38 by Shola R A S H E E D AMAO (Ph.D)

Trends in Agricultural Sciences, 2024
Background and Objective: Egg components are influenced by a number of factors, including age, fe... more Background and Objective: Egg components are influenced by a number of factors, including age, feed, season and genetic composition, in addition to those that directly affect the consumer's acceptance of the egg. The aim of the study is to determine the better season for egg quality among the crossbred progenies between the Nigerian indigenous chickens and Rhode Island Red. Materials and Methods: Data on egg quality compositions were acquired from a total of 100 birds, which included 5 cocks and 15 hens each of the following bird species: Fulani ecotype (FE), frizzled feather (FF), naked neck (NN), normal feather (NF) and Rhode Island Red (RIR) chickens. Results: The observed results indicated a significant (p<0.05) variation in crossbreeding components of progenies produced and egg quality traits. The results show that crossbreds of NNRIR and RIRNN displayed better external and internal egg quality components than other progenies produced. A significant (p<0.05) effect was revealed for the season and all egg quality parameters measured and early rain (autumn) was better in terms of external and internal egg components. Conclusion: It can be concluded that crossbreeding enhanced egg quality traits which favoured NNRIR and RIRNN crossbred chicken eggs for external and internal composition while early wet (autumn) also improved egg quality characteristics due to the moderate rate of temperature compared to other seasons.

Animal Research International, 2024
This study evaluated the blood lipids (total cholesterol, triglycerides, and lipoprotein). In the... more This study evaluated the blood lipids (total cholesterol, triglycerides, and lipoprotein). In the study, 18 chickens each of Naked Neck (NN), Normal Feather (NF), Kuroiler (KR) and their crossbreds were used. They were reared under the same environment and management. Chickens were slaughtered and blood samples were taken at 24 weeks of age, the serum was harvested by centrifugation, and then the total cholesterol (TCH), triglycerides (TG) and high-density lipoprotein (HDL) were assayed using an enzymatic kit, Low-density lipoprotein (LDL) were determined using the Friedwald equation. The results obtained indicated that genotype significantly differed (p<0.01) in TCH, TG and HDL levels. Sexwisely, males had significantly higher (p<0.01) levels of TCH (96.99 ± 8.78 mg/dL), TG (102.98 ± 11.15 mg/dL) and LDL (52.11 ± 2.12 mg/dL) in all the genotypes than its female counterpart. Furthermore, NN progenies recorded the lowest values in all parameters studied, TCH (61.44 ± 5.09 mg/dL), TG (61.23 ± 19.46 mg/dL), HDL (26.84 ± 4.04 mg/dL) and LDL (32.55 ± 14.10 mg/dL). The TCH and TG were low in both NN and NF chickens but the HDL and LDL were very low in NN birds while the level of cholesterol and fat was high in the pure exotic breed and low in the crossbred progenies. The reported lower serum cholesterol and triglyceride concentrations are reflected in their concentrations in blood and protect human beings from atherosclerosis. Therefore, estimation of blood lipid in these birds is recommended for future study.

Trends in Agricultural Sciences, 2024
Background and Objective: The crossbreeding program in livestock production as it is the likely g... more Background and Objective: The crossbreeding program in livestock production as it is the likely genetic basis of hybrid vigor. It is also expected to be one of the factors causing the genetic relationships between crossbred and purebred performance characteristics. This study was focused on egg production characteristics of pure Nigerian indigenous chickens, Rhode Island Red and their crossbred progenies in the derived guinea savanna environment of Nigeria. Materials and Methods: A total of 100 birds were sourced and used as parents for the experiment. This consists of 5 cocks and 15 hens each of naked neck-NN, normal feather-NF, frizzled feather-FF, Fulani ecotype-FE and Rhode Island Red-RIR chickens. Data were obtained on egg production characteristics (body weight at first egg, age at first egg, weight of first egg, egg number, hen day egg production and hen housed egg production). Results: The obtained results depicted a significant (p<0.05) difference in egg production parameters, frizzled feather (FF) had the lighter body weight at first egg (1258.33 g), RIR×FF comes to lay earlier (140 days) while RIR had the highest weight of first egg (45.33 g), hen-day (80.35%) and hen-housed (75.35%). The parameters on fertility and hatchability also indicated that crossbred NN×NN had the highest fertility and hatchability rates of 95.24 and 100%, respectively. Conclusion: It was concluded that RIR genetics component may be used to improve the local stocks of egg production characteristics in the derived savanna environment of Nigeria.

