Videos by Anna Korzeniowska-Bihun
On June the 10th, 2021, Society of Defense Knowledge hosted a City in Conflict Seminar dedicated ... more On June the 10th, 2021, Society of Defense Knowledge hosted a City in Conflict Seminar dedicated to post-conflict studies and coherence of symbolism, history and politics in urban space. Speakers presented the following subjects:
Mariusz Kamiński, PhD: the Role of counter-intelligence services and security in urban space. Anna Korzeniowska-Bihuń, PhD: City in Conflict — Kharkiv (Ukraine). Melaike Huseyin, MA: City in Conflict — Şuşa (Azerbaijan). Robert Boroch, PhD: City in Conflict — Biskupiec (Poland). The Seminar was moderated by Mr Marek Klasa (MA).
Society of Defense Knowledge (Towarzystwo Wiedzy Obronnej) is keen on promoting research in military anthropology, post conflicts studies, and urban anthropology, providing a platform simultaneously to independent scholars to exchange knowledge based on mutual respect. 3 views
1. prof. Ihor Todorow
Ukraińskie narracje II wojny światowej na Zakarpaciu.
2. 1. dr... more Uczestnicy:
1. prof. Ihor Todorow
Ukraińskie narracje II wojny światowej na Zakarpaciu.
2. 1. dr Kazimierz Wóycicki
Biografia Bandery i „kult Bandery” – ukraińskie realia i sowiecko-rosyjska narracja
2. dr Anna Korzeniowska-Bihun
II wojna światowa i wojna w Donbasie – palimpsesty kultury
3. dr Robert Boroch
Wojna pomnikowa – cmentarze wojskowe Warmii – wybrane przykłady
Moderacja: dr Wiktor Ross 5 views
1. Farid Shafiyev
Ph.D. (Carleton University), MPA (Harvard University)
Internatio... more Participants:
1. Farid Shafiyev
Ph.D. (Carleton University), MPA (Harvard University)
International Law and Global Media Perspectives on the Conflict
2. Bartłomej Krzysztan
Ph.D. (Institute of Political Studies, Polish Academy of Sciences)
Running in Circle. The instrumentalization of Memory as the Factor in Azerbaijani-Armenian Conflict
4. Robert Boroch
Ph.D. (War Studies University, Poland)
‘Azerbaijan and Armenia conflict. 27.09.2020’ — the history of a debate
5. Anna Korzeniowska-Bihun
Ph.D. (Academy of the East)
Ukrainian Discourse on the Conflict over the Nagorno-Karabakh Region
Kazimierz Wóycicki
Ph.D. (Head of Academy of the East) 176 views
International Seminar
April 8th, 2021
War Studies University, Warsaw, Poland
Papers by Anna Korzeniowska-Bihun
Ośrodek Badawczy Facta Ficta eBooks, Aug 1, 2018
Studia Polsko-Ukraińskie, 2014
Wiedza Obronna, Jun 6, 2019
Wiedza Obronna, Mar 1, 2021
The article presents an anthropological defense's practical dimension on cultural activities obse... more The article presents an anthropological defense's practical dimension on cultural activities observed during the Russian-Ukrainian war. The paper's primary hypothesis is to deliver anthropological defense strategic objectives from a country's perspective at war. The adopted view refers to hybrid warfare and hybrid threats. The goals are as follows: 1) documentation objective, 2) therapeutic objective, 3) ideological objective, 4) diplomatic objective. A structured, consistent defense line allows creating a shared narrative by dividing society as the Ukrainian one. All actions in terms of anthropological defense refer to the values shared by the majority of citizens. Nevertheless, anthropological defense tools' choice and use must be strategically conditioned, i.e., other benefits for cinematography, theater, and fine arts. For an action to be practical cooperation between self-governing assemblages (such as volunteers, artists, art curators) and state actors must be established. The cooperation activities undertaken are complementary and complementary and can, therefore, be remarkably efficient.
