Message from @Doctor Chang
Discord ID: 303700305332404225
We're too soft as a species.
yea liberalism
has fucked us
It really has.
like liberal eocnomic trade is fine
u can trade between countries and make bank
but the political aspect
is fucken horrible
i used to live in the uk just untill 2000, it was good back then , how fast time passes its like only 3-4 years went by
I want to jump off this sinking ship
i feel bad for UK
u guys are stuck on a small island
and hordes of people are flowing in
Whilst our Government fails us
ur politician fucked u
EU fucked u too
thank god farage came and freed u
EU turned into a disaster
EU used to be okay cuz it focued more on economics
afterwards they started to control immigration and shit
and started impsoing quotas on certain economic industries
like farmers
and they get fucked
It failed the moment it allowed thousands of uneducated third worlders with backward beliefs to move freely
kek knows
and yes ur right gordon
im from greece, sick of liar polititions and with the golden dawn thrown in jail ppl here voted for a 5% left party that made it to govt. and regret it ever since ~what ever the left lays its hand upon it tries to contaminate and even hardcore values , meanwhile EU is assert cutthroat control you do as we say you get your central eu funding cut
average IQ of these third world mongoloids is like 80ish
people with downsynrome have between 50-70
so you see what i mean
It isn't sustainable.
I don't see a future for me in my own country or Europe
I've posted this a lot but I'll do it again.