Conference Presentations by María I Villa Montoya
The research uses as case study the coverage of the National Agrarian
Strike in 2013, as given b... more The research uses as case study the coverage of the National Agrarian
Strike in 2013, as given by the Boyacá news programme. It is possible
to apply an inductive research approach to analyse this coverage,
which can provide insights into the use of user generated images in
social networks of the public news radio. While the case study is
based on a particular situation, its methodological character can
provide insights that might be useful to other similar research
El avance de la investigación y la ciencia depende en gran medida de la difusión y el acceso a la... more El avance de la investigación y la ciencia depende en gran medida de la difusión y el acceso a la información. En este proceso, la lengua es una parte esencial del proceso, pero diversas investigaciones han revelado que el español, aunque es hablado por cerca de 400 millones de personas en el mundo, es una lengua de bajo uso en el ámbito científico. En este estudio se analiza la producción científica referenciada en Scopus y Web of Science, entre 2011 y 2012 bajo el término comunicación digital, con una especial atención a la producción en español. Por medio de la aplicación de variables bibliométricas, se analizan aspectos generales relativos a la visibilidad, el prestigio de los autores y su agregación por centros de investigación. Los resultados de este trabajo ponen de manifiesto la necesidad de aumentar la difusión y mejorar el impacto de la investigación en español dentro de este campo de conocimiento.
Esta comunicación presenta las conclusiones más relevantes de la investigación. “La Imagen Inform... more Esta comunicación presenta las conclusiones más relevantes de la investigación. “La Imagen Informativa en los medios online. Prensa, radio y televisión”. La autora expone en primer lugar la teoría y metodología empleada, para luego pasar a describir como fue aplicada a una muestra, recogida en el 2004 y compuesta por 311 imágenes de las ediciones online de los diarios La Vanguardia, El País y El Mundo, las emisoras de radio Cadena Ser, Onda Cero, COPE, así como las cadenas de televisión Antena 3 y Telecinco. Finalmente se exponen algunas de las principales observaciones sobre los cambios y el desarrollo que ha sufrido el objeto de estudio hasta el 2008 y las posibles líneas de investigación.
The objective of this chapter is to examine the change in production culture in this new context ... more The objective of this chapter is to examine the change in production culture in this new context in order to find out how the professionals involved in this process see themselves and their environment.
For our analysis we have chosen Televisió de Catalunya (TVC), the public service broadcaster (PSB) of Catalonia, Spain, as our case. In order to obtain our data we used qualitative triangulation methods from the area of ethnographic studies centred on case studies where the sources of information are provided by observation, interviews and analysis of documents and artefacts (Yin, 2003: 83). Observations were carried out during the months of December 2008 and January 2009 at the headquarters of the Catalan Interactive Radio and Television Corporation (Ccrtvi). Thirty-seven company professionals were interviewed in 2008 and 2009 and internal and external TVC documents such as the activity plan, budget and programming criteria were reviewed, as well as the organisation’s internal and external press archives
La investigación en comunicación cuenta con una estimable tradición científica que permite en gra... more La investigación en comunicación cuenta con una estimable tradición científica que permite en gran medida conocer sus principales corrientes y autores. Sin embargo, son escasos los estudios específicos sobre los cambios de esta disciplina derivados de la digitalización. En este estudio se analizan los artículos de las revistas del área de las ciencias sociales indexados en Scopus entre 2011 y 2012 en los que aparece el término comunicación digital en el título, el resumen o las palabras clave.
Por medio de la aplicación de variables bibliométricas se analizan aspectos relativos a la visibilidad y el prestigio de los autores y a su agregación por centros de investigación, la influencia que estos reciben a partir de las citas generadas y las revistas centrales para este campo. Adicionalmente, se analizan las referencias en español y se aplica un análisis de redes para cruzar algunas variables y obtener datos sobre los objetos de estudio relacionados con los temas investigados, los centros de investigación y los países de origen.