Wybór sztuk do antologii nowego dramatu ukraińskiego nie był łatwy. Wbrew poglądowi, pokutującemu... more Wybór sztuk do antologii nowego dramatu ukraińskiego nie był łatwy. Wbrew poglądowi, pokutującemu od lat w ukraińskich kręgach teatralnych, że na Ukrainie nie ma dobrej współczesnej dramaturgii, liczba wartościowych sztuk, które pojawiły się w ciągu ostatnich kilkunastu lat, jest naprawdę imponująca. Ich stymulatorem bywa jednak nie tyle teatr, stroniący raczej od najnowszej rodzimej dramaturgii, ile wydawnictwa, portale internetowe i festiwale dramaturgiczne, prezentujące zróżnicowaną twórczość różnych autorów. Warto wymienić choćby kilka najważniejszych publikacji wydanych w tym czasie: dwie antologie młodej dramaturgii U czekanni teatru. Antolohija mołodoji dramaturhiji (Kijów 1998; W oczekiwaniu na teatr. Antologia młodej dramaturgii),
Xykscy okfeZax dk tyok;q es ifjorZu fLerk 'kekZ ,oa fp=k f'k{kk foHkkx ,oa izfof/k ladk; T;ksfr f... more Xykscy okfeZax dk tyok;q es ifjorZu fLerk 'kekZ ,oa fp=k f'k{kk foHkkx ,oa izfof/k ladk; T;ksfr fo|kihB] efgyk fo'ofo|ky;] t;iqj ¼jktLFkku½
The project A Play in Us was first organized in Lviv in 2015. Its creators, Les Kurbas Theater ac... more The project A Play in Us was first organized in Lviv in 2015. Its creators, Les Kurbas Theater actors, formed it as a platform for the integration of internally displaced persons who came to in Lviv from the war-torn region of the Eastern Ukraine and Crimea. The project has included two theatrical performances – Labyrinth (2015) and 21 Naked Voices (2016) which were designed to integrate newcomers with the Lviv society.
Wiedza Obronna v. 285 No 4, 2023
A study of semiotics, urban spaces, and anthropological defense in Ukraine is presented in this p... more A study of semiotics, urban spaces, and anthropological defense in Ukraine is presented in this paper. An anthropological defense is the safeguarding of cultural identity and human values through the study of signs and symbols. A city's urban space is a crucial arena in which cultural symbols, ideologies, and collective identities are manifested. Specifically, the study seeks to investigate how these elements contribute to the defense and preservation of the anthropological essence of a community within the Ukrainian context.
Національний центр театрального мистецтва ім. Леся Курбаса, 2012
Notatnik Teatralny, 2022
Artykuł porusza problemy współczesnej dramaturgii ukraińskiej w kontekście historii ukraińskiej k... more Artykuł porusza problemy współczesnej dramaturgii ukraińskiej w kontekście historii ukraińskiej kultury.
Videos by Anna Korzeniowska-Bihun
Mariusz Kamiński, PhD: the Role of counter-intelligence services and security in urban space. Anna Korzeniowska-Bihuń, PhD: City in Conflict — Kharkiv (Ukraine). Melaike Huseyin, MA: City in Conflict — Şuşa (Azerbaijan). Robert Boroch, PhD: City in Conflict — Biskupiec (Poland). The Seminar was moderated by Mr Marek Klasa (MA).
Society of Defense Knowledge (Towarzystwo Wiedzy Obronnej) is keen on promoting research in military anthropology, post conflicts studies, and urban anthropology, providing a platform simultaneously to independent scholars to exchange knowledge based on mutual respect.
1. prof. Ihor Todorow
Ukraińskie narracje II wojny światowej na Zakarpaciu.
2. 1. dr Kazimierz Wóycicki
Biografia Bandery i „kult Bandery” – ukraińskie realia i sowiecko-rosyjska narracja
2. dr Anna Korzeniowska-Bihun
II wojna światowa i wojna w Donbasie – palimpsesty kultury
3. dr Robert Boroch
Wojna pomnikowa – cmentarze wojskowe Warmii – wybrane przykłady
Moderacja: dr Wiktor Ross
1. Farid Shafiyev
Ph.D. (Carleton University), MPA (Harvard University)
International Law and Global Media Perspectives on the Conflict
2. Bartłomej Krzysztan
Ph.D. (Institute of Political Studies, Polish Academy of Sciences)
Running in Circle. The instrumentalization of Memory as the Factor in Azerbaijani-Armenian Conflict
4. Robert Boroch
Ph.D. (War Studies University, Poland)
‘Azerbaijan and Armenia conflict. 27.09.2020’ — the history of a debate
5. Anna Korzeniowska-Bihun
Ph.D. (Academy of the East)
Ukrainian Discourse on the Conflict over the Nagorno-Karabakh Region
Kazimierz Wóycicki
Ph.D. (Head of Academy of the East)
Papers by Anna Korzeniowska-Bihun
Mariusz Kamiński, PhD: the Role of counter-intelligence services and security in urban space. Anna Korzeniowska-Bihuń, PhD: City in Conflict — Kharkiv (Ukraine). Melaike Huseyin, MA: City in Conflict — Şuşa (Azerbaijan). Robert Boroch, PhD: City in Conflict — Biskupiec (Poland). The Seminar was moderated by Mr Marek Klasa (MA).
