Showing posts with label lattes. Show all posts
Showing posts with label lattes. Show all posts

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

The Fall Work is Done!

In reality the work on a ranch is never done. But, we wrapped up the last of our "fall work days" Monday, when we preg-checked the last of our cows.
Every cow and calf has been shipped or trailed home from their summer pastures, the calves have all been weaned, their weights are entered in the computer, and the cows have all been preg-checked. For the last six weeks or so it has been a crazy mix of driving, riding, gathering, sorting, hauling, driving, riding, unloading, weaning, preg-checking, fencing, fixing water, etc... Did I mention driving and riding? And picking up gallons of milk as you blew through a town, learning which little espresso huts will make a coffee the fastest at 6:00 a.m. (I NEED my caffeine, and if we drove by a coffee shop would accomadate a horse trailer or semi, we stopped), wishing for a coffee shop on all the mornings (especially the cold ones) we didn't drive, or drive by one, keeping enough clothes in every pickup to ensure you're covered if it's 95 degrees or 10 below zero, and swapping my camera and computer equipment from outfit to outfit so that I can get as much work done as possible whenever we hit a town, or stay at a house, with Internet.
It's a unique time of year that's hard to explain unless you've lived it. I like to think of it as a whole lot of fun packed into a short period of time. We were blessed with beautiful weather for almost every task this year, and that always makes it so much nicer!
Now we are settling into the routine of feeding and doctoring calves, writing articles again, and getting ready for winter.
I am also going to the doctor tomorrow for an incredibly swollen ankle that has been plaguing me all fall, and which I "finished off" while gathering cows Sunday. I had to run a cow down and turn her back, which she was opposed to, and when it was all over I was one hurting unit. Hoping it's nothing serious, but have a feeling it could be.
Hope everyone else's fall has also been a busy, productive few months of working at tasks you enjoy, with people you love! I am so very blessed to have such a jam-packed schedule of things that I love to do, with my family and friends as the other people I get to do them with!

Wednesday, August 17, 2011


Thus far today I have accomplished the following:

Made a white chocolate/caramel latte (priorities are important when you're busy)

Watered, "The Forest," (the windbreak) and my mother's lawn while drinking the latte

Made about 20 phone calls

Planned the rest of the week

Sold our steers, by myself, for the first time ever. (A rancher basically gets one paycheck a year from his cattle, and the money you make on that one day is it for the next 12 months. The price you receive determines how big the check, this was a huge deal) I did have a lot of coaching from my dad, who is in the hospital recovering from surgery.

Talked to my dad. His surgery was to take out part of his intestine. He had diverticulosis (sp?) He's doing very well.

Typed two articles

Edited an article for the largest publication my work will be published in yet.

Watched a livestock video auction, while typing.

Made a to-go lunch for my brother and sister, who are hauling hay today

Confirmed a photo order

Baked cookies, and ate a lot of the batter (Comfort food!)

Did lots of laundry

Accidentally put too much detergent in one load (still waiting to see how that turns out)

Cleaned kitchen

Plunked down in a chair with a cup of iced tea, and typed this.

Hope everyone else is having a wonderful, productive Wednesday!