Environment-Behaviour Proceedings Journal
The usage of financial technology has developed considerably in recent years. Its worldwide use i... more The usage of financial technology has developed considerably in recent years. Its worldwide use in the financial sector is notable. Such as social finance, which includes zakat institutions. As a result, this research examines factors that could influence asnaf in Selangor, Malaysia, uses mobile banking for efficient zakat distribution. The Unified Theory of Acceptance and Usage of Technology (UTAUT) was employed and extended with additional components. The primary analysis used the SEM approach for the principal analysis. It was found that religiosity, intention, facilitating conditions, and habit influence the use of mobile banking for zakat distribution. Keywords: Fintech; Mobile Banking; Zakat; UTAUT eISSN: 2398-4287 © 2022. The Authors. Published for AMER ABRA cE-Bs by e-International Publishing House, Ltd., UK. This is an open access article under the CC BYNC-ND license ( Peer–review under responsibility of AMER (Association ...
Kanun Jurnal Undang-undang Malaysia
Dalam mencapai kesejahteraan ummah, pengurusan kekayaan menerusi pelbagai instrumen perancangan h... more Dalam mencapai kesejahteraan ummah, pengurusan kekayaan menerusi pelbagai instrumen perancangan harta adalah penting. Makalah ini mengkaji status quo hibah di Malaysia yang meliputi aspek amalan, punca kuasa, bidang kuasa dan keputusan mahkamah dalam kes yang berkaitan dengan hibah. Kajian perundangan ini berbentuk kualitatif menggunakan analisis deskriptif yang melibatkan pengambilan data kajian menerusi pelbagai buku, jurnal dan dokumen perundangan, seperti akta Parlimen, enakmen negeri-negeri dan resolusi Syariah. Kajian ini menganalisis enam tema, iaitu penentuan elemen hibah, hadiah dan sedekah, niat hibah tanpa lafaz ijab dan kabul, kabul menerusi perbuatan tanpa lafaz, pemilikan sempurna al-mauhub, sighah ijab dan kabul secara elektronik; dan qabd dalam pemberian hibah. Hasil kajian ini mendapati bahawa amalan hibah di Malaysia terbahagi kepada kontrak hibah bukan komersial dan kontrak hibah komersial. Sungguhpun perkara hibah diletakkan di bawah Senarai 2 Jadual Kesembilan P...
Journal of Contemporary Islamic Studies
Mentoring programs have long been a concern among academics and industry as programs for professi... more Mentoring programs have long been a concern among academics and industry as programs for professional development and excellent personal formation. The mentor is acting as chancellor, counselor, coach to every mentee. In empowering the religious education of new brothers, mentoring programmes are essential to be implemented to enable a new student to get the advice and assistance needed. The objective of this study was to measure the effectiveness of new sibling education classes through mentor-mentee programmes implemented by new brother mentors. Next study the psychosocial function of the mentor in providing chancellory support and motivation to the mentee. The study used quantitative research design and obtained data with purposeful sampling. This method of exploring factors is made through double linear regression. The data required for this study was collected from the State Islamic Religious Council (SIRC) in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Surveys are conducted with questionnaires at...
global journal al thaqafah
Sistem perbankan Islam di Malaysia telah melalui pelbagai fasa perubahan perundangan sejak mula d... more Sistem perbankan Islam di Malaysia telah melalui pelbagai fasa perubahan perundangan sejak mula diperkenalkan dan dilaksanakan pada tahun 1983. Majlis Penasihat Syariah telah diiktiraf oleh Akta Bank Negara 2009 sebagai sebuah badan tunggal yang berautoriti bagi membuat pemastian hukum syarak dalam konteks perbankan Islam. Resolusi syariah Majlis Penasihat Syariah juga diberi mandat bagi mengikat semua pihak termasuk mahkamah sivil. Walaubagaimanapun, status kedudukan dan peranan Majlis Penasihat Syariah dalam undang-undang statutori masih samar yang mencetuskan lacuna perundangan. Objektif kajian artikel ini adalah untuk mengenal pasti isu-isu perundangan berhubung dengan kesahan peruntukan akta statutori yang menerima dan menjadikan: a) resolusi syariah sebagai mengikat; b) ahli Majlis Penasihat Syariah sebagai pakar; dan c) Majlis Penasihat Syariah sebagai tertinggi dan kebal. Kaedah pengumpulan data adalah melalui kaedah kepustakaan dan temubual tidak berstruktur. Peruntukan akt...