La investigación permite concluir que la comunicación digital no aparece como un área con autores y revistas consolidadas. Entre los elementos que necesitan mejorarse figura la colaboración entre autores y el impulso a la producción de artículos en español
3rd European Communication Conference - ECREA 2010, Hamburg, 2010
Papers by María I Villa Montoya
DOAJ (DOAJ: Directory of Open Access Journals), Jul 1, 2019
Academic work based on the Internet use is for the most part divided in two important groups: ris... more Academic work based on the Internet use is for the most part divided in two important groups: risks and opportunities, and thus separating online activities, which can negatively affect people, from those activities that can be beneficial. This article allows for a broad comprehension of the phenomenon thanks to the bibliometric analysis of a sample of 5,082 articles taken from Web of Science (WoS) and SciELO-CI Citation Index (SciELO-CI) databases. Beyond the polarized view of the problem, the article presents information related to the evolution of the subject from a global perspective that incorporates risks as well as opportunities, which are useful in investigations which are interested in the adoption and appropriation of the information technologies and communication in diverse areas of knowledge.
En un entorno digital y convergente donde es cada vez mas facil emitir contenidos audiovisuales p... more En un entorno digital y convergente donde es cada vez mas facil emitir contenidos audiovisuales por diferentes plataformas, los radiodifusores publicos estan llamados desarrollar estrategias para aprovechar las oportunidades del mercado y eliminar los riesgos derivados de los procesos de transformacion del sector audiovisual en el siglo XXI. Para la television publica, la expansion cross-media es una manera de subsistir en un mercado altamente competitivo. La diversificacion de pantallas permite que la cultura se extienda mas facilmente, favorece los procesos de distribucion, autoria, creacion y democratizacion. Pero a la vez, esta diversificacion puede amenazar la calidad de los contenidos, poner en peligro la sostenibilidad de los modelos de negocio existentes, alimentar la precariedad laboral, la concentracion y fomentar la cultura de pago por contenidos ante el acceso libre. Este articulo analiza el caso de Televisio de Catalunya (TVC), atendiendo a su estrategia de expansion cr...
Journal of Iberian and Latin American Research, 2021
ABSTRACT Collaboration has become an indispensable practice for the advancement of science. This ... more ABSTRACT Collaboration has become an indispensable practice for the advancement of science. This article has as an objective to analyze the institutional collaboration networks between Latin America and the Iberian Peninsula. With a multidisciplinary vision, it considers the scientific production on collective intelligence reported in Web of Science from the beginning of the database until July 2019. The analysis allows identifying the theoretical perspectives through which the research on collective intelligence revolves, the positions of the countries and their hierarchy in the whole, as well as the structure of the collaboration network between the countries in the area. The discussion addresses the review of results to understand the characteristics of academic production. The results show an outstanding rate of collaboration. However, the scientific community is not very cohesive. The conclusions contribute to the understanding of the scientific production on collective intelligence and provide valuable information to strengthen the bonds of scientific cooperation in the region.
Comunicación, 2018
La investigación sobre realidad virtual cuenta con un profuso corpus teórico concentrado especial... more La investigación sobre realidad virtual cuenta con un profuso corpus teórico concentrado especialmente en torno al campo que rodea los estudios
Historia y comunicación social, May 29, 2024
In a moment of transformation of media as a result of ongoing processes of digitalization and con... more In a moment of transformation of media as a result of ongoing processes of digitalization and convergence, television broadcasters are increasingly betting on tools that allow the public to assume a more active role in the production of contents. Emergent phenomena such as participatory journalism, user-generated content or the integration of social networking websites are becoming more and more relevant in the online public sphere. This paper compares the models for online news websites participation developed by RTVE (Spain) and BBC (England). The analysis focuses on the different participative resources, the access protocols, the technical mediations and the restrictions of the content produced by the audience in these two influential broadcasters. The concept of participation is articulated from the perspective of studies that understand it as new feedback opportunities provided by digital technology. Particular obstacles and requirements are detected in each media. Although tel...
In the last decade, the design of news websites underwent considerable transformation, which in p... more In the last decade, the design of news websites underwent considerable transformation, which in particular affected practices regarding the insertion of photographs. This is a phase of consolidation and increased maturity. Websites derived from the press have started moving away from the formulas used in their printed homologues and radio and television news websites have adjusted their products. This article analyses photography in order to understand its trends and contribution to the development of Internet Media.