International Journal of Applied Research and Technology, 2022
The study focused to develop body weight prediction equations based on various body measurements ... more The study focused to develop body weight prediction equations based on various body measurements was conducted on station. Body weight (kg) and body measurement data (cm) were collected from 67 progenies pigs of 37 males and 30 females from Large white and Hampshire crosses. Six body measurements; body length, heart girth, heart at withers, ear length, pelvic width, hock circumference and tail length were taken from each pig. Prediction models were developed by regressing weight on pig body measurements. Analysis showed that positive and high significant correlation existed between body weight and zoometrical parameters (p< 0.001) with the indication that an increase in growth rate of the body parts would correspondingly cause an increase in live weight gain of the crossbred pigs. The result of regression revealed that accuracy of prediction was attained with both linear and quadratic models while quadratic model had theoretical advantage over the linear model with respect to its goodness of fit to the data. The body length and heart girth appeared to be more pronounced in predictions than other trait, and this Heart girth was found to be most suited among the traits to predict body weight than other traits in quadratic model. These develop and validate a pig weight-estimation method using body length and heart girth coupled with other body measurements.

Esxon Publishers(International Journal of Applied Research and Technology), 2018
This study was designed to use the principal components analysis application on carcass indices o... more This study was designed to use the principal components analysis application on carcass indices of two commercial
meat-type chickens under Southern Guinea Savanna region of Nigeria. A total 300 day - old chicks comprises of 150 each of
Marshall and Abor acre birds were obtained for the study and reared for period of 8 weeks. 80 of each strain were slaughtered
for carcass traits assessment, such as live weight (LW), bleed weight (BLW), defeathered weight (DFW), eviscerated weight
(EVW), breast weight (BRT ), shank weight (SHK), thigh weight (TH) and wing weight (WG). Abor acre chicken was superior
for all carcass traits measured than its Marshall counterpart due to its better genetic make-up. Correlation coefficient revealed
that most of the considered variables were positive and highly significant especially for Arbor acre birds. The three principal
components was extracted while the three components explained about 63.63 % and 92.55 % of the total variance for Marshall
and Abror acre chickens and the first principal component explained 54.75 % and 71.65 % for Marshall and Abror acre
chickens, respectively. The eight traits have the highest correlation with the PC1 as evaluated as a group, LW, BLW, DFW,
EVW, BRT, WG, SHK and TH are more influential in forming PC1 for Arbor acre birds than the Marshall chicken. The PCA
could be used to facilitate genetic programme for selection and breeding purpose due to its way of reducing number of
variables considered in evaluation of an animal.

Nigerian J. Anim. Sci., 2019
The study was conducted to determine the effect of Sesamum indicum leaves on growth performances,... more The study was conducted to determine the effect of Sesamum indicum leaves on growth performances, carcass characteristics, primal cuts and organs’ weights of broiler chicken fed from day old to eight weeks. A total of 150 broiler chicks were partitioned into 5 treatments, where each treatment had 3 replicates with 10 birds per replicate and grinded-air dried leaves of Sesamum indicum leaves were administered into their feed. Treatment I (T1) served as control containing 0 % of Sesamum indicum leaves, treatments II (T2), III (T3), IV (T4) and V (T5) were given 10 g, 20 g, 30 g and 40 g per kg of feed, respectively. As animals were housed under identical condition of temperature and humidity while feed and water was made available ad-libitum. Also, necessary vaccinations and medications were administered to the group I birds. The experiment lasted 8 weeks. At the end of 4 and 8 weeks respectively, data were obtained for total feed intake, weight gain, feed conversion ratio of the birds and also, carcass evaluation were carried out on random sample of birds from each replicate. Results indicated that growth performances, carcass characteristics, primal cuts and organs’ weights were significantly (P< 0.05) affected most of the parameters measured. The inclusion of Sesamum indicum leaves into broiler diet at 10g/kg treatment had almost the similar body weight, improvement in weekly gain in weight and feed efficiency and carcass assessment as compared to that of control group of broilers.

