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SCR gate drive options when optotriacs not suitable due to high voltage of 1600V

I am designing a 3-phase circuit to switch 1kV 50kW using thyristor pairs. The circuit is simple on/off switch, and needs to be simple as possible. I thought this precludes the use of pulse ...
REPuzzle's user avatar
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Why is my SCR controlled by a photodiode pulsing when supplied with high voltage

I am working on a circuit which when a photogate (consisting of a photodiode and a corresponding LED) is interrupted, an SCR is triggered which discharges a capacitor through a solenoid. I built and ...
Eric14003's user avatar
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What is the role of D2 and D3 in this circuit?

Explanation of the circuit : This is a simple battery charger based on SCR is shown here. Here the SCR rectifies the AC mains voltage to charge the battery. When the battery connected to the charger ...
Zineddine Haboussi's user avatar
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common circuit to turn on/off ac motor of 110V AC or 230V AC using MOC3041 and BTA16 Resistor calculation

I am building a common circuit to turn on/off ac motor of 110V AC or 230V AC using MOC3041 and BTA16. How do i calculate both resistor value R and Rg ( With Wattage ). For accurate control of TRIC. ...
Er.Mukesh's user avatar