Pay It Forward

There is a pay it forward going around Blogland; have you seen or heard anything about it? It is a gesture of inspiring kindness. I discovered it while visiting some favorite blogs. I am not quite sure where it started. I found it at Abby's lovely blog, before her it was Erin beautiful site, and then is was Suzan.
My blog anniversary was May 19th; I had planned on posting this sooner, but life got in the way.  I have been behind, in commenting and posting most of this month.  I started my blog 2yrs ago; it doesn't seem possible. I think I read blogs for over a year, before I decided to give it a go. I had no idea what to expect, but I had read so many positive, uplifting, life changing stories. I figured why not?!  I started with 3 followers, then it grew to 17. It was when,  I found Arlee Bird's A-Z blogging challenge last year, that my blog started to grow. I can't thank you all enough for being supportive and kind. I still have much to learn in my writing and crafting skills. I have all of you to thank for being there, when I needed a kind comment or to reaffirm, I'm not alone in this journey.  It amazes me the bonds we form online. I talk about you and your wit, cleverness, and support. My family just doesn't understand, but it is okay, most of know this feeling.  I feel bad, I haven't been around much this month, but I do plan or getting back into the swing of commenting and blogging. It was a strange month for me; I was really sick; I haven't been this sick in decades okay centuries, lol.  

This is how it works; comment and I will put your name in a hat. I will select 5 of you on June 7th to receive a homemade item from me. It will be a token item with a lot of sentiment. You in turn have to agree to also do a Pay it Forward post on your blog.  It doesn't have to be anything big; it can be a homemade card, a poem, (no mine isn't a poem). My only clue is day and night. Yeah, that is vague ;-D   Anything just needs to be thoughtful and kindhearted, not big in price.

It isn't the size of the gift, but the spirit of paying it forward that makes this special. I do hope you will like what I send. If  it isn't your cup of tea, pass it on! I'm fine with that...
 Thank you for following me and being a huge part of my world~ If you comment I will come visit you! I promise I will be better, until I go camping in July(it is only four days). :D

Oh, and don't hurry or worry about a time line on your handmade gifts; No one expects miracles. YOU can set your own time line~ 


Myka Iyer said…
Truly paying it forward :)
Unknown said…
I like this idea.. have not seen it.. I too.. have been missing.. like the dogwood template... and I miss our chats.. but we WILL find the balance I hope.
Ella said…
Lisa-So can I count you in?! I know some people do ATC(art trading cards) some exchange tea in the sealed can be really simple or complicated, whatever style you like!

Myka-Thanks for joining in! Somehow I think your pay it forward will be really sweet ;-D
Mary said…
Cute idea. Blogging has been a wonderful experience.
nice idea, Ella :)
Love the new bluish background!
septembermom said…
What a lovely idea, Ella. Beautiful blog background and thank you so much for your support on my last post. I really appreciate it!
Ella said…
Septembermom-Thank you; I felt like I understood how you felt~ Take Care xXx

Dezzy-Thank you; yes, it is nice to change it up!
Glad you liked it...I will change it back, soon ;D

Mary-Thank you; I don't know who started it, but it is a nice gesture~ Blogging does open doors and pathways to new friends and worlds~
Arlee Bird said…
I know what you mean about family and friends not always understanding about blogging. My kids and my mom usually follow on a regular basis, but my wife never looks at what I write and does't seem to be much interested. Maybe it's because her ex-husband was a writer and scholar and somewhat obnoxious and she's afraid I'll become like him.

I like the pay it forward concept. I try to do it by helping others with their blogging and providing as much encouragement as I can. You don't need to put my name in the hat. I try to do "pay it forward" type posts now and then in my own way and spread positivity as much as I can.

Keep up the great work you are doing, Ella. Your blog has shown such improvement in the time I began following. You do a wonderful job!

Tossing It Out
Ella said…
Lee-I so agree; you do live the Pay it Forward attitude! And you do a great job at it~ I was going to share my morning glory and moon flower seeds. Day n' night blooms to brighten one's soul.
Thanks Lee, for your kinds words. My newest challenge seems to be finding time, now that my daughter is out of school. My schedule is so off track, not to mention we are trying to chase an Assist. Principle down every other day to get her paperwork for her permit. Missed again, yesterday. I called the first of the week to set up an appointment, he said, no need. The twilight zone does seem to show up once in awhile. Might make a good story :D Thank you Lee for your kind words and your commitment to share yourself!
Anonymous said…
What a sweet idea--I have so few followers (seriously, like VERY few, even after trying the A to Z) that I often get discouraged. I get a lot of views but not many regulars. Thank YOU so much for being a blog friend and encourager to me. I appreciate it so much. I was just about to quit the blog altogether in April (you know why) but having the kindness from you and a few others kept me on. Put my name in the hat :)
Ella said…
Scarlett-I so wanted you part of this! No need for a hat, I think we are close to 5. I need to ask the others to be sure. Your ATC's would be lovely(when you decide to Pay it Forward). No hurry...

I am glad you hung in there; I remember when I had 13 followers and rarely a comment. It was discouraging. It helps to comment on bloggers with similar interests. I'm all over the place...I really haven't figured out my place yet, but I'm getting closer ;-D I found you on Reverb; your gorgeous photos kept me coming back and later your voice! YOU can't quit...your art needs you to continue, your soul needs to dance~
Elizabeth said…
Put my name in, I've watched you grow and I love the Pay It forward idea, always have. You have been so kind already. Thank you,

Ella said…
I will need those of you who want to play along to email me your mailing address. I will mail you a little something, in turn you will "Pay it Forward" on your blog and mail something of your choice to 5 others. Remember it can be an ATC, a recipe, a poem, tea...whatever you want. Thank you for being part of this!
Createology said…
Hi Ella: I am just today finding you and becoming a follower. I would love to participate in your "Pay it Forward" if it is not too late. This really speaks to me and it is how I like to surprise people. I don't do a giveaway on my blog however I read my comments (which I live for) and sometimes select one or more to send something to. That way there is no disappointing people I hope. It too late to participate this time I shall do it next time. Happy creating...
Ella said…
Createology-You are in; I love your attitude~
Same thing, the spirit of giving without expecting anything. It is about the joy in giving!