The experiment employs the principal components analysis (PCA) on the body morphometric of three ... more The experiment employs the principal components analysis (PCA) on the body morphometric of three genetic stocks of Nigerian indigenous chickens reared intensively under southern guinea savanna condition of Nigeria. A total number of 300 birds comprises of 100 each of normal feathered, frizzled feathered and naked neck chickens are randomly selected from the pre-existing reared intensively birds in the farm. Data are collated on body weight (BDW), head length (HL), beak length (BKL), comb length (CL), neck length (NL), body length (BDL), wing length (WG), keel length (KL), thigh length (TL) and shank length (SL). The results from the morphometric measurements indicate that frizzled feather birds displayed superiority in terms of BDW, HL, BKL, CL, NL, TL and SL than naked neck and normal feathered chickens expect for BDL and KL which are favoured by normal feather birds. The pooled correlation matrix reveals that the values obtained highly positive significant correlation is noted between the BDW and HL, BLK, TL, WG, SL, CL and NL. For PCA, two principal components are extracted (PC1 and PC2). PC1 and PC2 contribute 83.14% of the total variance while PC1 account for 65.44% of the total variance. The screen plot indicates that only the first two components have eigenvalues greater than 1. This implies that only the first two components should be retained. The CL, SL, TL, BKL, HL and BDL contribute to the total variability of PC1 and these traits could use for selection in breeding programme to improve the body weight of the genetics stocks of Nigerian local birds.

The growth performance and carcass traits of two commercial broiler stocks were evaluated on the ... more The growth performance and carcass traits of two commercial broiler stocks were evaluated on the basis of genotype potentials, varied levels of roxazyme G ® enzyme and their interaction. A total of 240 day – old broiler chicks (120 of each of Arbor acre and Marshall birds) were used for this study. The chicks were fed on four experimental diets; 0 g/ton, 100 g/ton, 200 g/ton and 300 g/ton. Data were collected on average bodyweight, daily weight gain, daily feed intake, daily water intake, feed conversion ratio (growth performance) and liveweight, bled weight, defeathered weight, eviscerated weight, breast weight, thigh weight, wing weight, shank weight (primal cuts), gizzard, kidney, heart, liver, abdominal fat (edible visceral organs) and analysed with General Model of SAS in completely randomized designed. Results showed that Arbor acre strain was significantly (P < 0.05) favoured for body weight, daily weight gain, daily feed intake and daily water intake compared with Marshall birds. Birds fed diets supplemented with roxazyme G ® enzyme, especially 300 g/ton gave a higher body weight, daily weight gain, daily feed intake and daily water intake. Also, for carcass traits, Arbor acre had significantly (P < 0.05) higher live weight, bled weight, defeathered weight, eviscerated weight, breast weight, thigh weight, wing weight, shank weight, kidney, heart and abdominal fat than the Marshall birds. It can be concluded that Arbor acre birds were better in respect of growth performance and carcass traits with enzymes interaction. Besides, enzyme inclusion levels of up to 300 g/ton made meaningful responses for growth performance and carcass characteristics.

The on farm study of breeding and production systems characterization of Turkeys (Meleagris gallo... more The on farm study of breeding and production systems characterization of Turkeys (Meleagris gallopavo) birds in Oyo metropolis of Oyo State, Nigeria was evaluated with 120 selected farmers. One hundred and twenty structured questionnaires were randomly administered to turkey farmers to collate some relevant information on the breeding and production systems characterization of Turkey birds. The data collected were to describe background information of the farmers, some reproductive trails of turkeys, breeding characterization of turkeys and management practices adopted in this district area. The results showed that majority (71.4%) of the farmers were within the age group of 24-29 years. Turkey rearing in the study area was mainly a business for the males, accounting for about 60.0%. The educational background of the farmers showed that 70.0% had formal and tertiary education. However, the results revealed that most turkey (60.0%) attained sexual maturity at the age of 8-9 months. 60.0% of farmers bred turkeys at 12 month old and 60.0% of them adopted artificial brooding method in raising poults while 70.0% farmers reared birds artificially. The results also showed that half of farmers incubate eggs (naturally or artificially). The clutch size at hatching was highest between 6 and 10 eggs at the 28-32 day incubation period. The hatching ability of the turkey in a year was highest (50%) a year. Farmers mostly keep 50-100 birds (60%) as their flock size with majority of the farmers (50%) raised imported turkeys and (40%). 73.33% of the farmers made provision for housing and mostly under semi intensive system (50%) of management with good supplementary feeding to intensive kept birds. Majority of the farmers had access to veterinary care (70.00%) with obtainable highest poults, mortality at the period of (0-3 weeks). The study concluded that turkey had low reproductive performance, which was due to non-monitored breeding, lower genetic make-up and poor management practices. It's therefore, suggested that for meaningful turkey farming in Oyo metropolis, special attention must be given to these constrains to enable turkey fully express their genetic potential.