Anàlisi, 2019
Este artículo analiza hasta qué punto el femslash, relato creado por fans que se ocupa en su mayo... more Este artículo analiza hasta qué punto el femslash, relato creado por fans que se ocupa en su mayor parte de narrativas lésbicas, puede romper con los cánones clásicos de la construcción del romance en la ficción y proponer alternativas para superar estigmas sociales alrededor de la distinción de género. A través de herramientas propias del análisis de personajes, la investigación identifica algunas de las principales particularidades de las estructuras ficcionales para el entretenimiento, resultado del fan fiction. La investigación demuestra que las historias creadas por los seguidores de productos audiovisuales seriados pueden expresar con claridad alguna de las características más relevantes de las transformaciones no solo del entretenimiento, sino también de la sociedad y sus sistemas heteronormativos. El trabajo aporta información valiosa sobre un tema poco explorado y demuestra, sobre un estudio de caso concreto, hasta qué punto Internet puede propiciar espacios de resistencia creativa para las minorías. Palabras clave: cultura fan; participación; narrativa; audiencia; consumo cultural Resum. El romanç en el femslash. Una anàlisi narrativa de la fanficció Una vez más, una oportunidad más Aquest article analitza fins a quin punt el femslash, relat creat per fans que s'ocupa en la seva major part de narratives lèsbiques, pot trencar amb els cànons clàssics de la construc-66 Anàlisi 60, 2019
Anàlisi, 2012
Audiovisual content found on digital technologies a natural expansion path, which has been accele... more Audiovisual content found on digital technologies a natural expansion path, which has been accelerated thanks to the convergence. Mass Media strategies have focused on developing multiplatform content in order to exploit the potential distribution on the market. This article is about the theories and concepts related to measurement and cross-content, in turn, analyses one of the most ambitious multiplatform productions in Television de Catalunya, "Guernica: war paint." The purpose is to understand the scale of the issue from an interdisciplinary perspective and put the issues inherent in the study and analysis of cross-media productions. The text brings together the contributions of authors from different perspectives that have examined the content through concepts such as remediation, intertextuality, and transtextuality. The results indicate that the passage of pieces of content across different platforms used by television and radio operators happen more and more natural thanks to the experience accumulated over the past decade. The audience access multimedia motivated proposals complementary to television flow, attracted by the expansion of the contents and the establishment of a strong and proactive relationship with the audiovisual product. The documentary review escapes from the linear narrative and presents personalized and interactive content. However, we can speak of a hybridization between the total contents because the use of common tools and the degree of integration of technologies and production practices is still in an initial state.
International Journal of Communication, Aug 14, 2014
Multiplatform content broadcasts are one way of securing the position of public-service broadcast... more Multiplatform content broadcasts are one way of securing the position of public-service broadcasting in a competitive and changing market. This research focuses on the crossmedia fiction series Águila Roja (Red Eagle) and Isabel, produced by Globomedia and Diagonal TV for Radio Televisión Española (RTVE), the Spanish radio and television corporation. RTVE is a public-service broadcaster that has recently undergone a significant reconversion as a consequence of the recession and a new funding system based exclusively on financial contributions from the state, with a ban on paid advertising, which had been permitted in the past. We examine the way this organization creates productions for multiple platforms and the innovation strategies that support these processes. Using a comparative case study approach based on the actor-network theory, we found a strong 360-degree cross-media production logic in RTVE's fiction series. However, a detailed analysis reveals difficulties and contradictions regarding the efficacious use of each of the technological platforms available as well as limitations on the actions undertaken in the social media.
Comunicacio Revista De Recerca I D Analisi, 2012
servicios y contenidos audiovisuales para las plataformas digitales: análisis de las estrategias ... more servicios y contenidos audiovisuales para las plataformas digitales: análisis de las estrategias de diversificación cross-media Serveis i continguts audiovisuals per a les plataformes digitals: anàlisi de les estratègies de diversificació cross-media Audiovisual content and services for digital delivery platforms: an analysis of the cross-media diversification strategies brought to you by C metadata, citation and similar papers at provided by Revistes Catalanes amb Accés Audiovisual content and services for digital delivery platforms: an analysis of the cross-media diversification strategies Servicios y contenidos audiovisuales para las plataformas digitales: análisis de las estrategias de diversificación cross-media Serveis i continguts audiovisuals per a les plataformes digitals: anàlisi de les estratègies de diversificació cross-media
I+ C Investigar a comunicación [Recurso …, 2008
Esta comunicación presenta las conclusiones más relevantes de la investigación. "La Imagen Inform... more Esta comunicación presenta las conclusiones más relevantes de la investigación. "La Imagen Informativa en los medios online. Prensa, radio y televisión". La autora expone
Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication, 2013
This article analyses public service broadcasting in Europe, looking at public broadcasters' role... more This article analyses public service broadcasting in Europe, looking at public broadcasters' role as promoters of participative processes. Computer-mediated communication and studies rooted in mediated human interactivity are used to explore participative elements provided by digital technology, and how these can be incorporated into the news websites, through an empirical study of 5 case studies in the European market. The analysis is based on the methodology of content analysis with the goal of outlining the particularities of the participative elements implemented by each broadcaster and revealing the most common participative strategies. The findings suggest that although public service broadcasters offer a wide variety of possibilities, encouraging audiences to take on more active roles, their role is still peripheral and complementary.
