Dear Sally,
Hello Everyone,
Hasn't this been a crazy winter! I don't know when I've been more ready for tulips to bloom and the temperatures to rise. I'd even trade these cold temps for hayfever! (Well, probably not!)
While the weather is deciding what it's going to do for the next few weeks, it's a great time to make plans and decisions about changes you want to make in the Spring.
Our "Make a Plan, Work the Plan" consultation service has been very helpful to many of you as you develop plans for your home. It's a great way to get the ball rolling and avoid costly mistakes along the way. Email Sally for all the details!
Good read! I must talk about the way you’ve organized your ideas and thoughts on the Bathroom . I think you can help us even more by adding some more relevant insights into the topic. However, the post still gives us a head start to the next update to our website Toiletsguide . Thank you