The current study evaluate the effect of cage and floor litter environment on the haematological ... more The current study evaluate the effect of cage and floor litter environment on the haematological and serological indices of broiler chickens consisting of 100 Ross and Anak strain of broiler chicks each in a completely randomly design. The blood samples were collected at three intervals of 6, 8 and 10 th week of age. Data were collected on haematological and serological indices of both strains in the two different environments. Haematological indices including Red blood cell (RBC), Packed cell volume (PCV), haemoglobin (Hb), mean corpuscular volume (MCV), mean corpuscular haemoglobin concentration and (erythrocytic values). White blood cells (WBC), heterophils (H), Lymphocytes (L), Heterophils: Lymphocytes (H/L) monocytes (M) Eosinophils (E) and Basophils (B) as Leukocytic indices. Regardless to the strains-cage environment, higher significant (P < 0.05) effects on RBC, WBC, PCV, H, L, H/L, E, PCV, MCV and ESR counts while floor litter shows significant (P < 0.05) effects for both strains for Hb and MCH, while no significant (P > 0.05) responses were observed for MCHC and monocyte. The serological indices determined were serum total protein (TP) serum albumin (SA), serum globulin (SG), Uric acid (UA) serum glucose (SGL), Creatine (C), Serum aspertate amino transferase, (SAST), total cholesterol (TC) and Serum alanine amino transferase (SALT). Caged birds showed significant (P < 0.05) different values in TP, SA, SG, SALT, SAST and TC than their counterpart on the floor litter environment while higher significant (P < 0.05) values were obtained for creatine and Uric acid. The study concluded higher H:L value which is an indicator of stress in the cage environment and improvement in the floor system could result into better health improvement of birds. The results could be a baseline for breeding programme in this environment.
The study was conducted to assess the effect of school factors on academic achievement of agricul... more The study was conducted to assess the effect of school factors on academic achievement of agricultural science student in senior secondary schools in Oyo West Local Government Area of Oyo state. Three research questions and hypotheses guided the study. The study adopted the descriptive survey research design of the ex-post facto type and made use of a sample of 100 structured questionnaires. Data collected were analysed using means, standard deviation and multiple regressions for the seven variables that contributed significantly to the students'

A total number of two hundred small ruminant farmers were randomly selected from four local gover... more A total number of two hundred small ruminant farmers were randomly selected from four local government Areas of Oyo metropolis to examine the challenges facing small ruminant production in Oyo metropolis. The researchers adopted two hundred (200) questionnaires for the study. The results indicated that about 64%, 78%, 42% and 36% respectively of the respondents were male, married, in the age range of 41-50 years and pass through secondary school and tertiary institutional respectively as their educational status. The local sheep (74%) were the most preferred and dominant breeds of sheep in Oyo metropolis. The method of feeding commonly adopted (72%) by farmers was a combination of scavenging and supplementation, while cassava peels was the manifested supplement. Majority (38%) of the small ruminant holders practiced semi-intensive system of husbandry and a greater proportion (34%) reared the animals for consumption purpose. Farmers identified scarcity of fodder, lack of training and knowledge, shortage of veterinary service and limited capital as the most serious challenges facing small ruminant production in the study area.

