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Tso Wikipedia
Taxon nameGaleocerdo cuvier Trɔ asi le eŋu
Taxon rankspecies Trɔ asi le eŋu
Parent taxonGaleocerdo Trɔ asi le eŋu
Original combinationSqualus cuvier Trɔ asi le eŋu
IUCN conservation statusNear Threatened Trɔ asi le eŋu
Start time23 million years BCE Trɔ asi le eŋu
Taxon rangeBrazil Trɔ asi le eŋu
NZTCS conservation statusmigrant Trɔ asi le eŋu


  1. Aziaku, Vincent Erskine. 2016. A Linguistic Analysis of Ewe Animal Names among the Ewe of Ghana. Köln: Rüdiger Köppe Verlag. ISBN 978-3-89645-474-4.