Konsep dan nilai-nilai wasatiyyah merupakan asas dalam amalan perbankan Islam. Ini kerana Islam t... more Konsep dan nilai-nilai wasatiyyah merupakan asas dalam amalan perbankan Islam. Ini kerana Islam telah menggariskan beberapa prinsip asas muamalat yang menjadi garis panduan dan tunjang dalam aktiviti dan operasi perbankan supaya segala bentuk sifat ekstrem dapat dihindari. Prinsip-prinsip tersebut antaranya pengharaman apa-apa jua perkara yang melampau batas iaitu unsur perjudian, ketidakpastian ( gharar ), riba, penipuan, kezaliman dan sebagainya. Sifat ekstrem ini wajib dijauhi dalam kehidupan kerana ianya telah diharamkan secara jelas ( qat’ie ) oleh Allah SWT kerana ianya bersifat menindas, terutamanya terhadap golongan yang fakir, miskin atau berpendapatan rendah. Pengharaman ini turut disertakan dengan ancaman azab yang terlalu berat di akhirat. Sistem perbankan Islam amat menjunjung konsep wasatiyyah melalui nilai keadilan amanah, ketelusan, dan akauntabiliti yang diterapkan melalui sistem tadbir urus syariah.
Industri perbankan Islam sedang pesat berkembang dalam atmosfera persekitaran yang kian kompleks ... more Industri perbankan Islam sedang pesat berkembang dalam atmosfera persekitaran yang kian kompleks dan mencabar. Ciri utama sistem perbankan Islam terletak pada rangka kerja tadbir urus syariah bagi operasi dan perkhidmatan perniagaan perbankan Islam. Walau bagaimanapun, sistem tadbir urus syariah bukan suatu perkara yang baharu. Ia telah dibuktikan menyamai amalan hisbah dalam pentadbiran Islam silam. Dalam sistem perbankan Islam, pematuhan yang tegas terhadap prinsip-prinsip muamalat dalam syariah amat dititikberatkan. Oleh itu, rangka kerja tadbir urus syariah yang kukuh serta mampan diperlukan bagi merealisasikan sistem perbankan Islam yang mantap dan stabil. Pelaksanaan tadbir urus syariah yang juga bertindak sebagai suatu teras dan sempadan yang membezakan antara perbankan Islam dengan konvensional. Oleh hal yang demikian, artikel ini menganalisis rangka kerja tadbir urus syariah dalam perbankan Islam di Malaysia yang merangkumi Majlis Penasihat Syariah sebagai autoriti syariah ...
Kerangka kerja tadbir urus syariah telah diwujudkan melalui akta regulatori perbankan Islam iaitu... more Kerangka kerja tadbir urus syariah telah diwujudkan melalui akta regulatori perbankan Islam iaitu Akta Bank Negara Malaysia 2009 dan Akta Perkhidmatan Kewangan Islam 2013. Ianya merupakan satu mekanisme yang penting bagi memastikan kelestarian pematuhan terhadap hukum syarak dalam setiap operasi sistem perbankan Islam. Selain itu, ianya berupaya menjamin kestabilan industri perbankan Islam di Malaysia disamping meningkatkan keyakinan para pemegang taruh. Majlis Penasihat Syariah ditubuhkan sebagai pihak yang berautoriti tunggal bagi memastikan hukum syarak bagi semua persoalan syariah dalam operasi dan fasiliti perbankan Islam. Bertitik tolak dari itu, artikel ini cuba mengenengahkan status quo perundangan Majlis Penasihat Syariah setelah melalui beberapa fasa perundangan negara. Untuk tujuan ini, kerangka kerja tadbir urus akan dianalisa sesuai dengan konsep pematuhan syariah dalam pengoperasian perbankan Islam. Selain dari itu, keputusan kes dan pindaan perundangan juga akan dikaj...