The study examined some areas of students' perceived difficult concepts in the Senior Secondary S... more The study examined some areas of students' perceived difficult concepts in the Senior Secondary School Agricultural Science which teachers find difficult to teach and students find difficult to understand. One hundred students and twenty teachers constituted the sample of the study while all the students and teachers in the Oyo Metropolis served as the population. A 35 item questionnaire served as instrument for collecting data while mean and t-test were employed in the analysis of data. Findings include that there was significant difference between the areas teachers find difficult to teach and areas students find difficult to understand, that sex of the students had significant effect in learning the identified difficult areas of and that level of qualification affects the ability of the teachers to teach the perceived difficult areas. Recommendations amongst others include the recruitment of qualified teachers in the Agricultural Science; government should boost and sustain the interests of these students through the provision of the requisite instructional materials need for the subject, improvising and use instructional materials to reduce the degree of difficulty concepts in teaching of the students, designing interactions and identifying pedagogical techniques that help students overcome the underlying sources of difficulty that impede quality learning.

The study evaluated the crossing potential of Fulani ecotype (FE) with Rhode Island Red (RIR) chi... more The study evaluated the crossing potential of Fulani ecotype (FE) with Rhode Island Red (RIR) chickens and their progenies on productive performance. The two chicken breeds used were the Fulani Ecotype (FE) and Rhode Island Red (RIR) as dams and sires line. Pure, straight and reciprocal crosses mating designed were adopted to produced progenies of FE x FE, RIR x RIR, RIR x FE, FE x RIR genotypes. RIR genotype were significantly (P < 0.05) differed for body weight (1650 g), feed intake (90.66 g), average daily gain (10.22 g) and feed to gain ratio (8.87) than other genotypes but followed closely was FE x RIR crossbred for variables measured on growth performance. Egg production performance of the pure and crossbred were compared with each other and RIR x FE crossbred were better in respect to values of 47 g, 60,78% and 58.88% for egg weight, HDEP% and HHEP% respectively. FE x RIR crossbred better for age at sexual maturity (151days) while RIR x FE genotype were favoured for body weight at sexual maturity (1841 g), fertility (76.15%) and hatchability (98.25%) than other groups of genotype. It can be concluded that combining effect of FE x RIR or RIR x FE crossbred were better than pure FE and lesser than pure RIR chickens while outstanding crosses was the straight mating (RIR x FE).

This study was conducted to evaluate the influence of age and strain on haemotological and blood ... more This study was conducted to evaluate the influence of age and strain on haemotological and blood biochemical indices in broiler chickens reared in derived savanna zone of Nigeria. Three hundred broiler chickens of consisting hundred Ross (R), one hundred Anak (A) and one hundred Marshall (M); haematological and blood serum biochemical indices were then determined at 14, 28, 42 and 56 days for the three strains. The birds were reared for a period of 56days and data were obtained on the blood indices and analysed for fixed effect of ages and strain in a completely randomized design (CRD). Haemotological parameters include red blood cell (RBC), White Blood Cell (WBC), Haemoglobin (Hb), Packed Cell Volume (PCV), Mean Corpuscular Volume (M CV), Mean Corpuscular Haemoglobin (MCH). Mean Corpuscular Haemoglobin Concentration (MCHC), Heterophils (H), Lymphocyte (L), Monocytes (M), Eosinophils (EO) and Basophils (B). However the serum biochemical indices include the total protein (TP), Serum Albumin (SA), Serum Globulin (SG), Uric Acid (UA), Serum Glucose (SGL) and Serum Cholestrol (SC). The erythrocytic values shows significant (P < 0.05) different as a function of age. RBC count, PCV and Hb were highest for Anak strain for all ages considered. MCV values favoured the Marshall birds, with decrease values as birds attain ages. WBC, EO and B values were highest for Anak strain while H and L favoured the Ross birds. There were no significant (P > 0.05) different for Monocytes at all ages considered. Serum biochemical components showed significant (P < 0.05) differences at all ages.

