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3 votes

PTC Sensing circuitry

Depending on the current and temperature range, you can try 3 Nickel RTDs 1k ohm @ 0'C in parallel with 1k ohm @ 0'C + 500 ohm @ 0'C platinum RTDs. That's a total of 5 RTDs at about $3-4 each in small ...
Spehro 'speff' Pefhany's user avatar
1 vote

Choke and MOSFET temperature relationship in VRM system

The inductors have copper I2R losses, and core losses proportional (not linearly) to flux density and frequency. The FETs have I2R and switching losses. But the conduction losses are distributed ...
John D's user avatar
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Detailed DC/AC Analysis of Crystal Oscillator Circuit

You are expecting a lot of answers to many good questions for this antique design, which I would say is far from production ready. Yet I'll share what I know. WITHOUT values for T, Y1, L1, C1 it is ...
D.A.S.'s user avatar
  • 148k
1 vote

What's the purpose of temperature ratings of conductors (wires)?

The thermal rating is the limit that guarantees the performance of the cable and its insulation. Above this, the cable will degrade and possibly fail. In what ways? The insulation can melt, become ...
hacktastical's user avatar
  • 58.4k

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