Perkhidmatan dan operasi perbankan Islam oleh institusi-institusi perbankan Islam di Malaysia dan... more Perkhidmatan dan operasi perbankan Islam oleh institusi-institusi perbankan Islam di Malaysia dan Indonesia diwajibkan untuk dijalankan dengan memenuhi prinsip syariah secara keseluruhan. Kelestarian pematuhan terhadap hukum syarak dalam setiap operasi sistem perbankan Islam adalah bergantung kepada keberkesanan pelaksanaan sistem tadbir urus syariah. Di Malaysia, struktur tadbir urus syariah diwujudkan melalui akta regulatori perbankan Islam iaitu Akta Bank Negara Malaysia 2009 dan Akta Perkhidmatan Kewangan Islam 2013 manakala Undang-undang No. 21 Tahun 2008 tentang Perbankan Islam, Undang-undang No. 12 Tahun 2011 Tentang Pembentukan Peraturan Perundang-Undangan, Peraturan Bank Indonesia No. 10/32/PBI/2008, dan Surat Kuasa Majelis Ulama Indonesia Nombor Keputusan 754/MUI/11/99 telah membentuk aturan tadbir urus syariah perbankan Islam di Indonesia. Oleh demikian, artikel ini menganalisis sistem tadbir urus syariah dalam perbankan Islam melalui perbandingan antara struktur pelaksan...
International Journal of Educational Best Practices, 2017
The concept and values of wasatiyyah are fundamental in Islamic banking practice as the syariahla... more The concept and values of wasatiyyah are fundamental in Islamic banking practice as the syariahlaw has delineated basic muamalat principles as an operation guideline for the banking industry.So that, all kind of extreme characteristics may be prevented. The principles of wasatiyyah prohibitany element which overlooks the permitted limit namely gambling, uncertainty (gharar), usury,fraud and so on. These elements have to be avoided in life because they were clearly prohibited byAllah SWT due to their oppressive nature especially towards the unfortunate such as the poor orlow-income group. This prohibition is also attached with the heavy intimidation in the hereafter.The Islamic banking system upholds the concept of wasatiyyah through the values of fairness,trust, transparency and accountability which are instilled through the syariah governance system.The appreciation of these values is proposed to be a part of the new curriculum for the financialawareness subject has been presented ...
Entrepreneurs are known as important drivers of economic growth and add considerable value to loc... more Entrepreneurs are known as important drivers of economic growth and add considerable value to local economies. Zakat is one of the tools used to help disadvantaged and impoverished people meet their basic needs and improve their quality of life. By defining the critical factors, this study aims to investigate a multidimensional model that can be used in development programmes to meet the needs of rural asnaf entrepreneurs. This study uses a simple qualitative research design that includes data collection through library methods and descriptive analysis. The findings from previous studies were analysed to establish the concept and theme of the analysis. Finally, it is discovered that in order to turn an asnaf into a successful entrepreneur, all of the critical factors must be emphasised, especially in rural areas. As a result, a detailed model for the growth of rural asnaf entrepreneurship is proposed.
Sains Insani
Usahawan dikenali sebagai pemacu pertumbuhan ekonomi yang penting dan memberi nilai yang besar ke... more Usahawan dikenali sebagai pemacu pertumbuhan ekonomi yang penting dan memberi nilai yang besar kepada ekonomi setempat. Zakat merupakan mekanisme yang digunakan untuk membantu golongan yang kurang bernasib baik dan miskin bagi memenuhi keperluan asas dan meningkatkan kualiti hidup mereka. Dengan menentukan faktor kritikal, kajian ini bertujuan untuk menyelidiki model multidimensi yang dapat digunakan dalam program pembangunan bagi memenuhi keperluan usahawan asnaf luar bandar. Kajian ini menggunakan reka bentuk penyelidikan kualitatif yang merangkumi pengumpulan data melalui kaedah perpustakaan dan analisis data secara deskriptif. melalui sorotan literatur, konsep dan tema kajian ditetapkan dan dianalisis. Dapatan kajian menunjukkan bahawa untuk menjadikan asnaf seorang sahawan yang berjaya, semua faktor kritikal mesti dititikberatkan, terutama di kawasan luar bandar. Di akhir kajian, dicadangkan sebuah model komprehensif bagi pembangunan keusahawanan asnaf luar bandar. Entreprene...
