mauro gilfournier
Mauro Gil-Fournier Esquerra (1978). Architect ETSAM, 2004. PHD Architect UPM (2016). Practicioner, Researcher and professor at Architecture Faculty TEC Monterrey and International Master for
Urban studies at UOC Barcelona. He leads the pioneer learning environments “Affective Ecologies” an “HIP Ciudades”.
After 15 years of professional career he founds Affective Architectures, a community that makes architecture with
pleasure to explore how “Architecture is an affective matter”. His work is framed in a multiple, interscalar and colocated
environment where projects emerge from knowledge that is shared in an open way.
Formerly co-founder of successful projects and offices such as Estudio Fam (2003) Vivero de iniciativas Ciudadanas
(2008) Estudio Sic (2009). Since 2017 he codirects the European Urban Program Mares de Madrid in the EU Urban
Innovative Actions program UIA (2017-2019) He also coproduces the digital platform for citizen innovation civics.cc
awarded by the EULAC foundation as best IberoAmerican citizen initiative (2018). He is Fellow Residence at Art OMI,
New York (2019) His projects have been awarded in places such as the Detail Prize, Bauwelt Price, finalist in AR
Arwards for emerging architecture, FAD award, Mies Van der Rohe, among others.
His works are exhibited, and published in places such as the Newmark Gallery at the Benenson Center in New York
(2019), the Spanish pavilion of the Venice Architecture Biennale (2018), the Oslo Architecture Triennial, (2016), the
Householding Fair at Bauhaus Dessau, (2015), the Lisbon Architecture Triennial, (2013) or the II Biennial of Public
Space in Rome, (2013).
He is speaker and lecturer at numerous universities and forums in Spain, Latin America and USA. His work is
constantly updated and published in international magazines in Asia, America and Europe such as A+U, Arquitectura
Viva or Domus or the Monography AT nº20. He writes in books such as “Critical Care, architecture and urbanism for a
broken planet” (MIT Press, 2019). He had already published his first book "Las casas que me habitan" (Mincho Press,
2021) (Affective Architectures, 2022)
Urban studies at UOC Barcelona. He leads the pioneer learning environments “Affective Ecologies” an “HIP Ciudades”.
After 15 years of professional career he founds Affective Architectures, a community that makes architecture with
pleasure to explore how “Architecture is an affective matter”. His work is framed in a multiple, interscalar and colocated
environment where projects emerge from knowledge that is shared in an open way.
Formerly co-founder of successful projects and offices such as Estudio Fam (2003) Vivero de iniciativas Ciudadanas
(2008) Estudio Sic (2009). Since 2017 he codirects the European Urban Program Mares de Madrid in the EU Urban
Innovative Actions program UIA (2017-2019) He also coproduces the digital platform for citizen innovation civics.cc
awarded by the EULAC foundation as best IberoAmerican citizen initiative (2018). He is Fellow Residence at Art OMI,
New York (2019) His projects have been awarded in places such as the Detail Prize, Bauwelt Price, finalist in AR
Arwards for emerging architecture, FAD award, Mies Van der Rohe, among others.
His works are exhibited, and published in places such as the Newmark Gallery at the Benenson Center in New York
(2019), the Spanish pavilion of the Venice Architecture Biennale (2018), the Oslo Architecture Triennial, (2016), the
Householding Fair at Bauhaus Dessau, (2015), the Lisbon Architecture Triennial, (2013) or the II Biennial of Public
Space in Rome, (2013).