A study was carried out to analyse the ethnoveterinary practices in goat production in Boripe Loc... more A study was carried out to analyse the ethnoveterinary practices in goat production in Boripe Local Government Area of Osun State. Fifty randomly selected questionnaires administered to the farmers and village livestock producers revealed that the ingredients used in these indigenous practices include: plant extracts, seeds, leaves, barks of trees, tubers and roots of various plants. These are processed in various ways and administered to animals for a variety of disease conditions. More recently used ingredients include: kerosene and already used engine oil. Considering the combination of ingredients used by the traditional animal-health practitioners, it is likely that additive, synergistic and nutritional effects might be involved in alleviating the problem of ill-health in animal. Livestock owners readily identify signs of diseases (although some common infectious diseases have several signs and may affect various parts of the animal body). Aspects of indigenous health care practices are contrasted with modern veterinary healthcare. INTRODUCTION Ethnoveterinary research and development is defined as the holistic inter – disciplinary study of local knowledge and its associated skills, practices, believes practitioners and social structures pertaining to the healthcare and husbandry of income producing animals, has emerged as a fertile field for the generation and transfer of appropriate and sustainable veterinary alternatives to people everywhere but especially to third world stock raisers [1, 2]. The era of treating ethnoveterinary medicine and any other ethnoknowledge system with suspicion and labeling it as myth, superstition and witchcraft, is long gone. The role of ethnoveterinary medicine in livestock development is beyond dispute [3]. A great number of professionals from varied fields have over the past 26 years recognized, valued, documented and ethnocentrically studied the potential effectiveness of the traditional animal healthcare practices embodied in native and local communities.
The yield, composition and coagulation time of West African soft cheese wara
prepared from the ra... more The yield, composition and coagulation time of West African soft cheese wara
prepared from the raw milk of White Fulani cows was determined. Milk was
obtained from the White Fulani cows during one week period. The cows were
milked twice daily, in the morning and evening, so as to obtain enough milk for the
soft cheese production. The milk and soft cheese samples were analysed for fat,
protein and moisture contents, and other milk constituents were also measured or
calculated. The results showed that unsalted soft cheese had higher (P<0.05) yield
of 19.26%, higher (P<0.05) whey volume of 666.03 mls but lower composition of
total solids, 33.43%; fat, 12.68%; protein, 14.74%; casein, 13.62% and longer
coagulation time of 16.75 minutes as compared to the salted soft cheese.

This study was conducted to evaluate the effects of strains on feed conversion efficiency of comm... more This study was conducted to evaluate the effects of strains on feed conversion efficiency of commercial broiler chickens reared on full-feeding, and under the same housing, feeding regime, agro-climatic zone and management practices. A total number of 150 broiler day old chicks comprising of 75 day-old Cobb chicks and 75 day-old Marshall chicks were used for the study, and raised on deep litter in separate pens for 56 days (8 weeks). Data collected include initial live weight and final live weight. This was done on daily basis and at the end of each week, the average is found to get the average daily gain and average daily feed intake as well as the feed conversion efficiency. Analyzed results showed that genotype had highly significant effects on all parameters evaluated on the two broiler chickens compared. The Cobb strain appeared superior to the Marshall strain in terms of initial body weight (48.00g vs 35.00g) and final body weight (1423.00g vs 114.69g) and thereby showing superiority in the average daily gain (66.05g/bird/day). As regards feed conversion, Marshall was statistically poorer both at the starter phase and the finisher phase with Cobb performing better. Cobb was adjudged good and profitable because the strain had the highest mean value (1423.00g) in body weight coupled with the feed conversion efficiency at maturity but adding more with feed consumed when compared with Marshall, and therefore could be recommended to poultry farmers in this zone for increased productivity, income generation and maximum profit. Keywords: Broiler strains / feed intake / body weight gain / feed conversion efficiency 1. Introduction Today's broiler industry has undergone a tremendous development and expensive during the last couple of decades around the world. The body weight gain of the broiler strains has been markedly increased, and the feed utilization has been strongly improved with the advancement of new technology applied in poultry nutrition as well as in genetics. This progress in breeding and nutrition has resulted in broiler strains having higher performances today than ever before (Anthony, 1998). As a primary source of animal protein, the poultry sector offers a valuable repository to bridge the gap between demand and the availability of balanced nutrition. In the last two decades poultry industry has played an important role in meeting the shortage of animal protein through the increased availability of eggs and meat in Nigeria. Poultry production, particularly broiler production is the quickest way to increase the availability of high quality protein for human consumption. Since the feed cost alone contributes to about 60-70% of the total cost of production, economically poultry production is, therefore, possible only when the feed cost is reduced and efficiency of feed utilization is increased (Qureshi,1991).The production of low quality feed has created variety of problem for the broiler industry resulting in poor performance and lower returns. Some valuable nutrients in feed are wasted because the birds are not able to utilize them. This may be due to several reasons like lack of digestive enzymes,