Jurnal Islam dan Masyarakat Kontemporari
This article discusses the educational module of muallaf in Malaysia. Some modules that have been... more This article discusses the educational module of muallaf in Malaysia. Some modules that have been implemented in several academic institutions such as Darul Hidayah MAIWP Education Module, Hidayah Centre Education Module, Baitussalam Education Module, PERKIM Islamic Da'wah Institute (IDIP) and Islamic Studies Institute, National PERKIM Islamic Studies Class and Sabah Islamic Institute and Da'wah Institute (IPDAS). The method used in this study is in the form of quality through library research and analyzed using content analysis and comparison by looking at the modules of muallaf education centres that have been used. The analysis of this muallaf module is fundamental to see the suitability of the level and ability and effectiveness of the convert to follow the syllabus that has been provided. The results of the study found that there is a syllabus that has been drafted over for 5 years and needs to be re-evaluated so that it can be updated and in line with current changes a...
International Journal of Educational Best Practices
The idea of legally acknowledging and protecting the intellectual property is prevalently known i... more The idea of legally acknowledging and protecting the intellectual property is prevalently known inany legal system in the world, but not many people know how this idea is dealt in Islam. Islam asthe religion of wholeness (syumul), deals with almost all aspects of life and aims at protecting fivemain objectives of syariah3 (maqasid al syariah) namely religion (al din), life (al nafs), intellect(al aqal), lineage (al nasl) as well as property (al mal). As the time goes by, people started torealize that human intelligence and creativity shall not be the object of manipulation, thusnecessitated them to come up with some sort of protection for their invention by legallyacknowledging it as ‘intellectual property’. This paper will try to discuss the position of intellectualproperty in the Islamic jurisprudence by determining its ‘maaliyyah’ (capable of being consideredas property).
International Journal of Educational Best Practices
Since the terrorist attacks on September 11, 2001, the Islamic schools known as madrasah havebeen... more Since the terrorist attacks on September 11, 2001, the Islamic schools known as madrasah havebeen of increasing interest to analysts and to officials involved in formulating U.S. foreign policytoward the Middle East, Central, and Southeast Asia. Madrasah drew added attention when itbecame known that several Taliban leaders and Al-Qaeda members had developed radicalpolitical views at madrasah in Pakistan, some of which allegedly were built and partially financedthrough Saudi Arabian sources. These revelations have led to accusations that madrasah promoteIslamic extremism and militancy, and are a recruiting ground for terrorism. Others maintain thatmost of these religious schools have been blamed unfairly for fostering anti-U.S. sentiments andargue that madrasah play an important role in countries where millions of Muslims live in povertyand the educational infrastructure is in decay. This paper aims to study a misconception of therole and functions of Islamic traditional religious sc...
International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications (IJSRP)
This article discusses on the definition of subsidiary legislation in Malaysian administrative la... more This article discusses on the definition of subsidiary legislation in Malaysian administrative law, its advantages and how to challenge it. Subsidiary legislation is part of Malaysian legal sources that supplements the legislative function of Malaysian legal system. Although the Parliament and State Assembly are the main bodies that have been vested with the legislative power in Malaysia, other non-elected members are also conferred to exercise the same function to assist the Parliament and the State Assembly in their law making roles. The abundance of subsidiary legislation in the legal systems serve a great deal of benefits and advantages especially to ease the burden of the legislative bodies especially in dealing with the details of the law and also to gain expert views on certain issues. However the power mandated in the hands of these authorised bodies comprising of non-elected civil servants could also result in illegality and abuse of power, thus, this article attempts to outline grounds on which the subsidiary legislation can be challenged. This article is a descriptive and comparative analysis research which involves library-based method. This method is based on the analysis of various literature materials from books, articles, journals, Acts of Parliament, as well as reference to decided cases from Malaysian courts and commonwealth countries. It is the finding of this article that the court has the power of judicial review over the subsidiary legislation if the subsidiary legislation is ultra vires its conferring Act (parent Act), substantively or procedurally and the parent Act or the subsidiary legislation itself is unconstitutional. The court will look into the provisions of the parent Act and also the subsidiary legislation to determine its constitutionality and if it is within the scope of the parent act and the Federal Constitution. It is recommended that the power to enact subsidiary legislation conferred to the delegated body shall not be abused to overstep legal and constitutional boundaries and the Parliament shall not over-delegate its power to subsidiary legislation since it may be seen as abdication or 'giving up' its actual constitutional role i.e. to make law.
