Drexel University College of Medicine
Institute for Women's Health and Leadership
The AAMC's Increasing Women's Leadership Project Implementation Committee examined four years of data on the advancement of women in academic medicine. With women comprising only 14% of tenured faculty and 12% of full professors, the... more
Peritoneal macrophages from mice infected with herpes simplex virus type 2 (HSV-2) exhibited extrinsic antiviral resistance. When the macrophages were cocultivated in vitro with virus-infected cells the yield of virus was reduced... more
The authors describe the history, characteristics, and goals of four innovative programs, each in a medical school, that were established in 1998 to help faculty members of both sexes obtain mentors and thereby facilitate their career... more
The experience and lessons learned in the design, implementation and initial evaluation of a demonstration faculty-to-faculty mentoring program, during a time of major institutional reorganization, are described. The question addressed... more
Systemic administration of the synthetic immunopotentiator pyran, was as effective as the use of the biologic immunopotentiator BCG in activating macrophages and in inhibiting the Lewis lung carcinoma and MCA 2182 sarcoma. Several other... more
Since the early 1970s, the numbers of women entering medical school and, subsequently, academic medicine have increased substantially. However, women faculty have not advanced at the expected rate to senior academic ranks or positions of... more
A novel method for labeling resident peritoneal macrophages (MO) by injection of a dye into the peritoneal cavity is described. The dye, which fluoresces green, is selectively taken up by the resident MO. Dye labeled cells can be further... more
Purpose. This study measured the impact of participation by women academics in the Executive Leadership in Academic Medicine (ELAM) program as part of a robust evaluation agenda. Method. The design is a classic pre/post, within-group,... more
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