Thursday, December 30, 2010

eighty nine ----------------------

mode: sedikit kelaparan..hmm

bile kami2 ( koas kedokteran gigi @ clinical dental students ) mengisi perut di pizza hut !

bukan slalu pn, 3bln skali kuttt.. padahal pizza hut ngn rumah 5mnt je kl g ngn scooter. kiteorg mmg pemalas nk makan lua, beli bungkus sudah.. dh la kl compare ngan Msia, pizza hut kat Indonesia ni lg murah..huhuuu~

sambal n saus tomat!

salad pizza hut sgt sedap! sy sukeee!

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

eighty seven -----------

!!!!!!!!!!! G.O.A.L !!!!!!!!!!!!!

p/s; tQ Msia! esok bleh g exam dgn muke senyum.. ;D
perlu ke pakai baju kuning esok??hahahha~

eighty six ------------------

eighty five --------------

new year resolutions awardtQ for this lovely award sue !!

1. copy and paste this award in your blog.
~ done

2. write an entry,
5 things to do in 1432H
~ be a better muslimah (solat awal waktu& puasa sunat)
~ live a better life (eat healthy foods & do fitness)
~ be a dentist (finish my clinical)
~ be a better person (more patient, less anger)
~ open my heart (hahahahahhah~)

3. share your mission and/ or vision for this new year.
~ learn something new+enjoy life+ berSYUKUR everyday~

4. tag 5 person and let them share their things to do.
~ hanny @ mizz jihani
~ camim
~ kakak
~ tik
~ nanie
~ syafa (tau syafa dh dpt award ni. heehee)
~ ihsan
~ ummphs
~ meeya

p/s: uppss.. dh lebih 5 ek.. hehe~

eighty four ------------------

1) Thanks the person who give you this award
- terime kasih mizz syafa yg baik hati!!
- sorry sbb bru ambik award ni ;D
link: received award

2) Link that person at your blogroll
- sudah dilaksanakan

3) Spread to 15 blogger which you think awesome
- dlu dh pernah dpt award ni, so sy dh bagi kat bloggers yg terpilih.. ;D

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

eighty three --------

buat ke 1000 kali, cair dgn Jung Yong hwa.. waaaa~ hahah
lg beberape hari nk new year, jom kumpul love+love+love~

Monday, December 27, 2010

eighty two -------


ape yg jd sepanjang 2010..

1. risau dgn umur 25
2. gelabah ngn wrinkles, sibuk pakai anti-aging cream
3. 5 org bestfriends bertunang (kawthar, sue, farah, ema, wanie)

4. seorg bestfriend kawin (na
5. my bestestfriends dtg holiday kat klantan (chepah&budin)

6. holiday kat Bandung 2 kali! (skali ngan big famly, second ngan my bestfriends- chepah,tik,sue,nabil)

7. heartbroken.....................................

8. crying a lot (terime kasih kpd semua yg teman sy nangis) haha~

9. hari raya aidilfitri&aidiladha yg sgt2 awesome!

10. buat hantaran tunang nabil&sue

11. naik TUDM Hercules blk Msia sbb gunung Merapi meletup

12. dapat rase volcanic ash

13. sy ade blog!! (ketinggalan zaman kut) hahah~

14. sy deactivate fb
15. laptop dan digicam kene curi
16. dapat laptop& hardisc baru

p/s: rse mcm ade byk lg..nnt tambah bile ingat.. huhuu~

Sunday, December 26, 2010

eighty one ---------

mode: GOALLLL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
rumah pohon

jalan-jalan cari makan or wisata kuliner (bhs indonesia).
makan~makan~makan~..tQ parents Aisya sbb blanje dinner kat rumah pohon ;D
menu makanan kat rumah pohon ni biase2 je, yg specialnye rumah pohon ni dibina dr 100%buluh or bambu dan 3 tingkat. tempat mmg cun! ;)

