Message from @Moonman
Discord ID: 278044362066100224
God really @D3VNT
Still wish I could be
same, i remember thinking "wow, we need to be more like sweden"
Hey, I was 15 and uneducated
i was 13 when i thought that
@D3VNT I can tell kek
I have literally never gotten into the authoritarian left shitshow in my life
Just kidding m8
Now I'm a Constitutionalist
Lol no problem
Not even on the political compass thing, haven't even gotten close to it
i was probably centrist leaning left at my worst
i started "left libertarian" but that ddint last long
Constitutionalists are based. Too bad Castle never stood a chance, but we're still doing okay with sweeping Repub win
so can anticom have an anthem eventually?
I called myself libertarian but then Johnson happened and ruined that for us all
When I was young and dumb I thought communism and the Soviet Union were neat. Now I know better.
Sure, why not?
I vote for Serbian Remove KEbab
"we are the champions"
i was thinking "my country tiss of thee" cause it is neat. Or some of the patriotic songs that dont get enough attention
that works too
how are those posters coming?
I like it
did anyone go through a phase were they listened to just old american songs?
bluegrass, yes. strictly old american tunes, no
maybe those can be seen as the same thing
my ipod was the civil war in music form
that's it dude
that's our anthem
Hail Columbia, even though i never found a good quality version
Liking old nationalistic songs is literally god tier taste
i only listen to old nationalistic songs or classical
this is true
I listen to old nationalistic songs from all kinds of countries. Recently I've gone through a German phase.