He is speaker and lecturer at numerous universities and forums in Spain, Latin America and USA. His work is
constantly updated and published in international magazines in Asia, America and Europe such as A+U, Arquitectura
Viva or Domus or the Monography AT nº20. He writes in books such as “Critical Care, architecture and urbanism for a
broken planet” (MIT Press, 2019). He had already published his first book "Las casas que me habitan" (Mincho Press,
2021) (Affective Architectures, 2022)
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Papers by mauro gilfournier
procesos urbanos más allá de la organización jerárquica de sus
agentes (bottom-up y top down). Pero ninguna de ellas, ni sus mezclas,
son suficientes para favorecer una tendencia que, debido a los
wicked problems, inevitablemente sea afectiva con las personas,
otros seres y el planeta. A partir del texto de Rittel y Webber (1973)
sobre la dificultad del urbanismo para resolver los problemas sociales
y su lectura por parte de Law (2015), de convertir los wicked
problems en bening problems, podemos observar cómo la naturaleza
de los problemas sociales urbanos es afectiva.
El artículo propone una vía en donde el urbanismo es capaz de
romper las dualidades bottom-up y top-down a partir de los atributos
que lo moldean. Porque son los afectos los que atraviesan
todos los cuerpos humanos y más que humanos. Si las ciudades
son máquinas de urbanizar, y prolongan sus redes heterogéneas
más allá de sus territorios, necesitamos confrontar el movimiento
de los afectos para que el urbanismo sea una herramienta de coexistencia
en un planeta ya herido.
nombrar lo intangible, lo no hablado y poco visible,
pero siempre tras los procesos urbanos. Toda forma
de urbanismo nos afecta, es una constante en nuestra
experiencia urbana. Tras los proyectos colaborativos y abiertos de Madrid, la investigación informa sobre los afectos que están tras nuestros desarrollos urbanos es tarea del Urbanismo Afectivo.
Nature, the city, the home and the skin, and with them the place, the object and the body form a network of spacialities with no exterior. Between the years 1957-1967, Monsanto Company sponsored “The House of the Future” in Disneyland California, designed by MIT architects Marvin Goody and Richard Hamilton. The house was conceived as a device to be introduced in the household market of new technologies linked to the production of plastic in American homes. With the years, we have been able to see how this operation relates to other phenomenon such as the construction of intimacy, social roles, relations between the everyday and the exterior, the house inter-scalarity, the creation of natures linked to this house, the displacement of the house in new strategies of consumption, or the transformation of the chemical industry in a habit inducing machine. The construction of the house itself in a hyper-real world, like that projected by Walt Disney in California, temporal and spectacular, defines a construction where the public conditions the intimate. The house is already a publicized tourist attraction, the creator of its own simulated environment. The disappearance of the exteriority of the house doesn’t give way to an increased interiority, but a simultaneous process of articulations and multiple continuities that refer to the possibility of inhabiting the world. If everything is part of the same network: the house, the companies, their technologies, the architects, the place, where do we situate the exterior? How do we identify the limits of this network of spaces? What do concepts such as distance, scale, program, or intimate and public relationships mean in this context, without exterior? We propose a prototypal machine of new exteriors as a critical-descriptive method, now that conventional architectural criticism, whose discourse is based on the visible manifestations of order, isn’t capable of penetrating this contemporary system without exterior."
Book Reviews by mauro gilfournier
to participate? We prefer to talk about collective processes of empowerment rather than participation. In order to connect the personal and the social spheres, a different analysis of the relations between the public and the domestic spaces is needed. A new collective realm is emerging based on networks opening and distributing domestic practices within the city. These processes are developed as extitutional informal processes around the home, revealing other forms of urban and citizen assemblages in Madrid. Studies on the organization of urban citizens have not developed a system to explain the different modes and processes as a rhizome movement formed around housing. The purpose of this research is to explain and track how they are formed, how they operate in the city, how the action enables trading and how other non-economic capitals are at stake in this process.
