Papers by Maricar Prudente
International Journal of Information and Education Technology, 2022
The development of technologies had transformed the way we deliver our instruction to the student... more The development of technologies had transformed the way we deliver our instruction to the students. Many researchers and teachers alike are advocating for the integration of technology into their instruction as it provides promising results. One key aspect as to which technology can be of great help is through virtual laboratory activities. This meta-analysis offered information on the effectiveness of using virtual laboratory activities to student achievement. Results of the meta-analysis revealed a medium effect size (g = 0.587) towards the use of virtual laboratories. The subject area and level of study were used as subgrouping to further explore the effectiveness of conducting virtual laboratories.
Proceedings of the 2019 AERA Annual Meeting, 2019

This study aims to improve the elements and the overall level of students' reflection through... more This study aims to improve the elements and the overall level of students' reflection through video-based journaling. Furthermore, this seeks to explore the student's perception on the use of video-based journals as compared to the handwritten journals. A total of 64 Grade 12 students were selected as the participants of the study using convenience sampling. They were asked to write journal reflections using pen and paper for two weeks. Afterwards, they shifted to video-based journaling and continued reflecting for another two weeks. Students' responses were constantly monitored. The responses were then analyzed using a rating checklist. Students' handwritten and video-based reflections were compared in terms of (a) elements of reflection and (b) overall level of reflection. To determine if there is a change on students' reflections, descriptive analysis was employed. Paired T-test was also used to determine if the change on these two aspects are significant. At the end of the four-week period, selected students were interviewed. Qualitative analysis was done to determine student's perception on video-based journaling as well as to compare the effectiveness of the two methods of journaling mentioned. Results showed that there is a significant increase on the number of elements present on students' reflections and improvement on the overall level of reflection when they used video-based journal. Moreover, majority of the students perceived the use of video-based journal to be more favorable than the handwritten journal. Results of this study will help educators in deciding on how to effectively implement and integrate reflective journaling in their teaching.

Nature of Science (NOS) is normally not part of science instruction and science assessment in the... more Nature of Science (NOS) is normally not part of science instruction and science assessment in the Philippines. It was not an explicit domain in the science curriculum. The main goal of this study was to find out the impact of historical short stories on the students' NOS view and academic achievement in the Grade 10 students of one of the public junior high schools in South Luzon. To achieve this goal, the researchers utilized a learning management system (LMS) where the students can read and download the stories in their computers or mobile phones. They were also asked to turn in their homework and journals in this LMS. Purposive sampling was used in choosing the participants. The Student Understanding of Science and Scientific Inquiry (SUSSI) and content test were taken by the student-participants during the pretest and post-test to assess NOS views and achievement, respectively. The dependent t-test was used to compare the pretest and post-test science content test scores and percentages to report the NOS views of the participants. As a result, the participants demonstrate changed naïve-transitional NOS views to transitional-informed NOS views. After the implementation, the students were able to give concrete examples in the open-ended responses from the short stories they read and most of the responses were categorized as transitional-informed. On the other hand, the use of NOS-infused lessons was able to address the issue that teaching NOS will take considerable amount of time of actual instruction since NOS-infused lessons were able to change the NOS views and improved the achievement scores (p=0.000 <0.05). Though there was an improvement in the NOS views of the students, there is a need to sustain and to further improve their NOS understanding thus, designing NOS interventions are desired which will not greatly affect the science content instruction.
Advanced Science Letters, Nov 1, 2018

Advanced Science Letters, Nov 1, 2018
This classroom-based action research explored the effects of Brain Gym movements on the Kindergar... more This classroom-based action research explored the effects of Brain Gym movements on the Kindergarten pupils' learning engagement and achievement in Reading. The study involved thirty-six (36) Kindergarten pupils in an exclusive girls' school in a city in the National Capital Region, Philippines. The teaching intervention involved the integration of selected Brain gym movements in the daily English lessons for a period of two weeks. Data were collected from the results of the formative assessments of the pupils in Reading, peer observation checklist, peer narrative feedback, teacher-researcher's personal journal and video recordings of the daily 30-minute pupil-teacher encounter in the English classes. Findings in this study revealed significant differences on the pupils' engagement before and during the intervention as culled from the class observations of the other Kindergarten teachers, which greatly affected the pupils' high achievement in Reading, depicted by an overall mean score of 4.67. Results were suggestive that employing brain gym movements enabled the pupils to be more engaged in their learning. Increase in pupils' achievement in Reading was likewise noted, providing evidence that using Brain Gym movements may enhance Kindergarten pupils' Reading abilities.

