Books by Chrystiann Lavarini
The current growth of investments in works that deal directly with extreme weather events cannot ... more The current growth of investments in works that deal directly with extreme weather events cannot be considered on a purely deterministic approaches. In this perspective, there is the Adaptive Water Management, which comes from the theory of adaptive control process, developed to deal with systems characterized by uncertainty. With this purpose, this research aims to give a information feedback proposed by the Adaptive Water Management: (i) understand the hydraulic and sedimentologic differentiation of the longitudinal profile of the river, (ii) identify and classify different geomorphological patterns of river channel, (iii ) analyze and compare the variables of the natural river system artificialized and (iv) prepare a synthesis of certainties and uncertainties about the design of river modification, and finally, (v) predict possible future short term scenarios. In order to achieve these goals, morphometric parameters were performed at 25 hydrometric cross sections, also were performed the pebble count method and sedimentological analysis in the laboratory. As a result, it was found that the stream channel exhibited significant morphological and hydrological changes in relatively short reaches typical of mountain environments near the headwaters. It is also important to mention that bed clasts control the contemporary fluvial dynamics establishing that bedload grain size variations are not always a dependent variable in the river flow as traditionally reported in fluvial geomorphology and hydrology literature. It was also notice that hydrosedimentological and morphological variations combined with the riverbed artificialization could have increased the depositional rates. If it is kept the current standards in conjunction with the anthropogenic and quaternary climate changes, this deposition will be accentuated, jeopardizing the future fluvial dynamics and functionality of the performed work. Finally, this paper aims to contribute not only in the current dynamics understanding, but also, in a synthetic way, to predict future hydrosedimentological scenarios and their responses. In addition, due to the applicability of these methods, it is expected that it could be applied to other research allowing the understanding of the dynamics anthropogenic variables in fluvial works.
Papers by Chrystiann Lavarini
Pebble abrasion is a key factor controlling the release of minerals into sand, but few attempts h... more Pebble abrasion is a key factor controlling the release of minerals into sand, but few attempts have been made to model how it could influence the liberation of minerals into the size fraction used in detrital geochronology. We perform a series of experiments with an abrasion model to test this influence using natural and synthetic datasets. Our results demonstrate that pebble abrasion can change the zircon mixing proportions of upstream source units as well as the age distribution of mixed fluvial sands. This change is particularly significant when there is strong contrast in rock resistance within the watershed. Pebble abrasion is one of many factors that can change the mixing proportion of sands, including hillslope gravel supply, erosion rates, and mineral fertility. In our study case (Marsyandi watershed, Himalaya), the abrasion model predicts age distributions that are statistically indistinguishable from those predicted by a no‐abrasion model. However, the relative erosion rates estimated by our model largely differ from the results of a no‐abrasion model, and are closer to those from other studies that suggest a strong correlation between modern erosion rates, tectonics and precipitation intensity in the Marsyandi watershed. These findings highlight that, even in cases where there is no statistical evidence of change between the modelled age distributions, abrasion can affect the erosion rates estimated from them. Therefore, quantifying the influence of abrasion on sand production is an essential step not only to predict mixing proportions but also to accurately retrieve erosion rates from the measured grain age distributions.
Pebble abrasion is a key factor controlling the release of minerals into sand, but few attempts h... more Pebble abrasion is a key factor controlling the release of minerals into sand, but few attempts have been made to model how it could influence the liberation of minerals into the size fraction used in detrital geochronology. We perform a series of experiments with an abrasion model to test this influence using natural and synthetic datasets. Our results demonstrate that pebble abrasion can change the zircon mixing proportions of upstream source units as well as the age distribution of mixed fluvial sands. This change is particularly significant when there is strong contrast in rock resistance within the watershed. Pebble abrasion is one of many factors that can change the mixing proportion of sands, including hillslope gravel supply, erosion rates, and mineral fertility. In our study case (Marsyandi watershed, Himalaya), the abrasion model predicts age distributions that are statistically indistinguishable from those predicted by a no‐abrasion model. However, the relative erosion rates estimated by our model largely differ from the results of a no‐abrasion model, and are closer to those from other studies that suggest a strong correlation between modern erosion rates, tectonics and precipitation intensity in the Marsyandi watershed. These findings highlight that, even in cases where there is no statistical evidence of change between the modelled age distributions, abrasion can affect the erosion rates estimated from them. Therefore, quantifying the influence of abrasion on sand production is an essential step not only to predict mixing proportions but also to accurately retrieve erosion rates from the measured grain age distributions.
Knowing a priori the variables or factors which influence the genesis of regoliths, and coupling ... more Knowing a priori the variables or factors which influence the genesis of regoliths, and coupling them spatial distribution, it is possible to deduce valuable information for the fieldwork exploration. Thus, this paper aims to demonstrate the possibility of watersheds clustering from the factors of soil formation as well as its subsequent relevance in exploratory fieldwork. For these purpose, we extracted in ArcGIS 10 morphometric variables such as relief, horizontal curvature, vertical curvature, slope and hypsometric integral from the Upper-Middle Course of Ribeirão Mata Porcos headwaters, in Iron Quadrangle region (Quadrilátero Ferrífero), Minas Gerais state, Brazil. These variables were joined by clustering techniques known as Hierarchical Cluster and Non-Hierarchical Cluster Analysis. The results for the Hierarchical Cluster were relevant, especially by exploratory group, elements and variables analyzes. Based on the dendrogram analysis, we concluded that eight groups best represent the data. Then, these groups were reduced to seven statistically consistent based on several non-hierarchical analysis tests. Empirically (i.e., on the fieldwork), we found morphological evidences and/or pedostratigraphic records reflecting the regional complexity and in accordance to the quantitative analysis previously done. Moreover, we conclude that since the results of cluster analysis are naturally grouped data, with less intentionality and human subjectivity, they tend to represent the existing complexity in a more reliable way than the simple analysis of cartographic products.
