tirsdag 11. februar 2014


Pencil in Moleskine sketchbook, 2013.

onsdag 21. mars 2012

tirsdag 20. mars 2012

The exhibition at DogA

I just realized that I haven't shared pictures of my work at the exhibition!

I got my own little room! The first you saw was this picture. It doesn't really give a good idea of what my project was about, it was a facade. But once you went inside, you would see the true nature of the project.

They estimated about 550 people came to the opening, the place was completely packed. As you can see, the space is really big, so we were a bit worried it would feel empty. When the doors were opened, people had been waiting outside, and a steady stream of people followed for what seemed like an eternity. I can't tell you what it felt like, as I have no clue, even one month later.

The top photo was taken by Thor Lønning Aarrestad, the rest were taken by Lin Stensrud.

torsdag 8. mars 2012


My first ever hummingbird! Birds are so hard to draw..
Pencil and watercolor monotype on watercolor paper. A tiny dash of acrylic paint.

søndag 4. mars 2012

Yvonne: Outtakes part 2

Yvonne: Outtakes part 1

While shooting for my project with Yvonne, I took a lot of photos. I have allready shown you some outtakes, and the finished project. But I still have a bunch of outtakes that I truly do like. I will show them to you in a few upcoming posts. I hope you will enjoy them!

søndag 26. februar 2012


A selection of photos I took with the macro lens in january.