Society of Defense Knowledge (Towarzystwo Wiedzy Obronnej) is keen on promoting research in military anthropology, post conflicts studies, and urban anthropology, providing a platform simultaneously to independent scholars to exchange knowledge based on mutual respect.
1. prof. Ihor Todorow
Ukraińskie narracje II wojny światowej na Zakarpaciu.
2. 1. dr Kazimierz Wóycicki
Biografia Bandery i „kult Bandery” – ukraińskie realia i sowiecko-rosyjska narracja
2. dr Anna Korzeniowska-Bihun
II wojna światowa i wojna w Donbasie – palimpsesty kultury
3. dr Robert Boroch
Wojna pomnikowa – cmentarze wojskowe Warmii – wybrane przykłady
Moderacja: dr Wiktor Ross
1. Farid Shafiyev
Ph.D. (Carleton University), MPA (Harvard University)
International Law and Global Media Perspectives on the Conflict
2. Bartłomej Krzysztan
Ph.D. (Institute of Political Studies, Polish Academy of Sciences)
Running in Circle. The instrumentalization of Memory as the Factor in Azerbaijani-Armenian Conflict
4. Robert Boroch
Ph.D. (War Studies University, Poland)
‘Azerbaijan and Armenia conflict. 27.09.2020’ — the history of a debate
5. Anna Korzeniowska-Bihun
Ph.D. (Academy of the East)
Ukrainian Discourse on the Conflict over the Nagorno-Karabakh Region
Kazimierz Wóycicki
Ph.D. (Head of Academy of the East)
Kazimierz Wóycicki
PhD (Head of Academy of the East)
1. Farid Shafiyev
PhD (Carleton University), MPA (Harvard University)
International Law and Global Media Perspectives on the Conflict
2. Agnieszka Magdziak-Miszewska
Former Polish diplomat
Azerbaijani-Armenian Conflict. Implications for the Order of World Security System
3. Bartłomej Krzysztan
PhD (Institute of Political Studies, Polish Academy of Sciences)
Running in Circle. The instrumentalization of Memory as the Factor in Azerbaijani-Armenian Conflict
4. Robert Boroch
PhD (War Studies University, Poland)
‘Azerbaijan and Armenia conflict. 27.09.2020’ — the history of a debate
5. Anna Korzeniowska-Bihun
PhD (Academy of the East)
Ukrainian Discourse on the Conflict over the Nagorno-Karabakh Region
April 8th, 2021
War Studies University, National Security Faculty
Warsaw, Poland
historical narrative and the up-to-date discourse. The paper will also include a clash between old and new sign systems and the constant change of semantic and pragmatic dimension.
Military Anthropology Working Group
June 10, 2021
Society of Defense Knowledge
Nonetheless, while the American academics were dealing with the moral aspects of military anthropologists' activities, the Russian ones began to develop anthropological tools' new application fields. The Russian Federation's researchers ceased to treat anthropology only as a set of customs and culturally determined behaviors. The perspective on the opportunities offered by culture has changed. Even though the Russian war doctrine itself does not provide theoretical guidance on a new paradigm, one can observe the sharp shift from the culture understood as behavior to culture understood as creation.
Even before the Russian-Ukrainian war outbreak, Russia was using its literature, movies, theatre and fine arts as a weapon to change the narrative and discourse. Nowadays, it is evident that the culture and its products are being treated as a battlefield.
Living in Central Europe, Polish anthropologists cannot maintain the intellectual distance like their Americans colleagues. The problems connected with the hybrid war and culture, which are parts, require all academic resources involvement. The contemporary battleground is also all about dominating people's thoughts.
We, at this moment, offer you a new paradigm of military anthropology, focused on culture as an area where a fierce battle for resources is taking part. These resources are not oil or strategic points, but identity, language, and heritage.
disinformation, etc. These phenomena are seen as threats coming from state actors who are able to use the semiotic nature of culture to influence the collective consciousness of specific groups. The panel would like to present contributions from various scientific fields on the interaction between concepts such as conflict, violence, and warfare and semiotics, using a variety of research methods. The
exploration of semiotic fields and divergences between them provides a better understanding of the fundamental laws that constitute the semiotic load (or semiotic features) of each cultural area. Thus, the implications of such reasoning potentially allow for a better management of those social connections which control the interaction between diverse cultural regions of friction. The panel therefore invites various contributions which explore conflict and its connotations, such as armed conflict, propaganda, disinformation, conflict settlement, peace negotiations, violence, and violence deterrence. Eventually, the goal is to analyse the semiotic nature of given cultures and cultural flows and their influence on the
collective consciousness, patterns of behaviour, and identity creation.