Sunday, 13 November 2011

such a busy weekend...

This was the weekend of our first Cubs sleepover in the Scout hut and I can one hundred percent admit I am totally gubbed. Knackered to the extreme. It started well enough. They were very well behaved and fun was had by all. Making pirate hats, playing pirate games and doing a treasure hunt I spent hours preparing. Do you like my clue letters and maps?
 Here's my wee pirate - the only one I can share for obvious child protection issues. Do you like how her skull and crossbones became a pony and crosspole jump? Heh heh.
 Anyways, everything was going well. They had supper, got ready for bed and after about 2 hours most of them were sleeping. By about half one in the morning we adults were about to retire when a wee body appeared in the kitchen.

"I don't feel well..." he whimpered. Oh dear. There's a definite pattern emerging where it's me that launches across the room - it happened at camp with a distressed girl as well - to an upset child. My reflexes seem to propel me past everyone closer while they're still doing god knows what. Anyway, our wee Cub emptied his stomach down the loo (I hate other people being sick but I'm getting quite good at not breathing while it's happening!) and a call to his parents revealed they'd made the most of their kid free night and had been out having a drink. Which is how I found myself at 2am dropping him off home. *sighs*

By 3am another Cub was crying because he couldn't get back to sleep! Three visits to him, a change of bed (the sick boy's roll mat was still lying out) and we were settling down a little. Of course, it was after 4am by this time and I still hadn't had any sleep. Funny how all the other supposed light sleepers in the leadership team are dead to the world when there's stuff going on! I got one whole blessed hours sleep. And then a wee wraithlike figure appeared at the door to our room a bit jittery and snivelly. Not with a sore tummy like I was imagining but looking for his mum. Who was our parent helper and sound asleep! He'd got a fright the wee man and then couldn't find her in the dark and was SO upset. So that was another hour lost while she calmed him down. I did squeeze in one other hours sleep before getting up at half 7. Needless to say I slept the whole afternoon on the couch when I got home!

And then I discovered my mail. Sarah was giving away some "hideous" fabric last week on her blog. I think she's mental coz I loved this check! And just coz she's a total and utter sweetie pie she sent a fabulous tidy that she'd made (skulls!!), perle cottons (drool) and the Single Girl quilt pattern which I'm planning on trying in the spring. What a doll, eh?

There was also some scrapbook papers I'd picked up last week in an online sale. Sassafrass Lass - my favourite!! And 6 metres of Kona Ash for my brother's Christmas quilt. Job for this week - start it!!

Today was Remembrance Sunday so we were all at the wee village over from us for their service (Scout related, that's why not at the one in our town) and Chook and I were in the parade with the pack. I forgot to get a photo of us all smart in our uniforms. Doh!

But before that I'd been doing a treasure hunt in my jammies! Chook spent hours this morning making up a load of clues and hiding them all over the house while I was catching up on my sleep. Here's one of her clues on the loo!
Bless her wee socks, it was so cute! The treasure was gold coin wrappers (as in sans chocolate!) left over from Friday night but the thought was there! And this afternoon we checked out her new riding school! Where she rides currently are having trouble with their arenas. They are both unuseable so for the last 6 weeks she's just been hacking out and is so bored with it! I tell you, the recession is obviously not affecting riding because I had to contact FOUR places before I got a reply. This place looks great, though! It's farm based again but really organised and they have an indoor ring, too, which is a boon when you ride in Scotland! AND - this is an exciting one - a coffee shop!!! So no more waiting in a freezing cold car. I can get a hot chocolate and a cookie and they have free wi-fi too! SO hopefully her assessment lesson on Saturday goes well and she likes the place and instructors and we should be all set! Fingers crossed anyway.

I hope you all had a great weekend - maybe a bit less frantic then mine! Monday already, gah!


  1. Jeeeez missus you must be pooped! Hope you get a quiet day at work tomorrow... lol glad you liked the tidy :-) my pleasure! And OMG that possible new riding place sounds IDEAL, hot chocolate and free wi-fi? You'll be lookin forward to lessons more than chookie!

  2. Ohh! You remind me how glad I am my Scouting parent days are behind me!!

    It sounds like the new riding place is awesome. I hope it turns out to be a good fit for you both.

  3. You ARE a trooper Ms Lynz....good for you and good for the Chook to have a mum like you!;)

    Yes, that riding place sounds great...there's some huge new place being built down our dirt road...I should take a photo of it cause it's amazing!

  4. Our church youth club used to do sleepovers in the church, but the other leaders accepted I went home to my bed at midnight! I would do the residential trip but at least there I had a bedroom with a door I could shut!! They new riding school sounds fab, ehy haven't the others thought of coffee school and wifi???

  5. I admire you! I wouldn't be found dead in a tent (well actually that's the only way you'd get me into one!)let alone going without sleep for anyone else's kids!! Hope the new riding school works out. It's great when kids have a passion for something. Jxo

  6. Sarah is a Sweetie! Lynz have you never heard the saying 'never volunteer!' Hope an afternoon snooze was enough :) The new riding place sounds perfect, hope the try out on Saturday goes well for the Chook :) Have a peaceful week!

  7. So I was just thinking about how today I need to fill out my application to be a cub scout leader and then I read this. Thanks for scaring me!

    I love the little treasure hunt Chook put together for you, it's adorable.

  8. my goodness I don't know how you do it. how adorable is Chook's clue? that's so sweet!

  9. Love the Cross bones being the horse jump! You should get a medal (never mind a scout badge) for signing up for this!! Funny that that little organiser basket has the perle in it because that's what I've been using the one I made for, the Perle fits so well!

  10. Oh dear, sorry for your traumitc overnighter! I think that's probably why we didn't get to camp until we were Guides, our leader wasn't daft ;o)

    Fab happy mail to cheer you up though :o)

    As for the new riding place complete with coffee shop, sounds like it was made for you.

  11. It's people like you that make the world go round!!!
    I love the treasure maps.
    We had a sick child at our sleepover too, so I got lucky and drew the short staw to take her home late that evening (not to return... so I could be home on my birthday - yippee!).

  12. You deserve a sainthood - I'd of gone and slept in the car!

    I'll write a fake reference for Chook to get her into that riding school!!

  13. Sounds like the night from hell! Love chookie's pirate costume and her treasure hunt is so sweet! Hope her assessment lesson goes well - if there's a problem just post their email address on your blog and we'll flood them with 'take chookie' emails!

  14. P.S. The present from Sarah is so thoughtful - isn't she wonderful?!

  15. oh my what a sad night! i had to giggle a bit at your retelling but my heart did go out to you and i am glad you were able to sleep once you got ho. hope the new riding place works out. if it does get yourself a hot chocolate with a shot of peppermint. delicious especially this time of year.

  16. WOW, you have been very busy again, hun!! :) Miss not having seen you this year at all, not sure when we can catch up but won't be in 2011. If we're able to make it to one of the Clansmen games early next year I'll try to come by to introduce the twins to you!! :D Or are you planning any outings to Edinburgh anytime at all?


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