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Is the same overcurrent relay used for both phase-to-phase faults and 3-phase faults?

In MV grid with no distributed generators, 50-51 overcurrent relays are used to detect both phase to phase faults anf 3-phase faults. In Italy, time independent characteristics are used inside these ...
Samuele Benito Di Gioia's user avatar
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1 answer

Difference between a relay and a fault passage indicator (FPI)?

What is the difference between a fault passage indicator (FPI) and a relay (for example relay 50, 51, 67N) ? Are they the same thing?
Samuele Benito Di Gioia's user avatar
-1 votes
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Can a solid state relay be energized from the same 120V AC source that it switches?

Can a 120V AC input / AC output solid state relay be energized with the same 120V source connected to its contacts? This can't be done with an electromechanical relay because it generates feedback and ...
VanGogh66's user avatar
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2 answers

Ordinary Differential Relay Problem

The answer given in my workbook to the above problem is A. The things I was able to point out secondary c-phase current = 300A and other secondary phase currents = 0A since the entire current ...
Nikhil Kashyap's user avatar