The experiment was conducted to compare the various carcass characteristics between two broiler s... more The experiment was conducted to compare the various carcass characteristics between two broiler strains. A total bird of 150 day-old chick of two commercial broiler strains (Marshall and Cobb, 75 each) were raised and at the end of 4, 6 and 8 weeks, 20 birds/strain; 40 birds/week, making a total of 120 birds were randomly selected from both strains for carcass analysis. The birds were starved of feed overnight and individually weighed to obtain starved live body weight. The birds were stunned and bled by severing the blood vessels and the nerve trunks at the roof of the mouth with a sticking knife. Thereafter, the birds were scalded, deplumed manually and eviscerated through a slit made between the end of the keel bone and rectum. Data were obtained on live weight (gram), eviscerated weight (gram), carcass weight (gram), dressing weight (gram), breast weight (gram), shank weight, thigh weight (gram), drumstick weight (gram) and back weight (gram). The visceral organs observed were liver, lungs,

– The study investigated the seed yield, proximate (moisture, crude protein (CP), crude fibre (CF... more – The study investigated the seed yield, proximate (moisture, crude protein (CP), crude fibre (CF), acid detergent fibre (ADF), neutral detergent fibre (NDF), ether extractives (EE), ash, nitrogen free extractives (NFE)) and gross energy constituents of Cajanus cajan. The experimental treatments comprised three planting spacings (P1: 40cm x 40cm;P2: 50cm x 50cm and P3: 60cm x 60cm) on nine seed beds equally (n = 3) shared by the treatments in a Completely Randomized Design. Though, the total seed yield increased with increase in planting distances, comparisons of all treatments means were not significant (p>0.05). Moisture contents of seeds of P1 and P2 were significantly (p<0.05) higher than that of seeds of P3. Comparison of treatments means of moisture contents of seeds of P1 and P2 was not significant (p>0.05). CF content of seeds of P1 was significantly (p<0.05) and marginally (p(>0.05) higher than CF contents of P2 and P3, respectively. The difference between CF contents of P2 and P3 was not significant (p>0.05).ADF content of seeds of P1 were significantly (p<0.05) higher than the values recorded for P2 and P3. Comparisons of treatments means of ADF of seeds of P2 and P3 were marginal and not significant (p>0.05). The NDF contents of seeds of P2 and P3 were significantly (p<0.05) higher than the value recorded for P1. Comparisons of treatments means of NDF content of seeds of P2 and P3 were not significant (p>0.05). EE content decreased with increase in planting distances but the differences between treatments' means were not significant (p>0.05). EE content of seeds from P1 was significantly higher than that P3. NFE content of seeds of P3 was significantly (p<0.05) higher than NFE contents of P1 and P2. The difference between NFE contents of P1 and P2 was not significant (p>0.05). Planting distances had no significant influence on CP, ash and GE contents of Cajanus cajan seeds.
38 by Shola R A S H E E D AMAO (Ph.D)
meat-type chickens under Southern Guinea Savanna region of Nigeria. A total 300 day - old chicks comprises of 150 each of
Marshall and Abor acre birds were obtained for the study and reared for period of 8 weeks. 80 of each strain were slaughtered
for carcass traits assessment, such as live weight (LW), bleed weight (BLW), defeathered weight (DFW), eviscerated weight
(EVW), breast weight (BRT ), shank weight (SHK), thigh weight (TH) and wing weight (WG). Abor acre chicken was superior
for all carcass traits measured than its Marshall counterpart due to its better genetic make-up. Correlation coefficient revealed
that most of the considered variables were positive and highly significant especially for Arbor acre birds. The three principal
components was extracted while the three components explained about 63.63 % and 92.55 % of the total variance for Marshall
and Abror acre chickens and the first principal component explained 54.75 % and 71.65 % for Marshall and Abror acre
chickens, respectively. The eight traits have the highest correlation with the PC1 as evaluated as a group, LW, BLW, DFW,
EVW, BRT, WG, SHK and TH are more influential in forming PC1 for Arbor acre birds than the Marshall chicken. The PCA
could be used to facilitate genetic programme for selection and breeding purpose due to its way of reducing number of
variables considered in evaluation of an animal.
prepared from the raw milk of White Fulani cows was determined. Milk was