1. muke bahagia makan free

2. menu standart kat yogyakarta~
nasi+tempe bakar+ayam bakar+ cah kangkung+sambal

after dinner, we went to karoks for a celebration. one of my housemates become single from double~ hehee ;D

Friday, December 24, 2010

eighty ---------------

simple & adorable
Do It Yourself in 5minutes
by wafazman & didiharun

bahan+alat = kertas warne, gunting, ribbon

1. potong kertas sesuai bentuk kelopak bunga yg di design. diameter bunge dlm pic ni 10cm
2. gumpal kertas dan jadikan bola kecik, letak kat tgh2 kertas bunga.
3. tekuk semua kelopak bunga, dan ikat dgn ribbon

4. siap!
5. mintak tlg kawan pakaikn kat tgn

6. jom posing dgn corsage!

Thursday, December 23, 2010

seventy nine -----------

mode: happy ;P


Yesterday we had a super amazing Bachelorette party.the bride to be is Mariam Khidhir

(i made the veil!! jahit tgn tau... ;D)

22nd Dec 2010

SILLA ~Japanese, Korean, Chinese foods Restaurant,

pink, baby blue, yellow (pastel tone)

party planner:
Didi Harun

personal assistant:
Wafa Azman

official photografers:
didi harun, wafa azman, aisya roslan

we (didi n wafa) made everything (party decorations and props) by ourselves!!
bangge tau! hehe~

p/s: next post will be " how to DIY corsage (yg mcm kiteorg pakai dlm pic tu).. ;D

seventy eight ----------

mode: rindu famly


Dalam byk2 crite cinderella, paling suke "ever after". movie ni mmg dh lame since 1998. cite classic yg sgt2 best sbb ade sedih, klakar, sweet, dan yg paling penting psl cinderella ni, ade prince yg sgt2 charming+dress yg cun melecun+ kasut kaca! jd kpd sape2 yg blum tgk, sile tgk skrg!! ;D

*berangan* hidup ni mmg byk cabaran dan dugaan, jd bile dtg mase bahagia, blh la rase diri jd cinderella *berangan*.

Someday your prince charming will come. Mine just took a wrong turn, got lost, and is too stubborn to ask for directions.

- Unknown

p/s: agaknye dah tersesat sampai benua mane ek?? ;)

links: cinde1, cinde2
, cinde3,

Monday, December 20, 2010

seventy seven --------

mode: happy sbb dh tgk narnia..heheh~

10 kali tgk, 20 kali jatuh cinta..
jejaka2 yg bertuah ini adalah......


p/s: kl semua manusia ni senyum, 10kali tgk =20kali jatuh cinta+ 10kali cair!! ;D

Sunday, December 19, 2010

seventy six --------------

p/s: if a guy sing this song for me, i will "jatuh tangga+pengsan" hahahahh~

Saturday, December 18, 2010

seventy five ---------

SOME memories never fade~
SOME feeling never change~

.. hmm.. byk manusia yg ckp diriku tak photogenic.. terime je takdir kekurangan diri.. disebabkn hidup hri ni tido n makan je, jom kite google psl photogenic ni..

A subject (generally a person) is photogenic if appearing aesthetically or physically attractive or appealing in photographs.

The state of being photogenic may or may not necessarily be related to one's physical attractiveness in real life. Models are usually described as photogenic. The bone structure of their faces may represent something that is not generally pretty or may be even unattractive or frail looking, but when photographed, their features can turn into something that is physically attractive.

hmm.. patut la, bone structure kat muka ni mmg tak attractive pn..
pape pn.. ALHAMDULILLAH.. ;D

p/s: dh muke penuh lemak, cmne nk nmpk tulang kn? hehee~

Friday, December 17, 2010

seventy four --------

kami yg share cerite2 tentang rase2 cinta..

cinta tu manis mcm gule2,
bile kite same2 suke.

cinta tu masin mcm garam,
bile kite same2 geram.

cinta itu masam mcm asam jawa,
bile kite same2 ketawa.
(kl masam msti pejam mate kn, same la bl gelak kuat2,mate jd sepet)

cinta itu pahit mcm green tea,
bile kite saling takde feeling lg..

p/s: bosan...
- cmne bleh tb2 takde feeling ek? haishhh.. tp mmg ade..
- sy suke green tea!! green tea sgt2 sedap!!

