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13 votes

Do MEMS or optical gyroscope record Earth's rotational and revolutional angular velocities?

Be sure to calculate the level of those signals and compare with the offset, noise and drift of the Android gyroscope chip. Generally speaking, measuring the earth's rotation with a gyroscope has not ...
Spehro 'speff' Pefhany's user avatar
9 votes

Acceleration when device is on tilt

Your main mistake is in not treating acceleration as a single vector. When the car is at rest, that vector will always be 1 g upwards. Don't look at just the X component of the raw accelerometer ...
Olin Lathrop's user avatar
8 votes

Do MEMS or optical gyroscope record Earth's rotational and revolutional angular velocities?

What is the reason that the device is calculating a rotational speed of 0.26 deg/sec even when the device is stationary? The non-zero numbers your device shows when it is stationary is called a zero ...
Andy aka's user avatar
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7 votes

oscillioscope specification for low speed usb device

You don't need an oscilloscope at all. What you need is either a logic analyzer (if possible with a USB protocol decoder) or a standalone USB protocol analyzer. Good thing is that oscilloscopes are ...
Marcus Müller's user avatar
6 votes

How to resolve the drift around the z-axis in an IMU6050 gyroscope?

The accelerometer doesn't see changes in gravity when you rotate around the vertical z-axis, so you can't use it as an input for a complementary filter (or any other filter/algorithm) to compensate ...
ocrdu's user avatar
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5 votes

Acceleration when device is on tilt

As other answers have stated, the accelerometer provides a three dimensional vector which is the sum of gravity and other acceleration on the car due to the engine, brakes, or other forces acting on ...
Phil Frost's user avatar
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4 votes

MPU6050 getting wrong data on stm32 f103

You use int16_t as fields in your struct, but print %u. That's wrong – %u should be 32 bit ...
Marcus Müller's user avatar
4 votes

Do MEMS or optical gyroscope record Earth's rotational and revolutional angular velocities?

My end goal is to design a system which records the orientation of the device in 3D space for a time period of 24 hours. I am using integration for the recorded angular velocities to find the angular ...
Kuba hasn't forgotten Monica's user avatar
3 votes

Acceleration when device is on tilt

As a very basic approach, you can use a high-pass filter to eliminate the constant part of the acceleration (which corresponds to gravity) and keep the variable part of which is due to car dynamics. ...
Dmitry Grigoryev's user avatar
3 votes

Acceleration when device is on tilt

You would need a fusion algorithm and use 3D-accelerometer, 3D-Gyro and 3D-Magnetic sensors. With this fusion algorithm you get the attitude, the earth gravity helps as reference to detect the horizon ...
Marko Buršič's user avatar
3 votes

Drone gyroscope placement

In an ideal world, there's no difference between placing a gyro at the center of mass or at the very end of an arm. In practice the frame might flex under flight loads, causing a different angular ...
jms's user avatar
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3 votes

Does multiple IMU increase accuracy

Yes, you can use multiple sensor units to improve the data, but only if their errors — biases, scale factors, noise, etc. — are independent (uncorrelated). In that case, you can expect the ...
Dave Tweed's user avatar
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3 votes

Which is give better result for find angular position of device using 9-axis IMU snesor.?

Thanks a lot to all for your greater Support. I have found some interesting Reference website. which give the best method to implement both to find meaningful data like, pitch & Roll. Guide to ...
Kalarav Parmar's user avatar
3 votes

Which is give better result for find angular position of device using 9-axis IMU snesor.?

You need some kind of algorithm to fuse the acceleration, rotational rate and magnetic field readings. There are several different ways to do this, from simple complementary HP/LP-filters to more ...
LHelge's user avatar
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3 votes

Which is give better result for find angular position of device using 9-axis IMU snesor.?

Generally you determine angle by using the accelerometer readings. This only works is the unit is not accelerating at the time but you can do a quick sanity check that sqrt(x*x + y *y + z *z) = 1g +/- ...
Andrew's user avatar
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Degrees of freedom concept in sensors

In this context, DOF (degrees of freedom) just mean the number of independent parameters. Here it is 10: ...
Anders Petersson's user avatar
2 votes

Why does all the sensor registers from MPU6050 returns 0 to me? and why I can't write to the registers?

It seems that you are saying that your hardware is OK (but you haven't supplied a schematic and a photo of your prototype) and saying that your software is OK (but you haven't supplied any code). They ...
SamGibson's user avatar
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2 votes

Bosch BNO055 gyroscope bias stability

Not enough rep to comment, but wanted to correct a comment by @John Birckhead. The bias instability is the minimum on the Allan Variance curve, which represents low-frequency noise (similar to drift) ...
erk1313's user avatar
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2 votes

Gyroscope Noise Density

Yes, that's the right idea. The number you came up with is the RMS value of the noise on the angular rate coming out of the sensor. When you integrate this signal to get the actual angle, this noise ...
Dave Tweed's user avatar
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2 votes

Compensating for MEMS Gyroscopic drift

No, you can't do that. MEMS gyros are rate gyros — the output represents angular change per unit time, not total angular change. Two gyros that are rigidly connected will give the same ...
Dave Tweed's user avatar
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2 votes

Can I derive steering wheel angle of a car from gyroscope data (x,y,z values)?

Sure, turning a car's steering wheel will enter the vehicle into a circular turn. More steering input creates a tighter turning circle. You can calculate the angle the wheels should be following to ...
MIL-SPEC's user avatar
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IMU axis rotation, calculate values with respect to Earth plane

The IMU should have the same axes for the accelerometer, gyroscope and whatever else there is inside. Just look it up in the datasheet. My approach to this would be to first make sure that the axes ...
Robert Reichel's user avatar
2 votes

MPU6050 showing inconsistent angle values

Turns out that calibration requires the sensor to be in the default "z-up" position, and that even if you adjust the trig functions later, the values will still be off if you use a different ...
Cerin's user avatar
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Unexpected results when measuring MPU6050 sample rate with RaspberryPi

First of all, my time measuring was faulty. I've noticed that during data sampling intervals systemcalls do not increase my measured overall time, wallclock time was much higher. After raising i2c ...
eimvs's user avatar
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2 votes

Looking for gyroscope drift spec in datasheet

BMI088 is offering a wide acceleration measurement range (up to 24 g), high vibration suppression ratio and vibration robustness, as well as high bias and temperature stability. The automotive-...
Voltage Spike's user avatar
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2 votes

What does Bias Repeatability tell me in an IMU's spec sheet?

No, there is not a uniform specification. I've worked with electromechanical gyros, and those did have a true turn-on to turn-on bias change. So there would be one bias, then you'd cycle power and ...
TimWescott's user avatar
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2 votes

Why new/recommended MEMS IMU for AHRS for drones are 6-DOF instead of 9-DOF?

I was also wondering the exact same thing : why most 9DoF IMU MEMS while very predominent in 2015-2020 seems to have gone obselete without new alternatives (ST, Bosch, Invensense...). From the ...
Luczia's user avatar
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2 votes

Why new/recommended MEMS IMU for AHRS for drones are 6-DOF instead of 9-DOF?

Magnetometers almost always are a separate die, so the "9 DOF" IMU is just a 6-DOF chip and a magnetometer chip in the same package. That's a bit of a pain to deal with on the manufacturing ...
Kuba hasn't forgotten Monica's user avatar
1 vote

Unexpected results when measuring MPU6050 sample rate with RaspberryPi

In addition to awjlogan answer - you don't have to use INT pin of MPU6050 to watch for a new data - the INT_STATUS register shows the interrupt and cleared once data registers are read. Of course mcu ...
Asaf Sirin's user avatar

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