obtained from the White Fulani cows during one week period. The cows were
milked twice daily, in the morning and evening, so as to obtain enough milk for the
soft cheese production. The milk and soft cheese samples were analysed for fat,
protein and moisture contents, and other milk constituents were also measured or
calculated. The results showed that unsalted soft cheese had higher (P<0.05) yield
of 19.26%, higher (P<0.05) whey volume of 666.03 mls but lower composition of
total solids, 33.43%; fat, 12.68%; protein, 14.74%; casein, 13.62% and longer
coagulation time of 16.75 minutes as compared to the salted soft cheese.
meat-type chickens under Southern Guinea Savanna region of Nigeria. A total 300 day - old chicks comprises of 150 each of
Marshall and Abor acre birds were obtained for the study and reared for period of 8 weeks. 80 of each strain were slaughtered
for carcass traits assessment, such as live weight (LW), bleed weight (BLW), defeathered weight (DFW), eviscerated weight
(EVW), breast weight (BRT ), shank weight (SHK), thigh weight (TH) and wing weight (WG). Abor acre chicken was superior
for all carcass traits measured than its Marshall counterpart due to its better genetic make-up. Correlation coefficient revealed
that most of the considered variables were positive and highly significant especially for Arbor acre birds. The three principal
components was extracted while the three components explained about 63.63 % and 92.55 % of the total variance for Marshall
and Abror acre chickens and the first principal component explained 54.75 % and 71.65 % for Marshall and Abror acre
chickens, respectively. The eight traits have the highest correlation with the PC1 as evaluated as a group, LW, BLW, DFW,
EVW, BRT, WG, SHK and TH are more influential in forming PC1 for Arbor acre birds than the Marshall chicken. The PCA
could be used to facilitate genetic programme for selection and breeding purpose due to its way of reducing number of
variables considered in evaluation of an animal.
prepared from the raw milk of White Fulani cows was determined. Milk was
obtained from the White Fulani cows during one week period. The cows were
milked twice daily, in the morning and evening, so as to obtain enough milk for the
soft cheese production. The milk and soft cheese samples were analysed for fat,
protein and moisture contents, and other milk constituents were also measured or
calculated. The results showed that unsalted soft cheese had higher (P<0.05) yield
of 19.26%, higher (P<0.05) whey volume of 666.03 mls but lower composition of
total solids, 33.43%; fat, 12.68%; protein, 14.74%; casein, 13.62% and longer
coagulation time of 16.75 minutes as compared to the salted soft cheese.
Nigerian indigenous chickens could further improved through these tools. This study was designed to determine the effect of
chickens' genotype on the growth performance characteristics of the chicken progenies resulting from Arbor acre broiler sire line
and Nigerian indigenous chicken dams (Arbor acre x Naked neck- AANN), (Arbor acre x Fulani ecotype-AAFE) (Arbor acre x Frizzled
feather- AAFF) and (Arbor acre x normal feather-AANF) crosses. Data obtained on body weight, body length, breast girth, keellength, thigh length, shank length, wing length, feed intake, weight gain and feed conversion ratio in a Completely Randomized
Design were analysed using one-way analysis of variance for the fixed effect of chicken genotype. Growth performance
characteristics were significantly affected (P < 0.05) by chickens’ genotype. Progenies resulting from mating of Arbor acre x Naked
neck- AANN chickens had the highest body weight (1390 g), body length (17.35 cm), keel length (8.29 cm), shank length (5.55),
breast girth (20.75 cm), thigh length (15.32 cm), wing length (17.89 cm), consumed lesser feed (0.48 g), gain more of weights (0.90)
and better feed conversion ratio than other chickens’ genotype. However, the relationships between the body weight and other
linear body measurements including the feed intake, weight gain and FCR of these crossbred chickens revealed positive and very
highly significant (P<0.001) correlations. In conclusion therefore, the genetic superiority exhibited by the crosses of Arbor acre x
naked neck when compared with other crossbreds could be exploited to speed up the growth performance of indigenous chicken
towards having Nigerian indigenous broiler line and the correlations among these traits prove to be an indication of pleiotropism
action and good indicator for selection for improvements in one trait in an animal.