Thursday, December 16, 2010

seventy three ------------

mode: conteng sbb takleh tido lg dan lg!!!!

hidup penuh cabaran,
setiap hari tak pernah same,

itulah namanya dugaan,
semuanya harus kite terima,

dia bukan untuk kite,
pasti ada yg sedang menanti,
suatu saat akan tiba,

biarkanlah si dia pergi,

kenape terlalu byk liku,

tiada satu pn yang segaris,

inilah perjalanan hidup,

suatu saat akan menjadi kisah yang manis..

p/s: sesuai x pantun ngn pic? hehee~

seventy two --------------


bile gi Bali?
last year (8 may 2009)

pegi ngan sape?
nana, aimi, tika, wafa

jln2 kat mane & buat ape je?
tanah lot, monkey forest(ubud), kecak dance, water sports at Nusa Dua beach, Pura Ulun Danu Batur, dll

p/s: nk gi Bali lg!!!! ;D

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

seventy one -----------

mode: dh lame kn tak buat post psl gigi.. huuhu~

toothbrush atau berus gigi

basic yg korg kene tau bile nk beli berus gigi..

1. jenis bulu berus gigi
- ade soft, medium n hard.

- pilih yg soft bile korg rase cara korg berus gigi tu gune tekanan yg kuat, pilih yg hard bile care korg berus
gigi tu slow n kurang tekanan.
- jenis bulu soft + tekanan kuat = medium
- jenis bulu hard + tekanan slow = medium
- commonly, hard bristles/brushes can damage teeth and gums, and are not recommended.

wafa's choice= soft ;D

2. bentuk hujung kepala berus gigi

- ade petak, bulat n runcing

- pilih petak kl mulut korg besar, n runcing bile mulut korg kecik. yang penting, berus gigi tu boleh masuk sampai gigi yg paling belakang..

wafa's choice= runcing ;D

3. harga berus gigi

- ade mahal, sedang, murah
- beli yg mahal bile korg mmg pemalas nk tukar berus gigi, beli yg murah bile korg spesis yg suke tukar berus gigi.
- murah= bulu tak tahan lame, mahal= bulu tahan lame
- kl yg sedang, maximum kene tukar every 3 months

- bile bulu dh kembang, mmg wajib tukar ok..

wafa's choice= sedang, tukar every 2 months

since bile kanak2 kene start berus gigi?

-bile tumbuh je gigi susu yg pertama (biasenye umur 6bln), gune towel or special toothbrush (baby's bristle toothbrush @ finger toothbrush). gosok kat gigi gune air je dh ok. ;D

p/s: kl nk tanye pape psl gigi, jgn segan2 k.. tulis je kat comment or u can email me [email protected]

links: tooth1, tooth2

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

seventy --------

mode: xde mood/ xde idea/ homesick.......

Monday, December 13, 2010

sixty nine ----

gentleman.. when..

- He is successful at his job
- He is generous toward others
(bukan spesis selfish. cth: tlg angkat beg yg berat letak dlm cabin walaupn tak kenal. sy akan bg senyuman paling manis smbil ckp tQ bile ade guy cmni ;D)
- He is trustworthy
- He is easy to talk to
- He has goals for himself, he's ambitious
- He is kind to children and respectful to women
(sgt comel bile lelaki suke kanak2 )
- He keeps the perverted jokes to a minimum
- He puts a little effort into what he wear
(paling penting bersih!!)
- He don't flirt with other girls. We girls don't like it..
- He know exactly how to act under pressure, who to relax..
- He learns how to cook (bonus!!)

p/s: korg di alu-alukan untuk tambah lg criteria kat comment k..hahahaa~ takde keje kn buat list psl ni..
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