Papers by Robert K Y A L O Ndambuki
IJETS, 2024
Curriculum implementation is a complex process that requires integration of an array of resources... more Curriculum implementation is a complex process that requires integration of an array of resources; inclusive of finances especially for the case of vocational subjects such as Agriculture that entail a lot of hands-on activities. In a school set up, the procurement and maintenance of various resources and facilities entirely depends on the availability of finances. This study therefore sought to establish the relationship between level of adequacy of finance resource allocation towards Agriculture subject and the use of Project-Based Learning in the implementation of the Agriculture curriculum in Kenyan secondary schools. Simple survey research design was adopted. Using the Krejcie and Morgan table for determining sample sizes, 44 secondary schools were sampled. One teacher of Agriculture and one principal were purposively sampled from each of the schools giving a total of 88 respondents. The data collections tools used included questionnaires and an observation guide. Chi-square test of relationship was used to analyze the findings aided by the Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) version 26. The study established that there was a significant relationship between level of adequacy of finance resource allocation and use of the Project-Based Learning in the implementation of Agriculture subject curriculum in secondary schools in Kakamega North Sub-County, Kakamega County, Kenya.
Journal of education and practice, 2024
This study sought to assess the current use of the 4-K Club activities in teaching of competency-... more This study sought to assess the current use of the 4-K Club activities in teaching of competency-based agriculture subject in grades 4-6 at primary schools in Makindu Sub-County, Kenya. Methodology: A descriptive survey research design was employed in the study. The target population of this study comprised of 926 teachers assigned to teach in grades 4-6 at primary schools in Makindu Sub-Count in Kenya. The accessible population for the study comprised of 32 teachers assigned to teach agriculture subject in grades 4-6 in the 16 schools with active 4-K Clubs in Makindu Sub-County. The census method was used to select all 32 agriculture teachers from schools with active 4-K Clubs to participate in the study. Structured questionnaires were used to collect data from the respondents. Quantitative data was analyzed descriptively using statistics such as percentages and frequencies. Data was coded and analyzed using the Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS v28.0). Results were then presented in tables. Findings: The results indicated that there is little use of most of the 4-K Club activities conducted within the school farm, community and through use of ICT facilities in teaching of the competency-based agriculture subject in grades 4-6 by the agriculture teachers. However, the 4-K Club activity that was conducted at least frequently by most teachers when teaching was only guiding learners to carry out projects on crop production. Contribution to Theory, Policy and Practice: The study recommended that the teachers assigned to teach agriculture subject at upper primary to increase use of the 4-K Club activities within the school farm, community and through use of the ICT facilities in teaching of the agriculture subject. In-service training to be conducted to train primary school teachers on use of the 4-K Clubs in teaching of the agriculture subject. Government of Kenya to lay down strategies needed to keep the 4-K Clubs active in schools for current use in teaching of the competency based agriculture subject.
IJETS , 2024
Curriculum review and change are occasioned by the need to keep learners abreast with the pertine... more Curriculum review and change are occasioned by the need to keep learners abreast with the pertinent issues. In Kenya, the change in curriculum from the 8-4-4 to the current 2-6-3-3-3 comes with many changes that the teachers need to embrace. Since Agriculture is considered as a core subject at the junior secondary level, this study sought to establish teachers' preparedness in implementing the Agriculture subject curriculum. A desktop research design was adopted for this study which relied on data from relevant sources related to CBC. The main emphasis was on teacher preparedness in terms of subject matter, utilization of the school farm, mode of assessment, and ICT integration in the teaching of competence-based Agriculture. This study established that agriculture teachers being the agriculture subject curriculum implementers, their preparedness in terms of knowledge of the subject matter, ICT integration in teaching, mode of assessment and utilization of the school farm in teaching is poor. It was therefore concluded that most agriculture teachers at junior secondary schools are not well prepared for the implementation of an agriculture subject curriculum. This study therefore recommended that the Government of Kenya should provide more in-service training to agriculture teachers at junior secondary to make them more prepared to effectively implement agriculture subject curriculum.
International journal of education, technology anf science, 2024
Competency based agriculture subject at upper primary should be taught practically so as to enabl... more Competency based agriculture subject at upper primary should be taught practically so as to enable learners to master the required core competencies. Among ways which teachers of agriculture at upper primary would ensure practical implementation of agriculture subject curriculum is through use of the 4-K Club activities conducted within the school farm. However, paucity of information on how agriculture teachers can use the 4-K Club activities in teaching to help learners master core competencies agriculture subject exists. It's upon this research gap therefore that this study sought to document the teacher-guided 4-K Club activities undertaken within the school farm for the acquisition of the core competencies in agriculture subject at upper primary. This study focused on documenting acquisition communication and collaboration and critical thinking and competencies. Descriptive survey research design was employed in the study. Table by Krejice and Morgan was used to obtain a sample size of 108 teachers from schools with either active or inactive 4-K Clubs in Makindu sub-county. Descriptive statistics were used in data analysis where Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) was used. This study found out that various teacher-guided 4-K Club activities have significant contribution to the acquisition of communication and collaboration and critical thinking and competencies.
Papers by Robert K Y A L O Ndambuki