Versione Unicode 13.0
Unicode 13.0 is the version of the Unicode Standard released on March 10, 2020. 55 new emoji code points were added in this release, with all 117 new emojis for 2020 (including sequences for gender and skin tone) listed under Emoji 13.0.
Unicode 13.0 introduced a total of 5,930 new characters, including the 55 new emoji code points listed below. This brought the total number of characters encoded within Unicode to 143,859.
More about what's new in Unicode 13.0.
🥲Faccina Sorridente Con Lacrima🥸Faccina Travestita🤌Mano a Pigna🫀Organo Del Cuore🫁Polmoni🥷Ninja🫂Persone Che Si Abbracciano🦬Bisonte🦣Mammut🦫Castoro🦤Dodo🪶Piuma🦭Foca🪲Coleottero🪳Scarafaggio🪰Mosca🪱Verme🪴Pianta in Vaso🫐Mirtilli🫒Oliva🫑Peperone🫓Focaccia🫔Tamale🫕Fonduta🫖Teiera🧋Bubble Tea🪨Roccia🪵Legna🛖Capanna🛻Pickup🛼Pattini a Rotelle🪄Bacchetta Magica🪅Pentolaccia🪆Matrioska🪡Ago Da Cucito🪢Nodo🩴Infradito🪖Elmetto Militare🪗Fisarmonica🪘Tamburo Lungo🪙Moneta🪃Boomerang🪚Sega Da Falegname🪛Cacciavite🪝Gancio🪜Scala🛗Ascensore🪞Specchio🪟Finestra🪠Sturalavandini🪤Trappola Per Topi🪣Secchio🪥Spazzolino Da Denti🪦Lapide🪧Cartello