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This paper explores the concept of reflexivity in shaping young people’s career decision making aged 16. It argues that current neo-liberal policy and ideology, prevalent in the UK context, has come to see reflexivity as a mechanism that... more
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      Education and Labor MarketsTransition to Adulthood among Vulnerable Populations of YouthYouth TransitionsYouth; Transitions to Adulthood
This thesis explores the two year transition period leading towards the end of compulsory schooling. It asks how young people who live in disadvantaged locations make career related choices, and is concerned with why such people often do... more
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      Cultural CapitalPierre BourdieuEducation of Disadvantaged GroupsYouth Transitions
As part of the Equality, Diversity and Human Rights agenda for Salford NHS commission group a piece of participatory research was commissioned by Langworthy Cornerstone. Under a partnership with Manchester Metropolitan University ten... more
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    • Participatory Action Research
This poster was presented at Vitae International Conference 2018. It outlines the theory behind the workshop 'What can I do with a Doctorate?'
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      Pierre BourdieuCommunities of practice
6 Declaration of Original Contribution 7 Copyright Statement 8 Acknowledgements 9 Figures 10 Abbreviations 12 Part 1: Introduction to the Thesis Chapter 1: Introduction 13 1.1: Professional Background and Research Focus 13 1.2: Research... more
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      SociologyCultural CapitalPierre BourdieuEducation of Disadvantaged Groups
Los Bri Bri: Los Bri Bri son un pueblo indígena nómada, tienden a tener poca educación y atención médica debido a su aislamiento en los bosques, pero son autosuficientes tanto en los cultivos y en el ganado. Raizes etnicas (donde viven):... more
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