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Showing posts with label Book. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Book. Show all posts

American Folk Art in Place: IN - SITU The BOOK by Jim Linderman Available NOW!

AMERICAN FOLK ART IN PLACE: IN-SITU by Jim Linderman is NOW availableA large format vintage photography book which reveals hundreds of folk art environments and unique folk art sculptures as installed over the years.  The book documents numerous outsider art installations (many previously unknown) and photographs of known and unknown artists at work.  All photographs will be drawn from the collection of Jim Linderman, whose previous vintage photography books include the ground-breaking Take Me to the Water,  The Birth of Rock and Roll and Arcane Americana.  The book will be the companion to Eccentric Folk Art Drawings of the 19th and 20th Centuries from the Linderman Collection.  Same size, same format and also available as an affordable instant download e-book. American Folk Art In Place: In-Situ is a much expanded and revised edition of the now out of print original book of the same title.  Details and a free preview of the book will follow.  Inquiries to [email protected] 

Shown:  Untitled snapshot (Feed the Monkey) unknown location, circa 1950.  Collection Jim Linderman

The Birth of Rock and Roll : Photographs from the collection of Jim Linderman plus a conversation with Joe Bonomo

The Birth of Rock and Roll is now available for pre-ordering on Amazon.  I received a copy and it turned out beautiful.  A coffee table book, and a book about music unlike any you have seen.

My vintage photographs were handled beautifully by the fine folks at the publisher DUST-TO-DIGITAL and the design by award-winning Martin Venezky and his Appetite Engineers shop is fantastic.  Historian, essayist and music-writer Joe Bonomo contributes elegant prose. 

160 pages and when they are laid open, each is 19" x 12" of striking jumping' and jivin' humanity!  I am proud indeed to make a contribution to our understanding of that phenomena we call Rock and Roll, and the folks mentioned above helped it happen.  

There will be more about the book soon, but for now it is listed in the art book D.A.P. Catalog (shown here) and Amazon is taking pre-orders.  It will soon be available at the Dust-to-Digital Website and other sources.

It may be worth mentioning that my first book with Dust to Digital, Take Me to the Water (which was Grammy-nominated) is now out of print and used copies are trading for over a hundred dollars…

I would like to thank the publisher Stephen Lance Ledbetter for recognizing the potential of this project, and for the magnificent results.  A picture does tell a thousand words, and in this case the pictures tell a hundred year story like never before.  Thank you!

Gene Bilbrew Draws Bettie Page as a Costume

It's time to start preparing for Halloween again.  Here, Gene Bilbrew, African-American fetish artist most prominent in the 1950s and 1950s shows what you will need to show up as Bettie Page. See also the book TIMES SQUARE SMUT  for more about the illustrator.

Gertie Cochran Mental Wonder Vaudeville Performer (First Human Computer?) Photograph by Frank Wendt


She answers like a flash on lightning, purely from memory, thousands of difficult questions on all subjects.  Biblical history, national history, population of all the large cities of the earth, dates of discoveries, dates of great battles, with generals officiating and numbers killed and wounded, national debt of all nations, including our own national debt…"

Gertie Cochran was speaking at age seven months and was not long forced to memorize everything!  Well, maybe to everything, but certainly more than I feel like taking the time to copy!  Gertie was on the road was on the road at age 5, and "she…created a perfect "furore" wherever exhibited."  Click to enlarge the patter…and be prepared to ask questions.  Gertie takes them all on.  Prepare to be dumfounded.

A cabinet card photograph by Frank Wendt, likely used, and sold, as a souvenir at Little Miss Gertie's shows.  Wendt was understudy to the famed circus  freak photographer G. Eisenmann, and worked out of both New York City and later Boonton, New Jersey.  The card dates to a performance in 1898 in Lake Chautaugua, New York.  Wendt was also known for his circus and sideshow photographs, but the book below collects his numerous photos of young women forced on the road at an early age.

See the book HOOFERS AND SWEETHEARTS: THE Little Women of Frank Wendt.  Vintage Photographs from the Collection of Jim Linderman.  80 pages.  Paperback $21.95 Ebook $5.99.  

Antique Folk Art Worked and Tufted Rug Folk Art Victorian Anonymous was a Woman

An antique folk art rug from Victorian days, when there was time to make things...and make things beautiful.  21" x 34" and dating to 1890 or so.  Since I am posting this piece, I would like to bring attention to my favorite folk art book title "Anonymous was a Woman" which while more often than not true, it is also a lovely sentiment.  The book discusses what was flippantly called "Women's work" in all manner of craft, art and more.  I am sure the book is long out of print, but used copies are very cheap and worth every penny.

Handmade Folk Art Rug circa 1890 collection Jim Linderman 

Vernacular Photography Linderman Style Vintage Photographs of Arcane Americana Book and ebook NOW AVAILABLE

Tooting my own horn here, my book of vernacular photography turned out really well, and since I hate to waste any new material on the blog during the holidays, I'll take the opportunity to shill baby shill.

is 120 pages of the real thing. That is, far less than pristine found photographs of what Americans do best: be really, really strange with a camera near.
If you have even the most remote interest in things unusual, and don't mind being surprised every few pages, feel free to order it up. I've kept the price as low as I can.

Paperback is $28.95 and the Ebook is $5.99. Indicate which you like on the Blurb order form HERE. There is also a free preview of the book.

While I am on the subject, all my books from Blurb, I believe, have been converted to ebook format for the iPad and iPhone. $5.99 each. See full list HERE.


Two Million Dollars of Folk Art Cigar Store Indians Trade Store Figures Real Photo Postcard (And a Favorite Photograph)

The June 8, 2010 auction at Heritage Auction Galleries which set a record for a Cigar Store Indian (over $200,000 for the splendid figure here) may mean what you are seeing above is a few million dollars worth of wood. A Real Photo Postcard, circa 1940, of a most extraordinary collection of carved trade store figures. Quite a group. The piece sold above had exceptional original paint, and often these figures have had repaints over the years. The last photograph, a particular favorite of mine, shows my father and a friend, circa 1935, likely in upstate New York.
Anonymous Real Photo Postcard (Group of Carved Trade Figures and Cigar Store Indians) circa 1940 Kodak "EKC" logo on reverse Collection Jim Linderman
