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Questions tagged [magnetometer]

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To identify the following SMD component marked "365 P2303 982"

I need help in identifying this SMD component. Which has the following marking code "365 P2303 982" which is a 16-pin component top - 7 pins, bottom -7, left and right each pin and its ...
Rop lender's user avatar
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How to calibrate a compass module that isn't producing elliptical data?

My company is working on something similar to (but not the same as, but it's just easier to explain it like this) an electronic prize wheel, mounted horizontally. The method of detecting which prize ...
JBDT's user avatar
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How accurate is my phone's magnetometer?

I'm trying to build a linear motor, for which purpose I bought this large permanent magnet. The website claims it has up to "13,500 Gauss", which is 1.35 tesla. However when I put my phone ...
Joseph Summerhays's user avatar
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LIS3MDL Magnetometer heading calculation not working on xy plane

I have an Adafruit feather sense that I'm trying to code to get direction from according to the LIS3MDL magnetometer inside of it however rotating around the up-down axis it refuses to give an ...
SuitYourself's user avatar
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FLC100 Flux Gate: How does the reference voltage work?

I am using a set of six Stefan Mayer FLC100 flux gate magnetometers to measure a magnetic field along 3 axes. My current understanding of how to use these is that you take the differential ...
matt 's user avatar
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Do factory calibrated electronic compasses need to be re-calibrated in the field?

I have been working on an electronic compass. It has become apparent the best way to calibrate the magnetometer is once out in the open with out any large metal object nearby. Curiously, what I have ...
st2000's user avatar
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Looks like new IMUs doesn't have integrated magnetometers. How to reorient IMU without magnetometer?

I was searching for some replacement for the old MPU6050, and when I finally thought of ordering ICM-42688-P, I figured out it doesn't have a magnetometer. Strangely enough, ICM-20948 had a ...
Domenico's user avatar
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Tilt Compensated Compass Calibration Issue

I implemented a tilt-compensated compass using an NXP semiconductor app note link: App Note and hard iron calibration algorithm using Article. I am using LIS3MDL magnetometer chip in my design. I also ...
HumbleBumble's user avatar
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LSM303 + ESP-IDF: Accelerometer works but magnetometer gives the same reading unless power cycled

I am using an LSM303 sensor, connected via I2C to an ESP32 and programmed via ESP-IDF to retrieve the magnetometer and accelerometer data. I was previously using an Ardunio and the the Pololu LSM303 ...
Clement Tong's user avatar
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Why new/recommended MEMS IMU for AHRS for drones are 6-DOF instead of 9-DOF?

I'm developing an quadcopter as an DIY project. I'm in nascent stage of development. I've just finalized the design/working philosophy. I'm planning to fuse data from 9-DOF (9-Axes) IMU + GNSS + ...
Dark Sorrow's user avatar
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Reed Switch Selection - Quality Control

I have a piece of hardware which uses reed switches and neodymium magnets. When I attempt to produce this hardware in batches I find that some reed switches that I have are more sensitive than others ...
Jaspal Singh Rathour's user avatar
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LSM9DS1 magnetometer fast ODR and Self-test modes

The datasheet of the LSM9DS1 says on the page 63: ...
Buran's user avatar
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LSM9DS1 FIFO operation

The datasheet of the LSM9DS1 on pages 21-23 is very unclear on how actually the FIFO on the chip works. First of all, how many FIFOs does this chip have? From several places it looks like just one. In ...
Buran's user avatar
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LSM9DS1 inactivity mode

The datasheet of the LSM9DS1 says on page 41: ...
Buran's user avatar
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What does "full scale" mean in terms of a triple-axis magnetometer?

I'm writing a driver for a QMC5883L triple-axis magnetometer and in the datasheet it specifies "Full Scale" as a configurable parameter which can either be 2G or 8G. I've seen this on other ...
noodlejs's user avatar
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Maintaining constant magnetic field strength with temperature

We use SmCo magnets to create a field strength of around 300mT. We choose this material, rather than NdFeB because the former has a much smaller change in field with temperature. For SmCo it is (...
Dirk Bruere's user avatar
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Magnetometer MMC5983MA X axis only works once

I'm working with a MEMSIC MMC5983MA magnetometer, using SPI. I can read the WHOAMI and status registers fine, and the Y and Z axes seem to be giving reasonable (near mid-range) results. But for ...
Adrian Adamson's user avatar
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Is magnetometer an IMU sensor?

