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Questions tagged [rectifier]

These are part of AC to DC conversion. A half-wave rectifier keeps only the positive part of the signal. A full-wave rectifier also keeps the negative part, but flips it to make it positive too.

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2 votes
3 answers

Finding capacitor voltage in this seemingly simple rectifier circuit

I've been experimenting with a simple rectifier circuit and wanted to share some observations. Without R1, the circuit functions as the well-known half-wave rectifier, where the capacitor quickly ...
Emin's user avatar
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4 votes
3 answers

Simulating a basic bridge-rectifier circuit

I went through this SE post before asking my question: How do you design a bridge rectifier circuit? I have been continuously trying to simulate bridge-rectifier circuit in KiCAD and have kept failing....
gitt's user avatar
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0 answers

How to get or convert to +12V from -48V telecom power supply rail

I want to convert the -48V from rectifier output of telecom equipment to +12V DC. I'm considering the following schematic for that purpose: The rectifier controller has -48V DC and +VE DC bus bar, ...
Nazmul Hasan Pias's user avatar
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Diode SPICE model for the HSMS-2860 in CST schematic

Trying to create diode in CST schematic but getting this error. Use same values and import it in CST as .lib file (notepad file names as .lib). Transmission lines used for impedance matching. ...
Abdalian's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

Precision Full-Wave Rectifier doesnt work properly

I’m having some frustration with this circuit (Precision Full-Wave Rectifier) as shown in TI Precision Designs:, although I’m using an LM358N, the document references the OPA2211. I simulated the ...
bananas867's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

How to calculate efficiency of this half wave rectifier circuit in LTspice?

I have a project to simulate fast-charging power supply, and I want to find the efficiency the power at the output is 48w but at the ac supply (311.13 peak V) and (i peak 3.87 A). I don't know how to ...
Mohanned's user avatar
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2 answers

Why is my full wave rectifier circuit not working?

I built the following full wave rectifier circuit. The negative waves should be flipped to positive waves but they are completely cut off. Why are the negative waves cutoff and are not flipped ?
Tim Graf's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

Simplest way to find peak capacitor voltage in this circuit?

I'm curious about how the circuit diagrammed below can most easily be analyzed without the use of a circuit simulator -- the old fashioned way, by hand. All I'm interested in calculating is the ...
ecksemmess's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

MOSFET rectifier is outputting a strange waveform at higher voltages

With the help of the people who commented on my last post, I finally got my MOSFET rectifier to work! Couldn't have done it without you! After some tests, I noticed that the waveform begins to get ...
soconnoriv's user avatar
7 votes
1 answer

Tried making a "poor man's" active/MOSFET rectifier. It doesn't work, and I didn't expect it to, but I don't understand why

I attempted to design and assemble a "poor man's" 3-phase AC rectifier that uses MOSFETs without being driven by a gate driver. The only thing driving the gates are the opposing phases. In ...
soconnoriv's user avatar
0 votes
2 answers

Heatsink can cause a shortcircuit what kind of problem occurs?

I'm not sure what will happen in this kind of scenario I'll share the photo of two diodes and basic connections below. These two diodes tab points are actually connecting same node because of tab is ...
MSB's user avatar
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I have problem with finding the equation of AC to DC voltage for three phase five wire rectifier [duplicate]

I am writing a thesis about telecommunication tower. A problem came up when I examined the power supply. Most telecommunication equipment uses -48V DC and my supervisor wants me to add the equation ...
khant pyae 's user avatar
0 votes
3 answers

Power output of a full bridge diode rectifier

Assume a simple circuit with a 12 V (RMS) AC supply and a 100 ohms load resistor. The power dissipated is P = V^2/R = 1.44 W. Now assume that a full bridge diode rectifier (without filtering) is ...
leheim's user avatar
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1 vote
1 answer

Trouble getting current form BLDC generator

I am designing a battery charger using a BLDC motor attached to stationary bike, I was giving this project hoping to fix the current output because is delivering low amps to the charger even at ...
Ivan's user avatar
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1 answer

ID & Possible Substitutions for Blown Old Vishay SMD Component

can anyone please identify the component "VD20" (Marked SJ 47A with Vishay logo) pictured in the attached images. There are 8 of these similarly marked components still intact on the board. ...
YoungDiode's user avatar
1 vote
3 answers

Full wave bridge rectifier with Pi or T filter simulation won't converge

I'm designing a full wave bridge rectifier and want to compare a pi filter and T filter after the rectification. I intend to add a transformer at the input and a buck-boost converter on the output. ...
BTB18's user avatar
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1 answer

How do half-wave RF rectifiers manage efficiencies above 50%?-A theory

First off, this exact question was directly asked here EDAboard and I think it was hinted at in atleast two other posts on this exchange programmingEnthusiast, frick, by Andy AKA, who mentioned a 100% ...
Ne612we's user avatar
5 votes
4 answers

I made a 3-phase power rectifier circuit with "ideal" diodes. Is there anything I should change?

