Kerekes Dóra
Eötvös Loránd University, Institute of History, Department of Medieval and Early Modern History of Hungary, contractural researcher
I was born in 1975. I graduate at the University Eötvös Loránd in Budapest 1999 in History, and in 2001 in Ottoman History. I am the Director of the Local History Museum in Dunakeszi (Hungary).
Papers by Kerekes Dóra
A települést 1944 december elején zárták körül a szovjet csapatok, és december 28-ig tartottak a harcok. Ezalatt az időszak alatt a helyi plébános, Faludi (Fieszl) János helybélieknek, de német plébánosoknak is menedéket nyújtott.
századig nyúlik vissza. Közép-európai elterjedésükhöz
hozzájárult a bajor doboz- és játékáruipar, amely többféle
jelenettel gyártott türelemüvegeket. A magyar területeken
a legrégibb türelemüveg 1784-re datálódik. A készítőknek
fejlett térszemlélettel, konstruktív gondolkozásmóddal, és
az átlagosnál jobb kézügyességgel kellett rendelkezniük.
Pásztorok és bányászok készítették a legtöbbet, de rabok,
illetve hosszabb betegségben szenvedők kezei alól is kerültek
ki türelemüvegek. Közkedvelt ajándéknak számított.
Az 1699. évi karlócai oszmán-Habsburg békét követően a település ismét fejlődésnek indult, majd a Rákóczi-szabadságharc elején elnéptelenedett, és csak 1710 és 1715 között beszélhetünk újra Dunakesziről.
In the early modern period, the South-Eastern and Eastern part of Europe, just like the Mediterranean, was part of a contact zone linking the East with the West, Christians with Muslims. The region was cosmopolitan and multicultural where orientation was difficult in the 15th-16th centuries; there were a number of misunderstandings and problems among people. This era, however, was a cognition process as a result of which the Ottoman Empire became part of the European state system by the end of the 17th century. These areas
became in-between spaces where people but even things (e.g.: books, household objects) and customs also crossed the political–religious borders. Getting to know other societies continuously gained importance, knowledge was mediated by people originating from different social layers and reached the old continent in many different forms.
This paper examines the interactions between these two worlds, in particular it is describing the role of the permanent missions of European powers to Constantinople, including the French and the Habsburg embassies. The final conclusion is that interactions were
manifold, in the course of which, however, the permanent embassies of the Europeans in the Ottoman capital played a significant role. They were not only political and diplomatic centres but cultural ones as well, through which Ottoman scientists could take part of the European scientific community. It can be stated that, besides the outstanding and important role of interpreters as transimperial subjects, other members of the European embassies in Constantinople–the ambassadors themselves, scientists arriving there, and also other employees such as embassy secretaries or artists sent there–all played important roles in the interactions between the two worlds. In the future, I plan to study the roles of certain groups more.
A települést 1944 december elején zárták körül a szovjet csapatok, és december 28-ig tartottak a harcok. Ezalatt az időszak alatt a helyi plébános, Faludi (Fieszl) János helybélieknek, de német plébánosoknak is menedéket nyújtott.
századig nyúlik vissza. Közép-európai elterjedésükhöz
hozzájárult a bajor doboz- és játékáruipar, amely többféle
jelenettel gyártott türelemüvegeket. A magyar területeken
a legrégibb türelemüveg 1784-re datálódik. A készítőknek
fejlett térszemlélettel, konstruktív gondolkozásmóddal, és
az átlagosnál jobb kézügyességgel kellett rendelkezniük.
Pásztorok és bányászok készítették a legtöbbet, de rabok,
illetve hosszabb betegségben szenvedők kezei alól is kerültek
ki türelemüvegek. Közkedvelt ajándéknak számított.
Az 1699. évi karlócai oszmán-Habsburg békét követően a település ismét fejlődésnek indult, majd a Rákóczi-szabadságharc elején elnéptelenedett, és csak 1710 és 1715 között beszélhetünk újra Dunakesziről.
In the early modern period, the South-Eastern and Eastern part of Europe, just like the Mediterranean, was part of a contact zone linking the East with the West, Christians with Muslims. The region was cosmopolitan and multicultural where orientation was difficult in the 15th-16th centuries; there were a number of misunderstandings and problems among people. This era, however, was a cognition process as a result of which the Ottoman Empire became part of the European state system by the end of the 17th century. These areas
became in-between spaces where people but even things (e.g.: books, household objects) and customs also crossed the political–religious borders. Getting to know other societies continuously gained importance, knowledge was mediated by people originating from different social layers and reached the old continent in many different forms.
This paper examines the interactions between these two worlds, in particular it is describing the role of the permanent missions of European powers to Constantinople, including the French and the Habsburg embassies. The final conclusion is that interactions were
manifold, in the course of which, however, the permanent embassies of the Europeans in the Ottoman capital played a significant role. They were not only political and diplomatic centres but cultural ones as well, through which Ottoman scientists could take part of the European scientific community. It can be stated that, besides the outstanding and important role of interpreters as transimperial subjects, other members of the European embassies in Constantinople–the ambassadors themselves, scientists arriving there, and also other employees such as embassy secretaries or artists sent there–all played important roles in the interactions between the two worlds. In the future, I plan to study the roles of certain groups more.