This article investigates the different modes which the creation of citizen networks do not only come from public spaces and squares but also from financial negotiations, banks, housing and bodies. A house is no longer an individual, particular and intimate space. That is the main teaching that the Mortgage Citizens´ platform shows us in Madrid. The PAH (platform for people affected by mortgages), which empowers citizens, as well as all the citizen initiatives around the access to housing, perform another type of urbanism through an extitutional process in Madrid.
procesos urbanos más allá de la organización jerárquica de sus
agentes (bottom-up y top down). Pero ninguna de ellas, ni sus mezclas,
son suficientes para favorecer una tendencia que, debido a los
wicked problems, inevitablemente sea afectiva con las personas,
otros seres y el planeta. A partir del texto de Rittel y Webber (1973)
sobre la dificultad del urbanismo para resolver los problemas sociales
y su lectura por parte de Law (2015), de convertir los wicked
problems en bening problems, podemos observar cómo la naturaleza
de los problemas sociales urbanos es afectiva.
El artículo propone una vía en donde el urbanismo es capaz de
romper las dualidades bottom-up y top-down a partir de los atributos
que lo moldean. Porque son los afectos los que atraviesan
todos los cuerpos humanos y más que humanos. Si las ciudades
son máquinas de urbanizar, y prolongan sus redes heterogéneas
más allá de sus territorios, necesitamos confrontar el movimiento
de los afectos para que el urbanismo sea una herramienta de coexistencia
en un planeta ya herido.
nombrar lo intangible, lo no hablado y poco visible,
pero siempre tras los procesos urbanos. Toda forma
de urbanismo nos afecta, es una constante en nuestra
experiencia urbana. Tras los proyectos colaborativos y abiertos de Madrid, la investigación informa sobre los afectos que están tras nuestros desarrollos urbanos es tarea del Urbanismo Afectivo.
Nature, the city, the home and the skin, and with them the place, the object and the body form a network of spacialities with no exterior. Between the years 1957-1967, Monsanto Company sponsored “The House of the Future” in Disneyland California, designed by MIT architects Marvin Goody and Richard Hamilton. The house was conceived as a device to be introduced in the household market of new technologies linked to the production of plastic in American homes. With the years, we have been able to see how this operation relates to other phenomenon such as the construction of intimacy, social roles, relations between the everyday and the exterior, the house inter-scalarity, the creation of natures linked to this house, the displacement of the house in new strategies of consumption, or the transformation of the chemical industry in a habit inducing machine. The construction of the house itself in a hyper-real world, like that projected by Walt Disney in California, temporal and spectacular, defines a construction where the public conditions the intimate. The house is already a publicized tourist attraction, the creator of its own simulated environment. The disappearance of the exteriority of the house doesn’t give way to an increased interiority, but a simultaneous process of articulations and multiple continuities that refer to the possibility of inhabiting the world. If everything is part of the same network: the house, the companies, their technologies, the architects, the place, where do we situate the exterior? How do we identify the limits of this network of spaces? What do concepts such as distance, scale, program, or intimate and public relationships mean in this context, without exterior? We propose a prototypal machine of new exteriors as a critical-descriptive method, now that conventional architectural criticism, whose discourse is based on the visible manifestations of order, isn’t capable of penetrating this contemporary system without exterior."
to participate? We prefer to talk about collective processes of empowerment rather than participation. In order to connect the personal and the social spheres, a different analysis of the relations between the public and the domestic spaces is needed. A new collective realm is emerging based on networks opening and distributing domestic practices within the city. These processes are developed as extitutional informal processes around the home, revealing other forms of urban and citizen assemblages in Madrid. Studies on the organization of urban citizens have not developed a system to explain the different modes and processes as a rhizome movement formed around housing. The purpose of this research is to explain and track how they are formed, how they operate in the city, how the action enables trading and how other non-economic capitals are at stake in this process.
This article investigates the different modes which the creation of citizen networks do not only come from public spaces and squares but also from financial negotiations, banks, housing and bodies. A house is no longer an individual, particular and intimate space. That is the main teaching that the Mortgage Citizens´ platform shows us in Madrid. The PAH (platform for people affected by mortgages), which empowers citizens, as well as all the citizen initiatives around the access to housing, perform another type of urbanism through an extitutional process in Madrid.