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Signal and systems, how to find out if T is linear here, given the limited information?

We will use the knowledge of Time Invariance, specifically the property of additivity, to solve this problem by contradiction. Let us assume that the system was linear. In that case, we can say that ...
a360pilot's user avatar
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I, D Standalone Control

A bare "D controller" doesn't make sense! Here's why... In general, the output signal of a PID controller is the sum of P, I, and D term: $$ u(t) = K_\text{p} e(t) + K_\text{i} \int e(\tau) \...
Sim Son's user avatar
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How to create an LTI system out of this?

\$H_2=0\$ linearizes any system and makes it also time-invariant. This is not really a joke answer– in the end you're being asked to find a solution to a system of differential equations, and this is ...
Marcus Müller's user avatar
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I have no idea how to solve this (added third simulation)

Without changing anything, the network takes the form of a Wheatstone bridge. I apply Thevenin's theorem to the network shown in the photo, then I apply Millmann's theorem and I obtain the output ...
Francesco M.'s user avatar
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Rise time of a critically damped 2nd order system

The rise time, if defined as the time taken to settle at \$1\$ (in your graph), for a critically damped system is \$t_r=\infty\$, because the response is an exponential curve eternally approaching \$1\...
Simon Fitch's user avatar
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How to stabilise the BJT diff. pair feedback loop?

Any kind of capacitive load like C10 is going to be problematic, regardless of frequency compensation. A low impedance push-pull stage after the opto-coupler's emitter follower could solve this, as ...
Simon Fitch's user avatar
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Discrepancy in Steady-State Error Calculation for Nonunity Feedback System

When the closed-loop function for a system with feedback is F(s)=G(s)/[1+G(s)*H(s)] the "final value theorem" says that you have to find the value for the product s*F(s) for s=0. (This ...
LvW's user avatar
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Discrepancy in Steady-State Error Calculation for Nonunity Feedback System

There is an error \$G_e(s)=G(s)\cdot H(s)\$ open loop For a unity feedback system, the steady-state error is derived from: \$E(s)=\dfrac{R(s)​}{1+Ge​(s)}\$ with R(s)=1/s step input in a closed loop. ...
D.A.S.'s user avatar
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