I made this 3 phase power rectifier with ideal diodes, instead of actual diodes. I basically just copied an ideal diode diagram and pasted it 6 times. It's for use on a wind turbine project, to ...
soconnoriv's user avatar
1 vote
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How to make an ideal rectifier which can efficiently rectify 3 phase AC for power applications? [closed]

I'm working on a wind turbine project which needs to be able to rectify 3 phase AC with varying voltages. The lowest the input voltage will likely be is 2V, while the higher end will be 27V. I've been ...
soconnoriv's user avatar
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How do I understand the reason behind the incorrect result in below LTspice simulation?

Shown below is the LTspice simulation for a full bridge rectifier. The simulation shows 'wrong' result for open load condition (Rload =1 GΩ). Ideally it should be same as other 2 cases. Why is the ...
Dynamic_equilibrium's user avatar
-4 votes
2 answers

Which is better - series or parallel rectifier? [closed]

The idea for this question gave me the question Understanding positive and negative rectifiers. Here I want to summarize the ideas behind the two circuit configurations - series and parallel, hoping ...
Circuit fantasist's user avatar
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2 answers

Understanding positive and negative rectifiers [closed]

How is the first circuit a negative rectifier? My thought is the current flows forward so the diode turned into a short and Vout is postive, and if current is reversed then the diode blocks the flow. ...
essentialnotebook's user avatar
3 votes
4 answers

MOSFET Driving for a Dump Load Resistor within a wind turbine

I am currently designing an AC-DC rectifier for a 6 kW small-scale wind turbine. As part of this setup, I intend to integrate a dump load resistor to regulate overvoltage. When the DC voltage reaches ...
Jasper's user avatar
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2 answers

Determining the region of operation of these two diodes

I'm having trouble determining the region of operation for these two (ideal) diodes. Do I check the Vopencircuit values or their current values?
user364328's user avatar
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Troubleshooting Vacuum Roller Motor

I am trying to repair a vacuum so that the carpet roller will work again (motor does not run). I have disassembled the head of the vacuum and found what is probably a fairly simple electronics board ...
IronJaguar2276's user avatar
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2 answers

24 VAC signal rectifier and detection

One of my projects consists of recovering a 24 VAC signal to give a run command. To avoid using a relay with a 24 VAC coil I would prefer to convert the 24 VAC signal into a DC signal and use an ...
Benito's user avatar
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1 answer

Would an AC EMI filter capacitors contribute to inrush current?

Shown below is an EMI filter for an AC input. My doubt is when I analyse the inrush current, should I be considering the contribution due to all three capacitors? a) Differential mode capacitors b) ...
Dynamic_equilibrium's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

Why do reversible connectors duplicate pins versus just rectifying the inputs?

I understand that some reversible connectors already rectify symmetric power pins (not USBC.) Generally all data moves over balanced pair wires. Couldn't the balanced pairs also be simply rectified? ...
J Collins's user avatar
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1 answer

What is wrong with below circuit simulation of RC filter with rectified AC input?

I am trying to find the average rectified AC output from a bridge rectifier output and the simulation results do not seem to match with the theoretical calculations well. Should n't the RC circuit act ...
Dynamic_equilibrium's user avatar
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1 answer

Explanation of the circuit diagram of a PIR sensor activated light

Can someone please explain the operation of this circuit diagram of a PIR sensor led light. The high voltage "ground" connections in the original diagram have been replaced with connections ...
Francis Lapaba's user avatar
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Using BTN8962TA to implement 3 phase synchronous rectifier

I want to use three BTN8962TA (datasheet) to implement a 3 phase synchronous rectifier. The input will be a BLCD motor used as a generator. The current at each phase will be measured with external ...
MarcoM's user avatar
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1 answer

Modify or adapt a device using low-voltage AC to accept DC

A few years ago, a family member asked me to look at a set of bookshelf speakers that stopped working. Inside I noticed obvious signs of a cooked component on the internal power supply, which was a ...
Jamesfo's user avatar
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2 answers