Revista Latina de Comunicación Social
Introducción. Minecraft ha sido utilizado ampliamente en espacios educativos con efectos positivo... more Introducción. Minecraft ha sido utilizado ampliamente en espacios educativos con efectos positivos en el desarrollo de la creatividad, el compromiso o la colaboración. Metodología. Este artículo muestra los resultados de una experiencia de aprendizaje basada en el juego Minecraft, en estudiantes de posgrado en el campo de la comunicación dirigida a la distinción de los procesos de acceso, interacción y participación online. El análisis de la percepción sobre la autoeficacia del aprendizaje, el compromiso académico y la participación incluyó técnicas propias de la etnografía virtual como observación y entrevistas semiestructuradas. Resultados. Este trabajo ofrece una visión tridimensional del proceso de aprendizaje basado en juegos como consecuencia de una combinación de la autoeficacia percibida, la participación y el compromiso. Discusión. El análisis de las relaciones entre las perspectivas teóricas empleadas muestra la necesidad de contemplar en el diseño de experiencias educati...
Conference Presentations by María I Villa Montoya
Strike in 2013, as given by the Boyacá news programme. It is possible
to apply an inductive research approach to analyse this coverage,
which can provide insights into the use of user generated images in
social networks of the public news radio. While the case study is
based on a particular situation, its methodological character can
provide insights that might be useful to other similar research
For our analysis we have chosen Televisió de Catalunya (TVC), the public service broadcaster (PSB) of Catalonia, Spain, as our case. In order to obtain our data we used qualitative triangulation methods from the area of ethnographic studies centred on case studies where the sources of information are provided by observation, interviews and analysis of documents and artefacts (Yin, 2003: 83). Observations were carried out during the months of December 2008 and January 2009 at the headquarters of the Catalan Interactive Radio and Television Corporation (Ccrtvi). Thirty-seven company professionals were interviewed in 2008 and 2009 and internal and external TVC documents such as the activity plan, budget and programming criteria were reviewed, as well as the organisation’s internal and external press archives
Por medio de la aplicación de variables bibliométricas se analizan aspectos relativos a la visibilidad y el prestigio de los autores y a su agregación por centros de investigación, la influencia que estos reciben a partir de las citas generadas y las revistas centrales para este campo. Adicionalmente, se analizan las referencias en español y se aplica un análisis de redes para cruzar algunas variables y obtener datos sobre los objetos de estudio relacionados con los temas investigados, los centros de investigación y los países de origen.
La investigación permite concluir que la comunicación digital no aparece como un área con autores y revistas consolidadas. Entre los elementos que necesitan mejorarse figura la colaboración entre autores y el impulso a la producción de artículos en español
Papers by María I Villa Montoya
Strike in 2013, as given by the Boyacá news programme. It is possible
to apply an inductive research approach to analyse this coverage,
which can provide insights into the use of user generated images in
social networks of the public news radio. While the case study is
based on a particular situation, its methodological character can
provide insights that might be useful to other similar research
For our analysis we have chosen Televisió de Catalunya (TVC), the public service broadcaster (PSB) of Catalonia, Spain, as our case. In order to obtain our data we used qualitative triangulation methods from the area of ethnographic studies centred on case studies where the sources of information are provided by observation, interviews and analysis of documents and artefacts (Yin, 2003: 83). Observations were carried out during the months of December 2008 and January 2009 at the headquarters of the Catalan Interactive Radio and Television Corporation (Ccrtvi). Thirty-seven company professionals were interviewed in 2008 and 2009 and internal and external TVC documents such as the activity plan, budget and programming criteria were reviewed, as well as the organisation’s internal and external press archives
Por medio de la aplicación de variables bibliométricas se analizan aspectos relativos a la visibilidad y el prestigio de los autores y a su agregación por centros de investigación, la influencia que estos reciben a partir de las citas generadas y las revistas centrales para este campo. Adicionalmente, se analizan las referencias en español y se aplica un análisis de redes para cruzar algunas variables y obtener datos sobre los objetos de estudio relacionados con los temas investigados, los centros de investigación y los países de origen.
