I would like to create a solenoid like this one:
It should be powered by 5V and of course I want it to take as little current as possible. I know it will probably still take a current of around 0.75, 0.8, or 1A, but the lower the better. At the same time it must be strong. Say it has to lift up an object of 40 grams (0.088 lbs) against gravity.
As far as I know there are two things that make it stronger:
- Higher current.
- More windings.
Since I want to limit the current, I have to give it more copper windings. I'm not familiar with solenoids and electric fields. Therefore I have some questions:
- How to determine (approximately) how many copper windings I need for a predetermined current (formula/example) to make it the strong as I would like (lifting 40 grams)?
- What can I do to make it hot as slowly as possible?
- They say it will be stronger if you cover it with a metal housing to keep the magnetic field inside. Can the housing be of any metal (like aluminium, stainless steel, or tin metal), Should it be of some specific metal, or doesn't it matter that much and is it already beneficial to have a metal housing at all?
- Any other tips for building this thing yourself?