DC Load Current Vs RMS Load Current in single phase half wave rectifier

While solving a problem of a single wave half wave rectifier. using an "Ideal Diode" Given Details: Load Resistance - 1020 Ohms Supply - 230V 50Hz AC (Connected in series) To find : DC ...
Anirudh Srikanth's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

What is the average value of current in uncontrolled rectifiers with rl Load

I am trying to calculate the average value of a current in single phase rectifier half wave and in the full wave with RL Load. The thing that I am finding interesting is that in all the tutorials and ...
Badr Eddine's user avatar
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Full wave rectifier 2nd and 4th waves doesn't go up as it should [duplicate]

I'm using four 1N4007 diodes and one 15k resistor. I already changed diodes and cables dozens of times, it doesn't change, even I change the oscilloscope or arbitrary function generator, nothing ...
Hereforasking's user avatar
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Simulating a controlled rectifier with CMOS , using Isis Proteus

I am currently in the simulation phase of a controlled rectifier, and I must use CMOS technology. However, I am a novice in this field and would appreciate detailed advice to help me get started. ...
Manar HIMEUR's user avatar
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2 answers

Full wave rectifier behavior

This is a center tapped full wave rectifier. From my understanding if D1 = forward bias and D2 = reverse bias during the positive cycle of AC, why does VD1 from the graph show 0 voltage during the ...
Ashytone's user avatar
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3 answers

Can a capacitor of lower capacity than required be harmful?

I want to make a full wave rectifier for my highschool physics project. My mentor suggested I get a 24V 1000μF for it but I could only get my hands on a 50V 100μF capacitor. The voltage supply is a 9-...
iCarry's user avatar
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2 answers

Exploding/superhot capacitor in XT AC-DC PSU

I have a commercial replacement PSU that I am using for a vintage XT class computer which has 4 DC lines (5v, 12v, -12v and -5v). On fitting the PSU however, the PC operated but after a while under ...
Willinliv's user avatar
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Square wave rectified output value calculation

I can understand the ground osc probe but with a hand osc I shouldn´t have that problem, I think. But It went even worst. Maybe it is a doubler¿?
XanDasXuras's user avatar
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Component identification from ATV regulator/rectifier

I'm trying to identify this component from an ATV regulator. It looks like a semi controlled rectifier? I am trying to look up the datasheet.
Geo Pojar's user avatar
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Transistor specs in the capacitance multiplier

I'm working on a constant current power supply and as a first step designed the following rectifier with a filter. I know the bottom rectifier is inactive, but with couple of switches the circuit ...
beardeadclown's user avatar
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3 answers

The output of my rectifier which should be charging a capacitor on LTSpice is extremely jumpy and inconsistent

For some reason, every time that I include a capacitor in this circuit LTSpice transient analysis is very jumpy. Is there a better way to use the output of a bridge rectifier for this purpose? I tried ...
Alex Heinle's user avatar
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Valve amp power supply filtering with centre tapped transformers

I am designing a valve amplifier and am planning to use GU50 output pentodes in the power stage (PP). They can take up to 1kV on the anode but have an upper limit of 250V on the screen (which also ...
Oliver Gardiner's user avatar
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DC Voltage Across Load in Central Tapped Full wave rectifier

A 230 V, 60 Hz voltage is applied to the primary of a 5:1 step-down, center-tap transformer use in a full wave rectifier having a load of 900 Ω. If the diode resistance and secondary coil resistance ...
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Testing out a bridge rectifier if it works with only a multimeter

Indulge me here with this scenario, but suppose the electronics shop I'm sourcing parts have dubious, faulty semiconductors parts -- damaged, counterfeit, etc. What have you. How do I test if a bridge ...
Tempus Nomen's user avatar
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Peak to peak voltage

What is the formula to calculate the peak to peak voltage at the input of 7805 voltage regulator/at the output of 10 microfarad capacitor in this circuit?
Alex's user avatar
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What is this component? It looks like a rectifier with 149k as identifier

It looks like a rectifier with "pec" as manufacturer and 149k as identifier. I am trying to look up the datasheet.
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What is the difference between these two circuits?

Here I have a circuit for a full-wave bridge rectifier with capacitor filtering. And here is another circuit with two filter capacitors. What effect does the second filter capacitor provide?
spinachpizza_'s user avatar
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Identifying faulty component in AC-DC regulated PSU

I'm debugging this faulty AC-DC power supply circuit, which is meant to output 24 V DC from a 240 V AC supply. The 24 V line is actually about 10.1 V under load. I have tested ZD1 and ZD2 which seem ...
nasci's user avatar
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