I am just learning about orientation, hence I got confused with definition of the following: Inertial measurement unit (IMU). Magnetic and inertial measurement unit (MIMU). Attitude and Heading ...
Mr. Panda's user avatar
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Fluxgate magnetometer design for a non-electrical engineer

I am working on a project where I have made a fluxgate sensor. The sensor consists of a drive winding and a sense winding. I have a function generator going into an amplifier (to drive the core to ...
thehungrygraduate's user avatar
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Magnetometers : on motor controler PCB or near motors?

For the cave robot I'm working on, it would be nice to have a magnetometer to get a (rough) orientation of the robot. By rough, I mean that 10° is more than enough, and even a +-45° error is still ...
Sandro's user avatar
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Why do magnetometer values change when I move PCB?

I have an MPU9250 on my PCB and I use an AHRS system with a Madgwick filter to get yaw angle. But for some reason - I can't get normal Euler angles (SO question). But I guess, I understood why. When I ...
crackanddie's user avatar
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Is there a way to know which magnet pole is facing the circuit?

I am not that much into magnetism, but I am facing the problem of defining the pole of the closest outer magnet it faces the circuit with. The magnet is completely out of control and might as well ...
Ver Nick's user avatar
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Sensor fusion in a metal heavy environment

I am trying to get heading information of a forklift. I've designed a small PCB for this purpose. This PCB has a 3 axis magnetometer and a 6 axis gyroscope-accelerometer (Z- axis looking towards the ...
Şener Yılmaz's user avatar
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I2C pull-up resistors and voltage

I have a sensor that I'm trying to read via I2C, but I have some issues with the pull-up resistors and what voltage they would be set to. My host computer is the Arduino Nano Every while my sensor is ...
BestQualityVacuum's user avatar
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Magnetometer readings in metal heavy environment

We have designed a sensor board that consist a magnetometer, an accelerometer and a barometer which we are planning to use this on a forklift to get heading information of the vehicle. I have used ...
Şener Yılmaz's user avatar
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Why are IMU sensors calibrated in the ways that they are?

I'm using a BNO055 IMU for a project, and I'm learning to calibrate each sensor separately. The gyroscope is calibrated by standing the device still in any position The magnetometer is calibrated ...
SamONeill's user avatar
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Absolute angle or position measurement for slow movements

I would like to monitor the movement of an extremely slow object. The x,y,z-position is not really relevant to me, I am more interested in the angle. I have come across the MPU6050 that is explained ...
Marco Bobinger's user avatar
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Is my magnetometer calibrated correctly?

I am calibrating the AK8963 on the MPU9250. The first plot shows original mag readings and the last plot shows readings corrected for soft and hard bias. I am following the guidance of Kris Winer: ...
user13174343's user avatar
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Wierd LSM303DLHC magnetometer output

I'm kind of new to electronic and recently bought a Adafruit 9DOF Sensor. I use it with a Raspberry Pi Zero connected through I²C and when I try to read the Z-axis magnetic field data of the ...
pimink's user avatar
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Mystery SOT-143 Part on Magnetometer

I'm trying to understand the operation of a single coil magnetometer (marketed as "fluxgate", but with only a single coil). I've backed out the schematic as shown. The coil is driven by a ...
geo_leeman's user avatar
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Angle between North and East from magnetometer values

I have a magnetometer from where I get X, Y and Z which point to the direction of the detectable magnetic fields. I'm using these values to get the angle between X and Y using atan2. I am a bit ...
Simon F's user avatar
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The purpose of a 10 uF cap for the MMC5883MA magnetic sensor

Datasheet: Here is their answer and my question: Hello, May I know whether or not I can do away without the 10 uF set/reset coil's ...
kellogs's user avatar
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Tilt compensation for yaw calculation from magnetometer and accelerometer

I am working on a project where I have to calculate the roll, pitch, and yaw angles using an accelerometer and a magnetometer. I calculate the pitch and roll angles using the accelerometer and I am ...
MariaC's user avatar
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Unexpected YAW angle from magnetometer