This study was designed to determine the effectiveness of Design Thinking Process as framework us... more This study was designed to determine the effectiveness of Design Thinking Process as framework used in a STEM with Robotics Performance Tasks. It utilized a Quasi Experimental Design of pretest - posttest scores. Also, mixed method was utilized to analyze the data gathered. The respondents were composed of 141 grade 10 with 74 male and 67 female students. This study aimed to determine the level of socioemotional skills of the students, to determine the significant difference between students' socioemotional skills and robotics performance using design thinking process considering their sex, to determine the effect Robotics - Chemical Reactions Performance Task using Design Thinking Process Framework in terms of (a) STEM - Robotics Conceptual Test (STEM-RCT) and (b) Chemical Reactions Conceptual Test (CRCT), and to determine students' experiences in the implementation of Design Thinking Process as a framework. One - way ANOVA was employed to determine the significant difference between the socioemotional skill domains and robotics performance of male and female and paired t - test was utilized to determine the significant difference between the pretest and posttest. Thematic analysis was used to explore the qualitative data gathered. This study revealed that students have a high average level of socioemotional skills, male and female students have significant difference with their task performance and emotional regulation domains and no significant difference with other domains, and the design thinking process was found to be effective based on the significant difference between the scores of pretest and posttest. Four themes were generated to determine the effectiveness of design thinking as performance tasks framework.
Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology, Sep 1, 2000
Marine Environmental Research, Dec 1, 1997
... and Indian Ocean. Maricar Prudente a , Shinsuke Tanabe Corresponding Author Contact Informati... more ... and Indian Ocean. Maricar Prudente a , Shinsuke Tanabe Corresponding Author Contact Information , b , Mafumi Watanbe b , Annamalai Subramnian c , Nobuyuki Miyazki d , Pauline Suarez e and Ryo Tatsukawa f. a College ...

The recent results from national and international standardized examinations in Mathematics have ... more The recent results from national and international standardized examinations in Mathematics have pushed the Philippines Department of Education (DepEd) to revisit the instructional approaches used in the Filipino classrooms. One of the recommendations of DepEd is the use of evidence-based instructional practices (EBIPs). However, little is known regarding the factors that influence Filipino mathematics teachers’ implementation of a certain teaching strategy. The main objective of this current study is to find out whether mathematics teachers’ knowledge and attitudes predict their practice of EBIPs. This descriptive study involved 114 teacher-respondents from one district in Laguna. Data were gathered using a researchers-made questionnaire distributed online using Google forms. Findings revealed that 47.5% of mathematics teachers, in general, are knowledgeable of EBIPs while 36.57% of the respondents have misconceptions about EBIPs. In addition, it was found that, generally, they have a positive attitude towards EBIPs (M = 3.63, SD = 0.51). The result also showed that the respondents employ EBIPs in their classrooms to a moderate extent (M = 3.19, SD = 0.46). Teacher-respondents reported that they are satisfied with the implementation of a teaching strategy when a strategy is beneficial for the learners’ holistic development and helps improve the pedagogical process. Stepwise multiple regression analysis revealed that mathematics teachers’ attitude towards EBIPs and misconception of EBIPs predict their use of the evidence-based practice. Findings indicate the there is a need to correct these misconceptions through proper information dissemination of EBIPs.

This study aimed to explore students’ perceptions and conceptual understanding in studying energy... more This study aimed to explore students’ perceptions and conceptual understanding in studying energy and momentum concepts using the NxGBL approach. NxGBL involves merging mobile devices, multimedia, and face-to-face instruction to empower personalized and progressive learning processes for the students to be equipped to cultivate modernization competence. It is a digital ecosystem involving students, instructors, content, and tools to support effective and efficient learning processes directly. Hence, it is necessary to obtain a new learning environment that subsequently developed into pedagogical approaches known as blended learning, flipped learning, and personalized learning. The combination of these techniques was used to carry-out lessons and in designing assessments covering energy and momentum concepts for a period of 2-weeks in one class. One group pretest-posttest design was used and conducted on 30 Grade 12 students under the STEM strand. Students' conceptual understanding was measured using Energy and Momentum Conceptual Survey (EMCS), while perceptions and learning experiences were gathered through a survey-questionnaire, journal reflections, and post-individual interviews. Results suggested that employing the NxGBL approach has potentials in increasing students' achievement in Physics.
ABSTRACT Abstracts of 3rd UNU-ORI joint international workshop for marine environment 海洋環境国際ワークショ... more ABSTRACT Abstracts of 3rd UNU-ORI joint international workshop for marine environment 海洋環境国際ワークショップ講演要旨