Jurnal Pengurusan, 2013
Prinsip muamalat amat menitikberatkan kekukuhan struktur tadbir urus korporat, ketelusan, penzahi... more Prinsip muamalat amat menitikberatkan kekukuhan struktur tadbir urus korporat, ketelusan, penzahiran maklumat dan pematuhan yang tegas terhadap prinsip-prinsip Islam. Oleh yang demikian, berasaskan kepada prinsip-prinsip asas ini, maka lahirlah produk-produk perbankan dan takaful yang seiring dengan ketetapan hukum Syarak. Rangka kerja tadbir urus Shariah adalah suatu pengaturan organisasi bagi sesebuah institusi kewangan Islam dan takaful bagi memastikan keberkesanan pengawasan untuk menjurus kepada persekitaran yang sentiasa patuh kepada prinsip Shariah.Pematuhan kepada prinsip Islam secara menyeluruh akan mengukuhkan keyakinan masyarakat dan pelabur-pelabur terhadap kredibiliti operasi kewangan Islam.
Sains Insani
Usahawan asnaf dapat diklasifikasikan sebagai asnaf fakir dan miskin yang didedahkan dengan kemah... more Usahawan asnaf dapat diklasifikasikan sebagai asnaf fakir dan miskin yang didedahkan dengan kemahiran dan kecenderungan dalam bidang keusahawanan. Bantuan modal yang diterima oleh institusi zakat membolehkan mereka berkecimpung dalam bidang perniagaan, sekaligus bertujuan untuk menjadikan asnaf sebagai pengeluar zakat. Justeru, artikel ini membincangkan aspek yang dapat diteladani oleh usahawan asnaf berpandukan perjalanan sirah Nabi Muhammad SAW sebagai peniaga dan pedagang yang berjaya. Kajian merumuskan bahawa kualiti peribadi berpandukan agama adalah amat penting membangunkan dan merealisasikan keusahawanan asnaf yang berjaya. Asnaf entrepreneurs can be classified as poor and needy asnaf who are exposed to skills and inclinations in the field of entrepreneurship. The capital assistance received by zakat institutions enables them to engage in business, at the same time aiming them later to transform into producers of zakat. Thus, this article discusses the aspects that can be e...
The concept of statehood in international law is basically enumerated in the 1933 Montevideo Conv... more The concept of statehood in international law is basically enumerated in the 1933 Montevideo Convention which provides four characteristics of a State in its Article 1: (a) a permanent population; (b) a defined territory; (c) government; and (d) capacity to enter into relations with the other States. The Montevideo criteria are so far the most frequently quoted to be the elements of statehood. However, it remains uncertain that these criteria conclusively determine the existence of statehood since there were numerous disagreement among modern writers. Although the concept of state has been well-established by the 1933 Convention, in Islam, such concept has been practiced a long time ago by the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) and His Companions. Therefore, this article attempts to make comparison between the concept of state in the Montevideo Convention 1933 and Islamic law with reference to the Quranic verses, the practice of the Prophet (PBUH) and His Companions, and the writings of modern Islamic scholars. This article is a qualitative legal study where the data compiled through library research method. The article finds that, while both concepts are in harmonious to each other criteria-wise, but the discussion of each criterion indicates glaring differences between them since both concepts are based on different sources of law, values and underlying principles.