Dumlupınar Üniversitesi
Batı ve Güneybatı Kısım (Bkz. 2010 Genel Raporu s.376) : BB sektörü M-7, CC sektörü M-8, N-8, N-9, JJ sektörü O-10, O-11 ve KK sektörü O-12 plankareleri içinde yer alır (Resim 46-50). Duvar kuzeybatı-güneydoğu doğrultulu olup, bu... more
Batı ve Güneybatı Kısım (Bkz. 2010 Genel Raporu s.376) : BB sektörü M-7, CC sektörü M-8, N-8, N-9, JJ sektörü O-10, O-11 ve KK sektörü O-12 plankareleri içinde yer alır (Resim 46-50). Duvar kuzeybatı-güneydoğu doğrultulu olup, bu kısımdaki korunan uzunluğu 65m.'dir. Duvarının korunan üst seviyesi 1173.00m., alt seviyesi 1164.92m.'dir.
- by Nejat Bilgen and +2
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- Seyitömer Höyük
Archaeological excavations started in Seyitömer Höyük in 1989 and continued intermittently until December 2021. It was carried out by the Department of Archaeology of Kütahya Dumlupınar University between Dec. 2006-2014. During the... more
Archaeological excavations started in Seyitömer Höyük in 1989 and continued intermittently until December 2021. It was carried out by the Department of Archaeology of Kütahya Dumlupınar University between Dec. 2006-2014. During the excavations carried out in these years, the A, B, C phases of the Middle Bronze Age layer were determined in the upper plain of the mound. Between the years of 2019-2021, excavations were continued by the Kütahya Museum Directorate. The studies carried out this year were carried out intensively on the upper plane of the mound. Studies of the herbivore layer have gained weight in the places located inside and outside the fortification wall and the fortification wall. A total of 22 locations have been revealed. These places have been identified on the slopes of the mound. Especially as a result of the studies carried out in the entrance part of the fortification wall, it has been determined that there is more than one usage phase and that the first usage phase of the wall has ended due to the fire. Considering the data obtained in the previous excavation season, it is possible to mention a settlement surrounded by a strong fortification wall in the mound. A standard plan has not been implemented in the place. The equipment inside the space differs according to the usage purposes of the place.
Seyitömer Höyük is located in the town of Seyitömer, 25 km northwest of Kütahya Province, in the reserve area of Çelikler Seyitömer Elektricity Generation Corporation. Archaeological excavations in the mound have continued... more
Seyitömer Höyük is located in the town of Seyitömer, 25 km northwest of Kütahya Province, in the reserve area of Çelikler Seyitömer Elektricity Generation Corporation. Archaeological excavations in the mound have continued intermittently since 1989 until today. These studies were carried out by the Kütahya Museum Directorate between 2019 and 2021. The stratification of the Seyitömer Mound is as follows: I-Roman Period, II- Hellenistic Period (A - B), III-Iron Age (A - B), IV-Middle Bronze Age (A - B - C), V- Early Bronze Age III (A - B - C - D), VI-Early Bronze Age II-III transition, VI- Early Bronze Age II (A - B - C - D). According to the first data, the MBA layer unearthed since 2008 was determined to be a three-phase settlement. There are no differencesin terms of spatial order and material in all three phases of MBA settlement. But in phase C, the entire settlement is surrounded by monumental
fortification. A mould made of stone used in metal castingwas found in a space associated with the MBA city wall. The stone mould measures 19x14x5,5 cm and has negatives on all four sides. Within the scope of the article, the MBA space in question has been evaluated together with the casting mould and other finds and discussed within the framework of spatial analysis.
fortification. A mould made of stone used in metal castingwas found in a space associated with the MBA city wall. The stone mould measures 19x14x5,5 cm and has negatives on all four sides. Within the scope of the article, the MBA space in question has been evaluated together with the casting mould and other finds and discussed within the framework of spatial analysis.
K ü t a h y a H î s a r b e y î C a m ü M İn b e r A l e m İ Ü z e r î n e N o t l a r ...)
During the Early Bronze Age, the site of Seyitömer Höyük in Western Anatolia, served as both a center for ceramic production and trade. Through the innovative use of a mold-making technique, as well as a clay coil and wheel combination... more
During the Early Bronze Age, the site of Seyitömer Höyük in Western Anatolia, served as both a center for ceramic production and trade. Through the innovative use of a mold-making technique, as well as a clay coil and wheel combination method, potters were able to produce a standardized diverse ceramic repertoire at a fast rate. Within the site assemblage, a variety of ceramic types are represented, including the depas amphikypellon, a two handled drinking vessel. Depas vessels originating from both local mounds, such as Küllüoba, and foreign locals, like Syros-Kastri, Poliochni, and Kültepe are also present. In addition to these cups, used for both libation and everyday use, zoomorphic rhyta have been uncovered that depict two animals holding a depas cup. This paper reconsiders the daily and ritual uses of the depas cup in light of the Seyitömer Mound excavations and discusses the movement of this vessel type throughout the Aegean islands, Balkan Peninsula, and Anatolian and Syro-Mesopotamian mainlands.