Reflective Practice, Jan 20, 2022
ABSTRACT Teacher education institutions need to provide reflection opportunities for preservice t... more ABSTRACT Teacher education institutions need to provide reflection opportunities for preservice teachers to develop their reflection level. This study investigated the impact of online reflection journals on the reflection level of preservice math teachers (PMTs) and their experiences. A mixed-method action research was utilised in the study. The twenty-four PMTs in a state university in the Philippines were the participants in the study. A rubric was used to evaluate their reflection level, while semi-structured interview and their reflection outputs were used to triangulate the results. Quantitative results revealed a significant increase in the reflection level of the PMTs, while the qualitative findings support the results. Hence, this study suggests the use of an online reflection journal to provide a venue for PMTs to reflect on their learning experiences in their mathematics courses.

Environmental Science and Pollution Research, Oct 7, 2012
The use of organophosphorus flame retardants (PFRs) as flame retardants and plasticizers has incr... more The use of organophosphorus flame retardants (PFRs) as flame retardants and plasticizers has increased due to the ban on common polybrominated diphenyl ether mixtures. However, only limited information on PFR contamination is available so far from Southeast Asia. In the present study, residual levels of PFRs in house dust and exposure through dust ingestion were investigated in the Philippines. House dust samples (n 037) were collected from Malate (residential area) and Payatas (municipal dumping area) in the Philippines and analyzed using ultrahigh-performance liquid chromatography coupled with tandem mass spectrometry. Among the targeted seven PFRs, triphenyl phosphate (TPP) was the predominant compound. Median levels of ΣPFRs in Malate (530 ng/g) were two times higher (p<0.05) than in Payatas (240 ng/g). The estimated daily intake of PFRs in the Philippines (of areas studied) via house dust ingestion was below the guideline values. House dust may be an important contributor in the overall exposure of humans to TPP even when considering dietary sources. To our knowledge, this is a first report on PFR contamination in house dust from developing country. PFRs were ubiquitously detected in the home environments in the Philippines. Although estimated exposure levels through dust ingestion were below the guideline, it was suggested that toddlers are at higher risk. Therefore, further investigations to understand the behavior of PFRs in house and other microenvironments and overall exposure pathways for the country's populace to PFRs are necessary.

International journal of advanced research, Apr 30, 2023
This study aimed to provide an overview of the TPACK framework area in terms of bibliometrics by ... more This study aimed to provide an overview of the TPACK framework area in terms of bibliometrics by analyzing TPACK-related studies in the Scopus database. The analysis revealed the distribution of studies according to their countries, institutions, authors, and keywords, as well as the trends in the number of studies over time. The results showed that the United States and Australia were the leading countries in TPACK research, and that several universities had established strong collaborations in this field. The study also identified the most cited authors, publications, and keywords in TPACK literature. Moreover, the analysis revealed that current issues, such as pedagogical knowledge, digital competence, and COVID-19, are becoming increasingly important in TPACK research. The study concludes that further investigation is required in this domain to keep up with the digital era in education, and that future studies should use various bibliometric and systematic review methods together and consider high-impact journals. The findings of this study are expected to guide researchers and subject experts in specifying different research subjects in TPACK.