La investigación permite concluir que la comunicación digital no aparece como un área con autores y revistas consolidadas. Entre los elementos que necesitan mejorarse figura la colaboración entre autores y el impulso a la producción de artículos en español
sus más importantes crisis económicas y de orden público de los últimos años. A través de un análisis de contenido se analizan fotografías, caricaturas, videos, textos ilustrados y memes que dejaron los usuarios de la emisora en Facebook teniendo en cuenta su valor en la construcción de la agenda setting. La investigación concluye que la imagen generada por los usuarios fortalece la agenda de los medios partir de la legitimación visual de sus mensajes, opiniones y demandas. La reivindicación social se sirve de distintos mecanismos de framing visual para subrayar el conflicto y los anhelos de la población civil.
The aim of the research is to examine the offer of cross-media production of each television operator, how the different television programmes derive their contents to the different platforms available and how said content is adapted to the consumers’ screens. The objective is to find out about the offer of cross-media content and the broadcasters’ priorities for fostering the expansion of the television content to different platforms. The observation studies the relation between the different contents once they are generated and diffused on the different platforms.
In order to find out about each broadcaster’s cross-media production strategies, this study examined the TVC and DR’s television schedules on all their channels in the month of May 2011. It examined all of the programmes in their schedules, the offer of content and services on teletext, interactive DTT applications, Internet pages and content for mobile telephones and other devices.
Regarding the Internet, the study analysed the development of websites associated to television programmes, the emission of online videos on catch-up platforms and paid special attention to the tools for participation offered by the different broadcasters to their viewers. Regarding mobile supports, as well as the availability of videos of the programmes, we observed the content developed specifically for the platform such as self-promotion services and those designed to offer news and tools for participation. In the case of other mobile platforms, we examined the availability of contents and their main characteristics. We also studied the commercialization of merchandising products derived from televised content. Some articles created on the basis of such content are designed to reinforce the brand’s image and to gain financial profits for the channel.
The data obtained from the content analysis, for each of the platforms, is complemented with comments made by the staff of both operators that was obtained from in-depth interviews. The study also analyses databases contained in academic texts and bibliographies related to the phenomena being studied and consulted corporate documents and information available on different supports. This data and information was essential for discovering and interpreting the model of cross-media expansion employed by each broadcaster, and their similarities and differences.
The analysis suggests a major increase in the availability of audiovisual material through the use of different platforms. A tendency observed in both operators is that they seek to exploit all of the available possibilities for distribution. This pattern has led to the development of cross-media products and an uneven deployment of the same on the distribution channels (DTT, Internet and mobile supports). There is no questioning the tendency to exploit all of the possible channels, but it is not known how to make the investment of human and economic resources profitable. So, in general terms, it is observed that the predominant strategy is the adaptation of contents created for television and in this dynamic, the adjustments made on each platform do not usually affect the mainstream television content.
The analysis provides data in relation to the implementation of services on each platform and this exploration indicates that there are far more contents and services designed for the Internet than are developed for the other platforms, with the former acting as the engine and backbone. The resources destined for this platform centralise most of the cross-media content.
Dissemination on multiple platforms represents a major change in the operators’ distribution strategies, and affects the organisation of television as a whole and views about what the mission of public operators should be, but under the current conditions the results found by the analysis do not generally imply any drastic alteration to television contents.
The results included in this paper are part of the “Cross media environment: organizational and productive transformations of broadcaster” research project (CSO2009-09367) financed by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation as part of the 2009-2011 National R&D Plan and undertaken by the Image, Sound and Synthesis Research Group at the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona.
By incorporating different variables such as: the configuration of groups, coordination systems, work flows and levels of association this study identifies three different networks, which we have called concentrated, mixed and dispersed depending on the relationship between their actors. So our findings suggest that there is no unified cross-media production system, but rather that there are various and constantly-changing ones in accordance with the configurations and circumstances implicated in each network