I have some doubts about a magnetometer application. I am trying to get YAW angle value from magnetometer data and so I am doing the following: ...
MariaC's user avatar
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ICM-20948 with DMP can't find its own compass

I am interfacing to the Invensense ICM-20948 9-DOF IMU chip using an ESP8266, and a 1.8V level shifter & regulator, which works fine. I am trying to get quaternions from the internal DMP using ...
Twometer's user avatar
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Detection of object movement & rotation in magnetic field

I need to develop solution for monitoring movement & rotation of components in 3D space (integrated logistical and production workspace). Components have a size of circa 0.5 x 0.25 x 0.25 meters. ...
Broono's user avatar
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How to find which landline wires are mine using sensors on my cell phone?

How do I figure out which one is my line? I know there's a special tool for it, some sort of beeping proximity sensor. I don't want to buy any tools. My cell phone, like many, has a Magnetometer. ...
naim5am's user avatar
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Arduino frequency measurement to 2 or 3 decimal places

I am in the process of building a Proton Precession Magnetometer to calculate the earths magnetic field strength by measuring the precession frequency of protons in distilled water. I am using an ...
Phil Adkins's user avatar
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How to calibrate any magnetometer when sensor is changing the location?

I found magnetometer calibration is done for soft/hard distortions also for tilt compensation using gyro data as well, but all of them perform for know step of the procedure (rotating aligned with ...
komto909's user avatar
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Reed switch sensitivity/Strong magnets for 6 ft detection

Can I detect magnetic field from 6 feet distance using Reed switch ? Do I require very strong magnet for it ? I can have low AT Reed switch for more sensitivity but detecting distance of 6 feet should ...
Riddhi Akbari's user avatar
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What are the general guidelines to configure IMU sensor parameters?

Im working on developing a Attitude and heading reference system (AHRS) for my quadcopter project. Im working with AltIMU-10 v5, it is 10 DOF (gyroscope,Accelerometer,Compass,Altimeter) IMU board. ...
calculusnoob's user avatar
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Detecting rotation from a fixed sensor

I am looking for a way how to detect the rotation of an object that is hanging from the ceiling, attached with a rope. Since the object can freely rotate for many revolutions (until the rope is too ...
Passiday's user avatar
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Magnetometer Offset Drift

I am using a magnetometer to detect metal objects. I typically take a reading when the software starts (zero offset calibration) and assuming that there are no metal objects in the vicinity and then ...
Luke Galea's user avatar
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Use magnetic field to estimate distance - best sensor type

I want to measure the position of something that movies along a single axis over a range of 150mm at a frequency of roughly 1kHz. You can imagine that it is the piston on a shock absorber. I could ...
CHsurfer's user avatar
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Position from magnetometer?

So basically I'm trying to figure out the distance that a person's hand is from maybe a point on the center of their chest and their bicep. I'm trying to get the position they are moving in as they ...
Nik B's user avatar
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Magnetometer moving along a line with different measurement?

I am testing on a magnetometer and found that moving the magnetometer along a straight line within the range around 1m, and the measurement varies. From what I understand, moving magnetometer along a ...
XJY95's user avatar
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Capacitor GND to GND on Magnetic Sensor

What is the purpose of this capacitor placement ? Why is it placed like that near Magnetic Sensor ?
Bianca's user avatar
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Quarternion disagreement between two BNO80 IMU

I'm trying to use two BNO80 orientation sensors to measure the deflection of a universal joint in both pitch and yaw (there are components in the way that prevent the use of rotary position sensors). ...
Crazymoomin's user avatar
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Magnetic Field around step-down converters [closed]

I'm courious how strong is magnetic field around step-down conveter? My plan is to use one LM2596 @ 12V(1A at maximum load) and one LM2596 @ 5V for STM32. I Know that coils generate MF around itself ...
Pararera's user avatar
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Are magnetic sensors able to pick up the electromagnetic field inside toroids?

From my understanding, correct me if I'm wrong, the electromagnetic field outside a toroid is 0, but it has a EM field within the shell itself. So my question is can a magnetic sensor pick up on this ...
dandev's user avatar
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