2001 Governor General's Awards

The 2001 Governor General's Awards for Literary Merit were presented by Adrienne Clarkson, Governor General of Canada, at a ceremony at Rideau Hall on November 14.[1] Each winner received a cheque for $15,000.[2]


Category Winner Nominated
Fiction   Richard B. Wright, Clara Callan
Non-fiction   Thomas Homer-Dixon, The Ingenuity Gap
Poetry   George Elliott Clarke, Execution Poems
Drama   Kent Stetson, The Harps of God
Children's literature   Arthur Slade, Dust
Children's illustration   Mireille Levert, An Island in the Soup
French to English translation   Fred A. Reed and David Homel, Fairy Ring (Martine Desjardins, Le Cercle de Clara)


Category Winner Nominated
Fiction   Andrée A. Michaud, Le ravissement
Non-fiction   Renée Dupuis, Quel Canada pour les Autochtones? La fin de l'exclusion
  • Jacques Allard, Le roman du Québec: Histoire, perspectives, lectures
  • Michel Biron, L'absence du maître : Saint-Denys Garneau, Ferron, Ducharme
  • Madeleine Gagnon, Les Femmes et la guerre
  • Jacques B. Gélinas, La globalisation du monde: laisser faire ou faire?
Poetry   Paul Chanel Malenfant, Des ombres portées
Drama   Normand Chaurette, Le Petit Köchel
Children's literature   Christiane Duchesne, Jomusch et le troll des cuisines
Children's illustration   Bruce Roberts, Fidèles éléphants
English to French translation   Michel Saint-Germain, No Logo: La Tyrannie des marques


  1. ^ "Governor General's award follows on top of the Giller: Novelist Richard Wright has good week". Prince George Citizen, November 15, 2001.
  2. ^ "Urquhart, Wright get GG award nominations". The Telegram, October 24, 2001.