Egerton University
Migori County is one of the six counties in Nyanza Province. The county has resources ranging from agricultural lands, precious stones e.g. gold, power generation facilities, fisheries, and tourism potential. These eminent resources can... more
As societies become increasingly individualistic, people who live within the same locality can be highly isolated from one another such that it becomes practically impossible to help one another even when life-saving help is within rich... more
The paper analyses the trend of rainfall and its effects on potato yields in Oljoro-orok Division, Nyandarua County. The objective of the study was, to analyse seasonal and annual rainfall characteristics and correlate them with potato... more
- by Amon Karanja
Severe drought has affected Kenya in the past decades reducing crop yields leaving millions of people in dire need of food. Drought cycle in Kenya has reduced increasing drought frequency in the recent decades. This study assessed drought... more
- by Amon Karanja
The objective of this study was to evaluate the key challenges facing potato production in Oljoro-Orok division. Primary data were obtained from randomly selected farmers through questionnaires. Purposive sampling was used to select 300... more
The need for perception studies to drought is informed by the fact that different people perceive drought differently and derive local adaptation measures based on their individual perception. The objective of the study was to establish... more
- by Amon Karanja
This study analysed the effect of rainfall variability on potato yields in Oljoro-orok Division, Nyandarua County. The objective was to investigate the relationship between rainfall variability and Irish potato production in Oljoro-orok... more
- by Amon Karanja
Aims: This study sought to analyze the effects of adoption of Climate Smart Agriculture practices on farmers’ livelihoods in Soy sub County Kenya. Study Design: The study adopted a cross-sectional descriptive survey research design,... more
Increase in drought frequency, magnitude and duration affect crop production in Kenya. The limited food production resulting from drought leads to food insecurity in Arid and Semi-Arid Lands (ASALs) in the Kenya. This study reviewed... more
Aims: This study tried to investigate the extent of knowledge co-production between indigenous farmers and agricultural extension in dry lands. Study Design: The study adopted survey research design where both qualitative and quantitative... more
- by Morris Mwatu