Despite the headwaters cover the largest areas of drainage basins, even nowadays they have receiv... more Despite the headwaters cover the largest areas of drainage basins, even nowadays they have received few studies compared to the higher hierarchical order river segments. This paper aims to investigate the relevance of morphometric analysis of headwaters and pretends to provide a tool for geomorphic investigation at medium and large-scale. For this purpose, we have adopted as case studies the headwaters of Ribeirão da Mata and Córrego Jaguará watersheds, which belong to the Upper-Middle Course of Rio das Velhas watershed in Minas Gerais state, Brazil. In essence, we have attempted to analyze the spatial arrangements, the morphological patterns, the genesis and evolution driving factors influencing headwaters. We sampled 482 headwaters and then morphometric and statistical analysis were carried out in computational environment. The results indicate that elevation changes in headwater are markedly higher than those of main rivers. The former has been defined by high energy and a more potential denudation environment, while the last one is less steep and has been defined as in similar state condition to the ideal equilibrium. It was also verified strong structural influences on the density of headwaters. Moreover, in the drained portions of the basement rocks, and even in calcisiltites of Pedro Leopoldo Member, the regression analysis exhibited a more uniform altitude variation trend by area in comparison to the metapelites of Serra de Santa Helena Formation. Indeed, these results confirm the relevance of headwaters studies not only in the Middle Course of Rio das Velhas, but ultimately to other studies with research objectives related to medium and large-scale spatial analysis.
In this paper, it was attempted to synthesize the natural palaeobioclimatic scenarios of the Late... more In this paper, it was attempted to synthesize the natural palaeobioclimatic scenarios of the Late-Quaternary in Minas Gerais State, Southeastern Brazil, seeking for their relationship to large-scale climatic events. It was made an extensive literature review. It was looked for papers based on different methods, but with absolute datings and palaeobioclimatic implications. This kind of survey can not set precise time limits. However, some trends could be observed from the available datasets. It was proposed eight palaeobioclimatic scenarios for the last 50,000 years. The greater number of scenarios is usually found in the last 10,000 years. However, this proposal is still open due to concentration of the available data in just some regions, occurring information gaps.
M.Sc. Dissertation by Chrystiann Lavarini
The Geomorphology, as interdisciplinary and multi-scale knowledge body, demonstrates that such ap... more The Geomorphology, as interdisciplinary and multi-scale knowledge body, demonstrates that such approaches are possible and even desirable in Science. Thus, I present this work which has the general aim of testing the possibility of multi-scalar and interdisciplinary analysis for the landform evolution phenomena having as verification locus the Ribeirão Mata Porcos watershed. Located in the mid-southeastern region of the Moeda Syncline, this watershed is inserted in western flank of the Quadrilátero Ferrífero, Minas Gerais state, Brazil. The specific aims of this work are to (i) understand the events responsible for the morphogenesis of main valleys, headwaters, and on the Ribeirão Mata Porcos watershed; (ii) characterize the pedological coverage of headwaters; and (iii) characterize the fluvial depositional levels in the rivers of higher hierarquical order. Consequently, morphometric analysis, field and laboratory procedures were performed. At the watershed scale, a more aggressive denudation, the occurrence of knickpoints as well as tectonic tilting affecting the drainage reorganization were noted. At the headwaters scale, pedological coverage with distinct evolution patterns were found. These patterns demonstrated the action of a geochemical weathering front which has been propagated from downstream to upstream, possibly related to both fluvial incision and chemical downwearing at the lower hillslopes segments. At the main valleys scale, six depositional records were recorded. Two of them are Holocenic floodplains. Another one, which has characteristics of a cut-in-bedrock terrace, was generated during the Lower Pleistocene. Two originally-fluvial deposits were elaborated between the Middle and Lower Pleistocene. The latters, initially cut-in-bedrock terraces were disturbed by hillslope processes. The multi-scalar approach of all these data demonstrated the existence of a transient geomorphological state defined by the Quaternary river capture of Rio das Velhas and by the searching of a new equilibrium profile in the Ribeirão Mata Porcos watershed, as well as in its tributaries and headwaters. Finally, I conclude that if the investigation had been carried out in only one of those elements (i.e., headwaters or main valleys), the connections would not have been found. So, the performed approach was an essential procedure for a better understanding of Quaternary geomorphological changes in the Ribeirão Mata Porcos watershed and it is, therefore, potentially applicable to other study areas.
Books by Chrystiann Lavarini
Papers by Chrystiann Lavarini
M.Sc. Dissertation by Chrystiann Lavarini