Coastal marine science, 2008
ABSTRACT A comprehensive perspective of Butyltin (BTs) contamination and its possible implication... more ABSTRACT A comprehensive perspective of Butyltin (BTs) contamination and its possible implications on the marine and coastal environments of the Philippines is presented using green mussels, marine mammals and skipjack tuna as bioindicators. BTs were detected in mussels from all the sampling locations investigated as part of the monitoring surveys under the Asia-Pacific Mussel Watch (APMW) Program conducted in the late 1990s. The BTs detected in green mussels collected in 1994, 1997 and 1998 from various aquaculture and coastal sites in the country were suggestive of considerable widespread pollution by BTs in the coastal waters. Among BTs, TBT was detected at all locations at relatively higher concentrations, whereas the concentrations of DBT and MBT were found to be at lower residual concentrations. This could be indicative that green mussels have limited ability of metabolize TBT to DBT and MBT. It could also be suggestive of recent TBT inputs into the aquatic environments and the presence of sources along the coastal waters. Concentrations of BTs (MBT+DBT+TBT) in green mussels were reported up to 790 ng g&amp;lt;-1&amp;gt;1 wet weight in a site where intensive maritime activities are occurring. Mussels from rural areas contained TBT at lower proportions indicating that TBT usage as antifouling agents is minimal. Tolerable Average Residue Level (TARL) for seafood in the Philippines was estimated at 173 ng g&amp;lt;-1&amp;gt; wet weight for an average person weighing 60 kg. Concentrations of TBT or the sum of TBT and DBT in some green mussels analysed revealed that some values exceeded TARL level, which could suggest that humans consuming this seafood from areas with high BTs contamination could be at risk from elevated exposure to BTs. BTs were likewise detected in skipjack tuna collected from the offshore waters of the Philippines, suggestive of the widespread contamination even in offshore waters. Considerable BTs levels (up to 220 ng g&amp;lt;-1&amp;gt; wet weight), with high percentages of BTs in total tin (ΣSn: inorganic tinorganic tin) were noted in the liver tissues. This finding indicates that the anthropogenic BTs represent the major source of Sn accumulation. On the other hand, relatively low concentrations of BTs were found in the liver of cetaceans from the coastal waters of the Philippines, which ranged at 42-98 ng g&amp;lt;-1&amp;gt;1 wet weight. Significantly lower hepatic BT concentrations in cetaceans in tropical waters were noted compared with those inhabiting temperate waters proximal to developed nations. This result could imply that, at present, usage of BTs in the Philippines is still minimal.

Web-based learning tools have been burgeoning over the past years and continuously shape instruct... more Web-based learning tools have been burgeoning over the past years and continuously shape instructional strategies that will stimulate students' learning. Among these tools, asynchronous discussion forum (ADF) has been a powerful tool to invite reflection among students. However, there are substantial considerations in integrating ADF, specifically in mathematics courses, which will support desired learning outcomes. This study was designed under the paradigm of action research to investigate the learning experiences and challenges of preservice math teachers in answering open-ended questions via ADF. Thirty-four preservice math teachers were divided into four sub-groups, were given a problem to discuss with, and were asked to assess their experience in the conduct of ADF. Based on the structured interview, ADF supports reflection among students while challenging their minds to think critically and be understanding of others' perspectives. It also revealed that the availability of computers and the internet connection remained to be a main challenge among the participants. Further, results showed that the type of questions given to the students served as their foundation in reflecting and thinking critically while the role and the level of participation of the instructor in ADF as well as students' motivation influence the quality of the discussion.

International Journal of Instruction
Metacognition is a 21st-century lifelong skill and integrating this into a learning intervention ... more Metacognition is a 21st-century lifelong skill and integrating this into a learning intervention is increasingly crucial to students' progress. However, studies have shown that there is a lack of empirical studies that focused entirely on the effect of metacognitive-based intervention on mathematics education. Thus, this metaanalysis examines the effectiveness of the metacognitive-based pedagogical intervention on students' mathematics achievement. From various meta-search engines, 23 out of 2341 empirical studies from 2015 to 2022 met the set of inclusion and exclusion criteria and were subsequently included in the analysis. Using Comprehensive-Meta-Analysis (CMA) software, descriptive statistics were gathered and analyzed to generate moderator analysis, heterogeneity, publication bias, forest plots, funnel plots, trim and fill method, and Hedges'g effect size. Findings showed that the overall weighted effect size was g=1.358, indicating that metacognitive-based pedagogical intervention has a significantly large and positive effect on students' mathematics achievement. Further moderator analysis showed significant differences in mathematics subject area, while the educational level and targeted learning outcomes found no significant differences. These results establish the effectiveness of using metacognitive-based pedagogical interventions in mathematics education. Findings also serve as a foundation for teachers and educators in making informed decisions on introducing a potential intervention that impacts mathematics education.
Papers by Maricar Prudente
The Philippine context STEAM (where “A” refers to Agri/fisheries) in higher and advanced learning focuses on several aspects of teaching and learning, and on the merging of the disciplines to teach a particular STEAM content (Morales et al., 2019), thus, we explore the possibility of generating the Philippine STEAM Education model as our blueprint for STEAM higher and advanced learning and our way towards realizing the country’s development plan themed as AmbisyonNatin 2040 (PDP, 2017). We theorize that weaving all concepts and principles drawn from the nation’s policies, standards, and guidelines defined by its Commission on Higher Education (CHED) for the individual STEAM programs, tempered by the principles of the Philippine Professional Standards for Teachers, and looking at these extracted principles, ideas and concepts from the lens of TPACK may help define a contextualized model for the Philippines, which the current study, “TPACK in Philippine STEAM Education,” shares.