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    • Meteorology
Urban heat island (UHI) effects on the ten most populated cities of Hungary, including the Budapest agglomeration area, were analyzed using remotely sensed data. Day-and night-time surface temperature time series observed by sensor MODIS... more
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      Mechanical EngineeringAerospace EngineeringRemote SensingTime Series
Fuzzy rule-based modeling is applied to the prediction of regional droughts (characterized by the modified Palmer index, PMDI) using two forcing inputs, El Nino/Southern Oscillation (ENSO) and large scale atmospheric circulation patterns... more
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      StatisticsHydrologyFuzzy LogicTime Series
A new statistical test (Makra-test), applicable for long time series, is introduced to identify extended sub-periods, namely, ''breaks'', average of which is significantly higher or lower than the mean of the entire time series. In order... more
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      GeologyGeochemistryGeophysicsTime Series
Due to their coarse spatial resolution, the results from global climate models (GCM) are not capable to provide detailed regional estimations of future climate conditions. The 10-25 km horizontal resolution regional climate models (RCM)... more
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Heat wave events are important temperature-related climatological extremes due to their impacts on human health. In the future, they are very likely to occur more frequently and more intensely not only in the Carpathian Basin, but in most... more
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A fuzzy rule-based technique is used for modelling the relationship between climatic forcing and droughts in a Central/Eastern European country, Hungary. Two types of climatic forcing'called premises'are considered: atmospheric... more
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      Environmental EngineeringCivil Engineering
The IPCC Third Assessment Report (2001) suggests that Southern and Central European countries may become highly vulnerable to global warming. In the frame of the Hungarian national climate change program, adaptation of regional models... more
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Since human and natural systems may be especially affected by changes of extreme climate events, the main objective of our research is to detect the possible changes of intensity and frequency of these extreme events. Several climate... more
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      Earth SciencesEastern EuropeClimate ChangeStatistical Analysis
In order to cover a millennium-long period in climatological studies, several types of information must be taken into consideration. Beyond the regular meteorological observations, historical documentary data may serve as a basic source... more
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      Environmental EngineeringCivil EngineeringClimatologyTime Series
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    • European regions
Four regional climate models (RCMs) were adapted in Hungary for the dynamical downscaling of the global climate projections over the Carpathian Basin: (i) the ALADIN-Climate model developed by Météo France on the basis of the ALADIN... more
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      ScienceSeasonalityStatistical SignificanceModel development
One of the most current challenges of cities in the changing environment of our century is the transport. Increasing traffic load of the growing population of cities has many inconvenient consequences. This is why orbital motorways around... more
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Changes in large-scale circulation patterns over the North-Atlantic-European region are presented and analyzed for the 20th century. First, changes in decadal frequency of Hess-Brezowsky macrocirculation patterns (MCP) are evaluated for... more
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      Environmental EngineeringCivil EngineeringClimatologyAtmospheric sciences
Midlatitude cyclones are analyzed on a selected region covering most part of southern Europe and the western part of the Mediterranean Sea (i.e., 35-50°N, 10°W-25°E). On the basis of mean sea level pressure fields of the ECMWF (European... more
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Animals tend to occupy geographical regions with climatic conditions, which are optimal to the specific needs of the given species. _Due to the projected global warming and climate change the wild animals' living territory may be reshaped... more
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Since wind speed is a key meteorological parameter related to wind energy potential, the aim of this poster is to analyze the wind-related outputs (i.e. wind speed and direction calculated from the daily mean zonal and meridional... more
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      Wind EnergyWind SpeedBoundary ConditionData Validation
High resolution model results are essential for the generation of national climate change scenarios, as it is recommended by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP). For analyzing the possible regional climate change in the... more
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      Wind EnergyUnited Nations Development ProgrammeHigh ResolutionWind Speed
Spatial resolution of global climate models (GCMs) are inappropriate to describe regional climate processes; therefore, GCM outputs may be misleading to compose regional climate change scenarios for the 21st century. In order to provide... more
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      Climate ChangeRenewable EnergyWind EnergySolar Energy