysis]] [[RAJEEV GANDHI GRAMEEN VIDYUKTI KARAN YOJANA(RGGVKY)]] [[RF power amplifier]] [[RL circuit]] [[RSA]] [[RTInation]] [[Raghuram Rajan]] [[Ragnar Nurkse's Balanced Growth Theory]] [[Rajaram Vankudre Shantaram]] [[Ram Gabale]] [[RapidMiner]] [[Rashtriya Krishi Vikas Yojana]] [[Rational Expectations]] [[Rational agent]] [[Real time testing]] [[Real-time Object Oriented Modeling]] [[Reciprocating engine]] [[Regional Rural Bank]] [[Regional integration]] [[Relative Income Hypothesis]] [[Revealed preference]] [[Risk management in Indian banks]] [[Robinson Crusoe Economy]] [[Robotic welding]] [[Robotics simulator]] [[Rocket stepped nozzle design]] [[Role of machine design in gaming engines]] [[Rostows stages of growth]] [[SAFTA]] [[SARFAESI Act]] [[Sai Paranjpe]] [[Samhita (organisation)]] [[Sample and hold]] [[Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan]] [[Scenario testing]] [[Schottky transistor]] [[Scissor lift]] [[Screw jack]] [[Screws]] [[Security testing]] [[Segment descriptor]] [[Self-help group (finance)]] [[Self-organizing list]] [[Set (C++)]] [[Set (computer science)]] [[Sexism In India]] [[Sigma Convergence and Beta Convergence]] [[Silent speech interface]] [[Silicon controlled switch]] [[Silicon-controlled rectifier]] [[Simulation in AI]] [[Sleeve nut]] [[Slipper clutch]] [[Small Industries Development Bank of India]] [[Social Dualism]] [[Social Dumping]] [[Social Exclusion]] [[Social Problems of Women in India]] [[Social Security In India]] [[Social change]] [[Social dividend]] [[Social dualism]] [[Social finance]] [[Social inequality]] [[Social preference]] [[Social responsibility]] [[Social sector]] [[Social security]] [[Socially responsible investing]] [[Socio-economic issues in India]] [[Soft computing]] [[Software Maintainability testing]] [[Software inspection]] [[Software maintainability testing]] [[Software quality assurance]] [[Software quality control]] [[Software reliability testing]] [[Software risk management]] [[Software testing life cycle]] [[Software testing outsourcing]] [[Software testing team]] [[Sorted array]] [[Sources of International Economic Law]] [[Space Charge Capacitance]] [[Spacecraft design]] [[Spark-ignition engine]] [[Sparse array]] [[Special Economic Zone]] [[Specific Relief Act 1963]] [[Speech Recognition]] [[Splines]] [[Spring (device)]] [[Sqrt(C library function)]] [[Squale]] [[Stability factor]] [[Stack (abstract data type)]] [[Standard of living]] [[Starbucks corporate social responsibility programs]] [[State Bank of India]] [[Static and dynamic data structures]] [[Static cast]] [[Static random-access memory]] [[Storage classes]] [[Story-driven modelling]] [[Strategy of unbalanced growth]] [[Strcasecmp]] [[Strcat h]] [[Strcoll]] [[Strcspn]] [[Strncasecmp]] [[Strpbrk]] [[Strrchr]] [[Strsignal]] [[Strtok]] [[Strtok r]] [[Structural modeling]] [[Strxfrm]] [[SuVikas]] [[Subir Gokarn]] [[Sullivan Principles]] [[Superscalar architecture]] [[Surface roughness]] [[Sustainable Development Society]] [[Sustainable development]] [[Suzlon Foundation]] [[Suzuki Access 125]] [[Swarm Robotics]] [[Swprintf]] [[Symbols and conventions used in welding documentation]] [[Synchronous active objects]] [[TNSF]] [[Tanh(C)]] [[Tata Jagriti Yatra]] [[Technical lettering]] [[Technical progress function]] [[Technological Dualism]] [[Technological dualism]] [[Technology Economics]] [[Template:Charulata Inakar]] [[Template:Editnotices/Group/Wikipedia:Sandbox]] [[Template:Editnotices/Page/Wikipedia:Sandbox]] [[Terms of Use]] [[Ternary Search]] [[Ternary search tree]] [[Terrorism insurance]] [[Test case design system]] [[Test data generation]] [[Test estimation techniques]] [[Test script]] [[Test strategy]] [[Testing and performance of IC engines]] [[Testing high-performance computing applications]] [[Testing in data mining]] [[Testing of hypothesis]] [[Textile industry in India]] [[Tgmath.h]] [[The Automated SAR image processing system]] [[The India Less Known]] [[The Walt Disney Company]] [[The algebra of Walras' Law]] [[Theory of taxation]] [[Theory of value (economics)]] [[Thermal diode]] [[Threaded binary tree]] [[Threads in the Java programming language]] [[Tilda social responsibility programs]] [[Timeline of the economy of India]] [[Timsort]] [[Tmpnam]] [[Toggle jack]] [[Tolerance representation on drawing]] [[Tourism in Delhi]] [[Trade]] [[Traditional Indian cricket bat]] [[Transcendental equation]] [[Tunnel diode]] [[Turing test]] [[Type conversion in c]] [[Types of shafts]] [[Types of valves in boiler]] [[UML extension mechanisms]] [[UML-based web engineering]] [[USB 3.0]] [[Umesh Vinayak Kulkarni]] [[Ungetc]] [[Union (computer science)]] [[Unit linked insurance product]] [[United Nations Global Compact]] [[Unsupervised learning]] [[Urban Cooperative banks in India]] [[Usance]] [[User]] [[Vacuum triode]] [[Valve]] [[Variator (variable valve timing)]] [[Varicap and IR emitter]] [[Venture capital]] [[Vertical hollowshaft motor]] [[Vijay Dahiya]] [[Virtual Intelligence]] [[Vishnu Purana]] [[Vocational studies in India]] [[Voice controlled robot]] [[Voltage multiplier]] [[Voltage-controlled oscillator]] [[Voluntary Principles on Security and Human Rights]] [[Vsprintf]] [[Walras' Law]] [[Wchar.h]] [[Wcscat]] [[Wcsncmp]] [[Wctob]] [[Web Intelligence]] [[Web testing]] [[Welding]] [[Welfare cost of business cycles]] [[Wikipedia talk:Articles for creation/Cash Reserve Ratio]] [[Wikipedia talk:Articles for creation/Industrial Securities Market]] [[Wikipedia talk:Articles for creation/Social Dumping]] [[Williamson's Model of Managerial Discretion]] [[Wipro]] [[Wireframe model]] [[World military spending]] [[Wprintf]] [[Write (system call)]] [[Wscanf]] [[X86 instruction listings]] [[Yusuf Abdulla]] [[Zero interest rate policy]]