Halloween....over the years Halloween has evolved into my favorite holiday. Halloween encompasses many of my favorite things ....owls..crows..pumpkins..gourds..gnarled old trees..corn stalks..bittersweet...and old tombstones...below is a casting taken from an original headstone.... I discovered and purchased this at a local craft fair...she is the guardian angel to Dog Trot Farm...

This summer I purchased four small castings also taken from an old headstone. My husband will inform you when we visit a historic home .... I am drawn to the kitchen...the family library...books tell a lot about a person....and most importantly the family cemetery...I find the designs and symbols found primarily on the old stones so very fascinating...

If you are a fan of Halloween as I am...hurry over to your local Dollar Store....I discovered these black silhouette cut outs...they are very similar to those which Martha Stewart Living offers...just a whole lot cheaper.... for your selection there are mice..bats..crows..spiders..cats...now I say for a dollar a piece how can you go wrong...

Also discovered.... pumpkins...of various colors...white...brown...orange...tan...

and teal...my personal favorite...Now I have no intention of rushing the season....I am intending to enjoy each and every day... a minute at a time... for there are apples to pick and pies to make...pumpkins to gather and scarecrows to design....and leaves....oh... the leaves to rake...
like I said a minute at a time....
Delicious Autumn! my very soul is wedded to it, and If I were a bird I would fly about the earth seeking the successive Autumns. ~George Elliott~